10 Horror Movies Remembered For One Amazing Scene

  • 3 months ago
These scenes left an impression.
00:00It's a horror director's job to make their film not just entertaining and frightening,
00:04but memorable.
00:05By utilising mind-blowing twists, creative kills, well-timed jump scares, petrifying
00:09monsters and engaging openings, there are plenty of reasons why scary movies stick with
00:16However, sometimes you can't remember anything about a movie, save for the one scene that
00:20you're just unable to get out of your head, for better or worse.
00:24So with that in mind, I'm Josh from WhatCulture.com and these are 10 Horror Movies Remembered
00:28For One Amazing Scene.
00:30Number 10, The Sleeping Bag Kill, Friday the 13th Part 7, The New Blood.
00:35To the surprise of absolutely no one, Friday the 13th Part 7 has Jason Voorhees roaming
00:40Crystal Lake once again and slaying horny teenagers.
00:44It's certainly not an inventive premise, but the sequel probably has the best death
00:48scene in the entire series.
00:50After Jason stumbles upon Judy resting in her sleeping bag, he lunges for her.
00:56Instead of trying to escape or doing anything pragmatic, Judy tucks herself in the bag
01:00as if it will somehow protect her against a reanimated killing machine.
01:05After dragging the sleeping bag across the woods with Judy still inside, Jason then hurls
01:09it against a tree trunk, killing her instantly.
01:12The scene is memorable because it's hilarious and terrifying.
01:16The scene stares with viewers since the visual of a masked zombie tossing a sleeping bag
01:20into a tree is in itself absolutely ridiculous, even by the goofy franchise's standards.
01:26Interestingly though, the original cut was meant to show Jason whacking Judy into the
01:30trunk 6 times, but by cutting the shot so Jason killed her with one swing, it makes
01:35the scene scarier because it demonstrates just how inhumanly strong Jason actually is.
01:41And funnily enough, this scene did become so iconic that it was reused for comedic effect
01:45in Jason X a few movies later with a few more whacks for good measure.
01:50Number 9, The Hot Tub Valentine.
01:53Valentine centres around 5 women who are sorting out their love lives just before Valentine's Day.
01:58But after receiving disgusting love letters, the girls learn they're being stalked by
02:02a serial killer wearing a cupid mask.
02:05Of course, Valentine is, like most slashers, predictable, formulaic, badly acted, and ultimately
02:11kinda forgettable.
02:12I mean, even if you've seen it, you may have forgotten the killer's identity because
02:16the big reveal left zero impression.
02:18But there is one kill that's definitely worth looking at.
02:22While Paige relaxes in a hot tub, Cupid seals her inside with the covering sheet.
02:27Although Cupid could have just left her to drown, he instead toys with Paige by drilling
02:31through the covering, hoping to impale her.
02:34Although Paige tries to avoid being stabbed, she actually needs to use the drill holes
02:38to breathe.
02:39And because of this, her only means of survival is to get as dangerously close to the very
02:43weapon that Cupid is using against her.
02:46However, after Cupid just kinda gets bored, he opens up the covering and then tosses the
02:50drill in, electrocuting Paige to death.
02:53Because the rest of Valentine is a bit of a bummer, it feels like the creative team
02:56behind the movie put all their best ideas into this one scene.
03:00Number 8.
03:01It's a sequel, not a remake.
03:03Curse of Chucky.
03:04After the child's play movies grew increasingly stagnant, it felt like it was time to revitalise
03:09the franchise.
03:10So, when the posters and teasers for Curse of Chucky showed off a redesigned version
03:14of the murderous doll, everyone assumed that it was some kind of reboot.
03:18But at the halfway point, the movie throws a massive curveball.
03:22After Barb notices that there have been suspicious killings in her house after her sister came
03:26into possession of Chucky, she decides to examine the doll.
03:30As she spots a piece of loose plastic on Chucky's face though, she begins to peel it off, exposing
03:35the scars that he sustained in the previous films.
03:38In this moment, the audience realises that Curse of Chucky isn't a reboot, a reimagining
03:43or a legacy sequel, but actually a direct continuation of the original series.
03:48The rest of the movie may not be that great, and the actual remake was even more disappointing,
03:52but you have to praise the writers for this cool gotcha moment.
