Married for Greencard, Stayed for Love Uncut Full Episode

  • 2 months ago
Married for Greencard, Stayed for Love Uncut Full Episode
00:0060 Days.
00:20I'm going to get deported.
00:22I deserve someone better.
00:24Don't cry, Leslie.
00:30This is my new boyfriend.
00:31So you're the one who's getting dumped.
00:32Miss Madsen, I need you to save my brother.
00:36Without your bow and arrow, he only has a few more months to live.
00:39Are you an American citizen?
00:40Yes, of course.
00:41Then marry me.
00:42And I'll make the donation.
00:46I can't believe you went from breakup to married in like 72 hours.
00:51I've seen hundreds of girls like you.
00:54I am not a gold digger.
00:57As in billionaire, CEO, Simon Williams?
01:00Think I would know if I was marrying a billionaire.
01:04What are you, like a secret millionaire or something?
01:10What do you even do for a living?
01:23Mr. Williams, I really cannot disclose who the bow and arrow match for your brother is.
01:28The person's already refused the donation.
01:31There's nothing else I can do.
01:39Mr. Williams, I know you're rich, obscenely rich, but it's not about money.
01:46My job is on the line, and if I disclose who the donor is, I risk losing my medical license.
01:50Dr. Walker, everything is about money.
02:00You say this person's the only match for my brother.
02:04Uh, correct.
02:10Then you must know I have no recourse.
02:12This person doesn't donate.
02:16The brother dies.
02:18You've sworn an oath to save lives.
02:21Please, save my brother.
02:30Leslie Madison, the donor.
02:34Her name's Leslie Madison.
02:45We're engaged, David.
02:47Why can't we get married sooner rather than later?
02:49You know I just got laid off.
02:51My work visa expires in 60 days.
02:53I'm going to get deported.
02:54Don't put that on my shoulders.
02:57It's not my responsibility.
03:06How could you say that?
03:07We've been together for two years.
03:09We're already living together.
03:11If we were going to get married eventually, why can't it be now?
03:13See, that's the problem.
03:14I don't want to marry you.
03:18Look, truth is, I'm already seeing someone else.
03:23It doesn't matter, Leslie.
03:25Let's break up.
03:26Please move out of my apartment, now.
03:31Don't cry, Leslie.
03:32I'm not in front of this cheating asshole.
03:37Leslie, I'm sorry.
03:42It's just that you don't really bring anything to the table.
03:46I deserve someone better.
03:48Fuck you, David.
03:49Yeah, whatever.
03:50Good luck finding a man willing to marry you.
04:16I don't follow the way you're playing.
04:19I'm living independently.
04:23I'll do what I want to.
04:28I'll do what I want to do.
04:31I'll do what I want to.
04:32I'll do what I want to.
04:34I'll do what I want to do.
04:35I'll do what I want to do.
04:37I'll do what I want to.
04:44Miss Madison?
04:45You going somewhere? I can give you a ride, I'll speak with you in private.
04:52Leslie! Leslie! Who is this?
04:57This is my new boyfriend. He's hotter than you, richer than you, and has a bigger dick than you.
05:06So you're the one who's getting dumped, David.
05:15Sorry about that. This is so embarrassing. I get laid off, dumped, and kicked out all in the same day.
05:30And now I'm crying in a stranger's car.
05:35Wait, who are you? You said you needed to speak with me.
05:40It's Madison. My name is Simon Williams.
05:43Leslie, just call me Leslie.
05:45Leslie, I need your help. I need you to save my brother.
05:57I don't know about this. When the doctor called, he said it was going to be multiple rounds of bone marrow donation.
06:04Why did you put your name on the donor's list if you're not going to donate?
06:07Should I tell him I developed trypanophobia? If I see needles, I'm going to faint.
06:14I just, I don't feel comfortable anymore. Isn't there anyone else?
06:20No, you're the only one.
06:24My brother. His name is James.
06:30He should be in college instead of lying here at death's door.
06:34Parents died when we were really young.
06:36We were raised by our grandmother.
06:38Leslie, without your bone marrow, he only has a few more months to live.
06:42Yes, money. How could I forget?
