• 3 months ago


00:00♪ Closer each day, home in the way ♪
00:08Daniel, we need to sort this out.
00:09No, I need space. I need you to not be in it.
00:11Now's not the time to back off, mate.
00:13Now's the time to let them know how much you care.
00:15I'm sorry that I didn't believe you.
00:17And I promise it will never happen again.
00:19You're talking like there is going to be a next time.
00:21Are we over? Is that what you're saying?
00:23The money that we donated to Bronte has been returned to our account.
00:28I just can't stop thinking about what might have happened to Dana
00:31if you and Xander hadn't have found her.
00:33Avery, can you stop blaming yourself?
00:35Will you stop letting me off the hook?
00:38No one else is to blame.
00:41What are you two doing here?
00:43Cooking you to dinner.
00:44I will have a glass of red wine.
00:47Whiskey, thanks. Me.
00:50Just a lemonade.
00:52Thank you.
00:58I am a second away from falling off the wagon.
01:01I am really hoping that you can talk me out of it.
01:23Morning, Al.
01:25Are they biting?
01:28They must have seen you coming and scarping.
01:31Hey, come on, you.
01:32These plagues aren't going to plant themselves.
01:34Ah, Dana.
01:36How are you doing?
01:37Oh, yeah, you know, doing better.
01:40The beach is helping, though.
01:41I'm pleased to hear it.
01:43Don't work it too hard, eh?
01:46Uh, I guess I'm not the only one that's got stuff on their mind.
01:51What is this?
01:52Uh, hey, how was Irene this morning?
01:55I didn't see her. Why?
01:57Oh, never mind.
01:59Does that mean you spent the night at Xander's?
02:01No. Why would I do that?
02:03Well, I thought you might have worked things out at Salt last night.
02:06Not even close.
02:08So what happened?
02:09He just basically asked me to commit to a life together.
02:12He just basically asked me to commit to a life together.
02:14Which is so overwhelming.
02:17I may have been partly responsible for that.
02:20What did you do?
02:22I may have encouraged him to be a bit more persistent.
02:27Yeah, well, the poor kid was tying himself up in knots trying to figure out what to do.
02:30I fell for it.
02:34Okay, can we get back to work, please?
02:38She reckons she needs more time to think.
02:39At least she didn't dump you then and there.
02:41Yeah, but if she said we're done, then at least I'd know what I'm dealing with.
02:44Do you want to break up with her, though?
02:46Of course not.
02:48Well, leaving her to make the decision while she's mad at you isn't going to help your chances.
02:51Yeah, but every time I try and talk to her, she just pushes me away.
02:54Maybe you're talking too much.
02:56Thanks, Marley. Big help.
02:57No, I mean, maybe there's something else you can try.
03:01Like what?
03:03You know what they say.
03:05Actions speak louder than words.
03:12Thanks again for taking me to my appointment.
03:14Yeah, that's what I'm here for.
03:19You didn't say much on the way back. I thought I might be putting you out.
03:22I've got a lot on my mind.
03:24I'm still trying to iron out some problems with the youth program.
03:26Oh, yeah, I'd love to hear more about that.
03:29Maybe later. I've got some phone calls to make.
03:35How's the check-up?
03:37Yeah, all good. All good.
03:38I actually got to stop by my unit while I was there.
03:40Well, you're supposed to be recovering, not working.
03:42Yeah, I told him that too, but he went and did it anyway.
03:45Okay, talking to some colleagues isn't going to set me back.
03:48Let's just not tell Mackenzie or we'll both be in trouble.
03:54Hey, Piri, it's Tane.
03:55Just checking to see if you're still good to meet me at ten.
03:59No luck?
04:00Just going to voicemail.
04:02Hello, John. The usual?
04:04No, thanks. Just popped in to see if Irene was feeling any brighter.
04:07I thought she was working this morning.
04:09Well, she's supposed to be, but she hasn't shown up.
04:11And she's not answering her phone and she's not at the coffee cart,
04:14so I don't know what's going on.
04:16That's odd.
04:18She wouldn't be worried.
04:20She was pretty quiet last night.
04:24No, I haven't touched a drop.
04:28Thanks for checking in.
