A Different Man Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Aspiring actor Edward undergoes a radical medical procedure to drastically transform his appearance. But his new dream face quickly turns into a nightmare, as he loses out on the role he was born to play and becomes obsessed with reclaiming what was lost.
directed by Aaron Schimberg
starring Sebastian Stan, Renate Reinsve, Adam Pearson, C. Mason Wells, Owen Kline, Charlie Korsmo, Patrick Wang, Michael Shannon
release date September 20, 2024 (in theaters)
directed by Aaron Schimberg
starring Sebastian Stan, Renate Reinsve, Adam Pearson, C. Mason Wells, Owen Kline, Charlie Korsmo, Patrick Wang, Michael Shannon
release date September 20, 2024 (in theaters)
Short filmTranscript
00:00Hey man, I know you.
00:08What's your name?
00:10Do you work for Facebook?
00:11No, but I get this a lot.
00:14Oh hey, neighbor.
00:17People can be cruel, I imagine.
00:21All unhappiness in life comes from not accepting what is.
00:26You all told me that, Lady Gaga.
00:32This drug seems to have the potential to actually heal you.
00:35The implications are life-changing.
00:37The face has fallen off and Clum's, I'm sure it only looks like Clum's to you.
00:43Perhaps any potential risk is worth the reward?
00:47Look at this, look at this piece of man cake.
00:52And I believe my eyes.
00:55Hope you don't remember me.
00:59That guy's amazing.
01:00What do you know about him?
01:01Who is he?
01:02He's leading a double life.
01:03I'm getting the feeling I've messed things up for you.
01:11You know how we idealize people when we're in love?
01:13So I'm the idolized version of Oswald?
01:16It's kind of brilliant seeing you, who looks like you, but you're not yourself.
01:20Did you know?
01:24Let's just all start being honest with ourselves.
01:26Or friends.