• last year


00:31One day my friend Angel Mouse was very worried.
00:35It's no good, it's Baby Ellie's birthday today and I don't know what present to get her.
00:41Why don't we go and ask Ellie Mum?
00:47Fly! Fly! Fly!
00:50That's right, Baby Ellie, it's flying, look! Up a hedge mouse's quillie.
00:56What shall I get Baby Ellie for her birthday, Ellie Mum?
01:01Fly! Fly! Fly!
01:04Yes, birds and angels fly, but elephants don't. I don't know what to get her myself.
01:10Maybe she'd like a surprise.
01:12Why don't we find out what other people are getting her? That might give you an idea. Come on, Angel Mouse.
01:18Fly! Fly!
01:20No, dear, we say bye-bye, not fly-fly.
01:23Hey, Hatchkin, what are you giving Baby Ellie for her birthday?
01:33A carrot man. She'll, like, love this big, juicy, crunchy...
01:40That's one idea.
01:42I've come up with an excellent gift. It's a sponge, awfully useful for cleaning cars.
01:47Look out, it's Oswald.
01:50No brakes! No brakes!
01:52What present have you got, Oswald?
01:54Roller skates! Roller skates! Turn them up! Turn them up!
01:58So, everyone's getting Baby Ellie something that they really like themselves.
02:03Is that the best way to choose a present?
02:08Well, that's what I always do.
02:11Then I know what I'll get her.
02:13See you at the party! Yippee!
02:22Hello, little petal. I want some cheese. You know, my favourite runny, smelly one.
02:27Here you are, Angel Mouse. Could you wrap it up, please? It's for Baby Ellie's birthday.
02:33That reminds me. Ellie and I wanted some more balloons. Could you take them for me?
02:38That reminds me. Ellie and I wanted some more balloons. Could you take them for me?
02:44Hatchkin, Spencer, Oswald and I all gave Baby Ellie her birthday presents, but she didn't seem to want them.
02:55Fly! Fly!
02:59I don't know what's the matter with her.
03:03Here, Sadie, to cheer her up. Look what I've got for you, Baby Ellie.
03:08Fly! Fly!
03:12Delicious cheese!
03:21Careful! Careful!
03:24Fly! Fly!
03:26I don't think she wants any of her presents. She'd like a balloon.
03:34Fly! Fly!
03:36Not all of them, Angel Mouse.
03:39Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly! Fly!
03:43That's what she wants for her birthday. She wants to fly! Come on, Baby Ellie!
04:11Thank you, thank you. You've made sure that Baby Ellie's had a very happy birthday.
04:19You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
04:22Fly back!
04:25Not until after tea.
04:28So, Baby Ellie got the presents she really wanted, thanks to my friend, Angel Mouse.
04:35Angel Mouse
04:38He tries to be good, he knows that he should
04:41But things don't always go his way
04:45He'll always do it better when people do their best
04:48To get a little better every day
04:51Angel Mouse
04:54Angel Mouse