03:56Despite the fact that the trailers and promotions never actually suggested that Curse of Chucky
03:59was a remake, the creative team did allow fans to draw this conclusion, making this
04:04reveal all the more satisfying.
04:06Number 7.
04:07The Razor Wire Slaughter Ghost Ship.
04:09Ghost Ship is about, well, ghosts?
04:12On a ship?
04:13I think?
04:14Whether you've seen the movie yesterday or at it's premiere, you'll struggle to
04:18recall anything about this convoluted mess.
04:22And that's why it's so ironic that this forgettable horror flick has one of the most
04:25imaginatively creative openings in all of horror.
04:29In the beginning scene, we see dozens of passengers merrily dancing on an ocean liner, and because
04:34the credits and title are written in a cartoonishly pink font, you might swear that you're about
04:38to watch a light-hearted rom-com.
04:40However, while a little girl, Kate, dances with the captain, a razor-sharp wire suddenly
04:46unravels from it's spool.
04:47With a little warning, the wire whips across the dance floor, slicing everyone in half.
04:52Because of Kate's short stature though, the wire flies straight over her head, making
04:56her the sole survivor.
04:58But as she looks around at the dismembered bodies and people trying to scoop their organs
05:02back into their body, it's self-evident that she will never forget this moment, just
05:07like the viewers.
05:08Number 6, The Half-Digested John Voight, Anaconda
05:12Anaconda had a truly awesome cast.
05:15Because this monster thriller stars John Voight, Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, Eric Stoltz, Owen
05:20Wilson, and Danny Trejo, it felt like it had a lot of potential.
05:24Sadly, though, it was let down by a weak script, bland characters, and terrible CGI, even for
05:30the time.
05:31Of course, the one thing everyone remembers, even more than the titular reptile, is John
05:35Voight's performance as the snake hunter Paul Saron.
05:38Whether you think he's ridiculous or the best thing in the movie, his incomprehensible
05:42dialect and hammy mannerisms are entertaining as hell.
05:46Even though his mangled accent is a highlight, his most memorable moment ironically doesn't
05:50contain a word of dialogue.
05:52After the anaconda crushes Paul's bones with one tight squeeze, we see his jawbone
05:57dislodge from its socket and, as gross as that is, it gets much, much worse.
06:03Although the snake swallows him whole, it suffers a bit of indigestion several minutes
06:07later, causing the 40-foot beast to barf Paul back up.
06:11As Jennifer Lopez's character looks at the half-digested man in horror, he then winks
06:16at her with his single eye, before dropping to the ground dead.
06:20Now Anaconda may be ludicrously campy, but it's moments like this that stick with you
06:25for good reason.
06:29The Omen has some of the most iconic scenes in horror history.
06:32The woman hanging herself in the opening, the decapitation sequence, the priest being
06:37impaled, it's all good stuff.
06:40But some people forget that the sequels also have some memorable moments.
06:44Okay, maybe not the third one, but Damien Omen 2 definitely deserves more praise.
06:49Even though the elevator sequence is considered the most creative kill in the film, what happens
06:53to Joan Hart is much more disturbing, and a little bit more memorable.
06:57See after Joan learns that Damien is the Antichrist, she drives away in a panic after coming face
07:01to face with him.
07:03Using his devilish powers though, Damien curses her car to stall, before sending his servant,
07:07the Raven, to peck her eyes out.
07:10Blinded by the bird's attack, Joan then stumbles onto the road where she's killed
07:13by a semi-truck.
07:14Even though the scene itself is very simple, the actor's screaming is so convincing that
07:19it genuinely sounds like her eyeballs are being ripped from their sockets.
07:23Like Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween, or Janet Leigh in Psycho, Shepard's screeching is
07:27so piercing that it's something you won't forget for a long, long time.
07:32Alien Resurrection is so, so disappointing that the best scene in it has actually nothing
07:39to do with the aliens.
07:41After Ellen Ripley is brought back from the dead by cloning her DNA with a xenomorph,
07:45she develops heightened senses and reflexes.
07:47So when several mercenaries taunt her on the basketball court, she gives them a flavour
07:52of her abilities, and as she walks away from them, she effortlessly performs a behind-the-back
07:57half-court basketball shot.
07:59At the time of Alien Resurrection's release, this moment came across as incredibly corny.
