NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin Michelangelo Figure

  • 3 months ago
NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin Michelangelo Figure


00:00When three of the four have fallen, the one must stand alone.
00:04Here's your look at the brand new neck of toys, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin Michelangelo.
00:31Who is the Last Ronin?
00:33In a future battle ravaged New York City, a lone surviving turtle embarks on a seemingly hopeless mission,
00:38seeking justice for the family he lost.
00:40From legendary TMNT co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird,
00:43get ready for the final story of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, three decades in the making.
00:47What terrible events destroyed his family and left New York City a crumbling post-apocalyptic nightmare?
00:52All will be revealed in the climactic turtle tale that sees longtime friends becoming enemies,
00:57and new allies emerging from the most unexpected places.
01:00Can the surviving turtle triumph?
01:03Unfortunately for the future, it's far from being turtle-tastic.
01:06Just before we get a closer look, though, at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin Michelangelo,
01:10if I can, I'd like to thank the folks over at NECA that were kind enough to provide this sample we could have a look at.
01:15Michelangelo is going to stand at about five and three quarters of an inch in height,
01:19where the lone turtle is about 15 centimeters tall.
01:22Luckily, he's not lone for long, bringing in both the hooded and the unhooded versions of The Last Ronin.
01:27One thing is obvious is the fact that newer Michelangelo,
01:31and really a lot of The Last Ronin figures that we're now getting from NECA,
01:34they're a little bit smaller in size, which wouldn't normally be a problem if they were a different character.
01:39Now, this is the part, of course, where I start to tread into some spoilers,
01:42so if you didn't want to, of course, be spoiled into the story, if you wanted to actually read The Last Ronin,
01:46maybe see yourself out the door, but obviously, though, if this is all supposed to be Michelangelo,
01:51then, in theory, you would think that all the figures should be of the same size.
01:54Now, I could say that Michelangelo would have beefed up a bit.
01:57It wouldn't then explain why his skin is darker.
01:59It wouldn't certainly explain, as well, why the figures are also a lot taller.
02:03I do think, though, that newer figures, as we will be seeing in the upcoming reviews,
02:07we're going to be looking at the entire line of New Last Ronin figures,
02:10they have, I will say to their credit, have really finessed these figures.
02:13They look a lot nicer than the original Ronins.
02:16But, yeah, again, one detriment is the fact that it is a shame that they're not all the same size.
02:20From difference of sizes to storing accessories,
02:23Michelangelo has the means to store his two pair of nunchucks.
02:27The figure also, as well, comes included with three pairs of interchangeable hands,
02:30technically four pairs if you count the hands that he has right now,
02:33and he also comes to include with an interchangeable head sculpt.
02:36The first thing that we'll look at, though, is his pair of nunchucks.
02:39The nunchucks themselves look to be identical to one another.
02:42The handles themselves look to be all cast in brown plastic, but they have still gone in there.
02:46It looks like they've added a few panel lines, so it looks like it's actually wrapped up,
02:49I guess, leather or material.
02:51But I like that they actually have used real chains.
02:54The interlocking lengths of chains at least give a natural drape to the nunchuck.
02:58They can also be held in his hands.
02:59Now, I did, in preparation of this, actually already remove the hands that he had out of the packaging.
03:04I think, actually, out of the packaging, he had closed fists.
03:07I did away with those right away with the idea of actually holding the nunchuck,
03:09but, unfortunately, the problem, though, still persists that he doesn't hold them all that well.
03:14If you actually look at the hands that he has...
03:16Well, actually, let's look at the other hands first of all.
03:18I mean, we already looked at the fact he does have closed fists.
03:20Those are nicely wrapped there as well.
03:22The colors, actually, for the wrappings are very close, in fact, to the nunchucks.
03:26That really nice dark chestnut brown.
03:28The figure also comes included with a pair of these hands, too.
03:31Now, I feel like these hands would be a little bit better for holding sai than holding nunchuck.
03:36The figure also comes included with a pair of relaxed hands,
03:39or you could say, as well, karate-choppin' hands.
