Capítulo 71 - Desafío XX años

  • 2 months ago
Capítulo 71 - Desafío XX años


00:00:00Dia 71
00:00:30I'm for diggin. I'm a cita linda
00:00:34It's been a very nice
00:00:40He last pregunta de la gente porque van a surgir muchas preguntas porque la entrevista y eso como es
00:00:46Como insiste que tal soy a la entidad que le va a querer saber demasiado
00:00:51todo se un cambio
00:00:54pero un señor cambio
00:00:58Yo por mi lado digamos
00:01:00Cuando yo a un concurso de culturismo pues si la gente se tomaba foto conmigo pero por mi físico pero como tal
00:01:08Nunca habían conocido como la persona que era hercules va a ser curioso que se me acerque gente
00:01:14Diciendo ya usted es hercules el desafío
00:01:19El que casi se ahoga la piscina
00:01:21Ha ha ha
00:01:23Papi aquel único que decía algo por bueno y será yo todos que decía no se malo
00:01:29Entonces se les ha todo si yo pa que vamos a charcar a santiago y el bally mira a cualquiera que le ponga
00:01:34y yo trata de manejo a todo el mundo que decía
00:01:38En o que no a veces decían que no a bueno entonces póngalo pues pero nunca lo pusimos
00:01:44I don't know if I'm good or bad.
00:01:46I'm not a high-performance athlete.
00:01:49I don't have to prove anything to anyone here.
00:01:51You can say whoever you want,
00:01:53but you come to me in this instance,
00:01:56and you say,
00:01:57El Azhar is not necessary in this instance.
00:02:01I was thinking,
00:02:02I'm a great blocker in the final,
00:02:04and I can do it.
00:02:05I can do it.
00:02:06I can do it.
00:02:07I can do it.
00:02:08I can do it.
00:02:09I can do it.
00:02:10I can do it.
00:02:11I'm a great blocker in the final,
00:02:13and I can do it.
00:02:14And what did you win?
00:02:16What are you going to say?
00:02:17No, man.
00:02:18Look at Luisa.
00:02:20Luisa was very good in all the boxes.
00:02:23For me, Luisa is the best of all.
00:02:25She almost stayed in that little thing,
00:02:26jumping on a piece of shit.
00:02:27That was just jumping.
00:02:28She was injured, man.
00:02:29That was just jumping.
00:02:30She still played the ball.
00:02:33The tongue is the blow of the ****, man.
00:02:36That's the word.
00:02:37This is used to regulate the frequency of energy,
00:02:41to relax,
00:02:43to disconnect from reality,
00:02:45and to let go of many negative things
00:02:49that may not let us flow.
00:02:52We're going to let go of the body,
00:02:54to relax the legs,
00:02:55the feet,
00:02:56the hands.
00:02:58We're going to take a deep breath,
00:03:00inhale deeply through the nose,
00:03:02and exhale through the mouth.
00:03:08And exhale.
00:03:12We're going to feel the pulsations of our body,
00:03:15we're going to move the fingers of our hands,
00:03:18to be aware that we are complete,
00:03:21that we have nothing missing,
00:03:23that we are fortunate to be here,
00:03:25to live,
00:03:26to enjoy.
00:03:28We're going to think that we are achieving
00:03:30all those victories that we desire,
00:03:32that we long for,
00:03:34that we believe we deserve.
00:03:36We're going to think that we have materialized them,
00:03:39and that we already have them.
00:03:41We're going to reconnect again with the now,
00:03:44with our companions,
00:03:45with our Casa Beta,
00:03:47and that from now on,
00:03:49we wish and declare that we are going to flow
00:03:52in the frequency of love,
00:03:54of gratitude,
00:03:55of companionship,
00:03:57of communication.
00:03:59We're going to open our eyes
00:04:01and connect with the now.
00:04:03Today we're going to open our eyes,
00:04:05where we win with the guests.
00:04:07We're going to open our eyes.
00:04:09We have to keep opening our eyes.
00:04:11A very big door will open,
00:04:13because one of the towers would go away.
00:04:15A window would open.
00:04:17We would be four again.
00:04:24Hey, guys.
00:04:26Oh, it's so good.
00:04:28It's so good.
00:04:29Just for this sun that is rising.
00:04:31If you have a sunburn,
00:04:33you have to...
00:04:34Yes, you have to always protect yourself.
00:04:36Apply it.
00:04:37And you know what?
00:04:39This is a product that always hydrates the skin too much.
00:04:41I love it.
00:04:42And it leaves you moisturized.
00:04:43That's what I like the most,
00:04:44that it leaves you moisturized.
00:04:45That's right.
00:04:46I love it.
00:04:47And it smells.
00:04:48I feel like it revitalizes my skin.
00:04:50Vegetable extracts,
00:04:52aloe vera,
00:04:55green tea,
00:04:56and elastin.
00:04:58This doesn't leave you white.
00:05:00No, nothing like that.
00:05:02before what you put in,
00:05:03an increased amount of athens.
00:05:05How wonderful.
00:05:06Thank you, Sundar.
00:05:18Challengers, good morning.
00:05:19We already have the first duel confirmed
00:05:22for the next challenge to death.
00:05:25Mappy versus Glock.
00:05:27Mappy, I remember that the last time
00:05:29you were sentenced,
00:05:30you said that if you were to leave,
00:05:32you would like to leave
00:05:33facing a big one.
00:05:35What was the slogan
00:05:36to put this vest on Glock?
00:05:37As I said in the previous challenge,
00:05:40the people who stayed here,
00:05:41we are all full of capacities.
00:05:43Here, we all have capacities and qualities.
00:05:47We are going to leave everything,
00:05:48and that's the beauty of the black box,
00:05:50to see two people who are giving their all.
00:05:53There, we will simply be two warriors
00:05:55giving absolutely everything we have
00:05:57with that burning heart to stay
00:05:59and it will be a very beautiful night
00:06:01that I am very grateful to be able to live with her.
