Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza ne kin dil ki baten…

  • 3 months ago
انجینیئر محمد علی مرزا نے کیں دل کی باتیں
#engineermuhammadalimirza #muhammadalimirza #mirzamuhammadali


00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, viewers. I, Shafiq-ur-Rehman, am at your service.
00:04Today, I have come to Jhelum to ask some questions to Respected Muhammad Ali Mirza Sahib.
00:10Whether you are satisfied with his answers or not is up to you.
00:17My aim is to get his opinion to you.
00:20Sir, thank you very much.
00:22Ali Bhai, you have given us your time.
00:25I am thankful for that.
00:26La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.
00:28Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad.
00:32Shafiq Bhai, you and your team from Delhi, Pakistan are welcome in our academy.
00:37Let's start with the name of Allah.
00:40Sir, the first question is that,
00:43the person with disability, who is called a disabled person,
00:47and also called a special person,
00:50is disability in a person's body or in his environment?
00:56What does Islam, the religion of Islam, tell us about disabled people?
01:02Is there a test on them?
01:04Are they in a test? Do they have a family test?
01:09This should be explained.
01:11There are a lot of topics hidden in this.
01:14Islam has taught us that,
01:17if a person is in pain, it is from Allah.
01:21Allah tests people through pain.
01:25He tests someone by giving, and tests someone by taking.
01:29Being physically disabled is a factor.
01:33Some people are mentally disabled.
01:36Some people are mentally and physically fine,
01:39but they should be declared disabled based on their activities.
01:45They become a nuisance to this society.
01:47Some people move away from the path of truth because of wealth.
01:52And some people become a nuisance to them because they don't have wealth.
01:56They start disobeying Allah.
01:58They lose respect in halal and haram.
02:01So, this varies from person to person.
02:03Allah has kept all these things for the test of humans.
02:08For the test of those people as well.
02:11And the rest of the people of the society are tested through them.
02:18There is a universal truth in the Quran.
02:27We will definitely test you with a little fear, hunger,
02:32and loss of life and wealth.
02:34And then we will see who turns to Allah.
02:37The way of the believers is that they say in every pain,
02:40Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.
02:43We have come from Allah.
02:44This pain has also come from Allah.
02:45It will go back to Allah.
02:47So, this is an overall doctrine that these pains come from Allah.
02:53Allah says in Surah Al-Hadeed that we send any pain on this earth,
02:59whether it is in the form of earthquakes,
03:02or in the form of an epidemic, or in the form of floods.
03:08So, the pain that we have to send to people on this planet earth,
03:12collectively or individually, in someone's life,
03:15Allah has mentioned both separately.
03:17Before sending it, Allah has written it in His book,
03:21that we will test it through this pain.
03:25Then Allah has also stated its reason.
03:28So that whatever you lose, you do not regret it.
03:34And whatever you get, do not spoil it.
03:37Allah does not like those who spoil it.
03:40Allah has attributed these things to Himself,
03:44that I test it through this.
03:46Not that someone is being punished for the sins of his parents,
03:50as people call it a reward for good deeds.
03:53The fatwa of the Qur'an is clear in many places.
03:56La taziru waziratun wizra ukhra.
04:00No burden-bearing soul will bear the burden of someone else's deeds.
04:05Everyone has to bear the burden of their own deeds.
04:07It is not possible that the burden of parents' wrongdoings
04:13should fall on their children.
04:16Islam does not support this at all.
04:18This is completely against Islam.
04:20Nor is it that you will look at someone in pain and say,
04:24there is a punishment from Allah for this.
04:27To decide whether this is pain or punishment,
04:30is a secret news.
04:31In today's date, when there is no prophet in the world,
04:34we will consider every pain in the world as a test.
04:40We cannot call it a punishment from Allah.
04:42Unless there is a big test from the point of view of difficulty,
04:46at the level of the Ummah,
04:47like the fitna of the Tataris came on this Ummah
04:50because of their misdeeds.
04:51The scholars said that this is a punishment from Allah for our bad deeds.
04:55That is a different thing.
04:56In any case, no individual can make a decision about anyone.
04:59There is no formula for this.
05:01No one can say that this pain is due to their misdeeds.
05:05This is a test.
05:06We have to say that this is a test.
05:08And there is a hadith in Bukhari Muslim,
05:10that if a Muslim has any pain, sorrow, fear,
05:13any pain, even if there is a thorn in his foot,
05:16then Allah forgives his sins in return.
