Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum Episode 4

  • 2 months ago
Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum Episode 4 | Fahad Mustafa | Hania Aamir |
00:17I have to do this, right?
00:18If you've made up your mind,
00:21then you can go with full determination.
00:23And anyway, this small house is your pride and joy.
00:30Will you marry me, Mustafa?
00:35Yesterday you were making big claims that you will help my friend whenever I need you.
00:42Now it's time to prove it practically.
01:23Junaid, my son.
01:27For whatever Adil has done,
01:31all my family and I apologize to you.
01:36Please, forgive us.
01:40I forgive you.
01:43I forgive you and your son as well.
01:47If you are satisfied that my daughter and I forgive you, then fine.
01:51We forgive you.
01:54But remember one thing.
01:57This world will never forgive me or my daughter.
02:03This entire life, it will keep proving its innocence.
02:09What Adil has done, my daughter will pay for it.
02:16Tukhar, do one thing.
02:18Do come to the wedding.
02:20So that you can see my daughter and my helplessness.
02:24You must come.
02:31Anyway, I can't tolerate this moment anymore.
02:37I have nothing else to say.
02:40You go, Iftikhar.
02:43Please go.
02:45Shahzain, if you don't mind, I am ready to marry you.
03:06I will marry you.
03:12If you accept.
03:21I accept.
03:27You can see the rest.
03:29You can see the rest.
03:49Oh, you people are here.
04:00What happened, mother?
04:02Go and ask your father what happened.
04:05He has fixed Sharjeena and Mustafa's marriage.
04:10I am so sorry, sister.
04:13I know you are going through a lot right now.
04:17I had no idea that your parents are so rigid.
04:21But I really don't understand what you did wrong.
04:24I mean, you took a stand for yourself.
04:26I mean, you took a stand for yourself.
04:29You refused before marriage.
04:31You didn't deceive anyone.
04:32You didn't cheat anyone.
04:36Rabab doesn't know my father.
04:39He has his own principles.
04:41He is like that.
04:43This seems very conservative.
04:45I am sorry to say.
04:51Rabab, what do we do now?
04:54What do you mean?
04:57Rabab, I have left my family for you.
05:01Will you be able to talk to your father about our relationship?
05:05Of course, Adil.
05:06I will definitely talk to my father.
05:10Will you accept a boy whose family has left him?
05:14I want to marry you, not your family.
05:17It would have been very nice if they were there.
05:19I would have got their blessings.
05:21You know, the whole family would be there.
05:22But it's okay.
05:23You know, you are enough for me.
05:27Are you sure that they will accept our relationship?
05:30Of course.
05:32My father loves me a lot.
05:34I am very dear to him.
05:36He will do as I say.
05:44Take care of Hamza.
05:50You went to apologize to your friend.
05:52Instead, you took on a new responsibility.
05:55I told Adil to call off the wedding.
05:58But he humiliated us.
06:00Mom, how can Mustafa and Shashreena get married?
06:04They didn't even bother to consult me about such a big decision.
06:09I am a mother, I am not a stranger.
06:11Mustafa is not worthy of me.
06:13How can he take someone's responsibility?
06:15Now take care of him and his wife.
06:19What will happen now?
06:20What will happen?
06:21They will get married.
06:22It's decided.
06:23It's a matter of time.
06:29Don't worry.
06:31Be strong.
06:32It's a happy occasion.
06:34Everything is going to be fine.
06:36Mom, what is Sharjeena doing?
06:40Getting married to Mustafa?
06:42Sharjeena has shown a lot of bravery, Yumna.
06:45She has taken the right decision at the right time.
06:47No, aunt.
06:49She is doing all this for me.
06:51So that I don't have to hear taunts from my in-laws in my future life.
06:57She is sacrificing her happiness for my happiness.
07:02You tell dad not to listen to anything Sharjeena says.
07:05Tell Iftikhar uncle not to marry her.
07:09She wants to go back to the house where she got hurt.
07:14Just to save my happiness.
07:17And who will she marry?
07:19Brother Mustafa.
07:21That is not even according to his ideal, mom.
07:25So what ideal has treated you well?
07:29No matter how Mustafa is,
07:31he is at least ready to keep the respect of his and our house safe.
07:39Mom, you are also ready for this relationship.
07:43Yumna, do you have any choice?
07:45Any option?
07:46Your dad, your Sharjeena, and all of our respect should be safe.
07:51And there should not be any space.
07:53But mom…
07:54Stop it.
07:55Go and see what Sharjeena is doing.
08:16Mustafa, what are you listening to?
08:22You and Sharjeena?
08:31What did you go to talk about?
08:33What did you do?
08:38What happened?
