Wisconsin GOP Holds Press Briefing Ahead Of Day Three Of The Republican National Convention

  • 3 months ago
The Wisconsin GOP held a press briefing to kick off day three of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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00:00:00Good morning, and welcome to Day 3 of the Republican National Convention.
00:00:07I, for one, can't wait to see J.D. Baer speak tonight.
00:00:18Once again, we will start with our generous sponsors, who have allowed us to put on such wonderful events this week.
00:00:24First, I'd like to introduce Jason Grebb with Enbridge.
00:00:35Good morning, everybody. Jason Grebb with Enbridge Energy. How's everybody feeling this morning?
00:00:42Ready for another day?
00:00:44Yeah, I wanted to introduce you. Enbridge is really happy to sponsor the breakfast this morning.
00:00:49We've been a proud pipeline company operating in Wisconsin for over 70 years.
00:00:56We provide a vital link to energy for all Wisconsinites.
00:01:01Just as a reference, three out of every four gallons of gasoline that you pump are delivered on an Enbridge pipeline.
00:01:10We have a project called Line 5. Maybe some of you have heard about it.
00:01:16We are working diligently to get the permitting through the state of Wisconsin and start construction on that.
00:01:23Hopefully next year we'll provide 700 jobs to Wisconsinites.
00:01:27We're very excited about that and appreciate your support of that project and the vital energy that you need.
00:01:33Before I wrap up, as a sponsor, I just wanted to commend all the delegates here today.
00:01:38It really is commendable that you take the time away from your family, your jobs, and spend an entire week to represent your community, your state, and your country.
00:01:47Hats off to you. Thank you very much.
00:01:51And have a great rest of your convention. Thanks so much.
00:02:02Thank you, Jason, and thank you, Enbridge.
00:02:05Now I'd like to introduce you to Robert Fundmaker with Ho-Chunk Nation Representatives.
00:02:12Welcome and good morning. My name is Robert Fundmaker. I'm a Ho-Chunk Nation legislator from Wisconsin Dells.
00:02:29I've been a lifelong resident of Wisconsin Dells and I get to represent them.
00:02:34My district covers the southwestern section of Wisconsin from the Dells down to the Iowa border.
00:02:45We also have District 1, which is the northwest district of Wisconsin, and that's one of our representatives, Rodney Ray from District 1 Black River Falls.
00:03:05Another one of our districts is in eastern Wisconsin, and we don't have a representative here today, but District 4 covers all of our tribal members that are outside of Wisconsin, and that is our representative, Paul Fox.
00:03:19We have over 8,000 tribal members that are in those areas and that we represent, and that is our base, and that's what we do.
00:03:36We try to do what we can for them and try to develop what we can for them and deliver services for our tribal members.
00:03:46We're very honored to be able to participate in the convention this weekend, this week, and able to help sponsor this breakfast.
00:03:54We also would like to thank the treatment we're getting at the Potawatomi Hotel. It's awesome there and they're treating us very well.
00:04:05I didn't win yet, but I'm going to keep trying. Thank you. Thank you all. Have a good convention.
00:04:21Good morning. It's me again. All right, having a good time? I'm happy to report that you are all still secure. Anyone feel insecure? That might be a different conversation.
00:04:43Everybody have a good time last night? How about those buses? Never tell a trooper it can't be done.
00:04:57Nothing updated for today. I'm sure most of you heard about the officer-involved shooting yesterday. That was outside of the zone, in a park, had nothing to do with RNC.
00:05:08External officers from out of state, Columbus, Ohio, were the ones that fired. They're being taken care of right now.
00:05:15We'll wait for that to go over, but as far as RNC and what it pertains to you, there's no worries, nothing to worry about.
00:05:24Continue on your day as normal. Transportation update. It does sound like transport from FISERV back to the hotels.
00:05:32They are running a shuttle from FISERV down Vell Phillips to Wisconsin Avenue.
00:05:38If you're coming back to the hotel, you can ride the buses or you can take that shuttle tonight back to Vell Phillips and walk Wisconsin through the secure area back to the hotel.
00:05:47It's another option that you have tonight, tomorrow.
00:05:50The last thing that I have for you, I'm sure everybody's looking forward to convention, another big day.
00:05:56Looking forward to the VP nominee talk tonight. Who knows, it could go a little long.
00:06:01Forte invites you to come back to the hotel tonight for a nightcap. We're going to have pie, root beer floats, some pizza, grab some stuff, some music.
00:06:09Hang out for a little while, head up to your room, whatever you'd like to do with, come enjoy.
00:06:14All right, have a good day.
00:06:15How are we all doing this morning? I didn't hear you. How are we all doing this morning? That's really what I mean.
00:06:35So I want to introduce Cindy Werner to lead us in prayer and Christy Ogden to lead us in the pledge.
00:06:52Good morning. Please join me in prayer.
00:06:58Heavenly Father, thank you. Thank you for waking us up this morning.
00:07:03Thank you for watching over this place, which we call America.
00:07:07Heavenly Father, we are thankful for your many blessings.
00:07:11We are thankful for your guiding hands of protection, not just over our convention, but especially over President Trump and his family.
00:07:23Oh God, continue to keep us safe. Unify us and guide us through this journey of life as we continue to fight for America today in order to have a free country tomorrow.
00:07:36In Jesus' name, amen.
00:07:49Good morning, everyone. Please rise for our pledge.
00:07:52I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
00:08:08Thank you and have a great day.
00:08:19So the guy's wife is here, but I am going to say anyway, I love this guy.
00:08:28Just not that way.
00:08:30And we talked about Brian Stahl yesterday, right, how he was the number two target when he ran the first time. Number two target in the whole country, right?
00:08:41This guy is the number one target in the House of Representatives.
00:08:48They have poured millions of dollars in against this guy already.
00:08:56Now, how many of you are from western Wisconsin?
00:08:59Okay, we'll start there. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
00:09:13We apparently did have bloodies in the lobby this morning.
00:09:16So the number one target in the whole country this cycle.
00:09:26And the thing that I like about this guy is he always tells it like it is.
00:09:35And in a Washington, D.C., where a lot of us really believe it is the swamp, you need truth tellers.
00:09:46You need people who are willing to go out there and say what they think and do what it takes for their district.
00:09:54Now, western Wisconsin's congressional district was in the other parties' hands for 26 years.
00:10:01That is a long, long time.
00:10:04And so it was a target race for the Democrats two years ago.
00:10:08But they want to get rid of this guy so badly, they will do anything to get rid of him.
00:10:18And I mean like literally anything to get rid of him, which is why we've got to do everything to keep him.
00:10:26Please join me in welcoming Congressman Derek Van Orden.
00:10:32Sit down.
00:10:46Yeah, yeah, most of my constituents, I was back in reflection, are hitting bloodies somewhere.
00:10:51I get it.
00:10:53They're rolling about ten.
00:10:55The other half is making hay right now.
00:10:57I mean like actually making hay with it.
00:11:00I want to clear something up just so you know.
00:11:05This week is about nominating President Trump and J.D., getting them elected.
00:11:13The next four years is about making this country wealthy, safe, and strong again.
00:11:19And that's peace through strength, right?
00:11:22So I am not going to allow some glory-seeking, Hamas-loving slipknot interfere with that.
00:11:35It ain't happening.
00:11:41And to be explicitly clear, what took place yesterday in no way, shape, or form compares to what happened to President Trump.
00:11:54He got shot in the head, and I've been hit harder from air coming out of a blow dryer.
00:12:02So we're not doing this.
00:12:04Free speech is free speech.
00:12:07When you cross that line and physically touch someone, you have committed a crime.
00:12:12And we will not tolerate this any longer.
00:12:18We have the same rights as these Code Pink buffoons and everybody else across the board as American citizens, don't we?
00:12:27Okay, I have called for anybody committing political violence to be prosecuted to the greatest extent of the law.
00:12:33That applies to Code Pink, not just us.
00:12:37Okay, that's what Trump was talking about.
00:12:40That's what he was saying.
00:12:42So let me tell you about that man.
00:12:45President Trump, when he took that bullet to the head, he hit the deck, as you do when you're getting shot at, and I know all about this.
00:12:55The next thing he did, his immediate response was to stand up and raise his fist in defiance as blood was running down his head
00:13:05and telling us to fight.
00:13:10What he was talking about is not physical violence like some of these people may say.
00:13:15That's not what he was saying.
00:13:16What he was talking about is what took place yesterday.
00:13:18When your rights are violated, you fight for your rights.
00:13:20You fight for your freedom.
00:13:21You fight for your children.
00:13:22That's what he's talking about.
00:13:24Don't let them get that narrative.
00:13:28He wants us to peacefully fight for our freedom.
00:13:32And you're going to join me in doing so, are you not?
00:13:37Can I tell them my...
00:13:43Let me...oh.
00:13:44Ladies and gentlemen, Sarah Linden!
00:13:54Some of you have heard this previously, but if you have not, I want you to hear it.
00:14:00And I want the press to hear it.
00:14:02And I want them to tell everybody.
00:14:04This is the President Trump that these people over the last eight or nine years don't want you to know about.
00:14:09At all.
00:14:10Because it will humanize him.
00:14:12And you can't make someone an enemy if they're human.
00:14:16So, last year, coming up on the 19th, our daughter Sydney passed from cancer.
00:14:23Left us with three beautiful grandchildren and a woodworker who's a good man.
00:14:29The day after she died, I was in Chris, that's our son-in-law's basement, and I was feeling very, very low, obviously.
00:14:38And my phone rang, and it was a number from Florida.
00:14:43And I do not know a lot of people from Florida.
00:14:47But I answered it, and it was Donald Trump.
00:14:52Called me to say, Derek, I'm just praying for you.
00:14:56And I'm thinking about you.
00:14:58I'm thinking about Sarah.
00:15:00I'm thinking about Sydney, her soul.
00:15:02I'm thinking about her husband, Chris.
00:15:04How are they doing?
00:15:05How are the children?
00:15:07So that was a phone call from a grandpa to another grandpa in the worst imaginable circumstances.
00:15:16It was a phone call from a father to another father in the worst possible circumstances.
00:15:23Nothing political.
00:15:24You know, I was going to back him 100%.
00:15:27He made that call because he wanted to reassure me and let me know and Sarah know.
00:15:32I put it on speaker so she could hear it.
