• last year
Thin Atmosphere: The atmosphere on Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth's and is mostly carbon dioxide.
15 Lesser-Known Facts About Mars


00:00Two different hemispheres, Mars has a distinct dichotomy between its northern and southern hemispheres.
00:06The northern hemisphere is smooth and low-lying, while the southern hemisphere is rugged and heavily cratered.
00:11Largest dust storms, Mars experiences the largest dust storms in the solar system,
00:16sometimes enveloping the entire planet and lasting for months.
00:19Water ice just below the surface, scientists have discovered vast amounts of water ice just below the Martian surface,
00:25particularly at the poles and mid-latitudes.
00:28Blue sunsets, unlike Earth, sunsets on Mars appear blue due to the way its thin atmosphere scatters sunlight.
00:35Tharsis region, Mars is home to the Tharsis region, a massive volcanic plateau with some of the largest volcanoes in the solar system,
00:43including Olympus Mons, evidence of ancient rivers.
00:46There are numerous dried up riverbeds and outflow channels on Mars,
00:49suggesting it once had flowing rivers and possibly a much wetter climate.
00:52Shorter year, a year on Mars lasts 687 Earth days, almost twice as long as a year on Earth.
00:58Day length similar to Earth, a day on Mars, known as a sol, is only about 40 minutes longer than an Earth day, lasting 24.6.
01:06Hours, weak magnetic field, Mars has a very weak magnetic field compared to Earth,
01:11which contributes to the planet's thin atmosphere, subsurface briny water, recent studies suggest there may be salty.
01:18Liquid water lakes beneath the ice at Mars South Pole, the red planet, Mars gets its red color from iron oxide, or rust, on its surface.
01:26Martian moons, Mars has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are thought to be captured asteroids from the nearby asteroid belt.
01:32Surface gravity, Mars has about 38% of Earth's gravity, which means you would weigh significantly less on Mars.
01:38Thin atmosphere, the atmosphere on Mars is about 100 times thinner than Earth's and is mostly carbon dioxide.
01:44Seasonal changes, Mars experiences seasons like Earth, but they are nearly twice as long due to its longer orbit.
02:14Thank you for watching!
