No:17 Why_Did_China_Leave_1.2_Million_Rabbits_In_Its_Desert /Muhammad Usman Akmal

  • 2 months ago
Why china leave 1.2Million rabbit in desert/Muhammad Usman Akmal
00:00China suddenly left 1.2 billion rabbits in its deserts.
00:04Friends, whenever it comes to interfering in the work of nature, China comes first.
00:10Whether it is to kill those 100 crore birds together and destroy the ecosystem,
00:15or to clean the jungles for the sake of industrialization.
00:18But now China has left 1.2 billion non-native rabbits in the deserts and has played a game
00:24that will either populate China or completely destroy it.
00:28What is China's secret plan behind leaving these rabbits in the deserts to die?
00:33In today's video, we will know about it.
00:36But before that, let's take a look at the incident of the largest rabbit population in history.
00:41This generation of rabbits had destroyed Australia badly.
00:45This is about 1850.
00:47At that time, the Australian population was not so large,
00:50so the British came to Australia and started colonization,
00:54but they did not feel anything like their country in Australia and they liked rabbits a lot.
01:00So in 1869, a British named Thomas Austin was sent 13 European rabbits as a gift to his family living in Europe.
01:09He left the rabbits in the backyard of the state.
01:12After that, the population of rabbits in Australia increased so fast
01:16that they made their homes 70% of the entire Australian continent.
01:21You will be surprised to know that in just 60 years, these 13 rabbits had increased their population to 10 billion.
01:28The reason for the rapid increase in the population of rabbits was that there was no hunter to kill them.
01:33The situation got so bad that these rabbits destroyed all the crops of Australia.
01:39Australia's land began to turn into soil.
01:42Rabbits also began to enter residential areas.
01:44They secretly entered people's homes and wreaked havoc there.
01:48The most worrying thing was that the number of rabbits was increasing day by day
01:54and people said that if no solution was found, we would have to leave this area very soon.
02:00If we call it the largest population explosion in history, then this is not wrong.
02:06They used to take 80 miles of area under them every year and reach every state and every place.
02:11Border fences were also set up in some areas and poisonous bullets were also thrown
02:16so that the rabbits would die after eating them, but no method was proven effective.
02:21These rabbits would have dug pits and made their homes,
02:24so the farmers were given the right to destroy their homes.
02:28But it didn't make much difference.
02:30Some people even said that the rabbits tried to attack us.
02:34Because they were wild rabbits, when they couldn't get food,
02:38the rabbits would get irritated and wouldn't take long to attack.
02:42Then the Australian government took a serious decision and caught a few wild rabbits
02:47and injected a virus called maxomotosis into their bodies,
02:51then left these rabbits in the jungle.
02:54This virus caused a disease in the rabbits that made them suffer and die.
02:59Many countries condemned Australia's failure because Australia was the first country
03:05who deliberately spread this virus among the living.
03:08But it had no effect on Australia and it kept injecting the virus into the rabbits for many years.
03:14And in this way, the virus was transmitted from one rabbit to another rabbit and many rabbits died.
03:19In this way, the number of rabbits in Australia decreased to 1 billion.
03:24There was a time when only dead rabbits were seen in the jungles of Australia.
03:29The remaining rabbits developed their immune system against this virus.
03:34Now this virus had no effect on their body.
03:37Seeing this, the scientists in the lab started trying to make another virus.
03:42Friends, in the 80s, Australian scientists succeeded in making RHDV,
03:45that is, Rabbit Homergic Diseases Virus.
03:49This virus was made from ribonucleic acid.
03:52When the rabbits got infected with this virus, they became incurable and died within 48 hours.
03:59By the year 1996, 96% of rabbits died due to this virus and only 200 billion rabbits remained in Australia.
04:07To keep them alive, they were kept in the jungles.
04:10The world certainly learned a lesson from this rabbit problem that the animal belongs to the area it should live in.
04:17Otherwise, due to the different ecosystems of other countries,
04:20either they will die or they will increase in number to such an extent that it will be difficult to handle them.
04:26But despite knowing all this, China has taken such a risky step that will either populate it or completely destroy China.
04:34Yes, we are talking about the plan of China to leave 12 lakh rabbits in the desert.
04:41But every year in China, more than any country in the world, that is, 99 million rabbits are born.
04:47Then why did he leave 12 lakh foreign rabbits in his jungles?
04:51To know the reason for this, you will have to go back a few years in the history of China.
04:55In the decade of 1950, a Chinese farmer, Mao Zedong, started a campaign called Great Leap Forward,
05:02which was planned for five years to increase agriculture and industrialization in the country.
