10 QUICK KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS FOR MAC - NEW #KeyboardShortcuts #Commands #ComputerScienceVideos
Keyboard Shortcuts
1. Command-C: Copy
2. Command-V: Paste
3. Command-A: Select All
4. Command-S: Save
5. Command-T: New Tab.
6. Command-W: Close Window.
7. Comman-Q: Quit Application
8. Command-D: Duplicate File
9. Shift-Command-N: New Folder
10. Command-I: Get Information
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Keyboard Shortcuts
1. Command-C: Copy
2. Command-V: Paste
3. Command-A: Select All
4. Command-S: Save
5. Command-T: New Tab.
6. Command-W: Close Window.
7. Comman-Q: Quit Application
8. Command-D: Duplicate File
9. Shift-Command-N: New Folder
10. Command-I: Get Information
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© Computer Science Videos 2021
00:00Computer Science videos here today to show you guys in this tutorial 10
00:05keyboard shortcuts on a Mac computer. Without further ado, let us start the
00:09video. So in this tutorial, you need to have access to a Mac computer to be able to use
00:13these keyboard shortcuts to perform all the key tasks you require to get the job
00:19done. So number one, command C can be used to copy anything we require so we are
00:28able to select the item to the clipboard. If we copy, it is remembered in memory on
00:35the Mac computer. So within the desktop, we have a couple of files, screenshots,
00:42folders. Let's just copy the text file on screen. Highlight command C to copy and
00:53now what we can do is move on to the second command which is command V. When I
01:00say command, I mean the keyboard shortcut. This will allow us to paste the
01:06contents of the clipboard into the current document or application or as per
01:14this command itself onto the desktop. So command V to paste and there you go.
01:22What we can also do is go all the way down to the dock, go to launchpad, search
01:29for word, click on enter. Let's just wait for a brand new document. Click on blank
01:37document. Let's just type something.
01:45Computer science videos. Let's just highlight command C to copy, command V to
01:52paste and there you go. And so now we can minimize word for the moment. We will
02:02come back to the document itself. So keyboard shortcut number three which is
02:09command A to select all the items we require on the desktop. Command A and
02:17everything is selected. We can go all the way down to the dock, go back to that
02:21document that we opened up. Command A, everything will be highlighted. Command C,
02:29command V and there you go. Select, copy, paste. Let's now move on to the fourth
02:36Mac keyboard shortcut. Command S to save. Let's save to the desktop and there you
02:46go. So we can now quit word if we require to. Open up the document on screen again.
02:55Let's now minimize word for the moment. Let's now move on to the next Mac
03:01keyboard shortcut which is open up a new tab. Let's go all the way down to the dock,
03:05go to finder, command T to open up a brand new tab and there you go. Now we
03:13have two tabs. We can work on multiple items at the same time within different
03:21tabs. I can open up my YouTube channel within one tab. The other tab I can maybe
03:28open up music if I want to. So let's now move on to keyboard shortcut number six
03:38which is to close the front window. How do we do that? Command W. One tab gone.
03:45The other tab gone also. Let's go all the way down to the dock, go to the document
03:51that we were working on which is already saved. So command W will close everything
03:56on screen. As you can still see we have word opened up, not all force quitted or
04:03not completely gone. We can do that by going to the navigation menu, quit word
04:10and that has been closed. Let's go to the computer science videos document
04:15again and now we can move on to keyboard shortcut number seven which is
04:21quit the application itself. To do that is command and Q. The application
04:29document or whatever you were working on has now officially quit. Let's now move
04:36on to the next keyboard shortcut number eight, duplicating the selected files. So
04:41as you know in this tutorial we have created a document. We also have
04:46duplicated a document. Let's just click on computer science videos dot doc X and
04:56use the keyboard shortcut to duplicate the selected file using command D and
05:02that itself has copied itself. Let's move on to the next command Mac keyboard
05:13shortcut to create a new folder. How do we do that?
05:16Shift command and N. Shift command N instantaneously creates a new folder on
05:25screen. Let's just rename this to a new folder. Let's now move the document and
05:37the duplicate document to the folder itself as well as the text files on
05:42screen and now command number 10 the keyboard shortcut command I which will
05:52give us the information on screen for the selected file. Let's just highlight
05:57command I will give us the information. We know that this folder is called a new
06:03folder size 27 kilobytes. It tells us where it's located, when it was created,
06:11the date it was modified and so we can now quit get information and so just to
06:21summarize the 10 Mac keyboard shortcuts command C to copy, command V to paste,
06:27command A to select all items, command S to save, command T to open up a new tab,
06:34command W to close the front window, command Q to quit the application, command
06:39D to duplicate the selected item, shift command N to create a new folder, command
06:45I to get the information. So that's it for this video. I'll see you guys on the next
06:52tutorial. Thanks for now. Thank you for making it towards the end of the video.
06:58Be sure to subscribe to my channel Computer Science Videos. Be sure to check
07:03out the previous video on screen now or you can ideally click on the playlist
07:09and watch all the Journey for Computer Science videos from the start until now.