04:32I took three calls to you lot and a long, dark walk on the beach,
04:37but I stayed strong.
04:40Hi, Irene. You home?
04:42Look, thanks for your support. I've got to go. Bye.
04:44Yeah, I'm coming. Coming.
04:50Hey. What are you doing here?
04:53Wanted to make sure you were okay.
04:55Why wouldn't I be?
04:56Well, you were pretty down last night.
04:58Well, I'm fine now.
04:59You don't look it. And you didn't show up for work.
05:02I slipped in. Big deal.
05:06But now I have to grab some brekkie and get moving, so...
05:10Good, good. I'll make some toast while you get your face on.
05:13That should save time.
05:15Oh, well, it'd shut you up and then beat my ass.
05:18I just need to rethink some of these participants.
05:21Swunkard Perry. Might be something there.
05:24Perry's one I met, eh?
05:26Look like he's from out your way.
05:28Oh, he's a mouldy boy for sure.
05:30They'll probably help you, mate.
05:32Knowing he's got a connection with you.
05:36Let's just hope it continues, eh?
05:38You think it wouldn't?
05:40Oh, no, it's just making conversation, really.
05:44Anyway, better get on with it.
05:47Oh, let me do that.
05:48Oh, no need.
05:49Yeah, yeah, it's the least I can do. You drove me around all morning.
05:52It means me resting.
05:57Hey, um, can we sort this out before Mackenzie gets home?
06:02What are you talking about?
06:04Why do I feel like you have a problem with me?
06:07Oh, I don't know. I don't.
06:09I'm just here to look after you while Mackenzie's away.
06:11It's not like we're the biggest mates.
06:22Hey. How's Queensland?
06:25Yeah, yeah, no, the appointment went well.
06:28Apparently my recovery is coming along nicely.
06:33Stop worrying so much.
06:35Darnay and I are getting along like a house on fire.
06:43Perfect timing.
06:45Oh, love, I'm going to have to skip brekkie. I've got to get moving.
06:48Oh, you can't start the day on an empty stomach, eh?
06:50Leah's not going to mind.
06:58I took Dana on her first patrol this morning.
07:00After all that nastiness with Bronte, she's all right.
07:03It's good to hear.
07:04I also found out what happened between her and Xander last night.
07:07Oh, I hope they sorted everything out.
07:09Yeah, not quite, I'm afraid.
07:12I still feel dreadful about my part in all of this.
07:16Oh, don't think of it like that.
07:18She was all right this morning.
07:20If anyone's suffering, it's Xander.
07:23Oh, wonderful.
07:25They'll bounce back, eventually.
07:27Well, they shouldn't have to.
07:29Why did you even tell me this, John?
07:31I wanted to make you feel better.
07:33Well, you made me feel worse.
07:35Look, you're going to have to leave, all right?
07:38I've got to get going.
07:39All right, OK, well, I will check in on you later, all right?
07:59Oh, God.
08:30I'll tell you when I feel better
08:37Hey, thanks for meeting me.
08:39Oh, of course.
08:40Do you want to sit?
08:46I wanted to say sorry about last night.
08:49You saying that you saw a future for us was nice.
08:53But I didn't realise that John had been egging you on.
08:57Yeah, I, uh...
08:58He's probably the last person I should have listened to.
09:01I mean, his heart's in the right place.
09:03So I'm guessing yours was, too.
09:05It really was.
09:07Dan, I would...
09:08I would literally do anything to make things right between us.
09:12But you were so, so important to me.
09:16You're important to me, too.
09:20What are you doing?
09:22I just...
09:23You thought that we would kiss and make up?
09:25If you'd given me space,
09:26you'd know that I'm not ready to give you an answer yet.
09:28But as usual...
09:29No, don't have it.
09:30As usual, you're not listening.
09:32Back off.
09:37He is so sweet.
09:40Yeah, I didn't realise I'd miss Justin as much as I do.
09:43I feel lost without him.
09:45It's because he's your soulmate.
09:47I wish we were all as lucky as you.
09:49Speak for yourself, sunshine.
09:54I'm just saying, we don't all need a bloke to hang off.
09:57Are you alright?
