抖音新剧上线 #大梁太子爷 (下)

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00今天,看誰還能救得了你!Let's see who can save you today!
00:00:05去死吧!Go to hell!
00:00:30是你!It's you!
00:00:39侯明月,你是不是吃錯藥了?Hou Mingyue, did you take the wrong medicine?
00:00:42我在幫侯老將軍,你…I was helping General Hou, you…
00:00:46陳潔,我看你還是少往自己臉上貼金了Chen Jie, I think you should stop putting gold on your face.
00:00:49你究竟是在幫我爺爺還是在幫你爹你自己心裡沒數?Are you helping my grandfather or helping your father?
00:00:56況且,抓個懦弱無能的廢物而已Besides, you just caught a cowardly and incompetent loser.
00:01:00我看,就無需夾在他人之手了吧!I don't think you need to be caught by others.
00:01:05陛下有旨,宣太子侯老將軍覲見!His Majesty has a decree, summon the Crown Prince, General Hou.
00:01:15皇上醒了!His Majesty is awake!
00:01:18太師,皇上醒了!Taishi, His Majesty is awake!
00:01:24臣拜見陛下!Greetings, Your Majesty!
00:01:33伯溫,你…你終於肯來見朕了!Bowen, you…you finally came to see me!
00:01:40臣有罪!I am guilty!
00:01:48說說吧,建國之後你都做了些何事?Tell me, what did you do after the founding of the country?
00:01:56回父皇,兒臣今日正在整理燒購,已斬殺了幾名貪官和奸商,還抄了他們的府邸,來填補國庫,以此進行災情的整理。Father, I am currently in the process of reorganizing the government. I have already killed a few corrupt officials and businessmen, and confiscated their properties.
00:02:03還填補國庫,以此進行災情的整理。I am also refining the country, in order to carry out disaster relief.
00:02:07好,這樣一來,應該…應該得罪了不少人啊!Good, in this way, you should…you should have offended a lot of people.
00:02:15不,那…那些年,朕已一意孤行,不然,你這三個兒子不會…不會…不…不…不…No, no, no, I have been acting on my own in those years, or your three sons will…will…will…
00:02:29陛下!Your Majesty!
00:02:31朕也是沒辦法呀!朕是天子!天公主!I have no choice! I am the emperor! I am the princess!
00:02:38I not only want to be a wise emperor, but also maintain the dignity of the royal family.
00:02:45I... I am also difficult.
00:02:49Your Majesty!
00:02:51Difficult to be wrong, but in the end it is wrong.
00:02:56So, I... I don't want to give you a grandson.
00:03:04What do you think?
00:03:11I want to make your daughter the crown princess.
00:03:17What do you think?
00:03:23Is it true? Just now I saw my mother looking for him.
00:03:26Now I have to spend money to meet him.
00:03:28God, are you helping me or hurting me?
00:03:33I don't want to get married.
00:03:34Grandfather, this marriage is to bind my family with the crown prince.
00:03:38You give him to protect the family.
00:03:40What's the difference between this and pushing my family to the edge of the cliff?
00:03:44Grandfather, you know the truth.
00:03:48The monarch and the minister are different.
00:03:50This time it is the emperor's last words.
00:03:53In fact, if we want to refuse, we can refuse.
00:03:56What about the emperor's last words?
00:03:58Grandfather, have you forgotten?
00:04:01That year, because of this so-called last words,
00:04:04my father, uncle and uncle
00:04:06were killed.
00:04:08And today...
00:04:09Grandfather, do you want to repeat the same mistake?
00:04:15If you are so rebellious, how can you stay in my house?
00:04:19Grandfather, but...
00:04:20All right, stop talking.
00:04:22If you want me to marry him, unless I die...
00:04:25The crown prince has arrived.
00:04:30No wonder you are the leader of the white phoenix army.
00:04:33But Hou Mingyue, I'm afraid you can't resist me openly.
00:04:40It's you!
00:04:41No wonder you are the leader of the white phoenix army.
00:04:44But Hou Mingyue, I'm afraid you can't resist me openly.
00:04:49What? Are you surprised to see me?
00:04:52Or you don't welcome me?
00:04:55Greetings, Your Highness.
00:04:58What about you?
00:05:03Long live the crown prince!
00:05:06Did I ask you to release me?
00:05:10Good, you still know the etiquette of a monarch.
00:05:13Don't stand on ceremony.
00:05:18I don't know why the crown prince comes here today.
00:05:21I come here today for...
00:05:24Don't want me to marry you.
00:05:25Yue'er, don't be rude.
00:05:28Fine, if you want me to marry you.
00:05:31You have to give me a reason.
00:05:35I want to tell you why I come here.
00:05:39Cat girl's figure, low hands and feet.
00:05:42Peach's chin, mermaid's waist.
00:05:45And the beauty who sometimes brings grief.
00:05:49I'm afraid there's no man in the world who can bear it.
00:05:53I'm sorry.
00:05:55Besides, this marriage is related to the future of the country.
00:06:00I don't think these two reasons are enough.
00:06:03Don't you want to see me?
00:06:06Wait and see.
00:06:07Is this the attitude of the descendants of the General Mansion
00:06:11to the crown prince?
00:06:17I have an order.
00:06:18I must let the crown prince and the people of the General Mansion
00:06:20leave until it's over.
00:06:21Do you understand?
00:06:30My father is the ruler of the country.
00:06:32I am the crown prince of the country.
00:06:34Although General Hou has great military exploits,
00:06:36I believe you should know what is the right of the monarch.