00:06:04In the meantime,
00:06:05Arandu is still waiting for his opponent
00:06:08for the duel of men
00:06:09in this challenge to death.
00:06:11But don't you think it's a bad time
00:06:13to receive those vests?
00:06:15Because basically,
00:06:16a couple more chances
00:06:17and you are in the semifinal.
00:06:19The truth is,
00:06:20at this point,
00:06:21we don't believe that anyone wants to leave
00:06:23because we are already stepping on that edge
00:06:25to get to the last.
00:06:27But it's my second vest, Andrea,
00:06:29and I came to compete
00:06:31and to show that I'm made of it
00:06:33and I'm going for that voice with everything.
00:06:35As for the competition,
00:06:36the best team in the cycle
00:06:37goes to Omega.
00:06:39They have already won two rounds.
00:06:40Beta, one round won.
00:06:42If Omega wins today,
00:06:43he gets the whole prize.
00:06:45If Beta wins,
00:06:46it's a draw.
00:06:48Very well.
00:06:49You know that today we will see each other
00:06:50for the sentence,
00:06:51award and punishment challenge,
00:06:52but those who will jump into the pool
00:06:54will be the challengers of the week.
00:06:56So let's choose them.
00:06:57This time,
00:06:58two representatives for Omega,
00:07:00two representatives for Beta.
00:07:02I present to you,
00:07:03there is John,
00:07:04El Diablo.
00:07:05He is an ambulant salesman.
00:07:06He comes from Epitalito, Huila.
00:07:08There is Juan Carlos,
00:07:09Juan Chito Barber.
00:07:10He is a barber
00:07:11and comes from Cartagena.
00:07:12There is Marilim,
00:07:13she is a professional referee
00:07:14and she is from Medellín.
00:07:16And Jerica,
00:07:17she is from Huaquera.
00:07:18She comes from San Pablo,
00:07:19from Borbur,
00:07:20in Boyacá.
00:07:22They start by choosing Beta
00:07:24and first we are going to choose the woman
00:07:27who is going to put on the blue shirt, Beta.
00:07:29Let's see, this one.
00:07:33Three, nothing more.
00:07:34What is she doing?
00:07:36That is a profession.
00:07:39Darling, who?
00:07:40Marilim or Jerica?
00:07:43Jerica with Beta,
00:07:44therefore Marilim
00:07:45will be with the pink Omega shirt.
00:07:48Let's go now with the men.
00:07:51With Juan Carlos, Andrea.
00:07:53Juan Carlos for Beta,
00:07:54therefore John El Diablo
00:07:56will be with the Omega shirt.
00:07:59Thank God.
00:08:00The winner has total access
00:08:03to the free market roulette,
00:08:05but I tell you that in that roulette
00:08:07today you will have a lot of money.
00:08:09Up to 8 million pesos
00:08:12that you can use immediately
00:08:14by buying on the free market website
00:08:16because Mercado Libre
00:08:18rewards you.
00:08:19You punish.
00:08:20What will happen with the punishments?
00:08:22Imagine that today the dynamics of the punishments
00:08:24changes in this challenge.
00:08:26How so?
00:08:27It will be very different.
00:08:28Let's be surprised.
00:08:29How so?
00:08:30I'll tell you after the test.
00:08:32I'll wait for you.
00:08:34Punishment for the winner.
00:08:36Well, I wanted the referee,
00:08:37but now whatever God wants.
00:08:39I want the street vendor.
00:08:41I, the referee.
00:08:43It is that you often get carried away
00:08:44by the profession they put there.
00:08:46And it was the place where Satan lives.
00:08:48Because the one who is more energetic
00:08:49is the one who has spent the least.
00:08:51And that's what happened to me.
00:08:53Well, the Holy Spirit will help us.
00:08:55We are going to transmit the best energy.
00:08:58Yes, let's be surprised.
00:09:06What is this?
00:09:07Well, where are you?
00:09:08Where are you?
00:09:09An animal.
00:09:11Well, where are you?
00:09:14Oh, and he gives me the tail.
00:09:19Omega is strong and resistant.
00:09:23We like it.
00:09:25In the heart and in every drop of sweat.
00:09:32It is our passion.
00:09:35Omega, Omega, Omega.
00:09:41Good afternoon.
00:09:43Welcome, my brother.
00:09:46How are you?
00:09:49Hello, hello.
00:09:55Stop there, stop.
00:09:56Not one more step.
00:09:58Identify yourself.
00:09:59Jerica Garcia.
00:10:01I come from San Pablo, from the western Oaxaca.
00:10:03I, Guanchito Barber, from Cartagena.
00:10:12Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:10:17Did you like it or not?
00:10:18Yes, we were like…
00:10:19Like intimidated.
00:10:20Oh, what happened?
00:10:23What happened?
00:10:24What happened here?
00:10:26We always try to surprise our challengers.
00:10:30They surprised us.
00:10:33I was still.
00:10:35I brought you a gift.
00:10:36How are you?
00:10:37How are you?
00:10:39Come here, come here.
00:10:41Come here, come here.
00:10:43Sit down, sit down.
00:10:44Thank you, thank you.
00:10:45We are single.
00:10:49What a great news.
00:10:51We are single.
00:10:52But only for the single ones, not the married ones.
00:10:55Me, me.
00:10:56Don't worry.
00:10:57Oh, what a shame.
00:10:58At this moment, we have to wash, to upholster,
00:11:00so that's why we don't have anything here.
00:11:03It's not because we lost or anything.
00:11:05It's not because we lost.
00:11:06The beds too, we are remodeling.
00:11:09And the pool is being prepared.
00:11:10We are doing a cleaning.
00:11:11It took us a while, but it was worth it.
00:11:14It's not because we lost.
00:11:15We are sleeping on the floor, but because we want to.
00:11:18Because we want to live the experience of the challenge.
00:11:20Of how to sleep on the floor.
