Rich VS Broke Girls *Popular Gadgets and Crafts for Parents*

  • 3 months ago
Playing in the sandbox is so much fun! Hey, look up there! It's a helicopter, and someone is coming down from it. Oh no, a rich girl just smashed the sandcastles. But don't worry, the broke girl will show her that DIY crafts are just as cool as expensive gadgets! And the moms will make sure both girls have fun and don't get bored!

#kid #rich #poor #gadget #craft #parents

0:00 Disaster in the Sandbox
0:27 Lego CatMap
1:09 Cool Automatic Piggy Bank
1:52 DIY Kitty Piggy Bank
2:36 Golden Slime for the Toilet
3:25 Sock Hack for a Dirty Toilet
3:52 Whack-a-Mole with Bunnies
4:18 Giant Cardboard Whack-a-Mole
4:53 CatMap 3D coloring
5:34 Self-coloring Napkins
6:09 Egg-shooting Сhicken
6:52 Paperclip catapult
7:28 Play-Doh Hair Gadget
8:24 Paper Wig for Hairstyles
9:04 Mini Dog Squish with Pimples
9:44 DIY Pimples from Glue Stick


00:00This little girl's the queen of the sandbox.
00:08But it looks like she'll have to protect her territory.
00:15Oh no! Your sandcastle!
00:18Let's hope you kept that bucket.
00:21She doesn't seem too nice.
00:23Well, at least we get free ice cream.
00:26Aw, don't cry.
00:28The sandbox is still your friend.
00:31Look, it got you your very own cat nap.
00:38Unfortunately, she wants a piece of him too.
00:42Of course, that's taking it too literally.
00:46Hey look, there's a little Lego inside.
00:50It's just the piece we need to make us a brand new cat nap.
00:56Just remember, you're never fully dressed without a smile.
01:07Money behind your ears?
01:09Grandpa wasn't kidding.
01:11No wonder she's rich.
01:13She's made of money.
01:18But it's important to keep your cash safe.
01:21And what's safer than a, well, safe?
01:27There's even a special slot for coins.
01:33Looks like your butler wants a tip.
01:37Don't worry, the safe is easy to open up.
01:41You just need to remember the password.
01:44Looks like we're down to your last coin.
01:48We could always hide it under a rock.
01:54But Mom's got a better idea.
01:56Take cardboard.
02:04Now draw a cat with a special pouch right in front of it.
02:09Now draw a cat with a special pouch right inside its tummy.
02:17Looks empty. That must mean it's hungry.
02:21You know, I hear this cat likes coins.
02:28Ooh, looks like we're getting a little collection going.
02:34Here girls, it's important to hydrate.
02:39Do you have enough? Well, that answers that.
02:43To the restrooms! Quick, let them in!
02:49This model is in early gas station style.
02:55Of course, a tip goes a long way.
02:59Oh, guess he wants a service fee too.
03:02Not all that glitters is gold, but it's okay.
03:06Sometimes it's something better, like slime.
03:12Talk about throwing your money around.
03:16Now this should be more to your liking.
03:21Let's start you with the same basic package.
03:25Not a big fan of cockroaches either.
03:28Guess we need to get creative then.
03:34Looks like the answer was with you all along.
03:37Your socks! Just wrap them around the seat.
03:49With all that energy, she'll just pop them in the air.
03:53With all that energy, she'll just love this Whack-A-Mole toy.
03:59Grab that hammer and show those moles who's boss.
04:06Ooh, guess she prefers the direct approach.
04:10You know, all that glowing must come in handy underground.
04:16Wanna play?
04:18Well, maybe not.
04:21Well, maybe there's some real moles out back.
04:27Careful, they bite!
04:29Let's look under that box.
04:31Hmm, not a mole.
04:33But who cares, we got a box.
04:36Now punch a few holes on top.
04:39Visualize the mole.
04:41Be the mole.
04:44But you might need some aspirin when you're done.
04:49It's arts and crafts time.
04:51But maybe stick to finger painting.
04:59Remind me to ask her for some tissues.
05:02Let's try a different kind of canvas.
05:05One you can just pour the paint on.
05:08Make gravity do all the work for you.
05:15Add a crescent moon and a pair of eyes.
05:20And soon, we've got a brand new cat nap.
05:25Don't forget to clean your hands.
05:28Hey, ever hear of a waste basket?
05:32It's a waste basket.
05:34Hey, ever hear of a waste basket?
05:39Oh, don't cry.
