• last year
00:00Hello in this video this video is addressed to my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia. Thanks for watching this is part 2 of 2. I just uploaded part 1 and checked the video that I showed you of Facebook data.
00:31I'm not really happy with how clear it is so I might have to take some photographs.
00:37I might try to take another video on screencastify where my thumbnail of me is on the bottom and I'll show you every little thing.
01:05However there's probably going to be some dirty photos that will be inappropriate and I really don't want to go through all of it.
01:16I don't want to go through all of it so I'm going to make sure though that there's something wrong with the data numbers.
01:23I don't know how to read megabytes, gigabytes, I don't know any of that.
01:29But I have a feeling that there's no way the amount of data that's in there is correct.
01:38I'm having trouble explaining and talking to myself and explaining what I saw.
01:45I'm having a hard time being able to explain Facebook data but basically it's none of my data.
02:00It's just a bunch of random photos that other people may have sent me which I don't believe.
02:06I don't recognize any of that.
02:09There's a few things on there that people have sent me.
02:12That's all.
02:14And there's maybe a few photographs of me.
02:19And like photographs?
02:22Just photographs of Messenger, that's basically all I've seen on there.
02:26And then sticker emojis, that's all basically what it was under the Facebook data.
02:31But the whole thing is you can't look at all of that data because you're going to get so attacked.
02:42It's going to make you so sick.
02:44The problem is that's a serious threat to delete Facebook data from 2005 to 2024.
02:57That's a serious threat because there's a lot of evidence.
03:03There's a lot of evidence in those conversations.
03:06A lot of psychics.
03:08A lot of psychics that I spoke with.
03:11People from my past that may know something about these criminals.
03:18So that's a serious threat and I did report a problem to Facebook.
03:23I just basically showed them one little screenshot though that would not give them enough of an idea.
03:29And said it looks like my data's been hacked.
03:32I don't think that they're even going to do anything about it because it's just a little report a problem thing.
03:38So I'm just not going to get worked up over it though because I've been prepared that all of my data is going to get deleted.
03:49I've been prepared to know that it's going to get deleted.
03:51I've been prepared to know that I have been physically and emotionally incapable of collecting all of my data on disks.
04:04Part of it is because I'm not good technologically.
04:07Part of it is because it's way too overwhelming the amount of time and energy it would take.
04:12Part of it is possession and I'm not going to feel guilty about it.
04:15I'm not going to feel guilty if everything gets deleted and I don't have any backup.
04:19Because I am too possessed to be able to and it's not going to be my fault.
04:25However, it's going to be painful.
04:28It's not going to be painful though to know that I, because I'm not responsible for it all getting deleted and not having backup because I'm possessed.
04:37They have not just demons in me, they have artificial intelligence all over my body and my brain to be able to make me like I'm a robot.
04:49And this has been going on for many, many, many, many years.
04:52So, however, with this video, it's really not clear enough.
05:02It's less clear on the video I showed you, Shia.
05:08It is clear enough actually if I were to load this onto a computer which I'm not going to because the hacker could delete it from my camera.
05:19I could load this on the computer and be clear, Shia.
05:22Okay, so I'm going to talk about the notes now.
05:27And I do feel better from the plans, I'm still weak.
05:31I slept until, well, I slept until about 12 p.m. but I woke up at 6 a.m.
05:40And from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. I basically tossed and turned and was woken up like dozens of times.
05:47And tossed and turned like 50 times.
05:50So I'm going to skip a lot of these notes because I can't talk about them on the internet.
06:00But basically nothing of my data is in the Facebook data.
06:11This was planned because I did the fasting, I'm pretty sure you did too, some of it.
06:18I'm pretty sure you fasted, Shia.
06:20I was at the, well, we both were at our weakest.
06:25This was supposed to be an extreme attack.
06:28Actually, I'm not surprised at this point.
06:32I've been told that my Facebook data is going to be deleted like thousands of times.