00:06:40What is the right of the monarch?
00:06:41The monarch's order cannot be disobeyed.
00:06:46Take this unfilial descendant who disobeys the monarch's order.
00:06:49Drag him out.
00:06:52Don't worry, little girl.
00:06:54I can still bear twenty soldiers.
00:07:09It seems that Hou Pu's education is strict.
00:07:11I have nothing to say.
00:07:12As for Miss Hou,
00:07:14after returning to the palace,
00:07:15I will arrange a wedding ceremony.
00:07:22I advise you to be honest.
00:07:26I can punish your brother today.
00:07:28The possibility of being punished tomorrow
00:07:30is the general's death.
00:07:36See the crown prince off.
00:07:55Your Highness.
00:07:56I dare you.
00:07:57If you do this today,
00:07:58won't you offend the General's Mansion?
00:08:00I am not as hot as this today.
00:08:02That's the real offending of the General's Mansion.
00:08:04At this moment, we...
00:08:08How dare you!
00:08:10Zheng Da, Gou Yan, look.
00:08:11This is the crown prince.
00:08:12Aren't you afraid of death?
00:08:14The one who killed is your unruly son.
00:08:16Old woman, if you don't come,
00:08:17you will be in the fire.
00:08:26You come and go as you like.
00:08:28What do you think of my General's Mansion?
00:08:31Arrest him.
00:08:38Your Highness.
00:08:39What's going on?
00:08:43Your Highness.
00:08:44This time...
00:08:46General, don't blame yourself.
00:08:48I know you are worried about the future of Daliang.
00:08:50The future of Daliang
00:08:51will be in the hands of a weak and incompetent
00:08:53and uncivilized Wen Jun.
00:08:55Then we will test him.
00:08:57But now,
00:08:58the old general should have...
00:09:00Your Highness.
00:09:01You have a plan.
00:09:02I am worried about it.
00:09:04By the way, Your Highness.
00:09:05What happened today
00:09:06is obviously the intention of the Grand Preceptor and his son.
00:09:09Why don't I go out and save people now?
00:09:11The Grand Preceptor gave me a good show.
00:09:13How can I
00:09:15disobey the king?
00:09:22Even if you have a plan
00:09:24with the crown prince,
00:09:27you can't sacrifice your grandson.
00:09:30So my butt
00:09:31still hurts now.
00:09:36Don't worry.
00:09:38I will definitely find your butt.
00:09:41But tonight
00:09:42there is something strange.
00:09:52Who told you to act without permission?
00:09:55Do you still want to stay in the prison of the Ministry of Justice?
00:09:58But father, I...
00:10:00This man has been married
00:10:02and has a bright future.
00:10:04You still don't understand it.
00:10:06I think
00:10:07you are the loser.
00:10:10I said second brother.
00:10:12You are really...
00:10:13How old are you?
00:10:15Don't you want to do something?
00:10:17Fortunately, the people we placed in the General's Mansion
00:10:19are clever.
00:10:20They were not caught.
00:10:22you would have made a big deal.
00:10:25Although second brother
00:10:26is indeed a little reckless this time,
00:10:28but after all, he is your son.
00:10:30How about this?
00:10:32Just put second brother
00:10:33in the confinement room
00:10:35and reflect on it.
00:10:41Lock this waste up for me.
00:10:44Do not allow him to leave the house.
00:10:46If he dares to leave the house,
00:10:48then break his legs for me.
00:10:50Yes, master.
00:11:00By the way, Jing'er.
00:11:02Is there any news from the south?
00:11:09A secret letter has just been delivered.
00:11:11Please take it.
00:11:21In that case,
00:11:23you should hurry back and get ready.
00:11:25The time when the prince rises in the army
00:11:27is the time for our Chen family to turn over.
00:11:35Very good.
00:11:37The flood in the inner province
00:11:39is finally controlled.
00:11:40Congratulations, Your Highness.
00:11:41Your Highness is really lucky.
00:11:43Tell your people
00:11:44to list out
00:11:45the major and minor officials
00:11:46who contributed to the disaster relief.
00:11:47I will reward them one by one.
00:11:53Your Highness.
00:11:54There is a message from the Imperial Hospital.
00:11:55They said that
00:11:56they have found out
00:11:57what you asked them to investigate.
00:11:59Doctor Wang.
00:12:00How is it?
00:12:05The poison in Zhengliang's dagger
00:12:07is basically determined.
00:12:09It is a strange poison
00:12:10from the west.
00:12:11How does this poison
00:12:12have anything to do with the Western Regions?
00:12:14Besides, this poison
00:12:15is very potent
00:12:16and very rare.
00:12:17It is not something that ordinary people can have.
00:12:19By the way,
00:12:20Your Highness,
00:12:21I suddenly remembered something.
00:12:22Say it.
00:12:23A few months ago,
00:12:24the Ministry of Personnel sent a letter
00:12:25saying that the princess of the Western Regions,
00:12:26Awati Hanya,
00:12:27is going to the capital to meet His Majesty.
00:12:29Is that the poison?
00:12:30The princess of the Western Regions?
00:12:32Things are getting more and more interesting.
00:12:34The princess of the Western Regions,
00:12:35Awati Hanya,
00:12:37greets His Majesty,
00:12:38the Crown Prince.
00:12:39Long live Your Highness.
00:12:42Princess Hanya,
00:12:44do you admit your crime?
00:12:47What do you mean by that?
00:12:53I believe that Princess Hanya
00:12:55should recognize this.
