La Historia de juana - Capitulo 30 Completo en Español

  • 2 months ago
La Historia de juana - Capitulo 30 Completo en Español
00:00My feelings for Juana were before I knew she was my son's mother.
00:05When was the last time you got to know Juana well?
00:08The day they slept together at the brewery, right?
00:11I asked you if you felt anything for her and you said no,
00:14that you were just friends, yes or no?
00:16I remember you telling me that you hadn't let her sleep there
00:20because you were a good man and that, if I liked her,
00:24I had to try to win her over, yes or no?
00:26Because I had just met her.
00:28Because at that moment I was very bad with Paula,
00:30I couldn't recognize my feelings.
00:32Yes, yes, that's what you tell yourself,
00:34so you don't feel so bad.
00:38Look, before Juana,
00:41all you wanted in life was a heir,
00:44the blond heir.
00:46It gives me a lot of courage to realize
00:48that it's still the same.
00:50Do you know what's the worst?
00:52That Juana was an innocent woman,
00:54she was a quiet woman.
00:58It's your fault.
01:00Now it's full of fears and insecurities.
01:16He's not my father and he's a foreigner
01:18who has nothing to do here.
01:20Well, he's going to do something, look.
01:22Because your sister invited him to his birthday
01:24with the whole neighborhood.
01:26So what?
01:28Listen to me, boss.
01:30If this man comes here, I'll break his face.
01:32Felipe, how can you talk about your father like that?
01:35Cheparra, I told you a thousand times,
01:37calm down.
01:38That man made fun of your grandmother,
01:40see how she is, and of us,
01:42and he made fun of you because he doesn't know you.
01:44And if I wanted to know him, what?
01:46He doesn't deserve it.
01:48Let's see.
01:50Look, I understand it's a difficult situation,
01:52I understand it's painful,
01:53but why don't you start thinking about my mom?
01:55Since I can remember, she dreams of the day
01:57that her father appears.
01:59Well, for her it's a dream, for us it's a nightmare.
02:02Do you understand?
02:03Look, Cheparra, listen to me.
02:04That man should be in jail for what he did to us.
02:07Oh, uncle.
02:08If the world worked that way,
02:09there wouldn't be enough jails for all the men
02:11who make fun of us women.
02:13And now why are you talking like that?
02:15What happened to you now again with your worst nightmare?
02:18She really did it, Aida, really.
02:20Shut up and get down.
02:21Because even my back hurts.
02:24Oh, daughter.
02:25We tried to buy the blonde beer,
02:27but there is nowhere.
02:28So we bought the competition.
02:29Yes, between the three of us we chose the cake, huh?
02:31Oh yes, it's chocolate,
02:32because we remembered that Ramoncita really loved chocolate.
02:35Do you remember?
02:36In the end, if he didn't have a cigarette,
02:38he brought chocolate.
02:39Don't you get tired of getting into what we don't care about?
02:41Girls, leave them there at the table.
02:43Leave them at the table.
02:44No, no, no.
02:45Thank you.
02:46Hey, well, I'll see you in a while, right?
02:48Take a shower, put on perfume and I'll see you here.
02:50Do you bring me a gift, canijas?
02:52Of course, you know.
02:54Let's see, what the hell is wrong with you, Jenny?
02:56I mean, there's not going to be a party or a celebration here,
02:58nor is that guy going to come into this house, huh?
03:05I'll be right back.
03:06If you need anything, call me.
03:08No, no, no.
03:09You can't go.
03:10Paula will want to see you when she wakes up.
03:23Oh, my life.
03:35Careful, careful.
03:38Oh, my head hurts a lot.
03:42What happened?
03:43My life.
03:49Where am I?
03:53Do you understand, Jenny?
03:54I mean, if you want to go with your dad to celebrate your birthday
03:57and be with him, well, fine, but not here.
04:00Mom, mom, please.
04:03It's my birthday and it's also my house.
04:06Let's see, you think of the man who has hurt you the most in your life.
04:09Think about it.
04:11Well, he's already here, right?
04:13Now imagine that I come to see you and I bring you here to the house.
04:18Abu, it is not necessary now to hurt each other.
04:21Exactly, exactly.
04:22So that man comes to this house and hurts your grandmother and me.
04:26But it makes my mom happy.
04:28Nobody thinks about what makes my mom happy.
04:31I mean, it doesn't count or what?
04:34Sorry, but it's true.
04:36In this house, bitterness comes in much more often than joy.
