Fugitivas- capítulo completo 9 - ¿Qué te pasa con Lorena Martínez- - Novelas Fugitivas - Las Estrellas

  • 2 months ago


00:30Juan Pablo's murderer's sister.
00:31I don't care what her sister has done.
00:33What? How dare you say that?
00:35It must be the same as her.
00:36Stop it. You don't have to disrespect her.
00:38What respect can be deserved?
00:40Murderer's blood runs through her veins.
00:42Stop saying stupid things.
00:44Don't you realize you're betraying us?
00:46Betraying you?
00:48Since when is my life a betrayal to you?
00:50Because you're being unfaithful to your family
00:52and Juan Pablo was part of it.
00:54I don't owe loyalty to a family that lives on appearances.
00:57Besides, all Juan Pablo did was take advantage of my dad
01:00since he became an orphan.
01:01He was nothing but a living dead.
01:04Don't you dare speak ill of Juan Pablo again!
01:06Let's go, please.
01:08Don't you dare lay a hand on me again.
01:10That's enough.
01:12You don't have to respect your sister and Veronica,
01:14much less disrespect Juan Pablo's memory.
01:17He's nothing but a cursed brat.
01:18I don't care what you say.
01:20I won't leave Gabriela for what you think.
01:24Fortunately, I have my own criteria.
01:26And I've never accepted the hypocrisy of the Marques.
01:31I'm sorry, family.
01:33You have no manners.
01:41I can't believe that idiot called me a cursed brat.
01:45Calm down. You're very upset.
01:46I can't calm down.
01:48I'm furious at how they treated you.
01:50Don't worry. I'm used to it.
01:52Ever since my sister's death, some people despise me.
01:56I don't.
01:58You know I don't care.
01:59I know, and I appreciate it.
02:02I appreciate how you defended me.
02:04I shouldn't have.
02:05I think it's unfair to be put in the same bag as your sister.
02:09I don't care.
02:10I'm very proud of her.
02:12I know she's innocent.
02:13I hope they can prove it
02:14so they can shut up all the Marques.
02:17I'm so angry.
02:19Let's go to my house so you can calm down.
02:35You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment.
02:39It was just a moment of weakness.
02:41I'm still mad at you for my money.
02:43I already told you I took it as a loan.
02:46I'll give it back.
02:47If I wanted to get rid of Listo, I wouldn't have looked for you.
02:51I love you, baby.
02:57Who is it?
02:58Were you going to kiss?
03:00No, I was just saying goodbye to him.
03:03He's my brother.
03:04Your brother?
03:06You don't look alike at all.
03:07Of course we do.
03:08We have the same smile.
03:13What are you doing here?
03:15Your dad forbade you from coming to the bar at this hour.
03:18I was looking for you to ask you to play a song for me.
03:21Which one?
03:22Since I saw you.
03:24I'll play it later and send it to your phone, okay?
03:28What is your brother doing here if you're a fugitive?
03:31He came to leave me something for you.
03:38The console!
03:39You got it!
03:41Now you're going to keep our secret.
03:43We have a deal.
03:44Yes, I won't say anything.
03:52Look at her. She's so bold.
03:55So you wanted the console to buy the silence of the child.
04:01I have to get ready to start working.
04:09I can't believe my brother is doing this.
04:12What does he want?
04:13For us to accept that woman?
04:15Keeping her close would be like keeping the enemy at home.
04:18Especially now that his sister is free.
04:20What surprises me is that he's still as rebellious as ever.
04:24I thought he had matured.
04:27I could assure you that he's with Lorena's sister
04:30just to bother us and provoke us.
04:32Since I've known him, he's always been provocative.
04:35But this is too much.
04:36No one put limits on him.
04:38He suffered a lot with the separation of our parents.
04:41Don't justify it. He's a grown man.
04:45Good evening.
04:47Good evening.
04:49Good evening.
04:50I'm glad you're here. Something unpleasant just happened.
04:53What happened?
04:55We found Vicente with Lorena Martinez' sister.
04:59Carriela? What was he doing with her?
05:01Apparently, they're dating.
05:03Do me a favor.
05:04How could Vicente have the nerve
05:06to be with Juan Pablo's murderer's sister?