05:19This is a means from Allah to forgive sins.
05:23Then there is a hadith in Bukhari,
05:25that Allah, with whom He intends to do good,
05:27causes him to be in pain.
05:29There is another hadith in Bukhari,
05:31that Allah says that if I take anything precious from a person,
05:36then its reward is heaven.
05:38Specifically, there is a separate hadith in Bukhari,
05:41that with whom I will take his eyes,
05:43I will give him heaven.
05:44That is, Allah has always been successful in the hereafter against these pains.
05:49If this world had ended here,
05:51then it would have been a great injustice
05:53that Allah deprived some people of their intellect,
05:56deprived some people of their eyes,
05:58deprived some people of their feet,
06:00deprived some people of their hands.
06:02What was their fault?
06:04But if you connect it with the life of the hereafter,
06:07which Allah has made this universe on the law of trial,
06:11i.e. on the test.
06:12Connecting it with the hereafter is a perfect model,
06:15that those people who have pain in the world,
06:17when they see the reward of the hereafter,
06:19they will forget the pain.
06:20This is a Muslim hadith.
06:21The person who has lived a life of luxury in the world,
06:24Allah will call him on the Day of Resurrection
06:27and will say to the angels,
06:28make him do a round of hell.
06:31When he will do the round,
06:32Allah will ask,
06:33did you see any goodness in the world?
06:34He will say, I swear by your honor,
06:36I have not seen any goodness in the world.
06:37Although the world is a luxury,
06:39but he will make one round of it,
06:41he will make all its intoxicants unbearable.
06:43Then the one who has lived a life of poverty,
06:45pain in the world,
06:46but he has respected the lawful and the unlawful,
06:48Allah will say,
06:49make him do a round of heaven.
06:51A round of heaven will be made.
06:53Then Allah will ask,
06:54did you see any pain in the world?
06:56He will say,
06:57O Allah,
06:58if this was to be found,
06:59it means that the world has lived a very happy life.
07:01Because at the end of the day,
07:02when you have found such a big life of the hereafter,
07:05which is the true Muslim hadith,
07:06the example of the world and the hereafter is like
07:08a person who has dipped his finger in the sea,
07:11the water of the sea that touches the finger
07:13is the life of the world
07:14and this infinite life of the sea is the life of the hereafter.
07:17Then it becomes easy to bear this pain.
07:20The last hadith is in the same context,
07:22in the true Muslim,
07:23Prophet Islam said,
07:24Always look at the people below you.
07:27This way you will be satisfied with the blessings of Allah.
07:31You will have patience.
07:33That is, if a person is in pain,
07:35then look at the person who is in more pain than you.
07:39We have the pain of the Prophet and his family
07:44and the companions.
07:46We can get motivation through them
07:49that they have lived such a great life,
07:51they have lived such a difficult life,
07:53then it will be easy for us to bear this pain.
07:56Ali bhai, you said that I am a wheelchair user,
08:00now this pain of mine is from Allah.
08:04But we who are wheelchair users
08:06or are considered disabled people,
08:08we are thinking in a different way.
08:11For example, three camera crews with me
08:15from Lahore came to you for the Daily Pakistan podcast.
08:19I came by driving.
08:22I was not disabled.
08:24But when I came to the door of your academy,
08:27I became disabled.
08:29Four people picked me up as a living corpse
08:32and brought me up.
08:34I was not disabled from there to here.
08:37In fact, I was able.
08:40But because of the infrastructure,
08:42I became disabled.
08:43Similarly, another example,
08:44in Tokyo or in Seoul,
08:48when we travel,
08:50there is no barrier.
08:53There is no disability.
08:55I have equal opportunity.
08:57I can go to the same place.
08:59Now we get confused
09:01whether we are disabled or included.
09:04Then we come to know that when we come to our society,
09:08we are accused of being in trouble.
09:12We are not in trouble.
09:14By putting us in trouble,
09:16we are accused of being disabled.
09:19This is how we see it.
09:21Please give us more guidance on this.
09:23This should be understood as an opportunity.
09:25The second thing is that
09:27God has given each person different abilities.
09:30If a person's limbs are healthy,
09:33but his intellect is not of that level.
09:37According to the Muslim hadith,
09:39reason and intelligence are also from fate.
09:41Science believes otherwise,
09:42everyone would have become Einstein.
09:44Everyone would have become Newton.
09:46This intelligence is also from God.