03:41But, if you go back and look at these hands,
03:43I already have taken the liberty of putting back onto the forearms.
03:46These hands, I feel, don't accommodate these nunchucks well.
03:50If you look at them, you can see the way that the handles sort of just slide straight through them.
03:54Now, I could probably take a little bit of a hairdryer,
03:57either submerge these, I'm sure, in hot water.
04:00Again, just take a hairdryer and probably soften up the plastic.
04:02That might just help tighten up the grip just a little bit,
04:05but I do find the hands are a little too loose in the grip.
04:09Now, he does have, again, the means to hold both nunchuck,
04:12or he also has storage space, as he has these little slots there on the front of his vest.
04:17You basically take the two nunchuck and you put them together,
04:20as if you're taking the last two hot dog wieners out of the packaging.
04:24And you basically just take them together and you slide them all the way through.
04:29So, you have to basically slide them through this first loop
04:31and then just continue on their way until you slide them through the second loop.
04:34And you can do that on the same with both sides, too.
04:38You know what? We'll do that.
04:39Well, considering I wanted to show you guys what that looked like.
04:42We'll just put the two together.
04:44You just want to hold them together, so it's a lot easier just to slide them through the handles.
04:47These little loop-lings, by the way, would you call them loop-lings?
04:51These little loops on the front of his vest are tight quarters,
04:54so it's a little bit of a struggle to get the nunchucks in there.
04:57One thing, also, too, is when you're taking them back out,
04:59I find it helps to just push the bottoms of the handles,
05:02just to help assist to remove them.
05:04We'll do the same on the other side there, as well.
05:07Normally, though, I mean, with the way he grips the nunchuck,
05:10it isn't so much of a bad thing.
05:12The problem that I sort of had at the beginning of this review, though,
05:14is that with only the single hinge in his elbow,
05:17he technically does have, really, to be fair, a double hinge.
05:19The hinge is at the top, though.
05:20But he does technically also have a shoulder pad that kind of gets in the way,
05:24or an elbow pad that gets in the way.
05:25But with the grip not being tight,
05:27I did have a bit more of a struggle to kind of get the nunchucks in both of his hands.
05:31I mean, yeah, I could probably tighten up the grip a little bit,
05:33but if you wanted to have kind of that look
05:35where he's stretching out the nunchuck on both sides,
05:37it's a little hard, because when you're pulling the one,
05:40it tends to pull out the nunchuck handle from the other side.
05:42It is doable, though, as you can certainly see.
05:45It looks good. It looks good.
05:47Of course, we're just going to put the nunchuck to the side for right now.
05:50The one other included accessory that comes included with Michelangelo
05:53is that of an alternate head sculpt.
05:54The head sculpt isn't that far different, really, from the one that we start with.
05:58The only thing noticeably different, really, between the two
06:01is the fact that look at his mouth.
06:02The mouth is closed when you get in the defaulted head.
06:05The alternate one that comes out of the packaging
06:07has a mouth with a slightly showing grimace.
06:09Now, I think right away, something I did mention earlier, though,
06:13comparing these to the original Ronin figures,
06:15it almost seems like night and day.
06:16The more attention to detail is ever more apparent here in the original
06:20are the newer Turtles versus the original ones.
06:22The original ones were still good.
06:23I love the panel lining they've done, not only to both the head sculpts,
06:27as you'll see now, and obviously we'll look at the rest of the bodies there, too,
06:31all these little lines and indentations,
06:33the little scratchings that he has on the sides.
06:35He's also got two freckles on the back of his head there, too.
06:38There's a lot of good stuff that's gone into panel lining this guy.
06:41Now, to change out the head,
06:42it's just a case of taking the head that he has right now,
06:44popping it off the ball joint.
06:45He actually has a dumbbell ball joint,
06:47so that basically means there's a post,
06:48and then there's a ball joint and a ball joint.
06:50I always call it a dumbbell ball joint
06:51because it kind of looks like a dumbbell.