08:41I don't know.
08:43Mom, mom is upset.
08:46Dad left while talking.
08:48You are saying you don't know.
08:50Please tell me something.
08:51I don't understand.
08:52Even I don't understand anything, Sidra.
08:55I can't think straight.
08:57I am not able to think straight.
08:59What happened? Why did it happen?
09:03Sharjeena's aunt told you to do all this?
09:13Sharjeena's aunt.
09:19There was something in her eyes, Sidra.
09:22You know, the way she was looking at me helplessly,
09:26I felt as if I was the only one who could help her.
09:31No one has ever seen me like this before.
09:33No one has ever considered me worthy.
09:35I couldn't refuse her.
09:38Even though I wanted to, I couldn't.
09:42I don't understand.
10:12I don't understand.
10:20Madam, how are you?
10:22How are you, sir?
10:24How are you?
10:25I am good.
10:26Why did you call me in this emergency?
10:27Can I know that, madam?
10:29I will tell you everything.
10:30You come inside first.
10:31How was your flight?
10:32Flight was good.
10:34I was waiting the whole day for you.
10:36I know, I know.
10:37The flight was late.
10:39Laila, get coffee for daddy.
10:41I will get coffee.
10:42First tell me, why did you call me in this emergency?
10:47How was the rush?
10:55Daddy, you wanted me to get married, right?
10:57I didn't want it.
10:59I want it.
11:01You have grown old now.
11:02It's time you should get married.
11:05Wait a minute.
11:06Wait a minute.
11:08Did someone come in your life?
11:13Am I right?
11:18I am so happy.
11:20This was my biggest wish in life.
11:23That you get married.
11:25Who is it?
11:26Who is it?
11:27Tell me.
11:28Yes, his name is Adil Ahmed.
11:31Adil Ahmed?
11:33He works in our office.
11:34He works in our office?
11:37Yes, he is a member of my core team.
11:39And he is very intelligent.
11:41He has made a lot of progress in the company in a very short time.
11:47You want to marry an ordinary servant of yours?
11:52Adil is not ordinary.
11:54The best of the best, rich family is ready to marry you.
12:00And what did you select?
12:01A servant?
12:04What's wrong with you?
12:06I didn't expect this from you.
12:08I don't want to talk about this.
12:11But I want to talk about it.
12:16Can I come in?
12:18Yes, come in.
12:19Did you have some work?
12:20You could have called me.
12:24What happened?
12:26I just came.
12:35I know what you want to talk about.
12:38Why did you do this?
12:40I thought this decision was right.
12:42You didn't have to do this.
12:45My daughters are not a burden for me.
12:49And I don't care about the world and you shouldn't either.
12:53I have taken this decision after a lot of thought, dad.
12:56I am not ashamed of this decision and you shouldn't be either.
13:00You will not be humiliated.
13:01You will not be humiliated.
13:04Mustafa and you are not thieves.
13:09Don't do this.
13:11Marriage is the name of a lifetime commitment.
13:15You are doing all this for us, right?
13:17For me, for Shumna.
13:21But by sacrificing the happiness of your life.
13:23By sacrificing Shumna?
13:28Mustafa doesn't have a job,
13:30no career, no future.
13:32He is not worthy of you, dear.
13:34And what did the one who was worthy, had a future, had a career, do?
13:38Now let's try to make a relationship with someone less worthy.
13:41Even if he doesn't have a career or a future,
13:44but at least he is standing with us in this difficult time.
13:47Dad, when it comes to respect,
13:50then a person takes very difficult decisions.
13:53You shouldn't think about such small things.
13:56Whatever you want to say, say it quickly.
13:58I don't like it that when I am talking to someone,
14:01he gets up and leaves.
14:12Tell me.
14:19Adil is my choice, dad.
14:20He is my ideal life partner.
14:22He is exactly what I want him to be.
14:25He is handsome.
14:27He has an amazing personality.
14:30He is exactly what I wanted him to be.
14:33When you will meet him, you will know.
14:36You are dependent on his physical personality.
14:40He is not worthy of you.
14:43He is a middle class,
14:45who works for you, works under you.
14:47Who works for you, works under you.
14:50He earns on your salary.
14:52You are going to make him your life partner.
14:56Use your brain.
14:58I have known him since 4 years.
15:00He works in my office.
15:02You think I don't know anything about him?
15:04He is the most compatible man for me.
15:07You are still a kid.
15:09You don't know people.
15:11You don't know that this middle class boy
15:12with his higher education
15:14and charismatic personality
15:17traps rich girls.
15:20He makes them fall in love with him.
15:24And uses them like a ladder for his success.
15:275 years.