00:13:11This is really a thousand-marriage umbrella.
00:13:12How could the Crown Prince have this?
00:13:14This must be
00:13:15made by Princess Hanya.
00:13:17The Crown Prince of the Western Regions
00:13:19is well-known for this.
00:13:20The thousand-marriage umbrella
00:13:21is a precious item in my heart.
00:13:22This time,
00:13:23I also brought it
00:13:24with me when I came to the capital.
00:13:25But it was lost three months ago.
00:13:26This matter
00:13:27can be verified
00:13:28by Lord Wang Changqing,
00:13:29the King of Jingzhao.
00:13:33I, Wang Changqing, the King of Jingzhao,
00:13:35greet Your Highness.
00:13:36Long live Your Highness.
00:13:38Long live Your Highness.
00:13:39Long live Your Highness.
00:13:41Thank you, Your Highness.
00:13:44Princess Hanya just said
00:13:46that she reported to you a month ago.
00:13:48Is that true?
00:13:49Yes, Your Highness.
00:13:50It's true.
00:13:51At that time, Princess Hanya claimed
00:13:52that she carried
00:13:53a precious item with her
00:13:55and lost it at the exhibition.
00:13:56She asked me to investigate it.
00:13:58But Your Highness, please forgive me.
00:13:59I investigated for more than a month
00:14:01and only found that
00:14:02there were some suspicious people
00:14:03at the exhibition
00:14:04that day.
00:14:05And the rest...
00:14:07Does this girl
00:14:08really have nothing to do
00:14:10with Grand Master?
00:14:14Thank you, Lord Wang.
00:14:17It's all for the Grand Master.
00:14:19We should take care of each other.
00:14:21But Princess Hanya...
00:14:23Since that's the case,
00:14:24I'll leave now.
00:14:30One day,
00:14:32I'll play with you
00:14:33on the bed again.
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00:16:17I, Xiang Miao,
00:16:19greet Your Highness.
00:16:20May you live a thousand years.
00:16:22I'm just a humble official.
00:16:25No need to thank me.
00:16:26Get up now.
00:16:28Did she hang herself just now?
00:16:30I, Shen Mou, although I have no fame, I am also a rich family's son.
00:16:38No matter what, the flood in Henei Province caused the Shen family to lose 5 million taels.
00:16:45Why does the Crown Prince want to kill the donkey to frame me?
00:16:50Your Highness, the memorial from Henei Province
00:16:53did mention that the Shen family donated 5 million taels.
00:16:56I have always thought that businessmen are selfish.
00:16:59But I never thought that Boss Shen is also a philanthropist.
00:17:04Master, since there are guests in the house today,
00:17:07I have no choice but to visit you another day.
00:17:15Does the Crown Prince still want to force me to stay?
00:17:19Boss Shen didn't do anything harmful.
00:17:22I won't make it difficult for you.
00:17:24It's just that doing business is not always right.
00:17:28If you make a mistake sometimes,
00:17:30I'm afraid you will even lose your life.
00:17:33I believe Boss Shen knows what I mean.
00:17:35Boss Shen, take care.
00:17:37I'll see you out.
00:17:39Let's go.
00:17:45I didn't expect that Shen Baiwan, who is rich and powerful,
00:17:48is also Master's man.
00:17:49All right, let's not talk about this first.
00:17:50Tell me what I asked you to prepare.
00:17:53As of yesterday, I have collected 90,000 dan of grain.
00:17:57It's not enough.
00:17:58It's not enough?
00:17:59But this is all the grain in the surrounding mountains.
00:18:02If you want more, I'm afraid you'll have to...
00:18:05A young and weak young man.
00:18:07According to the calculation of 40 dan of grain per month,
00:18:1090,000 dan of grain is only enough for 35 big fish to spend a month.
00:18:14And ten years ago,
00:18:16the price of chicken, meat and ice was 500,000 dan.
00:18:18I'm afraid this amount of grain is not enough.
00:18:20Do you want it?
00:18:21Lao Cheng.
00:18:23Give me a pen and ink.
00:18:27This thing is called sweet potato.
00:18:28The leaf is not big.
00:18:29The fruit grows in the ground.
00:18:30It's easy to eat.
00:18:31In addition, there are many people in Liang.
00:18:33We don't need to worry about food and money.
00:18:35So this thing should be very cheap.
00:18:36So you can send someone to the coastal area
00:18:38to buy it.
00:18:39You don't have to bring it back right after you buy it.
00:18:41You can wait until it's dried.
00:18:44Sweet potato root is quite delicious.
00:18:47In the book,
00:18:48it's not just a light source,
00:18:50but also a source of energy.
00:18:52In the book,
00:18:53it's not just a light source,
00:18:55but also a source of energy.
00:18:57But in fact,
00:18:58it's so frivolous,
00:18:59so evil.
00:19:03Your Highness.
00:19:04Your Highness.
00:19:05Your Highness, he...
00:19:06Father, what's wrong with him?
00:19:16Your Highness.
00:19:17Father, what's the situation now?
00:19:19Say it.
00:19:20I forgive you.
00:19:22A few months ago,
00:19:23His Majesty was in great pain.
00:19:26But in order to hold on,
00:19:28he asked me to use the method of gathering sutra
00:19:30to wake him up.
00:19:33This is also why
00:19:34His Majesty woke up before.
00:19:37However, the method of gathering sutra seems to be ineffective.
00:19:40In fact, it is a self-destructive method.
00:19:43So His Majesty is now...
