YOU BELONG WITH ME Part 2 Final Episode

  • 3 months ago
YOU BELONG WITH ME Part 2 Final Episode
00:00Well, I want you to stay away from it why
00:09What's going on
00:11No, I ditched work today
00:13Yes. Well, I caught Eric and Gianna hooking up on camera. I
00:18May or may not have posted it on tick-tock and it's kind of going viral
00:24Why did you do that?
00:26Are you trying to get Eric's attention? Is that it? It's attention. What what?
00:31Are you jealous?
00:36Yes, I am jealous
00:56Christine, how could you remove that video right now? You didn't believe me when I told you Gianna was sleeping with Eric
01:17Now you can see it with your own eyes
01:26Christine ruined my life. Don't cry Gianna. We will figure this out. But first we have to talk to Eric's mom
01:34She's furious
01:37Look at what kind of daughter you raise how dare she defame our family with such a nasty video Fiona
01:44I'm sorry, I will make sure that Christine apologizes to you
01:49Mrs. Lockwood Eric and I are truly in love
02:02You're an adopted nobody you're not even a real Wilson you're even worse than Christine stay away
02:09my son
02:17Take this check
02:19Never contact Erica again. It is the best solution for our family. Promise me
02:25All right
02:27It's not like I love that loser anyway
02:30Only because he's a Lockwood
02:33Okay, I understand
02:44Hello, hey
02:46You know, the Ruffles family has been looking for their missing daughter. They just contacted us
02:51And they're saying that they believe she was here at all and there's a great possibility that the missing daughter is you
03:01Is a great possibility that the missing daughter is you what?
03:06You must be kidding
03:09The Roberts family as in billionaires with roots tracing back to European royalty. Oh, yeah
03:16That's the one
03:18We can't come to the office to confirm
03:23I'll be there right away. I
03:26Can't wait to see the look on your face when you realize I'm actually Maris
03:34I'm gonna go to the orphanage to do a DNA test
03:40The thing is, mr. Larson just called from the orphanage
03:45He thinks I'm the long-lost daughter of the Roberts family
04:02Jenna it's great to see both of you
04:06You know what the best story
04:09Hold on. What is she doing here? Didn't you know that? Mr. Larson called both of us in?
04:16Whatever just do it now, but when can I know the results?
04:32Why are you all here? There's a possibility
04:37Is it Roberts
04:40Waiting for the results so
04:45I'll consider the marriage
04:48If I'm a Roberts family daughter, you think I'd still marry your son
05:06Well things certainly took an unexpected turn what tell me
05:14My god, just spit it out already
05:38Oh my god, just spit it out already
05:42John it seems like you made a mistake
05:44Fifteen years ago when you and Christine were here at the orphanage. You thought Christine was the daughter
05:50It's actually
05:53Wait what I knew it no wonder I always like Gianna more
06:05I'm not the Roberts family daughter. Does that mean she is?
06:16Wait, I'm not the Roberts family daughter. Does that mean she is?
06:29Christine very sorry at this point. I don't know
06:38Don't know nothing I guess
06:40So I'm the real Wilson daughter
06:44And you're just an orphan
07:14Those years everything I've done for my family meant nothing to mom
07:36The numbers are there like Christine mentioned if we acquire crazy maple studios
07:41we're on pace to make 50 million in the first three years and
07:50Like I was saying this is a great time to move in
08:19Of course he's not gonna come
08:22You're a nobody Christine
08:24You have no one
08:26You have no family
08:29No boyfriend
08:33It's all gonna be okay
08:36If you can still rely on yourself
08:43Everyone I'm sorry. I need to cut this meeting short. It's Ricky me
08:51I'll drive myself
09:20Hey, baby
09:32I'm getting snot all over my shirt. I know today. I'm an orphan again, and you care about getting snot on your shirt
09:41How can you be so heartless
09:45Me and Gianna came from the same orphanage
09:48Then my mom found me or so I thought
09:52She found me and adopted Gianna
09:55but it turns out
09:58Gianna's the real Wilson daughter
10:00I don't even know who I am anymore. I
10:04Have no one hey
10:09You have me now on
10:46My god
10:49No, who are those people it's okay, it's okay. I own a company in China. All right. They're not gonna say anything
10:54Don't worry. God. This is so embarrassing
11:26Got you always then let's go kick some ass
11:45I heard Christine bullied her all throughout her childhood just because she was adopted
11:49I heard that too and apparently Christine purposefully switched out their DNA files
11:54She practically stole Gianna's life bitch Christine everything you have will be mine
12:13What are you doing here no one invited you leave
12:17You thought I was just gonna let you talk shit about me. My last name is still Wilson
12:22I have every right to be here. No one wants you Christine. You're just an orphan
12:29If you don't leave right now, I'll call security
12:32Just leave Christine. We're gonna announce Gianna as the real Wilson family daughter
12:40Eric go get security Eric go get security
13:02Christine's with me
13:07No, uncle Henry, there's no problem at all
13:13You know what to do
13:16Sorry, I'm late. Come on
13:18Let's go
13:20What does she have that I don't why is it real awkward on her side
13:27Why is go Henry Christine
13:32Why is your uncle here he never comes to these events we invited him out of courtesy
13:48Evening ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming
13:52I'd like to make an announcement about my daughter Gianna Wilson
14:00As you may know 20 years ago I
14:04Found my missing daughter at Powell Orphanage as fate would have it
14:10I also adopted another daughter
14:15It's a miracle
14:17But it turns out that my adopted daughter
14:21is actually
14:23my blood
14:25Please welcome to the stage
14:28Gianna Wilson
14:30Please welcome to the stage
14:33Gianna Wilson
14:37I'm so thankful for all the years that Gianna has been by my side
14:45How could this have happened? How could the orphanage mix up DNA results?