00:15:35He wanted us to know that he cares.
00:15:40That's the real Donald Trump.
00:15:44And I've talked to so many people that he has done exactly the same thing.
00:15:48I told this story at the women's breakfast yesterday, or lunch yesterday.
00:15:52And a woman came up to me and said this.
00:15:55My brother was dying of cancer.
00:15:57And she knew a guy in the political party.
00:15:59And she said, could you please get a hold of Donald Trump and ask him if he'll get a hold of us.
00:16:03And he wrote that man a letter that he kept next to his bedside in hospice.
00:16:07And he showed it to every single person that came up saying, thank you very much.
00:16:11We're praying for you.
00:16:13That is the next president of the United States.
00:16:17So I am giving you mine and Sarah's permission to tell that story as widely as possible.
00:16:29As widely as possible.
00:16:32And let the people know that they should be reassured.
00:16:35That you have a man that will literally die for you.
00:16:39And stand up in defiance and tell you to fight.
00:16:44Because that's what we are called to do.
00:16:46We are called to fight for our freedom and for our nation.
00:16:49Here's how we get this done.
00:16:52You leave this convention probably sober up.
00:16:57I'm going to remove the probably.
00:17:00And you get to work.
00:17:03You guys are all the key players right here.
00:17:05All of them.
00:17:06You get out of this concrete jungle.
00:17:08Look a little bit west of here, you're going to see some hills.
00:17:11Doesn't matter how long you stare at that hill.
00:17:13The cavalry is not coming over the hill.
00:17:15The cavalry is not coming over the hill because the cavalry is sitting here at this breakfast.
00:17:20You're it.
00:17:25Something happens and you're always pointing at everybody else.
00:17:27It should have been this guy or that guy or this.
00:17:29Nope, you're it.
00:17:30I'm telling you right now, you're it.
00:17:31And I am charging you.
00:17:33This is the senior chief.
00:17:34I am charging you to do your duty.
00:17:37So you leave out of here.
00:17:38You've got to go to work.
00:17:39Then you're going to start making phone calls.
00:17:41You're going to start knocking doors.
00:17:42You're going to start writing postcards.
00:17:44And you're going to get it done for America.
00:17:46All right?
00:17:47So God bless you and your families.
00:17:48And God bless the United States of America.
00:17:50God bless President Trump and J.D. Vance and their families also.
00:17:53And let's do the job!
00:17:54I'm going to work.
00:18:08You go to work.
00:18:09Hey, by the way, this is one of the funniest dudes ever.
00:18:19When I went to a convention, he goes, let me ask you something.
00:18:22And he's like, how do you deal with AOC?
00:18:25You ever heard of that?
00:18:28You ever heard of that?
00:18:29We'll see you.
00:18:35Derek Benham, everybody.
00:18:44I'm running out of candy bars to leave for people
00:18:46to get them jacked up in the morning.
00:18:48I've got a little problem.
00:18:50So we have a couple things we want to do.
00:18:53And I'll ask Chairman Ferro to join me up here,
00:18:55because you're the heavy on this, okay?
00:18:59I mean, I'm literally the heavy on most stuff,
00:19:01but you're the heavy on this stuff.
00:19:04So today, just to give you a little bit of an overview,
00:19:07when people ask me, you know, do we have a program for the night,
00:19:10and oftentimes we don't,
00:19:12because there's not really major changes in the program,
00:19:15but speakers, you know, I've got to move this around or that or whatever.
00:19:18So the basic thing for today is we need butts in the seats over there at 430.
00:19:29And Paul's going to reemphasize this, because Paul and these are the two.
00:19:35We're the thugs.
00:19:38Do you know I'm golfing or what?
00:19:39What is this?
00:19:41Are you like this?
00:19:47This is like an old Iraqi news conference.
00:19:53I've got the heavies here.
00:19:55So, yeah, exactly.
00:19:58So these guys are going to talk about this too,
00:20:03but we need butts in the seats over there at 430.
00:20:07The start, the hard start is 530.
00:20:10And, again, just to reemphasize this,
00:20:12and I know to us it's like because we're running around,
00:20:14it's going to be, what, a couple degrees cooler today, I think 77 or something.
00:20:20It's not well.
00:20:21Of course, you're in shorts.
00:20:22Of course it's beautiful out.
00:20:23And so it will be a little bit cooler today and a little less humid.
00:20:29So that will be nice.
00:20:31And I'm going to let these guys talk about why this is important,
00:20:35not only that we're there on time, but for folks who are on the convention floor,
00:20:40if you're a delegate and you decide to leave, you know,
00:20:44if you're running to the washroom or to go get, you know, cheese curds
00:20:48or whatever you're doing, that's one thing.
00:20:51But if you, like, disappear for an hour, hour and a half, that's another thing.
00:20:59Thanks, Brian.
00:21:01So we're not really thugs, but, boy, last night it felt like we were at times.
00:21:07One of the challenges we have, especially with our location on the floor,
00:21:11is cameras are on us all the time.
00:21:15Last night we had 23 seats open at one point.
00:21:21Now, here's the thing.
00:21:23I've got people upstairs who are dying to come down on the floor.
00:21:27And we want to make sure we've got the seats full.
00:21:30So if you have to leave for more than just a quick bathroom break,
00:21:35call your alternates.
00:21:37If you don't have the list, let us know.
00:21:39We'll get you a copy of it.
00:21:40But we've got to set it up.
00:21:42The easiest way we've found it is to do transition right outside of 117
00:21:45where we come in.
00:21:47When your alternate gets there, have them text you that they're there.
00:21:51You can go up, hand it off, and come right back down.
00:21:55Tonight is going to be the big one.
00:21:58J.D. is going to come out and speak.
00:22:00He's going to be there for a long time.
00:22:02Our cameras have been on us on and off.
00:22:04We had a situation last night.
00:22:08It was the chair of Pennsylvania, right?
00:22:10Got cold caught by a camera.
00:22:12We've been telling everybody all night, all time,
00:22:15that there's a lot of media running around.
00:22:17There's a lot of people running around.
00:22:19Well, all of a sudden, and Candy can attest to this
00:22:21because she actually got to sit in her chair and see things
00:22:23instead of just people walking by, we were able to move people out.
00:22:28Because that happened, our seats opened up and cameras were watching us.
00:22:32We're Wisconsin.
00:22:33We're the host.
00:22:34The other cool thing is, and I don't know if you guys have seen it,
00:22:37a lot of the delegations are coming over and saying thanks.
00:22:40You guys have done a phenomenal job so far for the convention,
00:22:43and they're giving us kind of high fives.
00:22:45As I said, I'll take credit for it,
00:22:47even though you guys worked your tail off.
00:22:50But it's our responsibility to be in the chairs.
00:22:53If you can't be there, no biggie, but let us know.
00:22:58So here's where I'm going to be a little bit of a person, as Mom would say.
00:23:03If you're not there tonight,
00:23:06I'm not letting you have your delegation tag tomorrow.
00:23:10Tomorrow's the big one, and we've got to have it fulled out.
00:23:14So I'm going to be the, hey, you know what?
00:23:18And that's what's going to happen because we've got to have people there.
00:23:22We had a point where someone didn't make it last night at all,
00:23:26and the best way to describe it is I was sitting on the floor
00:23:31without my delegation pass so Gwen could come down,
00:23:34so I couldn't leave the floor because I had an orange hat
00:23:37or they wouldn't mess with me.
00:23:38But we can't do that.
00:23:40We've got to make sure those seats are full the whole time.
00:23:45We need the augments to answer their phones,
00:23:48even though they don't know the numbers.
00:23:51I called four people to get one.
00:23:55So if you guys, we have the delegates text, right?
00:24:01And we've got the list downstairs.
00:24:03I know you know how to do that.
00:24:06So, Cody, what I've done is when I text out, I say,
00:24:11Hey, it's Paul Farrell looking to see if you can switch out and do it that way
00:24:15so that they've got your name so they know what's going on.
00:24:18All right?
00:24:19Yes, sir?
00:24:20I noticed I'm getting about maybe a five-minute delay on receiving the text messages,
00:24:25so I said if I don't respond promptly, try calling them over.
00:24:29Phone calls seem to be coming through quicker.
00:24:32Yeah, I know they've got a number of boosters in the area, but I don't know.
00:24:36I think there's a lot of cell usage right now,
00:24:39especially with people sending out tweets and pictures of everything that's going on.
00:24:44Yes, ma'am?
00:24:45Yes, my number is 715-207-8464.
00:24:50We've got the full sheet.
00:24:52We have the list.
00:24:54All right.
00:24:57So after the incident with the chairman from Pennsylvania, there will be changes on the floor.
00:25:06The media is going to be much more restricted.
00:25:09A couple times, Candy almost got knocked over.
00:25:12I actually stood by her to keep people from Candy not getting trampled.
00:25:16So there's going to be changes on the floor.
00:25:19The main—I'm wearing the mic that goes direct to the Trump people.
00:25:26They were mad last night because it just wasn't us in their seats.
00:25:30It was a lot of delegations.
00:25:32Half the problem with the chairman getting knocked cold by the camera was if delegates were up walking around.
00:25:40So this is a highly produced movie that we're a part of, very highly produced.
00:25:47This is for the nation, for us to shine.
00:25:51So we have to be in our seats to have this movie pulled off.
00:25:58I sat up high last night.
00:26:02One thing I noticed, there are major stations up there.
00:26:05I don't think all the people respond.
00:26:07If I'm on the news and I see that, it doesn't come across super well.
00:26:13So, I mean, Las Vegas was on the radio last night screaming.
00:26:18He was not happy.
00:26:19So there's going to be changes today.
00:26:21What was that?
00:26:24So he was saying that when he's looking from up above, there's a lot of people in the aisles just talking and just clamoring.
00:26:33Trust me, we're trying to clamp down on where we can.
00:26:36We only have orange hats.
00:26:37We don't have the lime green hats.
00:26:39I was going to try to steal a lime green hat and then really run havoc on everybody,
00:26:43but we're just trying to see what we can do from our delegation to make sure we're working things through.
00:26:50The last thing we want is Rachel Maddow to be right.
00:27:06Do you guys have any other questions? Paula and I will be around.
00:27:12One last one. On a positive note, Fox News upstairs threw about 15 footballs out. I think it was the Wisconsin alternate section from Fox News.