00:19:47I didn't expect
00:19:48His Majesty to use this method
00:19:49to wake me up.
00:19:51How long will it take?
00:19:52At most,
00:19:53less than a month.
00:19:55Thank you.
00:20:03Don't worry.
00:20:04No matter how difficult it is,
00:20:05I will protect this country for you.
00:20:10Long time no see,
00:20:11Imperial Noble Consort.
00:20:14What are you doing here?
00:20:15I want to talk to you.
00:20:19As for Lord Pingxi,
00:20:20you are just a shadow of his beloved.
00:20:23he wouldn't have sent you into the deep palace.
00:20:25But Chen Juxi is different.
00:20:27If Lord Pingxi really comes in,
00:20:29he still needs that old man
00:20:30to stabilize the court for him.
00:20:32In this way,
00:20:34I'm afraid you won't have a chance
00:20:36to avenge your own daughter.
00:20:40All right.
00:20:41It's getting late.
00:20:43Imperial Noble Consort,
00:20:45rest early.
00:21:00you called me back.
00:21:02Did something big happen?
00:21:12It's Imperial Noble Consort Wan.
00:21:13You mean
00:21:14you want me to
00:21:15send her to the Imperial Ancestral Temple
00:21:17on the way to the Imperial Ancestral Temple?
00:21:20This is indeed
00:21:21a good opportunity to get rid of the Crown Prince.
00:21:28I always feel
00:21:30a little uneasy.
00:21:33Do you doubt
00:21:34Imperial Noble Consort Wan?
00:21:37The relationship between Wang Qinyue and the Prince
00:21:39is useless.
00:21:41What I'm worried about
00:21:42is the authenticity of this letter.
00:21:45After all, the Prince is about to die.
00:21:48I have to
00:21:49do something.
00:21:54how about this?
00:22:04I'm glad
00:22:07to have such a good son.
00:22:19Your Highness,
00:22:20isn't it just going to the Imperial Ancestral Temple?
00:22:22You don't need these
00:22:23if you have me.
00:22:24You can't enjoy
00:22:26my pleasure.
00:22:31What can I do for you?
00:22:40Wang Qinyue,
00:22:41the daughter of the head of the Yao family,
00:22:42has a twin sister
00:22:43named Wang Qinyu.
00:22:44Twenty years ago,
00:22:46Zheng Can, the Crown Prince,
00:22:48met Wang Qinyu
00:22:49during a hunting trip.
00:22:51After he married Wang Ying,
00:22:52he married Wang Qinyu as his wife.
00:22:55Zheng Can was assassinated
00:22:56on their wedding day.
00:22:58In a crisis,
00:22:59Wang Qinyu stood up
00:23:00and was killed by Zheng Can.
00:23:04I wonder if I'm right.
00:23:06What do you want to say?
00:23:07What I want to say is
00:23:08since Imperial Noble Consort Bao
00:23:09was killed on their wedding day,
00:23:11who is
00:23:13the one who killed her?
00:23:16If I'm not mistaken,
00:23:20should be Imperial Noble Consort Bao's
00:23:21biological daughter.
00:23:24Don't worry.
00:23:25Since I've said
00:23:27I'm here to negotiate,
00:23:28I won't use this matter
00:23:29as a threat.
00:23:30What do you want?
00:23:31I want you
00:23:32to kill Chen Juxi for me.
00:23:34Are you kidding me?
00:23:35Although I'm the Imperial Noble Consort,
00:23:37I'm just a woman.
00:23:39Not to mention I don't have the ability.
00:23:40Even if I have the ability,
00:23:41I can't even get out of the palace.
00:23:43How can I help you?
00:23:44Don't worry, Imperial Noble Consort.
00:23:46I have my own plan.
00:23:49What if I say no?
00:23:50Imperial Noble Consort,
00:23:52do you think you still have a choice?
00:23:57Let's go.
00:24:01he's here.
00:24:04we didn't mean to interfere with the court affairs.
00:24:07However, the Crown Prince
00:24:08is uncivilized
00:24:09and uncivilized.
00:24:10He doesn't contribute to the country.
00:24:11He's the son of a court official.
00:24:13He has no ability.
00:24:14He's a traitor.
00:24:15He's a troublemaker.
00:24:16He's a threat to the country.
00:24:17His Majesty is seriously ill.
00:24:19He can't be investigated.
00:24:20We have to
00:24:21kill him.
00:24:23Please, General.
00:24:25Please, General.
00:24:26Please, General.
00:24:27Please, General.
00:24:28Please, General.
00:24:29Please, General.
00:24:30Please, General.
00:24:33Crown Prince,
00:24:34it was your order last time.
00:24:35Fortunately, the old emperor summoned me.
00:24:39it's time for you to contribute.
00:24:49What's going on?
00:24:52Of course,
00:24:53you're surrounded.
00:24:54Hou Xiaoting,
00:24:59Brothers of the South Yat-sen,
00:25:01I know
00:25:03you were captured by this traitor.
00:25:07When the Crown Prince comes,
00:25:08I can guarantee
00:25:09you'll be safe.
00:25:10If you don't,
00:25:11I won't forgive you.
00:25:15I surrender.
00:25:31It's over.
00:25:33It's over.
00:26:06If you want to die,
00:26:07I won't allow it.
00:26:11Do you know why
00:26:12I didn't interrogate you in the palace,
00:26:14but here in the General's Mansion?
00:26:17Because I know
00:26:18your father,
00:26:20the head of the three palaces,
00:26:22may be kneeling
00:26:23at the entrance of the Eastern Palace
00:26:25to plead for me
00:26:26for his best son.