14:50It's not Christine's fault. I'm sure she just didn't want to be left at the orphanage. So she swapped the DNA samples
14:58Imagine if I hadn't adopted Gianna
15:04Thank God
15:05Deep in my heart. I just knew that Gianna was my real daughter
15:11My gosh, how could Christine be so evil? She owes Gianna an apology. Yeah
15:25We were seven years old
15:27Y'all honestly think that it's seven years old. I wouldn't even understand what a DNA sample is not alone swapping
15:34She kind of has a point. Oh
15:37Course you did. I remember you telling me to give you my sample. I was naive and believed you
15:46You liar silence
15:51There's no point arguing this it's her word over Christine's
15:56Anyways, I have a witness
16:05The headmaster of the orphanage, why don't we ask him?
16:18So what you're saying is
16:20There's no way that Christine could have switched the DNA results, correct? Oh, yes, they were taken to separate rooms
16:26And how'd their results get mixed?
16:28We're still investigating. However, we believe that one of the nurses wrote down more on me
16:33It's been 20 years. You don't even know where she is
16:37Again we apologize for the mishap
16:42Thank You Mr. Markle
16:44but Gianna
16:47You were saying that Christine asked you for your sample
16:52You know, mr. Lockwood. It's been 20 years
16:57Christine's one of my top executives Christine represents walk with
17:02He signed her
17:05And I won't hold her you'll be hearing from my lawyers good night
17:16Mr. Lockwood wait, mr. Lockwood wait
17:24Do something if your uncle sues me I'm screwed
17:41Thank you, and how do you want to thank
18:31You fucking skank
18:39Eric what the fuck you break get off. I know you didn't fucking my uncle
18:47I don't owe you an explanation get out of my house
18:52Do you think he actually cares about you
18:59Do you know where he's at right now he's with Nicole his fiance
19:05He's with Nicole his fiance. I don't believe you
19:12Are nothing compared to Nicole?
19:16She's practically American royalty and her marriage to
19:21seven stone
19:23That is if he wants to be the marriage of the Lockwood
19:31You're just gonna come crawling back to me because you
19:39Say you belong to me
20:13Nicole dear welcome back to the city
20:25And Henry should really settle down this year
20:30I'm back for a few months. If Henry wants to we can probably get married
20:37That'd be so perfect
20:40Actually mom dad
20:43Well, I have you all here I wanted to finally take the time to tell you that I'm
20:49I'm sorry. I need to take this
21:02Hello Henry is something wrong I need to go Henry Henry
21:19Christine Christine Christine
21:29Wake up
21:33We call dr. Smith now, I got you stay with me
21:41Miss Kristen
21:45Low blood sugar again
21:49You think you can try to do that
22:00You had me worried why don't you eat
22:05Were you having lunch with your father when I called
22:10Yes, no one else
22:15No one else
22:19And my mother yeah
22:22Christine's not feeling well. I'll tell her about Nicole later and that I plan to break off the engagement
22:29What's wrong talk to me
22:34I'm gonna go back to snow Christine. I know you what's wrong. Tell me
22:40What are we Henry who am I to you are you my boss?
22:48Uncle are you my boyfriend? Just tell me
22:53I'm not just your side chick
22:57You want to make that relationship official
23:01Official but like secret official
23:05You want to make our relationship official?