00:27:26Cool. Awesome. Thanks everybody for your cooperation.
00:27:35So just to make sure there's clarity, I want to make sure everyone understands the message.
00:27:43Do we like open seats or full seats?
00:27:48If the alternates are sitting in their alternate section and they see open seats on the floor, can they go wait by them?
00:28:08No. You've got to get pulled in.
00:28:16I'm in one of the front two seats, and I will just tell you, those are the two worst seats in the whole building.
00:28:24For anybody who's watched, Ryan was sitting up there yesterday. It's just exactly what they said.
00:28:33Candy and I were talking about this last night. The media is not the problem.
00:28:42What the problem is, is people coming up, and I get it, right? I do, I really do.
00:28:49Coming up and taking pictures, wanting to be up around the stage and all that, and I do get it.
00:28:55But so they clogged the thing up to me anyway, or at least from our observation, the media is not the problem.
00:29:01The problem is all these people who leave their seats and come up towards the stage.
00:29:06And literally, Candy and I, you know, they're literally practically falling on you.
00:29:13And I mean, Candy's shorter now than she was at the start of the day yesterday.
00:29:19And I'm not saying it's a problem, but we want everyone to be safe.
00:29:25We want everybody to see. We want you to be able to see and participate and hear what's going on.
00:29:31So if we can do that.
00:29:33The other thing I would say is, look, we are now halfway through this convention.
00:29:39So I say that to remind people, and I know folks are doing things, to take pictures and to just kind of drink this whole thing in.
00:29:49Because it really, I mean, we're kind of in the middle of it now, and it's cool, and it's great, and everything else.
00:29:54But you know what? Tomorrow night it's over.
00:29:57So experience everything you can experience as part of this convention, including Paul Farrell interrupting me.
00:30:06Because we're getting the sign.
00:30:07So tonight we are not going to meet downstairs.
00:30:10I apologize. Tom and I have events that we have to be at.
00:30:13So if you're going to take the bus, get out the door. Remember to go up to Broadway.
00:30:18Get over there. 3 o'clock worked out really well.
00:30:21We got through the lines. They were short.
00:30:23If you're walking over, make sure you're in the seats by 4.30. We'll be there right about 4.30.
00:30:28Apparently their first event is a tea time at the Brookfield Country Club.
00:30:32My card's over there. It's just great.
00:30:39So, next thing.
00:30:45I love this person I'm about to bring up.
00:30:49She is a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful person.
00:30:57She represented Texas's 34th congressional district in the U.S. House from 2022 to 2023.
00:31:06Won in a special election. Flipped a Democrat seat in a special election.
00:31:11Was born in Mexico and came into this country and became a citizen and became an active Republican.
00:31:23And she stole a seat the Democrats had held forever.
00:31:29And she won that June 22 special election.
00:31:33And of course they came after her like crazy.
00:31:37And now I'm proud to say she's running again to get back in Congress.
00:31:43I cannot say enough about this person.
00:31:48And we had her speak at convention last year.
00:31:51And we just love this person here in Wisconsin.
00:31:55Please join me in welcoming Representative Mayra Flores.
00:32:09Good morning. Buenos dias.
00:32:11All I needed with that introduction is a mariachi.
00:32:15That would have done it.
00:32:17Next time we've got to bring the mariachi.
00:32:20Good morning. I'm so happy to be here.
00:32:22Honestly, I feel like at home.
00:32:24I was here about a year ago.
00:32:26And y'all treated me like I was a part of your family.
00:32:31So I'm forever grateful.
00:32:32I'm definitely always coming back to Wisconsin.
00:32:35I have just so much love for y'all.
00:32:38And a lot of people said, you know, why are you going to Wisconsin?
00:32:44How does that help you in South Texas?
00:32:48And the reason why is because my election isn't my election.
00:32:53It's our election.
00:32:54And if I win, we win.
00:32:56And we're all in it together.
00:32:58And the future of my children is in your hands.
00:33:01Too much is at stake.
00:33:02And this country is truly the greatest country in the world.
00:33:05If someone like myself that was born in Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico,
00:33:10comes here to the United States, works in the cotton fields.
00:33:13I started working in the cotton fields at 13 years old
00:33:16because both my parents were migrant workers, so we moved a lot growing up.
00:33:20And at 13 years old, I started working alongside my parents.
00:33:23And they instilled in me strong conservative values
00:33:26to always put God, family first, and to work hard.
00:33:30And those values are in me.
00:33:37It's in our nature.
00:33:39And this country just gave me so many opportunities.
00:33:42Of course I did not want to work in the cotton fields for the rest of my life.
00:33:46Who does?
00:33:47And so my dad said, here in this country, if you work hard,
00:33:49you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to.
00:33:52So I graduated high school, continued my education,
00:33:55became a respiratory care practitioner, worked with children,
00:33:58worked with the elderly community.
00:34:00I'm married to a Border Patrol.
00:34:03He's been in Border Patrol for about 15 years now.
00:34:06I have four amazing children.
00:34:08And I've accomplished the American dream.
00:34:10And I want that American dream for all of us.
00:34:14A lot of people think that when I became a member of Congress,
00:34:18that's whenever I accomplished the American dream.
00:34:20Let me tell you, that is really not the American dream.
00:34:25I had accomplished the American dream prior to that.
00:34:28I ran to protect the American dream.
00:34:31That's why we do it.
00:34:32We're all here at the American dream.
00:34:34You know, we don't have to become members of Congress to accomplish the American dream.
00:34:38It's really not something I want to motivate people.
00:34:44But at the same time, I have to say that we need more of us in Congress,
00:34:49more of us that resonate with the everyday American.
00:34:52Because I was told that I didn't have the qualifications to run for Congress.
00:34:57So, Myra, you were born in Mexico.
00:34:59You're in the medical field.
00:35:01You have never been involved in politics.
00:35:03Because I literally just woke up and said, I'm running for Congress.
00:35:10I said, why not?
00:35:12I said, well, the problem is, weren't you born in Mexico?
00:35:15I don't think you can run.
00:35:16I said, I Googled it.
00:35:20Google says I can.
00:35:22Yes, you're right.
00:35:23It's never happened before.
00:35:25But can you imagine if we take that away from the Democrats?
00:35:29Well, I did.
00:35:31And I have to say, though, God only allowed me to see this much.
00:35:39I have to say because I was like, I got this.
00:35:41I'm going to do this.
00:35:43It's so easy.
00:35:45And then when I got in there, I was like, oh, God, I just have to keep swimming.
00:35:48And I was already way in there.
00:35:50I think God didn't allow me to see so much because I think it would have freaked me out.
00:35:54But I'm so glad that I trusted in him and that I decided to run
00:36:00because of that, you know, I became the first Mexican-born congresswoman ever elected in Congress.
00:36:08We made history.
00:36:09No one can take that away from us.
00:36:13And so I'm forever grateful for that and that they can never say that they elected the first Mexican-born congresswoman.
00:36:19They can never say that.
00:36:20We took that away from them.
00:36:22And that's exactly one of the main reasons why, because I know it burned them.
00:36:26You know?
00:36:27I know it does.
00:36:28And every time I speak Spanish, it just burns them more.
00:36:31Everybody tells me, Maya, why do you speak Spanish?
00:36:34You know, everybody speaks English here.
00:36:36And I'm like, you don't understand.
00:36:38It bothers them.
00:36:39I know it does because I was actually told one time, why is she speaking in the floor in Spanish?
00:36:45Oh, I thought you were for the Hispanic community.
00:36:49So it would bother them when I would speak in Spanish in the floor.
00:36:53And I just, I loved it.
00:36:55I mean, I enjoyed it so much.
00:36:57And that was one of the reasons why, you know, I'm a partisan.
00:37:01I know they hate it.
00:37:02They cannot, you know, say anything else.
00:37:06You know, they say they support women.
00:37:08They say they support, you know, the Hispanic community.
00:37:10Look, I was born in Mexico, and yet they hate me.
00:37:12I mean, as soon as I got elected, they were like, for deportation.
00:37:15They were like, send her back to Mexico.
00:37:16I mean, we do not need these people here.
00:37:18We do not need these people here.
00:37:20But that's, hey, that's what it takes for them to be for, you know, deportation.
00:37:26Because I am all for deporting people that are here illegally in the country.
00:37:30But I'm an American.
00:37:34They're not sending me back, you know.
00:37:35They're not sending me back.
00:37:36I'm a proud American.
00:37:38I love this country.
00:37:40I'm proud of where I'm from.
00:37:42I'm proud of my culture.
00:37:43I'm proud of my values.
00:37:44People always say, how can you vote?
00:37:46How can you vote Republican?
00:37:48You know, weren't you born in Mexico?
00:37:50I'm like, yeah, that's why.
00:37:51I don't know if you know this, but we're race conservative.
00:37:54Very conservative.
00:37:55You know, the reason why many Hispanics vote Democrats is because they've been lied to.
00:37:59They've been manipulated.
00:38:01They've been told that the Democrat Party is a party of the poor
00:38:04and that the Republican Party is a party of the rich.
00:38:07I have to agree, they are the party of the poor.
00:38:09All they do is create poverty.
00:38:10I mean, they're just, they're great at it.
00:38:13They are great at it.
00:38:15So, you know, I'm like, you're right.
00:38:17They are all about poverty.
00:38:19We are all about prosperity.
00:38:22But I have to admit, I grew up, you know, in a Democrat household with conservative values.
00:38:27But my parents, my dad always voted Democrat.
00:38:31But I remember a cousin of mine telling me, Myra, why do you vote?
00:38:35Why are you voting Democrat?
00:38:37We were raised the same way.
00:38:38I said, well, I don't know, my dad said.
00:38:40I literally, like my dad said.
00:38:42And she's like, well, do some research about what each party actually stands for and come back to me.
00:38:48And this was back in 2010.
00:38:50And I told Elda, my cousin, I said, okay, I'll do my research.
00:38:53Came back, and I was like, I'm Republican.
00:38:55And my values are more important than any political party.
00:39:02So at that moment, I was like, I'm Republican.
00:39:06Because the values that were instilled in me by my grandparents, my parents, are way more important.
00:39:10So for me, it was an easy decision.
00:39:12But I remember telling my dad that I was Republican.
00:39:15And my dad was like, no, we're not.
00:39:16We're Democrats.