09:47Everyone has been given the intelligence of the tactum level.
09:50To discriminate between truth and falsehood.
09:52But there are extraordinary people.
09:54Stephen Hawking was an extraordinary person.
09:57He went on a wheelchair due to an illness.
10:00But God had given him an intellect.
10:02He could not even speak.
10:04A special computer was made for him.
10:06And how he contributed to the world
10:09In the field of physics,
10:11after Newton, Einstein and after Einstein,
10:14it is believed that he was a great scientist in the field of physics.
10:17So a person can contribute.
10:19The one whom you consider weak,
10:21this is one factor.
10:22There are many other factors.
10:23Sir, there are many people,
10:25women or men,
10:27who have intellectual disabilities.
10:29Doctors, parents or society advises them
10:34to be biologically modified.
10:38Because they face some kind of embarrassment
10:40in front of family members.
10:42If they are unable to manage.
10:44Especially women, our daughters,
10:46their biological needs.
10:49If they are unable to manage,
10:51doctors advise them to be operated.
10:53Is this right?
10:55It is a difficult question.
10:57In Islam, the basic principle of Surah An-Nisa,
11:01Ayat no. 119,
11:03Satan said,
11:04I will bring forth humanity
11:06that they will change the creation you have created.
11:09So to change the creation you have created,
11:12this is not allowed in Shariah.
11:15To permanently remove a person from nature and disable him.
11:18Yes, in a specific case,
11:22where there is no overall difference
11:26by bringing such a change,
11:28there can be a problem.
11:30For example,
11:32there can be a problem.
11:33For example,
11:34there are many people,
11:35after 3-4 children,
11:37a woman says to herself,
11:39I will disable myself,
11:41from the point of view that I don't have children.
11:43I am speaking in code words,
11:44because all kinds of people have to see.
11:46Islam does not allow this.
11:49this has to change the nature.
11:51And there is no need for this,
11:54that a person, for no reason,
11:56to save himself from hesitation,
11:58Allah Almighty has suggested many ways
12:00to save children from the blessings of science.
12:04They can be adopted.
12:05It is necessary that you have to change the nature.
12:08this kind of nature can be needed.
12:10A very famous incident,
12:12which was also reported in many newspapers,
12:14that three children of a woman
12:17died in a water tank in one day.
12:19And she was a very young woman.
12:21She had disabled her child.
12:23Then both husband and wife cried all their lives.
12:25They could have adopted her.
12:27They could not have created their own children.
12:30When such extraordinary incidents occur,
12:33then the wisdom of Shariah is understood.
12:36if a person has been harmed to this level,
12:39and there is no one to take care of him,
12:41and you said,
12:42intellectually he is also disabled,
12:44that is, his mental balance is not correct,
12:46and to manage him,
12:48such an activity is performed,
12:50then obviously,
12:51in a catastrophic condition,
12:52no Shariah will be imposed on him.
12:54To the extent of Jawaaz,
12:56the order will be present in this.
12:58Yes, thank you very much.
12:59Ali Bhai,
13:00there are many people
13:02who are paralyzed in their homes.
13:04They cannot take care of themselves,
13:06they cannot eat,
13:07they cannot toilet themselves.
13:10the responsibility of these people
13:12is of the Ummah of the Prophet,
13:14that these are their personal actions,
13:16their fate is tested on them,
13:18their family is tested.
13:22I have started a general discussion,
13:24I have discussed it from every angle.
13:27if you make it the basis,
13:29then the test of that person,
13:31in the sense that Allah Almighty
13:33has to give him eternal success
13:35in return for this test.
13:36And it is possible that
13:37if everything was available to him,
13:39he would have been involved in some evil.
13:41Allah Almighty has saved him
13:42from evil in this way.
13:44The rest,
13:45is the test on his family,
13:47that by serving them,
13:48not only can they earn rewards,
13:50but they can also achieve eternal success
13:52in the form of Jannah.
13:53Serve them,
13:54this is their responsibility.
13:56It is the first duty.
13:59in the Qur'an,
14:00at least in four places,
14:01after Tauheed,
14:02he mentioned treating his parents.
14:06in his childhood,
14:07his parents raised their children
14:08with difficulty.
14:09When he reached old age,
14:10he said,
14:11don't say uff,
14:12bow your shoulders
14:13in front of them
14:14with humility.