00:11:22At this height.
00:11:24The good news is that there is food.
00:11:26There is food, so we are going to be hungry
00:11:28in this time that is going to last here.
00:11:31I'm shaking, I'm shaking.
00:11:33Take it out now.
00:11:36Oh, what a delight.
00:11:37Oh, what is that, for God's sake?
00:11:39These are guila guava candy,
00:11:41because I come from Pitalito and the guava is very good there.
00:11:44So I brought this.
00:11:45How delicious.
00:11:46Oh, how beautiful.
00:11:47Oh, help me.
00:11:48That's it.
00:11:50I brought you these sweets that are typical of the region.
00:11:52Oh, how delicious.
00:11:54What is that?
00:11:56Typical of Boyacá.
00:11:58My brother, I brought you something typical of the coast, my brother.
00:12:00Let's see.
00:12:04Oh, dad, you did it.
00:12:07It's John and Marilyn.
00:12:11Well done.
00:12:12But we didn't tell you, we didn't tell you.
00:12:14With all due respect, you know me better in my neighborhood as El Diablo.
00:12:17El Diablo.
00:12:18But not because I'm bad, but because I have a brother who is like Morenito,
00:12:21and then they put him like that, and they did the same to me.
00:12:24Ah, okay, okay.
00:12:26I am a barber.
00:12:27I have dedicated myself to the barbershop practically since I was 16 years old.
00:12:31How old are you?
00:12:34I started when I was 22 years old,
00:12:36since I took it seriously.
00:12:37And to this day, thank God, I stay there.
00:12:40Super good.
00:12:41Super good.
00:12:42I have my family, two beautiful children and my wife.
00:12:44And I, Alamina Guaquera.
00:12:48Well, it's a very heavy profession.
00:12:50Very hard.
00:12:51Where were you when you were called?
00:12:53I was at my house, lying down with my wife.
00:12:56There we were, lying down when they called me.
00:12:59I imagined the joy.
00:13:00I was studying.
00:13:01You were studying?
00:13:02What were you studying?
00:13:03I study social work.
00:13:04Ah, great.
00:13:05My girlfriend is a social worker too.
00:13:07Ah, that's great.
00:13:08Ah, great.
00:13:09I am in my fourth semester and I have loved this profession.
00:13:12Ah, okay, perfect.
00:13:13In the profession they said that you are a street vendor.
00:13:15Street vendor.
00:13:16And you are a professional referee.
00:13:18That's right.
00:13:19What discipline?
00:13:21Ah, football.
00:13:23And you are a street vendor of what?
00:13:25I sell clothes on the street.
00:13:27Ah, great.
00:13:28My wife and I make them and I go out to sell.
00:13:31I come to Putumayo to sell everything that is Villagarzón, Orito, Puerto Aziz, La Hormiga.
00:13:36I'm on the street selling.
00:13:38His biggest motivation to shout from out there, to motivate him, to give him everything on that track.
00:13:43Well, my biggest motivation for what I have here are my children.
00:13:46What are their names?
00:13:47They are Leon and Luz Cary.
00:13:49Do you have three children?
00:13:51Okay, what are your children's names?
00:13:52One is Diego, the other is Sergio and Santiago.
00:13:54And you, what is your motivation?
00:13:56My motivation, my children.
00:13:58What are your children's names?
00:13:59My son's name is Christopher, he's ten years old.
00:14:02He plays football.
00:14:03And my seven-year-old daughter's name is Celeste.
00:14:06She is also my motivation.
00:14:08She is the one who trains me for these challenges.
00:14:11My two children are the ones who train me.
00:14:13When they say, Mom, let's play, let's hold on to the one who resists the most.
00:14:17And if they are desafiologists, are they desafiologists?
00:14:19Yes, of course.
00:14:20To die.
00:14:21Because in my house there is no snail.
00:14:23Ah, good, good.
00:14:25My wife, I am happy, but their joy is what I think surpasses me.
00:14:31Well, boys, how are you doing with the water?
00:14:33Do you know how to swim?
00:14:34Of course, always.
00:14:35I imagined him from Cartagena, he lives close to the sea, he must know how to swim.
00:14:39Of course.
00:14:40Better said, we throw them.
00:14:42Of course.
00:14:43Today it's your turn.
00:14:44What do you think?
00:14:46Delicious pool.
00:14:48I really like the water.
00:14:49It defends itself.
00:14:50From this moment on, enjoy the 24 hours of your sleep.
00:14:53I see them radiant, I see them happy.
00:14:55Of course.
00:14:56Thank God there is food and let's say that the step is not going to be so difficult.
00:14:59That they put all their heart into it.
00:15:01Here the tests are that, to put your heart into it, to have a motivation to finish the test in the best way, to be able to win.
00:15:09Obviously without any pressure from the team, because here the protagonists are you.
00:15:13You are the ones who are going to come and enjoy that track.
00:15:15So, the idea is to enjoy it, to enjoy it, and to always give it your all, because in the end you will see your children, yours.
00:15:22Never give up.
00:15:24You are a goal.
00:15:26And goals do not give up.
00:15:27Goals from the heart.
00:15:28Goals from the heart.
00:15:29And that they feel that shirt, as we feel it since the first day we got here, and we are going to give it our all.
00:15:46That's right.
00:15:59Thank you God.
00:16:00let's go!
00:16:15to win a prize and a punishment.
00:16:18We welcome Marilyn and John El Diablo
00:16:21wearing the pink shirt of Team Omega.
00:16:24Let's go, Omega!
00:16:29Let's go, Omega!
00:16:31That's it!
00:16:33Let's go, Diablo!
00:16:34For Beta, Jerika and Juan Carlos from Juanchito Barber
00:16:38will be wearing blue for Team Beta.
00:16:41Let's go, Beta!
00:16:45Welcome to the four of you.
00:16:46It's a pleasure to have you at this 20-year challenge.
