Star Trek E02

  • 3 months ago
A survivor from a distressed Tellarite vessel pulls Captain Kirk and his crew into a moral quandary over her sovereignty.


00:00Rich to Captain Kirk.
00:29Yes, Lieutenant.
00:31We've received a distress signal from an unidentified vessel.
00:34Mr. Spock has requested your presence on the bridge.
00:39I'll be right there.
00:43We'll continue this later.
00:54Nora, anything new?
01:05Not yet, sir.
01:06The signal's automated.
01:07No live contact's been made.
01:10The ship is coming into range now, Captain.
01:16The vessel's tolerating design.
01:18Looks like a Begov-class private transport.
01:22New Zealand, sir.
01:23Instant Tangaroa. I just transferred from the Hood.
01:26Spent some time studying ship designs of different coaches.
01:28Very good.
01:30There should be a crew.
01:32Typically three or four. Six maximum.
01:36Scanning now, Captain.
01:39I'm reading a single humanoid life form.
01:42Vital signs are erratic. Life support systems are failing.
01:47Uhura, have the sick bay standing by.
01:49Aye, sir.
01:50It may not be prudent to beam aboard an unknown life form, Captain.
01:53But you said vital signs were erratic.
01:55Yes, sir, I did.
01:57And life support systems failing?
01:59Yes, sir.
02:01Uhura, send security to the transporter room.
02:05Transporter room.
02:06Go ahead, sir.
02:07Stand by to receive coordinates from Mr. Spock and beam the life form aboard.
02:10Mr. Spock, would you care to join me?
02:14Mr. Scott, you have the bridge.
02:18How strange.
02:41Jinx, Captain.
02:42Jinx, Mr. Spock. It's something people used to shout when they said the same thing at the same time.
02:46The life form could not be confirmed as Tellarite, but knowing the volatile nature of that species...
02:50I would recommend caution.
02:53See? You've got it already.
03:07Security alert. We have an intruder aboard.
03:09Seal off deck four, section 12A through F.
03:16Let's go.
03:35Space. The final frontier.
03:46The final voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
03:49Its continuing mission.
03:51To explore strange new worlds.
03:54To seek out new life and new civilizations.
03:58To boldly go where no man has gone before.
04:35Captain's log, stardate 6154.1.
04:38Due to a serious breach in transporter room protocol, the Enterprise has acquired an unexpected stowaway.
04:44We won't harm you. We're your friends.
04:46You're on the Federation Starship Enterprise. I'm Captain Kirk.
04:50It's all right. It's all right.
04:53He's our chief of security, Drake. He won't harm you either.
04:57Give me the knife.
05:01It's always best not to stab your friends.
05:13Well, that could have gone smoother.
05:16Weaponry often complicates negotiations.
05:20What was an Orion slave girl doing on a Tellarite ship?
05:35Bones, did she give you any trouble?
05:37She was confused when she came to, but she settled down during our tests.
05:41The bruising and contusions indicate she has been in a scrap.
05:45I also detected traces of blood that are not hers.
05:49Not that I can get a word out of her to confirm any of that.
05:52Captain, further scans of the transport reveal the bodies of three Tellarites.
05:56The answers we're looking for are over there.
05:58Agreed. You and Mr. Spock beam over and see what you can find out.
06:01Also, the Orion girl has been tattooed with an index symbol.
06:05We were able to use the symbol to obtain a partial trace.
06:09She was sold four days ago to a Tellarite merchant by the name Sev-Bim-Jor.
06:14The ship set out with four passengers.
06:16She was purchased directly from one of Orion's wealthiest traders.
06:19Apparently someone wasn't too happy with the transaction.
06:22There is the only one still alive able to confirm that.
06:27Careful, Captain. The power of the Orion pheromones...
06:30Spock, it's...
06:31All right.
06:36What's your name?
06:39We'd like to help you, but we need to know your name and what happened.