06:47Money, of course. I can give you whatever you want. You name it, I'll make it happen.
06:59What did you just say?
07:01Are you an American citizen?
07:02Yes, of course.
07:04Then marry me, and I'll make the donation.
07:11Then marry me, and I'll make the donation.
07:14You can help me get a green card, and I'll donate my bone marrow to your brother.
07:19Then we divorce, get separated, go our separate ways, win-win.
07:23Does she know who I am? Does she want to marry into the Williams family?
07:28Let me get this straight. You want to marry me?
07:33For a green card?
07:36Yes. Why else would I marry a stranger?
07:40Look, my visa is expiring in 60 days, and if I get deported, I won't be able to help your brother anyway.
07:47So, what do you say?
07:54Okay. Deal.
07:58Thank you.
08:08We just need to do a blood test to confirm.
08:11And if everything goes well, we can start the bone marrow transplant within two weeks.
08:15Ms. Madison, do you prefer the left or the right arm?
08:24Hey, are you okay?
08:26Yeah. You can use this one.
08:46Come on, Leslie. You've got to pull through.
08:49You can't get deported. Mom and Dad are counting on you.
08:57Are you okay? You seem like you're about to faint.
09:01Um, I'm...
09:05Don't look at her. Look at me.
09:08I'll tell you a secret.
09:11I'm definitely afraid of bugs.
09:14I mean, I know I'm a big guy, but when I see one, I squirm like a little girl.
09:20This one time, I was in, like, this huge meeting, and this spider, like, came out of the ceiling,
09:25and he landed on my arm, and then he started crawling up,
09:28and I ran out the door and peed my pants.
09:32And we're done.
09:35See? That wasn't so bad, right?
09:38I didn't even tell it was already over.
09:56Do you miss?
09:59So this is your aunt's place?
10:02Yeah. On my mother's side.
10:06I really need to find a new living arrangement soon.
10:10Uncle Toby won't be happy that I'm here.
10:13Well, I can pick you up tomorrow.
10:16To get married.
10:18No, no, no. I'll get there myself.
10:219 a.m. City Hall. I'll be there.
10:28Good night.
10:30Good night, Simon.
10:34You what?
10:36Marry her. Tomorrow.
10:38It's the only way to save James.
10:41So the money's not enough.
10:44She wants to be part of the Williams family.
10:47She's a gold digger.
10:49I don't think she knows who I am.
10:51I think she just wants to move here so she can get a green card.
10:54So that way she can stay in this country.
10:57Plus, it would be a great way for me to keep watch and make sure James recovers.
11:01Keep it that way.
11:03Don't let her find out your real identity.
11:06You cannot let the public know about this.
11:09If they find out you married an immigrant, our stocks will plummet.
11:13As soon as James recovers, divorce her and marry Mia White.
11:37Here is your breakfast, Uncle Shelby.
11:43Hey, loser! Where's my coffee?
11:46Hailey, what's the matter with you?
11:48Don't talk to your cousin like that.
11:50She's not wrong.
11:52How long are you staying here anyways?
11:54You're a grown-ass adult.
11:56I'm not housing and feeding you for free.
11:59Where is she going to go?
12:00She lost her job, got dumped, and now she's homeless.
12:03Ignore them, sweetheart.
12:06Stay as long as you need to.
12:10I'll find a place soon, and I'll pay you guys back for food and rent as soon as I get a job.
12:19Oh, crap! I have someone important to meet.
12:23Wait, no breakfast?
12:25Important, my ass. Where's someone like her going to go?
12:31This is not funny.
12:40Finally, my ticket to this great country.
12:46Thank you. I mean it.
12:48You're welcome.
12:51If there's nothing else, I can give you a ride or something.
12:53Oh, actually, there is something else.
13:00Thank you.
13:04I made a checklist.
13:06Please take a look.
13:10Number one, open a joint bank account.
13:12Number two, host a small wedding with family for photos.
13:16Number three, go on dates and post on social media.
13:20What's all this for?
13:22A marriage certificate is not enough.
13:24I need this to look realistic.
13:26We need to prove the authenticity of our marriage to the immigration officer with lots of photos.
13:31Oh, and don't worry about the bank account. We just need to put a little money together.
