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Ramalinga Swamigal Thiruvarutpaa

Meaning in English:
In Castes, in philosophical dogmas, in the conflicting ceremonials of sectarian practices, in the noisy debate of Sastaras, in the wars of Gotras-

Pinning your Faith in these Differences, distinctions and quarrels from times immemorial, you men and women of the world! Are restless and tossed about hither and thither.

Let me tell you, my brothers and sisters, it does not become you, loving and intelligent souls that you are, to be so restless and tossed about hither and thither and ruined ignominiously.

To establish you in eternal justice, in the very heart of reality of effulgent and blissful existence,
The one without an equal, the lord who takes his endearing adobe in the inner sanctuary of all lives, is not coming to open and into the broad day light of our experience and will play his unique game of glory and grace.

It is therefore time for you to turn in this way. And I do call you all men and women of the world, in the name of out lord and master, to our ineffable destiny of perfection.

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