14:16Allah Almighty knew
14:17that when a person reaches old age,
14:19his young children
14:21need to be accommodated
14:23in the same way
14:24they were accommodated
14:25in his childhood.
14:27in old age,
14:28when he has a weakness,
14:29his children accommodate him.
14:31That is why,
14:32there are no old age houses in Islam.
14:34It is the responsibility of the children
14:36to look after their parents.
14:39Sahih Muslim,
14:40there is a Hadith in Bukhari,
14:42a Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim,
14:44the Prophet was asked,
14:46who is the most deserving
14:47of my good treatment?
14:48The Prophet said,
14:49your mother.
14:50The second time,
14:51he was asked,
14:52your mother.
14:53The third time,
14:54he was asked,
14:55your mother.
14:56The fourth time,
14:57he was asked,
14:58your father.
15:00there is a Hadith in Sunnis,
15:01paradise is near
15:02the feet of your mother.
15:03That is,
15:04they have to serve.
15:06in Surah Bani Israel,
15:07if they reach old age,
15:08one of the two,
15:09bow your shoulders
15:10in front of them
15:11with humility.
15:12Don't even say uff
15:13and pray for them.
15:15have mercy on both of them
15:16the way
15:17they raised me
15:18in my childhood.
15:20there is a Hadith in Muslim,
15:21the person
15:22whose parents
15:24one of the two
15:25in old age,
15:26and they
15:27cannot earn
15:29by serving them.
15:31in Jamia Tirmazi,
15:32there is a Hadith in
15:33Al-Mustadraq Al-Hakim,
15:34the Prophet came
15:35to the mosque,
15:36he stepped
15:37on the stairs,
15:38he said,
15:40He kept the second
15:41on the stairs,
15:42he said,
15:44He kept the third
15:45on the stairs,
15:47he said,
15:49So Hazrat Jibreel came and he said that you should say Ameen on the fact that the person in front of whom you are reciting Zikr should be destroyed and he should not recite Durood on you.
15:57Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Muhammad.
16:00It is enough to recite Durood once in one gathering.
16:03He stepped on the second step and Hazrat Jibreel said that the person should be destroyed who does not get the month of Ramadan and does not get his forgiveness.
16:14So Hazrat Jibreel said Ameen and with the help of Allah's revelation he said that you should say Ameen.
16:20And when he stepped on the third step, Hazrat Jibreel said that the person should be destroyed who does not get his parents in old age and does not earn paradise by serving one of them.
16:32And this part is also present in Sahih Muslim.
16:35Islam teaches us that the person who has been tested is tested for himself.
16:40With the belief that he will bear that pain and will always be successful.
16:45With the belief that he will accommodate other people and with that service he will be successful.
16:50There is a hadith in Jamia Tirmidhi, I have heard in Abu Dawood that Allah gives the most pain to the prophets.
16:56And after them to those people who are loved the most after the prophets.
17:01And after them to those people who are loved the most after them.
17:05Imam Hakim has taken this hadith in the heading of the chapter of Hazrat Abu Zar Ghafari.
17:10To tell that the life of Hazrat Abu Zar Ghafari was full of sorrows and pain.
17:17So he took this hadith at the top of Abu Dawood and Jamia Tirmidhi.
17:22At the end of which it is said that a person endures pain all his life.
17:26To the extent that he is picked up from the world clean and pure.
17:29Then there is no pain for him in the hereafter.
17:31If you look at the pain of the hereafter, there is no pain of the world in comparison to it.
17:37We are short tempered, we see a little pain and we say that I don't know what injustice has happened to someone.
17:43But if someone's hereafter is shown to you.
17:46You understand this in the world.
17:48That metric life plus FSE.
17:52These four years are critical for a person's life.
17:55In those four years there are children who do not even have the consciousness to eat and drink.
17:59With great difficulty they eat and drink.
18:02They totally emphasize on their education.
18:05If you are shown the life after them.
18:08Then you will say that there is no pain for four years.
18:11But the people who waste those four years of their life.
18:14If there is any extraordinary case, we have seen that they spend the rest of their life in pain.
18:19If at that time they are shown the life after them.
18:22And in comparison to the other people.
18:25Then they too become human children at that time.
18:27This is the test.
18:28We are seeing this in the world too.
18:30The span of that pain is a little.
18:32With every difficulty there is ease.
18:35With every difficulty there is ease.
18:37With every difficulty there is ease.
18:40And the ultimate ease will come at that time.
18:43When a person has to die.
18:44This is the prayer.