13:39That's not enough.
13:53Move in?
14:02Move in?
14:06If you want to make this look believable, we're going to have to move in together.
14:09That's what married people do, right?
14:11That would solve my living arrangement problems, but moving in with a stranger...
14:18And as for the rest of the checklist, I've got it taken care of. Don't worry about it.
14:24Oh, and let's have the wedding a week from now.
14:27That gives me time to prep, and we can move in together after the wedding.
14:31Sound good?
14:34Wow, you are really on top of it.
14:39I just feel bad making you do all of this work.
14:42Look, don't worry about it. I just need you to stay healthy.
14:46A brother's life depends on it.
14:48Thank you.
14:50Oh, Simon, there's one more thing.
14:53What is it?
14:55I don't have a lot of money right now, so if it's okay,
15:00can you pay for the wedding bills?
15:03Don't even worry about the money. I think I've got it covered.
15:06No, no, no. I have to pitch in. I can't just leech off of you.
15:09I'll pay you back as soon as I find a new job.
15:12Okay. Deal.
15:14Okay. Let's do this.
15:31Good morning, Mr. Williams.
15:34You have a board meeting at 11.30 a.m.
15:36Then you have a lunch with the executive team.
15:38Then later in the afternoon, you have a meeting with Mr. J
15:41at Crazy Maple Studio to discuss their latest app, Real Short.
15:45Real Short? The media streaming platform?
15:48Yes. It's really popular right now, and it's soaring on both iOS and Google Play Charts.
15:52Set the meeting room up for Mr. J's arrival.
15:54It would be great if he accepts our investment.
15:57Oh, and one more thing.
15:58Of course. What do you need, sir?
16:00I need you to find me a modest house in a great neighborhood.
16:02And then I need a new car. Something like a Mercedes would be fine.
16:05And lastly, I need you to book me a wedding venue a week from now.
16:09Uh, okay. Anything else?
16:12Actually, yes. Hold on a minute.
16:17That's so great.
16:28Who's that?
16:34Who's that?
16:35It's Mia White, heiress of the White family.
16:38I hear she's going to be engaged to Mr. Williams soon.
16:41She's not even that pretty.
16:43Yeah, but who cares? She's worth billions.
16:45I hear T9 is going to merge with White Group.
16:48Why is that mean for us?
16:50Pay raise.
16:53Mr. J, it was great talking to you today.
16:56And I guarantee you that T6 is going to take your company to the next level.
17:00Yes, yes, of course.
17:10Um, talk to you next week.
17:12Hi, Simon.
17:14Um, Mia, what are you doing here?
17:19You haven't called or texted.
17:22You know, I've been busy.
17:34Your grandmother wanted me to check up on you.
17:37It's almost 5.30. We should go grab dinner.
17:41I made us reservations at Joel Rovachan.
17:44Your favorite.
17:46I, uh, got somewhere else to be.
17:51Bring me.
17:56Go home.
18:13Hey, Aunt Marie.
18:16I need to tell you something.
18:19I got married this morning.
18:21That's nice, dear.
18:23Wait, what?
18:24I thought you and David broke up.
18:27I can't tell Aunt Marie the truth.
18:29She'll freak out and tell my parents.
18:31It'll just cause more drama back home.
18:38Um, I actually met this guy a while back.
18:41And we recently reconnected and headed off.
18:44Plus, you know my visa situation.
18:47Yeah, but marriage? Already?
18:50What's his name? How old is he?
18:53What's he do for a living?
18:55When's dinner?
18:57I'm so hungry I could eat a hippopotamus.
19:04This conversation's not over yet, missy.
19:06Don't worry, Aunt Marie. I'll be fine.
19:09I'm done moving in with those bitches.
19:14Wait, you seriously went and got yourself married?
19:17Who's the guy some homeless bubby found on the street?
19:20That's not nice.
19:21What? We all know she was marrying for the green card.
19:23She probably paid some homeless guy for it.
19:27First of all, his name is Simon.
19:29Sign of all, he's actually a decent guy with a good job.
19:32Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.
19:38I have to take this.
19:47Hey, is everything okay?
19:50What, I can't call and check on my wife?