04:40And if this man makes my mom happy for a moment,
04:44are we really going to take it away from him?
04:46Let's see what birthday gift we give him today.
04:49If we didn't even remember.
04:51Let's see, Chaparra, you have to understand that this man is a miserable.
04:56Uncle, nobody is asking you to forgive him, to hug him, nothing.
05:00But Abu, I know it's difficult, I know it hurts.
05:05But if a candle illuminates someone's eyes in this house,
05:09are we really going to pay for it?
05:19Come on, let's go.
05:21We'll sing to him in the morning and then we'll paint ourselves with colors.
05:23No, they didn't invite me.
05:25Nobody told me anything.
05:27But I do.
05:28And I want you to go with me.
05:30Look, look, look, I'm tense, I'm stubborn, I'm obsessive.
05:36Oh, my Poli, tense, nothing.
05:38I'm tense, I'm crazy, I sleep early.
05:40Oh no, don't be so unfair with yourself.
05:42Everything you just said is a lie.
05:44I saw it, you know, you kissed him, remember?
05:47Distance with the authority, please.
05:51Are you going to arrest me for being rich?
05:53Oh, come on.
05:54And if the Bravo brothers don't listen to us, nothing happens.
05:57Our little body doesn't need them.
06:00My detective.
06:02I'm working, Yadim.
06:04Well, if you have nothing to do in this prosecution,
06:06with all due respect, come on, please, come on, come on.
06:09I'm working.
06:11Understand me, okay?
06:13Go ahead.
06:15Mom, don't take your eyes off me,
06:17so you can see what you're missing,
06:19Mrs. Authority.
06:24What are you doing?
06:26The world could be starving and you?
06:29Serving you two.
06:30Guys, let's focus on the case.
06:32I was thinking of Francisco de Armas.
06:34How about a little woman like this seduced him
06:38and he ran away with her and we don't know it?
06:43You have a hook with women you don't want to see.
06:46Come on, Pacheco, focus.
06:48Look, that lawyer,
06:50Soberia Mejil,
06:51Fuenmayor's personal lawyer,
06:53says that Mr. Armas looked for her
06:55because his lawyer was on a trip.
07:00I think we're going to have to declare Mr. Francisco de Armas
07:03as missing.
07:05And we're going to have to go on a trip.
07:08We're going to Jenny's birthday.
07:11Galas, I have backup with the key.
07:15Let's go or what?
07:24Well, I have to keep being the victim
07:29so the detective doesn't suspect me.
07:40Paula and Gabriel are divorced.
07:44As for Juana,
07:46I hope you're smart enough,
07:49like I think you are,
07:50to realize that these two are looking at you.
07:56Juana and Paula have already left Gabriel's area.
08:03I have to think very well
08:05what are my next steps to become
08:09Camila Rubio.
08:16What do you mean Juana Bravo is expecting Gabriel's son?
08:20By a mistake in the clinic where Gabriel had his samples.
08:24Now I understand
08:25Gabriel's obsession with that photographer.
08:27If that child is born,
08:29if Gabriel recognizes that bastard as his legitimate heir,
08:33he's going to get in our way.
08:35We're going to have complications
08:36to end the Rubio dynasty.
08:44You look very excited about your celebration, Mom.
08:47Of course.
08:48I know my dad was very bad at abandoning us, but...
08:51Well, but I know how you suffered.
08:54Yes, whatever.
08:56That's my dad.
09:00The truth is I've missed him a lot, honey.
09:03I've always remembered him so affectionate with me
09:08I missed my birthdays and Christmas.
09:11But as you say,
09:13he's wise and intelligent.
09:15Forgive me.
09:16Did I say that?
09:18I think I had no idea what I was talking about.
09:21Oh, Mom.
09:23I thought I had mastered the ability to forgive.
09:27But apparently not.
09:28Don't say that.
09:40Do you remember your name, ma'am?
09:46I'm Paula Fuenmayor de Rubio.
09:52What happened to me? Why am I here?
09:59The thing is you had an accident.
10:06You lost our baby again?
10:13Don't worry.
10:15Don't worry, honey.
10:16Everything will be fine.
10:17I promise.
10:18I swear, honey.
10:28Paula had an accident?
10:30How is she?
10:31I don't know.
10:32When I left the hospital, she was still unconscious.
10:35They also told me that the media found out
10:38about the sabotage they wanted to do
10:40and the bacteria they put in the beer.
10:42The good thing is that they clarified
10:43that the contaminated batch never went on sale.