06:50You're losing your touch, Jim.
06:52I know she can hear. Maybe she can't understand us. Maybe she can't speak.
06:58Most likely discouraged from doing so.
07:00Approximately 70 years ago, Orion women held dominion over the men.
07:04But in a revolt and after a civil war, the men gained control.
07:09Rather than abolish the slave trade, they continued it, and in many ways, made it worse.
07:15The women are bred with no education or opportunity.
07:18In part to keep them subservient, and in part out of revenge.
07:22First, the men are slaves to the women, then the women slaves to the men.
07:27Why does anyone have to be a slave to anyone?
07:29Gentlemen, Dr. McCoy requested my presence.
07:33I thought her expertise would be useful in establishing communication with our patient.
07:37Yes, of course. Either she can't speak or won't speak.
07:40Well, it's hard to believe she spent years around slave traders without picking up any language at all.
07:52My name is Lolani.
07:54Please don't be angry with me. I apologize if I've harmed anyone.
07:58Not knowing if you were friend or foe, I remained silent and listened.
08:03I was born and raised off-world.
08:05When my parents died suddenly, I was returned back to Orion and forced into slavery.
08:12The things they did to me.
08:15The things I was forced to do.
08:18I'm so sorry.
08:19Please don't send me back there. You have no idea what it's like.
08:22Easy, easy, Lolani.
08:25We'll do anything we can to help you.
08:28For now, you're safe and you're free.
08:48If she's medically cleared, maybe we could move her to guest quarters.
08:54Are you sure, Captain?
08:55It's fine.
08:57It sounds like a wonderful idea.
08:59This is Dr. McKenna.
09:01Doctor, if you would accompany her.
09:04It would be my pleasure.
09:06So, according to Chief Drake's report, you have an Orion girl on your ship,
09:10and three dead Tellarites aboard another.
09:12That's correct.
09:13The girl was the property of one of the Tellarites at the time of their death.
09:17She was wounded in some sort of assault.
09:21If we can confirm that the Tellarites were culpable,
09:24could she be granted some sort of asylum?
09:27The Orion system is a very complex system.
09:30If we can confirm that the Tellarites were culpable,
09:32could she be granted some sort of asylum?
09:34The Orion system is not a member of the Federation.
09:37Their law clearly states that the girl reverts back to the property of the one who sold her.
09:43We cannot participate in any act that would be perceived as a challenge to their sovereignty.
09:48Yes, but for the time being, she can...
09:50The girl's owner has already been notified and is en route to you.
09:54He will rendezvous with the Enterprise in approximately 32 hours.
09:59Captain, the Federation certainly does not condone the slavery of any life form,
10:05but we cannot risk an interstellar incident over one girl.
10:10Continue your investigation, but I can make no promises.
10:16I understand, Commander.
10:18Enterprise out.
10:21Those are some pretty nasty bruises.
10:25Are you sure you're okay for a walk?
10:27You're kind to ask, but we Orions are built quite sturdily.
10:31Of that I have no doubt.
10:33What a beautiful ship.
10:35And men and women working alongside each other equally.
10:38Well, the Federation sees no difference between the rights and abilities of men and women.
10:42But biologically and chemically, we're not the same.
10:45The Federation sees no difference between the rights and abilities of men and women.
10:48But biologically and chemically, we're not the same.
10:51One gender isn't stronger than the other?
10:55We're each individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses,
10:58but we're not defined by our gender.
11:04That sounds like a dream.
11:06One I've had many a night.
11:10It's a good dream, Lolani.
11:12One worth holding on to.
11:16And this is the command bridge.
11:20Usually, everyone is working.
11:22Doctor, what brings you to the bridge?
11:25I was just giving Lolani a small tour of the ship,
11:28but I hadn't anticipated it would be such a distraction.
11:38Not at all. Just another day at the office.
11:42Not at all. Just another day at the office.
11:45Feel free to have a look around.