06:53We're just going to pop the new head in place.
06:55We want to make sure it's all the way on there.
06:56And I feel like, even though the heads are really close to one another,
06:59I mean, there's not a lot of difference.
07:01You could say, if making the argument,
07:03maybe they could have given a little more of an exaggerated face sculpt,
07:06a screaming face, something along those lines,
07:08but I think there's at least enough of a change
07:10that you can look at the two
07:11and just not think that they're identical pieces.
07:13I actually like this head sculpt really of the two.
07:16Now, again, like going back and looking at some of the things
07:18that are on this figure,
07:19not only have they panel lined the areas around his headbands,
07:22but also, as well, like all the things you'd expect in a comic,
07:25I feel get more attention here on the newer releases.
07:28You've got the freckles.
07:29You've got the lines there all across his face.
07:31Some nice additional panel lining around the furrowed areas of his brow
07:35make for a much more interesting figure
07:37that really does look like they spent a lot of time really, again,
07:41I keep using the word finessing,
07:42but they really took the time to really make this guy look like he did in the comics.
07:46Now, for what he's wearing, Michelangelo has all these layers.
07:49He still technically has a turtle shell,
07:51but the turtle shell essentially is part of his vest.
07:53The vest piece that he has,
07:56very much like a samurai style of armor.
07:58We've already looked at the fact that he has a little sloth on the front
08:00to store the nunchuck,
08:01but then he's got all these nice little pockets on the side.
08:04He's got a few little pouches there also on the back.
08:06Nothing really is storable, so you can't really take anything.
08:09You can't take anything out.
08:10You can't even put anything in,
08:11and he does also have a hood,
08:12but the hood is only there only by suggestion.
08:14You can't actually lift the hood up at all.
08:16It's all one piece.
08:17This piece, by the way, is a little more of a softer plastic.
08:20I was actually surprised that this could depress as much as it did
08:24because I thought there would be pretty much like a hard body underneath,
08:26and there would just be like a softer appliance over top,
08:28but there's actually a fair bit of give to the actual appliance
08:31or the rubber piece that they put over top of his body.
08:33It's pretty soft also on the back there too.
08:35You can see, by the way, I'm squeezing that in,
08:37but again, like the shell is there,
08:38but the shell is only really there as one piece with the hood,
08:40and all of this is kind of self-contained as one piece over top of his body.
08:44It looks good though.
08:45I think there's a lot of cool colors going on here,
08:47a lot of really kept to more earth colors,
08:49lots of browns, lots of oranges, lots of yellows.
08:52You can also see as well he's got the front half of his half shell
08:55on the front of his body.
08:56It's kind of just kind of a little more tucked in there.
08:58It's a little harder to make out.
09:00The nice wrappings there he has on the tops of his shoulders.
09:02Of course, he does have his elbow pads there
09:04and wrappings also around his forearms.
09:06There's a lot, again, good stuff going on here with Michelangelo
09:09as we will be looking at in the upcoming review of Leonardo.
09:12Leonardo, again, kind of keeps the colors
09:13kind of very much the same here as Michelangelo.
09:15Of course, there are going to be notable color changes
09:17instead of the orange bandana.
09:19It's going to obviously be the blue,
09:20but overall, again, really nice-looking figure.
09:22I'm really happy with how this one turned out.
09:24Now, the articulation on this guy is going to be
09:26about the same as what you would expect.
09:28If you were to close your eyes and kind of think,
09:29okay, he would have it here, he would have it here.
09:32I actually have my eyes closed right now.
09:34Here, here, okay.
09:35He basically has it where you would expect it to be.
09:37We already looked at the fact the figure does have a ball joint.
09:40It's one up here and it's one down here.
09:42Between the two, the figure does actually have
09:44quite a range to work with.
09:46Head looks back and forth.
09:47For all intents and purposes,
09:48you could rotate it all the way around as well,
09:50but the head looks down about that far,
09:51it looks up that high,
09:53and you can also move the head back and forth too.
09:55That's the benefit and one thing that I'm glad
09:57NECA does do a lot with, like that dumbbell ball joint system.