00:26:30I feel sorry for all parents.
00:26:33I thought
00:26:34your father would
00:26:35be the one
00:26:36to send you off.
00:26:38I didn't expect you to be
00:26:40such a coward.
00:26:43Crown Prince Gou,
00:26:44don't be so arrogant.
00:26:45I advise you
00:26:47to kill me today.
00:26:49you'll regret it in the future.
00:26:52I like your request.
00:27:00I'd like to ask you
00:27:02for a word.
00:27:05You want me to let him go?
00:27:09Have you heard of
00:27:10the story of the battle of Kunshou?
00:27:12The old general was worried
00:27:14that if he really killed him,
00:27:15Chen Juxian
00:27:16would completely
00:27:17break up with me.
00:27:19if it was Grand Preceptor Chen
00:27:20who killed him,
00:27:21there would be trouble
00:27:22if the grass was cut off.
00:27:24the one you captured
00:27:25was his son.
00:27:26It's not that you can't kill him,
00:27:27but it's more valuable
00:27:28if you don't kill him.
00:27:31Grand Preceptor Chen is outside.
00:27:33This old man
00:27:34is really well-informed.
00:27:45Seeing this token
00:27:46is like seeing
00:27:47the Crown Prince.
00:27:48Crown Prince,
00:27:49why don't you kneel down?
00:27:51In this world,
00:27:52my rules are the rules.
00:27:54I am the Crown Prince of Jian State.
00:27:56I am like the Emperor.
00:27:57Kneel down.
00:27:58Grand Preceptor,
00:27:59are you laughing at me
00:28:00because you are angry?
00:28:02Get up.
00:28:12I don't want to
00:28:13talk nonsense with you here.
00:28:15You came here today
00:28:16to save your son
00:28:17who tried to rebel.
00:28:20I can promise you
00:28:21to spare his life.
00:28:22But Grand Preceptor,
00:28:23shouldn't you
00:28:24give me some money?
00:28:28Do you still have to think about it?
00:28:29It seems that
00:28:30you are not that important
00:28:31to your father.
00:28:32Since that's the case,
00:28:33I will
00:28:35give you one today.
00:28:47It seems that I misunderstood.
00:28:49Grand Preceptor still cares about you.
00:28:51Grand Preceptor still cares about
00:28:52your son.
00:28:53Tell me.
00:28:54What do you want
00:28:55to let my son go?
00:29:01Promise me three conditions.
00:29:03I can not only
00:29:04let your son go,
00:29:05but also
00:29:06let you go.
00:29:09you want me
00:29:10to help you ascend the throne,
00:29:11let's not talk about it.
00:29:13There are some things
00:29:15that I can't do
00:29:16with my own strength.
00:29:19It seems that
00:29:20you are not that important
00:29:21to your father.
00:29:23Since that's the case,
00:29:26the first thing
00:29:27is to point out
00:29:28the people
00:29:29who placed you
00:29:30in the General's Mansion
00:29:31one by one.
00:29:38It's you.
00:29:41Don't kill me.
00:29:51The second thing
00:29:53is to point out
00:29:54all the people
00:29:55who placed you
00:29:56in the palace
00:29:57one by one.
00:30:09Good guy.
00:30:10He went up to Pingyue
00:30:11and went down to the hospital.
00:30:12This old man
00:30:13actually placed
00:30:14hundreds of people
00:30:15in the palace.
00:30:16No wonder I have a feeling
00:30:17that someone is watching me.
00:30:21Tell me.
00:30:22The third thing.
00:30:23The third thing
00:30:29is to point out
00:30:30all the people
00:30:31who placed you
00:30:32in the palace
00:30:33one by one.
00:30:35you would have been
00:30:36in the General's Mansion
00:30:37with me.
00:30:38I guess
00:30:39even the Imperial Guards
00:30:40would have rebelled against me.
00:30:41Forget it.
00:30:42Let's go to Tertia.
00:30:47The third thing
00:30:49is that you should resign
00:30:51and never come back to the capital.
00:30:56This is none of your business.
00:30:58Chen Juxian.
00:30:59I'm not only impatient.
00:31:00My hands
00:31:01are also a little tired.
00:31:03You'd better say yes quickly.
00:31:05my hands will...
00:31:07I promise you.
00:31:08You are indeed
00:31:09a good father who cares for his children.
00:31:13By the way, Master.
00:31:14Before you leave,
00:31:15I'll give you
00:31:16one last advice.
00:31:17You'd better get out of the palace
00:31:18before dawn.
00:31:20I'm not sure
00:31:21if I dare to sleep
00:31:22after I get up.
00:31:23You are so cruel.
00:31:25After all,
00:31:26I'm the ungrateful
00:31:27and unethical
00:31:29you talk about.
00:31:33What's the point of being poor?
00:31:35Who wants to live in the south?
00:31:38The snow is high in the mountains.
00:31:40The lower the moon,
00:31:42the darker it is.
00:31:44I know
00:31:46that the Wang family
00:31:47has been unfair to you.
00:31:49But don't worry.
00:31:50One day,
00:31:52if I can
00:31:54to the throne,
00:31:55I'll give you
00:31:57and your father
00:31:59an explanation
00:32:00for the whole family.
00:32:03Your Highness.
00:32:04Since Chen Juxian
00:32:05was released last night,
00:32:06he has taken
00:32:07137 of his family
00:32:08to the north.
00:32:09The north?
00:32:10How could it be the north?