19:55Of course you can, husband.
19:59I just get worried with James in the hospital and everything.
20:03No, everything's great with James.
20:05The doctor gave us the green light for the bone marrow donation.
20:08So that's going to happen in two weeks.
20:12Don't worry. I'm going to be with you every step of the way.
20:18Actually, I was calling about something else from the checklist.
20:23You said that you wanted a small wedding,
20:25so I was thinking maybe we should go wedding dress shopping
20:28and then maybe buy some rings.
20:30Hey, listen, don't worry. I'm going to pay for everything.
20:35No need. I'm broke and I'll just find something online.
20:39We're just going to use it for props anyway,
20:41so there's no reason to waste money.
20:43No, no, no, really, it's no problem at all.
20:45It's okay. I'll be busy tomorrow anyway.
20:47I have to apply for jobs.
20:49Oh, okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then.
20:52Have a good night.
20:56Wow, what an interesting girl.
20:59If she doesn't want to go shopping,
21:01I guess I'm going to have to bring the shopping to her.
21:04He's such a sweet guy.
21:16Um, who are you?
21:18Hi, I'm Joey from Style Public Relations.
21:21Is there a Miss Madison living here?
21:25Leslie, there's someone at the door for you!
21:29Hi, I'm Leslie Madison.
21:32Great, then let's get started.
21:46I know right here is where I want to be
21:51Forever running free
21:55Wow, spectacular. That is amazing.
21:59What do you think?
22:02I love it.
22:04How are you even going to afford all this?
22:06You don't even pay us rent.
22:11All of this looks lovely, but she's right.
22:15I don't think I can afford any of it.
22:18Oh, don't worry. Your husband already paid.
22:21Just pick whatever you like.
22:26Oh, I almost forgot.
22:28Susie, show her the shoes.
22:30Got it. Here Miss Madison, let's try these on.
22:32This was a special order.
22:34Paid for already as well.
22:36Limited edition?
22:38Let me try them on.
22:39Kylie, what are you doing? Wait a minute.
22:43Um, these are custom ordered for Miss Madison.
22:46The shoes are in her size.
22:49How did Simon even know my shoe size?
23:09I love them.
23:28Well, glad you like them.
23:32How are you?
23:33Firstly, this is your husband.
23:36Oh, yeah. This is Simon.
23:39What the actual fuck?
23:42This is Simon.
23:44Simon, this is my aunt's family.
23:46We have Aunt Marie, Uncle Toby, and my cousin Hayley.
23:51Well, it's a pleasure to meet all of you.
23:53Let's do dinner on me next time.
23:55Sounds good, Simon.
23:56But today, I have to plan for a beautiful wedding with my wife.
24:00Joey, we're all done here?
24:02Yes, Mr. Williams. We're all done here.
24:05Shall we?
24:25What happened to your Rolls Royce?
24:28I'm not that rich. The car's just a rental.
24:34Come on.
24:57Simon, what is this place?
25:01She thinks this house is nice.
25:03I told Ted to find a modest place.
25:05This is where I'll be living.
25:07It's very comfortable.
25:16This is where I'll be living.
25:18It's very comfortable.
25:26I know it's not much, but it's her new home.
25:29Wait. Not much?
25:32What are you talking about?
25:34This place is so nice.
25:37What are you, like a secret millionaire or something?
25:41I don't own it. I just rent it.
25:45How much do you pay for rent?
25:47I don't know if I can afford half. It's kind of expensive.
25:51I would never ask a woman to pay half the rent.
25:53Especially if that woman's my wife.
25:55Yeah, but I'm not your real wife.
25:57Of course I'm going to help you pay rent.
25:59We can discuss it later.
26:01I want to go over some wedding details with you.
26:03I'm at a reservation at Sunset Resort next Saturday.
26:06Sunset Resort?
26:08Isn't that place like five grand an hour?
26:12No, no, no, no.
26:14Can we please just have a backyard wedding?
26:18Right here is perfect.
26:21Do you want a backyard wedding?
26:25Yeah, just photos for the immigration officer.
26:28You're spending money like you're a billionaire.
26:32What do you even do for a living?
26:39What do you even do for a living?
