A Sacrifice (2024)

  • 2 months ago
يحقق عالم النفس الاجتماعي الأمريكي بن ​​مونرو في طائفة محلية مرتبطة بحدث مزعج، بينما تتورط ابنته مع صبي محلي غامض.
00:01:04Am sorry we have to meet like this again
00:01:09It's all I can manage today
00:01:12Maybe next time you can come in
00:01:15Don't worry. I understand how difficult this is for you
00:01:21This is an improvement
00:01:24You're not the first therapist. I've talked to you know
00:01:28But you're definitely in my top ten I'm flattered but I am actually I'm a social psychologist
00:01:36Oh, right, so you're not going to try to fix me
00:01:40Wouldn't dream of it
00:01:42So last time we met we were talking about
00:01:48Creating a support system
00:01:51I've got friends
00:01:56People like me who don't want to participate in a society that's coming to an end like what's the point?
00:02:05Well, actually it's all right for you
00:02:08You'll be that in 20 years
00:02:11We'll be the ones left to deal with your scorched-earth policy
00:02:17Fukushima not an accident. You think all these fires and floods are a coincidence
00:02:26And haven't you noticed nature knows to target the cities that fuel global disparity and destroy the environment
00:02:33The world is disintegrating
00:02:37Civilization is unwinding
00:02:57It's easy to see how it happens
00:03:01The conspiracy cloud begins with fear
00:03:04the distrust of society
00:03:07the need for truth
00:03:09in order to calm the chaos
00:03:13Or groups of like-minded people exchange counter societal theories and create connections or none exist
00:03:26Hi Ben, it's Max. I've got something you might want to see I'll send you an address
00:03:43Jesus think he changed his mind
00:03:50Hold it together
00:03:52We have to be quick they're clearing the sea
00:04:02Okay, best behavior she got you in here
00:04:05You know, this is Ben my colleague of only one of the teeth
00:04:09Ben Monroe
00:04:11The ride-along
00:04:14Hands in pockets are just observing
00:04:17Sure, thank you
00:04:28Happened here bad pills
00:04:32Very deliberately so looks like cyanide. It wasn't accidental
00:04:37They cured themselves in shifts. So each person in their possessions could be precisely arranged
00:04:44And then there's this
00:04:50They've all got them
00:04:53Along with the black spot
00:05:03Suicide note
00:05:07Sacrifices redemption we return to source so she may live
00:05:14Was this group on your radar
00:05:16Up until now. They didn't display any extreme ideologies
00:05:20The minute someone mentions sacrifice or redemption, that's no cult
00:05:26Don't be so sure
00:05:28You've probably heard the sirens call and don't even know it
00:05:32I'm done here. Should we go outside get some air? Yeah
00:05:50Feeling better. Oh god. No, it's my daughter. She just landed
00:05:59Sorry about that I
00:06:00I'm trying to break out of the theoretical side of life, you know, most people throw up first time they see a dead body
00:06:09I'm Nina. Nice to meet you
00:06:13Paper a
00:06:15Book actually, I read your last one
00:06:20The signs of loneliness
00:06:22really, I
00:06:24Return to community as the most important tenet of a stable society
00:06:33Don't be shy we've all read it. How else do you think you got in here?
00:06:40What did you mean before the sirens call well, it all depends on what you consider to be a cut
00:06:46Do you believe in the afterlife
00:06:49Living by a set of rules that dictates whether you get in or not not this even know that group mentality is all around us
00:06:57ever served in the armed forces
00:07:00Or maybe you have a therapist you wouldn't dream of challenging. I actually make a point of avoiding all those things
00:07:06very smart
00:07:10You have to be careful who you give your power to
00:07:42Excuse me. Hi, this is sister. I trained at Crewsburg
00:08:06Thank you, you want me to help you with that? Yes, please. Thank you
00:08:22Curse of protection
00:08:25Curse of protection
00:08:29My dad got it for me curses are a moment long stay
00:08:34Or maybe it's his way of reminding you
00:08:38Don't talk to strangers
00:08:41Hmm probably has a point. Yeah
00:08:45Well, I'm mazzi so now we're not strangers
00:08:51I'm Martin. Nice to meet you, mazzi. Yeah, me too. I mean you too
00:08:59We're coming from California San Diego
00:09:04And you
00:09:06I'm from Berlin. So I'm going home. I'm
00:09:10Actually from Kreuzberg
00:09:12All right, that's how you say it
00:09:17So I suppose we're going to the same place
00:09:22Yeah, so
00:09:39I'm on the fourth floor. Come on up
00:09:58Come to Berlin he said we'll paint the town he said
00:10:02Honestly, the least you could have done was pick me up from the airport
00:10:04Your address has like five syllables in it. My stuff is downstairs. By the way, I am so sorry
00:10:10It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity max called the last minute
00:10:21I'm gonna die. What time is it?
