Angelmouse - Lost Thingamijig

  • 3 months ago


00:31One morning, my friend Angel Mouse was in a very bad mood.
00:39Angel Mouse, what's the matter?
00:41My thingamajig, it's gone.
00:44Where did you lose it?
00:45How would I know, you silly quilly?
00:49That's very rude.
00:51You'd be rude too if you'd lost your thingamajig. Now help me.
00:57Please, it's not in here so it must be outside somewhere.
01:03So Angel Mouse and I went to look for his thingamajig.
01:07We flew all round the village and then Angel Mouse spotted something.
01:10There, there it is.
01:13Catch, Ellie.
01:16Give it back, that's my thingamajig.
01:20No it's not, it's Baby Ellie's hoop and you've spoiled our game.
01:28Say sorry, Angel Mouse.
01:34Not until I find my thingamajig.
01:38Oh dear.
01:43Mmm, nice.
01:48Hey man, you can't eat my thingamajig.
01:53That's my carrot donut.
01:55And you were right, I can't eat it now.
01:59Oh well, we'll get you another one.
02:01You can, I've got to find my thingamajig.
02:06Man, that's one crazy mouse.
02:11Spencer had spent hours making a house of cards.
02:14Spencer, Spencer.
02:18You know everything, don't you?
02:21You know everything, don't you?
02:24Well, I wouldn't say that.
02:26Yes you would. So where's my thingamajig?
02:29What's a thingamajig?
02:31It goes on my head.
02:33Oh yes, you mean a hat.
02:35No, no, not a hat.
02:37I mean the round shiny thing that angels have, I've lost it.
02:40Air brakes, air brakes.
02:44I say, look out.
02:45I've been looking out all morning.
02:50Help, help.
02:51What's the matter, Oswald?
02:53Baby Ellie, Baby Ellie, in a pond, in a pond.
02:56How did that happen?
02:59I'll help her.
03:02Follow me, follow me.
03:06One crazy mouse, man.
03:12Baby Ellie really was in trouble, but how could we reach her?
03:15Angel Mouse had an idea.
03:19Forget about your thingamajig, we've got to save Baby Ellie.
03:23That's what I'm doing. Come on, help me.
03:31Catch Baby Ellie.
03:36I need you all to help.
03:38My poor baby.
03:39You too, Ellie Mum.
03:44One, two, three, four.
03:57You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
03:59You saved my baby, Ellie.
04:04And that was when Spencer noticed something.
04:06Angel Mouse, look, there's your thingy.
04:09What's it?
04:11My thingamajig.
04:24As soon as you did something good, it came back straight away.
04:27And it's extra bright.
04:29So that's how my friend, Angel Mouse, found his thingamajig.
04:34Angel Mouse
04:37He tries to be good, he knows that he should
04:40But things don't always go his way
04:44He'll always do his best when he's up to the task
04:47To get a little better every day
04:50Angel Mouse
04:53Angel Mouse