05:08Florencia and I blamed him,
05:10but he went crazy by offending his memory
05:12and talking about his family's problems.
05:14I couldn't take it and slapped him.
05:18I didn't try to shut him up.
05:20I didn't want him to keep offending her,
05:21but that was against me too.
05:23He's crazy.
05:24What did Gabriela say?
05:25Nothing. She stayed quiet.
05:27Gabriela has nothing to do with what her sister did.
05:31She's a young girl who's probably suffered a lot.
05:34Don't victimize her.
05:35She must be as bad as her sister.
05:37That's in her blood.
05:39We can't let Vicente keep her.
05:41Take her home.
05:42Go to Los Marques.
05:45It's illogical.
05:46Juan Pablo's murderer.
06:08I thought you weren't coming to pick me up.
06:10You see?
06:12No more grudges.
06:14I'll see you tonight.
06:16I'll open a bottle of wine
06:17and make you a fettuccine carbonara.
06:20Are you sure?
06:22You seemed very convinced when you told me
06:24we should think about whether we should go on with us.
06:29I know we've had a lot of arguments,
06:31but I don't think we should go on like this.
06:35I know we've had a lot of arguments about work,
06:38but that doesn't mean we should stop seeing each other.
06:42I'll think about it.
06:43Is that a yes?
06:45If I show up at your house, it's a yes.
06:47If you wait for me, it's a no.
06:51Dinner will be ready.
06:54I'll see you around.
07:05What did you hide?
07:08You can trust me.
07:12I was playing.
07:14Does your dad allow you to play at this hour?
07:17Please, don't tell him.
07:19On one condition.
07:22Teach me how to play.
07:24Okay, fine.
07:25Take control over there.
07:30They're racing cars.
07:32What do I have to do?
07:33It's very easy.
07:34With this button, you accelerate.
07:36With this one, you brake.
07:37And with this lever, you move the car
07:39to overtake and catch the curves.
07:41You're a great driver.
07:43Your car will be the red one, and mine will be the black one.
07:46I'm Checo Pérez.
07:47Who is he?
07:48He's the best Mexican driver.
07:50Oh, damn!
07:51So you're going to beat me.
07:53Are you ready?
07:54Yes, I'm ready.
08:02Speed up, speed up!
08:03Wait, wait.
08:05They should've seen Gastón's face
08:07when I pulled out my cards.
08:09I made him lose everything.
08:12And since he got caught, he challenged me again tomorrow.
08:15Are you going to go?
08:16Of course.
08:17I'm going to give him my revenge and I'm going to take him down again.
08:20Don't you think you're putting yourself at too much risk
08:23by going to that place?
08:25That's where you play,
08:27and that's the only way to get the money for Matías' console.
08:32If he talks, things will get worse.
08:34Hey, thanks for playing hard to get.
08:37Did you give it to Matías?
08:39Yes, and he swore he wouldn't say anything.
08:47How did it go with Alejandro?
08:49Bad, very bad.
08:52I'm ready.
08:53Let's go to the room so you can tell me.
09:08Tell me, what happened?
09:12Ismael showed up at Alejandro's house when I was there.
09:15And did he find out?
09:19But he told Alejandro horrible things about me.
09:22What did he say?
09:23That I wouldn't let him use him.
09:25That I only wanted to use him the way I did with him and Juan Pablo.
09:29Ismael is an idiot.
09:30Look, I don't care what he thinks of me.
09:33The problem is that Alejandro got angry
09:35because I hadn't told him I was in a relationship with him.
09:38And why didn't you tell him?
09:41Because I thought it didn't matter.
09:47He was so angry that he told me he didn't want to hear from me again.
09:51Did it hurt him?
09:52It hurt me more because I let him down.
09:57He won't help me anymore.
09:59And I won't be able to prove my innocence.
10:01No, you're not alone.
10:03You have us.
10:06I can't take it anymore.
10:08Calm down, please.
10:10Look, if Alejandro doesn't want to help you,
10:12I'll do it.
10:13I'm very good at investigating.
10:16And in a few months everything will be fine.
10:19We'll be in Brazil.
10:21And we won't even remember any of those men.
10:24We'll meet some amazing Brazilians in Rio
10:27with whom we'll watch samba and drink caipirinhas.