18:47We too came from Allah.
18:49We have to go back.
18:50This pain has also come.
18:51One day this pain will end.
18:53After 60 years, after 70 years.
18:55Then compare it with the life of thousands of years.
18:57The day of the hereafter is only 50,000 years.
19:00In the world, the life of 60 years is equal to 3 minutes.
19:04The day of the hereafter.
19:06I am not talking about heaven.
19:07Only day.
19:09The day of the hereafter.
19:1050,000 years.
19:12If you compare it with 60 years.
19:14Then a life of 3 minutes is made.
19:16Consider this pain of 3 minutes to be so big.
19:19When people see their reward in the hereafter.
19:21This is what I said in the beginning.
19:23Without connecting with the hereafter.
19:25If you absolutely consider the life of the world.
19:29Then this world is not worth living.
19:32That's why people go into a pessimistic mode.
19:34From 2014 to January.
19:38Until December 2023.
19:42There were 30 lakh accidents in Pakistan.
19:4534 lakh people were injured.
19:4740,000 people had a spinal cord injury.
19:50That is permanent disability.
19:5235,500 people died.
19:54In these 9 years.
19:56This is the data of 1112.
19:58That is, there is no hemophilia.
19:59Yes, it will be.
20:00In fact, it will be more than this.
20:01This is the one that is registered.
20:03The question is.
20:04The people on the streets.
20:06Those who are dying unjustly.
20:08Whose fault is this?
20:10If they have to write for a livelihood.
20:12Then they will be called a martyr.
20:14Here the unjust was killed.
20:16Because of ignorance.
20:18That is.
20:19Where will this be counted?
20:21And all the Ummah of this Ummah.
20:23Orphaned children.
20:25Or the parents left the elderly.
20:27They left for a livelihood.
20:29When they came back, there were 46,000 people.
20:32They were going to pay Zakat in the morning.
20:34After the return of disability.
20:35They became those who took Zakat.
20:37So the question is.
20:38In all this situation.
20:40Why is this not addressed to members.
20:43Or from the mosque.
20:44In our lives.
20:45Traffic laws.
20:46Their protection.
20:47Why is it never addressed?
20:49That is.
20:50This is injustice on the lives.
20:52Practical people.
20:53This should be done.
20:55We have picked it up from our platform 12 times.
20:57I have almost.
20:58In the last 8-10 years.
20:59In many videos.
21:00Discussed it.
21:01And specifically.
21:02I also quoted a fatwa of Mufti Azam Saudia.
21:05Yes sir.
21:06On over speeding.
21:07Mufti Azam Saudia had issued this fatwa.
21:10The one who dies due to over speeding.
21:12He died of suicide.
21:15And the government will not pay any blood money for it.
21:18The laws made by humans.
21:20In them.
21:22On the first number.
21:23I understand a law.
21:24Which is.
21:26After the divine laws.
21:28The biggest law.
21:30The biggest law.
21:31A human can make.
21:32It is the traffic laws.
21:33If you follow them.
21:34Believe me.
21:35They have evolved.
21:36After so much hard work.
21:37These things have evolved.
21:38If you look at the traffic laws.
21:39This is such a big service to humanity.
21:40Which did not happen in a day.
21:42Man learned.
21:43Then by evolving it.
21:44Brought it here.
21:45All the accidents here.
21:46In the world.
21:47There are more here.
21:48Because people do not have awareness.
21:50In the same way.
21:51People also leave without a license.
21:52The license.
21:53Those who have taken it.
21:54The license.
21:55The license.
21:56The license.
21:57The license.
21:58The license.
21:59The license.
22:00The license.
22:01The license.
22:02The license.
22:03The license.
22:04The license.
22:05The license.
22:06The license.
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22:58The license.
22:59The license.
23:00The license.
23:01It's not about traffic laws. It's also about roads and cars.
23:07Overall, people, like a few days ago, people were roaming around with an atom bomb.
23:12Thank God, these CNG cars are no more.
23:15This was the first time it started in 1997.
23:18And at that time, Dr. Halal-e-Raza said that you have to take care of it.
23:25You have to get periodic testing done.
23:27Otherwise, one day it will come to Pakistan.
23:29It will explode in a car in the form of a bomb every day.
23:32And that process had started.
23:34Why do they put nets here?
23:36On the same cylinders.
23:38Although their life has also expired.
23:40Of course, every time you fill gas under pressure in it,
23:43then permanent strains start forming in it.