10:45It's all thanks to our quality control.
10:47It doesn't cross my mind
10:49that the culprit is here among us.
10:51I just hope that with the new campaign
10:53we can boost our product again.
10:55I hope so, because...
10:56with the rumor of the internal sabotage,
10:58all this has been leaked to the press
10:59and the stock market isn't reacting well.
11:02The actions of Celia Rubio's cell phone
11:04are in trouble.
11:05Poor Gabriel.
11:06Everything is getting complicated for him.
11:08You should have seen the mess
11:09that Rogelio created in the hospital.
11:10Blaming Gabriel for Paula's accident
11:12and the family being responsible for Juana Bravo.
11:15Just yesterday I talked to Gabriel
11:16about his relationship with Juana.
11:18He told me everything.
11:20He told me that the child she's expecting is his.
11:23Can you imagine
11:24when adults want to handle that information?
11:26You told me yourself, didn't you?
11:27That Rogelio never agreed
11:29that his daughter should marry Gabriel.
11:31I think he agreed to the wedding with my nephew
11:33just so he could somehow
11:35get his last name in this company.
11:37And all because of...
11:39old grudges and grudges between two families.
11:42And now Juana is involved in all this.
11:46You really don't remember anything about the accident?
11:54Calm down, honey.
11:55Calm down.
11:58It's okay.
11:59I don't remember anything, Mom.
12:01I don't remember anything.
12:02It's a normal situation.
12:06It'll last a while.
12:10Thank you.
12:11Excuse me.
12:26Don't go, please.
12:31I just saw Juana and I'm very worried about her.
12:34It's just the two of us.
12:35I can't believe she's so close to her family
12:38and she didn't tell them
12:39that Gabriel is going to be the father of her baby.
12:41And I don't think she'll tell them soon.
12:43Today is her mom's birthday.
12:45She invited me to a party.
12:46Oh, I'm going.
12:47Oh, really?
12:48Yes, I think you should too.
12:50Juana needs all our support
12:52and he told me he did the right thing
12:53by going to see her again.
12:55You managed to calm her down.
12:58She doesn't deserve everything that's happening to her.
13:00No, and I'm really glad
13:03that she can trust you, David.
13:05Please don't leave her alone.
13:07No, of course not.
13:14Hey, Jerry,
13:15what about the father of the child Juana is expecting?
13:18No, that's another long story.
13:20We don't even know who he is.
13:32Hi, how's the day
13:34of the most beautiful woman on the planet?
13:38Busy, working.
13:40Oh, baby, I can't wait to hear your voice
13:43and to know that it wasn't a dream
13:45what we did this morning.
13:47No, it wasn't a dream, I assure you.
13:49Oh, life is so beautiful.
13:53Hey, what do you think?
13:54Jenny came up with the fabulous idea
13:56to throw a party here at the house.
13:58And why did she hear you so discouraged?
14:00Well, because my dad is obviously coming.
14:02I don't know if I'm going to put up with
14:04telling her her things.
14:05No, Felipe, you can't ruin the party for your sister
14:08because I'm not coming with you.
14:11Really, would you come?
14:12If you invite me, yes.
14:17It's been a long time, hasn't it?
14:19Come on.
14:20Come on, I'll do it quickly, Dad.
14:22I'm nervous.
14:24It's not a wedding, huh?
14:25It's a birthday party.
14:27I know.
14:28It's the birthday party of my first daughter.
14:32Yes, the one who made me a dad.
14:34Oh, please, Margarita.
14:36No, honey, it's not because she loves you.
14:39You are the smallest, but the funniest.
14:42Come on.
14:52How are you?
14:53Oh, look, he's the one who sold me the mint.
14:55Mr. Memo, Mr. Memo.
14:56My dad, my dad.
15:04It's been so long since I saw you.
15:0725 years to be exact.
15:10Yes, 25 years.
15:13Well, I was waiting for you.
15:16Yes, yes, waiting for you.
15:17Well, Josefina told me that you had gone out to buy some cigarettes.
15:20Yes, well.
15:21By the way, here I have the box 25 years later.
15:27I don't smoke anymore.
15:30Neither do I.
15:33What a good memory, right?
15:34Sit down to smoke, talk.
15:36How can I forget?
15:40The important thing now is that we have to talk.
15:43Without smoke.
15:45And with the truth, Ramon.
15:51Oh, you scared me, Mom.
15:54You should have a dirty mind.
15:56Now, whatever you say, look,
15:59this smile won't take away from me.
