• 2 months ago
00:49What was that Shinkan Kitakara be needed I can't I don't know yo
01:15Give me no you don't eat
01:17So I don't gotta keep that story. She just shows it to you. Yeah. Yeah, she
01:23Don't I wanna
02:25Subbed by Dreadopp and Zedopp.
02:43I wonder if it's just my imagination, Adashino-kun.
02:45Didn't you see a bird cry in the store just now?
02:52Ah, this time it cried proudly.
02:55It's a cock-a-doodle-doo.
02:58What did you say?
02:59Did you know?
03:00Cock-a-doodle-doo is an expression for cock-o.
03:04Are you that bored in the register with me?
03:08No way!
03:09I'm working here so I can join Sumireko-san in the register.
03:16Of course it's an honor.
03:18Don't make fun of someone who's older than you.
03:20Ten years is a long time, boy.
03:23Ten years, huh.
03:25If I wait ten years, Sumireko-san will be a full-fledged virgin.
03:32You're not making fun of me, you're making fun of me.
03:35Aren't you actually bored?
03:39All the bookstores are closed.
03:42I don't think everyone needs a bookstore.
03:47You look sleepy.
03:49Did you read a book last night?
03:51I'm glad you asked.
03:53Yesterday, I received a report from Kisaragi Station.
03:57Ah, that one.
03:59The legend of the city that lies and lies.
04:03You really enjoy it, don't you?
04:05It's a good city.
04:07You read it yourself, but you say it so well.
04:13Occultism is a way to enjoy the fear and confusion of those beyond the human realm.
04:17It's a pleasure that stimulates the instincts of people, such as appetite and sexual desire.
04:24In other words, Sumireko-san was infatuated with the instincts of porn.
04:32Maybe I'm being misunderstood right now.
04:36I'm surprised.
04:39I didn't know you could talk so much.
04:42He's a talker.
04:44I'm so angry.
04:48Hey, isn't it unfair to be silent now?
04:51Didn't you know?
04:53Adashino-kun only talks to Ogawa-san.
04:56Ah, that's right.
05:00A present for Ogawa-san.
05:02What is it?
05:03It's a book about Gyaku Manbiki.
05:05Gyaku Manbiki?
05:07Oh, you didn't know?
05:09Literally, it's the opposite of Manbiki.
05:11Instead of being stolen, there are more books on sale.
05:15I'm sure it's just a nuisance.
05:18That's the end of the story.
05:21But, wasn't it Ogawa-san's birthday?
05:25Yeah, but...
05:34How did the novel you mentioned go?
05:37I haven't been able to finish it lately.
05:40I need to get it together.
05:41But it still smells like water.
05:45I prepared a present for you on your birthday.
05:49Now's your chance.
05:53It's the best way to show how much you care about your senpai.
06:00I can't just leave it like that.
06:02I'm a fan of the writer, Sumireko Ogawa.
06:09You say that a lot.
06:11I'll leave it here so you won't forget it.
06:15This is a record of me, Sumireko Ogawa,
06:18and my friend, Ren Adashino,
06:21who I can't get enough of,
06:23and our brief friendship and farewell.
06:26See you tomorrow.
06:28Okay, good night.
06:40Happy Birthday, Sumireko Ogawa!
07:1928 years old.
07:20Congratulations, me.
07:25Back then, I was able to write anything.
07:30I won the Best Newcomer Award when I was 15.
07:36But after 20, I was just a normal person.
07:41I want to go back to that time.
08:00I can't read the title.
08:06It's like Japanese, but slightly different.
08:09But there's a hiragana, so I can read it.
08:13It's like the rain and the moon.
08:17You're the sun and I'm the moon.
08:21I think it was Manyoshu.
08:25So you wanted to go back to that time?
08:33I'll go buy a cake.
08:39I'll go buy a cake.
08:40I'll go buy a cake.
08:43I'll go buy a cake.
08:45I'll go buy a cake.
08:51You're not that old, kid.
09:01He's not delicate at all.
09:26My eye!
09:39My shoe!
09:59What are you doing?
10:09Hey, Adashino-kun.
10:13Mr. Ogawa, I'm sorry to bother you.
10:18I was worried because you didn't answer my calls.
10:21Did you hear anything?
10:23Maybe I should go see how she's doing.
10:28She's not feeling well.
10:30What? Is that so?
10:32Her body is full of bacteria.
10:37The doctor said it's dangerous for her to live, so she needs to rest.
10:42She's crying in the bathroom.
10:45I see.
10:47Tell her to take care of herself.
10:50I understand.
10:53I want to know what happened.
11:10I can't believe it started with a mysterious e-mail.
11:14The boy who sent the e-mail started working at the same store as the main character.
11:19Isn't a bookstore a good idea?
11:23And so, I disappeared.
11:28Sumireko-san's house?
11:31It's been a week, and I haven't seen her.
11:34Can you go see how she's doing?
11:42It's me, Adashino.
11:44I'm here to see how she's doing.
11:48Are you there?
11:56It's open.
11:58She doesn't seem to be aware of security.
12:01Oh, it's an umbrella!
12:05I'll go up and do whatever I want!
12:10Damn! It smells good!
12:14I didn't want to go into the room like this.
12:23I left my phone here.
12:27There's no sign of a fight.
12:29Where did it go?
12:32I see. So this is the cause.
12:57I see. So this is the cause.
13:02I see. So this is the cause.
13:07I have all the materials.
13:09Now I can write a novel again!
13:16The boy's appearance isn't bad either!
13:19I have a lot of ideas!
13:21I can't stay still!
13:27I'm going back home!
13:37Where is home?
13:43It's dangerous for a child to walk alone.