00:32:11Your Highness.
00:32:12Although Chen Juxian
00:32:13has been expelled,
00:32:14he has a lot of ability
00:32:15and a lot of mistakes.
00:32:16So I think
00:32:17you should
00:32:18take care of him
00:32:20Your Highness.
00:32:21I'm afraid
00:32:22I can't do that.
00:32:23Your Highness.
00:32:24I'm afraid
00:32:25I can't do that.
00:32:26Your Highness.
00:32:27I'm afraid
00:32:28I can't do that.
00:32:29Your Highness.
00:32:30I'm afraid
00:32:31you should
00:32:32take the throne
00:32:33as soon as possible.
00:32:34You're right.
00:32:36Before that,
00:32:38Hou Xiaoting,
00:32:39come here.
00:32:41Yes, Your Highness.
00:32:42You've done a good job
00:32:43to save the family.
00:32:44I'll assign you
00:32:45to be the commander of Nanya for a while.
00:32:46When the situation is stable,
00:32:47I'll reward you.
00:32:49Thank you, Your Highness.
00:32:51The tiger is gone.
00:32:52The rest
00:32:53is the time
00:32:54to settle accounts with the monkeys.
00:32:58Hongli has been here for 34 years.
00:33:00On the eighth day of the eighth lunar month,
00:33:02under the great benefit
00:33:04of the crown prince,
00:33:06the chief of the imperial palace
00:33:07and the commander-in-chief of the imperial guards,
00:33:09Zhao Chang,
00:33:10the commander-in-chief of the imperial guards,
00:33:11Shan Qing,
00:33:13and Hou Xiaoting,
00:33:14who temporarily serves as the commander-in-chief
00:33:15of the imperial guards in Nanya,
00:33:18each led a large number of imperial guards
00:33:20and imperial guards
00:33:21to find the list of people.
00:33:28Take them away.
00:33:39Your Highness,
00:33:40such an important matter
00:33:42is not my business.
00:33:44It's up to the crown prince to decide.
00:33:46You're good at lying.
00:33:48In this case,
00:33:49I'll personally
00:33:50give you a list later
00:33:52and make up for the shortcomings.
00:33:54I'll give you
00:33:55a real chance.
00:33:56Your Highness.
00:34:01I've told you before.
00:34:02As long as you know
00:34:03how to be a loyal
00:34:04and obedient dog,
00:34:05I can let you have meat to eat.
00:34:07Thank you, Your Highness.
00:34:09I will remember it.
00:34:13It's autumn.
00:34:15It's time to do it.
00:34:32Long live Your Highness.
00:34:37Thank you, Your Highness.
00:34:41I know
00:34:42a lot of things have happened in the past two days.
00:34:44And in these things,
00:34:45many of you
00:34:46are involved.
00:34:52But I don't plan
00:34:53to continue to investigate.
00:34:54It's not because I'm afraid of you.
00:34:56It's because I don't want
00:34:57to make you uneasy.
00:34:58And I don't want
00:34:59the people of the world
00:35:00to be uneasy.
00:35:03do you know
00:35:04what to do next?
00:35:06We will remember
00:35:08Your Highness' teachings
00:35:10and take the Three Musketeers as our responsibility
00:35:12to do our best
00:35:14to help Your Majesty,
00:35:15Your Highness
00:35:16and the people of the world.
00:35:21I hope you remember
00:35:22what you said today.
00:35:23If you have a report,
00:35:24you may leave.
00:35:29I heard that
00:35:30those adults who are about to die
00:35:32are behaving like grandchildren today.
00:35:35Your Highness,
00:35:36you are a wise king
00:35:37and a good ruler
00:35:38who leads the people well.
00:35:39What do you mean by wise king?
00:35:41I'm just a scholar.
00:35:43Now that Grand Tutor Chen Juxian is in danger,
00:35:45and the Wu family
00:35:46is using General Hou as a bait,
00:35:47if I can't stop them,
00:35:49I'm afraid
00:35:50the crown prince will be in trouble.
00:35:52By the way,
00:35:53last time I asked you to secretly send people
00:35:54to investigate the princess of the Western Regions.
00:35:56Is there any movement recently?
00:35:58YoYo English Channel YouTube
00:36:07You mean
00:36:08the princess of the Western Regions
00:36:09has been waiting for the fireworks all day?
00:36:11It's been three days.
00:36:12According to the people down there,
00:36:13they seem to be waiting for someone.
00:36:18I'd like to see
00:36:20who the princess of the Western Regions
00:36:21is waiting for.
00:36:29Your Highness,
00:36:30it's been three days.
00:36:31I'm afraid Mr. Zhao...
00:36:33He won't.
00:36:34He promised me
00:36:35that he would take me away
00:36:36no matter what happens.
00:36:38The Chen family's son
00:36:39has been driven out of the palace by me.
00:36:41Don't you know that?
00:36:49How dare you
00:36:50show your sword in front of the crown prince?
00:36:52YoYo English Channel YouTube
00:36:57I'm sorry
00:36:58that I didn't recognize you.
00:37:00I apologize to you on behalf of him.
00:37:02Please forgive me.
00:37:09Since you want to apologize,
00:37:11shouldn't you be sincere?
00:37:14I wonder
00:37:15what kind of move
00:37:16the crown prince
00:37:17wants me to make.
00:37:23You may leave.
00:37:26I like
00:37:27to talk to smart people.
00:37:32I like to talk to smart people.
00:37:34You may leave.
00:37:40Your Highness,
00:37:41can you tell me now?