05:08One part of it was the For Evil Complaint and its tagline was that humans will have to take control of nature.
05:15According to this, Mao Zedong's plan was to eradicate all such things that harm the farms.
05:23For this, the first thing he did was that he started killing the birds.
05:28Wherever he saw birds near the fields, he would start beating the utensils so hard that the birds could not reach the fields.
05:35Bullets were being shot at them, they were being hunted.
05:39You will be surprised to know that the government used to give them incentives to kill the most number of birds.
05:45This was because the Chinese farmers believed that these birds eat 1-2% of our crops.
05:52But they did not pay attention to the fact that the birds also eat insects that have the power to destroy the entire field.
06:00That is, in a way, the birds protected the crops of the Chinese people and it was an ecosystem of nature.
06:07Seeing this, the Chinese killed every bird in China.
06:11In this way, the number of insects and rats began to increase and all these animals started destroying the fields.
06:18Seeing this, the Chinese sprayed poison and killed 1.5 billion rats, 200 billion flies and 24 billion pounds of insects.
06:26But this also affected the crops in the fields and the Chinese agriculture was badly destroyed.
06:32As a result, there was a drought for the next four years.
06:35Millions of people died and many jungles dried up and turned into deserts.
06:39And China is still suffering as a result of this mistake.
06:43About 30 years ago, in the 90s, China's desert was 7.1 million square kilometers large,
06:50which was about 5.9 million square kilometers of the total land of this country.
06:56But by 2015, China's desert area had reached 62.2 million kilometers.
07:03In addition, 44% of China's land had been destroyed,
07:08i.e. the land had become barren and the desert was slowly increasing from its borders.
07:14In this way, there was a shortage of rain in China.
07:16Global warming had reached its peak.
07:19There was a shortage of water.
07:20The population in urban areas began to increase because the people living in the villages began to migrate towards the cities.
07:26Seeing this, the Chinese authorities lost their land under their feet
07:29Because of this desertification, China was facing an economic loss of 54 billion yuan every year, i.e. 63,400 crore rupees.
07:38At the same time, China's 30% population, i.e. 40 crore people, was being burdened.
07:43But if this had continued, China would have turned into a barren desert in the next 300 years and its economy would have fallen to the floor.
07:51In this way, China started a project to turn barren land into jungles.
07:55Three steps were to be followed in this.
07:58The first technique was forestry.
08:00Under this, the Chinese started planting trees there to make jungles on 300,000 acres of barren land, which could grow on barren land.
08:07The second step was agriculture.
08:09In this, farmers around the villages of the desert were persuaded to farm in the desert and were told to cultivate crops in this way, which could grow on barren land with less water.
08:20In this way, forestry was first and then agriculture was promoted.
08:25Now, the last technique to complete the ecosystem was animal husbandry.
08:30Chinese researchers have researched for years as to which animals should be left in the jungles that can thrive in the new ecosystem and increase their numbers.
08:40But these animals could also become a source of income for the farmers.
08:43Then the rabbits of the Rex generation were chosen.
08:46Because the Chinese people love to eat rabbits.
08:49In this way, the farmers who raised them could sell them and earn some money.
08:54The speciality of the rabbit of this generation was that it scratches the roots of the grass and digs a tunnel by digging the soil of the ground and starts to cut the roots of the grass by going under the ground.
09:04By doing this, the ground becomes more fertile and when the ground becomes fertile, the seeds that will be dropped on the ground will start to grow on their own.
09:14And in this way, the problem of jungles will also be solved.
09:17Digging the rabbits in this way is a way of solving the problem.
09:21In addition to this, a mother Rex rabbit can produce 40 children in a year.
09:26These animals cover their bodies according to any ecosystem.
09:30In this way, China has left 12 lakh foreign Rex rabbits in the jungles made from its desert.
09:36When these rabbits were left, a 100-kilometer space was finalized for them.
09:42And in this 100-kilometer desert, only 3 percent, that is, there were trees and plants in the 3-kilometer land area.
09:48But in just a few years, they have increased to 84 percent, that is, 84 kilometers of the land has become fertile, where grass, trees, plants and crops are being grown.
09:59But as you saw in the case of Australia, rabbits promote forestry, but when their number exceeds the limit, they can also destroy the entire jungle.
10:09So what to see is what happens next.
10:12So friends, has China done the right thing by leaving 12 lakh rabbits in its desert?
10:17Should we also make a risky plan like China and try to turn our desert into a jungle?
10:23Do let us know in the comments.
