Neath the old Egyptian Moon

  • 2 months ago
New Rendition of a old Song
00:00Oh go, on the banks of the Nile in mysterious Egypt
00:13There reigned, a queen of turn night into day
00:19Every night, when the moon made the Nile a silver ribbon
00:27At her command, with music grand, they'd start a cabaret
00:35Those ancient cut-ups, caught up for that crowd
00:39They made old Julius Caesar laugh out loud
00:56In a cabaret, neath the old Egyptian moon
01:03On the banks of the Nile, you could hear those lovers croon
01:10High moguls and potentates flopped Cleopatra's gates
01:15It seemed she'd put this poor old world in tune
01:18When she did the tango with Marc Antony
01:21And the dance of the Nile, so full of mystery
01:25She made the boys of ancient Rome forget they ever had a loving little wife at home
01:31In a cabaret, neath the old Egyptian moon
01:39Even now, on the banks of the Nile in mysterious Egypt
01:46At twelve, each night the ghosts come back to play
01:52Every night, neath the moon, you can hear the ghostly revels
01:59The ghost queen grand gives her command to start the cabaret
02:07Those ancient Josuns, caught up as before
02:11They must be good to make those dead ones roar
02:21The ghostly revels
02:42Even now, on the banks of the Nile in mysterious Egypt
02:48At twelve, each night the ghosts come back to play
02:55Every night, neath the moon, you can hear the ghostly revels
02:59The ghost queen grand gives her command to start the cabaret
03:09Those ancient Josuns, caught up as before
03:13They must be good to make those dead ones roar
03:18The ghostly revels