10:00A singular post would have worked just as fine,
10:02but to get really those low looks like this,
10:04that is really where that second ball joint comes to play.
10:07Now, when it comes to his arms,
10:09now the arms, I would think,
10:10would have been a little bit more limited,
10:11and they are a little more limited on this side
10:13than they are on this side for the obvious reasons
10:15that he has a lot less shoulder molding here on the sides.
10:18He's got a lot more going on on this side,
10:20so it means that you can't quite move his arms up as much.
10:23This could succeed as 90 degrees.
10:25This would succeed, I think, a little bit more at 45 degrees.
10:29The arms do, of course, rotate all the way around
10:31if you want to,
10:32and that obviously works on this side too.
10:34The figure does have a swivel in his bicep.
10:36He has what almost even looks like a single hinge,
10:39and that's maybe why I made the goof of saying
10:41it was a single hinge at the beginning of the review.
10:42In actual fact, he has actually a double hinge in his elbow,
10:45although, without dropping the head off...
10:47Let's just pop the head back in place.
10:48There we go.
10:49I didn't have it all the way on there.
10:51Looking at the back,
10:52that's really where you get the chance to see
10:54that there's a double hinge there on the elbow.
10:56The thing, unfortunately, about it, though,
10:57is that he has such bicep mass
10:59that it's impossible to bend the elbow at two points.
11:02I have that same similar problem.
11:04Hands rotate all the way around.
11:06You can also hinge them back and forth.
11:08The upper torso, though, there's a lot going on layer-wise.
11:11Manages still to pull off a full ball joint,
11:13so you can rotate that all the way around.
11:15Legs still succeed in splitting.
11:16About that far.
11:17You can take the legs and move forward.
11:18You can move them back.
11:19There's a swivel at the top of the thigh.
11:21Once again, you get a double hinge on the knee,
11:22but, I mean, to look at the hinge,
11:24the hinge is further down here.
11:25It's actually more closer to his calf.
11:27It doesn't really give you...
11:28I don't feel a successful double hinge,
11:30but I think for where the hinge actually is for the top,
11:33it's more than enough to get the bendability
11:35where you really want to get the figure.
11:37You know, as a side note, too,
11:38even though he doesn't have a lot of shell
11:40going on the back of the figure's body,
11:42I've noticed, though, he's very back-heavy.
11:44And it might just be with all the molding
11:45that they've got on the back here
11:47that probably just aids to help make the figure
11:49a little bit more stable, unstable,
11:51when it comes to getting this guy to stand.
11:53Just because, again, like, there's a lot more weight
11:54here on the back of the figure's body.
11:56But going back, though, down to the legs,
11:58the ankles do have an ankle rocker.
12:00You can pivot them back and forth this way as well.
12:02And if Casey do have problems, by the way,
12:04even though the figure doesn't come included with one,
12:06he does also have peg holes provided,
12:08supported on the palms of his heels.
12:10So you can have the figures displayed that way, too.
12:12All in all, though, I'm really happy,
12:13really happy with how this one turned out.
12:15Big fan of the last Ronin.
12:17And even though I really was a big fan, though,
12:18and just getting this guy to stand,
12:19even though I really was a big fan
12:21of the original last Ronin figures,
12:23the thing about it, though, is, again,
12:24like, the size difference is,
12:26it's hard to overlook the fact that
12:28if these are supposed to be, of course,
12:29the same characters, you would think
12:30that they would be of the same sizes.
12:32But I can almost even excuse it,
12:33because I think when it comes to
12:34displaying these on the shelf,
12:35I'm not likely going to be displaying
12:37Michelangelo with the other two last Ronins,
12:39which kind of, again, seems a little strange.
12:40You would think that you would kind of
12:41all kind of group them together.
12:43I think I'm rather going to be displaying
12:44Michelangelo with the future figures
12:46that we're going to be looking at
12:47on this channel, like the Leonardo,
12:48Casey Jones, Splinter.