15:29I have been managing your business for 5 years.
15:34You are with your wife in London, right?
15:38I finalize all the big business deals myself.
15:42Not millions, daddy.
15:44I am doing billions of business alone.
15:47And you are telling me that there is doubt in my judgement.
15:52What a double standard now.
15:54These are not double standards.
15:56There are other things to do in business.
16:00This is the decision of your life.
16:04And I won't let you ruin your life.
16:13Dad, do you remember when I was a kid in school?
16:17I got a complaint from my school.
16:19All the kids made a lot of noise in the class.
16:21I called all the parents to school.
16:23You also came.
16:26You were around 10-12 years old.
16:29I cried a lot.
16:32Do you know why I cried?
16:36Because that day I felt for the first time
16:39that I might have insulted my father.
16:42I have embarrassed him.
16:47I cried a lot when I came home.
16:51And do you remember what you told me?
16:54You told me that you are my elder daughter.
16:57You are my brave daughter.
16:59You have to take care of your sisters when you grow up.
17:02You have to be their support.
17:05You didn't cry for no reason.
17:08That day I made two promises to myself.
17:12That I will be a strong support for my sisters
17:15and I will never let my parents' reputation be tarnished.
17:19That's why the decision I have taken,
17:22let me do this.
17:25Please let me do this.
17:27I have taken this decision after a lot of thinking.
17:29Otherwise I will never be able to see myself.
17:31I will never be able to look myself in the eye.
17:33Thinking that I have embarrassed my parents
17:35in front of the world, in front of anyone.
17:38Or I have made my sisters sad.
17:40They are sad because of me.
17:42I will be finished thinking this.
17:45Please let me do this.
17:47I am requesting you.
17:51Let me save our reputation.
18:05What happened?
18:10What happened?
18:12What happened?
18:15What happened?
18:17Why are you crying?
18:19What happened?
18:23What happened to you both?
18:26Everything is fine.
18:35Everything is fine.
18:47Nothing happened.
18:49Nothing happened.
18:51Everything is fine.
18:53Everything is fine.
18:55What happened?
19:05What happened?
19:28I told you I don't want to meet anyone.
19:31It's me, Rabab.
19:35It's me, Rabab.
19:46What have you done to yourself?
19:49You haven't left the room since yesterday.
19:51You haven't eaten or drunk anything.
19:54Is this how you behave?
19:57I am going to the US to meet mom.
20:01I am going to Houston.
20:03This is what I am telling you.
20:05Let's go.
20:07You can think whatever you want to.
20:10I think you should take care of your business now.
20:15You don't understand me.
20:17I don't know how to handle anything.
20:19Better you take care of all of your business.
20:33You are upset about something wrong.
20:36Like every father, I also want to see everything perfect for you.
20:41The best of the best families are waiting for you.
20:48Wherever you say yes, they will happily hold your hand.
20:52According to our standards, according to our status,
20:56our status.
21:01Think about me too.
21:03I am your father.
21:06Did you think about me?
21:09When you ended the 19 year marriage, did you think about me?
21:15You left mom.
21:17I was 18 years old.
21:20Did you think about me?
21:23Now you are saying that I should leave my choice and look at your choice.
21:28Isn't it so selfish, daddy?
21:36Call her.
21:40Yes, call Adili.
21:42Call her today.
21:44Call her at home.
21:46I will meet her.
21:49Are you serious?
21:58Don't doubt your father's love, Rabab.
22:02I am your mother. We haven't been the best parents.
22:08But I love you a lot.
22:11You are my life.
22:13You are my life.
22:16And I always want to see you happy.
22:33Rabab is my dearest and beloved daughter.
22:40I have raised her with a lot of love.
22:45Sir, I…
22:50I will keep her very happy.
22:54I will keep her very happy.
22:56I will keep her very happy.
22:58I will keep her very happy.
22:59I will keep her very happy.
23:03You will never…
23:06I mean to say that you will never have any complaints with me.
23:10I don't have any complaints.
23:13She shouldn't have any.
23:16If you don't have any complaints,
23:19then I don't have any complaints either.
23:22I can't tolerate a single tear in her eyes.
23:24Sir, I promise you that
23:28I will give her a lot of love and respect.
23:33What is this, sir?
23:35Call daddy as uncle now.
23:37Right, daddy?
23:44Now that you both have decided,
23:47let's fix the wedding on this Friday.
23:49This coming Friday?
23:57Sir, if you…
24:00If you think it is appropriate, then it is okay.
24:06I will make all the arrangements for the wedding at your farmhouse.
24:11You guys can do whatever you want to do.
24:15I will make all the arrangements for the wedding at your farmhouse.