26:47I'm just a software engineer.
26:50Ah, so that's why you could afford all of this.
26:54Anyway, yes, please, can we just do a small wedding?
26:57It's giving me anxiety just thinking about it.
26:59As you wish. Feel free to invite some friends.
27:02You're right. I should call Teresa.
27:04We're going to need some witnesses.
27:11I can't believe you went from breakup to married in like 72 hours.
27:16Well, he needed my bone marrow and I needed a green card.
27:20Good program.
27:22You know, this sounds exactly like the plot of a real short TV show.
27:28What's his name?
27:30Simon Williams.
27:33Simon Williams? As in billionaire?
27:36CEO Simon Williams?
27:40As in billionaire? CEO Simon Williams?
27:45Of course not. Simon Williams is a very common name.
27:49Are you sure?
27:51Because Simon Williams is super elusive.
27:53There are barely any photos of him on the internet.
27:57I think I would know if I was marrying a billionaire.
28:00He's just a regular software engineer.
28:02I'm sure he makes plenty of money with that job, but he's no billionaire.
28:09Yeah, I guess you're right. That would be insane.
28:12I wish.
28:13Okay, next question.
28:15Is he hot?
28:17Major, I can't wait.
28:19You'll see when you meet him at the wedding.
28:22The wedding!
28:24Yes, let's do it.
28:31Let's take a look.
28:33Oh, that is so cute.
28:35So cute.
28:42You may take as many pictures of yourself as you wish,
28:46but do not post any photos of my grandson on the internet.
28:51Is that clear?
28:54But do not post any photos of my grandson on the internet.
28:59Just give me a second, okay?
29:08Hi. You must be Simon's grandmother.
29:11It's very nice to meet you.
29:14Let's cut the crap.
29:16I've seen hundreds of girls like you.
29:19When this fake marriage fiasco is over, you'll be getting a divorce.
29:26That was the agreement. Of course.
29:29If Jane's recovery goes without a hitch,
29:32we might think of giving you a little bit more.
29:35Don't even think about asking for anything extra.
29:39So you think I'm a gold digger?
29:42That couldn't be anything further from the truth.
29:45I came to this country when I was 21 all by myself on a work visa.
29:49And if my work visa wasn't expiring, I wouldn't even think to marry a stranger.
29:54So yes, I may be a poor, working-class immigrant,
29:58but you cannot look down on my character.
30:01I am not a gold digger.
30:03Of course not.
30:06Grandma, could you not scare my bride away?
30:09She's very hard to find.
30:12Sorry about my grandmother.
30:14It's okay. I understand.
30:17She's a little senile.
30:26Shall we?
30:27Let's go.
30:33Thank you. Right there.
30:35Oh, I love it. Yes.
30:38Yes. Uh-huh.
30:42Please. Perfect.
30:43Can you get this real quick?
30:54All right.
30:55Now, bride, can you look at your chair for me just a little bit?
30:57Thank you. Right there.
31:00I'm gonna need you to smile for the camera.
31:04Not for me, but for the immigration officer.
31:06I need you to look like you love me.
31:09Now, how about a kiss for the camera, huh?
31:15I think he's right.
31:18How's a wedding photo gonna be complete without a kiss?
31:37Oh, man, I am so tired.
31:43Who would have thought even a small wedding would be so much work?
31:48Did you get enough photos?
31:50Oh, yeah.
31:53Teresa took some, and your photographer was fantastic.
31:57He made us look super legit.
31:59Whoa, just legit?
32:01Oh, my God.
32:03He made us look super legit.
32:04Whoa, just legit?
32:06We look cute in these.
32:08Okay, cute and legit.
32:11Oh, and your grandmother told me not to post anything on social media.
32:15Why is that?
32:17Yeah, it's because we're just a private family.
32:25Hey, listen, I completely understand that you need to make this look legit.
32:28I'll just make a new Instagram and call it Lesley and Simon,
32:33and I'll post other photos there.
32:35Don't worry, I'll make it private, but it's for the immigration officer.
32:41That sounds good.
32:55Dr. Walker?
32:57Hey, slow down. Is everything okay?
33:01Okay, we'll be right there.