00:39:17And I said, no, Dad.
00:39:18You raised me as a Republican, you don't even know it.
00:39:20You raised all of us as Republicans.
00:39:22He's like, no, no, no, we're Democrats.
00:39:24He had a hard time, you know, understanding.
00:39:27And 2016 was a difficult election for him because I was able to convince my entire family, 99.9, to vote Republican, except my dad in 2016.
00:39:39But, you know, under the Trump administration, we had secure borders.
00:39:44We had a strong economy.
00:39:45His business was booming.
00:39:47And in 2020, he voted Republican for the first time.
00:39:50But he actually, I have to admit, he did it like this.
00:39:54He didn't want to.
00:39:56He was like, ugh, you know.
00:39:58I have to admit, you know, his policies are good, you know.
00:40:01But the Biden administration has done such a horrible job, such a horrible job, that now he's like full-blown, hardcore Republican.
00:40:11I mean, so he's out there advocating for conservative values for the party, growing the party.
00:40:19Because at the end of the day, if we want to grow the Republican Party, we've got to get more Hispanics in the Republican Party.
00:40:25There is no future in the Republican Party if we do not get Hispanics to join us.
00:40:30You know, if the Republican Party wants to continue growing, we have to continue making investments in the Hispanic community.
00:40:36And look, we're conservative by nature, it's who we are.
00:40:39Our values, it's American values.
00:40:42And I really do think that it's our values that are going to save this country in November.
00:40:46And I am so proud, you know, to see so many Hispanics joining our party, you know, joining President Trump.
00:40:55And it's just an amazing thing to do.
00:40:58But it's because, really, the Democratic Party has abandoned our values.
00:41:01They have.
00:41:02They're not the same party anymore.
00:41:05You know, I walked away from the Democrat Party, but my dad says that they walked away from him.
00:41:10He's like, they walked away from me.
00:41:12I know you walked away from them, but they walked away from me.
00:41:15And that's how many people feel.
00:41:17So I just feel that, you know, this election is truly the most important election of our lifetime.
00:41:22It really is.
00:41:23You know, and the future of my children is in your hands, Wisconsin.
00:41:26It is.
00:41:27And that's why I'm here.
00:41:29Because I believe that this country is truly worth fighting for.
00:41:33And, yes, I wasn't born here, but I love this country with all my heart.
00:41:38There is nowhere else I want to be at.
00:41:40Like, I've been here practically all my life since I was six years old.
00:41:44Till this day I remember the day that I came here and being excited to be here, six years old.
00:41:49And that's how impactful that moment was for me,
00:41:52that I still remember coming here and looking at the American flag and being excited to be here.
00:41:58I still remember telling my friends at six years old that I was coming to the United States,
00:42:03to el otro lado, the other side, and the children just being excited.
00:42:07We in Mexico, you know, know that here in America it's like everything is possible.
00:42:13And we have the United States up here.
00:42:16So us as Americans, we have to also embrace this country.
00:42:21You know, I was told a few days ago by a friend of mine, actually a few weeks ago,
00:42:25another fellow Republican said, Myra, how do we get, you know, those who immigrate to this country to assimilate?
00:42:31I said, well, we first have to get our own to assimilate.
00:42:34I mean, seriously.
00:42:37There's so many people that were born here, raised here, and have no love for this country.
00:42:42So we have to show that love for our own country.
00:42:46We have to, you know, set an example.
00:42:48You know, because at the end of the day, who is putting in the policies that are destroying this country?
00:42:54It's people that were born here and raised here.
00:42:58It's not people like myself that immigrated to this country that are putting in place.
00:43:01As a matter of fact, so many people like myself that immigrated to this country, we came here to work hard to bless this country.
00:43:08So it's so important that we instill that in our children to be proud of this country, to be proud of being Americans,
00:43:17and to show that to others so when they move here, they also want to be a part of it.
00:43:23So, I mean, that was my response.
00:43:25He's like, yeah, yeah, you're actually right.
00:43:27And I was like, yeah.
00:43:28And, again, the people that are destroying our country with the policies are people that were born here and raised here.
00:43:34And it blows my mind because they take it for granted.
00:43:38You know, they don't know what it's like to have to leave your native country for better opportunities.
00:43:45And, look, I'm for border security, but a lot of people think that if you're pro-border security, you're anti-immigrant.
00:43:52And that's not true.
00:43:53I am for legal immigration because illegal immigration is funding a cartel.
00:43:58It's a dangerous journey where women and children get raped.
00:44:02Why would anyone encourage that?
00:44:05If you actually care about these people, then you wouldn't be incentivizing illegal immigration.
00:44:13You would be incentivizing legal immigration.
00:44:16So it's so important that we allow our Border Patrol agents to enforce the laws that they put in place.
00:44:22They literally put in place these laws.
00:44:25So allow our Border Patrol agents to enforce the laws, secure the border, keep our families safe, and for us to prosper.
00:44:33We cannot prosper if we have lawlessness in the border.
00:44:36And that's what we have right now, lawlessness.
00:44:40There is no law and order right now.
00:44:42So I, even though, yes, I immigrated here, but that doesn't mean that I'm okay with what's happening at the border.
00:44:48And most Hispanics are not okay with what's happening at the border either.
00:44:51I mean, we want a secure border.
00:44:53We want a strong economy.
00:44:55We want the same things, all of you, because at the end of the day, we're all Americans, okay?
00:44:59And it doesn't matter the color of our skin, where we're from.
00:45:03We're all Americans, you know?
00:45:05We all bleed red.
00:45:08And in November, I want to end with this.
00:45:11In November, we don't need a red wave.
00:45:14We don't need a blue wave.
00:45:16We need a red, blue, and white wave, okay?
00:45:19We need an American wave.
00:45:21That's what we need.
00:45:25And we need, of course, you need me back in Congress, obviously.
00:45:32But we also need to get President Trump reelected.
00:45:37We need his policies.
00:45:39And I thank God that he's okay.
00:45:42But what happened on Saturday really changed everything.
00:45:48You know, one moment we're here, one moment we're not.
00:45:52And thank God he's still here with us.
00:45:54I really do believe that it was our prayers that protected him.
00:45:57So it's so important that we stay in prayer every single day because this world is temporary.
00:46:05It really is.
00:46:07And God is eternity.
00:46:09So it's so important that we stay in prayer every single day and allow God to guide us in everything that we do.
00:46:16Because I really do believe that the reason why we're in this mess is because so many people have put God aside.
00:46:21And it's time that we put God back in the center of everything because this is his universe.
00:46:27This is his country.
00:46:29And without him, we're nothing.
00:46:31So let's put God and family and country first.
00:46:34God bless you.
00:46:35Thank you, Wisconsin.
00:46:36I love you so much.
00:46:38I want to tell you and I want to tell all of you, because you and I have talked about
00:47:05this several times before, it's announced late this week, it's being announced this
00:47:12week and we have a grand opening of our new Hispanic Outreach Center on the south side
00:47:16of Milwaukee.
00:47:17And you're absolutely right on this point too, because business, or because politics
00:47:26generally is a business of arithmetic anyway, of addition rather than subtraction.
00:47:32And I remind folks, as I did yesterday, Congresswoman, school choice was born a couple of miles
00:47:40south of here, in this city, by Tommy Thompson.
00:47:46And so as we look at that and we look about how to reach the people, I was thinking about
00:47:54that when you were talking about the importance of not, but outreach broadly, outreach is
00:48:04not just talking and showing up every two years, you know, because you only show up
00:48:08every two years.
00:48:09Who believes, who believes anybody who walks into your life every two years and leaves
00:48:14a couple of weeks later?
00:48:15That's a Democrat.
00:48:16That's a Democrat.
00:48:18That's not a well put.
00:48:19And so, we're going to have, you know what, we're going to have a Myra Flores conference
00:48:26room in that headquarters.
00:48:34And the reason we want to do that, and she's like one of us now, right?
00:48:37So not only are we going to do that, but we do it because you came out of nowhere and
00:48:46then you told the story, she came out of nowhere and ended up a member of the United
00:48:52States House of Representatives because of people like us in Texas.
00:49:00And frankly, and you don't, you don't take enough credit for it sometimes because that's
00:49:03where you are, but because the force of her will, she decided she was going to do it and
00:49:10she did it.
00:49:11And that's important.
00:49:12I just want to say that, you know, the first week I was in Congress, I was like, how did
00:49:18I get here?
00:49:19And then I was like, how did they get here?
00:49:20Let me tell you something.
00:49:21We all have a qualification to be a member of Congress.
00:49:22And I realize that we need more of us in Congress.
00:49:23We need more of the everyday American that understand the struggle, what it's like to
00:49:37live paycheck to paycheck to run this country.
00:49:40You know, we have enough of them.
00:49:42We need more real people like us to start running for country.
00:49:45So don't ever allow anybody to tell you that you don't have the qualifications because
00:49:49look at Joe Biden.
00:49:50How many years?
00:49:51That's what they call qualification.
00:49:53These people that have the qualifications are the ones destroying our country.
00:49:56So screw that.
00:49:57Screw that.
00:49:58We need people like us that love this country, that have the work ethic to do this.
00:50:06So run for Congress if you can.
00:50:10Let's hear it for Myra Flores everybody.
00:50:13She's terrific.
00:50:22She's terrific.
00:50:25So one last note before I bring up our next speaker.
00:50:30This must be the week for it.
00:50:33It's your birthday too, Chairman Farrell?
00:50:43Paul Farrell's birthday everybody.
00:50:47Happy birthday to you.
00:50:55Happy birthday to you.
00:50:59Happy birthday dear Paul.
00:51:03Happy birthday to you.
00:51:07Well, just, you know, for clarification, because I know his brother Peter as well, and he says
00:51:18the same thing about you and that denial a deal.
00:51:25So thanks for being here on your birthday.
00:51:31Corey Mills, he is an American businessman.
00:51:36He has been a member of the United States House of Representatives for Florida's 7th
00:51:42Congressional District since 2023.
00:51:46So he's the new guy.
00:51:49He's worked in various organizations as a security specialist and a business executive.
00:51:55He served from 1999 until 2004 in the U.S. Army where he was a member of the 82nd Airborne
00:52:06He's got such a fascinating background, and he is an inspiring guy.
00:52:15I mean, he's the type of person, and I was thinking about it before, he's the type of
00:52:19person that we need to step up.
