Does Ex Owe for Disneyland Pass - Part 1.2.3

  • 3 months ago
Join me on an eye-opening journey as we dive deeper into the complexities of shared expenses and finances in relationships. In this series, we'll explore the intricacies of whether an ex-partner should contribute towards a Disneyland pass post-breakup. Financial obligations can be tricky to navigate, but understanding your rights and responsibilities is key. Stay tuned for valuable insights and important considerations! #Finances #Relationships #SharedExpenses #Breakups #DisneylandPasses #Legalities #FinancialAdvice #MoneyMatters #ExPartners #FinancialResponsibilities


00:00If you can't afford the children you have, what do you have another child for?
00:07A father shortchanges his obligations.
00:10Is Mr. Valenzuela current in his child support?
00:14How much delinquent is he?
00:15I believe it's approximately $44,000.
00:17And mom can't pry loose a penny.
00:20They can't garnish because he works under the table.
00:22I would be furious with him.
00:24I am.
00:25For a redhead, you're not showing the fury, but I would be furious with him.
00:28Judge Judy.
00:29Ms. Fox, you and Mr. Valenzuela have a child together, who appears to be about 16 or 17
00:35years old.
00:36Is that right?
00:37She's almost 17.
00:38And you haven't been together with the defendant since, according to your complaint, the child
00:41was three.
00:42So you've been apart for a long time.
00:45You have remarried?
00:47And you have other children?
00:49Three more.
00:50How old are they?
00:51One just turned one.
00:52I have one that's seven and one that just turned 11.
00:54And Ms. Fox, is the defendant currently under a child support order?
01:00How much?
01:01$410 per month.
01:02And is Mr. Valenzuela current in his child support?
01:05How much delinquent is he?
01:06I believe it's approximately $44,000.
01:09Explain that to me, sir.
01:11Explain that to me.
01:12Oh, okay.
01:13I fell behind.
01:14I actually did some time in jail from some mistakes that I made.
01:19So I fell behind there.
01:22For how long?
01:23I did a few months.
01:24Two months?
01:25Three months?
01:26Two months.
01:27Three months.
01:28It does not $44,000 make.
01:30Absolutely not.
01:31And then when the child support was based, it was based off a certain income.
01:35And then I went jobless for a while and then I went with another job to where they were
01:38taking so much of my check while I was with her, I was only making $200 every two weeks.
01:43And so it slowly started.
01:44So what did you have another child for?
01:47We already had a child at the time.
01:49What did you have another child for?
01:50Who's one?
01:51You have one who's seven, one who's 11.
01:53You have one who's one.
01:54So I said to you, if you can't afford the children you have, what'd you have another
01:56child for?
02:00All my children are taken care of.
02:01No, this one is not.
02:03She is very well taken care of.
02:04No, she's not.
02:05Not by you.
02:06Not if you're $44,000 in arrears and child support.
02:08Mr. Valenzuela, if you know you have certain responsibilities, then you say, this is what
02:13I earn.
02:14This is what I can earn.
02:15I have three children.
02:16One who's 16 years old.
02:17I have two children, two nice children.
02:19One who's seven and 11.
02:20You don't take on another responsibility of another child if you already have three
02:25and you're not taking care of one of them, you, and $44,000 in arrears is unacceptable.
02:30If Ms. Fox said to me it was $600 in arrears, that I can understand, but $44,000 in arrears
02:37on a $400 a month child support order is a lot of money and it's really outrageous and
02:43you deserve to be dressed down for it.
02:45No, absolutely.
02:47Just letting you know.
02:48I don't know what's going to happen in today's case, but that's the way I feel.
02:52And that's the way you should feel.
02:53And I guarantee you it's the same way your wife would feel if you ditched her and stopped
02:58supporting her children and went and met somebody else and had three more children with somebody
03:04I guarantee you she would feel the same way.
03:06Fair statement?
03:10So all the women are in agreement.
03:11Your claim is that the defendant made certain promises to you.
03:15One was to share the cost of a car that you were getting for your daughter for her 16th
03:20birthday or car parts.
03:21You were buying the car.
03:22And the other is for half of a Disney ticket.
03:25An annual pass.
03:26An annual pass.
03:27And that was for her 16th birthday.
03:30What did her father give her for her 16th birthday?
03:33He never paid for his half.
03:34That was our agreement.
03:35No, no, no.
03:36Did he give her any money?
03:38Not that I'm aware of.
03:40I don't.
03:41Unless he did it without my knowledge.