00:37:43I only have one question.
00:37:45You came to the imperial city of Liang
00:37:46not far from here.
00:37:48What's your purpose?
00:37:51Let me remind you.
00:37:53Don't you dare
00:37:54lie to me.
00:37:57you know the consequences.
00:38:00there's nothing to hide.
00:38:02I'm here
00:38:03to borrow troops.
00:38:04Although my tribe, Awati,
00:38:06is the largest tribe in the Western Regions,
00:38:07it's not a piece of iron.
00:38:09With my father's age,
00:38:11the emperor is getting younger,
00:38:12so he has already
00:38:13started to have a crush
00:38:14on the leaders
00:38:15of the other tribes
00:38:16who are looking down on the throne.
00:38:17I'm afraid that
00:38:19he's already in trouble.
00:38:20Then why don't you come to me
00:38:22but go to the imperial tutor?
00:38:23Your Highness,
00:38:25don't you know
00:38:26how the outside world
00:38:27evaluates you?
00:38:29For you,
00:38:31this is just a symbol
00:38:32of power.
00:38:33But for my tribe, Awati,
00:38:34it's a disaster.
00:38:36Shouldn't I
00:38:37find someone more confident
00:38:38to do this?
00:38:39I appreciate your honesty.
00:38:42I'm sorry.
00:38:44There will be no change in Liang.
00:38:49Your Highness,
00:38:50I think
00:38:51we should send troops.
00:38:55Your Highness,
00:38:56I think
00:38:57we should send troops.
00:39:00Although the Western Regions
00:39:01is a small country on the border,
00:39:03it's also a barrier
00:39:04on the west side of Liang.
00:39:05The current king of the Western Regions
00:39:07has been submissive
00:39:08to Liang for a long time.
00:39:09It's natural for him
00:39:10to take the throne.
00:39:12If he's taken the throne
00:39:13by others,
00:39:15I'm afraid there will be a rebellion.
00:39:17By then,
00:39:18the people of the Western Regions
00:39:19will have no peace.
00:39:21Of course I know.
00:39:23But now...
00:39:24Your Highness,
00:39:25the envoy from the Western Regions
00:39:26is here to pay a visit.
00:39:27Didn't I say
00:39:28I wouldn't send troops?
00:39:29Your Highness,
00:39:30a great country
00:39:31should have its own style.
00:39:32As for what you're worried about,
00:39:34I've already arranged it.
00:39:39General Wang,
00:39:40this battle...
00:39:41Your Highness, don't worry.
00:39:42I entered the country at the age of 13.
00:39:44I've been fighting for Liang
00:39:45for more than 60 years.
00:39:47It's just that the Western Regions
00:39:48are full of them.
00:39:49It's not a big deal.
00:39:57This is the special dry food
00:39:58I asked someone to prepare
00:39:59for you.
00:40:01It's called sweet potato dry food.
00:40:02It's more delicious
00:40:03and more nutritious
00:40:04than ordinary dry food.
00:40:07His Highness
00:40:08has prepared
00:40:09100,000 bags for you.
00:40:12Thank you, Your Highness.
00:40:15I'll take my leave now.
00:40:24the entire Hou family is loyal to you.
00:40:26Now that your grandfather is gone,
00:40:28you have to shoulder
00:40:29the responsibility of protecting His Highness
00:40:31and the future of Liang.
00:40:34Do you remember that?
00:40:40I'm asking you a question!
00:40:44Yes, I remember.
00:40:46Good boy.
00:40:57Lao Cheng.
00:40:58Your Highness.
00:40:59Don't you think
00:41:01Commander Hou is a bit...
00:41:03a bit...
00:41:04Your Highness,
00:41:05don't you think
00:41:06Commander Hou is a bit
00:41:08too emotional today?
00:41:11Your Highness,
00:41:12although Commander Hou
00:41:13is a general who has been on the battlefield,
00:41:15in fact,
00:41:16he may be
00:41:17a little boy
00:41:18who hasn't even grown any hair.
00:41:21it's normal for an official
00:41:23to be a bit sad
00:41:24when he's away from home.
00:41:26Maybe I'm thinking too much.
00:41:30Your Highness,
00:41:31Miss Hou is waiting outside.
00:41:34Let her in.
00:41:37Your Highness,
00:41:38I'll take my leave now.
00:41:52Your Highness,
00:41:54do you really want to marry me?
00:41:58If you really want to marry me,
00:42:00let's get married.
00:42:04You don't like me anymore?
00:42:06No, I don't.
00:42:07It's just...
00:42:08I just feel
00:42:10happiness comes too suddenly.
00:42:11I know.
00:42:12There are many rules in the imperial family.
00:42:14I'm here today
00:42:15just to tell you my attitude.
00:42:17As for you,
00:42:18you just need to say yes
00:42:20or no.
00:42:23Oh, no.
00:42:24I'm afraid I can't eat the medicine.
00:42:26Why do I feel a little
00:42:29But my body...
00:42:31Are you serious?
00:42:32I'll wait for you
00:42:33in the Hou's Mansion.
00:42:34Let's go.
00:42:39Rui'er's body is still cold.
00:42:41My son hasn't been killed yet.
00:42:43But you insist on marrying me.
00:42:44Your Highness,
00:42:45you're really in a good mood.
00:42:46I'm not here
00:42:47to ask for your permission.
00:42:49I'm here to tell you
00:42:51that if there's anything wrong with Noble Consort Wang,
00:42:53you can tell my father.