00:16:49Here's something to look forward to,
00:16:51and that is to see if the 30 million pesos
00:16:53to the best team of the cycle
00:16:55will go to Omega,
00:16:57or if half of it will go to Beta.
00:16:59This will be your prize and punishment challenge.
00:17:03In this challenge,
00:17:04each challenger of the week will go up to a cube
00:17:06to jump into the long pool
00:17:08and cross it under the grid.
00:17:10Upon leaving, they will climb a structure
00:17:12that will take them to an obstructed tunnel with guillotines
00:17:14and descend on the opposite side.
00:17:17Then they will cross the deep pool
00:17:19and climb through the pipes to the second floor of the box,
00:17:21where they will open a chest
00:17:23from which they must take out a bag
00:17:25that contains a metal sphere
00:17:27that will take them to the starting point,
00:17:29overcoming all obstacles.
00:17:31Both challengers must raise the first sphere
00:17:34to two holes located at the top of a board
00:17:37in the shape of an X 3 meters high,
00:17:40using two ropes tied to a pulley system.
00:17:44Once the first sphere is inside the holes,
00:17:47the second challenger will go for the second sphere
00:17:50and bring it to the beginning of the track to introduce it.
00:17:54The first pair of challengers to get it
00:17:57will be the winner.
00:18:03Let's go, Beta!
00:18:04Let's go, Omega!
00:18:08Let's go, Diablo!
00:18:09Let's go!
00:18:10Let's go, Beta!
00:18:24Let's go, let's go!
00:18:48You son of a bitch! Excellent!
00:18:50Let's go, Diablo!
00:18:55Go, go, go!
00:18:56The water is yours!
00:19:09Get in, Diablo! Get in!
00:19:32Excellent, Diablo! Excellent!
00:19:34Let's go!
00:19:38Let's go!
00:19:46Good, Juan Carlos!
00:19:47Get your head in!
00:19:48Very good!
00:19:52Go, Diablo!
00:19:53Keep moving!
00:19:54Go, Diablo!
00:19:59Good, Diablo!
00:20:00Good, Diablo!
00:20:01Let's go!
00:20:08That's it!
00:20:19That's it, Diablo!
00:20:20That's it, Diablo!
00:20:21That's it, Diablo!
00:20:22That's it, Diablo!
00:20:23Look up when we tell you!
00:20:24Back, back!
00:20:25Back, back!
00:20:39Come on, Diablo!
00:20:41Let's go!
00:20:43That's it!
00:20:56What a warrior!
00:20:57Let's go, Diablo!
00:21:09Agility in those fingers, Diablo!
00:21:11Come on!
00:21:12You can do it!
00:21:20The rope!
00:21:21The rope!
00:21:30Grab the rope!
00:21:31That's it!
00:21:34You can do it!
00:21:46Let's go!
00:21:48Let's go!
00:22:02That's it!
00:22:03No, no, no!
00:22:04That's it!
00:22:05Like I told you!
00:22:07With your hands!
00:22:08That's it!
00:22:09Come on!
00:22:11That's it!
00:22:18Excellent, Diablo!
00:22:20That's it!
00:22:21That's it!
00:22:24Let's go, Carlos!
00:22:25Let's go!
00:22:30Grab the rope!
00:22:32Try to grab it!
00:22:33Grab it by the chest!
00:22:39Up, Diablo!
00:22:40That's it!
00:22:42Hold it with that hand!
00:22:43Almost there!
00:22:52Let go of the rope!
00:22:59Come on!
00:23:00Keep going!
00:23:03Come on!
00:23:04That's it!
00:23:05That's it!
00:23:06Very good!
00:23:07That's it, my friend!
00:23:12You're doing great!
00:23:13That's it!
00:23:14That's it!
00:23:15Come on, Diablo!
00:23:20Like that!
00:23:21Hold it with your hands!
00:23:22Hold it with your hands!
00:23:27Juan, you have to try to raise your feet more!
00:23:32To the sand!
00:23:33That's it!
00:23:42That's it!
00:23:44Come on, Diablo!
00:23:45That's it!
00:23:46Very good, Diablo!
00:23:47Very good!
00:23:55You can't give up a bet!
00:23:56Come on!
00:23:57That's it!
00:23:58Like that!
00:23:59Up with your hands!
00:24:01That's it!
00:24:02Come on!
00:24:08You have to regulate that!
00:24:09One after the other!
00:24:10You have to regulate it!
00:24:16Carlos, you can put your heel on the back if you want!
00:24:21The heel!
00:24:22No, when you go up!
00:24:27That's it!
00:24:28Come on, Diablo!
00:24:29Come on!
00:24:32That's it!
00:24:39Come on, come on, warrior!
00:24:43Your back!
00:24:44And put your heel!
00:24:46That's it!
00:24:47That's it, put your heel in the back when you can!
00:24:50In the ring!
00:24:52Your kids are very proud of you!
00:24:54Come on, John!
00:24:56Well done, Diablo!
00:24:58You're teaching us!
00:25:00Good, good! Go, go!
00:25:13That's it, warrior! That's it, son of a bitch!
00:25:15Go, go, go!
00:25:28The heel back! That's it! The heel, the heel!
00:25:34Go forward through the mesh, that's it, go forward!
00:25:36That's it, warrior!
00:25:39That's it, go forward through the mesh, that's it!
00:25:41Air, air, air!
00:25:42Go, go, go!
00:25:43Don't look back, don't look back!
00:25:45Your children are proud of you!
00:25:54Good, Diablo!
00:25:56Good, Diablo!
00:26:01Go, go, go! Go, go, go!
00:26:03Go, go, go!
00:26:04Go forward, go forward!
00:26:05That's it, that's it, that's it!
00:26:07That's it!
00:26:08Breathe, breathe so you can keep going up!
00:26:11Change, you're going to breathe and you're going to do the same!
00:26:30Go, Diablo!
00:26:31Let's go!
00:26:33Let's go!
