Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom Season 1 Episode 4 - The King's Busy Day

  • 3 months ago
00:00Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.
00:09Everyone who lives here is very, very small.
00:14I'm Ben Elf!
00:17And I'm Princess Holly!
00:21Come on, let's play!
00:23Wait for us!
00:25Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
00:31Today's adventure starts at the little castle.
00:39The king's busy day.
00:47Food delivery!
00:49Hi, Ben!
00:51Food delivery!
00:53Hi, Ben!
00:54Hi, Holly! I'm helping my dad today. He's very busy.
01:00Thank you, Mr. Elf!
01:04Got to dash! On to our next delivery.
01:07Bye, Holly!
01:08Bye, Ben!
01:13Daddy, are you busy?
01:16I'm King Thistle. I'm always busy. I have lots of important work to do.
01:21You're not working now.
01:23I am. I'm practising sitting still, without falling asleep.
01:27That's not work.
01:29It is king's work. And it's harder than it looks.
01:32Oh. What else is king's work?
01:35Making speeches, shaking hands and waving a lot.
01:41That sounds fun. Can I help you work today?
01:45Of course, Holly!
01:46Oh, goody!
01:53Magic car! Drive on!
02:00Now, the first job for any king is waving. It's a bit boring, but you do it like this.
02:08Oh, look! It's the king!
02:10Hello! Hello!
02:14It's Princess Holly!
02:18This is fun!
02:19Yes. A good wave will work wonders wherever you go.
02:23Where are we going?
02:25Nanny Plum. What's the first bit of work I'm doing today?
02:29You're launching an elf boat, Your Majesty.
02:32How do you launch a boat?
02:35I'll show you.
02:37Princess Holly and King Thistle.
02:40Hooray! Hooray!
02:43This is where I make a speech.
02:47Well done, elves, for building this boat.
02:50It, uh, looks like a good one.
02:53And I'm sure you will have a lot of, uh, fun with it.
02:57You're a good show.
03:00Now we smash a bottle of sparkling fairy juice
03:03Now we smash a bottle of sparkling fairy juice against the side of the boat.
03:07Oh. But where is the fairy juice?
03:14Sorry, Your Majesty. We're very busy today.
03:17Hi, Holly!
03:18Hi, Ben!
03:19Got to dash. On to our next delivery.
03:21Bye, Holly!
03:25I declare this elf boat well and truly launched.
03:33Daddy, what do we do now?
03:36We shake hands and ask questions.
03:41Hello, and what do you do?
03:43I hammer metal, Your Majesty.
03:48How very interesting.
03:50Hello, and what do you do?
03:53I'm the ship's cook, Your Majesty.
03:56How very interesting.
04:00And what do you do?
04:02I'm the captain, Princess Holly.
04:04How very interesting.
04:07Daddy, can we ride on the boat, please?
04:12Good idea, Holly. I never get to try these things.
04:16Captain, would it be possible to ride on your boat, please?
04:20It would be an honour, Your Majesty.
04:33This is nice, Daddy.
04:35Yes, it is rather nice, isn't it?
04:38I don't know why I've never done this before.
04:40Would you like some lunch, Your Majesty?
04:43Oh, yes. I am rather hungry.
04:46Me too.
04:48Telephone for Your Majesty.
04:50Someone called Nanny Plum?
04:53Hello, Nanny Plum.
04:55Yes. Yes, of course. Right away.
05:00Nanny says I have to get back to work.
05:03Oh, but, Daddy, what about lunch?
05:06I know, but there is more important king work to be done.
05:10But, Daddy, you're king. That means you're in charge.
05:15Ah, Holly, everyone thinks I'm in charge,
05:19but really I get told what to do all the time.
05:25When are we having lunch, Nanny?
05:27There's no time for lunch, Your Majesty.
05:29You have to judge a fairy fruit and vegetable competition.
05:33How do you do that, Daddy?
05:36How do I do that, Nanny?
05:38You pick the biggest.
05:45Princess Holly and King Thistle.
05:48Hooray! Hooray!
05:52Here are the finalists, Your Majesty.
05:54Here are the finalists, Your Majesty.
05:56This is a tomato.
05:58Ah, very, uh, big.
06:01And this a strawberry.
06:03Also very big and, uh, red.
06:08Now I have to make another speech.
06:14Well done, everybody, for growing this, um, stuff.
06:18It all looks, uh, very big.
06:22Now, without further ado,
06:24I judge that the winner is the tomato.
06:31Or perhaps the strawberry.
06:36No, no, the tomato.
06:38Daddy, they keep using magic.
06:44Yes, this happens every time.
06:48Why don't we just see which one tastes the best?
06:52What a good idea.
06:54Let's taste them.
06:56It can be our lunch.
06:58First, the main course, the tomato.
07:05Mmm, delicious.
07:07Now for pudding, the strawberry.
07:11Mmm, scrumptious.
07:14Yum, yum.
07:16Both so very tasty.
07:18They both win.
07:22So, where's the trophy?
07:27Hope I'm not too late, Your Majesty.
07:29No, you're just in time.
07:32Well done. Jolly good show.
07:36Hi, Ben.
07:38Hi, Holly.
07:39Bye, Holly.
07:42Mmm, that was delicious.
07:45I'd like a little nap.
07:47I'm sorry, Your Majesty, there's no time for that.
07:50But I'm tired, Nanny.
07:52You must make another speech
07:54at the Festival of Elf and Fairy Dancing.
07:57Oh, I don't know anything about dancing.
08:01How can I make a speech about it?
08:03Daddy, I can do a speech.
08:05I've been watching you do it all day.
08:10You can make the speech, Holly.
08:16Princess Holly and King Thistle.
08:23Look, Mr. Elf has brought the musical instruments.
08:31Hi, Holly.
08:32That was the last delivery.
08:34Now we can play.
08:36You might have finished, Ben,
08:38but I'm still working.
08:40Holly, it's time for your speech.
08:47You all look very nice
08:49and I hope you have fun dancing today.
08:53Jolly good show.
08:55Jolly good show.
08:59What happens now?
09:01Now comes the hard bit.
09:03We have to sit still and not fall asleep.
09:08In honour of Your Majesty,
09:10we will now do a dance.
09:15How awful.
09:25Even worse.
09:36Very good.
09:38Very good.
09:40Come on, Daddy.
09:42Very good.
09:44Come on, Daddy.
09:45Let's dance.
09:48But I...
09:49Oh, all right.
09:51Could you play something a little bit more modern?
10:09I like your work, Daddy.
10:12It's fun.
10:14You're right, Holly.
10:16King's work is fun.
10:25Oh, that was a busy day.
10:28Ho-ho. Yes, it was.