06:37So I'm really not going to be shocked.
06:40However, though, I was having some feelings of extreme panic and anxiety.
06:44They used the AI weapons to make it like I couldn't breathe and like my heart was racing.
06:50So it's way past four days that that data was supposed to be sent to me.
07:00There was an error of it being sent to Google.
07:05So let me look back on my...
07:14I'm going to try to see if I can find the photograph of the data that I took of at the time that I took the data.
07:27It's right here, I think.
07:29Requested on July 9th.
07:34So it took seven days.
07:38It usually takes a couple days.
07:41Request on July 9th.
07:43It was sent to me on July 15th at three in the afternoon.
07:48So, no, it's...
07:50There's no way it should have been sent to me on the 15th if I requested on the 9th.
07:55It should have been by the 12th.
08:05But I got off the cleanse last night.
08:10I got off the cleanse.
08:12But I got off the cleanse last night.
08:17I had tuna fish with some soy sauce and crackers and some tomato soup and a granola bar and fruit punch prior to that.
08:32And then I'm sitting around and I'm being sort of like...
08:39I'm thinking about all my data and feeling like I have to take photographs to show Shia.
08:49Because I wanted to see if it was going to be wrong error type and it just wouldn't open.
08:53However, I'm going to show you the...
09:04There was an error with the transfer, which I understand that because...
09:11There was an error with the transfer of Google Drive because I don't have enough storage.
09:16I'm pretty sure that that's why.
09:19But then they gave me an option to download my information.
09:24So I'm going to show you the megabytes to show you that it's not...
09:35I didn't have like...
09:40Hold on.
09:50I spent a lot of time on Facebook because I didn't have any friends.
10:04So, here's the...
10:08Okay, click download.
10:11Those are all the files.
10:14So I don't know if you can read megabytes and how much storage that would be.
10:21However, there is no way...
10:25There's no way that's all my data.
10:28There's absolutely no way. This is a joke.
10:31It's not a joke. This is actually very serious.
10:42That's it. That's all my data from 2005 to 2024.
10:48That's a complete lie.
10:51That's a complete lie.
10:54So let me see if I can... Well, I can't download it on here.
11:00I don't think I can download it on my phone, however.
11:07Let me try.
11:16No. Yeah, it's downloading.
11:26But I was really told to not go back on the Internet and take any photographs of it.
11:31I was getting so sick from it.
11:34It was... And this is how... This is what this criminal hacker did to me since...
11:42Before 24 years old.
11:46Kick her when she's down. Kick her when she's at her weakest.
11:52Right after the cleanse where I feel like I'm practically dying, I see this.
11:59And also... But it was... It's almost so like...
12:06How much time did this hacker take to create all of this?
12:10This rigged setup data.
12:16How much time did this hacker take to do this?
12:19And I was told to tell Heather's voices,
12:22Oh, I'm gonna get so... I'm gonna get so much money on... Adrenochrome money off of this attack.
12:29No, it didn't work.
12:32It didn't work.
12:40I... So, let me see...
12:43Let me...
12:51I'm trying to show... Download one of the files so I can give you an example.
13:02Kick her when she's down at her weakest.
13:06Kick when she's down. She's gonna die from this. She's gonna die.
13:10But you can get... I've gotten into states of hysteria from these types of attacks.
13:17And I was about to. And there... I was about to get like...
13:21Totally like in corpse pose, locked down, feeling hysteria, chained down, choking to death from it.
13:30This hacker created the whole thing.
13:40And in order to kill me, you better look at all of it in order to kill me.
13:55But I've been watching a lot of fire videos.
14:01So if all of my data gets deleted, I'm just going to remember that...
14:09This hacker is going to go to jail for the rest of his life, no matter what I've been told.
14:21Honestly, there's... I'm worried about the lack of evidence the most.
14:28Not so much about, you know, comments I made.
14:33However, some of... a lot of those comments can express the bitterness that I was feeling and a lot of the pain, some of it.
