HD القرصان - مدبلج - الحلقة 15 - بجودة
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01:40Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
01:45Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
01:50Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
01:55Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
02:25Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
02:30Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
02:35Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
02:40Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
02:45Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
02:50Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date with what's new.
02:55I don't like meat.
02:56This is not allowed my boy.
02:58You must eat a lot of meat so that you become a strong and brave man in the future.
03:03When we add some fried onions to the sauce, and we dip the meat in the salt,
03:07you will see how delicious it is and how good it smells.
03:11What do you think of trying it Hamza?
03:20How will we find Ester among all this muck?
03:23We'll find her, don't worry, but let's finish our job first.
03:32What's going on?
03:34Oh my God!
03:35What's wrong with her?
03:37She's possessed!
03:39This lady is carrying a bag with a pair of diamonds in it.
03:44No one knows about her.
03:46This is a miracle!
03:50What's this?
03:51A dangerous woman!
03:52That man is over there!
03:54He came with him from the island of Theos.
03:56A small statue, but very precious.
03:58Oh my God!
03:59What is this power?
04:00I've never seen him before.
04:06What are you doing?
04:09You were just thinking about him.
04:12And you're wondering if you're going to reveal my secret to everyone.
04:15That's what makes me different, that I read your thoughts.
04:19And my talent is higher than magic.
04:39In fact...
04:40In fact...
04:47In fact...
05:04I lost my money because of you.
05:06Can you help me get it back?
05:09That's strange.
05:10The children were so happy about this magical fantasy.
05:15Good thing all those people were gathered.
05:18Is there a party?
05:20Do you know what's going on?
05:21Why are people running in excitement?
05:23They're going to see the witch, Esther.
05:26Everyone was waiting for her.
05:29Did you hear that?
05:30Yes, I heard.
05:33Take us to the house and we'll follow you.
05:35Where to?
05:36I have an important and urgent job.
05:38Tell us what happened.
05:39We'll follow you, don't worry.
05:42May God forgive me.
05:50Don't you remember me?
05:53You told me your star was shining.
05:55And your look was beautiful and the time was right for the merchant.
05:59You tricked me with that.
06:01You told me to get the goods from India.
06:03I took all the ships I owned.
06:05And guess what happened.
06:08On my way back, a storm hit my ships.
06:12And the sea swallowed them.
06:14I lost all my wealth in the Indian seas because of your words.
06:20I remember you.
06:21Maybe it was a mistake.
06:23We won't give you back what's yours.
06:27But I'll make amends with you.
06:31I know we have a good relationship.
06:34I know your relationship with your wife is very bad.
06:37So I'll give you this compensation.
06:42Take it.
06:46How did you know we were at odds?
06:51Aren't you going to compensate me?
06:53Of course.
06:55But do you know what the surprise is?
06:58I won't take any money in return.
07:03Take my money.
07:05This is all I have now.
07:08Throw away this compensation because it's a lie.
07:12So how did you know my secret?
07:17Your dress is torn.
07:19And one of the buttons of your shirt is cut off.
07:22And your eyes are tired.
07:24And you don't know how much I love you.
07:27I love you.
07:29I love you.
07:30I love you.
07:31Your dress is torn.
07:32And one of the buttons of your shirt is cut off.
07:34And your eyes are tired.
07:36All of this indicates that you have left your home and your situation is very sad.
07:41But how did you know about these things?
07:45The statue of a man and the cards hidden in the belt of a woman.
07:48The mercantile traders and the Saga.
07:50And the porters in the port.
07:52They are all my friends.
07:54So don't believe these myths.
08:01The Saga
08:19The wind is getting stronger.
08:21If it stays like this, we will reach Silanik quickly.
08:24And after we finish this trip, we will buy our ship and get rid of the UNITA and its troubles.
08:33Who knows?
08:35Maybe we won't get rid of it.
08:41Maybe we will go deeper into it.
08:45What do we have to go deeper into it, Mr. Arooj?
08:48Didn't we try from the beginning?
08:50To make us independent, away from the UNITA?
08:57But the UNITA has another face that we don't know.
09:00A dark, bloody face.
09:03And more than a monster.
09:06If we can't reveal its ugly face
09:09and understand its secret goals,
09:12the ships of the infidels will sail away.
09:14In a sea of Muslim blood.
09:17And this is exactly what we don't accept.
09:20And we will never be silent about it.
09:25We have to work to discover its strengths and weaknesses.
09:29Even if we have to dive into the bottom of the sea.
09:38God's words are good for me.
09:40But as long as the UNITA's link is so dangerous and its strength is great,
09:45won't we be provoked by the anger of the dragon to face it?
09:53We won't let death anger anyone.
09:58In this sea,
10:00if you're not a wolf,
10:02you're a prey to the broken wolves.
10:05And if you're not a wolf,
10:07you're a prey to the broken wolves.