10:40All I wanted was to make you forget your problems
10:42and I made you have a bad time.
10:45It's not your fault.
10:47What I don't understand is
10:49why you got so involved in that argument
10:51and became so aggressive.
10:53Because I can't stand people talking about Juan Pablo
10:55as if he were a saint.
10:57He was a parasite who took advantage of the company
10:59and my dad's stupidity,
11:01who treated him as if he were his son.
11:05He's never treated me like that.
11:10I'm sorry.
11:12I thought we were a very close family.
11:14At least, that's the image they give us.
11:17Pure appearances.
11:19My family lives on the basis of lies.
11:30Is everything okay? Do you need anything else?
11:32Two, please.
11:34Like I said, you're the coolest waitress in town.
11:37What are you doing here?
11:39What can I say? I came to visit you.
11:41Go away, I'm tired.
11:43Go away, I'm working.
11:45What's up, princess? I really wanted to see you.
11:48When did I get so handsome?
11:50For me, you're still the same guy who betrayed me.
11:53How are you?
11:55Is everything okay?
11:57Yes, I was just saying hello.
11:59Do you know each other?
12:01Of course. We're brothers.
12:03That's great. Nice to meet you.
12:07Welcome. Come in. We have mojitos for two.
12:10It sounds good.
12:12Why did you tell him you were my brother?
12:15It was your idea.
12:17Did you forget that we look alike when we smile?
12:20You're too much. I don't want any problems.
12:34How do I look?
12:37I want Nicolás to look at me.
12:39I didn't realize that Nicolás was so handsome.
12:42So manly.
12:44Did you see how he defended us from Vicente?
12:46Do you like him?
12:48I don't know.
12:49When I was with Juan Pablo,
12:51I would've never thought of seeing him again.
12:54But now, I saw him so...
12:57So manly.
12:59What can I say?
13:01I've never seen him with those eyes.
13:03To me, he's just Ismael's friend.
13:06You planned this meeting
13:08so that I'd be with Nicolás
13:10and the four of us would go out.
13:12To be honest, I never thought of this.
13:15I just told Ismael that I brought a friend
13:18and I didn't know what to tell Nicolás.
13:20He couldn't think of anyone better.
13:24I love his piercing gaze.
13:32Vicente is right.
13:33You can't label Gabriela for what she did to your sister.
13:36Stop defending her for lost causes.
13:39It's not right for Vicente to go out with her.
13:42Good or bad, it doesn't matter.
13:44It's a matter of family loyalty.
13:46Of course.
13:48I loved the cocktail you recommended.
13:50Can I have another one?
13:52Try the black Russian, see if you like it.
13:59Have you heard that the orcas are attacking
14:02boats off the coast of Gibraltar?
14:05Orcas are murderers.
14:07They must be Lorena Martinez' relatives.
14:11Yes, I read about it too.
14:13It's said that it could've been
14:15because a boat attacked an orca.
14:18Besides the famine they're going through
14:20because of the lack of red tuna.
14:22You know that's what they feed on, right?
14:24Not just seals. Look.
14:35I had a very difficult childhood.
14:37My parents were always fighting.
14:39I didn't understand why.
14:43Until I found my dad with another woman in bed.
14:48It was very shocking.
14:51I can imagine.
14:53How old were you?
14:55About ten years old.
14:59The worst part is that I faced it
15:01and didn't back down.
15:03It was a while before my mom found out
15:05about my dad's infidelities.
15:07I told her I already knew
15:09and she was very angry with me
15:11for not telling her before.
15:13All my life I've felt guilty
15:15for not telling her.
15:17Did you break up?
15:21Her relationship was unbearable.
15:23My mom moved to Buenos Aires
15:25and I left with her.
15:27Why did you come back to Mexico?
15:29Because I wanted to.
15:31Why did you come back to Mexico?
15:33Because I thought that after years of being away
15:35I would get along better with my dad
15:37and Florencia.
15:39But it wasn't like that.
15:43The only person I feel good with
15:45is you.
15:47It's a blessing to have met you.
15:51For me too.
15:53I feel very lonely
15:55since they put my sister in jail.
15:57I'm sorry.
15:59I eat dramas when you're worse than me.
16:01You don't have to apologize.
