• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Abbiamo voluto abbattere virtualmente il muro di cinta che corre per due chilometri attorno all’Ippodromo di San Siro per permettere alla comunità di entrare in questa meravigliosa struttura”. Sono le parole dell’amministratore delegato di Snaitech, la società proprietaria dell’ Ippodromo Snai San Siro di Milano, in occasione dell’evento “Luci a San Siro Trotto Grand Opening” durante il quale sono state inaugurate la nuova pista del trotto e la nuova ‘Tribuna del Trotto’. La struttura si trasforma così in arena polifunzionale in grado di ospitare tutte le discipline sportive equestri e coinvolgere il pubblico con un ricco palinsesto di intrattenimento.

Fabio Schiavolin, amministratore delegato Snaitech


00:00Today is the baptism of fire of a long journey that began 9 years ago, a journey of valorization of this wonderful structure that society has in its portfolio for more than 100 years.
00:15It is a journey characterized by the concept of contamination, which is to create a marriage between sports, sports that have the horse as a driving force,
00:25so galloping, trotting and even jumping obstacles, with a series of services and products that have come to be added to this structure.
00:34In recent years we have also created a path with citizenship, with our community, because we believe that at the basis of this path of contamination there must also be an enlargement of the basis of use of enthusiasts in these disciplines.
00:48To do this, we virtually demolished the wall of Cinta, which runs for 2 km around San Siro, and we wanted to get the Milan community to live with us in this beautiful park of 1.5 million square meters.
01:02When 9 years ago we entered this beautiful place, as often happens in many other Italian historical and monumental treasures, we discovered a lot of material.
01:15The collection of this material allowed us first of all to create a digital archive, which was then the prodrome of what we present today, which is the physical version of this digital archive,
01:26a sort of museum that tells 100 years of history, not only of this place, but of the history of the costumes of the Milanese society, which are represented here by all the materials we have collected.
01:40You can therefore retrace the history of sport and the history of Milan.