24:17You guys can do whatever you want to do.
24:29your dad doesn't seem to be very happy with our relationship.
24:34When we get married, he will see us happy.
24:37He will also be happy.
24:39Don't worry.
24:41Am I right that you have made your decision by being stubborn?
24:44Otherwise, he doesn't like you that much.
24:48If you like me,
24:50that is enough.
24:52Rabab Mansoor Khan doesn't like anyone just like that.
24:56She won't like anyone just like that.
24:58And anyway,
25:00I need you to understand that
25:02you are not just my liking,
25:04you are also my stubbornness.
25:07Okay, madam.
25:09Whatever you say.
25:10Ignore your dad's cold behaviour.
25:13Just take care of yourself.
25:17I will see you.
25:19See you.
25:21Thanks for coming.
25:23Thank you for having me. Bye.
28:32you are not ready yet?
28:34I am ready. Let's go.
28:36Is this how a groom looks?
28:38You won't be ready more than this, brother Waqas.
28:43a girl is ready for you with so much pride.
28:46There will be so many people there.
28:47Does it look good like this?
28:49I didn't get anything else made for my brother's wedding.
28:51This was a white kurta-pyjama.
28:52So, I thought
28:53who will look at me.
28:55I didn't say anything when you got it made.
28:57I thought you should wear my wedding sherwani.
29:02Take this.
29:04You will be seen by everyone.
29:05I am ready.
29:07What about the shoes?
29:35I am ready.
29:50I have to praise Rubab's choice.
29:53The boy is quite handsome.
29:57Our Rubab madam is in love with beauty.
30:00I understood it without even looking at him
30:02that he must be handsome.
30:05Let's go.
30:31Peace be upon you.
30:32And peace be upon you.
30:33Is Adil getting married here?
30:37Who are you?
30:38I am Adil's colleague, Wajahat.
30:43It's not happening here.
30:44But sir, I came to know…
31:04It's a difficult time.
31:07We have never fulfilled our promises.
31:13We haven't done anything for ourselves.
31:19There will be happiness if you smile.
31:25Things are incomplete right now.
31:31How will it be complete, only God knows.
31:37Don't fulfill this promise.
31:43All relationships will break.
31:48Is it my fault? Tell me.
31:54Is it my fault? Tell me.
32:00How will I fulfill my promise?
32:12How will I fulfill my promise?
32:18Why did you set my love on fire?
32:24Why did you give me this loneliness?
32:30Why did you give me this loneliness?
32:36Why did you give me this loneliness?
32:47I have a small surprise for you.
32:50I have ordered a wedding cake.
32:52We will cut it together.
32:56Here it comes.
33:00I will be back.
33:30I will be back.
34:00I will be back.
34:30I will be back.
35:00I will be back.
35:30I will be back.
35:44In the name of God.
35:45In the name of God.
35:58I have caught it.
36:02Is it okay?
36:04Zubaida, get the trays ready for the rituals.
36:16Where are you going?
36:18I have to perform the rituals.
36:20This is a woman's job.
36:22Call Nimmi.
36:24I will go and change.
36:31Sidra, at least change him.
36:34He is very restless.
36:36You go to your room. I am coming.
36:38I am coming.
36:39I am coming.
36:45Sidra is talking about the rituals.
36:51I am talking to you.
36:56You can do the rituals yourself.
36:59I have a headache.
37:01You can do whatever you want for your new daughter-in-law.
37:04What are you saying?
37:06What will Mr. Sharma think?
37:07He will get the bride married off.
37:10You made him sit in the car and left.
37:12What is this?
37:14I don't care about anyone.
37:16When no one cared about me, why should I care?
37:18You made such big decisions yourself.
37:21Did you see the way you threw Adil out of the house?
37:26What will mother think?
37:28She will go and fix Sarjina's marriage with Mustafa.
37:30Did you consult me?
37:34I don't have any importance.
37:35I got her married off.
37:37This is called importance.
37:42I will call mother.
37:44Do you need anything?
37:57Let's go for the rituals.
37:59Ask your father to do the rituals.
38:03For God's sake.
38:05What is his fault?
38:07What will he think?
38:09I don't care what anyone thinks.
38:11I have a headache.
38:13That's it.
38:35I don't care what anyone thinks.
38:37I have a headache.
38:39That's it.
38:41I don't care what anyone thinks.
38:43I have a headache.
38:45That's it.
38:47I don't care what anyone thinks.
38:49I have a headache.
38:51That's it.
38:53I don't care what anyone thinks.
38:55I have a headache.
38:57That's it.
38:59I don't care what anyone thinks.
39:01I have a headache.
39:03That's it.
39:05That's it.