13:47If you don't know the way home, I'll show you.
13:52Who are you?
13:54You're a bad girl. Have you forgotten?
13:57No, I don't remember at all.
14:02My head hurts!
14:05It's the reaction of that appearance.
14:09Do you think you're young again?
14:12You're just being forced into a child's body.
14:15The blood and flesh and bones that make up you.
14:19Your remains are still in that body.
14:23How do you know?
14:27You're my son.
14:30That's strange.
14:32Why am I not surprised by this appearance?
14:38You read this book, didn't you?
14:42A book of curses that you can't read out loud.
14:45It's a book called a curse book.
14:48You're saying that the curse I read has shrunk?
14:51You're saying I should believe that stupid story?
14:54You became such a stupid body, but you don't believe it?
14:58This is a story about your life.
15:01My life?
15:03Among the young people of Manyoshu,
15:06in the songs of the writers,
15:09there are songs that are not human, but read by something else.
15:13If you read it, you'll wake up the dead.
15:16It's a curse that controls people's hearts.
15:19Or it's a curse that regains youth.
15:22There are things like that.
15:25The 13th volume, Zouga.
15:27The Writers' Unforgiven.
15:29In Manyoshu, it's a song about a woman who hopes for a new life.
15:34Rain or moon, the fire burns.
15:38You are the sun, and the rain falls.
15:41A song that causes a phenomenon when you sing?
15:44I've never heard that before!
15:46It's a song called the water of the Sukuyomi.
15:49But this song is a curse.
15:52However, this song has several conditions,
15:55and for the first time, an effect appears.
15:58It seems to be a very rare curse.
16:00Conditions? What are they?
16:02Shall I tell you?
16:04By all means.
16:06The first one.
16:08The time is around midnight.
16:11The second one.
16:13It's read under the moonlight.
16:16The third one.
16:18It's over 28 years old.
16:21You're right.
16:22They're all right.
16:24And the last one.
16:27The fourth one.
16:29It's read under the moonlight.
16:32Did I hear it wrong?
16:34What did you just say?
16:36It's read under the moonlight.
16:39It's read under the moonlight.
16:42I've said it twice.
16:45It's proof that you're pure.
16:48I'm begging you to shut up.
16:51I'm going to kill you.
16:54Why did I get such a book?
16:58It's just a coincidence.
17:00It's not like you were chosen.
17:03Are you saying it's not my fault?
17:06You're the one who's about to die right now.
17:11Are you really going to die?
17:19We need moonlight to get back to normal.
17:23Let's go as far as the moon can be seen.
17:26We can still make it now.
17:33I can see the moon from here.
17:35Let's try it.
17:38Do I have to read the same song again?
17:41The first song you read was called Half Moon.
17:44This time, you're going to read the song with the first song.
17:49It's here. Hurry up.
17:51All right.
17:52Amahashi, Nagakumo, Takayama, Takakumo.
17:58Tsukuyomi, Moteru, Ochimizu, Itorikite.
18:02Kimi ni Matsurite, Ochishimenwa.
18:08Kimi ni Matsurite, Ochishimenwa.
18:22You made it back safely.
18:24This is kind of embarrassing.
18:28You're wearing underwear, aren't you?
18:31Of course I am.
18:33If you have common sense, can you lend me something to hide?
18:38Common sense? Do you have it?
18:42Please leave that book to me.
18:45I'll dispose of it properly.
18:48Can you hide your butt with this towel?
18:59I'm sorry, but I can't give you this.
19:02I'll make a good use of it.
19:04It's dangerous.
19:06I'll leave it to you.
19:07It's raining, but I feel like I'm skiing.
19:10You're so sarcastic.
19:15What's wrong with him?
19:16How do I get around?
19:20Amahashi, Nagakumo, Takayama, Takakumo.
19:23Tsukuyomi, Moteru, Ochimizu, Itorikite.
19:25Kimi ni Matsurite, Ochishimenwa.
19:29This is the best way to dispose of it!
19:40Where am I?
19:46Please give me the book.
19:50I need this!
19:52If I'm not young, no one will read my books!
19:55Why are you doing this?
19:57Because I realized I don't have any talent!
20:03I've been a genius for a long time.
20:08I'm just a childish human being.
20:13But I still want to write novels.
20:16I know better than anyone else that it's not fun.
20:20No matter how many times I write, I'm told it's no good.
20:26But I still want to write!
20:40Your nose is running.
20:44Don't worry, you can write.
20:47You have the courage.
20:50Why are you running in the middle of the night?
20:54I'm a fan of Ogawa Sumireko, a novelist.
20:58Please let me read this book.
21:05Amahashi, Nagakumo, Takayama, Takakumo.
21:08Tsukuyomi, Moteru, Ochimizu, Itorikite.
21:13You're cheating, Adashina.
21:16I won't decline that.
21:20I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
21:31If you're here to deliver the acquisition, please come this way.
21:38Your address?
21:40With this, you can exchange it for a copy of the Yami Eki Yuuki's license.
21:46I won't do it this time.
21:49That's too bad.
21:53I look forward to meeting you again.
22:18I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:21I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:23I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:25I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:27I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:29I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:31I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:33I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:35I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:37I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:39I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:41I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:43I'm glad you're back, Sumireko-san.
22:45Ayakashi mayakashi no you
22:49Tokei no hani ga niku kute tamaranai wa
22:57Onegai motto sono kokoro na uso de
23:03Imasugu raku ni shite
23:06Onegai yuuto sono gensou de
23:11Akaku, akaku, akaku subete
23:16Shinzou, koukai wa nai no
23:23Thank you for watching!
23:36Next time,
23:37Kousha, Yodare, and Danchizuma