16:02My dad is my guest of honor.
16:05Wait, look at everything I'm doing.
16:07See how delicious.
16:12Damn, Josefina Sosa.
16:13I forget that you have a stone heart.
16:15But look, nobody takes my smile away from me.
16:18I don't quite understand.
16:20The truth is that I don't understand.
16:21You disappear one day, you leave,
16:23and a sadness begins.
16:25Josefina, you lose the joy, you lose the smile.
16:29And I'm not going to forgive you for that yet.
16:32And I'm not going to forgive you for that yet.
16:34What are you trying to tell me, Mom?
16:36That you're together and you can't make her happy?
16:39No, we're not together.
16:42But that's not the conversation, that's not the conversation.
16:45That woman starts with a terrible sadness to suffer.
16:48And I start suffering too.
16:50Because when I saw her happy, cheerful,
16:53I was already paid.
16:55Even if we weren't together, I would be happy with life.
16:58What a phrase.
17:01It has always been the consolation of losers.
17:03And that I forgot that I'm talking to a winner.
17:06No, you know very well that you don't.
17:07Oh, no?
17:09Did you forget how we talked?
17:12Smoking outside your store.
17:15You were my confidante.
17:18I was the one who trusted you that I was very curious and very adventurous.
17:22Do you remember?
17:24And suddenly I saw myself very young with a wife with two children
17:27and I began to feel that I was short of breath.
17:31But I also remember that you always told me
17:33that the most important thing for you was your family.
17:36And I never lied to you.
17:38No, I never lied to you.
17:39You didn't lie, did you?
17:40But everything started to get worse.
17:43And everything went from being short of breath to feeling dead in life.
17:47And yes, 25 years ago I went to buy cigarettes.
17:54But I got in a truck.
17:58And then in another.
18:00And in another.
18:03Without a fixed destination.
18:07But the further I got away, the more I felt this.
18:11This kind of freedom.
18:13This not owing anything to anyone.
18:15Josefina gave you two children.
18:17What are you talking about?
18:19Two children.
18:20I don't know.
18:21She was always aware of your children.
18:23And she was also aware of you.
18:25You're right.
18:26I'm right.
18:27But for Josefina, I was never up to her.
18:33I changed a lot of jobs because that's how I am.
18:38And she demanded more.
18:40And more and more.
18:42Ramon, if you come to hurt me, I won't let you.
18:50Don't worry, Nemo.
18:53I don't think I have time to hurt anyone.
18:57I only ask God to do good to someone.
19:02Because I have my days counted.
19:06I'm dying, Nemo.
19:19One flower for another flower.
19:21I love you.
19:23Thank you.
19:25Come in, come in.
19:26Jenny, hi.
19:27My mom sent you a gift.
19:29Oh, thank you.
19:31Thank you, princess.
19:32Come in, come in.
19:33What a beautiful birthday girl.
19:35Yes, she's beautiful.
19:37You know, we didn't know what to give you.
19:40But since we did the market with you,
19:42and you just grabbed a beer,
19:43we thought we shouldn't let you down, right?
19:45And we brought you a tequila.
19:48Well, come in and start serving yourself,
19:50because Juana is over there.
19:51Yes, please.
19:52Come in, come in.
19:53You have to give them to the gentlemen.
19:54But many more days like this, my Jenny.
19:57You know what?
19:58Hey, you.
19:59I don't remember inviting you.
20:01Oh, don't you?
20:02Oh, but don't be stingy.
20:03I even brought you a gift.
20:04It's not even your number.
20:08What a gift.
20:09Oh, no, no, no.
20:10This color is being used a lot.
20:11They are divine.
20:12Very flirtatious.
20:13Let's toast to Jenny.
20:14Come on.
20:15They're going to look beautiful.
20:16They use them to make a deal.
20:17Come in, come in.
20:18How did she say she didn't invite you?
20:19Well, I don't know what to do.
20:25I'm here.
20:29Well, what happened?
20:31What did Mr. Memo want or what?
20:33Mr. Guillermo Rentería.
20:36He's an old friend.
20:38He just wanted...
20:41Here, here.
20:46Wait, wait.
20:48I'm going to bring you a glass of water.
22:27How beautiful you are
22:37See? Now you won't have dark circles anymore.
22:40I'm sure you didn't sleep because you were crying, right?
22:43But look.
22:46See? You look very pretty.
22:49Well, it was only on the outside, because on the inside...
22:52Oh, Monjo, cheer up.
22:54Life has good things.