16:05I like it when you tell me about your life.
16:19You went too far!
16:21You knew you were dating her and you took her!
16:23What did you want me to do if she threw herself at me?
16:25Don't talk bad about her!
16:36Calm down or I'll paint you!
16:38We don't want any trouble!
16:42What happened?
16:44What are you fighting about?
16:46Give them the bill and leave!
16:48You owe me $650.
16:52Screw the money!
16:54And don't forget the tip!
16:56Get out!
16:58I'm going!
17:02Let's go.
17:04Let's go somewhere else.
17:13Now you can go!
17:15And don't you dare come back!
17:17I have enough for both of us.
17:19That's what I like.
17:25There's also a blockade
17:28that's been going on for more than four hours.
17:37I knew you were coming.
17:39Don't think I'm not angry anymore.
17:41What you told Alejandro hurt me.
17:43And above all,
17:45for covering for Lorena Martinez.
17:47Stop it.
17:49Let's not talk about work when we see each other.
17:51But it's important.
17:53It's our job...
17:57to protect each other.
18:27It's our job...
18:29to protect each other.
18:31It's our job...
18:34to protect each other.
18:36It's our job...
18:38to protect each other.
18:40It's our job...
18:42to protect each other.
18:44It's our job...
18:46to protect each other.
18:48It's our job...
18:50to protect each other.
18:52It's our job...
18:54to protect each other.
18:56It's our job...
18:58to protect each other.
19:00It's our job...
19:02to protect each other.
19:04It's our job...
19:06to protect each other.
19:08It's our job...
19:10to protect each other.
19:12It's our job...
19:14to protect each other.
19:16It's our job...
19:18to protect each other.
19:20It's our job...
19:22to protect each other.
19:24It's our job...
19:26to protect each other.
19:29It's our job...
19:31to protect each other.
19:33We are the savior.
19:35Just you wait.
19:42Thanks for stopping by the play store.
19:44Not really...
19:46If my sister has my respect.
19:48Call me again and I'll show up.
19:50For real?
19:54Juanita, I'm your hero, aren't I?
19:58Thank you.
20:00Just like that?
20:02Do you want a kiss?
20:04Brothers don't kiss.
20:08And I'll do it.
20:16Despite the bad time with Vicente, I had a great time.
20:19I'm glad, that's what it was about.
20:21Nicolás is so funny.
20:23I had no idea how nice he could be.
20:26With his magic tricks, I was laughing my ass off.
20:33Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
20:35See you tomorrow.
20:36Good night.
20:37Good night.
20:38Aren't you coming with us?
20:39No, no, I'm going with Nicolás.
20:41We both live in La del Valle.
20:43I'm not going to divert anything from you.
20:45I live in Morales.
20:46Well, we're leaving.
20:48Good night.
20:49Thank you for inviting me.
20:58I hadn't seen Erick well until the fight.
21:01He's handsome.
21:03He looked great facing those guys.
21:06Be careful.
21:07Boyfriends and girlfriends are untouchable.
21:09Look, it was just a comment.
21:11Anyway, just in case, it's better if you keep your distance.
21:15I don't want to have problems with you.
21:17What's wrong with you?
21:18Don't look at things that aren't there.
21:20Look, it's better if we leave her there and I won't say anything again.
21:24Enough, enough.
21:25Don't argue over little things.
21:28Why did Erick come?
21:30We agreed that you weren't going to bring anyone.
21:32I'm sorry, but I had to give him the address to bring us the cell phones.
21:36I didn't think he was going to show up here.
21:39It's okay.
21:40But don't get used to it, please.
21:43We're going to sleep now.
21:49Good night.
21:50Good night.
21:51Good night.
22:06Thank you for bringing me.
22:07You're welcome.
22:08Who was going to say that we lived so close?
22:11You should sign up for the gym that I go to
22:14so that we can go to school together.
22:16It wouldn't be bad.
22:17We can agree on that.
22:18Don't you like to come by?
22:20I'll buy you a drink.
22:21The victim of the night.
22:24I'd love to, but I have to get to work early tomorrow.
22:27Thanks for the drink.
22:28You're silly.
22:29Me too.
22:30Well, it'll be another time.
22:37Good night.
22:40Good night.
22:41Good night.
22:42Good night.