10:00But why does everyone keep asking me that today?
10:04Probably because you're usually so punctual.
10:07I'm allowed to be late, maths.
10:09I own the joint.
10:10I'm not the flippin' help.
10:16Sorry I didn't sleep very well last night.
10:18Look, I can call one of the casuals if you want to go home again.
10:22I'll be fine once I get going.
10:25But you know what?
10:26Looks like everything's hunky-dory here.
10:29I might just go to the diner and see if I can get that sorted.
10:36See you boys later.
10:37Off to work?
10:39Hey, what do you guys think about going to a new bar?
10:42There's a place in Yabby Creek that just opened up.
10:44I can't.
10:45Sorry, I've got to finish off a board.
10:46Yeah, it's a pass for me too.
10:47You should be resting, not going out.
10:49Are you my babysitter?
10:51Pretty much, thought we covered that.
10:57I cannot catch a break with that guy.
11:01I heard you tell Mac you were getting on fine.
11:03Okay, I thought this was a good opportunity to maybe get to know him better.
11:06He's busy, Levi.
11:08He wants to get this program happening.
11:10Yeah, yeah.
11:11That's important to him.
11:13He wants to do it right.
11:15Believe me, I get it.
11:16But you guys are important to Mac.
11:18I want to make this work for her.
11:21How did you get Tane to want to you?
11:24It wasn't really a problem.
11:25I'm a likeable guy.
11:28But if you ask me, you try way too hard.
11:35It's just when I thought my train wreck of a relationship couldn't get worse, and then it did.
11:39Well, he's obviously got his wires crossed.
11:41I feel bad for him.
11:42Did you put him up to it or something?
11:44No, no, no, I stayed right out.
11:46But this must be very confusing for you.
11:48Yeah, it is.
11:49It is.
11:50It's like literally the last thing I want him to do is kiss me.
11:53Oh, can you stop banging on about it?
11:56You're doing my head in.
11:59Okay, thanks.
12:02Are you kidding me?
12:03Are you incapable of listening?
12:05I can.
12:06I'll leave you alone.
12:07I just want to say I'm sorry.
12:08Okay, apology accepted.
12:09Goodbye now.
12:10You don't have to be rude to the poor bloke.
12:12He's doing his bit.
12:13Yeah, now he is.
12:14Where was he when I needed him?
12:15Oh, Dana, stop playing the victim.
12:17Excuse me.
12:18He said he was sorry.
12:20Now you're just punishing him for no good reason.
12:24You're pathetic.
12:29Where did that come from?
12:34Dana, don't listen to Irene.
12:35She's just stressed.
12:36Oh, yeah, thanks.
12:37I don't need you to mansplain.
12:39I found a...
12:41Wait, okay?
12:42I'm sorry.
12:44Irene was right.
12:45I'm not being very nice to you, am I?
12:49I'm punishing you.
12:51I know that's not fair.
12:53Look, I know I let you down.
12:55Yeah, you did.
12:58But also, the whole thing was really crazy.
13:00So I shouldn't just be taking it all out on you.
13:02It's okay.
13:09I can't help the way that I feel.
13:11And I can't actually promise you
13:13that I will ever get over this.
13:16What are you saying?
13:18You asked me if I see a future for us.
13:22I don't think I do.
13:26So we have to end this.
13:42Hey, what's going on?
13:43You alright?
13:44Yeah, yeah.
13:45I'm all good.
13:46I'm all good.
13:47I was actually hoping to sign up for a membership.
13:50Not for now, obviously.
13:51In a few weeks when I'm better.
13:56And don't worry about it.
13:59About what?
14:00About me.
14:01About me.
14:02About me.
14:03About me.
14:04About me.
14:05About me.
14:06About me.
14:07About me.
14:08About me.
14:09About me.
14:10About what?
14:11About me being here.
14:12And I'm not going to bug you.
14:14It's got nothing to do with you.
14:15I'm just a guy trying to stay in shape.
14:16You're the guy that runs the local gym.
14:19It's not like we have to be best friends.
14:24This could be fun.
14:25Watching you suffer.
14:28Is that your brother?
14:32You guys spend a lot of time together?
14:38Not close.