03:42So as far as you know, he gave her no gift for her 16th birthday.
03:47Is that right, Mr. Valenzuela?
03:48That is incorrect, actually.
03:50Did you give your daughter a gift?
03:52What actually we ended up doing was, the reason for the Disneyland Pass discussion was me
03:56and my wife considered buying our whole family Disneyland Passes.
03:59So when she came to me and said, hey, I was thinking about doing a Disneyland Pass, I
04:03told her, we're considering doing that.
04:05So when the time...
04:06You're considering doing Disney Passes, annual Disney Passes for you, your wife, and three
04:11children, and you owe $44,000 in back child support?
04:15Are you kidding me?
04:17Go out and get chalk and build a Potsy board on your street and play Potsy.
04:23Where do you come off spending $1,000 for Disney Passes for your whole family when you
04:29owe $44,000 to this child?
04:32I don't understand it.
04:35I don't understand how men can be so irresponsible.
04:39Because you're a man?
04:40Because I have had some irresponsible women here, too.
04:43But if I had a gauge, it's mostly on the guy side.
05:00I want to hear a number or a thing that you gave your daughter for her birthday, for her
05:06sweet 16.
05:08$200 cash.
05:09It was originally a check that we actually took back and gave it to her in cash, so she
05:12didn't have to worry about a check.
05:14So you gave her $200 in cash that her mother doesn't know about.
05:17Now you're going to explain, Ms. Fox says that she agreed to pay for half of a Disney
05:23You were going to get Disney Passes for your whole family, and she agreed to pay for half
05:27for your daughter so that perhaps there would be occasions when you could go together, because
05:31I assume you go together.
05:33So explain that to me.
05:34So what happened was we decided that we could not afford Disneyland Passes.
05:38So that is why, obviously.
05:42So that's when we decided we'll just stick with the gift that we gave her, and then when
05:46the time is right, we would do it again.
05:49And then I was approached that I should have to pay for half of the birthday gift that
05:52she bought her, because I originally said that we considered buying Disneyland Passes
05:56as a package for us, so that if we had the opportunity, we could take her.
05:59How much is a Disneyland Pass for a year?
06:01I don't know.
06:02$619 for the pass.
06:04And I purchased one for her to split with him, and then I also purchased one for myself
06:09so she could go with him, and also her and I could go.
06:11Okay, so you have one with her.
06:13I have one as well.
06:14Good for you.
06:15All right.
06:16Let's get over the Disney Pass.
06:17Let's get on to the things that you agreed to purchase for the car.
06:22So what happened was we got together and bought her a car.
06:24She came to me and said, they need new headlights, and the headliner needs to be fixed.
06:29You got together and bought her a car?
06:31For how much?
06:32It was like $2,000.
06:33What were you looking at her for?
06:34I don't remember the price.
06:35Well, if you paid for half, then you would remember the price.
06:39Did you pay for half?
06:40No, I did not.
06:41Well, then you didn't get together to buy her a car.
06:42Her mother was going to buy her a car.
06:45You agreed to pay for a headlight.
06:46And more, yeah.
06:48Did you do it?
06:49I did.
06:50I actually have a receipt here for the headlights I purchased.
06:52And did they use them on the car?
06:53No, they did not because she got upset with me after that, and they decided to do it on
06:58their own and get it fixed.
07:02That's not the case.
07:03I purchased the car for $2,400.
07:05I let him know and asked him if he could help.
07:08He did give me $300 towards the car, and I was fine with that.
07:12So he gave you $300 for the car.
07:13He gave me $300 towards the car, right.
07:15He gave you $300 for the car.
07:16I mean, I don't know why you were asking him for any money.
07:19He owes you $44,000.
07:21Why in the world would you ask him for any money?
07:23Say, give me $300.
07:24I'll take it off the $44,000 you owe me.
07:30I understand.
07:31I just, I think his intentions are probably good most of the time, and so I want to allow
07:34him to do things for his daughter when he offers.
07:36I try to give him the benefit of the doubt that he'll follow through and do it.
07:40It's just nice that they see each other and that everybody is supportive of that.
07:45So he gave you $300 for the car.
07:46All right, you get a gold star for that, Mr. Valenzuela.
07:49And you gave your daughter $200 in cash.
07:51You'll ask her about that when you get home.
07:54Is your daughter driving the car now that you bought for her?
07:56She does, yes.
07:58You're in the wrong court.
08:00Do you have $110 a month taken out of his check?
08:02They can't garnish because he works under the table.
08:06What kind of work does he do?