22:56Yes, you're right.
22:58I have my family, I have health, I have you, I have my baby.
23:03And David.
23:05I'm really glad he's so concerned about you.
23:08Of course, David.
23:10I swear there's no problem.
23:13I know he'll never look at me, and I already accepted it.
23:17And I'm really glad he's supporting you so much in all this.
23:21But Dani, you know that he and I are just friends, right?
23:24Yes, yes.
23:27But well, does your family already know that the baby is Gabriel's?
23:30No, no, no. Not today.
23:32Today is my mom's birthday, and I think she deserves the greatest peace of mind she can have.
23:37I don't know if you heard that her dad is back.
23:40Oh, yes.
23:41Radio Zoraida has already made sure that the whole neighborhood knows.
23:44Of course.
23:45Well, obviously my mom is happy, she invited him to the party.
23:47But imagine how my grandmother reacted.
23:49And what do you think? Have you met him?
23:51No, not yet.
23:55Well, look, I'm excited.
23:59I mean, it's not because of her, right?
24:01Well, he's my grandfather.
24:03I don't know.
24:06Hey, what a bummer that you didn't take Felipe to the bar that night.
24:09Well, he didn't want to go, and I can't force him.
24:12You see how he gets.
24:13No, but it was fine.
24:14I don't like Felipe anymore.
24:16There's another man out there I want to be with like gum.
24:19Don't tell me.
24:21The detective.
24:23It's rude to eat in excess.
24:24No, go to the courtyard.
24:25There's more food.
24:27And there are more people.
24:30I don't like it.
24:31I don't see.
24:32Come on.
24:33No, but everyone has to go.
24:37And Josefina?
24:39Oh, I'm going to open the door.
24:43Come on in.
24:45Thank you.
24:46Oh, how cute.
24:48Come on in, come on in, come on in.
24:49There's food and tequila.
24:50Very well, thank you.
24:53How are you?
24:54Do you have peanuts?
24:55Thank you, yes.
24:56Thank you.
24:57Come on in.
24:58Go to the channel.
24:59How are you not going to Jenny Bravo's birthday?
25:03They're waiting for you.
25:04No one is waiting for me because no one invited me.
25:09I'm going to start.
25:10Master, Sensei, breathe because you are not finding out that two girls, not one, two,
25:16are drooling for you.
25:17And that doesn't happen every day.
25:20You're young.
25:21Yadira wants to take her temper off because Felipe didn't fight her and Jenny hates me.
25:25Yadira is crazy about you, as she told you.
25:28And Jenny is drooling for you.
25:30She just doesn't stop rejoicing in her pride.
25:33She's drooling, but with her little boss.
25:35She hugs and kisses him.
25:36She doesn't work with him.
25:40Listen to me.
25:41Let's go to Jenny's party.
25:43If she really has something serious with her boss, she'll be there, right?
25:47I haven't even bought her a gift.
25:49Ah, but we'll solve that on the way.
25:52Besides, nothing like singing to her in the mornings in the present, right?
26:01Let's go dance over here.
26:03Come on.
26:04To turn around.
26:05Yes, yes, yes.
26:06Let's see, turn around, turn around.
26:10Hey, comadre.
26:11Chalam dances well, doesn't he?
26:13But he looks like Resortes himself.
26:15Ah, of course.
26:16Well, that Resortes is from his time, right?
26:18Oh, what happened, comadre?
26:19I wasn't even born, but I'm a big fan of Mexican cinema in the golden age.
26:23And I say it on the internet.
26:24Oh, yes.
26:25That's what my aunt Conchita said too.
26:26How are you?
26:27Hello, hello.
26:28This is David.
26:29He works at the brewery.
26:31This is Daniela, and he's the boss of Mijuana.
26:34Hello, nice to meet you.
26:35Ah, I think so, right?
26:36We saw you there at the Rubio's mansion, at Nico's party.
26:38Oh, yes.
26:40Yes, probably, yes, yes.
26:41And I see you don't have a ring.
26:43Are you single?
26:44I'm single, yes.
26:45Let's go dance, right?
26:46Oh, hello.
26:47Are you single?
26:48Are any of you?
26:49No, no, no.
26:50Let's go, David.
26:51Well, let's go dance, right?
26:52A lot of talk.
26:53Oh, how formal, right?
26:54That's it, that's it.
26:56Well, now, welcome to the Palacio de los Bravos.
26:57Oh, yes.
27:13Hello, Diana.
27:15I don't want to comment on services.
27:16Oh, that's alright.