14:47I've... I have printed a lot out.
14:55And by the way...
14:57And by the way...
15:01The torture...
15:06He's been torturing you, Shia.
15:09I was told that many times.
15:21I get signs from it. I get signs.
15:28Yeah, I'll show you.
15:31So this is extracting... I don't know how this is going to work, showing you on here. I'm going to try.
15:36Oh, I can't show you.
15:39Well, yeah, I can.
15:43Someone was waving this at me and it was a symbol of something.
15:50So I see a lot of blue.
15:54That means it's about you. The color blue.
16:01But someone was holding this.
16:07Someone was holding this and waving at me.
16:12That this was about you.
16:24I'm not going to explain it.
16:37Oh, and while... while I was downloading the Facebook data...
16:43Oh, and while... while I was downloading the Facebook data and looking at it...
16:48Oh, and while... while I was downloading the Facebook data and looking at it...
16:56The CEO of Facebook has decided to do this to your data.
17:03The CEO of Facebook, in all Facebook management, has decided to do this and to punish you.
17:10They're on my side.
17:14Facebook managed to delete all of your data.
17:19This is what you get.
17:38So I broke the fast at 8pm at sunset.
17:42And I had a granola bar and a fruit punch.
17:46And then while I was... while I was cooking the tomato soup...
17:52And then I had tuna fish with olive oil.
17:56Then I put some soy sauce in it and put it on top of crackers.
18:05I'm worried about self-defense.
18:08However, it's very intuitive at the moment.
18:11Because they do all this training, like...
18:14If someone does this move, you do this move.
18:17There's thousands of moves that someone could make.
18:20It has to be intuitive in the moment.
18:23Because there's this constant AI thing where...
18:29I'm being told that the criminals that want to attack me have specific moves that they're going to do on me.
18:35And I can't know those moves.
18:39And they're going to do that to me.
18:42And I'm not going to be able to find a way to get out of it or to make my moves.
18:48Like, they're very, very afraid of...
18:56The thing is, I don't really know why they would...
19:01They're trying to kill my spirit to be like, there's no chance.
19:05There's no chance. We know what we can do.
19:08But it's not true. It's not true.
19:11It's an intuitive act.
19:14When you're in threat and danger, it will be an intuitive act.
19:18But they think that it's all planned out.
19:21They know exactly how they can grab it off of my neck, the knife.
19:26Or pull the knife out of my pocket and use it against me.
19:32That's a lie. It's all lies.
19:34It's to keep me unsafe and to make me not be able to have self-defense weapons.
19:42Somebody pushed their fingers on my butt crack through my clothes in front of the library.
19:50There's no fucking way I shouldn't have a self-defense weapon on me.
19:54And obviously, they have all the AI.
19:57They know that if I have these weapons and I'm protected by God,
20:02there's going to be less chances of that happening again.
20:10But by the way, just a reminder,
20:14this is a one-sided fight.
20:17This is a one-sided fight.
20:20I'm not fighting anybody.
20:23I mind my own business. They've all attacked me.
20:27One-sided. One-sided fight.
20:31Bunch of fucking perverts.
20:37So, let me check and see if this is...
20:43I really don't want to spend my time looking at all of this.
20:52So this was...
21:01photographs of this one person I met at an ashram
21:13and showing me all the steps to make a smoothie
21:17and showing me his Christmas tree. It was really weirdo stuff.
21:21Weirdo photographs.
21:27I'm going to have to take photographs of this.
21:31He was basically attacking me.
21:35I'm not going to go into detail.
21:38I'm going to have to take photographs of some of this.
21:47It's so sad how...
21:57So there's some photos of me in here.
21:59Some photos of Yusha, actually.
22:05I'm going to have to take some photographs of this.
22:09Really random, though.
22:12So, this will be good because...
22:18I'm just...
22:20So this was messy photos from psychics.