22:43Good night.
22:45You too.
22:57Good morning.
22:58Good morning.
22:59What are you making, ma'am?
23:01Mushroom omelette.
23:03It's delicious.
23:04And why do you know how to cook so well?
23:06Did you work in a restaurant?
23:09I learned with my grandmother.
23:10And I've always liked it.
23:12Then I had experience preparing food for many people.
23:16Sit down.
23:17Everything is ready.
23:18Do you want orange juice?
23:24Good morning.
23:25Good morning.
23:28Why do you look like you just woke up?
23:30I overslept.
23:32I'm sure you're playing video games.
23:34You know you're not allowed to play at night.
23:36You have school today.
23:37Just look at how you're going to go.
23:38You're going to sleep on the couch.
23:40I wasn't playing.
23:42The heat wouldn't let me sleep.
23:43Take off your blanket.
23:45We sleep with the sheet.
23:48Mati, could you download the song I sent you?
23:51Thank you.
23:52Yesterday, your brother's presence was very timely.
23:54I'm glad you were here.
23:56I didn't know you were brothers.
23:58You don't look alike at all.
23:59Well, it's just that he's a new generation.
24:01He's just like my grandfather.
24:05Where's Angelina?
24:06She got up early.
24:07She had to do some paperwork.
24:10Enjoy your meal.
24:24Good morning.
24:27Tell me, why did we fall asleep?
24:32I need a twist.
24:34I'm going to the bathroom.
24:57I really wanted to see you.
24:59Me too.
25:00I couldn't come earlier.
25:01I'm sorry.
25:02Who are you talking to?
25:04It's Maru, my neighbor.
25:06She's not here.
25:08I'll explain later.
25:09Wait for me outside, okay?
25:10Don't let anyone see you.
25:11Okay, fine.
25:12But who is she?
25:13You hide, okay?
25:20Good morning, Andrea.
25:21Good morning, sir.
25:22What do I have for today?
25:30At 10, I had a meeting with Commander Juarez
25:32to talk about the theft of the Regional Art Museum.
25:35They also called the Public Security Department
25:38to ask if they had sent the dictation of the Mendiola case.
25:42I have dedicated so much time to the case of the fugitives
25:44of the Santiago Penalty that I have neglected other cases.
25:48Now I'll do it. Anything else?
25:49That's all, sir.
25:50Would you like a coffee?
25:52Yes, please, Andrea. Thank you.
25:53Excuse me.
25:54Excuse me.
26:07Good morning, Attorney Castillo.
26:11Good morning, Agent Rojas.
26:14What are you doing in my bed?
26:16You should be arrested for that.
26:18It's for me.
26:25Are you waiting for someone?
26:28Wait for me here.
26:49Good morning.
26:51Good morning.
26:52Good morning.
26:54I wasn't expecting you.
26:56I couldn't wait to tell you what I discovered last night.
26:59And I didn't want to lose the face you're going to make when I tell you.
27:05It's about the dead man's phone.
27:07Who is she?
27:08Oh, sorry.
27:10I didn't know you were with me.
27:12No, don't worry.
27:13She is Sofía Quintanar.
27:15She collaborates with me getting information on some cases.
27:18She is Amanda.
27:20Nice to meet you.
27:21Nice to meet you.
27:22What is the dead man talking about?
27:23Or what phone?
27:25About a poor guy who was killed.
27:27And now the plaintiff presented the phone of the deceased.
27:39Can we talk?
27:48See you.
27:49I'm sorry.
27:50I should have called you before coming.
27:52It's okay, it's okay.
27:55Well, tell me, what did you find out?
27:56Here you go.
27:58Well, look.
28:00Juan Pablo Correa
28:02apparently was an impeccable man.
28:05Everything I found about him seems to be in order,
28:08except for one detail.
28:11What detail?
28:12Well, monthly he deposited 15,000 pesos to a woman named Rosario Hernández.
28:18And did you find out anything about that woman?
28:21It caught my attention that the charges on the credit card
28:25do not correspond to the income he has.
28:28Luxury restaurants, hotels, brand clothes.
28:31But the strangest thing is that his cell phone is prepaid.
28:36Do we have it?
28:37That woman was probably Juan Pablo's lover.
28:40And for some reason she killed him.