00:26:39Excellent, excellent!
00:26:41You did very well, Diablo!
00:26:43You're a dog!
00:26:44Now we're going to concentrate here, ready?
00:26:47Breathe, calm down, breathe!
00:26:51Come on, one, two, three!
00:26:57That's it!
00:26:58Hard with your hands!
00:27:00Here we are going to concentrate a lot, ready?
00:27:08Mary, Diablo is catching up to you!
00:27:12Mary and Diablo are fighting a battle!
00:27:16But what they don't know is that God is with them!
00:27:20And that with true strength, everything is won!
00:27:24And that we are going to save the country!
00:27:27Omega, omega, omega!
00:27:37Now leave it to me!
00:27:39Now you let go!
00:27:40Come on, come on!
00:27:41Let go!
00:27:42Soft, soft, soft!
00:27:44Soft, soft, soft!
00:27:45Soft so there's no pain, calm down!
00:27:50Soft, soft, soft!
00:27:52Soft, soft, soft!
00:27:53Calm down, calm down!
00:27:54Now you go!
00:27:55Now you go!
00:27:56Now you go!
00:27:57Now you go!
00:27:58Go, go!
00:27:59You, you!
00:28:01Hard, hard, hard!
00:28:02Up, up, up, up!
00:28:05Come on, you can do it!
00:28:09Come on, come on!
00:28:10Let go, let go!
00:28:11Go, go, go!
00:28:15Let go!
00:28:17Let go, let go!
00:28:19Let go!
00:28:20Do you have more metal?
00:28:22Go, go, go!
00:28:24Pull it, pull it, pull it!
00:28:26Pull it, pull it!
00:28:28Relax, we're going to do it slowly.
00:28:30No hurry, no hurry!
00:28:32I'm regulating it there, relax!
00:28:35Get ready, try the other one!
00:28:39Go, go, metal!
00:28:41With love, with love!
00:28:46Come on!
00:28:47A little bit more!
00:28:51That's it, that's it!
00:29:24You can do it!
00:29:25Of course, Juan!
00:29:26That's it!
00:29:27That's it!
00:29:28Come on, come on!
00:29:29Very good, Carao!
00:29:30Very well done!
00:29:31Good, good!
00:29:32Put your knees down!
00:29:41You're doing very well, Omega!
00:29:43Very well!
00:29:49One, two, three!
00:29:55One, two, three!
00:30:14You're almost there!
00:30:15Concentrate there!
00:30:18No pressure!
00:30:19No pressure!
00:30:20Softly, softly!
00:30:21Don't shake it!
00:30:22It's going in!
00:30:23Don't shake it!
00:30:30Let's go down!
00:30:31Let's go down!
00:30:33Excellent, Omega team!
00:30:37Go, go, go!
00:30:38Go, go, go!
00:30:39Go, go, go!
00:30:40Go, go, go!
00:30:42Come on, Guerrero!
00:30:44Very good!
00:30:45Go, go, go!
00:30:52Well, what you don't know is that God is with you
00:30:56And the strong and the brave always win
00:30:59And now, later, let's go to the barraza
00:31:04Let's go, Marily!
00:31:05You told me how it was!
00:31:06Let's go!
00:31:07Go, go, go!
00:31:21Go, go, go!
00:31:22Go, go, go!
00:31:37Go, go, go!
00:31:38Go, go, go!
00:31:42Come on, Marily!
00:31:43You're doing it right for your kids!
00:31:48That's it!
00:31:49That's it!
00:31:50Go, go, go!
00:31:58That's it!
00:31:59Intelligent, Marily!
00:32:10¡Vamos, Toto!
00:32:19¡Cójate bien y va girando!
00:32:22¡Bien! ¡Excelente!
00:32:25Lo estás haciendo increíble.
00:32:30¡Cristofari Celeste, tienes una gran mamá!
00:32:36¡Vamos, guerrera!
00:32:38¡Salta! ¡Cuérdate, guerrera!
00:32:40¡A la soga, a la soga!
00:32:43¡Pásalo despacio! ¡Pásalo despacio!
00:32:47¡Tú puedes! ¡Tú puedes! ¡Claro que sí!
00:32:58¡Buena! ¡Eso! ¡Eso, guerrera!
00:33:10¡De espalda, de espalda!
00:33:12¡Como viste a tu compañero el Diablo! ¡Así, vamos!
00:33:22¡Eso! ¡Excelente! ¡Bien, guerrera! ¡Excelente!
00:33:46¡Eso, Marilyn! ¡Muy bien!
00:33:48¡Muy bien, mi niña! ¡Muy bien, Marilyn!
00:33:51¡Marilyn! ¡Tiré la bola!
00:33:55¡La bola, tirala a la arena! ¡A la arena, a la arena!
00:33:58¡Duro, duro!
00:34:00¡Eso, eso, eso!
00:34:12¡Tírese al amarillo y se agarra y se tira a la soga!
00:34:41¡Sí, señor! ¡Sí podía! ¡Bien, muy bien!
00:34:49¡Sí, ahí le va para agarrarse eso y con las piernas arriba!
00:35:05¡Oguérdela! ¡Oguérdela!
00:35:08¡Marilyn! ¡Marilyn! ¡Una miradita, porfa, Marilyn!
00:35:11¡Ahí, de espalda! ¡No lo hagas de frente! ¡De espalda! ¡Listo!
00:35:14¡De espalda! ¡Listo, espalda!
00:35:47¡Abre tus pietitos! ¡Eso! ¡A eso! ¡Así es, eso!
00:36:05¡Vamos, Marilyn! ¡Sí!
00:36:42¡Regula la distribución!
00:36:50¡Eso! ¡Y ahí vas a avanzar de nuevo! ¡Exacto!
00:36:54¡Muy bien, muy bien! ¡Lo estás haciendo excelente!
00:37:12¡Vamos, vamos, Marilyn! ¡Vamos!
