Season 2 | show | 1990| S2 | Official Trailer

  • 3 months ago
Season 2 | show | 1990| S2 | Official Trailer | dHNzXzU4bktGaVU3ZkdF


00:00You don't think she's got him up there, do you?
00:09He's here.
00:10Who's here?
00:11The guy downstairs.
00:12What are you doing here?
00:13The pair of you.
00:14What if she's lying up there in a pool of blood?
00:15How the hell is Megan going to take this?
00:17No, informal.
00:18Do you know something that we should know?
00:19Would you like to dance?
00:20E Street, Wednesday and Thursday, 7.30 on TV.
00:22This week, Ann Tenney joins the cast of E Street.
00:35There's a possibility that Ellie might not come out of this at all.
00:38Life in the balance.
00:39Dear God, I don't want her to die.
00:41Bob battles guilt.
00:43He was out to get me, not her.
00:44Ernie battles grief.
00:46I don't want you, I don't need you, any of you.
00:48The cutting edge.
00:50Everyone in Westside needs to feel that there's a reason to go on.
00:53A community that must come together.
00:56Please don't shut me out.
00:57E Street, Wednesday and Thursday, 7.30 on Channel 10.
01:04Celebrate Anzac Day.
01:05Come and eat spinach.
01:06On E Street.
01:08Better to forget the war, ain't it?
01:10No, ain't great.
01:12I want my kids to know this land's worth fighting for.
01:15Three days short of his 21st birthday.
01:19Is this the end for Sonny Bennett?
01:22There is a possibility that he may die.
01:24Did you die on me?
01:26And Aunty Bi and the protesters stand their ground.
01:29All under arrest.
01:30Kraut presents E Street, Wednesday and Thursday.
01:34Are you sure your mother didn't tell you where she lived?
01:36Two abandoned kids.
01:38If you don't want us here, just say so and we'll go.
01:41I don't think she intends coming back for them.
01:44Is she allowed to smoke?
01:45She's not allowed to do half the things she does.
01:48No one to turn to.
01:50Get real.
01:51Dad dumped us.
01:52Mum dumped us.
01:53Haven't you got the message?
01:55No future.
01:56Look, I think your mum's disappeared.
01:58Nikki and Zack.
01:59It'll be alright.
02:00I promise.
02:01Meet them on E Street.
02:05On E Street.
02:07What are you doing in Kim's room?
02:09What he needs is a girlfriend.
02:11What girl would go out with Max?
02:12The right girl for Max at last.
02:14Don't you like me?
02:15I think you've got a wonderful...
02:18Gab, you're a scab.
02:19Being married means sharing responsibilities as well as sharing a bed.
02:23A young couple in trouble.
02:25Are you telling me to leave now?
02:26And another at crisis point.
02:28I think I have a right to know what's happening.
02:30Communications Breakdown.
02:31E Street.
02:32Wednesday and Thursday on Channel 10.
02:36If I don't see some plagues cleared, I'm gonna be your worst nightmare.
02:39Oh, Rambo needs...
02:41Tomorrow on E Street.
02:43What sort of film is this?
02:44Paul set for stardom.
02:45The best I can do is to use those people closest to her.
02:47A plan to help Ellie.
02:49I never ever figured that the real Ellie Fielding would turn out to be such a coward.
02:52That could backfire.
02:54Get out!
02:55I wouldn't want Rachel in your hands in any circumstances.
02:58Now you can like it or love it.
03:00The final episode for this year.
03:01E Street. Tomorrow, 7.30, Channel 10.