28:42If we can prove it, I can prove the innocence of Lorena Martínez.
28:46Alejandro, can I ask you something?
28:51What's wrong with Lorena Martínez?
28:54I mean, why are you so interested in proving that she is innocent?
28:57Nothing's wrong with me.
28:59I just want to prove her innocence.
29:01She was unjustly convicted.
29:03Oh, please, she escaped from prison.
29:05And what would you have done if you were convicted for a crime you did not commit?
29:08And the opportunity to escape is presented to you.
29:11That Rosario can be the solution.
29:14Well, look, I'm sorry to disappoint you.
29:18But a 76-year-old woman can't be his lover.
29:30Do you want a barbecue? I know a good place nearby.
29:33What barbecue? I have to go to school and you go to work.
29:36I can be late for work. I'm very hungry.
29:39Well, you can be late, but I can't.
29:41So we'd better go.
29:43I'm going to stay with the desire for a barbecue, then.
29:47Let's go.
30:02Vicente Márquez?
30:04Don't miss it. It's very close.
30:13Let's go.
30:38Good morning!
30:41Today I woke up very happy.
30:44Thank you for insisting that we go out last night.
30:47No need to thank you. The idea was for you to have fun.
30:50It's been a long time since I had so much fun.
30:53Nicolás is a charm.
30:56I hope he doesn't see me as Juan Paz's ex.
30:59What do you know about him? Is he with someone?
31:02No idea. I don't know much about him, really.
31:05Good morning.
31:07Good morning, Dad.
31:08Good morning.
31:09Can you come to my office, please?
31:19Do you know anything about your brother?
31:20He didn't come home last night.
31:24I can imagine who he stayed with last night.
31:27Why do you say that?
31:28Last night we went to Candil, Ismael,
31:30I went with Verónica and Nicolás, and Vicente came.
31:34Can you imagine who he came with?
31:37With Lorena Martínez's sister.
31:41And he made a big deal out of it when we confronted him
31:43questioning what he was doing with Juan Pablo's killer sister.
31:47I can't believe it.
31:48Where the hell is his head?
31:50He went on the defensive and did nothing but offend the family and Juan Pablo.
31:54But how could he go out with that woman?
31:57It's a betrayal!
31:58I told you, I'm very disappointed in him.
32:01I thought he had matured in all this time he was away.
32:04And I'm going to forbid him to continue with that girl.
32:07No, no, no, don't do it.
32:09It's going to be worse, because in order to take the opposite, he's going to screw her.
32:14I'm going to do it between us.
32:16You have to make him understand that friendship is not good for anyone.
32:20I hope that today, with calmer spirits, we can understand each other.
32:29Last night, the people who were at this table didn't stop dancing for a second.
32:32They didn't even know the song they were playing.
32:35I think they're going to become frequent customers.
32:38It can't be.
32:39It's full of dust here.
32:40It looks like they haven't cleaned in years.
32:42Well, it's good that you're here.
32:45To help Carmen.
32:46It was too much work for her alone.
32:52The box is empty.
32:54Where's the money from yesterday's sale?
32:56There was 14,000 pesos.
33:01What's going on?
33:02They took the money from the box.
33:03It's empty.
33:06Who could have taken it?
33:07Oh, what do you mean who?
33:08Well, the robbers you hired.
33:10Hey, what's wrong with you?
33:11We are not robbers.
33:13It was you, right?
33:14Right now you were cleaning the bar.
33:15You were very close to the box.
33:17No, no, boss.
33:18I swear it wasn't me.
33:19I cleaned everything, but I never touched the box.
33:22And where's Angelina?
33:23She took the money to hide it, right?
33:26Don't blame us.
33:27We didn't take that money.
33:29Something like that never happened here.
33:31It was them, who else?
33:32Whoever took that money has to show up.
33:35I'm going to call the police.
33:50I missed you so much.
33:51Me too.
33:52You look great with that haircut.
33:55Who changed your look?
33:57A friend of Monce's.
33:58I'll tell you everything I've been through in detail.
34:00I heard on the news that the police
34:03already found out that they crossed the border.
34:05Your plan worked.
34:07I really appreciate your help.
34:10I'm willing to do anything to help you.
34:12Well, tell me.