23:46Which are multiplied.
23:47At one time, it comes that it is not usable.
23:49Here people say that it is absolutely fine.
23:51Many people also filled in oxygen cylinders.
23:53It exploded after a while.
23:54You have seen so many accidents on the motorway.
23:56So, it is not just a matter of traffic laws.
23:58There are many other things associated with it.
24:00Driver's training.
24:02In foreign countries, they have a record of how many hours the driver has been driving.
24:06Now, is it even worth it or not?
24:08I remember correctly, when we went for Umrah in 2002,
24:11we were going from Makkah Sharif to Madinah Sharif.
24:13The police stopped our car on the motorway at Tool Plaza.
24:20And half an hour passed.
24:22We were worried that why they are not letting our car go.
24:24They said that the driver has been driving continuously for 14 hours.
24:27He had a full track record.
24:29They said that he can't drive anymore.
24:31He will hit everyone.
24:32They caught the driver there.
24:34Contacted his company to send the driver.
24:36The car will not go ahead.
24:38They were doing good to us.
24:40At that time, we were angry that we were late by 1.5-2 hours.
24:42But, it is better to reach late than not to reach.
24:46So, these laws are followed in foreign countries.
24:50So, we avoid accidents.
24:52In spite of this, if there is a catastrophic condition,
24:54if a person's fate is in God's hands,
24:56if someone's exit is written in this way,
24:58then it is in God's hands.
25:00But still, if someone has done injustice to someone,
25:02the law will be established in the world.
25:04If someone's exit was after being killed in the world,
25:08then he was killed.
25:10But the murderer will be punished.
25:12His life will be fulfilled in the same way.
25:14In the hereafter.
25:16Yes, but in the hereafter,
25:18if someone has been killed in the world,
25:20then he will be punished.
25:22There is a hadith in Sunn-Nisa'i,
25:24that on the Day of Judgment,
25:26the murderer will be dragged by his hair
25:28to the throne of God.
25:30He will say,
25:32I want justice.
25:34Why did he kill me in the world?
25:36He will get justice.
25:38In this way, there is also the death of martyrdom.
25:40There is no doubt about it.
25:42As long as it is for Halal food.
25:44It is not that it is to deceive someone.
25:46There is a need for awareness.
25:48Not just one thing.
25:50There are many things in which we need awareness.
25:52You are only looking at this.
25:54I have seen it on the motorway.
25:56There are so many educated people.
25:58They did not raise their children like this.
26:00They drink water and throw it on the motorway.
26:02Can an accident happen because of this?
26:06There is a lack of training in many places.
26:10The media should also highlight these things.
26:12But the primary responsibility
26:14is of the parents.
26:16They should train their children.
26:18Practically, they should also act on it.
26:20If I am breaking the signal
26:22and I am taking a wrong U-turn,
26:24then I can never train my children
26:26in this regard.
26:28I have to act on it myself.
26:30Sir, can there be a fatwa on this
26:32that these traffic laws should be
26:34followed so that the lives of people
26:36are not in danger?
26:38Yes, there should be an interpretation.
26:40The limits set by God
26:42on various crimes
26:44are called limits set by God.
26:46After that,
26:48any punishment can be given.
26:50For example, the government can punish
26:52the person who breaks traffic laws
26:54in this way.
26:56He will be imprisoned for a week.
26:58Or a person who teases girls
27:00outside the college
27:02will be imprisoned in a cage outside
27:04the same college,
27:06as the Indian court had decided.
27:08So, in that society,
27:10there should be no permanent
27:12disorder with anyone.
27:14A punishment can be given for that.
27:16And that too will vary from person to person.
27:18It shouldn't happen that
27:20he commits suicide.
27:22Some people are like this.
27:24They can judge people based on that.
27:26Punishment should be given.
27:28And when the shops of sects
27:30will be closed,
27:32what kind of world will
27:34the new system be without sects?
27:36Like in Europe and America.
27:38There will be no sects.
27:40They will live peacefully.
27:42It will be a society like that.
27:44In Europe and America,
27:46if one or two things
27:48are removed,
27:50it will be an ideal society.
27:52I will confirm this.
27:54Ali Bhai, I am very thankful to you
27:56for your time.
27:58Thank you very much.
28:00Thank you to the viewers.
28:02Keep watching Daily Pakistan.
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28:06so that the love for Pakistan continues.
28:08Thank you very much.
28:10Thank you.