05:41Let's take that old paper.
05:44We can use it for our own arts and crafts.
05:51Now you've got your own cat nap too.
05:56And Mom's whipped up a special trick.
06:00This brings new meaning to watercolors.
06:10Is that a nest?
06:11Wow, it's got golden eggs.
06:15They look nice, but they're still pretty fragile.
06:21Let's just hope you kept that golden goose.
06:26Ooh, even better.
06:28A hen you can aim.
06:31Looks like it's time for target practice.
06:36Don't worry, the job's actually got great benefits.
06:40Let's just hope that includes vacation days.
06:43A lot.
06:50But she's not done yet.
06:52Quick, duck!
06:55Looks like it's Super Mom to the rescue.
07:01A paper clip?
07:02Whoa, that gives her an idea.
07:06Bend it up, and it's your brand new toy.
07:11We just need to borrow some pieces of paper.
07:16Crumple it up, and it's launch time.
07:21See how far it can fly.
07:23And the winner is both of you.
07:27Time to play beauty salon.
07:29Except this one tips the customers.
07:34Okay, okay, you deserve a break.
07:38Try this toy hair salon instead.
07:44Just fill up the tube with your favorite clay.
07:50Push down on the lever, and the client's got hair.
07:57Of course, you'll need hair to get a trim.
08:00Well, hair today, gone tomorrow as they say.
08:04Next, let's try red hair with some streaks.
08:09Don't forget to shape it up.
08:16Look, you can even make a baseball cap.
08:20The perfect thing to hide that bald spot.
08:26Looks like she wants to play hair salon too.
08:30But maybe you should stick to safety scissors.
08:34Better yet, let's stick to cutting paper.
08:41Make some tears, and it becomes strands of hair.
08:48Now how about we clip some coupons.
08:53Seriously, keep those coupons.
08:55And look, we can make curls.
09:04Look at that zit.
09:06Don't worry, you won't feel a thing.
09:09Well, now that you've woken up you will.
09:14It's okay, we'll play.
09:16But it's going to cost you.
09:21He knows you can get more than that.
09:23He does the family's taxes.
09:28But wouldn't you rather poke this pimple puppy instead?
09:35Squeeze nice and tight to get all that gunk out.
09:42Try not to get it on you.
09:44Didn't mean you should get it on her.
09:48Don't get mad, silly.
09:50Get crafting.
09:54Just roll up some glue and construction paper.
10:01Fold it up until it's a tight little square.
10:06Now poke a little hole on top.
10:09Make a bunch for a familiar face.
10:15But now it's time to get popping.
10:23Ooh, this zit comes with extra slime.
10:27Aw, she's gonna sleep good tonight.
10:30Okay, I think that's enough lipstick.
10:38This is why you need a safety deposit box for your makeup.
10:47Oh no, move your hand.
10:49I can't watch, but I can't look away.
10:53Those poor carrots.
10:55Luckily, Mama's come to prepare for next time.
11:01This cute little cat will open the door just a smidge.
11:05Ooh, nice manicure.
11:08Who knew that soda came in chewy?
11:13Time to bring out the extra strength toothpaste.
11:17Come on, Queen Bess couldn't pull off black teeth.
11:20And neither can you.
11:22Aha, all we had to do was make it cute.
11:26If only we could do the same with mouthwash.
11:36Wow, it does the work for you.
11:38Or maybe she's just saying no.
11:42Eating candy after brushing?
11:45This girl's one tough cookie.
11:48Do you need a cup?
11:50Oh, I guess not.
11:56A bottle spoon?
11:58The long-awaited sequel to The Spork.
12:01And it stays in place for you.
12:03Now that's just convenience.
12:06With a small spoonful, it'll actually end up in her mouth.
12:13Looks like it's time to wash your hands.
12:18It's going, going, gone.
12:25Yeah, I'm not putting my hand in theirs.
12:28I'm going to put my hand in hers.
12:32Yeah, I'm not putting my hand in theirs.
12:36Once again, a cute character will help save the day.
12:41You can never underestimate the power of cuteness.
12:48Just pour some liquid soap and wash away.
12:53Now we can have some fun.
12:55Bring out the dinosaurs.
13:01Okay, where's the detangler?
13:06Or better yet, a gadget.
13:08One that braids hair for you.
13:11Just hook up the strands one by one.
13:18Good thing she didn't notice.
13:22Of course, when gadgets fail, it's time for a life hack.
13:32And just like that, pigtails are a go.