11:47Well, hello there. I'm Montgomery Scott, chief engineer of this entire ship.
11:51I make sure everything functions correctly.
11:54That sounds like a very important job.
11:56Aye, it is. Would you care to see my station, lassie?
12:06Did you hear from Starfleet?
12:08I did.
12:09And what did they say?
12:10We're allowed to continue our investigation,
12:12but as far as she's concerned, our hands appear to be tied.
12:16So you're giving up?
12:18I'm not giving up.
12:19Sounds like you're giving up.
12:20I'm not giving up.
12:21There was resignation in your voice, Captain.
12:23Sir, we cannot simply return this girl to a life of servitude and slavery.
12:27Doctor McKenna, you're new to this ship,
12:30so I'll excuse you for not understanding,
12:32but when I say I'll do everything I can, I'll do everything I can.
12:35Do you always challenge each other in this manner?
12:39Uh, no. Not always.
12:42Why do you ask?
12:44Well, I read in some cultures,
12:46sex challenging between males and females is considered a mating ritual.
12:54Not in this culture.
12:56Yes. I mean, no. No, yes to the no.
12:59Captain, Chief Drake is hailing from the Tellarite ship.
13:03Pipe it down to the briefing room. I'll take it there.
13:05Aye, sir.
13:06Ladies, if you'll excuse me.
13:07Of course, Captain.
13:11Did I say something wrong?
13:13Oh, no. You were simply making an observation.
13:17I observed something else as well.
13:19You did?
13:20Women in uniform command the respect of their peers.
13:23You can tell a lot about someone from what they wear.
13:29I've got something for you I think you're really going to like.
13:33What is it?
13:35The mercenaries were engaged in a firefight,
13:38which compromised both the navigational and life support systems.
13:42And what about the merchant, Sev... Bin...
13:45Sev Bin Jor. Therein lies the mystery.
13:48He did not die from a phaser,
13:50but from a deep puncture wound to his throat.
13:53From something like a dagger.
13:55The mercenaries also had daggers,
13:57but neither appears to have been used.
13:59There are traces of Lolani's DNA under their fingernails.
14:02I believe she was more involved in this incident than she has revealed.
14:06All right.
14:08See what other information you can gather and return to the ship.
14:11I'll see what I can gather from here.
14:13Aye, Captain.
14:23Come in.
14:32How are you enjoying your quarters?
14:35They're lovely.
14:36I'm feeling very spoiled, Captain.
14:39I'm glad.
14:40I brought you a book.
14:41You said on the bridge that you read, I thought you might enjoy it.
14:44A gift?
14:46Thank you. What's it about?
14:48It's about a once great Earth civilization that collapsed from within due to its own moral decay.
14:54That sounds like something that could happen on Orion.
14:57Could happen in any culture, where people forget the ideals that made them great.
15:02I also have some questions.
15:04I'm sure. Please, sit.
15:08It's in my nature to be a good hostess,
15:10and since you've given me such a beautiful room to host,
15:13that's the use in fighting our natures.
15:17We learned that the mercenaries were killed at each other's hands.
15:21That's not a question, Captain.
15:24We also learned that the merchant was killed by a knife wound to the throat.
15:28Also not a question.
15:30You are bad at this, Captain.
15:32From a knife like the one you brought on board.
15:37You need to tell me what happened.
15:42What happened?
15:49They began touching me.
15:54The one who bought me got angry and they started fighting.
16:01I hid in the corner and closed my eyes.
16:04There was so much yelling and fighting.
16:12When the noise stopped, I opened my eyes and they were all dead.
16:16I'm glad you're alright, but that story isn't consistent with the facts.
16:21What does it matter what happened, really?
16:23If you were enslaved, wouldn't you be grateful just to be free?
16:26I would, but the truth always matters.
16:31The one who sold you is on his way here.
16:35Zamenhof? Please, no.
16:38He is a brutal man.