14:39Like Eden and I.
14:41My brother's dead.
14:44Just leave the paperwork on the counter when you finish.
15:04Here you are.
15:05Took off without a word.
15:08I needed some fresh air.
15:12Does it help?
15:15Don't worry about me.
15:17I'd not do it the way you're carrying on today.
15:20Look, I know I shouldn't have yelled at Dana like that.
15:24And I'll apologize to her next time I see her.
15:26It won't happen again.
15:29Are you okay?
15:31I know you're still struggling over Bronte.
15:34But I get the feeling it's a bit more than that.
15:38It's okay to say the black dog's got you.
15:41I know it got me when all my friends were ripped off of someone I trusted.
15:45Yeah, well, I'm not you.
15:52Maybe we should try and look for some positives.
15:56Everybody got their money back.
15:57That's something to be grateful for.
15:59And you got yours too, right?
16:01It showed up in my bank account this morning.
16:03Well, that must be a relief.
16:04I wouldn't say that I'm feeling relieved right now, John.
16:13What's going on inside your head, Irene?
16:24I think seeing the money kind of brought everything back again.
16:31How about I walk you home, we'll talk this through.
16:34I've got to get back to work.
16:35No, you don't.
16:36Leah wants you to have the rest of the day off.
16:39Well, I really need to be by myself at the moment.
16:45I have to work out what I'm going to say to Dana to make it up to her.
16:51I'm a phone call away if you need me.
16:56Too nice to me, John.
16:57I don't deserve it.
16:58Yes, you do.
17:24I'm glad you're here.
17:26I'm glad you're here.
17:28Really? I thought I was pathetic.
17:32I'm so sorry about everything I said.
17:36It was hurtful and uncalled for.
17:39Especially after everything that you've been through.
17:42Thank you.
17:45I do get that stress comes out in weird ways.
17:50And actually, I think I kind of needed the tough love.
17:52No one needed that tough love.
17:54No, it cleared some things up for me.
17:56I broke up with Xander.
17:57Oh, love, no. I am so sorry.
18:00No, don't be. I needed to be straight with him and I was.
18:04It must be so sad.
18:08You know, when there's something toxic in your life, you just need to get rid of it and then move on.
18:12So that's exactly what I'm going to do.
18:17Right after I finish this entire tub of ice cream.
18:44How was I supposed to know his brother was dead?
18:47Actually, both his brothers are.
18:52Maybe I should go back and put my other foot.
18:58I thought you were meeting up with Perry.
19:00Yeah, I was meant to.
19:03Just wait up a second. Look, I know you're busy.
19:06Turns out I'm not.
19:07I just wanted to say I'm sorry about before.
19:10Apology accepted.
19:11Honestly, I had no idea. I was just trying to find some common ground.
19:14Look, I know you don't have a lot of friends here.
19:16Maxed away and things are weird with your sister.
19:18But leave me out of it.
19:30You know, that wasn't actually about you before.
19:33Tāne, he's clearly got some other stuff going on.
19:36Yeah, I know. But he's right. I do miss Eden.
19:39It does make sense. She is your sister.
19:43I got used to not having her around.
19:45It was really nice having her back in my life.
19:48So it blew up in your face, right?
19:51Yeah, pretty much.
19:53The way I see it is that you're still family.
19:56You never let that go.
20:03Perry, hey, you missed today's session. What's going on?
20:06Look, call me back, OK?
20:08Mate, I couldn't help overhearing. What's the story?
20:11Oh, Perry was meant to show up this morning, but he didn't.
20:13He's not answering his phone.
20:15When I saw him the other day, he seemed really keen on all this.
20:18Yeah, well, I thought I was getting through to him.
20:20Well, if you want my two bobs worth.
20:23What kids really need are clear boundaries.
20:26Now, the earlier you set those, the more likely you are to have their respect for the rest of your life.
20:40Perry, listen, we made some promises, OK?
20:44Now, it's day one. You're not here.
20:46You may not be taking this seriously, but I am.
20:49So call me back. We need to talk.
21:00How's Remy this morning?
21:01I haven't seen him.
21:02He got up early. Maybe he's seeing someone.
21:15Is that...