22:23Like, psychic readings that they sent me.
22:31I'm going to have to take some photographs of this.
22:34I'm going to have to take some photographs of this.
22:37I'm going to have to take some photographs of this.
22:39I'm going to have to take some photographs of this.
22:52But the thing is, it's just a photograph.
22:55It's not attached to anything.
22:57It's just like a photograph.
22:59From Messenger.
23:05So I won't be able to attach the names to who sent it to me.
23:10There's a little more...
23:15This is one of my paintings.
23:17This is one of my paintings that I sold.
23:26This is part of my angel collection.
23:30This I sold for $150.
23:34And they framed it and sent it picture.
23:37They framed it.
23:40They framed it and sent it picture.
23:42This is what I want to do shy again.
23:44All of these got trashed.
23:46I want to make angel paintings.
23:53There's like an Ascended Master.
23:59There's a seashell.
24:05There's a dolphin.
24:06There's a dolphin.
24:09So I'm going to have to take photos of this.
24:11I'm going to have to take some photos of this on my camera.
24:16Because like I said, if that gets deleted 100% and it's all gone...
24:36Yeah, there's some pornography photos.
24:40There's some pornography photos.
24:42Someone could have sent those to me in Messenger to attack me.
24:51Fucking disgusting.
24:52Fucking disgusting.
25:03People love on the stories on top of Facebook, the stories feed.
25:07When you open Facebook, you automatically see the stories.
25:11People love to put dirty, filthy photos.
25:15Half naked, naked photos of themselves.
25:37Well, I'm going to still take photographs even though these photos are attached to specific things.
25:46And I'm going to have to report to Facebook.
25:49Where's all the text? Where's all the...
25:52See, this is...
25:54It's going to be a sick day because there's some naked photos that people sent me in Messenger.
26:02Bad people that Facebook requested me.
26:06That are strangers.
26:0890% of the people in Messenger are strangers.
26:23So, there's more under this file.
26:27I'm wondering if because I opened it on my cell phone or this could have been a file.
26:41I'm going to get attacked.
26:43I'm going to get attacked from these photos.
26:45There's definitely more photos on here.
26:48So, I'm going to have to report to Facebook.
26:50There's more photos on here.
26:52So, there's a lot more images.
27:05So, this is... There's photographs.
27:08There's photographs of...
27:10But there's a lot of dirty photos to try to get me to not look through them.
27:23So, no. This is different than what I saw yesterday in regards to data.
27:29So, I'm going to download all these photos.
27:33And take photographs.
27:39I mean, it's still just a bunch of photos, though. That doesn't help me.
27:43It doesn't really help me a lot.
27:45However, there's some photos of a few people from Messenger that are criminals.
27:52That will be part of the investigation against these people.
27:56People from Messenger that are criminals that will be part of the investigation against the hacker that contributed to trying to kill me.
28:27So, I've definitely gotten my strength.
28:30I had some oatmeal this morning.
28:32I'm drinking some coffee with the creamer and honey.
28:36I'm going to go to bed now.
28:38Good night.
28:40Good night.
28:42Good night.
28:44Good night.
28:46Good night.
28:48Good night.
28:50Good night.
28:52Good night.
28:54Good night.
28:56Good night.
29:05I lay down and could barely move the entire time of the fast.
29:10There's no way that just a little bit of not eating would do that to me.
29:16I know for a fact that fasting is not just like the act of not eating food.
29:22Fasting, there's something extremely spiritual that happened.
29:26I definitely feel like something happened in regards to it being the day of Ashura.
29:36And I'm going to start praying five times a day.
29:39And not like two hours five times a day.
29:45I'm going to have to Google how many times to pray five times a day.
29:50Because basically what I thought is, it'll be like a constant cutting off of the evil throughout the day.
30:04And I saw that someone tried to assassinate Trump.
30:16And I saw who it looked like.
30:23He looked like the Dweeby criminals, M, G, and D, W.