16:40A brutal, vicious monster who abuses his slaves.
16:43There's still...
16:44Please don't send me back to him.
16:46I was bound and now I'm free.
16:50I was numb and now I can feel.
16:54I was paralyzed and now I can dance.
17:00I'm free.
17:19This is a bad idea.
17:20This is the best idea.
17:22A free man, a free woman.
17:25We can go anywhere and do anything.
17:27You're free to do whatever you like.
17:43You'll protect me, won't you, Captain?
17:45Please don't let him take me away.
17:47Bridge to Captain Kirk.
17:49Bridge to Captain Kirk.
17:58Bridge to Captain Kirk.
18:01Kirk here. What is it, Lieutenant?
18:03Mr. Spock and Chief Drake have returned from the Tellarite ship.
18:07Have them meet me on the bridge.
18:09Aye, sir.
18:12That was wrong of me.
18:15I know what you're trying to do, but seducing me is not the answer.
18:19No, Captain. That was wrong of me.
18:22I'm sorry.
18:24Some habits die hard.
18:27You're right about one thing, Alani.
18:31Everyone has the right to be free.
18:34I wish it didn't matter what happened on that ship, but unfortunately it does.
18:43I'll do whatever I can to help you.
18:46I promise.
19:10Are you lost? Do you need help with anything?
19:14This is where I'm going to have to leave your ship forever.
19:19I'm sorry.
19:20It's not your fault.
19:22I should be the one apologizing to you.
19:25I held a knife to your throat.
19:28You remember me?
19:30I cannot forget this face.
19:32Or the man attached to it.
19:35Does this man have a name?
19:38Kenway. Matthew.
19:41Matthew, a monster is coming to take me back to Orion.
19:45Please don't let him.
19:48Please? I will go anywhere as long as it's away from him.
19:53I would feel much safer here with you.
19:57I cannot deny the attraction I felt the moment I saw you.
20:03How can I help you?
20:06What if we were to fly away together?
20:10Just the two of us?
20:14A more detailed forensic analysis of the crime scene reveals that only one of the Tellarites was killed by another.
20:21The merchant Sev Bim Jor and the second mercenary were killed by a fourth participant.
20:27You're certain?
20:28There is no evidence of any recent docking or transport from another ship.
20:34It appears to be the only logical explanation.
20:37I know that Orion women can be very persuasive and we mustn't allow ourselves to be deceived.
20:42She is no longer an unfortunate slave, Captain.
20:45She could be a murderer.
21:11Captain, the shuttlecraft bay doors have been activated.
21:14On whose authority?
21:15None that I'm aware.
21:16Could it be?
21:17Seal the doors. Have security meet me at the hangar deck.
21:20Roger, Drake.
21:40Captain, I'll deal with you in a minute.
21:44Some habits die hard.
21:46I would do anything to keep from going back to Orion.
21:49This isn't his fault. He was only trying to protect me.
21:51Confine her to quarters.
21:53Post a guard there. I'm revoking her free-roaming privileges.
21:56Yes, Captain.
21:57Matthew, forgive me!
22:00Stand down, crewman.
22:02Please, you gotta let me help her. Please, Captain, we can't let her be a slave again to anyone!
22:06Get a hold of yourself, mister!
22:09I may have to tolerate the sovereignty of alien worlds, but what I won't tolerate is insubordination on my ship!
22:15Captain, you're confined to quarters until your next duty shift.
22:19And you're not to go near that girl again. Do you understand?
22:21But, Captain...
22:22Do you understand?!
22:24Yes, sir.
22:27Chief, see that he gets there.
22:29Captain, please.
22:36Kirk to sickbay.
22:38Sickbay. McCoy here, Captain.
22:40Bones, is there anything that can protect our crewman against the effects of the Orion pheromones?
22:44Actually, there is. Ship-wide inoculation can be ready at your command.
22:48Why? What's up, Jim?