00:10:25Before you do anything at all, could you please just call your mom let her know you're here. No say no
00:10:30I need a minute. The whole ride to the airport was just sex trafficking and raving
00:10:35Consciously, right, but you wouldn't know anything about that. No nothing
00:10:41Hi mom, I have not had to use my pepper spray yet. Dad says hello and I will call you later. Love you. Bye
00:10:49How is she? I
00:10:51Tried calling her yesterday about your food and your schedule. Oh, yeah, right here
00:10:57She'll be fine
00:10:59Apparently, this is all an exercise in trust. She said that to you. Oh, no, I overheard her telling Mitch
00:11:07Mitch yeah, Mitch
00:11:10Who do you think she's off finding?
00:11:16He's some whiny tech bro, honestly, the whole thing is really disgusting
00:11:26What chapter are you on doesn't really work like that
00:11:34It's okay last I'm so glad you're here
00:12:11Spinning a kitchen
00:12:22I'm a teacher
00:12:25The best of us are gross to you
00:12:28We don't know where we can find myself. I wasn't so long. It's kind of height for a situation. Yeah, it's a torture
00:12:33I'm doing
00:12:37The verdient is I've had a sick him and I'm just come on
00:12:40You've been kind of shown there
00:12:44Spoke to me. We must know which is a limit. I don't think
00:12:47That's just as good as this company for another person. I like this
00:12:51Come to the command
00:12:56But much more is this which is also it was guns and I'm for six to her
00:13:04Much more must the men shock on the inside
00:13:09The best and go to you
00:13:13When yet snivel my fighter
00:13:28Thank you, okay
00:13:29You have to go back totally reformed
00:13:33That's part of the deal because your grades were offensive this year. No, but this is like the best punishment ever
00:13:40And you're into the deal
00:13:42Is that you were to come home with me, right?
00:13:48Well, I can't just leave at the beginning of the academic year, okay and the thumbscrews around to finish the book
00:13:56It's interesting even you'd find it interesting well based on the last one
00:14:04I'm kidding. Go on. All right. Well, it's a follow-up. Okay, I'm calling it the power of group think
00:14:13They said lonely was bad
00:14:17I'm interviewing this girl. She's kind of a hermit. She wanted to let me in her apartment like to talk to her
00:14:22She's kind of like I was a kiki mori kids. I talked to in Japan, right?
00:14:26Yeah, I don't know if I made it to that chapter, right? They're totally isolated
00:14:30They locked themselves in the room sometimes for years living their lives online
00:14:34gaming chat rooms cool
00:14:39Point is there are all kinds of predators just waiting for them to welcome into their persecution fantasies
00:14:50You'll get nightmares
00:15:31First days always don't just give it a chance. Okay
00:15:35Hey, did you forget something I
00:15:39Still think this is the best punishment ever
00:15:42Have a good day
00:15:44Make some friends
00:15:48This process allows us to quantify the exact amount of chemical substance found within the base solution
00:16:05Wake up it's over. Hi Larissa. Hi, I'm Azzie American. Yes
00:16:13I'm not a fascist or anything. It's just so great when there's someone new from home
00:16:21Do I need to like assert dominance or anything just a bunch of rich house cats
00:16:28So a group of us is going out in Friday sign this weekend you want to come
00:16:34My dad would never let me like not even when I'm 30. Oh
00:16:41Maybe next time. Yeah, sure
00:17:19It's so stressful. Okay. We brought an atlas rule
00:17:24for us with one of my love and
00:17:38Was in this on some of them with the air dish only see to high
00:17:43And to tune was our email that's when it is
00:17:47I'm kind of tiger will prefer go home slotted on some planet now. It's only Roy only consequence
00:17:55Ava we have in the market for some dimension to stop
00:17:58And then mention fuse a book after either to reduce here
00:18:04When we also met our courtesan meditation of these it's either focus here
00:18:36The origins of totalitarianism
00:18:39Hannah Arendt talked about loneliness as the common ground for terror
00:18:44the essence of a totalitarian government
00:18:48Which bases itself on the experience of not belonging to the world at all?
00:18:54Which is among the most radical and desperate experiences of man?
00:19:02Well, have a great weekend paper is due on Tuesday in my inbox
00:19:09Thank you
00:19:14You look better a
00:19:17Lot of paperwork have to be filed to get you cleared. I hope it was worth it learned a lot actually
00:19:23And I have a weak stomach and then I'd make a shitty criminal psychologist. You can't unsee that kind of thing. I
00:19:30Haven't slept in 20 years, which would make you the perfect interview subject by the way
00:19:36You already owe me
00:19:39Preview of the book would make us even
00:19:42My students never paid this kind of attention. Well, I'm a novelty max you'll never leave. Yeah
00:19:51Assistant told me you were catching the show. I was early
00:19:57Are you ready to compare case notes to be a fear desperate for your insight?