13:42Huh, needs more cinnamon.
13:48Uh-oh, too many cooks and a whole lot of salt.
13:54In fairness, what isn't great with ketchup?
13:58Luckily, we have a tiny kitchen just for her.
14:06Just add dough and watch what comes out.
14:11Look at all those shapes and colors too.
14:16Don't worry, she won't eat it.
14:18She knows where mom keeps the good stuff.
14:21Aw, poor thing, she's under the weather.
14:26Some cough syrup can help.
14:28If only it tasted better.
14:35A mini water dispenser?
14:37Well, it's important to stay hydrated.
14:41Oh, I see, we're filling it up with the cough syrup.
14:47I bet it's good for her.
14:51I guess what she doesn't know won't hurt her.
14:53The opposite, in fact.
14:58Just don't ask for seconds.
15:02Oh no, the whole house is gonna get sick.
15:09Told you she knew about mom's secret stash.
15:18She's just mad she didn't get to it first.
15:22If only she liked veggies the way she liked candy.
15:27Or better yet, the other way around.
15:31With a little bit of camouflage, this pepper's the perfect hiding place for sweets.
15:39You probably need to work a little faster.
15:44Or just buy candy pre-stuffed in produce, if that's a thing.
15:50Ooh, that was quick.
15:52But we just need to cover the bottom.
15:57I guess if you can't beat them, eat them.
16:03Aw, what a cute widow cactus family.
16:09Of course, appearances can be deceiving.
16:14Don't worry, a little pump and you'll be as good as new.
16:27I guess she got over those cucumbers.
16:29Hey, watch out!
16:36Oh no!
16:37Is the candy okay?
16:38Please, tell me the candy's okay.
16:42A non-spill plate?
16:44This was practically made for her.
16:50And look, it comes complete with a strainer.
17:00After a long day of snacking, it's nice to have a good meal.
17:06It's only breakfast?
17:07This is a really long morning.
17:11Luckily, Grandma might just have the answer.
17:14Sort of.
17:20We just need to run some loops onto this thread.
17:25Now she can wear it and eat it on the go.
17:30Or just eat it now.
17:37Oh no, that's not good posture.
17:43Of course, good posture won't get the high score.
17:49This mom seems to have a device for everything.
17:53You just have to install it and rest your chin.
18:01And now Mom can relax and share her cheat codes.
18:07Look, I like candy as much as the next person, but this is giving me déjà vu.
18:14And she spilled it all over again.
18:16Like I said, déjà vu.
18:19Luckily, Mom picked up just what we need at the shoe store.
18:26Time to put those art classes to work.
18:31It's a face, and a surprised one at that.
18:36I get it, she can have fun feeding the box.
18:41But the best fun's with the round candies.
18:50It makes candy so much fun, she'll forget to eat it.
18:59Be careful, some things are best left hidden.
19:03Well, I hope it was useful for parents of little angels.
19:08Catch you next time.
19:09Hey, calm down. There's enough pomney for everyone.
19:13That's not exactly what I meant.
19:16Poor pomney.
19:17Maybe we can make her a new arm.
19:23Hot dog.
19:25That sausage is just what we need.
19:28Just wrap it up.
19:31And slip it right inside the socket.
19:39Well, I guess the circus is in town.
19:42And Dolly has the best seat in the house.
19:45Oh, let's get her out.
19:48Ouch! Your hands!
19:53Ah, it's okay.
19:54Just grab a door stopper.
19:58Add a bunch around the toilet seat.
20:03This'll give it some extra space.
20:08And that's it.
20:10This'll give it some extra space.
20:15And no more pinched fingers.
20:21High five!
20:24Mmm, broccoli.
20:25Like little trees you can eat.
20:30Of course, not everyone's a fan.
20:33Well, it's always nice to share.
20:35But save it for someone with a real mouth.
20:48Hey, you know we didn't mean her.
20:51We need some special spill protection.
20:54Just pour your soup right into the bowl.
20:59And take it for a spin.
21:03Here, why don't you try it?
21:10And now we can enjoy our lunch in peace.
21:17Here's a sweet treat.
21:22Let's just say they come tooth fairy recommended.
21:30She also suggests a good brushing.
21:33Come on, try it.
21:34It tastes like peppermint.
21:40Maybe our special pomney nozzle can help.
21:47Just attach a toothpaste tube to her head.
21:51Now just give her a good squeeze.
21:56And let's try our special toothpaste sprinkles.