22:49Never mind. Just start inoculating immediately.
22:52Kirk out.
23:01Where's Lolani?
23:06Isn't it lovely?
23:08Dr. McKenna gave it to me.
23:10She said it's what ladies wear on other exotic worlds.
23:15I feel almost like a princess.
23:17You look lovely.
23:21Captain, I'm sorry for what I did.
23:24Even though I'm desperate to remain free, I shouldn't have manipulated your crewman.
23:28It won't happen again.
23:29No, it won't.
23:31Dr. McCoy has inoculated the crew against the effects of your pheromones.
23:35That really isn't necessary.
23:37We think it was.
23:39We've pieced together most of what happened on the Tellarite ship,
23:41but there's one important piece of information still missing.
23:44I told you everything I know. I told them everything I remember.
23:48Captain, it's not uncommon for someone who's been traumatized to block out memories that are just too painful.
23:55It's entirely possible she's simply not conscious of everything that happened.
23:59That's why Mr. Spock is here.
24:01I don't understand.
24:04If you'll permit me, I will connect with your mind and reveal any additional information.
24:11It won't hurt you in any way.
24:13I'll be here with you the whole time.
24:16Please trust us, Lelani.
24:21I trust you.
24:33I trust you.
24:47Our minds are coming together.
24:55I see what you see.
24:59I feel what you feel.
25:04I feel what you feel.
25:09They're looking at me.
25:16They come towards me.
25:21One touches me.
25:26Then the other.
25:30They're fighting.
25:32They're fighting.
25:34Seven endure protests, but they overpower him.
25:45One is on top.
25:53I reach for his gun.
25:57I fire.
26:07Seven doors wounded.
26:10Begging for help.
26:14There's a knife in my hand.
26:27Will you report that I'm a murderer?
26:30Will you send me to some Federation prison?
26:34You're not subject to our laws.
26:36And besides, you were defending yourself as anyone in your situation would do.
26:41But you will send me back.
26:43The bruises on my body are not from the Tellerites.
26:46Zamenhof beats his slaves.
26:48What is he going to do to me when I go back there?
26:50And the others like me, they don't even know any better.
26:53They think they deserve it.
26:55We are not diplomats, Lolange.
26:58We do not have the authority to...
27:00To do what?
27:02To make a difference in the unbearable hell that is the slave trade on my planet?
27:06Well, I could.
27:07I could be the voice for women who have none.
27:11Not if you send me back in chains.
27:15Please, Captain.
27:25How long before Zamenhof's ship arrives?
27:27His course and speed puts him there at any moment.
27:29And then what?
27:30We just hand her over as if she's property?
27:33Under Orion law, she is.
27:36We do not have the right...
27:37Spock, you of all people.
27:40You saw what happened to her.
27:42You felt it.
27:44Isn't that bigger than some planet's immoral law?
27:47I confess I...
27:51was unprepared for the anguish I experienced during my mind meld with Lolange.
27:57I empathize with her.
27:59And there are many more like her.
28:02And don't we empathize with all beings who are forced into slavery?
28:05But there are other things to consider.
28:08Such as?
28:09She's dangerous.
28:11She brandished a knife at the Captain.
28:13She attempted to steal a shuttlecraft.
28:15Dr. McCoy had to inoculate the entire crew to protect against her.
28:19That's true.
28:20But you can't condemn her for her body's own natural physiology.
28:23Especially if she's only using it to try to gain her freedom.
28:26And can you imagine what will happen to her when she's returned?
28:30Considering all that she's done just to escape.
28:34The Orions are not known for their civility, gentlemen.
28:38She could be beaten to death.
28:41Starfleet isn't here.
28:43If they were, perhaps they'd see things differently.
28:46But they'd still be bound by the same laws that we are.
28:51Captain, Orion vessel approaching with one passenger on board.
28:54He's signaling he's ready for transport.
28:56Have the transporter room stand by. We're on our way.