00:20:01And I assume everyone wants reassurance that this is a one-off not to miss pattern
00:20:06Like I said not on our radar
00:20:09The guy who owned the house was a doctor a naturopath
00:20:13Create an appealing shop front to hide the sinister stuff that's going on in the basement
00:20:18That's a little reductive. Well, I get rewards in the afterlife. They all offer that but what's the initial draw?
00:20:23Can't just leave with that
00:20:25That's your community belonging not just likes and feedback loops. I think it's bigger than that
00:20:30It's about simple answers to the big questions meaning in life is important
00:20:35Order in the universe is important
00:20:38All things I could use right now
00:20:48How's it
00:21:53Missed you
00:21:55Maggie there's my colleague Nina. Oh, hey, Nina. I'm Izzy. It's so lovely to meet you
00:22:01This is a nice surprise. I know
00:22:04And look no bodies
00:22:08Come on they get meant to market
00:22:13Come on in
00:22:22Who's the midlife crisis bait wouldn't you know, yeah, she's just some network said every husband to his gaslit wife ever
00:22:33This level of paranoia is not healthy. Okay. No, you're right besides it's good for the goose
00:22:43Shut the fuck up and see oh
00:22:47He's hot. Mm-hmm. I met him on the way back from the airport with that suit. Mm-hmm. Has he messaged? Yes
00:22:53Look twice says he wants to meet up
00:22:58How long have you all known each other
00:23:01Since Max came to do a semester at Berkeley. Yeah worst grades of my academic career
00:23:06Thanks to you two. You're welcome. Thank you. Cheers. Cheers
00:23:12How is Lydia
00:23:14No, it's okay, it's fine
00:23:17well, according to her therapist
00:23:20My inability to process is worse in the last five years of our marriage
00:23:28And what about you Nina, where did you study?
00:23:33Well, don't I feel tawdry? You didn't want to stay in England. My family would never have stood for it
00:23:40Do something meaningful for society and then straight home
00:23:44They in Berlin
00:23:46My parents are long gone
00:23:49The rest are here though still keeping an eye on me. So horribly conventional
00:23:56Apart from the bit where you work for the government profiling dangerous criminals
00:24:03The devil has all the best tunes
00:24:13Don't clap each other what's wrong? Thank you. Uh, we have to go parties over
00:25:09Can also ask and put money in to the tushen for the Steiner
00:25:24Kind of motion
00:25:27Let's think so
00:25:30Sorry, I wasn't here
00:25:32It's why I feel like a self-mortem in a book
00:25:35It's a
00:25:38That's a human detachment ship and I'm seeing a train come to stand before
00:26:12Martinez steamed me just wise to give on show you my dad
00:26:19Best friend is fun. It's not too sweet. Do you see my son?
00:26:32Look broken. Yeah, it's a dimension
00:26:37Come to stick a mineshaft
00:26:39Sign bit of it. Yeah, and we hadn't fought. We're in the tooth and
00:26:50Do we spend Phoenix Martin
00:27:03It's epic Sarah's if you do suppose it's your in front of
00:27:07The books on a strategy in tour from Friday
00:27:10But I just don't know by now. It's even so good for me to refresh and then become skip the uncollegiate
00:27:17Professor Max Aumann, and I'm fine university. There's a book on it. I don't have a million follow
00:27:22So an essence book I'm best seller so gone to meet academic, huh?
00:27:26She didn't was an avian slough, okay
00:27:30Thank you
00:28:13You hate it no, no, it's really it's amazing. I'm sorry. I probably should have asked for no, it's fine
00:28:22I'm sorry. It's my dad
00:28:28So, um
00:28:30Where's your mom?
00:28:32She's back home
00:28:33Yeah, my parents split up last year. So she's farmed me out for the semester so that she can eat pray love or whatever
00:28:41That must be really hot
00:28:49What about you do you live with your parents
00:28:52Um, actually my parents died in a car accident when I was a kid. Oh my god. No, no, I'm
00:28:58So sorry, no, no, it's okay. I mean don't worry. It was a long time ago. I barely remember it. I
00:29:05Went to live with my grandmother
00:29:09Do you live with her now? No, I live alone
00:29:18I'm not very good at being alone
00:29:22Yeah, but I mean I've got friends I
00:29:28Work at an environmental NGO
00:29:33You know giving something back really helps to put things into perspective yeah
00:29:43No, yeah, I mean I've been into gratitude since like before it was even a thing so I understand yeah, yeah I get it
00:29:55It's that
00:29:57Do you want to borrow it
00:30:00It'll really change your perspective
00:30:03You know, we are shape our intentions we create what we think
00:30:10It's German
00:30:16Yeah, it's about
00:30:18Mass extinction and what can be done even though we passed the point of crisis
00:30:23Right. We're all so fucked, right?