27:17Well, I brought a bonsai for Jenny because I didn't know what to bring her.
27:18You shouldn't have hit the nail on the head because she likes plants and all that right
27:23That's lovely.
27:24OK, but come.
27:25Geva, Geva.
27:26Geva, Geva.
27:27Come, introduce us to someone important.
27:28Hello, Madame.
27:29Enriqueta Valdes.
27:30Nice to meet you, Enriqueta.
27:31How are you?
27:32Nice to meet you.
27:33If you want, you can at least drop me off.
27:36No, no.
27:37I like during someone else's time.
27:39Me or your manners slowly.
27:40Hey, did I say something I shouldn't have?
27:43No, of course not.
27:45You know what I'm telling you?
27:47My father is about to arrive and...
27:51Well, everything I've told you.
27:53And make sure you don't overheat the miso.
27:55We're going to get something to drink
27:57and I'll show you around the Palacio de los Drogos.
28:05Hey, how's Enriqueta?
28:06Didn't we say hi to her?
28:08It's a shame.
28:09I don't know how to act with her and my uncle together.
28:13Maybe later?
28:21So, what's Enriqueta doing here?
28:25I don't know. I'm surprised.
28:27I thought she was mad at one of the Drogos.
28:29Maybe she's mad at everyone,
28:31but one thing is what you look like and the other is what you feel.
28:34What? You look like something you don't feel?
28:39I don't.
28:41No, it's just that Enriqueta came with my uncle.
28:47Yes, Enriqueta.
28:51Well, well, Felipe.
28:53She took her time to come to your house parties.
28:56And she's already dressed up.
28:58She's marking the territory and everything.
29:00Please, leta, don't start.
29:02You and I don't smoke anything, okay?
29:04Yadid, put her down.
29:06You want me to put her down?
29:07Well, I mean...
29:08I'm going to tell you something.
29:10This boy was mine.
29:11Please, recommend me.
29:12I'm going to have a mirror, right?
29:13How do you compare yourself to him?
29:15Yadid, Yadid, what's wrong with you?
29:17You're spilling smoke through your ears.
29:19Nothing's wrong with me.
29:22Let's dance.
29:23This is the guy from the brewery.
29:25The one who has a great stand, right?
29:27Yes, the one who likes the tables.
29:29Hey, tables?
29:31What tables are there?
29:32Well, no.
29:33The thing is that in the blond mansion,
29:34she and Felipe spent hours under a table.
29:38Well, I don't know.
29:39Who knows how they're going to do it here.
29:41I don't know.
29:42Come on, guys.
29:46Happy birthday!
29:49Hey, I'm very happy.
29:51I'm really happy that you're all here on my birthday.
29:55And even happier that this party is here, my dad.
30:00Give him a round of applause.
30:09I want to thank my daughter Jenny
30:11for having invited me to her birthday.
30:14And I want to introduce you to my other daughter,
30:17Margarita Bravo.
30:19Well, that's enough.
30:20Enough of your circus.
30:21You've already shown us that you don't care about anyone here.
30:24And we already confirmed, mom, that yes,
30:26I changed us for another family, okay?
30:28Get out of here.
30:29Well, let's see, let's see.
30:30No one is going to leave this party.
30:35Well, if you want to go,
30:37although I wouldn't like it.
30:40But let the party continue.
30:46Play music, DJ.
30:48Let the party continue.
30:49Let's dance, let's dance.
30:51Come on, come on.
30:52Come on, come on.
30:53Come on, come on.
30:54They'll be right back.
31:00Thank God, Paula, you're back.
31:03How are you?
31:04Later I will explain to you in detail what the doctor said.
31:07I only called you to inform you that she has woken up.
31:10Give her a kiss from me.
31:17Hello, Mr. Rogelio.
31:18Tell me.
31:22What do you know Camila de Armas?
31:25No, don't go, please.
31:26Don't leave me alone.
31:27But your mother is here.
31:28No, no.
31:29But she wants you to be by her side.
31:31There's nothing more important than that.
31:33Stay in good hands.
31:34She's your mother.
31:35I'll be back later.
31:36No, please, don't go.
31:37Don't worry, you'll be fine.
31:39See you later.
31:41Who is it?
31:47Oh, Aú.
31:48No, honey, no.
31:50Not right now, please, leave me alone.
31:52A while, yes.
31:53Aú, don't leave me alone.
32:08A while, yes.
32:09Aú, don't leave me alone.
32:10Don't leave me alone.