34:14What was Vicente Marquez doing here?
34:16You looked very affectionate with him.
34:19We're dating.
34:22Vicente is not like the rest of his family.
34:24He behaved very well with me.
34:27How did you meet him?
34:29One day I went to talk to Ismael
34:30and then I found him on the street.
34:32He treated me to a cappuccino
34:33and we both liked each other very much.
34:36We kept seeing each other
34:37and we started dating.
34:39Whatever, he's a Marquez.
34:41And that family is not to be trusted.
34:43It's better if you stay away.
34:45I'm telling you, Vicente is different from all of them.
34:47If you had seen how he defended me last night at a bar.
34:50We met with his sister,
34:52Juan Pablo's girlfriend and another of his friends.
34:55Did they treat you badly?
34:57But I didn't have to say a word.
34:59Vicente took care of defending me
35:01and told him all his truths.
35:03He doesn't get along with his family.
35:05That's why he lived in Buenos Aires with his mom.
35:07No matter how good a person Gabi is,
35:11his family is the Marquez family.
35:13It's better if you stay away from him.
35:15No, don't ask me that, please.
35:17Since you left, Vicente is the only support I have.
35:20If it weren't for him, I would be completely alone.
35:23Are you in love with him?
35:31Why make such a mess?
35:33There's no point in calling the police.
35:35It's better if we all look for the money.
35:37It has to be somewhere.
35:38And now it turns out, right?
35:40Don't they regret stealing it and want to get it back?
35:43They won't look at me.
35:44It was you and your friend, your accomplice.
35:46Hey, that's enough.
35:47It was smooth today.
35:48Stop harassing us.
35:49We didn't steal that money.
35:51Well, I don't believe you.
35:53Call the police. What are you waiting for?
35:55Come on.
35:56No, no, no. Don't call them.
35:57The money has to show up.
35:58Let's see, let's see, that's enough.
36:00I'm going to call the police.
36:10Come in.
36:12We need to talk.
36:14Of course. Come in, please.
36:20What's going on?
36:24I've been neglecting other cases
36:26for keeping all my attention on the capture of the fugitives.
36:30I decided to leave Nicolás in charge of the case.
36:35It's a very drastic decision.
36:38Especially when his interest in recapturing them was so great.
36:42Unfortunately, I have taken the case personally
36:46and neglected other obligations.
36:48The best thing is that Nicolás stays in charge.
36:51I understand.
36:53But I'm not going to give you my opinion.
36:57I consider that Nicolás doesn't have the necessary preparation.
37:01I don't think he's capable of it.
37:04Let's give him a chance.
37:06As you wish.
37:08It's a shame that he left.
37:10I'm going to tell you something.
37:12Few times have I worked with someone as committed as you.
37:17I appreciate it.
37:18Anyway, I'm not going to leave completely.
37:21Nicolás, you and your team will keep me informed.
37:31I don't know.
37:33I was cleaning. The box was closed.
37:35Do you trust Lorena?
37:37What are you insinuating?
37:39Of course we trust her.
37:41Maybe Carmen is right and she took the money
37:43and left us here with the trouble.
37:45No, no, no. How can you think that?
37:47Lorena would never betray us.
37:51Now she did. Why did she call the police?
37:54Calm down.
37:55I just pretended to call to protect them
37:57and to prevent my son from finding out who they really are.
38:01Do you have any idea what would happen
38:03if he finds out that we were in the same prison?
38:07She's unique, my superior.
38:09Don't be a barbarian.
38:10Let's better think about what we're going to do.
38:13When Dario realizes that he won't make it to the police,
38:15he will surely call again.
38:17The only way to stop the fight is to get that money.
38:20And how are we going to get it?
38:24Oh, it can't be.
38:26It was him.
38:27He's going to do one of his things again.
38:31Oba, I was ready for you. I didn't want any trouble.
38:36You have to do something to get that money back.
38:39I'll be right back.
38:40I'll go with you.
38:48Where are you living?
38:50At an ex-companion's house in prison.
38:52Her son has a bar in the same place
38:54and we work there as waitresses at night.
38:56As soon as I save some money,
38:57I'll give you some money so you can have something to live on.
38:59Don't worry about me.
39:01With what I earn at the shoe store,
39:02I have enough for my expenses.