12:49Because, like, as you'll see in those reviews,
12:51they have a very different approach to the design.
12:54A lot more paneling,
12:55a lot more attention to detail.
12:57Not to say that the other ones
12:58on either end, booked end,
12:59on either side of Michelangelo
13:00didn't have those in the first place,
13:01but you'll see.
13:03There's definitely a lot more vast improvements,
13:05I feel, to the finer details.
13:07The finer details, I think,
13:08is really where the new line
13:09of last Ronin figures are really going to shine.
13:11That I don't mind as much
13:13that they maybe aren't as scaled size-wise,
13:15at least with the other last Ronins,
13:17because I'm probably never going to
13:18display the figures with those anyways.
13:20Even though this is far from being
13:21the last of the last Ronin reviews on this channel,
13:23I did, though, want to start the series of reviews
13:25with, of course, Michelangelo,
13:26the last of the Turtles.
13:27Getting now, I feel, a chance to really shine.
13:29Not that I didn't have that chance before,
13:31but when you really look at
13:32the original last Ronin figures
13:33that we've got, like in the comics,
13:34there's very little of Michelangelo
13:36that you can really read.
13:37He loses his psyche, he loses his colors,
13:39all in favor of kind of more of a
13:41dark, brooding color scheme.
13:42This Michelangelo not only gets the chance
13:44to kind of get back to the idea
13:46of having an orange bandana
13:47to match the colors of his knee pads
13:48and elbow pads,
13:49but he also gets the chance
13:50to be Michelangelo again.
13:52Now, obviously, you can't overlook
13:54the one oversight,
13:55is the fact that the figure
13:56is a little bit shorter on stature,
13:57but, though, I feel like I'm okay
13:59with trading off the size differences
14:01in favor of what they're now doing
14:03with these NECA releases.
14:04NECA, I feel, has...
14:05Now, keeping in mind,
14:06those last Ronin figures
14:07weren't released that long ago,
14:08but I feel like there's leaps and bounds
14:10with what NECA's now done
14:11when it comes to the paint applications.
14:13To look at the two,
14:14I don't want to say it's night and day
14:15because the original last Ronins
14:16were fine figures,
14:17but to look at this one
14:18and really see all the very intricate
14:20line paneling that they've added
14:22to Michelangelo's face,
14:23all the little wrinkles on the sides,
14:25the little spots on the back of his head,
14:27not to mention his arms,
14:28not to mention in his armor.
14:29There's a lot more time and attention
14:31to detail that they've done,
14:32I feel, to this figure
14:33that maybe wasn't as much the case
14:35with the original last Ronins.
14:36I still like those figures,
14:38but I'm really excited
14:39for what we're going to be seeing here
14:40with the new last Ronin releases
14:42than all recent releases
14:43from the folks over at NECA Toys.
14:44Now, again, we are going to be looking
14:45at Leonardo, Splinter, Casey Jones.
14:48Those will all be coming up in the pipeline.
14:50But what do you guys, though, think of this?
14:51Do you mind at all the fact
14:52that this Michelangelo
14:53is going to be a little bit shorter in size
14:54than the original last Ronins?
14:55Do you kind of wish they were all in size?
14:57But what do you guys think overall?
14:58Do you think that NECA has really improved
15:00what they're doing with the paints?
15:01Like, the panel lining, again,
15:02is some of the best that I've seen,
15:04and I'm sure it will only continue that trend
15:06when we look at the other last Ronin figures.
15:08Big thank you once again
15:09to the folks over at NECA
15:10that did provide the sample
15:11of the last Ronin Michelangelo
15:13that we had the chance
15:14to have a look at this review.
15:15If you guys did enjoy this video,
15:16I want to throw it a like.
15:17If you guys don't want to stick around
15:18for the remaining reviews of the last Ronin,
15:20then make sure,
15:21if you haven't already done so,
15:22that you hit that subscribe button down below
15:24and you're turning on the bell notification.
15:26As always, guys, thanks for watching.
15:28See you guys next time.
15:30See you guys next time.