28:59Isn't there something we can do?
29:09We'll treat him with all the proper courtesy and serve him a civilized dinner he won't soon forget.
29:17All right, gentlemen. Are we ready?
29:19Something's not sitting right in my gut about this, sir.
29:22Well, your gut may be right, Scotty. We'll find out soon enough.
29:25Treating someone with respect with whom we philosophically disagree is an intriguing strategy.
29:30It will be interesting to see how he responds should we not return his property.
29:34Well, we may have no choice, Spock.
29:37Lockdown, sir.
29:46I'm Captain James Kirk. Welcome aboard the Enterprise, son of a gun.
30:15Captain Kirk. It's an honor to board your fair ship.
30:18It's an honor to have you, sir.
30:20Oh, no, no, no. You're the captain. I'm just but a small, simple businessman.
30:25It's a shame I can't stay longer.
30:27I'm delighted to hear you say that. We've prepared a dinner in anticipation of your arrival.
30:31We'd love to know more about you and your people.
30:34I've never been the one to turn down a free meal.
30:37Much less in the company of these revered men.
30:42This is my chief medical officer, Dr. Leonard McCoy.
30:45My chief engineer, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott.
30:48And my first officer, Commander Spock, will escort you to dinner personally.
30:54Welcome. Very good. Lead on, mister.
31:00Spock. Yes, of course.
31:03I'll join you shortly.
31:05Take as much time as you want, Captain.
31:12Now that was unexpected.
31:14He seems nice. Put us late today, then.
31:22Kenway, you're supposed to be in your quarters.
31:24I've been cleared to return to duty.
31:26I mean, besides, we've all been inoculated anyway, so the Orion woman, she's not a threat.
31:32All right. I'm to deliver a message regarding her owner.
31:36I can show you a copy of my orders if you'd like.
31:40That's not necessary. I'll be right outside.
31:49I had to see you.
31:51You did? I was hoping to see you again as well.
31:56I wish there was some way I could help you.
31:59Can you make me disappear?
32:01Can you make Zaminhon disappear?
32:04When he takes me away, my dream of ending the horror of Orion slave trade will die.
32:11And your captain is going to let that happen?
32:14Captain Kirk is a good man.
32:16But he can't disobey Starfleet orders. He'd lose his command.
32:20I read once, the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
32:28Can you let that happen?
32:30How can someone like me prevent it?
32:32Someone like you?
32:34I hate what's happening to you and those on your planet, but what can I do about it?
32:39What can I do? I'm nobody.
32:42If I've learned anything, it's everyone is someone.
32:46That's the message that needs to reach others like me.
32:51I feel like I'm screaming and no one can hear me!
32:55I hear you!
32:59I hear you.
33:10But I'm sorry.
33:15I'm sorry.
33:17I'm sorry.
33:34What is this delicious meat?
33:37It is an earth vegetable. It is called eggplant.
33:40Wonderful! It tastes almost like a wing slug.
33:44There's also a scream when it's boiled.
33:48No, it does not.
33:51And what is this beverage?
33:53It's an earth wine called Shiraz.
33:55I can't take the alcohol.
33:57I should've can.
34:00So, I'm curious, Zamenhahn.
34:02The females of your species release a powerful pheromone that I had to inoculate the crew against.
34:07It's clear you did that, Doctor.
34:09Are the males of your species gifted with a similar biochemical control?
34:13Being under the protection of females for decades hindered us from developing into their level of potency.
34:19But yes, we do have a certain natural scent that can attract the desired mate.
34:31Leilani says you're a brutal monster.
34:40Captain, she's a very troubled girl.
34:43I don't expect you to know any more about her history than she would teach you to.
34:47I treat her well.
34:49All my girls, they're all well cared for.
34:52Please forgive Mr. Scott for his lack of sensitivity.
34:55No apology necessary.
34:58I've got 218 slaves.
35:01More than any other on Orion.
