• last year
00:00hi kids today we will learn about the blood that flows in our body so let's
00:10blood is a substance that constantly flows through our body it has some very
00:19important role to play in the human body blood is pumped to all the body parts by
00:27our heart now let's first see what is our blood composed of our blood is made
00:37up of four components plasma red blood cells white blood cells and platelets
00:46let's first learn about plasma plasma plasma is a yellow colored liquid which
00:55is mostly water it is the liquid medium in which the rest of blood cells float
01:0355% part of the blood is plasma now let's learn about blood cells or RBCs
01:15these are red color cells that give the blood its color the main role of RBCs
01:25is to carry oxygen and distribute oxygen to all the cells and tissues of
01:34the body 45% of the blood is RBCs now let's learn about white blood cells
01:49white blood cells are the cells that protect us from diseases less than 1% of
01:58the blood is white blood cells and platelets now let's learn about
02:06platelets platelets the cells that help in clotting the blood when we get a
02:14wound are called platelets they clot the blood to prevent heavy loss of blood
02:20that is to stop the loss of blood anymore now let's learn the role of RBCs
02:30in detail red blood cells also known as erythrocytes and these are the most
02:40common type of blood cells in our blood red blood cells make up about 45% of the
02:48blood volume red blood cells or the erythrocytes are produced inside the red
02:58bone marrow and they are produced from the stem cells about 2 million cells are
03:07produced every second the shape of erythrocytes is by concave erythrocytes
03:19transport oxygen in the blood through the red pigment called hemoglobin the
03:28cells of our body use oxygen for their working and produce carbon dioxide as a
03:36waste RBCs pick up carbon dioxide from cells and transport it to our heart
03:44where blood is again sent to the lungs to remove carbon dioxide from it and add
03:52oxygen to it when we inhale we breathe in oxygen this oxygen is transported to
04:02every cell of our body through blood blood also carries carbon dioxide back
04:13from the cells to the lungs which is then removed from the body when we
04:18exhale there are about 5 million red blood cells in just one drop of blood
04:28now let's learn about the white blood cells also called germinators white
04:36blood cells white blood cells are also known as germinators or leukocytes
04:44leukocytes make up a very small percentage that is even less than 1% of
04:52the total number of cells in the blood but they play a very important function
04:59in our body's immune system these cells fight off viral infections they also
05:08produce antibodies against infections by pathogens and another important function
05:18is to engulf and ingest pathogens and the dead cells from the wounds or
05:25infections whenever there is some infection in our body our body produces
05:34WBCs to fight that infection now let's learn about platelets platelets are also
05:46known as thrombocytes these are responsible for the clotting of blood
05:53and the formation of scabs on wounds to stop bleeding that is whenever there is
06:02a cut or a wound that's bleeding platelets starts to gather at the wound
06:08and seals the broken blood vessels and stops the bleeding now let's learn about
06:16plasma plasma is a liquid portion of the blood it makes up about 55% of the
06:27blood's volume plasma is a mixture of water proteins and dissolved substances
06:36around 90% of plasma is made up of water the plasma functions as a
06:44transportation medium for glucose oxygen carbon dioxide electrolytes nutrients
06:54and many cellular waste products our plasma is made in the liver so kids
07:04today we learned about our blood and many kinds of cells present in our blood
07:11now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more bye-bye