00:37:15¡Buena, Marilyn! ¡Ya lo hiciste!
00:37:23¡Eso, eso! ¡Buena, buena!
00:37:25¡Vamos, vamos! ¡Toma y descansa, tranquila!
00:37:33¡Así es, eso!
00:37:41¡Marilyn! ¡El diablo se está cansando!
00:37:45¡Marilyn! ¡El diablo se está dando una batalla!
00:37:49¡Pero lo que ya lo saben es que Dios los acompaña!
00:37:53¡Y que con esfuerzo y verdad que el asco se gana!
00:37:56¡Y que ahora más tarde vamos a armar la parranda!
00:38:00¡Omega, omega, omega!
00:38:09¡Ustedes ya saben cómo, wey!
00:38:11¡Ay, no te vientes, felicito! ¡Buenísima, buenísima!
00:38:14¡Ahí abre, ahí abre, listo! ¡Ahí aploda, ahí abre y una vez la tapa!
00:38:33¡Guárdesela bien para que no se le caiga a la piscina profunda!
00:38:43¡Jálala, jálala!
00:38:45¡Jálala más!
00:38:47¡No, bájela usted, suéltela, suéltela un poquito esto!
00:38:49¡Jálala, ahora sí!
00:38:51¡Eslídate ya, eslídate, eslídate!
00:38:58¡Juan Carlos, hora de deslizarse, vamos!
00:39:04¡Con el mismo hueco y ahora!
00:39:06¡Listo, por ahí, por ahí! ¡Jala tú, jala, jala!
00:39:09¡Jala, jala! ¡Vamos, vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:39:18¡Ahora yo jalo, ahora yo! ¡Suéltala, suéltala un poco! ¡Ahí ya!
00:39:26¡Suéltala, suéltala un poco!
00:39:33¡Vamos, tirate al parte, vamos, vamos!
00:39:38¡Dale, dale, tírate, vamos!
00:39:40¡Listo, hágale!
00:39:42¡Ahí usted va, hágale, hágale!
00:39:44¡Dale, dale, dale! ¡Jala, jala!
00:39:46¡Ábrate, ábrate!
00:39:48¡Córrete para allá, eso!
00:39:50¡Vamos, vamos!
00:40:02No sabes cómo, ¿vale? Primero una pierna, luego la otra.
00:40:09¡Listo, vamos! ¡Vamos, vamos! ¡Vamos!
00:40:16¡Vamos, vamos!
00:40:18¡Aguanta un poquitín!
00:40:30¡Juegue, juegue!
00:40:33¡Por encima, hasta el escudo, hasta el escudo!
00:40:36¡Hasta el escudo!
00:40:44Omega, gracias a la rapidez de Marín y el Diablo,
00:40:48son los ganadores de este desafío de sentencia, premio y castigo.
00:40:56La prueba termina.
00:40:59La muerte irresistente lo ha gozado de corazón.
00:41:06¡Gracias, Diablo!
00:41:07Bien, bien, bien, lo viste todo, lo viste todo.
00:41:09De sudor en la vuelta de nuestra pasión.
00:41:14¡Omega, Omega, Omega!
00:41:20No, no, tranquilo, lo viste todo.
00:41:22Dios estuvo siempre ahí.
00:41:24Siempre, la gente toda se vio como que tenía que ir.
00:41:26¡Marín, el Diablo te está alcanzando!
00:41:31¡Marín y el Diablo te están dando una batalla!
00:41:35¡Pero lo que ya no saben es que Dios los acompaña!
00:41:39¡Y que con el fuerzo y barranqueras no se gana!
00:41:42¡Y que ahora más tarde vamos a armar los borrachos!
00:41:48Vergonza con ustedes, compañero, que no puede lograr el objetivo.
00:41:53Pensé que era más fácil, pero evidentemente no.
00:41:55Lo pude comprobar con mis propios medios.
00:41:59Demasiado difícil.
00:42:01Siento mucha pena a mi compañera que no pudo salir a la pista.
00:42:04De veras, eso me duele mucho.
00:42:06A mi familia, a mis hijos, a mi esposa, a mi mamá,
00:42:09a todos mis amigos, a mi prima, a todos,
00:42:12a todos mis profesores, a todos.
00:42:15¡A todos, Diablo!
00:42:17Gracias a Dios porque me dio la fuerza para hacer esto.
00:42:21Y saludos a mi pueblo adorado, Epitalito, donde yo soy.
00:42:25Y saludos a mi pueblito Vijagual, donde es mi esposa.
00:42:28Y saludos a todo el Putumayo, que es donde me compran mi ropa.
00:42:31Los quiero mucho. Gracias.
00:42:35Me encanta competir. Soy muy competitiva.
00:42:38Y la verdad, quería salir a comerme esa pista.
00:42:41Ahora haga la suya, haga la suya más delicada.
00:42:47O sea, no quiero decirlo, pero donde uno de ellos dos se vaya,
00:42:50este equipo no puede venir abajo.
00:42:53Omega son los ganadores de este desafío de sentencia,
00:42:56premio y castigo. Los felicito muy bien.
00:42:58Gracias, gracias, María Linda.
00:43:00John, y eso sí te lo tengo que decir,
00:43:02tus clavados los vamos a recordar muchísimo aquí en el desafío.
00:43:06¿Le podemos llamar como el estilo Epitalito de caer al agua?
00:43:11¿Esa forma tan especial?
00:43:14Mira, y siempre ha sido así, sobresaliente en los deportes,
00:43:17en la actividad física.
00:43:18Me ha gustado desde niño.
00:43:20Practico el fútbol, pues, aficionado, pero siempre.
00:43:23Y me gusta tener mi cicla para hacer todos los mandajes en la cicla
00:43:27y moverme.
00:43:29Marilyn, y tú, juez de línea,
00:43:31hoy viste a nuestro juez desafío en plena acción.
00:43:34¿Te lo llevarías para que te ayudara en un partido de fútbol?