00:52:22Not because they want to be like in politics, they're alive and everything else, but they
00:52:26come out of whatever they are doing because they want to step up, like other people we
00:52:33know, and save this country.
00:52:35And I think that is an important message for this week.
00:52:39I think we all would agree that was an important message for this week, one that we will hear
00:52:45about more tonight, right?
00:52:47And tomorrow as well.
00:52:49Please, everyone, join me in giving a big Wisconsin welcome to Congressman Corey Mills.
00:53:09You should have let your applause out and said anything yet.
00:53:12It might not be that good.
00:53:15So, as they were indicating, look, I'm a brand new freshman in Congress.
00:53:21And so for a lot of you, it's probably one of the first times that you've heard me speak
00:53:25or that you've met me or been introduced.
00:53:27So I want to give a bit of a background first so you understand why I vote the way I vote,
00:53:33why I believe in the things that I believe in, why I feel it's so important for us to
00:53:39preserve our constitutional rights, liberties, and truly fight for limited government and
00:53:45limited involvement in our lives.
00:53:47You know, I came from not the typical upbringing.
00:53:51And this is where I share a lot of the experiences that I can appreciate so much.
00:53:57The nomination of Senator J.D. Vance as our Vice President.
00:54:02You know, I came from a very similar upbringing where my mom and dad both fought with drug
00:54:07addiction, with substance abuse.
00:54:09My dad spent over 30 years in prison.
00:54:11My mom spent almost seven and a half.
00:54:13I bounced house to house until I was about nine years old when my grandparents finally
00:54:17adopted me.
00:54:19And my grandparents were simple people.
00:54:21They believed in the ideas of money doesn't define the love, values, and faith in your
00:54:28But I went from having a broken home to understanding the nuclear family, the thing that we're
00:54:31all trying to preserve and protect and that the left is out to destroy.
00:54:35And so when I grew up, you know, there was times, I can remember in 1993, where my family
00:54:43lived on $6,800 approximately for a whole year.
00:54:47And there was many meals of white rice, tomato gravy, and cornbread, staples to keep you
00:54:52full, and we would hunt and fish.
00:54:54And it was one of those families where it was cheaper for us to go buy a $120 deep freezer
00:54:58and put it in our carport than to be able to shop for all the meats.
00:55:02And so you learned the appreciation for everything that you have.
00:55:06And I felt so grateful, because it never felt like we did without, that I wanted to find
00:55:12a way to pay that forward.
00:55:14So I joined the United States Army.
00:55:17And as I talked about serving, the 82nd Airborne Division was attached with the Joint Special
00:55:22Operations Command in Iraq.
00:55:24And between my military and my government experience, I worked with the State Department
00:55:28I spent almost seven years in Iraq, three years in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Pakistan, North
00:55:34Somalia, was involved with our team by roadside IEDs twice in 2006, and was a proud Bronze
00:55:41Star recipient.
00:55:44It was an honor to be able to wear that American flag, and to be able to fight for this nation's
00:55:49constitutional values, to understand what it truly means to swear an oath, to protect
00:55:56and defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.
00:56:00But the reasoning for our involvement cannot be about interventionism.
00:56:05It cannot be about not prioritizing the lives, the treasures, and the safety of America by
00:56:11involving ourselves in these endless wars that we have no business being in to begin
00:56:16And so as a person who has spent so much time deployed, one of my things is that I look
00:56:25at what President Trump has done, very similarly to President Reagan, in its efforts to have
00:56:30a peace through strength understanding that warfare is not about just kinetics of bomb
00:56:34to bomb, gun to gun, bullet to bullet.
00:56:37But we've been involved in wars with China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, from an economic
00:56:42resource supply chain, and other types of non-kinetic influence operations for decades.
00:56:49But you have what Roosevelt used to warn us about, which is this military industrial base
00:56:53that loves the idea of interventionism for its own stock share prices.
00:56:56Which is why I firmly stand by, I co-sponsor, and feel that we must ban stock trading for
00:57:02spouses and members of Congress and the Senate.
00:57:04We have to start prioritizing Americans.
00:57:11Now I'm the only member of Congress who donates 100% of my salary back to a woman
00:57:17child veteran charity in my district.
00:57:19But the reason for this is that I truly believe in the idea that it should be about public
00:57:26service, not personal enrichment.
00:57:27I look back to our founding fathers and what they were standing for.
00:57:31They were all successful business owners who understood that going and serving should be
00:57:36a sacrifice, and that they were eager, not to make politics a career, but to return to
00:57:41their successful businesses in agriculture, as a distillery, as a tobacco harvester.
00:57:46And see, it's almost become as if the way that women's sports is a plan B for failed
00:57:52male athletes, that politics is a plan B for failed private sector business owners.
00:58:05It's true, I hate to say it.
00:58:08But I also believe in the idea that we have to get back to doing what it was that our
00:58:12founding fathers grew the principles upon, which is being a statesman and a representative,
00:58:17not a politician.
00:58:19There's more than enough of those sitting in Congress today.
00:58:23And I can tell you that while I have been a registered Republican my entire life, I
00:58:27identify as a constitutional conservative.
00:58:30Because I feel that our Republican Party and the Democrats have moved away from the key
00:58:34and core values of what it means to be a constitutionalist.
00:58:37And those seven articles, 27 amendments is what governs our powers and authorities, that's
00:58:42granted by you, we the people.
00:58:44And we have to get back to the ideas of not celebrating these members of Congress, they're
00:58:49public servants.
00:58:50If you wouldn't celebrate the people who work in your municipalities, then you shouldn't
00:58:55celebrate members of Congress who are serving for you.
00:58:58But what you should expect is three things, accessibility, accountability, and transparency
00:59:02of every elected official.
00:59:04And we cannot neglect any longer the significant importance of our down-ballot votes.
00:59:14These are individuals who touch your lives every single day, whether it comes to our
00:59:18school board, which has been completely hijacked and indoctrinated.
00:59:21Whether it comes to our importance of our mayors, our commissioners who develop our
00:59:25cities, or in some cases overdevelop.
00:59:27When it comes to the ideas of our state legislators who have been disenfranchised since 1913
00:59:33in our 17th amendment.
00:59:35How many people are familiar with the 17th amendment?
00:59:38Not a lot of hands going up, getting worried here.
00:59:41You know, how many people remember when our US Senator used to be elected by our state
00:59:48And the brilliance behind that was that it enabled a checks and balance between our federal
00:59:53government and our state and individual rights, which is governed by our 10th amendment.
00:59:57And in 1913, they were very brilliant in their political rhetoric to say, why should politicians
01:00:02elect politicians?
01:00:04Now, when you say it that way, I think all of us can look at it and go, gosh, that's
01:00:07a great question, right?
01:00:08What they didn't understand, however, is that that was the true check and balance and the
01:00:12brilliance of maintaining federal and state rights.
01:00:17Because there was oversight there.
01:00:19Because a state legislator could pick up the phone and say, hey, Senator, do you like your
01:00:25Because if you vote to disenfranchise me as a state legislator, you're not going to have
01:00:28it for very long.
01:00:30The minute that the 17th amendment passed, you saw this hockey stick-like trajectory
01:00:33of growth.
01:00:34Bureaus, agencies, departments, D.C. became this mega-hub.
01:00:37And think about what also happened in that very same year, which was the 16th amendment
01:00:41of the federal income tax.
01:00:42They wanted to take money out of the American people's pocket to fund their agenda, then
01:00:46take power away from individual states to bring it to D.C.
01:00:49You see, I'm one of those individuals that believe that we have to return the powers
01:00:53back to the states.
01:00:54We have to return the powers back to the individual Americans.
01:00:57And we have to limit the federal government's involvement.
01:01:00Because the private sector should be driving policy, not policy driving our private sector
01:01:06and over-regulating us to where we can't be competitive.
01:01:14And you see, I'm one of those individuals that I used to sign the fronts of checks,
01:01:17not the backs of checks.
01:01:19I know that the real job creators, and we've all heard this shovel-ready job nonsense,
01:01:23that the real job creators are our private sector and the brilliance of America,
01:01:27the innovation, the technology, the capabilities for us to thrive ahead,
01:01:30to defeat our adversaries' lives and the actual youth that we're suppressing
01:01:34whenever they get into the private markets.
01:01:37Now, when I talk about being a statesman, I talk about action over rhetoric.
01:01:43You know, since I've come into Congress, I'd actually, in 2021, during the Afghan
01:01:49botched withdrawal, we had Americans that were being abandoned and left behind to die.
01:01:54Not to mention, let us never forget, let us, even though Joe Biden,
01:02:00who in between ice cream and sniffing children,
01:02:04in his 8 to 4 work style, sitting in the basement,
01:02:08he has forgotten our 13 brave heroes who sacrificed their lives in Afghanistan
01:02:13on two different occasions that he could have represented and supported them
01:02:16during the State of the Union.
01:02:18Let us never forget that we should all, every single morning,
01:02:22wake up and live our lives in a way that's worthy of the sacrifices
01:02:25by so many that's allowed us to be this free republic.
01:02:28And we are, in fact, a constitutional republic.
01:02:30We are not a democracy.
01:02:31Article 4, Section 4 states that.
01:02:40But when I saw Americans being left behind, I had a call from Congressman Ronnie Jackson,
01:02:43who is an amazing friend of mine, who is an amazing friend of the President.
01:02:49And he said, I have a woman and three children, born and raised Amarillo, Texas natives,
01:02:53who are being left behind in Afghanistan.
01:02:56They were already being hunted down at this point.
01:02:59And I remember I called a couple of friends of mine who were in the Special Operations community
01:03:02and we put a team together.
01:03:04And I told Ronnie, I said, give me a couple of days, let me see what I can do.
01:03:08When I finally got a team together and we trained and we had prepared what we were going to do
01:03:12and kind of put a concept of operations together,
01:03:15I told Ronnie, I said, we'll get them and I'm not coming home until we do.
01:03:20Now, when I went over, we flew in a November tailcraft,
01:03:23which means that it's an American aircraft with Americans in it,
01:03:25with American pilots to save Americans.
01:03:28We had approved PPRs for our landings.
01:03:31We'd already done all of our coordinations.
01:03:34And we were actually in the final landing approach
01:03:36with wheels down, getting ready to come in, rescuing 28 Americans.