10:10And I...
10:12I won't be a carrier put on a gold platter.
10:16I won't let them eat the flesh and blood of our Muslim brothers.
10:21The appearance of this cruel wolf
10:24forced us to become a sea of gold to help our people.
10:33And from now on,
10:35my laws won't be lifted.
10:38And I will only dive to bury the bodies of our enemies at the bottom of the sea.
10:47Whoever chooses to stay on the beach, let him go.
10:50We won't blame anyone.
10:53And whoever wants to risk it,
10:56and go against the waves and the currents of the sea,
10:59let him stay with me.
11:01I've been waiting for this for a long time.
11:04I'm with you, Mr. President.
11:05And we're with you, Mr. Sarouj.
11:07We're all with you.
11:09And you're with us.
11:14From now on,
11:17we will be the swords of truth
11:19in the seas.
11:35We will be the swords of truth.
11:38We will be the swords of truth.
11:41We will be the swords of truth.
11:44We will be the swords of truth.
11:47We will be the swords of truth.
11:50We will be the swords of truth.
11:53We will be the swords of truth.
11:56We will be the swords of truth.
11:59We will be the swords of truth.
12:02We will be the swords of truth.
12:05We will be the swords of truth.
12:09We will be the swords of truth.
12:22Don't lower your sword.
12:24If you do, you will lose your head.
12:34Your head will stay between your shoulders now, but remember
12:39War is different from training. The difference is great
12:52If you're upset that you can't find a competitor of your level
12:55You were born in love with the challenge, my friend Petro
13:04We were not born fighters
13:08We were born simple, innocent children
13:11Our toys were swords made of wood
13:14Life called us to battle
13:17So it forced us to challenge it
13:20And now, as you can see
13:24We are the winners
13:33Do you want to try?
13:36I prefer to stab you with my dagger
13:46The king's dagger
14:03He didn't waste any of your time
14:05Time is of the essence
14:07Be careful
14:20What's the matter?
14:21A ship from Alexandria has arrived, from Silvio
14:25Is there any news about Ratko?
14:27No, my lord
14:28Oh, good
14:30Where did you go?
14:32What if Ratko has escaped?
14:34Ratko is an actual warrior
14:37He won't leave his place even if he is killed
14:41Ah, that's good news
14:43Let's meet Antoine
14:46It's time for him to become the Black Knight
15:03Go ahead, buy our goods
15:05Go ahead, buy
15:15Go ahead
15:16Go ahead
15:17Go ahead, my lady
15:19Take it
15:20Good, I'll bring you the rest of the goods
15:22Thank you
15:23That's Esther
15:24Yes, he is one of the best
15:40We came to Alexandria looking for you
15:43Oh, you fresh man
15:44Go ahead, buy
15:47Go ahead, buy
15:51What is this?
15:55My eyes!
15:56My eyes!
15:57My eyes!
15:58Oh, God!
15:59He hit me!
16:00My eyes!
16:03Your son is in danger!
16:05Leave my son alone!
16:08What is this?
16:09What is this?
16:10Stop and listen to me!
16:14I beg you!
16:15What are you doing?
16:16Why did you fall?
16:18I beg you!
16:19Oh, God!
16:26You ruined the market!
16:27What are you doing?
16:28My eyes!
16:29You crazy people!
16:30You ruined the whole market!
16:32You didn't do it on purpose!
16:33Ah, I got it!
16:37I beg you!
16:38What do you want from us?
16:42Hurry up!
17:07Get out of there!
17:23Why are you following me?
17:24What do you want from me?
17:25We want your help
17:27There is something important
17:40You have a very bad luck
17:49You catch the bird
17:50and we take it from you
17:53Kill them, men!
17:55And give me the book and the girl
19:32Hurry up!
19:36I will make Alexandria a prison for you
19:38Where will you escape from my capture?
19:43Come on!
19:44Let's go to Silphium
19:49The link will start a big campaign
19:51And we wanted to inform you about that in advance
19:55What is this campaign?
19:57I don't know the details
19:59But it will be to achieve our big goal
20:02Big goal?
20:07Be ready for the orders that will come to you
20:12Big goal?
20:14What does this mean?
20:20The fate of the White Sea will change
20:24I am waiting for your orders
20:30A big goal
20:32and a big campaign
20:34An oasis
20:36It is more dangerous and deeper than we imagined
20:41No matter how much it costs me
20:44I will know the truth
20:45and expose all their conspiracies
20:55The Black Sea
21:21Do you need these clothes?
21:25And they say that pirates are people who like to escape
21:29But you are the most boring pirate I have ever seen
21:33Don't forget
21:35These clothes
21:37And the sword you are carrying
21:39And everything that will be revealed to you
21:42All of this will have one goal
21:45To spread your fear in their hearts
21:48And to take the only nightmare that lurks in the hearts of Muslims while they sleep
21:53The nightmare of the black pirate
21:56And for this
21:58Shouldn't I do more important things than wearing the dirty clothes?