00:30:27Actually, I told my mom I told her I'm not having children to help keep the population down and she like
00:30:32started sobbing
00:30:34Wow, I
00:30:36mean exactly overpopulation is a
00:30:40big problem and we need people like you who think of the bigger picture and actually
00:30:48You should come
00:30:53Leave my group
00:30:56If you want to
00:30:59Really? Yes
00:31:03Thank you
00:31:06There you go
00:31:09Are you working me only if you want to show me the doctor's manifesto, unfortunately impossible
00:31:18Headlines then
00:31:19He was making a point
00:31:22It was deeply affected by environmental decline by social injustice on every level
00:31:29revolutionary suicide exactly
00:31:31He set up free healing centers and low-income neighborhoods. It was like a local saint
00:31:36With his own personal gospel, no doubt. He was of an era that believed in community
00:31:41And social equality the 90s was a bumpy re-entry for them
00:31:46Safety and dictatorship, it's complicated maybe for an American not so easy to understand
00:31:54Well, I doorstep the neighbors after you left
00:31:59Okay, and they said that he became increasingly paranoid
00:32:04Started preaching about the end of time systemic environmental collapse
00:32:09He believed what they did was for the greater good and there's the hook. It's not a hook if you truly believe in it
00:32:15Yeah, but it all ends the same way on a funeral pyre robbed at their own free will
00:32:18I think they gave it away willingly. They were just trying to give their lives and meaning
00:32:26So all I have to do is throw myself into the flames
00:32:39Any fruit that you don't eat
00:32:46For a lot of things
00:32:54What will you sacrifice for your planet today don't be afraid to let go
00:33:01Release fear
00:33:04Embrace love
00:33:15Hey, okay. Yeah
00:33:21Are you sure this is a good idea? Yeah, it's fine. Come on. I
00:33:26Want you to meet him up she leaves the group
00:33:33This is messy
00:33:36She's a new
00:33:38Friend hi. Oh
00:33:40What a pleasure it is to meet you, Missy
00:33:43It's so happy to welcome you here
00:33:47Thank you
00:33:49Martin's told me so many great things about your group
00:33:51Yeah, Oh dear Martin
00:33:54So he has told you about our cause
00:33:58Yeah a little
00:34:02Well, we strive to release ourselves from our destructive behaviors
00:34:07Or worldly attachments, but our beautiful earth may purify and heal
00:34:20Take this
00:34:26And remember there's no distinction between you and it
00:34:30All life is connected
00:34:33We're all part of the whole
00:34:38Right, so shall we
00:34:46I don't have a mask
00:34:50Side I live in common Peter. Why doesn't helmer wear one? She's not afraid
00:35:01Should be I need to spend your alley
00:35:10Did you realize
00:35:17There will be no resources left for most of Africa
00:35:21We need to realize that we can only exist
00:35:25If we think as a collective
00:35:29Feel the energy
00:35:31That comes into being when our collective focus is woven together
00:35:38Let's visualize our planet
00:36:09Hey dad, hmm, can I go to the um, three stock thing with Larissa tomorrow?
00:36:17Who's Larissa Larissa Larissa from school?
00:36:22Yeah, sure, yeah, it's great that you got a new friend and they're interested in politics and architecture
00:36:35Okay, thanks
00:36:36Just be careful. Okay. Yeah check in with me every few hours. Yep. Got it. Seriously
00:36:42Hey dad, who's that woman at Elsa's the other night Nina just someone from work colleague
00:36:54And you would tell me if you're like dating anymore or something like that, right
00:37:01If I met someone I'd tell you
00:37:03Do you think you and mom would ever get back together
00:37:07I'll always love your mom, you know that
00:37:12Oh, you're shaped by our intentions we create what we think
00:37:20And we create what we think
00:37:24And we create what we think
00:37:26We are shaped by our intentions we create what we think
00:38:28Are you ready I
00:38:31Gotta freak out or anything. Am I? No, no. No, it's just mushrooms. Nothing synthetic
00:38:41You know real euphoria comes from
00:38:45with you and
00:38:48Sometimes that means eating it
00:38:54Fuck it. Let's do this. All right
00:39:26Was amazing
00:39:40When she gave me this necklace I could feel her energy
00:39:50She gave me this ash
00:39:54And it's to remind me that she's transcendent
00:40:01That we all are
00:41:24So, what about you
00:41:26Is it just you and Massey against the world?
