Hot weather scorches Karachiites - Latest Updates

  • 3 months ago
Hot weather scorches Karachiites - Latest Updates
00:00Now, we are feeling very hot since morning and the temperature has reached 35 degrees centigrade.
00:07This intensity can be felt as 41 degrees.
00:10We have already given the reference of the previous day.
00:13Because of that, around 250 to 300 people, because it was Ashur day, you can guess from that reference
00:19that these things were to be managed.
00:22But a lot of arrangements were made.
00:25After that, you can see that a lot of efforts were made.
00:30Because of that, there was a lot of improvement.
00:33The people who were brought to the hospitals, they were also treated and sent.
00:36But you can see that the exposure was there throughout the day outside.
00:39So, 250 to 300 people were affected by this.
00:42And being affected by heat wave, heat stroke, has a lot of effects.
00:46So, Shahid Rasool is joining us, he is present with us.
00:50Thank you very much.
00:53Thank you so much, Shahid Rasool for joining us.
00:56Please tell us, the numbers that are coming, 250 to 300 people, because of yesterday's terrible heat.
01:02Are these the numbers and what complaints have been made to the patients coming there because of this?
01:13Mr. Shahid, please raise your voice.
01:15Thank you very much.
01:19Please raise your voice a little.
01:24Sir, we will reconnect you.
01:26Your voice is distorted and is coming to us.
01:28Because this is a very important issue.
01:30We want to know that because of sun exposure, what kind of complaints have been made to the patients coming there.
01:35And the number is a big number.
01:37And how much caution do people need in this heat,
01:40in which when it is 40 degrees, it feels like 56 degrees.
01:45Right now, when we are talking to you, the temperature is 35 degrees.
01:48So, it feels like it is 40 degrees.
01:50We were talking to Dr. Shahid Rasool, the conversation had just started.
01:53Dr. Shahid Rasool is the Executive Director of JPMC.
01:57He has joined us once again.
01:59Dr. Shahid Rasool, it is very concerning.
02:02And your experience, you have been associated with Jinnah Hospital for the past three years.
02:06Is the heat this year, the kind of cases that are coming to you, is it actually increasing?
02:13Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Thank you very much.
02:16It is definitely very clear that the heat this year has never been recorded in previous years.
02:24I remember a time, I am from Karachi.
02:26I have been living in Karachi for the past 30-35 years.
02:29And when the season of July-August used to come,
02:32then you understand that the clouds used to be continuous.
02:35And there used to be a little drizzle.
02:37And we used to learn in June that when July comes, we get some relief.
02:41In fact, Dr. Shahid, you have said 30-35 years of dust.
02:44And the temperatures of tomorrow…
02:45Until 6-8 years ago, there used to be a cloudburst in July.
02:49There used to be such heavy rains.
02:51And this time, there is no possibility.
02:55Okay, apart from the cloudburst, the effect of monsoon,
02:58that Karachi is constantly covered in clouds,
03:01sometimes there is a little drizzle, temperatures go down,
03:04the heat, all that is over.
03:06Now you can see that last year too there were rains in the summer.
03:09There was very little monsoon.
03:11And this year too, today is the 18th.
03:13If I tell you the situation of yesterday,
03:15then in the last three years,
03:17we have prepared our hospital for Chelan and Ashura.
03:23And mass emergency.
03:24But we have also started setting up side camps.
03:26Because one, it makes it easier for us.
03:28Second, we have an ambulance service there.
03:31So the patients who are more seriously injured
03:33or who need hospitalization,
03:35I think whatever I said yesterday,
03:38and the perception that went,
03:40I want to clarify a little.
03:42In the camp, I was there from 11 am to 2.30 pm.
03:47And there must have been about 200 patients.
03:49I am telling you an approximate figure.
03:51Because there is so much crowd there that we are not able to register
03:54how many, or we should have written the name and age.
03:57But it cannot be managed in that rush.
03:59I saw this from that.
04:01I myself was present.
04:02There were some media representatives with me.
04:0550% of the people were of heat exhaustion.
04:09I mean, because of the heat,
04:11either their blood pressure had dropped,
04:13or they were dizzy, or they were sweating,
04:15or there was darkness in front of the eyes.
04:18All these things, these symptoms were mostly in that.
04:20And I was not the only camp there.
04:22There was also a camp of double one, double two with me.
04:26So if you think of me,
04:2850 or 60 out of 200 people must have come.
04:31With heat exhaustion, not with stroke.
04:33So at least this much must have come to them.
04:36So if you put it overall,
04:38then it will definitely be a figure of at least 200-400.
04:41This is a line camp.
