Merseyside Police are taking the lead when it comes to responsible dog owners

  • 3 months ago
Police and partners are aiming to reduce the number of dog attacks through educating dog owners.
00:00Data shows that dangerous dog offences tend to peak in the summer.
00:03This is when more children are at home with their pets and are also spending more time in public spaces.
00:09Police and partners are aiming to reduce the number of dog attacks through educating dog owners.
00:14We work with lots of behaviourists, we've got a partnership with the Liverpool University
00:19and that's all about knowing that what we decide in decision making is all based in science
00:23and then that the people in the public we get to tell that advice to is always the best advice
00:27and our website's filled with all of that.
00:30In Sefton, a Dog Control Public Spaces Protection Order has been extended by Sefton Council
00:35to help reduce dog related incidents.
00:38The Public Space Protection Order, which is something that we've introduced and engaged with people about
00:43is designed to make sure that dogs are controlled correctly in the borough.
00:46It doesn't just apply to parks, it applies to all our areas of what you might call open space or open air
00:51so that's football, pitches, parks, green spaces, cemeteries and of course the coast too.
00:56In the designated dog control zones, dog owners must clear up after their dog,
01:00place their dog on a lead if instructed, keep their dog on a lead within defined areas
01:05and keep their dog out of prohibited areas.
01:08The idea of the PSPO is it means our dog owners can come here, exercise their dogs
01:12and enjoy a walk in a responsible way in the same way as we'd expect any of our other user groups to do.
01:17A dog bite prevention app is also due to launch this year which will be used by police and partners
01:22to safeguard and help reduce the risk of dog bites in the family home.
01:26We're now looking at developing behavioural training for police officers
01:30so again if they were in a family home or in any situation where there is a dog and a child
01:36and they think that there's potential low level risk there, they can speak to the family, let them know,
01:41give them some initial advice and some guidance where they can look online.
01:46We'll then complete an application on the app which will go through to the NHS safeguarding teams
01:51and again they can offer more in-depth support to the families on how to stay safe.