32:11How could I leave you alone?
32:12Calm down.
32:13Breathe, I'm here with you.
32:16Tell me, what's wrong?
32:17Nothing, nothing.
32:18Nothing's wrong.
32:19Look, I don't like it anymore.
32:21I don't care what happens to my life.
32:23But stop.
32:25I'm fed up with this, Juana.
32:27Aú, don't say those things.
32:29I don't care.
32:30I've been through so many horrible things.
32:33I don't want to be here.
32:34I don't want to be here anymore.
32:36Whatever happens, whatever happens,
32:38because I'm going to leave my sweets to San Pedro.
32:40I don't care about that.
32:41No, you know what? No.
32:43You're not going to take your sweets to San Pedro
32:44because do you know who loves your sweets?
32:48Do you know who else is going to love them?
32:52My son.
32:55So get out of here.
32:56Oh, my love.
32:57Because you have a lot of time left with us.
33:01Why are you so good, Mommy?
33:05What is that old man doing here?
33:08I don't know.
33:10You don't know.
33:11He didn't touch you.
33:16Daughter, I think we better go.
33:18I don't want to keep bothering you here.
33:20Dad, I can't tell you.
33:21And my brother doesn't have the right to cover you either.
33:24You should never have come, Ramon.
33:30Are you talking to your father?
33:32What a shame that a son had become his own father.
33:35This man is not my father.
33:40Margarita, let's go get water for your father.
33:42Come on.
33:44I'll tell you where.
33:48Mom, why did Gabriel leave like that?
33:51I know him well and he was angry.
33:55Well, he's going to be back very soon.
33:57Don't worry.
33:59Could it be that he found out
34:01that I've never stopped taking anticonceptive pills
34:05and that's why no insemination works on me?
34:09Excuse me.
34:14I just wanted to know how you are.
34:16He's recovering.
34:17If you'll excuse us, please.
34:19How can I recover if my husband is not here with me?
34:24Come, Carmen.
34:27Good luck.
34:29Mom, did you know that Camila is going to marry Francisco?
34:43I feel better.
34:46I think it's better if I go.
34:48No way.
34:50You came into my life and you have to get used to it.
34:53You're not leaving.
34:56Besides, more than my birthday,
34:59I'm celebrating that you came back into my life.
35:05Dad, you don't know how much you missed me.
35:08I want to know everything.
35:10What happened in these 25 years?
35:13What did you do?
35:15Your favorite food?
35:17I want to meet you.
35:18I want to know everything, please.
35:20I'll tell you.
35:22I promise.
35:27How is your grandmother?
35:31I'm going to see my mom.
35:33Yes, I'm going with Daniela and David, who are outside.
35:41I want you to meet your granddaughter.
35:52She's my daughter, Juana.
35:58Nice to meet you, Juana.
36:00Nice to meet you.
36:03You're beautiful.
36:07Your mom told me a lot about you
36:11and she also told me that you've taken good care of her.
36:18Thank you.
36:20She's my sister.
36:22She's two years younger than you and she's your aunt.
36:27Don't say that.
36:28Especially in front of people.
36:29Don't worry.
36:30I won't say that.
36:34Is everything okay?
36:35Yes, everything's fine.
36:37The balloons are beautiful.
36:39I just wanted to tell you that I love you.
36:42I love you too.
36:44I love you too.
36:48I know I wasn't invited and I'm sorry for showing up,
36:51but I wanted to come and congratulate Jenny.
36:53You're the best.
36:54No, no.
36:55I'm sorry.
36:56I went to invite you with so much love to my dad,
36:59but I'm glad you're here.
37:02No, but he didn't forget me and I told him to come.
37:04Oh, but you're here.
37:06Handsome, I saw you from over there.
37:08My heart is pounding.
37:10I'm glad you're here.
37:13I love you.
37:16I love you too.
37:18But, Mom, I won't let you stay here,
37:20sad, because of that bastard.
37:23Yes, right?
37:25Do you know what I'm going to do?
37:27I'm going to leave.
37:29I'm going to ignore him
37:31and I want him to realize that for me,
37:33he's dead a long time ago.
37:35Exactly, and for me too.
37:37And what about your friend?
37:38She's your girlfriend.
37:41No, I don't even know what that is.
37:44She's with David and Daniela,
37:46who meet at the brewery.
37:49Look at your eyes.
37:52You're excited, son.
37:54Honey, I don't want to be a party pooper,
37:56but you and that girl just don't get along, son.