39:04Well, look.
39:09Thank you, but I don't need it.
39:11Vicente gave me one.
39:12No, this is just so we can get along.
39:15No, this is just so we can get along.
39:19Okay? Keep it.
39:21I never thought our life would turn out like this.
39:25Wouldn't it be better if, when you get a new identity,
39:28you leave the city
39:30and move to a small town where no one knows you?
39:33I could reach you when you're settled.
39:36I'd love that.
39:38But if I leave the city,
39:39I won't be able to keep looking for a way to prove my innocence.
39:45And I need to ask you for a favor.
39:49Tell me.
39:50Call Alejandro and meet him at El Cisne coffee shop.
39:53Tell him you want to talk to him.
39:55Why don't you do it?
39:57Because if I call him, he won't answer.
40:00Let's say he's mad at me.
40:04Well, it turns out that yesterday when I was at his house
40:06watching a case about my case,
40:08Ismael showed up and told him things
40:11that I didn't have to tell him.
40:16Come in.
40:18Did you send for me?
40:19Yes, come in.
40:24I need to talk to you.
40:29I made a decision.
40:31I'm going to take care of the case of the refugees
40:33at Santiago's prison.
40:35Why now?
40:37With Lorena Martinez out of the case,
40:39there's no reason for you to retire.
40:42I've left other things to do.
40:45I've also neglected my marriage.
40:51This is a good time for you to show your ability.
40:54Thank you. I feel very honored.
40:56I hope to return the trust you place in me
40:59by doing my best.
41:04It's my first important case.
41:06I won't let you down.
41:10Thank you.
41:15Perfect, I'll see you there.
41:19Alejandro will be at El Cisne in 20 minutes.
41:21Explain to him why I had to lie to him.
41:24Yes, I'll explain. Don't worry.
41:27I just hope he wants to talk to me.
41:29I'm sure he does.
41:30He must have fired you at the last minute.
41:33I bet he regrets it now.
41:36I hope so.
41:39You know what I think?
41:40That he wasn't so upset that you hid
41:42that you had something with Ismael.
41:43He was jealous.
41:45What are you talking about?
41:49As for Vicente,
41:51I won't ask you to leave someone you're clearly in love with.
41:54But I will ask you, please,
41:56not to lower your guard.
41:58With the Marqueses, you're in danger.
42:06You're the most important thing I have in my life.
42:09I beg you every day,
42:11because this will be over and we can be together again.
42:14Me too.
42:15Take care of yourself, please.
42:18You too.
42:29Prosecutor Dominguez left me in charge
42:31of the case of the fugitives in the Santiago prison.
42:34And now that I'm in charge,
42:36I've decided to form a group on my cell phone
42:38so we can keep in touch.
42:42Agent Rojas,
42:43do you have anything to say?
42:46All clear.
42:48Then take care of forming the group.
42:50We have to work.
42:51We have to find those fugitives.
42:54They won't make fun of justice.
42:56Let's go.
43:06Let's go.
43:12I'm sorry about what happened.
43:14I hope you find that money soon.
43:18Did you call the police?
43:19It's strange that they haven't arrived yet.
43:21Yes, of course I called them.
43:24I hope they don't take long.
43:26What's wrong?
43:27You look worried.
43:29It's not for less.
43:30It's hard to be calm when you lose money, right?
43:33Aren't you hiding something from me?
43:34What could I be hiding?
43:36I don't know.
43:37You're the only criminal who lives in this house.
43:39I'm not a criminal.
43:42I already paid my sentence with many years in prison.
43:45That must have helped you learn a lot of tricks.
43:48Are you thinking that I stole you?
44:04I love you.
44:05I love you.
44:06I love you.
44:07I love you.
44:08I love you.
44:09I love you.
44:10I love you.
44:11I love you.
44:12I love you.
44:13I love you.
44:14I love you.
44:15I love you.
44:16I love you.
44:17I love you.
44:18I love you.
44:19I love you.
44:20I love you.
44:21I love you.
44:22I love you.
44:23I love you.
44:24I love you.
44:25I love you.
44:26I love you.
44:27I love you.
44:28I love you.
44:29I love you.
44:30I love you.
44:31I love you.
44:32I love you.