30:28The Dweebs.
30:33That's complete disrespect that a little 20 year old cuts part of his ear off.
30:41That's a serious thing.
30:42And you have to look in the mirror every day, it's a very serious thing.
30:49So I'm so happy that they killed the criminal.
30:55So he was shooting.
30:57I'm pretty sure the president needs new security.
31:01A new security system. How could they not catch that?
31:04How could they not catch that? Why did it go through?
31:08So I'm so happy though that they killed him off right away so that he couldn't keep attempting to kill people.
31:17It's very, very sad that someone died from it.
31:20Very, very sad.
31:24But the Secret Service agent killed off Matthew Thomas Crooks.
31:32And it's very weird, the mouth.
31:34And it's very weird, the mouth.
31:36If you look at the mouth of Matthew Thomas, it looks like a ghoul.
31:40A ghoul, like G-H-O-U-L, ghoul.
31:44And I was told yesterday that my root chakra area is going to be cut off so that I can't be with you Shia intimately.
31:51And I was told yesterday that my root chakra area is going to be cut off so that I can't be with you Shia intimately.
32:22I'm trying to...
32:23I'm trying to...
32:25Well, I'm not going to say this.
32:27I'm writing this all down because I think V2K is going to be proved.
32:30I'm writing this all down because I think V2K is going to be proved.
32:32And I wasn't the only one that said this.
32:34And I wasn't the only one that said this.
32:36My mom said it many, many, many times.
32:39Well, I'm not going to say this.
32:41I'm writing this all down because I think V2K is going to be proved.
32:44And I wasn't the only one that said this.
32:48My mom said it many, many, many times.
32:52We have evidence all over us with this V2K.
32:56It's going to be proved.
32:58It's going to be proved that this is happening to us.
32:59She said we're going to meet some people that will prove all those V2K's real.
33:01She said we're going to meet some people that will prove all those V2K's real.
33:11I started seven years ago, eight years ago, documenting all the V2K.
33:16Not all, every single one.
33:18I started seven years ago, eight years ago, documenting all the V2K.
33:20Not all, every single one.
33:22I'd have like notebooks filling this entire room
33:25if I was able to document everything.
33:27It'd be too exhausting.
33:29So in regards to the Muslim, so I want to study Judaism and
33:57I want to study some Christianity and Muslim religion.
34:04There's some things I want to tell you about the notes I took about that.
34:09However, I'm going to stop this video, Shaya.
34:13And let me talk about you now, Shaya.
34:16I might upload another video later today, Shaya.
34:21In regards to the evidence of the Facebook data.
34:24If I do a screencastify video, I'm sure it will be deleted or it will be messed up.
34:33Or like I said, if I make a screencastify video and open up photos of PORN, like naked people.
34:45Like in the act that people sent, dirty people sent to me to attack me.
34:52I can't show the screencastified.
34:55I could edit it in Canva and delete the parts that are like that.
35:12Or I can go through each file, make a video of each file and screencastify.
35:20I could go through each file, find which ones I can't show.
35:30So I want to make sure this goes through, Shaya.
35:33So I'm not going to talk about you.
35:36I want to make sure this video goes through.
35:38I can't replicate this video.
35:43I want to make sure that...
35:48I need to make sure that you see some more of what happened to my data when I download it on Facebook.
36:01And then I'm going to...
36:03But there's absolutely no text.
36:08So we'll find out.
36:11Under the files, I'm going to compare what was downloaded on my cell phone versus downloading it on the computer.
36:21Because it appears to be that I have more images.
36:27Not a lot. Not a lot of images.
36:31There's no way that this is all of my data.
36:36There's absolutely no way.
36:38I'm going to do more...
36:43I'm going to make another...
36:45I'm probably going to make another video and edit it on Canva.
36:51Clip out the parts where there's images that you can't put on the internet.
36:59So I love you, Shaya.
37:03Thank you everybody for watching.
37:04Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.