33:09Something urgent has come up.
33:10We need to go into surgery right now.
33:12Follow me.
33:13Please, keep calling Dr. Kemp.
33:15Anyone can.
33:16Please try his receptionist and his wife.
33:19I'll apply a local anesthetic.
33:21Since this was sold last second, my anesthesiologist can't be here.
33:27Ms. Madison, please lay down on your side and tuck your knees to your stomach.
33:38You're so brave. Thank you so much.
33:53You'll feel a sharp pain when the needle goes in.
33:54Hey, you're not helping.
34:03Here we go.
34:05I have to pull through for Simon.
34:16I am so sorry.
34:51You're awake.
34:55How do you feel?
34:58I don't know.
35:00My back kind of hurts, but other than that I feel fine.
35:06What happened?
35:07You passed out.
35:10But the doctor said you're going to be fine.
35:15What about your brother? Is everything okay?
35:19The bone marrow transfusion has a success.
35:32All thanks to you.
35:39All thanks to you.
35:58I'm hungry.
36:01I'm sorry. I didn't think of that.
36:04Do you want something to eat?
36:06Maybe just a bag of fries.
36:10No, I have to get you something more nutritional than that.
36:14I need you to lay down. I'll be right back.
36:27I need you to make some reservations at Epic.
36:35Yes, clear the restaurant.
36:38All right. Thank you.
36:58I'm so full.
37:01This is the best meal I've ever had.
37:03You should try my cooking. I'm an excellent chef.
37:05Really? No. You don't seem like the type.
37:08Well, there's a lot you don't know about me.
37:14You know, it's so strange.
37:17There's no one in here tonight.
37:19I thought there'd be a lot of people, but there's no one in here.
37:23You know, it's so strange.
37:25There's no one in here tonight.
37:27I thought this place was famous and the reservations were hard to come by.
37:31Well, just so happens I'm a friend of the chef and he owed me a favor.
37:35So, here we are.
37:37Good job, Mr. Williams.
37:39Well, glad you like it, Mrs. Williams.
37:43That is still so strange to hear.
37:46Oh yeah, that reminds me.
37:48You told me earlier that you happen to have the same name as this billionaire CEO, Simon Williams.
37:58Just so we're on the same page.
38:00That isn't you, is it?
38:03Well, Leslie, I...
38:04What do you mean you're closed?
38:06Yeah, there's literally two people sitting right there.
38:09Yeah, private dining, my ass.
38:14Wait, Leslie?
38:20Look at you, Leslie.
38:22Looks like you snagged yourself a rich guy.
38:25I always knew you were after my money.
38:27I am so sorry, Mrs. Williams, for the disturbance.
38:30Oh, this is your ex-girlfriend.
38:34Yeah, Sarah.
38:36Me, Leslie, my loser ex.
38:38I mean, I'm so sorry.
38:40I'm so sorry.
38:42Yeah, Sarah.
38:44Me, Leslie, my loser ex.
38:46I mean, she clearly cheated on me with this dude.
38:51Who are you to judge me and call me a cheater?
38:56Simon, let's go.
38:58I would leave her if I was you.
39:00She's a skank.
39:01She's probably just trying to use you.
39:07What the fuck, you psycho?
39:09I'm gonna sue you.
39:10Baby, are you okay?
39:11No one calls my wife a skank.
39:15Make sure they're blacklisted.
39:16I want to hear them again.
39:28Thank you for what you did back there.
39:33But don't get yourself into trouble.
39:35Violence is not the answer.
39:38Well, of course it's not the answer, but it is the solution.
39:46You want to talk about it?
39:48What's there to talk about?
39:51I basically saw everything.
39:53He was my boyfriend of two years.
39:56We even got engaged.
39:59I asked him to help me and marry me.
40:03Instead, he dumped me and got somebody better.
40:07Like Sarah.
40:08He doesn't deserve you.
40:11I just never want to be in that situation again.
40:15Begging someone to help me.
40:17Feeling so powerless.
40:19I want my fate to lie in my own hands.
40:26I know exactly what you mean.
40:34James plays piano.
40:38I felt so powerless when he got sick.
40:42I couldn't do anything.