22:02Of course you will do more than that
22:05Like killing a pirate for example
22:15A ship is sailing towards Silanik now
22:18And you will cause a massacre on its way to the ship
22:21Until you drag it into the fire with its feet
22:24Why should I attack it directly?
22:28The black pirate may make the walls of the sea tremble with fear
22:32But Antoine, who screams inside you, does not forget the most important thing
22:36You are a weapon in my right hand
22:38And this is my war
22:39And you have to do what I order you to do
22:42Word for word
22:44But you are a pirate
22:46I know
22:48If I go against you, you will order your men to kill me
22:51Now I understand the essence of this matter
22:54As long as you have understood, listen
22:57You are now a black pirate
22:59And it is important for me that your strike is lethal
23:02Because the first strike is the most important
23:08A small one
23:19Hey, what did you bring for us?
23:22Pork with vinegar and salt
23:25Ah, and some of the
23:28Minced meat
23:30I know you prefer food in the Khan
23:34But he was forced to eat with us today
23:39Thank you
23:41Did you feed Ja'far and his men?
23:44Enough water
23:46You made a mistake, Hussju
23:48The right of the prisoner is a precious trust
23:51Don't you know that the best for the prisoner is our morals?
23:54Of course I know
23:56Forgive me, sir, I will give them a few pieces of meat
24:02And the meat
24:05Don't worry
24:07As you wish
24:11The heart of the president is broken because of you
24:14Feed Ja'far and his men
24:16Otherwise, he will slaughter your son
24:19And cook him with rice
24:21Shut up, Elias, shut up
24:23My heart is not broken because of you
24:25Whenever I am angry at someone, you calm me down
24:31I am the one who solves problems
24:32And you are the one who solves them
24:34For each of us, his job in life
24:37But you used to say
24:40You will be a father, so leave the hard work
24:46You are the father of my brother's son
24:49And a father to me too
24:51And you will be a father to all of us
24:55I ask God that I do not die before that is fulfilled
24:58And until that time
25:00Don't let the love of the seas leave your heart, sir
25:06Thank you, my hero
25:08Thank you
25:28Come in
25:34Come in
25:42Sir, are you okay?
25:44Get out of here
25:46Why did you come?
25:48I brought some books about travel and books
25:51For you to see, Isabel
25:54Put it here and go
25:59I prefer to see it first
26:12Did you ask for me?
26:15I brought you these records
26:18But I am the one who will review them
26:29Excuse me, sir
26:31A man wants to meet you
26:34And he has a message from Kalminus
26:37Okay, let him come
26:43Yes, put it here
26:46As you wish, sir
26:58Let's go
27:07I'll see you later
27:29We are here
27:33We finally caught up with you
27:38What made you come so late?
27:42Nothing, but
27:44We wanted to visit a friend
27:46But we couldn't find him
27:50And who is your friend in Alexandria?
27:53I don't know
27:54He is an old friend
27:56I didn't tell you about him
28:03I'm sorry I'm late
28:05Let's go home
28:12Listen to me
28:14If you were a child, I would have beaten you to talk
28:17But you have become a sensible man
28:20And you have become a wise man
28:22But you have become a sensible man
28:25And you don't deserve to be beaten
28:47How did two men manage to get you to this state?
28:53You look like an overturned ship
28:57Don't pour your oil
28:59The fire may burn you, Silvio
29:01I was just kidding
29:03Don't be angry
29:08If I don't carry out the orders of Captain Petro, I will be punished
29:12Are you happy with this, Silvio?
29:14Answer me
29:17He doesn't like me
29:20Tell me who made you angry
29:24What is the problem?
29:27They are looking for people who are old friends of Medli
29:30They arrived in Alexandria today
29:32I want all the information about them
29:35This Medli
29:37He is the source of all the disasters that affect us
29:44But in any case
29:46Give me some details about them
29:49So I can start collecting information for you
29:54The most important man is called Khadr
30:07Come on, give me your hand
30:09Come on
30:11Are you going to leave me?
30:12Do you understand, Hamza?
30:14My brothers are here
30:16I will go visit them and come back to you
30:19Don't worry
30:21If you want, you can rest here
30:29My little one
30:33Why are you so late?
30:35I was worried about you
30:37I came
30:39But I had to go to Medli
30:44Let's go say hello to Arouj and the others
30:47Why are you so excited to go?
30:50When a person faces death
30:53He remembers the value of his loved ones
31:01Thank you, oh merciful God
31:04I finally found him
31:06My dear brother, how are you?
31:07You came, my love
31:08You did the best you could
31:11But now
31:14But now
31:26Where did everyone go?
31:37Where did everyone go?
32:08I will not let you go
32:11I will not let you go