00:42:55You don't have to
00:42:56care about me.
00:43:02I will never
00:43:03let go of my son.
00:43:12I didn't know you were here
00:43:13to visit my mother.
00:43:14If I offended you,
00:43:16please forgive me.
00:43:20raise your head.
00:43:24I told you to raise your head.
00:43:27I told you to raise your head.
00:43:36You're still a prince.
00:43:39are you so afraid of me?
00:43:42No, I'm not.
00:43:43Since you're so afraid of me,
00:43:45I'll give you a favor.
00:43:47Go with my father
00:43:48to guard the ancestral mausoleum.
00:43:54Your Highness,
00:44:01only want to...
00:44:06If your mother is willing,
00:44:08we can go together.
00:44:10Why not?
00:44:23The autumn wind has risen.
00:44:26The grass is green.
00:44:27The mist is gone.
00:44:31Hong Li, 34 years old.
00:44:33Born on the 10th day of the ninth month.
00:44:35Prince Lin Yun, 10th prince.
00:44:37He is sent to the ancestral mausoleum.
01:02:39That's it!
01:02:41That's right.
01:02:43I'm not a tough guy at all.
01:02:45In my previous life,
01:02:47I was just a sweet talker who was despised by my girlfriend.
01:02:49In this life,
01:02:51I thought I could do whatever I want
01:02:53when I became the Crown Prince.
01:02:55But I didn't expect
01:02:57that everyone still looked down on me.
01:02:59I hate it.
01:03:01I hate that God is unfair to me.
01:03:05Why do I have to be so cowardly
01:03:07and incompetent?
01:03:09So I have to change.
01:03:11I have to change my fate.
01:03:13I have to change everything.
01:03:15When I was about to succeed,
01:03:17I met the trick of you villains.
01:03:21It doesn't matter.
01:03:23The trick is the trick.
01:03:25Anyway, I'm going to end everything.
01:03:49You're so ungrateful.
01:03:59Your Highness, are you okay?
01:04:01Watch out!
01:04:07Greetings, Your Highness.
01:04:11Why do you have so many firearms?
01:04:13My master bought them
01:04:15from foreigners.
01:04:19What's going on?
01:04:23Your Majesty, something bad happened.
01:04:25Suddenly, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers
01:04:27coming and going from all directions.
01:04:29We are surrounded.
01:04:33How could it be possible?
01:04:37Your Highness.
01:04:53Your Highness.
01:04:55I've been wondering
01:04:57why I didn't interrupt you.
01:05:07Your Highness.
01:05:11Your Highness.
01:05:13When you see this letter,
01:05:15I'm afraid
01:05:17I won't be in this world anymore.
01:05:19Your Highness is right.
01:05:21Lord Pingxi is a brave man.
01:05:23I shouldn't lead the army
01:05:25to the Western Regions at this time.
01:05:27But if I don't do this,
01:05:29how can I let Lord Pingxi
01:05:31think that he has succeeded
01:05:33and take the lead?
01:05:37I used a trick to
01:05:39not only let Your Highness
01:05:41see through the doubts of the Western Regions,
01:05:43but also
01:05:45defeat Lord Pingxi.
01:05:47Of course,
01:05:49Your Highness don't have to blame yourself.
01:05:51After all, you have already succeeded.
01:05:53I have lived to this age.
01:05:55Before I die,
01:05:57I can still assist a wise emperor
01:05:59to become the pillar of our Liang.
01:06:01It will make our Liang a hundred years more prosperous.
01:06:03I'm also satisfied.
01:06:07If I have any unfulfilled wish,
01:06:09it is that I can't
01:06:11drink the wedding wine of Your Highness.
01:06:13But I believe
01:06:15Your Highness will treat me well.
01:06:17As for my granddaughter,
01:06:19she is a proud woman.
01:06:21Your Highness should beat her and scold her.
01:06:23But if I have to behead her,
01:06:25I hope
01:06:27she can leave a good name
01:06:29for my family.
01:06:31Your Highness,
01:06:33although I can't be
01:06:35your real child,
01:06:37I will protect this country
01:06:39for you.
01:06:41As for Master Hou,
01:06:43don't worry.
01:06:45After I ascend the throne,
01:06:47I will definitely lead the army.
01:06:49I will avenge
01:06:51not only the Western Regions,
01:06:53but also your three children.
01:06:55After all,
01:06:57this is what I promised my husband.
01:07:01Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
01:07:31In November of the same year,
01:07:33Prince Lin Fan
01:07:35returned to the court
01:07:37and ascended the throne according to the etiquette.
01:07:39The country's name is Tianyou.
01:07:51Your Majesty, good news!
01:07:53Good news from the border!
01:07:55Prince Lin Fan
01:08:01My brother-in-law is really fierce.
01:08:03He used less than half a year
01:08:05to break
01:08:07the 300,000-strong Dalu Cavalry.
01:08:09He is really forgiving.
01:08:13Oh, my little ancestor,
01:08:15slow down.
01:08:17If you keep pushing,
01:08:19I won't be able to pay you back.
01:08:21Go to your father.
01:08:25Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
01:08:27Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
01:08:29My father said that
01:08:31if you can even change your heart,
01:08:33you will definitely live a long life.
01:08:35Your Majesty, Noble Consort Miao,
01:08:37look at this little ancestor.
01:08:39He is so good at talking.
01:08:51How is it going?
01:08:53Everything has been taken care of.
01:08:55You can rise at any time.
01:08:59Lin Fan,
01:09:01this time,
01:09:03I won't be careless again.