23:09Official but like secret official
23:14So let me get this straight you want to make our relationship official
23:17But you just got promoted at my company
23:21That's not gonna look good for you. It's not just about the job though. Is it Henry? I'm a nobody now
23:28Your father will never approve
23:30Especially with my past engagement with Eric. Hey, hey
23:36We'll figure it out, okay, I
23:40Can't love you in the dark Henry
23:42Let's just end this whatever this is before one of us gets hurt
23:48Why are you saying this did did someone threaten you did did my family talk to you what happened?
23:54No, I just don't want to do this anymore
23:59Why are you saying this did did someone threaten you did did my family talk to you what happened?
24:05No, I just don't want to do this anymore
24:09So I
24:12Don't understand this morning everything was fine. And now all of a sudden you're breaking up with me
24:16It's not a breakup if we weren't together in the first place
24:24You don't mean that
24:28Christine I'm gonna give you one more chance here
24:33You're breaking up with me
25:04Have never seen you like this you look like a heartbroken teenager
25:09There's such a breakup man
25:13She's my sister's best friend. But still you can't be serious about Christine Wilson. She's your nephew's fiance ex-fiance
25:22She probably just used you for revenge or better yet to get that promotion
25:27Now she's got him both. You're useless to her
25:30You don't know her like I do
25:33God you're hopeless
25:36I'm Henry fucking Lockwood. You can have any woman you want get over it, bro
25:45But I only want her
25:49Boss your father
25:52He wants you to return home right now
25:55says surgeon
26:04Reek of alcohol, you know, I hate it when you're drunk not drunk had a few drinks with Martin
26:14Yeah, I was gonna tell you this woman is Eric's ex-fiancee, that's right I
26:22Thought you were better than Jeffrey it turns out you're even dumber
26:27How can you be with a whore like this? You don't call her a whore. I will not tolerate this in my family
26:36This gets out the Lockwood name could be ruined
26:39You need to marry Nicole as soon as possible. I don't fucking love Nicole. I love Christine
26:45All you ever care about my entire fucking life is the Lockwood family name you care about anything else, huh?
26:52Am I am I your son or my your fucking employee?
26:58Shut your mouth and sober the fuck up
27:03I'll give you one last chance fire Christine Wilson marry Nicole. That's an order and I don't
27:12Then I'll make sure the woman you love doesn't leave to see another day
27:55No calls no texts
28:11Stopped dreaming Christine
28:15Christine have you ever loved me if he cared he'd call by now
29:00Hey uncle Henry
29:02You don't mind if I call you that do you I don't want to talk right now
29:05We're gonna be family soon Eric and I are gonna get engaged
29:09Good for you
29:11Eric told me about you and Christine. I
29:15Just want to warn you uncle Henry
29:17Christine is not a nice person
29:19She stayed with Eric for three years even though she didn't love him
29:23The only person she truly cares about is herself
29:47Get this to mr. Lockwood and make sure he takes it. Are we clear?
29:55Yes, ma'am
29:58Eric's nice, but Henry's better. I'm gonna take your man Christine
30:09Never forgive you for dumping Henry Lockwood
30:12He has a fiancee. Yeah, because he's Henry Lockwood
30:17His marriage is not up to him, but this is mean you should just give up
30:22But I mean, I already told him it was over. It's probably super pissed
30:29I'm starting to seriously regard it
30:37Talk to him at least do something before just call it quits. Don't be a pussy
30:49Fine I'll call
31:11He's not picking up okay, so go to him what
31:53I don't feel to be out of my mercy. Huh finding out your high horse
32:03What the fuck
32:06Christina get out. No one wants you here Henry's mine now
32:14It's okay, baby, let's continue how could you Henry
32:59What's wrong with him
33:03Last thing he said to me was that someone spiked his drink and then he asked me to pull the car to the front
33:06But when I pulled the car over I couldn't find him anywhere
33:10He's burning up Leo. Call a doctor
33:29Already give him a shot. That's it. You should be fine a few hours. Thank you doctor
33:43What do we do Henry
34:22So basically Jonah will feed you
34:25Yeah, doctor. Just told me I can't believe it. That's when I came in. I saw her on top of you
34:35And that's when I decided I was gonna slap the shit
34:45Came over me
34:47Never been that angry
34:53Does this mean we're good
34:57You're not mad at me anymore we need to talk about Nicole your fiance
35:08How did you know Eric told me Nicole is back and I know you went out to lunch with her and you didn't tell me
35:17I'm sorry
35:22I'm sorry. I was gonna tell you are you marrying her?
35:38Christine my entire life. I've done everything right for the walk with family
35:43All right. I didn't care who I married
35:46My dad bashed me over the call
35:50And I accepted
35:55The day that I met you all that changed
36:21Don't care what the lock would name anymore. I don't want to marry someone for love
36:33And I want to marry you
36:44Only want to marry you
36:52It's something from the auction it was always meant to be yours Christine
37:26I got it. I have my own. I want to make sure that you're all fine
37:48Think the eggs went bad. Miss Wilson. Are you okay? The eggs expired?