22:02Here, try it.
22:03Something tells me you could use it.
22:10Someone's getting a foot bath for Christmas.
22:13Oh, poor Dolly.
22:15We'll clean you up.
22:21And look what we've got.
22:23A foot cleaner.
22:25Guess it also works for faces.
22:28Doll faces.
22:30Oh no, I think we scrubbed too hard.
22:39Well, at least it makes great makeup remover.
22:43What can we do?
22:45Wait, that's it.
22:46Our special bath boots.
22:51Load it up with bubbles and fizz.
22:58Cause someone's getting a good wash.
23:02Slip right in, there's plenty of room.
23:06Give your feet a good soak and dry off.
23:11Now they're squeaky clean.
23:17Those boots on the other hand.
23:25Ooh, someone sure likes lollipops.
23:28And I don't mean her.
23:31They're great for a quick wax job.
23:34Yeah, I wouldn't lick that if I were you.
23:40Next time, your candy just needs a little security.
23:45Now wrap the case up with air clay.
23:52Add a familiar face, and it's Jax.
23:59And when you want something sweet,
24:03well, Jax has got you covered.
24:05Have your candy and eat it too.
24:12Uh-oh, someone doesn't feel too good.
24:15And I think that someone needs a tissue.
24:23Here, some medicine should help you.
24:29Hey, it's supposed to go in your mouth.
24:32How about a little magic trick?
24:36Hide the medicine inside a soda can.
24:40Just need to add a straw on top.
24:45Here, it's important to stay hydrated.
24:51Ah, I think he feels better already.
24:56And now, let's give him a bath.
25:02Let's hear some tunes.
25:11Oh, it just isn't safe for earbuds these days.
25:15Where did he get those scissors anyway?
25:20I think this kid needs a distraction.
25:23And I think we've got just the thing he needs.
25:28Just need to give this guy some hair.
25:32And think outside of Blonde and Brunette.
25:40It's nice, but I think he could use a trim.
25:45Why don't we start with the bangs?
25:50And maybe work our way down to a buzz cut.
25:57When you run out, just add more clay.
26:02Snack time!
26:04What fresh, clean apples!
26:06Let's keep them that way.
26:10You need to wash those hands.
26:13Dolly will help.
26:15Press on some sand.
26:18And fill it up with liquid soap.
26:25Now you've got doll-shaped soap.
26:27Hey, why don't you try it out?
26:33Remember, lather, rinse and repeat.
26:40Ooh, she should follow that advice too.
26:44Sweet dreams, cause a nightmare's on its way!
26:58Oh, you made her hurt her leg!
27:01Oh, at least it matches your shirt.
27:06Maybe our handy extractor can help.
27:13Ah, now that should feel better.
27:16Let's add a band-aid while we're at it.
27:19And watch out for any bumps in the night.
27:22Some say chocolate causes zits.
27:25I'm not really sure if it's always true.
27:30But you should do a mirror check.
27:34Oh, we'll need to cover it up.
27:39Why don't we try a nice slime mask?
27:45Give it time and peel it off.
27:48Oh no, you're freaking out all over!
27:53Okay, it's time for a backup plan.
27:56Plop on these special pimple patches.
28:02Let's hope these work better.
28:08Yes, the pus is coming out!
28:11And it's working!
28:13Yes, the pus peels right off!
28:17Now she's feeling peachy keen.
28:22Let's see what's in the fridge.
28:26Who put pomney on the menu?
28:32Why, she's a pomney popsicle!
28:36Maybe we should help her thaw out.
28:39Well, at least she's out of the pan.
28:42Wow, that's one tough block of ice!
28:46You know, this gives me an idea.
28:49Grab a toy car and a balloon.
28:55Plop it inside and fill it up with water.
29:00And now we're ready to play!
29:03Plop it inside and fill it up with water.
29:09Ooh, nice and big!
29:12Stick in a freezer and slice the balloon on top.
29:21You think you can get the car out?
29:24At least it'll keep him out of trouble.
29:26Oh, these chips are just so good!
29:32They're even better if you eat them.
29:37Oh, you're making a mess all over!
29:46Someone needs to get sweeping.
29:49Here's looking at you, kid.
29:51Come on, what did that broom ever do to you?
29:58Let's add it to an RC car.
30:02And get your engine started.
30:07Soon, the floor will be good as new.
30:11And it gets colder.
30:14And you'll need a new car.
30:16Soon, the floor will be good as new.
30:20And it gets great mileage too.