40:45When the doctor showed me your photo,
40:48I had hope again.
41:07James plays piano.
41:17I'm sorry.
41:19I didn't mean to wake you.
41:22Would you like breakfast in bed?
41:25Are you offering me breakfast?
41:29I told you I'm a fantastic chef.
41:31Plus, you can change yourself my cooking skills.
41:34Well, I'm quite the chef myself.
41:37Oh, well, a competition then.
41:40Oh, you're wrong.
41:41Oh, you have something right here.
42:04This is the moment of truth.
42:07I try yours, and you try mine.
42:10Here we go.
42:13Here we go.
42:25How is it?
42:30Oh, come on.
42:32I'm just kidding, it's delicious.
42:35It's actually really good.
42:49Was it good?
42:51Let me try.
43:06That's weird.
43:15I got a meeting, I gotta go to the office.
43:17Do you have any plans?
43:18It's already Monday?
43:20I have an interview, I gotta go.
43:21Okay, well, hey, listen, I can give you a ride.
43:29Darling, you're back.
43:30How wonderful.
43:34You look beautiful, Francesca.
43:36Oh, sweetheart, you're a doll.
43:38Come, let's have some tea.
43:40I'm so glad that you're back.
43:41I know, I missed you.
43:43Sit down, darling.
43:44So nice to see you.
43:45By the way, Francesca, I got these supplements from Switzerland.
43:49They're great for your health.
43:51Oh, darling, that's so kind of you.
43:53But you don't need to bring us anything, you're practically family.
43:58That's the thing, Francesca.
44:01I don't think Simon will marry me.
44:03Of course he's going to marry you.
44:05We've been talking about this wedding for years.
44:08And who else could run with my Simon except you?
44:13But I've done everything I can, Francesca.
44:17I make the time to see him, he says no.
44:19Darling, he's just a little preoccupied at the moment.
44:24With what?
44:27Francesca, I don't think I can do this.
44:29If Simon doesn't want me, I don't...
44:33I'm going to tell you something.
44:36But you have to promise me you will not tell anyone else.
44:40Of course.
44:42You have my word.
44:50Just my luck.
44:55Sarah, meet Leslie, my...
44:57I lose your action.
44:58I lose your action.
45:02Sit down, Miss Madison.
45:03This is a professional setting.
45:05You're just going to walk out of an interview?
45:14When I saw your resume, I almost laughed.
45:18I thought I just had to interview you.
45:22So, Miss Madison, tell me why you got fired from your last job.
45:30I was laid off because the company decided to outsource the whole department.
45:35I wasn't fired.
45:37I know so many people just like you, Miss Madison.
45:39They always blame their problems on others.
45:42They never take responsibility for themselves.
45:44There's actually a word for that.
45:46It's spelled L-O-S-E-R.
45:53Thank you for interviewing me.
45:55You're very professional.
45:58The boss should be proud.
46:09Hey, it's me.
46:11So, there's this girl named Leslie Madison.
46:15Get the word out to all our HR friends.
46:18She slept with her boss at her previous job.
46:22And that's why she got fired.
46:28What is that deliciousness I smell?
46:30I smell it all the way down from the driveway.
46:32I'm glad you're home.
46:34Dinner is ready.
46:35I can't tell you how strange it is to come to a warm house.
46:38I can already have dinner on the table.
46:40You're incredible.
46:41Where do you usually come home to?
46:49Thank you.
47:04Usually darkness.
47:07Well, you have me now.
47:09And this is the least I could do to repay you.
47:13Oh, and I'm going to pay you back as soon as I get a job.
47:17How's it going, by the way?
47:18The job interview.
47:20Don't remind me.
47:21It was the worst.
47:24But it's okay.
47:25I have a bunch of other interviews lined up, so it's going to be fine.
47:29No, I love a good story.
47:32Okay, so, remember that girl, Sarah?
47:35Shut up.
47:37She was just like, oh yeah, I'm going to get you.
47:39I'm going to make sure that you're not getting this job.
47:55I'm Leslie Madison. I'm here for an interview.
47:57Let me check.
48:00Oh, Leslie, I'm so sorry.
48:03Your interview has been cancelled.
48:06What? Why?