01:03:40We got told to do a go-around.
01:03:42We thought, OK, that's probably typical.
01:03:45Yeah, but they call it gray tails,
01:03:46your U.S. aircraft that are on the ground,
01:03:49it's C-130s or C-5s or C-17s.
01:03:53They kept us in a racetrack for quite a while.
01:03:55It started to become, well, now your PPR is not approved.
01:03:59So we called and got another one.
01:04:02Then the second one was disapproved.
01:04:03Then we got another one.
01:04:05Then the third got disapproved.
01:04:06Then we got another one.
01:04:08And when they finally realized that they couldn't shut us down
01:04:10from getting these PPR approvals,
01:04:12they then threatened to scramble an F-16 to do a flyover
01:04:17to actually intimidate us,
01:04:18to try and threaten to shoot us down.
01:04:20This is an American-tailed aircraft
01:04:22with American operators and veterans.
01:04:24They're here to rescue Americans.
01:04:27Eventually we got so low on fuel
01:04:28that they had actually even stated,
01:04:30you can be cleared for an emergency landing,
01:04:33but when you land, we'll be looking to detain you,
01:04:35which, God bless, good luck to you.
01:04:37I can tell you, I'm one of those,
01:04:39I'd rather be carried by a six
01:04:42than, you know, judged by a 12,
01:04:44so let's go ahead and play that game all day.
01:04:48But we ended up diverting.
01:04:50I remember we had to split the teams.
01:04:52We were still finding a way.
01:04:53I promised Ronnie I would never leave this family behind.
01:04:56And there was numerous attempts.
01:04:58We tried to look in through Azerbaijan,
01:05:00in through Tajikistan, in through other areas.
01:05:02We split our teams, go into the UAE.
01:05:04And at one point, it was only down to me
01:05:05and one other individual
01:05:07that was going down to the Tajik border,
01:05:09down by Badakhshan,
01:05:11trying to look at, you know,
01:05:13permissible crossing environments.
01:05:15And it was great because when I finally found it,
01:05:17we called our team and said,
01:05:19look, we have a way in, here's what you have to do.
01:05:21And it was quite an effort.
01:05:23After 11 days,
01:05:25moving from this family from Kabul
01:05:27to Mazar-e-Sharif,
01:05:29getting them on an aircraft
01:05:31that could have been flown out,
01:05:33had 100 Americans on it,
01:05:34approved by the State Department,
01:05:36approved by the Department of Defense,
01:05:38approved by the Taliban,
01:05:40funded by Mercury and Glenn Beck Foundation.
01:05:42At the last minute,
01:05:44when I went to go take off,
01:05:46the State Department said,
01:05:48we need to revet your manifest
01:05:50and grounded the aircraft.
01:05:52Thereby, not only stopping the aircraft,
01:05:54but having it seized
01:05:56and then trapping Americans once again.
01:05:58We then looked at,
01:06:00this is going to have to be a ground operation.
01:06:02But after 11 days,
01:06:04we analyzed the dates,
01:06:06the children, where they lived,
01:06:08got all the information,
01:06:10and we finally had convinced
01:06:12one of the Taliban commanders,
01:06:14I was sitting there, Malawi Hamza,
01:06:16that I was the husband and the father
01:06:18and that I speak fluent Arabic,
01:06:20but I had a guy with me
01:06:22who speaks fluent Dari, Pashto, Tajik.
01:06:24And so we convinced that it was him,
01:06:26he was a former operator with the Marine Corps,
01:06:28that he was actually the interpreter.
01:06:30And when we went to go across
01:06:32and we finally got all the approvals
01:06:34that we needed,
01:06:36we were able to convince
01:06:38the Taliban commander
01:06:40that we were part of
01:06:42the Qatari negotiation
01:06:44and that this family
01:06:46was part of that
01:06:48to ensure
01:06:50that if we got them out
01:06:52or we didn't get them out,
01:06:54that would determine
01:06:56the full withdrawal
01:06:58and maintaining of troops
01:07:00outside of Afghanistan.
01:07:01You know, we were getting
01:07:03no help from the U.S. government.
01:07:05In fact, we were getting
01:07:07the opposite of help.
01:07:09But after being able
01:07:11to negotiate this,
01:07:13I remember that
01:07:15he was talking to one
01:07:17of the Tajik government guys
01:07:19and Yusuf kind of looked
01:07:21at me with his eyes
01:07:23about the size of half dollars
01:07:25and I thought,
01:07:27well, this should be good.
01:07:29And he says,
01:07:30I don't know how much
01:07:32he's going to give us.
01:07:34To which I responded,
01:07:36that would sound
01:07:38like pretty decent odds.
01:07:40Apparently, he didn't find it
01:07:42as funny.
01:07:44He had a lot more
01:07:46to live for.
01:07:48I eventually knew
01:07:50I was going to run
01:07:52for Congress.
01:07:54Life was over already,
01:07:56so I'm good.
01:07:58And again, as we know,
01:08:00we've gotten a hold
01:08:02of Miriam and her three children.
01:08:04Miriam obviously on my side
01:08:06and Yusuf's side.
01:08:08But after 11 days,
01:08:10after continual perseverance,
01:08:12after continual efforts
01:08:14to thwart what we're trying
01:08:16to do, maybe your A plan
01:08:18doesn't work,
01:08:20maybe your B plan doesn't work,
01:08:22maybe your C plan doesn't work.
01:08:24But we've never been
01:08:26a nation who gives up easily.
01:08:28We've never been a nation
01:08:29who gives up easily
01:08:31on nationalism.
01:08:33And after 11 days,
01:08:35we conducted the very first
01:08:37successful overland rescue.
01:08:39Now, I remember looking
01:08:41at Miriam and saying,
01:08:43when we got to the 50%
01:08:45point on that bridge
01:08:47and saying,
01:08:48you're safe and we're
01:08:50going to get you home now.
01:08:52That's the type of thing
01:08:54that we have to continue
01:08:56to fight and beat about.
01:08:57Where we had 1,200 people
01:08:59innocently slaughtered,
01:09:01raped, taken hostage.
01:09:03And I knew,
01:09:05once again,
01:09:06the Biden administration
01:09:07was going to do
01:09:08absolutely nothing,
01:09:09not to just defend
01:09:10our allies,
01:09:11but to get Americans
01:09:12because there was
01:09:13a pattern of abandonment
01:09:14that had already started.
01:09:15I looked at Byron Donaldson,
01:09:16who's my closest friend
01:09:17in Congress.
01:09:18Amazing, by the way.
01:09:19I'm looking to have him
01:09:20as the next governor
01:09:21of Florida,
01:09:22the free state,
01:09:23the greater state,
01:09:24got to tell you.
01:09:25So I remember
01:09:26I looked at him
01:09:27on October 10th
01:09:28and I looked at my chief
01:09:29and I said,
01:09:30you know,
01:09:31I can't sit here
01:09:32knowing we still
01:09:33have Americans trapped.
01:09:34And my team
01:09:35had jumped into action
01:09:36and we'd put together
01:09:37and I can tell you,
01:09:38we didn't call it
01:09:39just Republican offices.
01:09:40We didn't call it
01:09:41just those who would
01:09:42vote in a certain manner.
01:09:43We called every
01:09:44single office and said,
01:09:45if you're a blue passport
01:09:47if you're an American,
01:09:48it's not about
01:09:49who you voted for,
01:09:50who you supported.
01:09:51You deserve to have
01:09:52your government
01:09:53look out and provide
01:09:55what you're supposed
01:09:56to be doing.
01:09:57And by October 11th,
01:09:58this is where my Arabic
01:09:59finally came into play
01:10:00because it's so useful
01:10:01there in the
01:10:02great state of Florida.
01:10:06But I was able
01:10:07to fly into Jordan
01:10:08knowing that I had
01:10:09multiple bridges
01:10:10I could cross
01:10:11and be able to go
01:10:12into Israel
01:10:13through a ground operation
01:10:14and be able to pull out.
01:10:15And I knew I had
01:10:16Tiberias, Nazareth,
01:10:17Haifa as my first day.
01:10:18I was going to then
01:10:19hit the West Bank area
01:10:20into Jerusalem
01:10:21and be able to try
01:10:22and continue
01:10:23to look at operations.
01:10:24And I got on the ground
01:10:25and I just immediately flew.
01:10:26I said,
01:10:27I'm going now.
01:10:28I put together
01:10:29a signal chat
01:10:30and we ended up
01:10:31taking off.
01:10:32And by the time
01:10:33I hit the ground,
01:10:34I still had hours
01:10:35before my team
01:10:36was going to get there,
01:10:37but I had other people
01:10:38across the board
01:10:39that were going to
01:10:40come meet me.
01:10:41And there's multiple
01:10:43And so you have
01:10:44King Hussein Bridge,
01:10:45Sheikh Hussein Bridge,
01:10:46and it kind of just
01:10:47I'm on Araby
01:10:48all the way through.
01:10:49And so I told the team
01:10:50we're coordinating,
01:10:51hey, meet me at
01:10:52Sheikh Hussein Bridge.
01:10:53And I'm like,
01:10:54all right guys,
01:10:55I'm here.
01:10:56And they go,
01:10:58This is our vehicle.
01:10:59This is our
01:11:00positive identification.
01:11:01Send me my photo.
01:11:02I've got my backpack
01:11:03and a couple of
01:11:04other little things
01:11:05with me.
01:11:06And I'm like,
01:11:07that doesn't look
01:11:08like this location.
01:11:09I'm like,
01:11:10maybe it's further down.
01:11:11So I walk across
01:11:12the bridge a little further
01:11:13and I said,
01:11:15I'm really not seeing you.
01:11:16He said,
01:11:17trust me,
01:11:18we're right across
01:11:19King Hussein Bridge
01:11:20as soon as you get.
01:11:21I said,
01:11:23that doesn't
01:11:24look right.
01:11:25Like JK,
01:11:27this is funny.
01:11:28Got it.
01:11:29He said,
01:11:31we're at
01:11:32King Hussein Bridge.
01:11:34I'm at Sheikh Hussein.
01:11:35It's about an hour
01:11:36and a half
01:11:37difference in its drive.
01:11:38And you have
01:11:39a moment
01:11:40where you think to yourself,
01:11:41you know what,
01:11:42I can go back.
01:11:43I can wait for my team
01:11:44to get here.