00:41:29Yeah, yeah
00:41:31Her mom and I are still picking over the divorce carcass
00:41:36But I'm a plus-side. She agreed to let me have mazzi for the semester. So
00:41:41Modern parenting at work. I
00:41:47Think she's treating this more as immersion therapy
00:41:52It must be hard for her to be away from my daughter
00:41:55Cognitive adaption happens faster than we think though
00:41:59Actually, I think it's more of a trust thing
00:42:02She's completing the breakdown of the marriage with your ability to parent
00:42:07Actually, it's kind of specific
00:42:11We were at the beach with Mazzy's friends when she was younger
00:42:14Mazzy had an accident. Oh
00:42:16I'm so sorry. I don't mean to pry. No, no, it's fine. Honestly, she um
00:42:21She got caught in a rip
00:42:24Happened really fast. It was really frightening obviously
00:42:27and then when we got it to shore it all became about how I
00:42:32Was watching the kids and I didn't see it
00:42:40Sometimes after trauma we need somewhere to put our fear and blame. It's perfectly normal
00:42:49She stopped breathing
00:42:53But you saved her
00:42:57Actually, I kind of froze
00:43:03Her mom got there before I didn't pulled her out
00:43:07That's just a fear response
00:43:12Let it go
00:43:14It's all over now
00:43:17All right, it's all over now
00:43:43The guy can't say don't
00:43:46Don't sing
00:43:49Leave it to someone who can it's nice, you know, it's
00:43:53Basic principle of music
00:44:17You'll never be alone again
00:44:35Why didn't you wake me up when you went out last night
00:44:39You were exhausted I
00:44:42Wanted to let you sleep
00:44:44Plus you're 16. You're responsible. I got freaked out
00:44:48You keep telling me to be careful and then you just go out. I
00:44:53Called mom. Oh
00:44:56Don't worry she didn't pick up what's that
00:44:59Doing wait a second. Just calm down. Don't tell me to calm down. I fucking hate all of this
00:45:05But can you just come home and be normal you realize you've ruined our lives by coming here, right? Okay, miss
00:45:11Your mom ended it not the other way around, you know that right? She asked me to leave I
00:45:17Just needed to get away and give us some space for a minute. She didn't tell you to go to fucking Europe
00:45:28Where do you think you're going going to Elsa's what now I won't be home for fucking dinner
00:46:02Hey Ben, hey, I'm in the doghouse
00:46:06What's wrong no Mads is pissed with me she's on her way to your place
00:46:10Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her. She can cool down here and sleep over if she wants. Yeah, it's probably a good idea
00:46:17Try not to worry. Thanks
00:46:43See what a surprise come in
00:46:49I'm sorry to just turn up. Oh
00:46:53Our doors are always open
00:46:57How I was looking for Martin is he here no dear something wrong come
00:47:08Dad he's just such an asshole
00:47:13Does he let you down? Yeah, he lied to me I got in the middle of the night to meet some woman I
00:47:22Came to Berlin for him to see him
00:47:28But it's always only ever about him is that what upsets you the most
00:47:40Had this accident when I was younger it was ages ago. I'm fine now, but I
00:47:49Don't really think it's the reason that my parents split up
00:47:54There we are I
00:47:56Can see that doesn't make you feel ashamed
00:48:00Perhaps you wonder if your parents blame you for their separation
00:48:05And that maybe you wouldn't have left if it wasn't for you
00:48:12I'll entangle yourself from your parents
00:48:16The sooner you stop relying on them the more powerful you will be
00:48:29Almost doesn't need to turn away from him
00:48:31That weirdo from the video you sent me
00:48:34What does that even mean means fuck him if he doesn't need me, then I don't need him
00:48:42Hey, let's go out
00:48:45Yeah, come on. I want to go to
00:48:46Friedrichshain and no way my dad is even more neurotic than usual because of that girl. Yeah. Well, your dad doesn't have to know
00:48:53I can't okay. I'm sorry. They'd be furious
00:48:57Okay, fine. I have other friends, you know
00:49:03That's when this I'm sure for fussing
00:49:05So it's a clear tip that she's a human tragically for fun
00:49:08He's a stunt from would leave us there. You know, he did a copier. Oh, you believe this planet. Oh, yeah
00:49:25Do you trust me just go easy with the red pen please pressure to deliver is crippling
00:49:31I'm excited to read it
00:49:34the power of group think
00:49:38You know, I always thought that was something mystical about the idea of mass consciousness or absolutely terrifying
00:49:46I think that really is such a thing as a group soul
00:49:52I've seen how a group gains the consciousness of an individual. It's extraordinary almost telepathic
00:50:00Everything you do is for others
00:50:02The individual is swallowed by this huge creature and whatever the creature does you're swept along with it
00:50:11You know, you should probably write that down
00:50:13Yeah, take it
00:51:13Yes, the grouper is Alice Martin lotto is tiny recruit in also give you the area of dear
00:54:42Didn't leave you to answer
00:54:43We don't it's he's even a room to come on this to cope if I saw it is the men shall I miss me
00:54:54Named us recruitments principian in our hats off
00:54:59Opforum is their lösung
00:55:02on Austin to
00:55:05inspring to leave
00:55:28Love red
00:55:38Seriously, where are we? Come on?