00:43:37Sí, claro. No, de bar me lo llevo.
00:43:40¿Cuáles son los atributos que necesita un buen juez?
00:43:43Juez de línea, en tu caso.
00:43:45Condicionamiento físico, conocimiento de la regla.
00:43:48Como dicen mis profesores, ver fútbol, comer fútbol, tomar fútbol.
00:43:53Jerica, tú no te preocupes, querida Jerica,
00:43:56porque la prueba era solo el inicio de una experiencia de desafío
00:43:59que va a durar 24 horas.
00:44:01Así que te vas a ir con una cantidad de sensaciones.
00:44:03De hecho, la de hoy es una que,
00:44:06a veces, tienen que transitar los desafiantes,
00:44:08que es esa frustración de no poder hacer las cosas,
00:44:11de quedarse ahí con ganas.
00:44:13¿Cómo veían la prueba sin poder hacer más?
00:44:16Algo que tenía muy claro antes de llegar acá
00:44:18era que, pues, estando acá, ya era una ganadora,
00:44:20con solo el hecho de venir acá.
00:44:22Pero sí, me voy sin sabor, porque, pues,
00:44:24la idea mía era competir.
00:44:26Pero, bueno, las cosas no se dieron,
00:44:28y por algo Dios quiso así.
00:44:30Entonces, no, nada, me voy muy feliz.
00:44:32Y tú, Juanchito, ¿qué tal saltar a la pista?
00:44:35Una experiencia única.
00:44:37Quería ganar.
00:44:39Más que todo, se lo prometí a mi hijo.
00:44:41Y vine por eso, pero será en otra ocasión.
00:44:44¿Cómo se llama tu hijo?
00:44:47Lian, ¿cuánto tiene Lian?
00:44:49Nueve años.
00:44:50Lian, tu papá se la luchó
00:44:52hasta el último segundo en este desafío.
00:44:55Por cuenta del resultado de esta prueba,
00:44:58Omega se convirtieron en el mejor equipo del ciclo.
00:45:02Así que, John, hazle los honores
00:45:04de recibir estos 30 millones de pesos.
00:45:1220 millones pesan un montón, John.
00:45:15¿Qué tal eso?
00:45:17Entrégaselos, por favor.
00:45:18Nunca lo había tenido en la mano.
00:45:21Vamos, Juanchito.
00:45:24El diablo.
00:45:27Tenlo ahí, tú.
00:45:29Omega, y tienen acceso total a la ruleta de Mercado Libre
00:45:33porque Mercado Libre los premia, ustedes castigan,
00:45:36y como pueden ver, hoy solo hay plata.
00:45:38Mucha plata, montos que van desde el millón
00:45:41hasta los ocho millones de pesos
00:45:43y que pueden hacer efectivos ya inmediatamente en Mercado Libre.
00:45:47Marilyn, acércate.
00:45:49Pero, pero, pero...
00:46:11¡Esperen! ¡Esperen!
00:46:18Pere, pere, pere, pere, pere.
00:46:27Se lo merece.
00:46:28Se lo merecía.
00:46:29Se lo merecía, muchachos.
00:46:30¡Sí, se lo merece!
00:46:31Ocho millones de pesos para el equipo Omega.
00:46:34Ocho millones de pesos para ti, Marilyn.
00:46:37Ocho millones de pesos para ti, El Diablo,
00:46:40que pueden usar ya en la página de Internet de MercadoLibre.
00:46:44Se los merece.
00:46:45Muchas gracias.
00:46:46Muy bien.
00:46:49Ahora, hablemos del castigo.
00:46:52La dinámica cambia.
00:46:55En esa equis tenemos seis castigos,
00:46:59los más duros de esta temporada de desafío 20 años.
00:47:05A ver, les muestro.
00:47:07Quitar el 50% del dinero al equipo rival.
00:47:18Corte de pelo.
00:47:24Cargar cosas pesadas.
00:47:30Partir leña.
00:47:32De hecho, cuando salió este castigo en esta temporada,
00:47:35vivimos una situación que nunca habíamos tenido.
00:47:38El equipo Alpha en su momento no logró cumplirlo.
00:47:46Sumergidos en hielo.
00:47:52Y el último, la cama de piedra.
00:47:58¿Cómo va a funcionar?
00:48:00El ganador tiene que escoger una de esas seis opciones.
00:48:06En este caso, Omega escoge para Beta.
00:48:16El castigo que escojan no volverá a estar como opción en los castigos
00:48:23en los siguientes desafíos de sentencia, premio y castigo.
00:48:28No pueden debatir, Alejo.
00:48:30Y ustedes, por favor, silencio, Beta.
00:48:42John, te voy a pedir el favor que te acerques y elijas el que escogieron en Omega.
00:48:55Quitar el 50% del dinero al equipo Rivaje.
00:49:05Muchas gracias.
00:49:07Kevin, ¿tienen más o menos claras las cuentas a hoy?
00:49:10Hasta el momento, no.
00:49:12Tendrán que llegar a contar todo ese dinero para entregar la mitad.
00:49:16Alejo, ¿por qué ese?
00:49:18Porque a nosotros nos dolió demasiado que nos hubiéramos ganado.
00:49:21Yo sé que mis compañeros no, pero a mí sí.
00:49:23Ya todos los que estaban en Omega volaron.
00:49:25Yo soy el único que queda.
00:49:27Dolió mucho que nos hubiéramos ganado eso a pulso
00:49:29y sentimos ese castigo como una traición de parte de Beta.
00:49:33Que dolió, dolió.
00:49:35Devuelves en honor a todos los que se fueron.
00:49:38La campanita que fue pelado.
00:49:40La ley del talión.
00:49:42Alejo, duele tanto y vale tanto la pena poner en la balanza primero el dolor
00:49:48que pensar que quedan expuestos a cualquier otro castigo,
00:49:51a uno de esos cinco.