01:11:45We can redo this tomorrow
01:11:46and I can guarantee
01:11:47a much more organized
01:11:48and basically a safer
01:11:49way of me doing this.
01:11:50But I also remember
01:11:51that the purpose
01:11:52that's greater
01:11:53than yourself
01:11:54is one of the
01:11:55greatest honors as well.
01:11:56And courage is contagious
01:11:57and I truly believe that.
01:11:58And I decided
01:11:59to go across to anyone
01:12:00I found,
01:12:01a taxi cab driver
01:12:02who spoke about
01:12:03that much Arabic.
01:12:04I spoke about
01:12:05that much Hebrew
01:12:06and we had about
01:12:07that much of a discussion.
01:12:09if you ever hold
01:12:10an at home
01:12:11or an in-conference
01:12:13I am the best
01:12:14at going,
01:12:15three words,
01:12:16go that way.
01:12:17We need to drive.
01:12:18Turn the radio down.
01:12:19I want to go over here.
01:12:20Let's go.
01:12:21It's in my heart.
01:12:22You're the best.
01:12:24I can picture you
01:12:25going to hell
01:12:26on this thing.
01:12:27Do not worry.
01:12:28I can do it
01:12:29on your team too.
01:12:30But I remember
01:12:31that we ended up
01:12:32having them link up
01:12:33with us.
01:12:34I got to Tiberias
01:12:35and when I say
01:12:36courage is contagious,
01:12:37there was a young lady
01:12:38there named Silver Prout.
01:12:39And when I came in
01:12:40and I said,
01:12:41hey, listen,
01:12:42I appreciate everybody.
01:12:43They're sitting in the lobby.
01:12:44They're waiting.
01:12:45Everyone's ready to go.
01:12:46They're right across
01:12:47from where
01:12:48Hezbollah had already
01:12:49begun launching
01:12:50anti-tank missiles
01:12:51into certain areas
01:12:52and they're in that
01:12:53north area
01:12:54that had been
01:12:55fought against
01:12:56for years.
01:12:57And I remember
01:12:58I looked at them
01:12:59and I said,
01:13:01we're here.
01:13:02Just want to let you
01:13:03guys know,
01:13:04little caveat to that
01:13:06remember that
01:13:07armored vehicle
01:13:08and all those people
01:13:09that were going to
01:13:10come with me
01:13:11and things like that?
01:13:13that's me
01:13:14and I'm in a taxi cab.
01:13:15And you can see
01:13:16some of the eyes
01:13:17of them drawn.
01:13:18I know your story
01:13:19from Afghanistan.
01:13:20If you tell me
01:13:21I'm going to be safe,
01:13:22I'll come with you.
01:13:24And the minute
01:13:25she said that,
01:13:26you saw everyone else
01:13:27start to go,
01:13:29what is the story?
01:13:30And they built confidence
01:13:31in the fact
01:13:32that courage is contagious
01:13:33and that there's someone
01:13:34who's going to act,
01:13:35not just talk about
01:13:36what I could have done,
01:13:37what I should have done,
01:13:38what I would have done,
01:13:39which many of us
01:13:40in this room
01:13:41have done
01:13:42as being the silent majority
01:13:43to get us to the point
01:13:44of where we are.
01:13:45By the time
01:13:46I got to Nazareth,
01:13:48everything that was going
01:13:49had started running
01:13:50so smoothly,
01:13:51but it took
01:13:52that one woman
01:13:53who I felt
01:13:54that had really
01:13:55lifted my soul
01:13:56and said,
01:13:57you know what,
01:13:58this is why I'm here.
01:13:59That day,
01:14:00October 11th,
01:14:01we were able
01:14:02to get our first
01:14:0332 Americans out.
01:14:04The next day,
01:14:0545 Americans out.
01:14:06The next day,
01:14:07up to 96
01:14:08by ground,
01:14:09159 by air,
01:14:10255 Americans safe
01:14:11before Joe Biden
01:14:12even lifted a finger
01:14:13or even sent a plane
01:14:14to help all Americans.
01:14:15And I used to always say
01:14:16my catch line
01:14:17because I knew
01:14:18that I could shame
01:14:19this administration
01:14:20into doing their jobs
01:14:21that if Joe Biden
01:14:22is unwilling to do his job,
01:14:23then I'll step up
01:14:24and do it for him.
01:14:25That has to be
01:14:26the mindset
01:14:27of every American.
01:14:28You know,
01:14:29I felt that infomercial,
01:14:30but wait,
01:14:31there's more.
01:14:32Fast forward to Haiti,
01:14:33the tragic ending
01:14:34of what we saw
01:14:35were our missionaries
01:14:36and others
01:14:37who were trying
01:14:38to take care of them.
01:14:39And I knew
01:14:40that I could
01:14:41shame this administration
01:14:42into doing their jobs
01:14:43and if Joe Biden
01:14:44is unwilling to do his job,
01:14:45then I'll step up
01:14:46and do my job
01:14:47for them.
01:14:48And I knew,
01:14:49once again,
01:14:50that the Biden administration
01:14:51would do nothing
01:14:52to try and help them.
01:14:53So once again,
01:14:54I coordinated my team
01:14:55and flew over there
01:14:56and we were able to,
01:14:57through night operations,
01:14:58utilizing a helicopter,
01:14:59landing in a 100 by 100
01:15:01or an open soccer field
01:15:02or behind a church
01:15:03or somewhere
01:15:04where the orphanages were,
01:15:05we were able to get
01:15:0623 Americans
01:15:07out of Haiti,
01:15:0859 children
01:15:09out of Haiti.
01:15:10And once again,
01:15:11this is an administration
01:15:12who said
01:15:13we have no plans
01:15:14or intent
01:15:15to rescue Americans
01:15:16and guess what?
01:15:17After we did that,
01:15:18they started sending planes.
01:15:19They started
01:15:20saving Americans.
01:15:21So it takes
01:15:22one individual
01:15:23who can be a doer,
01:15:24who can show action
01:15:25and not talk,
01:15:26who can actually
01:15:27go out and say
01:15:28that I represent
01:15:29the American people,
01:15:30that I fight
01:15:31for the American people
01:15:32and none of these things,
01:15:33whether it was Afghanistan,
01:15:34whether it was Israel,
01:15:35or whether it was Haiti,
01:15:36would have happened
01:15:37if we had a stronger
01:15:38commander in chief
01:15:39and that's what we need
01:15:40when we talk about
01:15:41President Donald Trump
01:15:42and Vice President Vance.
01:15:43Now unfortunately,
01:15:44they're going to put me
01:15:45out of a secondary job,
01:15:46but I'm okay with that.
01:15:47The reason I share
01:15:48these stories with you
01:15:49isn't to try
01:15:50and promote myself
01:15:51and my accolades,
01:15:52isn't to try and go ahead
01:15:53and say,
01:15:54wow, look at me,
01:15:55but to understand
01:15:56that every single one
01:15:57of us have a way.
01:15:58It's not only just
01:15:59through our treasures,
01:16:00it's through our actions,
01:16:01through our times.
01:16:02It's like the preamble
01:16:03of the American people
01:16:04when they say,
01:16:05wow, look at me.
01:16:06But to understand
01:16:07that every single one
01:16:08of us have a way,
01:16:09it's not only just
01:16:10through our treasures,
01:16:11it's like the preambles
01:16:12that they talk about
01:16:13when you're dedicating
01:16:14and willing to commit
01:16:15your life,
01:16:16your name,
01:16:17your treasures
01:16:18to be able to save
01:16:19this constitutional republic.
01:16:20And I can tell you
01:16:21right now that
01:16:22from a foreign policy
01:16:24I used to be
01:16:25a geopolitical analyst.
01:16:26I've published over
01:16:2761 different articles
01:16:28that you can still find today
01:16:29if you ever want
01:16:30to be absolutely
01:16:31bored to the hilt.
01:16:32I was blessed
01:16:33to be a part
01:16:34of the Trump administration
01:16:35as a SECDEF advisor
01:16:36under Chris Miller
01:16:37and work at the Pentagon
01:16:38to be able to help
01:16:39to strengthen our military,
01:16:40which has now
01:16:4141,000 in recruitment deficit,
01:16:428,600 who are
01:16:43unconstitutionally purged,
01:16:44who should be allowed
01:16:45back in our military,
01:16:46back in service,
01:16:47full back pay,
01:16:48full benefits,
01:16:49and be allowed
01:16:50to serve our government,
01:16:51not serve a political agenda.
01:16:52We must get back
01:16:53to understanding
01:16:54that there's only
01:16:55three priorities
01:16:56of all elected officials,
01:16:57and it's very simple.
01:17:00and American interests.
01:17:01Zelensky gave
01:17:02a vote for me
01:17:03in the office.
01:17:04He claims
01:17:05that my priorities
01:17:06are American,
01:17:07American interests.
01:17:08He gave a vote for me
01:17:09in the office.
01:17:10He claims
01:17:11that my priority
01:17:12is securing our borders,
01:17:13stopping angel families,
01:17:14and stopping the expenditures
01:17:15that have gotten us
01:17:16to an economical deficit
01:17:17is where we're at.
01:17:18This is about
01:17:19getting back
01:17:20to President Trump's
01:17:212016 America First agenda,
01:17:22but we're doing it
01:17:23even better
01:17:24with the Agenda 47.
01:17:25And I can tell you
01:17:26with confidence
01:17:27that we will
01:17:28not only be successful
01:17:29in this election,
01:17:30but we'll be successful
01:17:31in saving this republic
01:17:32once again
01:17:33by strengthening
01:17:34our military,
01:17:35by ensuring that
01:17:37the stop of these
01:17:38no-bear reform,
01:17:40catch-and-release policies
01:17:41in the blue states
01:17:42that are endangering
01:17:43the lives of safe Americans
01:17:44that were once safe,
01:17:45now not,
01:17:46can return.
01:17:47That our economy is strong
01:17:48once again,
01:17:49that we can get back
01:17:50to being not just
01:17:51energy independent,
01:17:52but energy dominant.
01:17:53That is the global currency.
01:17:54It's not the dollar,
01:17:55the baht,
01:17:56the dinar,
01:17:57the yen.
01:17:58This is all being propped up
01:17:59by the ideas
01:18:00of the petro-fiat.