00:58:17Don't like this
00:58:22No, I need to lay down what no mess no, come on we can sleep it off in the park
00:59:52You okay
00:59:58Don't ever have kids you'll never get a good night's sleep again
01:00:31Must have season like a glamour. No, no, please
01:00:38No, no, please don't call my dad I need to get the poison out of your sister, you know, we can't let you go
01:00:57Okay, she's fine she's fine I took her I make you feel better I promise
01:01:55Am so embarrassed, I'm so sorry you recognize what you've done that's redemption enough
01:02:05I know young people today feel so empty, but you're very special
01:02:18Unblemished and with the first time we met
01:02:31You'll never be alone again
01:02:35No, you're with people who care about you
01:02:39Thank you, thank you
01:02:45Let us take you off your now on
01:02:59The sets on some leaner fish line
01:03:03In contact off
01:03:05You can indeed that's you know, I'm Chris Creighton
01:03:18Mama, I kept you don't get up. I have kind of I don't lose it. Thanks. It's a fat dump
01:03:21No, my son must have anything that's gonna happen. Yeah, I'm sure she's with friends. It's just that she's lying about which friends she's actually with so
01:03:28Yeah, I appreciate that. Thanks anything
01:03:35Hey, you okay
01:03:41You have to try and calm down it's only been a few hours she's been gone all night, okay
01:03:47In 12 hours
01:03:50I'm gonna call the police. No, don't call the police yet. I know the protocol. They won't take it seriously for 24 hours
01:03:55I'll call my people they can help
01:03:58Really max. Hmm. What do you think?
01:04:02I'm not a cop. I don't know the protocols
01:04:04But if Nina's got context that will speed things up. I
01:04:08Mean, am I overreacting max? She probably got stranded at some club. I know she's in deep shit
01:04:34This will make you feel better
01:05:28We are your family
01:05:52Hey, what take a look at this
01:05:56Who's there, I don't know Sophie do you know who that is? I've got a lead
01:06:01An unconscious girl was seen being carried into a community center and feed resign. Did they call the police? Of course?
01:06:09Thank God, let's go
01:06:11Mama has he had me my son Lincoln's in it about it. I mean make a commercial. What will your sacrifice for your planet today?
01:06:22Pure it is the gateway
01:06:26Have again clarity
01:06:31Yes, I
01:06:37Fucking hate you
01:06:42How dare you disrespect me mercy
01:06:49Purity cannot be attained such a shame
01:06:56Give it was to be we go
01:07:01You were exceptional Massey I had such high hopes for you
01:07:42To us but I could hear him from Missy facade
01:07:45Okay, we're just need to get here. That's the concept open. Then you see to it. She won't need in the grave
01:07:51Can you don't be so far?
01:07:58Bring sits on see what our fun by someone
01:08:03Understand it as a so what common was there
01:08:51That's all they said right nothing else I know as much as you do
01:09:01Have to say that if it is a position
01:09:06Never yet shown up I know it's English
01:09:08Amid a freshman become
01:09:11It's give to a colleague and professor Max Aumann and the Frank University as their beckoned
01:09:17She doesn't even slow. Okay. Yeah, I will ask you need to feel sad
01:09:22The business the answer get it for the topic on account
01:09:26They can see nothing
01:09:56Hey, Max, good news, I can take your friend with me.
01:10:24Yes, something anti-democratic.
01:10:54Ben Monroe.
01:10:58He believed what they did was for the greater good.
01:11:23He believed what they did was for the greater good.
01:11:41We breathe in, and when we breathe out...
01:11:44Excuse me.
01:11:45Excuse me.
01:11:47Mr. Point Doctor, has anyone seen?
01:11:50Is this an emergency?
01:11:52She was seen being carried in here, apparently.
01:11:58I wish our first meeting was under different circumstances.
01:12:03I've heard so much about you,
01:12:05about the influential work you do.
01:12:07So many people must heed your words.
01:12:12I'm sorry?
01:12:13Your hypotheses are so comforting.