04:42And I was seeing that many people in other camps too.
04:45In fact, the very good service of double one, double two was that
04:48they opened the door of their air-conditioned ambulances
04:51and made the patient lie inside.
04:53And after that, they dehydrate him,
04:55give him water, whatever treatment is to be given,
04:57after giving the ORS,
04:58after that the ambulance takes care of him.
05:01Doctor, one question.
05:02Obviously, in the current situation,
05:04we have to take very different kinds of measures.
05:07We are seeing in Europe,
05:08they declared heatwaves at 40.
05:10In their countries, they said,
05:11workers will not work during the day.
05:13Children, pregnant women will not leave the house during the day.
05:16They will drink water.
05:17But obviously, they issued an advisory
05:20and tried to cover people in it
05:22that they should be safe.
05:24In our country, an advisory is issued
05:26that you drink more water and do not leave the house.
05:29And no one follows it.
05:31So, how do we incorporate all these things
05:34according to the environment
05:36so that people are safe?
05:39Absolutely, it is very important for this.
05:47I think the connection has been hanged.
05:49Yes, Doctor.
05:50Yesterday, I gave you the situation of Jinnah.
05:52One of them was your watchman.
05:54He was also the watchman of the airway.
05:56He was admitted from our hospital
05:57and he was in very serious condition.
05:58Alhamdulillah, he is better now.
05:59Some traffic police officers came to us
06:01who were on duty.
06:02So, one thing is for sure
06:03that something has to be done.
06:05You must have seen
06:06that in the Middle Eastern countries,
06:07there was a tradition in the past
06:08that they used to close the shops
06:10from 12 to 4 in the afternoon.
06:12And Amdurakh was also closed.
06:14And after that, business started again after 4.
06:16Maybe, we will also have to think
06:18about some lines
06:20to give a little break.
06:22And those people who work in the sun,
06:24like security guards,
06:26traffic police officers,
06:28their shifts will have to be reduced.
06:30They should have water available.
06:32Their clothes should be airy.
06:34They should have a fan on their head.
06:36They should not stand in hot places.
06:38As I told you,
06:40your security guard will reach us
06:42in almost terminal condition.
06:44So, all these things will have to be kept in mind.
06:46And let me tell you one thing
06:48that our entire emergency
06:50is air-conditioned.
06:52And this is the first time that our air-conditioners
06:54have to be purchased separately.
06:56We have purchased 5 units of air-conditioning
06:58and kept them new.
07:00These are units of 4 tons.
07:02So, the policy of air-conditioning
07:04or the policy of air-clearance
07:06will have to be changed.
07:08Because in the coming days,
07:10the fridge and air-conditioning
07:12that we are using
07:14may not even work.
07:16They may not work.
07:18And obviously,
07:20Doctor, thank you so much.
07:22These are very good points.
07:24What should we do?
07:26And this should not be a luxury account.
07:28The kind of heat we are facing.
07:30In Singapore,
07:32wherever there are bus stops,
07:34they have sprayed water on people.
07:36In our country,
07:38there are so many electricity bills in your houses.
07:40So, the situation is not working
07:42due to low shedding.
07:44Singapore is a first world country.
07:46People are invested and focused there.
07:48You can see the free income there.
07:50They must have built their own accounts.
07:52So, this is the account.
07:54So, the changes
07:56that come in the climate,
07:58it is becoming very difficult
08:00to manage them.
08:02You should think again about their uniform.
08:04What should be its material?
08:06They should have fans.
08:08The open cabin where the guards sit,
08:10you should give them a closed cabin
08:12with a fan inside.
08:14But it should be airy as well.
08:16It should be shared.
08:18You should have water bottles.
08:20And you should have electrolytes.
08:24You should have electrolytes in your body.
08:26So, there are some precautions.
08:28We try to explain them to you.
08:30You should drink 1 litre of water
08:32with salt.
08:34You should drink 12 glasses of water in a day.
08:36I will hide this cup.
08:38You should have tea or coffee.
08:40We sit at home.
08:42You should cover your head.
08:44The neck part of the head
08:46is very important.
08:48When we perform ablution,
08:50if you touch this part,
08:52you will realize that
08:54it is very dangerous.
08:56You can cover your head with a towel
08:58or a wet cloth.
09:00You should wear light colored clothes.
09:02They do not absorb sunlight.
09:04They reflect it.
09:06You should be very careful.
09:08You should protect your skin from sun exposure.
09:10You should wear full sleeves.
09:12You should wear open clothes.
09:14Some people feel embarrassed
09:16while keeping a water bottle.
09:18Forget about it.
09:20Take care of your health.