35:03Beautiful girls. Beautiful.
35:05They provide pleasure and passion throughout the galaxy.
35:08I estimate that basic practices will be of interest to you.
35:12I'm happy to be an ambassador for my culture.
35:15Don't hold back. Just ask me any question.
35:20It's my understanding that the Orion people have practiced slavery since the discovery of fire.
35:26Surely it wasn't a universally accepted concept?
35:29Perhaps it even caused a war or two in your early tribal culture?
35:34The Orions never cared to chronicle our history in great detail.
35:38How do you ever expect to learn from it?
35:40Easy, Doctor.
35:41I mean, who are we to judge a system that has worked for the Orions for hundreds of years?
35:46I've heard that your females are actually quite comfortable and happy in their standing.
35:51That's right, Captain.
35:52You know, after the Civil War, our women had no purpose.
35:56It fell upon the men to give them direction.
35:58They're next to animals without it.
36:00Now that, I can understand.
36:04Take Doctor McKenna here.
36:06She's obstinate when she doesn't get her own way.
36:09She certainly benefits from my guidance as a man.
36:16I'm wondering...
36:19How much would you pay for her?
36:24Excuse me?
36:25How much is she worth?
36:26She could be your 219th.
36:29No, I couldn't put a price on it.
36:32This woman's educated, refined, civilized.
36:35Slavery's not for her kind.
36:37But she challenges me, Zamenhain.
36:39She questions my authority on and on.
36:41Captain, don't be unreasonable.
36:43She's clearly learned and capable.
36:45And what about Lolani?
36:48She's as learned and capable as any Starfleet officer.
36:52Animals do not thirst for knowledge and strive to better themselves.
36:56She's consumed a wealth of learning as you've consumed your food, Zamenhain.
37:00She's not a slave.
37:02She's a woman.
37:03And even without the knowledge, education, beauty, talent,
37:08she is still a woman with a fundamental right to be free.
37:18Captain, you're a shrewd one.
37:21I like you.
37:23But the hour's late,
37:25and we're not going to change each other's minds over a fine dinner.
37:28With your permission, Captain,
37:30I'd like to take my leave and return with my...
37:46But not unexpected.
37:49I'm sorry, Doctor.
37:51I was simply trying to illustrate a point.
37:54What did you hope to accomplish, sir?
37:56Well, I hoped that if he saw Lolani the way we do,
37:59perhaps he wouldn't take her away.
38:02Well, it didn't appear to work.
38:06Any other ideas?
38:12I believe it may be time to say goodbye.
38:21I'll tell her.
38:38Greetings, friend.
38:40Thank you for caring for my dear girl.
38:42You're free to go.
38:43I'll take care of her.
38:45I'm going to have to check with the Captain first.
38:47Certainly. Whatever pleases you, friend.
38:57Well, well, well.
38:59Look at you.
39:01You have them eating out of your hair.
39:05I'm a brutal monster?
39:08How dare you humiliate me?
39:11When I get you back, you're going to regret
39:13the day you ever imagined yourself as anything but a slave!
39:18And then, this earthen costume
39:21changed into the covering of the chain worn underneath.
39:25And you'll be punished until you've earned your right!
39:48Do it! Bleed me out!
39:50Reveal to them the animal you really are!
39:55Go on! Go on! Come on!
40:07You're lucky you're still alive, Captain.
40:09You had no right to interfere.
40:11This is my property!
40:12Civilized men do not treat people as property.
40:15But if that's all you understand...
40:20How much do you want for her?
40:23Lelani! I wish to buy her from you.
40:25First you condemn my trade, then you wish to partake in it?
40:28Do you wish her free from you by any means?
40:33Because it pleases me to deny you!
40:35I perceive you win too much, Captain.
40:37You will not win this one.
40:39Whatever the Tellarites paid you, I'll match it!
40:41I will not sell her to you for all the gold in the mines of Deliver!