08:07Last I knew, he was working for some sort of delivery company.
08:10Take out your wallet.
08:12Social security card.
08:15Don't have that on me.
08:16That's actually filed away with all our social security cards.
08:18Give me a social security number.
08:23What's the name of your employer?
08:26Right now, I'm not working.
08:27I actually work for Crown Entertainment.
08:28I don't believe that.
08:30Is your wife working?
08:32Is your wife working?
08:34Who does she work for?
08:35She works for the county of Kern.
08:36Do you own a car?
08:38Is your car leased or do you own it?
08:40When did you purchase the car?
08:41Two years in June.
08:42From whom?
08:43Did I buy it?
08:44From whom?
08:45Oh, from the Dodge dealership.
08:47In Bakersfield.
08:48Get a lawyer.
08:49Now you have some information.
08:50You don't have to be a lawyer.
08:51You don't have to be a lawyer.
08:52You don't have to be a lawyer.
08:53You don't have to be a lawyer.
08:54You don't have to be a lawyer.
08:55You don't have to be a lawyer.
08:56You don't have to be a lawyer.
08:57Get a lawyer.
08:58Now you have some information.
08:59You know where he bought the car.
09:01He had to fill out forms because if they're going to give him a loan, he had to have where
09:05he was working.
09:06He had to file tax returns.
09:08I'm sure you had his social security number.
09:10In the event that you didn't, you now have his social security number.
09:13I would make his life miserable, miserable if he's working under the table and not paying
09:19child support.
09:21That's what I would do.
09:22No, I got you.
09:25It's one side of the story, so that's perfect.
09:26I'm anxious to hear your side of the story, sir.
09:29You keep saying that I don't pay child support, but we're actually going through a mediation
09:32right now where I showed them two years of proof of payments that I paid her that she
09:36never documented one time.
09:38Just a second.
09:39Which actually ended up causing more interest for me.
09:42Could you tell me in the last six months how much child support you paid?
09:45I've been paying between $300 and $400 a month.
09:48For the last six months?
09:50Between $300 and $400?
09:52Not $410?
09:53I try to do at least $100 every week.
09:55There is weeks where-
09:56I don't care whether you try.
09:58Trying is not important.
09:59So I would say between $300 and $400.
10:01So Mr. Valenzuela, I'll ask you what the mediator didn't ask you.
10:05If you've been paying at least $100 a week, and your wife's not making that kind of money
10:10from the county, and you have three children, where are you getting the money from?
10:14Because I work as a DJ on the weekends right now, and I make $300 to $400 a weekend.
10:19So when you put that together-
10:20In cash?
10:22Is that what you told the mediator?
10:25I told the mediator-
10:26Just a second.
10:27That you work only on the weekends?
10:30Who takes care of your one-year-old?
10:31Your wife works for the county.
10:34Who takes care of the one-year-old?
10:35Right now, I do.
10:36Just a second.
10:37So is what you're telling me, that you stay home to take care of the one-year-old during
10:43the week while your wife works.
10:46So your choice is to stay home and be a house parent to your current children, rather than
10:52working to pay for your primary responsibility.
10:55That's not true.
10:56Paul, I want to know, when was the last time you had a full-time job, Monday through Friday,
11:00not on weekends?
11:01Somebody who has four children has to work on the weekends as a DJ, but has a job Monday
11:04through Friday.
11:05When was the last time you had a Monday through Friday job?
11:07A full real-time job?
11:09A real job, a real job, like we have a real job.
11:12A year?
11:13I was a welder for seven years in the oil fields.
11:16So you were a welder until what year?
11:18Until 2016.
11:21So you shouldn't have built up any of those arrears.
11:24No, because prior to that, I was out of a job for a while.
11:27Prior to that, and-
11:28I'm finished with this.
11:29Listen, Ms. Fox, he doesn't owe you any money, other than $44,000.
11:32You're in the wrong court.
11:33I have to tell you, I congratulate you both for being civil with regard to this.
11:38I would be furious with him.
11:39I am.
11:40Okay, well, and for a redhead, you're not showing the fury, but I would be furious with
11:45But he doesn't owe you any money on here.
11:46It owes you a fortune otherwise, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself.
11:49We're done.
11:50Parties are excused.
11:51Step out.
11:52I just want him to pay what he says he's going to and help support his daughter.
11:56I just look like the bad guy.
11:57He's been doing it for years, so I'm just finally fed up.
11:59If you do decide you want to be a dad, just don't get with a redhead, because they'll
12:02bring you down.