48:08Um, that I do not know.
48:14Thank you.
48:19This is Leslie Madison. I'm calling to confirm my interview for this afternoon.
48:30Got it.
48:40Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, bestie.
48:43What is going on?
48:44Something terrible is happening.
48:52So, you're telling me that all your interview was cancelled on you?
48:58And they were all like, you're not a suitable candidate anymore, or some bullshit like, this position has already been filled.
49:06That is very weird.
49:08Right? It's like somebody's trying to sabotage you.
49:11I have a friend of mine who's a headhunter. I'm going to text her and just see if she knows anything.
49:18Oh, my lord.
49:23Okay, enough of that. I can't carry you home, sis.
49:27Look, there's a private Discord chat where all the HRs in the city post their shady candidates.
49:34And, um, you're on there.
49:40What the actual fuck?
49:43I can't believe this.
49:46Look, here, drink some water. You've had far too much alcohol.
49:51Here you go.
49:57I hate this.
50:00I know.
50:02I hate this.
50:07Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, nope, nope, nope, nope, we are going to put you down.
50:12And we are going to call your husband to come pick you up.
50:16I think you texted me his number.
50:18He's not even my husband.
50:21He's fake.
50:24Well, I don't know about that.
50:28You look pretty real to me.
50:29You look pretty real to me.
50:31I saw the way he looked at you.
50:33That boy is crazy about you.
50:38That boy.
50:41These numbers are all wrong.
50:46Ted, call a meeting with the data team right now.
50:50Yes, sir.
50:51Leslie? I'm going to be a little...
50:56I'll be there in ten minutes.
50:58Mr. Williams, the meeting.
51:00Cancel it, Ted.
51:02This is a changed man.
51:10Oh, hey.
51:15Thank you for calling. Is everything okay?
51:18It's barely okay.
51:19Is everything okay?
51:21It's barely six. Why is she like this?
51:23Hey, come on.
51:25Hey, come on. We got to go. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
51:28Can you help me, please?
51:30All right. One, two, three.
51:31Come on. Let's go.
51:35Oh, God, get your shoes.
51:37I told you you're so cute.
51:39So this is what you're like when you're drunk.
51:41Give me a kiss.
51:42Okay. Come on. Come on. Look.
51:44Whoa, whoa. Okay. All right.
51:46Why don't you want to kiss me?
51:48All right. Watch your head there.
51:56All right.
52:01Well, Tracy, do you need a ride?
52:03Oh, no. I'll just walk. I'm so close.
52:07Well, can you let me know what's going on?
52:11Oh, boy.
52:12There's a rumor going around about Leslie
52:15that it could not be further from the truth.
52:18A rumor? What did it say?
52:26Hey, Ted.
52:28I'm going to send you a screenshot.
52:30Show it to our HR
52:32and ask her who's spreading that false information.
53:05Let's drink some wine.
53:07How about maybe tomorrow?
53:10No. I want wine.
53:13No. No wine.
53:17I want wine.
53:20How about we make omelets?
53:22I tell you what. How about a cooking competition?
53:24Okay. All right.
53:26Why are you hiding the wine from me?
53:28I didn't hide the wine from you.
53:30I think you drank all of it.
53:32Don't you want us to have fun?
53:46Put this on.
54:07Put this on.
54:10Don't tell me what to do.
54:17I don't want to be here.
54:33No touch.
54:37No touch.
54:48Hey, wake up.
55:06Wake up.
55:45You're naked.
55:52Do you remember what you did last night?
55:58What did I do?
56:01Please don't be embarrassing.
56:03Maybe I'm your little reminder.
56:17Hey, why don't you tell me you're having trouble finding work?
56:20How did you know about that?
56:22Teresa told me.
56:26Oh. I didn't want to bother you.
56:30I'll feed you.
56:34Leslie, you know you can rely on me.
56:37I'm your husband.
56:39Fake husband.
56:45Leslie, it doesn't have to be like that.
56:50What do you mean?
56:52I've fallen for you.
56:56Do you have feelings for me too?
56:59Of course I do. But what are you saying?
57:02That we just not get divorced when our agreement is up?
57:05No, no. What I'm saying is give us a shot.