40:44Now Captain Kirk, you stand aside
40:46and beam us back to my ship.
40:48Or when I'm done with you and your starfleet,
40:50you'll be lucky to command a gob of steel!
40:58I shouldn't have to tell you
41:00that what you did was completely irresponsible.
41:03It was practically akin to striking a political figure.
41:06Zahman Han is a powerful man.
41:08His actions prove that we are condemning this girl
41:11to a life of physical and mental torture.
41:13And that is a matter for the diplomats, Captain.
41:16And what about the families of the slain Tellarites?
41:19Do they not deserve justice as well?
41:22Commodore, the Tellarites were abusing her.
41:25She was fighting for her safety, her freedom!
41:27The Federation will not commit an act of war over one slave.
41:34Captain, you will return Zahman Han
41:36and the slave girl Lolani to his ship immediately.
41:39You have your orders. Starfleet out.
41:56Thank you for the fine dinner, Captain.
41:59And the sense to follow orders.
42:02May our paths never cross again.
42:50Permission to leave my post, Captain.
42:56McCoy told me he inoculated the crew.
43:03He did, sir.
43:24I'll do whatever I can to help you. I promise.
43:27Please don't send me back there. You have no idea what it's like.
43:30She's a woman with a fundamental right to be free.
43:33The Federation will not commit an act of war over one slave.
43:37Her name is Lolani.
43:54All hands, this is the Captain.
43:57I'm about to violate a direct order from Starfleet Command.
44:05I take full responsibility for this action.
44:08And my log will reflect that none of the crew are complicit.
44:15Any of you had the opportunity over the last few days
44:18to look at the log?
44:21Any of you had the opportunity over the last few days
44:24to meet the young Orion girl that was aboard?
44:27Her name is Lolani.
44:31Shisulu, three-quarter impulse speed.
44:35Close the distance to Zaminon's ship.
44:38Bring us within transporter range.
44:41Transporter room, stand by to beam Lolani aboard.
44:51We're in transporter range now, Captain.
44:54Transporter room!
45:20Transporter room, stand by.
46:58If you've found this recording, it means I have failed.
47:02I am dead.
47:04I did not wish for my life to end this way.
47:07But I thought it was the only means left
47:09to send a message to those who enslave others.
47:12My death will mean nothing.
47:14But perhaps Zaminon's death will light a fire
47:17in my people and their allies.
47:19Those who witness inhumanity and do not act.
47:25The message of hope must go on.
47:28It must reach Orion.
47:30Thousands of young Orion girls
47:33are longing and desperate to live free.
47:36To dream.
47:38To fly.
47:40It is obvious I will not be the one to carry that message,
47:43though I pray another will.
47:46If we remain silent to the cruelties that surround us,
47:50we will lose a part of ourselves.
47:52The part that feels.
47:54That stands up for injustice.
47:57The part that loves.
47:59May this not be the end, but a beginning.
48:04Freedom at all costs.
48:24Permission to take an extended leave, Captain.
48:27To visit family.
48:33Would this family
48:35happen to be anywhere near the Orion system?
48:46Yes, sir.
48:48Yes, it would.
48:55Thank you, sir.
49:04You may need this.
49:16You may need this.
49:46You may need this.
49:48You may need this.
49:50You may need this.
49:52You may need this.
49:54You may need this.
49:56You may need this.
49:58You may need this.
50:00You may need this.
50:02You may need this.
50:04You may need this.
50:06You may need this.
50:08You may need this.
50:10You may need this.
50:12You may need this.
50:14You may need this.
50:16You may need this.
50:18You may need this.
50:20You may need this.
50:22You may need this.
50:24You may need this.
50:26You may need this.
50:28You may need this.
50:30You may need this.
50:32You may need this.
50:34You may need this.
50:36You may need this.
50:38You may need this.
50:40You may need this.
50:42You may need this.
50:44You may need this.
50:46You may need this.