08:05But when viewers learned the actress Sigourney Weaver actually formed this shot without any
08:09special effects, it instantly became the most talked about scene in an otherwise mediocre
08:16Contrary to popular belief though, Weaver didn't actually nail this shot on the first
08:20After failing to sink the basket over and over, the director apparently said that he
08:24would just use CGI or a second ball if she didn't get the following shot.
08:28On the very next try though, the ball went in seamlessly, and her co-stars were so dumbfounded
08:33by Weaver's skill that they immediately brought character which is why it cuts to
08:37the next shot immediately after in the film.
08:41The Rat King – Sinister 2 Sinister 2 isn't an amazing film, but it
08:46didn't deserve to be the franchise killer that it was.
08:48The sequel overused villain Bagul, but it still had a few good ideas up its sleeve,
08:53especially when it came to the home movie snuff films that the demonic boogeyman manipulates
08:57children into making.
08:59These horror shots in their own right are always grisly, but the one that stands out
09:03from the second movie, and indeed the only scene that stands out from the second movie,
09:07involved a bunch of people, a couple of rats, and a couple of buckets.
09:11The sinister, oi oi, home movie cuts from a creepy looking communion in a church, to
09:17the church being empty, save for a group of people bound to the floor via nails smashed
09:22through their wrists.
09:23On each one's stomach is a metal bucket housing a rat inside.
09:27The kids then proceed to put hot coals on top of the buckets, which freaks out the rats
09:32and to escape the heat, results in them burying into the bodies of the victims.
09:37It's gross, and let me tell you, not a way I'd like to go.
09:42The Tanning Bed – Final Destination 3 In Final Destination 3, a group of people
09:47find themselves being hounded by the Grim Reaper after they cheat death.
09:51It doesn't matter what precautions the survivors take or where they are, death can come at
09:55them at any time.
09:57Even though the kills in Final Destination 3 aren't as memorable as the other instalments,
10:01there is one moment seeded into viewers' memory banks forever.
10:05As Ashley and Aislinn lay in their tanning beds, they are oblivious that they have literally
10:10entered their coffins.
10:12After the tanning beds malfunction, the heat cranks up until it's unbearable for the
10:15girls inside, and as they try to get out, a shelf comes loose and perfectly slots in
10:21between both beds, sealing them in.
10:23As the heat intensifies, the glass shatters and catches fire, cooking them both alive.
10:28Now when you see over-the-top deaths like this, it's easy to say it's only a movie
10:32and that would never happen in real life.
10:35And while there have been cases where people's deaths have been linked to tanning beds, nobody
10:40has ever died in a manner depicted like in Final Destination 3.
10:44Nevertheless, you'll still think twice the next time you take a trip to the tanning salon
10:49after watching this movie.
10:51A literal bloodbath, Hostel Part 2.
10:54Even though Hostel was criticised for its gratuitous violence, it made more than enough
10:58money to warrant a sequel.
11:00Despite the fact that Hostel Part 2 definitely feels like more of the same, there is one
11:04scene that's leagues ahead of everything else in the flick.
11:07After a college student called Lorna is abducted, she awakens to find herself naked, bound and
11:12upside down.
11:13To her horror, she sees a robed woman, Mrs. Bathory, undress and lay below Lorna while
11:19brandishing a scythe.
11:21Bathory then teases her victim by pressing her blade into every crevice of her body.
11:26Although she doesn't break the skin at first, it's still deeply chilling to hear the squeaking
11:30sound of the scythe passing across Lorna.
11:33She then starts hacking at Lorna's body though and bathing in her blood.
11:38When she has her fill, she slits Lorna's throat, basking in the blood gushing into
11:42her face.
11:43And even though this scene is horrifyingly gory, it's the performance that sells it.
11:49The way she screams like an animal and contorts her entire body in fear is guaranteed to haunt
11:54your dreams even more than just thinking about her grisly death without a sound on.
11:59So that's our list!
12:00What do you guys think down in the comments below?
12:02What did you think of these moments in these horror movies and are there any interesting
12:06ones I missed off here?
12:07While you're down there as well, could you please give us a like, share, subscribe and
12:10head over to WhatCultureHorror for more lists like this on the regular.
12:13Even if you don't thought I've been Josh, thanks so much for watching and I'll see you
