Eric Adams Decries Trump Shooting, Warns Of Radicalization Of Youth To Be 'Anti-Everything'

  • 3 months ago
NYC Mayor Eric Adams (D-NY) speaks about political violence and radicalization of youth in America.

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00:00Thank you so much of Reverend Sharpton and
00:04Yesterday I was clearly trying to find a way we can properly
00:08Express what we're facing as a country as faith will have it
00:14Reverend Sharpton reached out and in the spirit of those who are standing be behind me and beside me
00:20We are coming from the same place and I think these
00:24elected leaders as well as the religious leaders are a
00:29Fair representation of what we are feeling in our country
00:34on the whole
00:35When a bullet leaves the barrel of the gun, it does not discriminate and not only
00:41seeks to harm the target, but as we saw yesterday innocent people are also
00:47Severely injured and lives are taken and there's so many questions that I believe is lingering over us
00:55What happens when a 20-year-old reaches a point
00:59where they believe the only way to settle their political differences and disputes is to use a
01:07AR-15 or a k-47 or any other form of handgun or weapon?
01:12That sends a terrible message and it only mirrors the poll that I have been quoting for the last few months
01:19That only 18% of 18 to 34 year olds really love America
01:25We have watched our children radicalized to a place
01:28To be anti everything and the extremes have basically hijacked
01:33What we feel as a country and what we stand for. I cannot thank
01:38Councilman Borelli minority leader enough of
01:42For understanding how significant this is we could line up on political lines
01:47But he's a dad like I'm a I am a dad
01:50He loves this city. Like I love this city
01:53he believed we should raise healthy children and families like I do and
01:57Good healthy debate is part of the democratic process and what it represents
02:03And then when you see a rabbi Potasnik in the imams that are here and other faith leaders that are here
02:09Every day in their houses rush up
02:11We want to send out a clear and loud message
02:15How do we live together as members of the greatest race alive and that's the human race. It was a chilling chilling
02:22Visualization as I watch what happened yesterday
02:26inches away
02:28From the former president losing his life. It's unimaginable that his children would have to experience that his wife
02:35Those who love him and his family and those who are politically aligned with him
02:41To watch that in horror
02:44To see the history of what bullets have done how it has reshaped our past and it could reshape our future
02:52ever since Abraham Lincoln
02:55dr. King Ronald Reagan
02:57the families of the Kennedys both senator and president of Kennedy
03:01Losing their lives Omega Evers losing his life
03:06We're watching how the destructive power of a bullet can change the entire direction of our entire
03:13Country and I am troubled by some of the even the responses we saw on social media on so many different levels
03:20We have to ask ourselves
03:22What are we doing to our young people and our families and how do we regain that?
03:27and I believe is by doing of the accumulation of people who are here today to start with this small group and
03:34Really put in place a letter that we're going to send out and ask everyone to sign on to it to stop this toxic
03:43violence that we're seeing
03:44Political violence is not how we settle how we peacefully transfer
03:51Power in this country
03:53We have been a living example for the entire globe on the success of this country
03:58And it's hundreds of years as we're on the eve of the 400th year celebration
04:04Of how we have managed even during difficult times to show who we are as an Americans
04:11And that's why I'm here today
04:12And I'm so pleased that Reverend Sharpton reached out and we're joined by other leaders who are saying the same thing
04:20We must live together
04:23We must start the process of healing not only our country
04:27but healing our young people a
04:32Was in possession of an automatic weapon and was willing to use it to take the life of
04:41someone he had a
04:42political difference with
04:45That is not acceptable
04:46And it's not who we are as a country and it's not who we are as an individual
04:52And it's not who we believe our children should become
04:56There's no place for hate in
04:58our city or our country and I'm going to commit myself to those who are standing here today and
05:05Those who are not here because they could not make it because of short notice
05:09To state we will move our country in the right direction. It starts with us. It starts with us
05:15And so again, I want to thank everyone for joining us today as we damn every river of the toxic
05:23Violence that we're seeing so it does not continue to spill over into a sea of violence. We can do it together
05:30Thank you, and I want to call on now
05:33Reverend ARP Bernard and followed by him would be
05:37the minority leader
05:40Councilman Pirelli