37:54No, mr. Lockwood. The eggs were delivered yesterday. I tried them myself. They are perfectly
38:01Miss Wilson, could you be
38:14Well, at least this explains why I've been so emotional
38:21I'm gonna be a father
38:23Come here. Oh my god. Oh, I'm so happy. We're gonna have a baby you and me
38:38Remember this happy since Henry, what are you still doing with this woman? I
38:49Warned you Henry you didn't listen
38:54Now I have to take matters into my own hands take her
39:20Take her today you lose the Sun forever you want that
39:23Are you out of your goddamn mind?
39:26She's pregnant with my child, dad.
39:36I've never asked you for anything.
39:39Anything a day in my fucking life.
39:44Let me marry the woman that I love.
39:46Let me marry the woman who is going to birth my child.
39:53Let me marry the woman that I love.
39:56Let me marry the woman who is going to birth my child.
40:01Oh, Henry.
40:03Henry, you were always so smart.
40:07Always so capable.
40:10You've always made me proud.
40:24How can you be so dumb and get her pregnant?
40:29If this gets out to the public, it'll put shame on the Lockwood name.
40:33Take her.
40:35How dare you?
40:37If you hurt me, you're going against the entire Roberts family.
40:42I'm the girl they've been looking for for the past 20 years.
40:45Gianna's a Wilson, but my real identity is Christine Roberts.
40:52If you don't believe me, then call my brother.
41:02Mr. Roberts, thank you for coming.
41:06I knew something was up as soon as Joseph Lockwood called from your phone.
41:10And please, if I'm going to be faking as your brother, please call me George.
41:16Now is not the time to make jokes.
41:18He's coming.
41:25I'm only here out of courtesy, Mr. Lockwood.
41:28I'd appreciate it if you'd just stop treating my sister so poorly and give me the DNA test.
41:34My apologies, Mr. Roberts.
41:37Please give your father my warm regards and...
41:41Oh, my God.
41:43Oh, my God, you're really my sister.
41:47Of course you're my sister.
41:50Yeah, I knew that.
41:53Congratulations on finally finding your sister.
41:57Your parents must be over the moon.
42:00Oh, my God.
42:03I'm so happy I found you.
42:06Henry, a word.
42:14Henry, you got lucky today.
42:17Or maybe, just maybe, Christine and I belong together.
42:24I'm not giving you my approval yet.
42:27You first need to talk to Nicole and her family.
42:30There's no need.
42:32Your mother gave me this ring.
42:35I think it's time I return it.
42:40Nicole, what are you doing here?
42:42Henry called, so here I am.
42:45But this is the last time I'm at your beck and call, Henry.
42:48The next time you want to see me, schedule an appointment with my assistant.
42:52Yes, ma'am, loud and clear.
42:55Thank you, Nicole.
42:56Nicole, I will pay your parents a visit.
42:59Nicole, I will pay your parents a visit and apologize in person.
43:03There's no need, Mr. Lockwood.
43:05I'm the one breaking up with Henry.
43:08I have money, education, good looks.
43:12Why be hung up on a guy who doesn't even want me?
43:15I deserve better.
43:17I deserve someone who loves me.
43:20Goodbye, Henry.
43:29Let's hear her say.
43:37Breaking news.
43:39The long-lost daughter of the Roberts family have been found.
43:42In a twist of mistaken identities, Christine Wilson turns out to be Christine Roberts.
43:47What's more, as the new heiress of the Roberts fortune,
43:50she is to be wedded to Henry Lockwood.
43:53Is this for love or to form an even bigger business empire?
43:56Stay tuned for more until our commercial break.
43:59That bitch!
44:01Why does she get to have everything?
44:03Come on, dear.
44:04Why does that bitch get to have everything and I'm stuck with you two?
44:07I should be the Roberts family daughter.
44:09I should be the one to marry Henry.
44:11This is so unfair!
44:14I knew it.
44:16Well, guess what?
44:20I don't love you either.
44:22Gianna Wilson!
44:24You're under arrest for the felony of distributing controlled substances.
44:29You have the right to remain silent.
44:31You have the wrong person.
44:34Wait! Wait!
44:36Henry, do something!
44:37I mean, Eric, do something!
44:57It's too early to hear anything, dummy.
44:59Says who?
45:01I think I hear a heartbeat.
45:03You're delusional.
45:06I'm only delusional for you and our baby.
45:11And Gabby is under some sort of a spell.
45:28Because you belong with me, Henry Lockwood.
45:37I love you.
45:40Then love me some more.
