Aaron Rodgers Hints at Potential Reunion with Devante Adams

  • 3 months ago
00:00because Aaron Rodgers always has drama surrounding him that the American
00:10Century Championship the amateur golf event in Lake Tahoe last weekend Aaron
00:14Rodgers made some sort of reference that he's talked to Devante Adams his long
00:19time number one target in Green Bay about potentially reuniting in the NFL
00:25it has led to Devante Adams maybe being in trade speculation this from Adams
00:31agents Kenny Chapman and Frank Bauer regarding the recent trade talk
00:35surrounding their client to ESPN's Adam Schefter quote this is baseless
00:40unfounded speculation and Devante is expected to be with the Raiders as there
00:45has been absolutely no trade talk period and quote Donnie do you buy it will
00:52Devante Adams be in Las Vegas all 2024 NFL season long that's a good question
00:58too because right now I think obviously in Las Vegas and also let's go back to
01:01what actually happened in his career he was an absolutely filthy dominant wide
01:05receiver for the Green Bay Packers with a quarterback who loved his wide
01:09receiver where he would just like the other side of the field double coverage
01:13double coverage here Oh triple coverage of Devante you only live once let me
01:17throw it up to you he had the perfect storm as a wide receiver and was getting
01:20paid well I thought it was interesting that he demanded the trade to go to Las
01:23Vegas when you figured I'm gonna live in Green Bay I'm gonna live in Las Vegas
01:26so I might you know college roommate here a teammate I can't wait to get back
01:30up with it then they sort of pulled the rug out from under him and it's not so
01:33much about sometimes there's a top wide receiver okay well I still went here my
01:37favorite quarterback where I came here for he's gone but I got an unbelievable
01:40quarterback which you don't have now and there's no Super Bowl aspirations for
01:44the Oakland or the excuse me the Vegas Raiders at this point right now so now
01:47you could figure that you might be able to pry him loose but your question is
01:50valid right now I don't think he cares but let's just say the Raiders are one
01:54in six getting bad quarterback play you know that is gonna absolutely ramp up
02:00with the trade deadline because you're in a spot where yes wide receivers
02:03there's two things they want them forget and quite frankly winning probably way
02:07down on the ladder which sounds crazy they want to get paid they also want to
02:11have productivity like that's the whole key like and also like to say Justin
02:14Jefferson right we think he's gonna have a rookie quarterback oh he got paid
02:17he's gonna be happy trust me when I tell you this he could make all the
02:20money in the world but when his boys are catching 50 to 60 to 70 passes midway
02:24through the season and he's at 24 he's not gonna be like well my bank account
02:28is fat he's gonna be furious that's the way wide receivers operate but I don't
02:31know how this even get started where Aaron Rodgers like I have an
02:34unbelievably talented wide receiver room with great young players and I'm
02:37making comments like I still need another all-pro wide receiver because I
02:41don't like the wide receivers that I currently have which basically he's
02:43hand-picking just about every one of them so for my money I do think there's
02:47a really good chance that Devante Adams is out of Las Vegas midway through the
02:51season just because the productivity isn't there and quite frankly he was
02:54sold a bill of goods where I'm gonna go play with my teammate for three to four
02:58years we're gonna do a lot of damage and it happened quick and they move them
03:01out of town usually superstar players get upset by that like hey I came here
03:05to play with this guy you ship them out what's the deal