01:12:17Community and symbiosis
01:12:20is the cure for so much of what ails us as a planet.
01:12:24We wouldn't be in this position if we were thinking of the whole.
01:12:29Okay, I think there's been a misunderstanding.
01:12:32I'm looking for my daughter, Mazzy.
01:12:33It's okay, Ben. Mazzy's safe.
01:12:35She's with my friends.
01:12:37What friends?
01:12:39These are my friends. They're my family.
01:12:42You can trust them.
01:12:44What? So she's safe?
01:12:46Doctor, it is important that we populate our organization
01:12:49with the most progressive and brilliant minds.
01:12:52Your writing on the subject of collective consciousness is so inspiring.
01:12:57You have such undeniable influence.
01:13:00You possess the mastery and power to lead us to global recognition.
01:13:06I don't even know you, okay?
01:13:08We know you, Ben.
01:13:10No, no, you've got me all wrong.
01:13:12You have no idea how to reconnect with your daughter.
01:13:17She's slipping through your fingers again, Ben.
01:13:19We can help you, if you help us.
01:13:23Do you really want to...
01:13:24Stop! Stop talking, okay?
01:13:26Where is she?
01:13:33Ben, just listen to me for a second, okay?
01:13:35We're trying to help you.
01:13:37She is safe!
01:13:39She's so happy here!
01:13:41You're a wonderful boy.
01:13:43You've given her a real sense of belonging.
01:13:45So you can start healing your relationship.
01:13:47She'll want to stay and live here with you, with us.
01:13:50That's what you really want, isn't it?
01:13:52What, you, me and Mazzy?
01:13:54There's no you and Mazzy. You don't even know her.
01:13:57You're so lost in your pain.
01:13:59Your rejection.
01:14:01This egoism you have of not being your daughter's savior.
01:14:04We can rid you of that and replace it with real purpose.
01:14:08The power of knowing you're changing the world.
01:14:10Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all experience it together?
01:14:13What the fuck is going on here?
01:14:15You haven't had an original thought your whole life?
01:14:17All that talk about groups, oh, was that your idea or hers?
01:14:20Oh, you've got the community and the love,
01:14:22but you're all alone in there, aren't you?
01:14:24And now what? You're holding my daughter ransom?
01:14:26I'm calling the police.
01:14:28If you're ever threatened, we will move our timeline forward.
01:14:32What does that mean?
01:14:34We are ready to make the ultimate sacrifice.
01:14:37To purify and start again.
01:14:48I thought I could help Mazzy, but maybe she can't be saved now.
01:14:56Choose to stay, Ben, and Mazzy will have a reason to exist.
01:15:01Ben, the world is disintegrating.
01:15:04Civilization is unwinding.
01:15:06What did you just say?
01:15:08And haven't you noticed?
01:15:10The world is disintegrating.
01:15:12Civilization is unwinding.
01:15:18Lake Leibniz. That's where you take them.
01:15:21You're psychotic.
01:15:33Max, call whoever you know at the police department.
01:15:36Max has been kidnapped.
01:15:37What? Do you know where she is?
01:15:39Lake Leibniz. You hurry.
01:16:23The world is disintegrating.
01:16:49Sacrifice is the solution.
01:16:53And from death comes life.
01:17:01I'm so sorry.
01:17:04I wanted to start a family.
01:17:07And in your name.
01:17:09I wanted to give them your values.
01:17:11Then I would continue.
01:17:14No, Michele, you wanted to create something of your own.
01:17:17It was only for you. You only thought of yourself.
01:17:20I had such great hopes for you, Lina.
01:17:24You were a born leader.
01:17:28I was always loyal to you.
01:17:32Mom, please.
01:17:34Everything will be fine, my heart.
01:17:36Everything will be fine.
01:17:37Everything will be fine, Lina.
01:17:39I'm doing this for you.
01:17:46The leadership is now in your hands, Hilma.
01:17:51And we entrust our beloved daughter Lina to you.
01:18:01Everything will be fine.
01:18:08Now you have the opportunity to prove it.
01:18:20I love you.
01:18:50I love you.
01:18:52I love you.
01:19:17There is no time left.
01:19:19We can't fulfill our destiny in prison.
01:19:30Lina, it's time for you to take responsibility.
01:19:36How will people remember your resistance?
01:19:42How will you lead them into immortality?
01:19:46I can change everything.
01:19:49Everything will be fine.
01:19:51I promise, I can change everything.
01:20:00I can change everything.
01:20:15I can change everything.
01:20:45I can change everything.
01:20:53Our time has come.
01:21:15Our time has come.
01:21:24A new life will arise from death.
01:21:45A new life will arise from death.
01:22:15A new life will arise from death.