01:18:01But energy,
01:18:02not relying on
01:18:03adversarial nations
01:18:04and having them stay at bay
01:18:05who have always relied on us
01:18:06who we can be there for,
01:18:07like Israel
01:18:08and its rights
01:18:09to defend itself
01:18:10against terrorist organizations
01:18:11like Hamas,
01:18:12and not being scared,
01:18:14but rising in defiance
01:18:16and courage
01:18:17the way President Trump
01:18:18did Saturday,
01:18:19July 13th,
01:18:20where he didn't stand in fear.
01:18:21He stood and said,
01:18:22fight, fight, fight,
01:18:23and that's fight
01:18:24for the American people.
01:18:25That's fight for our Constitution.
01:18:26That's fight for our liberties.
01:18:28And if he's willing
01:18:29to stand in defiance
01:18:30in the eyes of death,
01:18:31knowing that a millisecond
01:18:32or millimeter difference
01:18:33would have changed
01:18:34the outcome of an attempt
01:18:35and an assassination,
01:18:37then every single one of us
01:18:39in this room
01:18:40should be motivated
01:18:41and empowered
01:18:42by the fact that
01:18:43it is our chance
01:18:44to support a president
01:18:45who doesn't need this job,
01:18:46who didn't have to get his family
01:18:48put under the scrutiny of,
01:18:49who's now trying to be silenced
01:18:51and censored
01:18:52and then indicted
01:18:53and imprisoned
01:18:54and now attempted
01:18:55to be assassinated.
01:18:56This is the time
01:18:57for us to come together.
01:18:58This is a time
01:18:59like yesterday
01:19:00with unification
01:19:01of our party
01:19:02to save our republic
01:19:03and set our differences aside.
01:19:05But this is also a time
01:19:07which I truly believe
01:19:08that what saved President Trump
01:19:10was divine intervention.
01:19:15And this is why
01:19:16I also strongly support
01:19:17and advise
01:19:18that we do not need
01:19:19DEI in our military.
01:19:20We do not need
01:19:21CRT in our schools.
01:19:22We do not need
01:19:23ESG in our corporations.
01:19:25We need GOD
01:19:26back in our communities,
01:19:27back in our lives,
01:19:28and back into the Constitution.
01:19:29That was under one God
01:19:31that we would serve.
01:19:34You want to call me a theologian,
01:19:35you want to say,
01:19:36and I can tell you
01:19:37one real quick thing.
01:19:38I don't need
01:19:39to go outside
01:19:40and be a meteorologist
01:19:41to know it's sunny
01:19:42and then it's shiny.
01:19:43Just like I don't need
01:19:44to be a biologist
01:19:45to accept the fact
01:19:46that there are only two genders,
01:19:47man and woman.
01:19:48It doesn't matter
01:19:49what you cut,
01:19:50nip and tip.
01:19:51The bottom line is
01:19:52that we need to understand
01:19:53the chromosome setup
01:19:54and that plan B
01:19:55for sports,
01:19:56for women's sports
01:19:57needs to be protected
01:19:58under Title IX
01:19:59and the President's
01:20:00committed to that.
01:20:01He's committed
01:20:02to make us safe again,
01:20:03wealthy again,
01:20:04prosperous again,
01:20:05and the greatest part
01:20:06about President Trump
01:20:07is he is here
01:20:08to make America
01:20:09great again.
01:20:10Let us be people of action
01:20:20that don't talk about
01:20:21would have,
01:20:22could have,
01:20:23should have.
01:20:24Let us always show
01:20:25that courage is contagious.
01:20:26Let us understand
01:20:27that America,
01:20:29and American interests
01:20:30is worth fighting for.
01:20:31Let us stand
01:20:32that is always darkest
01:20:33before the light.
01:20:34We will rise
01:20:35like never before,
01:20:36but we must don
01:20:37the armor of God
01:20:38as they say
01:20:39in Ephesians 6
01:20:40and if you look
01:20:41at what time
01:20:42President Trump
01:20:43was shot,
01:20:44it was at 6-11.
01:20:45Go read Ephesians 6-11
01:20:46and you will understand
01:20:47exactly why
01:20:48he has been saved
01:20:49and why we continue
01:20:50to move forward.
01:20:51It is truly an honor
01:20:52to be here
01:20:53with all of you
01:20:54to be able to share
01:20:55part of my story
01:20:56to let you get to know me,
01:20:57what I stand for,
01:20:58what I believe in,
01:20:59what I believe in
01:21:00and what I believe
01:21:01in me,
01:21:02what I stand for,
01:21:03what my values are.
01:21:04But also,
01:21:05rest assured
01:21:06that President Trump
01:21:07will not be fighting alone.
01:21:08That there are many of us
01:21:09in the House of Representatives
01:21:10who will continue
01:21:11to fight for we the people
01:21:12who understand
01:21:13what the real role
01:21:14of government is,
01:21:15who understand
01:21:16the rule of law
01:21:17and that we must ensure
01:21:18to stop the lawfare
01:21:19of the Department of Injustice
01:21:20and that we must put
01:21:21the American people
01:21:22first once again.
01:21:23And I can promise you
01:21:24I will always
01:21:25fight for we the people,
01:21:26I will always fight for you
01:21:27and even though you don't live
01:21:28in Florida 7th District,
01:21:29if you believe
01:21:30in your freedoms,
01:21:31your liberties,
01:21:32your constitution
01:21:33and your rights of faith,
01:21:34I will be your representative.
01:21:36God bless you.
01:21:37God bless the United States.
01:21:38Thanks Congressman.
01:22:05You know,
01:22:06in addition to being
01:22:07an inspiring guy
01:22:08and boy,
01:22:09what a life history, right?
01:22:10I mean,
01:22:11it's like whatever,
01:22:12but I was thinking
01:22:13when he was up there,
01:22:14I was like,
01:22:16I am not going to mess
01:22:17with that guy.
01:22:19if you need some help
01:22:20on the whip thing,
01:22:21I think we got to.
01:22:22So Paul,
01:22:23I want you to remind us
01:22:24one more time
01:22:25what times people
01:22:26are supposed to do
01:22:27what they're doing.
01:22:28In your seats at 430.
01:22:29In your seats at 430.
01:22:30You can pick your
01:22:32and you can pick
01:22:33your credentials
01:22:34and you can pick
01:22:35your credentials
01:22:36or you can pick
01:22:37your credentials
01:22:38up in the lobby
01:22:39after this.
01:22:40And I say to you,
01:22:43I can't emphasize
01:22:44enough people
01:22:45two things.
01:22:46Number one,
01:22:47J.D. Vance's night,
01:22:49He'll be,
01:22:50we'll have a lot
01:22:51of great speakers tonight,
01:22:52but this is certainly
01:22:53his night
01:22:54and we are,
01:22:55and I keep saying
01:22:56to reporters
01:22:57when we go,
01:22:58I keep getting
01:23:01you know,
01:23:03and you know what?
01:23:05I gotta say,
01:23:06last night,
01:23:07Ron DeSantis
01:23:08and Nikki Haley
01:23:09went up
01:23:10and did what
01:23:11they were supposed
01:23:12to do.
01:23:15I know,
01:23:16and a lot,
01:23:17you know,
01:23:18folks are with
01:23:19Trump and everything,
01:23:20but that's,
01:23:21I'm just gonna be honest,
01:23:22that's hard to do.
01:23:23When you run
01:23:24for office,
01:23:25when you run
01:23:26for office
01:23:27and you have to
01:23:28go do that
01:23:29in front of a,
01:23:30you know,
01:23:31crowd of 100 million
01:23:32people watching
01:23:33or whatever,
01:23:34I don't care
01:23:35what you do,
01:23:36that's hard
01:23:37to do.
01:23:39that's tough
01:23:40to do.
01:23:42I was appreciative
01:23:43of what happened
01:23:44there last night.
01:23:46you are halfway
01:23:47through this experience.
01:23:48I'll say it again.
01:23:49You are halfway
01:23:50through this experience
01:23:51that you will never
01:23:52have again
01:23:53in your lives.
01:23:54Not because
01:23:55you won't be
01:23:56a delegate
01:23:57or alternate
01:23:58or a guest
01:23:59at some point,
01:24:00but because
01:24:01we're entertaining
01:24:02the nation
01:24:03and the world
01:24:04at home
01:24:05here in Wisconsin.
01:24:07I just think,
01:24:08I think about that
01:24:09a lot as I'm
01:24:10running around
01:24:11doing media
01:24:12and things like that.
01:24:13This is happening
01:24:14here and it
01:24:15probably won't
01:24:16happen again.
01:24:18I want you to
01:24:19just pull
01:24:20and drink in
01:24:21this whole experience
01:24:22that we have.
01:24:23Be good hosts
01:24:24and remember,
01:24:25we're gonna come
01:24:26out of this
01:24:28and the Democrats
01:24:29don't even want
01:24:30their nominee.
01:24:34so finally
01:24:35we're free.
01:24:36We finally brought
01:24:37who says
01:24:38we're not
01:24:40We don't want
01:24:42They don't want
01:24:44It all works.
01:24:46so let's go
01:24:47out and have
01:24:48a great day.
01:24:50how'd it change?
01:24:51It just
01:24:54I had just
01:24:55texted Brian
01:24:56and said I
01:24:57didn't need
01:24:58to make the
01:25:01if you have
01:25:02time right
01:25:04head down
01:25:05to the
01:25:063rd Street
01:25:07Market Hall.
01:25:08That's where we
01:25:09had the event
01:25:10the other night.
01:25:11Senator Johnson
01:25:12has just
01:25:15and a
01:25:17He's leading
01:25:18a panel with
01:25:19his Joseph
01:25:24he would love
01:25:25to have your
01:25:27They started
01:25:28at 930 but
01:25:29then they
01:25:30said please
01:25:31send everybody
01:25:32over there.
01:25:34go into the
01:25:35Market Hall
01:25:36and then
01:25:37you will turn
01:25:38to the left
01:25:39to the
01:25:41area and
01:25:42Senator Johnson's
01:25:43staff will be
01:25:44there to get
01:25:45you upstairs
01:25:46into the
01:25:49please go
01:25:50support him.
01:25:51The address
01:25:53301 West
01:25:56I know
01:25:59It's right
01:26:00where our
01:26:01event was
01:26:02the other
01:26:06Let's go
01:26:07get them