37:59Come on, Mom, listen to me.
38:02We like each other.
38:04And you know I've never been so excited with a girl.
38:07That's why.
38:11Let me get dressed.
38:12I don't want this guy to see me like this.
38:18I just know that Paola is serious.
38:20Poor Rogelio and Emanuel must be devastated.
38:22And well, Gabriel too.
38:24Don't even talk to me about him.
38:26I don't want to know anything about Gabriel.
38:28Hey, right now Juana doesn't know anything about the accident
38:31and I think it's best if she doesn't find out.
38:33Oh, what's up?
38:34I already officially met my grandfather Ramon.
38:37That's good.
38:39That's good.
38:40Yes, yes, yes.
38:41It was very crazy.
38:42Hey, I'm sorry for everything that happened.
38:44Especially to you, Enriqueta.
38:46I don't know what to say.
38:48The emotions.
38:49But hey, are you having a good time?
38:51Yes, don't worry.
38:52Yes, super good.
38:54I'm going to bring you some beers.
38:56Thank you, thank you.
38:57Get moving.
38:58Thank you.
38:59Don't be late.
39:00Grandpa, did you see that Jenny is alone?
39:04No trace of the bar clown.
39:06She's just with her dad.
39:08I think he's out there somewhere.
39:11What do you mean?
39:12With Felipe, maybe.
39:14Where's Felipe?
39:16He's in the room arguing with my mom.
39:19And you must be Mr. Ramon Bravo, right?
39:22Yes, yes, that's me.
39:24Nice to meet you.
39:25Nice to meet you, nice to meet you.
39:26Detective Salvador Castillo.
39:28Detective Pacheco.
39:29Thank you.
39:30Congratulations too.
39:31Oh yeah? Why?
39:32Well, why?
39:33Because thanks to you and Mrs. Josefina a few years ago...
39:38we see Jenny as a star.
39:42With her presence, we have the pleasure of looking at her.
39:47What beautiful words.
39:49That's how we are at the DA's office.
39:51We like to be sensitive and read poetry.
39:58I took the liberty of bringing you a little something.
40:02For your birthday.
40:04Thank you.
40:06What is this?
40:07This is an image of the precise night
40:12with the exact constellation of the day you were born.
40:17The cold beers have arrived.
40:20Like the speech I just gave you.
40:23Thank you.
40:26I got it.
40:28If you give me your date of birth, I'll get you one too.
40:33Good afternoon.
40:36Excuse me for coming in like this,
40:38but I need to talk to Juana.
40:45You already have the invitations, don't you?
40:47Are you going to bring me one?
40:49And Gabriel and I are going to be his godparents.
40:53I'm leaving.
40:55I just came to see how you were doing.
40:59Are you leaving already?
41:01See you soon.
41:03Excuse me.
41:06Don't you dare say a single word to Gabriel
41:09about what Paula did to not have children with him.
41:12He's delirious.
41:13None of that is true.
41:15Of course it's true.
41:16She knows.
41:18It's just that she's a little out of time.
41:22And you're no one to give me orders.
41:28Get better.
41:36Excuse me, sir, but it's my birthday,
41:38it's my house, and my daughter isn't available.
41:40I'm sorry, but I need to talk to Juana.
41:42Gabriel, Juana doesn't want to talk to you.
41:44I'm not leaving until I talk to Juana.
41:47Hey, hey, hey, hey, sir, don't shout, please.
41:50You're in a family ruin.
41:52What's wrong with you?
41:53Why are you shouting at my niece?
41:54I don't know.
41:55That's why Juana was acting weird.
41:57Because you're here.
41:58Do me a favor and leave.
41:59I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm not leaving
42:01until I talk to Juana.
42:04Who is this man?
42:05Your wife is in the hospital.
42:06What are you doing here?
42:07Leave, please.
42:09You're right.
42:10Do me a favor and leave.
42:11Let's talk outside, sir.
42:12Don't touch me.
42:14Don't touch me!
42:15Sir, don't touch me.
42:16I have to go.
42:17No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
42:18Juana, Juana, no, no, no, no.
42:19You have to be strong.
42:20We've talked about this many times.
42:22And you know what that man wants.
42:23Are you going to give it to him?
42:24No, no, of course not, but...
42:25Why are you talking like that, Gabriel?
42:27He's not a bad person, huh?
42:29There are many things you don't know.
42:32Let me go!
42:33Juana, please, I have to talk to you.
42:35Please, you have to listen to me.
42:37You and my son have to listen to me.