01:22:18A new life will arise from death.
01:22:20A new life will arise from death.
01:22:22A new life will arise from death.
01:22:24A new life will arise from death.
01:22:26A new life will arise from death.
01:22:28A new life will arise from death.
01:22:30A new life will arise from death.
01:22:32A new life will arise from death.
01:22:34A new life will arise from death.
01:22:36A new life will arise from death.
01:22:38A new life will arise from death.
01:22:40A new life will arise from death.
01:22:42A new life will arise from death.
01:22:44A new life will arise from death.
01:22:46A new life will arise from death.
01:22:48A new life will arise from death.
01:22:50A new life will arise from death.
01:22:52A new life will arise from death.
01:22:54A new life will arise from death.
01:22:56A new life will arise from death.
01:22:58A new life will arise from death.
01:23:00A new life will arise from death.
01:23:02A new life will arise from death.
01:23:04A new life will arise from death.
01:23:06A new life will arise from death.
01:23:08A new life will arise from death.
01:23:10A new life will arise from death.
01:23:12A new life will arise from death.
01:23:14A new life will arise from death.
01:23:16A new life will arise from death.
01:23:18A new life will arise from death.
01:23:20A new life will arise from death.
01:23:22A new life will arise from death.
01:23:24A new life will arise from death.
01:23:26A new life will arise from death.
01:23:28A new life will arise from death.
01:23:30A new life will arise from death.
01:23:32A new life will arise from death.
01:23:34A new life will arise from death.
01:23:36A new life will arise from death.
01:23:38A new life will arise from death.
01:23:40A new life will arise from death.
01:23:42A new life will arise from death.
01:23:44A new life will arise from death.
01:23:46A new life will arise from death.
01:23:48A new life will arise from death.
01:23:50A new life will arise from death.
01:23:52A new life will arise from death.
01:23:54A new life will arise from death.
01:23:56A new life will arise from death.
01:23:58A new life will arise from death.
01:24:00A new life will arise from death.
01:24:02A new life will arise from death.
01:24:04A new life will arise from death.
01:24:06A new life will arise from death.
01:24:08A new life will arise from death.
01:24:10A new life will arise from death.
01:24:16Let it go.
01:25:04It's worth the trouble.
01:25:06It's not worth it.
01:25:08It's not worth it.
01:25:25Look out!
01:25:34Come on!
01:25:50Come on, Maz! Maz!
01:25:54Hey, come on!
01:26:05Come on.
01:26:11That's it. That's it.
01:26:13You got it. You got it.
01:26:15Breathe. Breathe.
01:26:17Let it out. Let it out.
01:26:19That's it. That's it.
01:26:23Oh my God. Oh my God.
01:26:26I love you so much.
01:26:28I'm so sorry.
01:26:34Existence is a lonely journey of continuous death and rebirth.
01:26:48But I see you.
01:26:51I can feel your pain.
01:26:56And if you join our family, you'll never be alone again.
01:27:04I love you.
01:27:06I love you.
01:27:08I love you.
01:27:10I love you.
01:27:12I love you.
01:27:14I love you.
01:27:16I love you.
01:27:18I love you.
01:27:20I love you.
01:27:22I love you.
01:27:24I love you.
01:27:26I love you.
01:27:28I love you.
01:27:30I love you.
01:27:32I love you.
01:27:34I love you.
01:27:36I love you.
01:27:38I love you.
01:27:40I love you.
01:27:42I love you.
01:27:44I love you.
01:27:46I love you.
01:27:48I love you.
01:27:50I love you.
01:27:52I love you.
01:27:54I love you.
01:27:56I love you.
01:27:58I love you.
01:28:00I love you.
01:28:02I love you.
01:28:04I love you.
01:28:06I love you.
01:28:08I love you.
01:28:10I love you.
01:28:12I love you.
01:28:14I love you.
01:28:16I love you.
01:28:18I love you.
01:28:20I love you.
01:28:22I love you.
01:28:24I love you.
01:28:26I love you.
01:28:28I love you.
01:28:30I love you.
01:28:32I love you.
01:28:34I love you.
01:28:36I love you.
01:28:38I love you.
01:28:40I love you.
01:28:42I love you.
01:28:44I love you.
01:28:46I love you.
01:28:48I love you.
01:28:50I love you.
01:28:52I love you.
01:28:54I love you.
01:28:56I love you.
01:28:58I love you.
01:29:00I love you.
01:29:02I love you.
01:29:04I love you.
01:29:06I love you.
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01:29:14I love you.
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01:30:46I love you.
01:30:48I love you.
01:30:50I love you.
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01:33:58I love you.
01:34:00I love you.
01:34:02I love you.
01:34:04I love you.