00:49:53André, todo eso es fácil.
00:49:54En estas instancias del juego, cualquier cosa es fácil.
00:49:59Yo creo que duele más eso.
00:50:02Omega, último chaleco de sentencia de este ciclo.
00:50:06Y va para un hombre.
00:50:10Ese hombre enfrentará a Arandú en el próximo duelo masculino
00:50:14en el desafío a muerte.
00:50:16Quedamos atentos a sus casas.
00:50:39Hola, ¿cómo estás? Yo también estaba por aquí.
00:50:45¿Cómo estás, John? Un gusto, María Fernanda.
00:50:48Un placer saludarte en vivo y en directo.
00:50:51Qué lindo, qué gusto conocerte.
00:50:53Marilyn, un gusto. ¿Cómo te ha ido?
00:50:55Muy bien, gracias.
00:50:57Yo feliz de conocerlo.
00:50:58Tenía sentimientos encontrados porque, Dios mío, no tenemos dónde sentarnos.
00:51:01Esta gente no pensaba ganar.
00:51:02Todas las sillas están ahí.
00:51:07Ahí mismo, pero en el piso.
00:51:08Qué pena con la visita.
00:51:09Mis cucos, en el piso no puedes.
00:51:11Siéntense, siéntense aquí.
00:51:13Yo me siento aquí y ustedes siéntense aquí a mi lado para que hablemos.
00:51:17¡Gracias, MAPE! ¡Gracias!
00:51:21Felicitaciones. Disfrútenlo, por favor.
00:51:23Costillitas, pataconcito con tocineta.
00:51:26Por favor, me dicen qué tal, qué tal sábado.
00:51:29Muchas gracias, Mar.
00:51:31Gracias a ellos que vinieron a ganar por ustedes.
00:51:34Por el buen provecho.
00:51:35Cada uno debe dar la mitad de lo que tiene.
00:51:37A mí me toca dar 10, 425.
00:51:40El próximo primer castigo, que en el nombre de Dios aquí seguiré,
00:51:43la leña va para allá.
00:51:44La leña, sí, claro.
00:51:45Pero por habladores.
00:51:47Por habladores, ya por nada más.
00:51:49No lo pensaron bien, sinceramente.
00:51:51El dinero aquí va y viene.
00:51:53No, yo creo que ellos lo hicieron más como que es nuestro momento del desquite.
00:51:56Y eso que...
00:51:57Están felices.
00:51:58Y fue el desquite, digamos que el desquite fue más de alejo, ¿no?
00:52:01Los otros, porque, digamos, en ese sentido,
00:52:03van en carrito de que, bueno, vamos a quedar con dinero.
00:52:05No, pero Karen está feliz.
00:52:06Es el juego.
00:52:07Y, pues, tenían que equilibrar los equipos.
00:52:09Se supone que tiene que ser un castigo y, pues,
00:52:11esto es un buen castigo.
00:52:13Pero igual, la plata se recupera.
00:52:15Sí, y aquí esa plata, pienso que mientras sigamos en el juego,
00:52:20la plata sigue en el juego.
00:52:22Sí, puede seguir creciendo.
00:52:24Igual, lo que nos espera fuera el más grande.
00:52:27Así es.
00:52:28Lo pensaron desde la venganza, desde el odio, desde...
00:52:31No, pues, no hay como decir que tumbes.
00:52:33Pues, ¿qué?
00:52:34Te devuelves.
00:52:35Ellos no lo pensaron estratégicamente.
00:52:38Y lo más probable es que tengan el chaleco para aquí.
00:52:40No, es que tienen que venir.
00:52:42Porque ya no hay más personas.
00:52:44Si adelante la final, que yo sé que toda Colombia va a querer ver.
00:52:48Así es.
00:52:51Quito el nombre, si no.
00:52:52Así es.
00:52:53Ahora, con tal la platica y...
00:52:57Adiós, bye, bye.
00:52:59Cuéntame un poquito de ti.
00:53:00¿Qué haces también en el día a día?
00:53:02Supe que también vendes ropa, pero cuéntame.
00:53:04Sí, pues, mi día a día yo vivo en un segundo piso
00:53:06y tengo una cicla.
00:53:07Mi primer día, pararme, hacerle el desayuno a mi hija,
00:53:10llevarla al trabajo en la barra.
00:53:12Es una oración de 23 años y se va conmigo.
00:53:15Más de un amigo me dice esto, hija tan sencilla,
00:53:18¿se va a ir contigo?
00:53:19Le digo, no, ya, conmigo me quiere.
00:53:21Y la llevo en la barra allá al trabajo y me devuelvo
00:53:24y ya haga los mandados todo el día en la cicla.
00:53:26Luego, por la tarde, llevar a mi esposa a una reunión que ella va,
00:53:30a un culto, y volverme para la casa.
00:53:33Entonces, todo el día volteando en esa cicla
00:53:35y eso me ayudaba a tener...
00:53:36Bien activo, a prepararte para este reto de hoy.
00:53:39Y en el trabajo, pues, cargar el bolso con mi ropa, vendiendo.
00:53:42Me meto a todos lados, cantinas, billares, a las galerías.
00:53:45Es un trabajo demandante.
00:53:46Precisamente, la gente del Putumayo donde yo vendo
00:53:48debe estar feliz, mirándome.
00:53:50No sé, eso para mí es un plus y yo sé que, mejor dicho,
00:53:54me va bien así.
00:53:55Ahora, no, yo sé que ahora va a ser la locura.
00:53:58Voy a vender mucho más.
00:54:00Obvio, es que de aquí, vea, destrellando con esa ropa.
00:54:03Gracias por la oportunidad.
00:54:05Y a ti, Marilyn, cuéntame, ¿quién te impulsó?
00:54:07Antes de que me digieran...
00:54:09No, mi primita.
00:54:11Mi prima me dijo, es que, ay, mira,
00:54:13Marilyn, hagaste el video.
00:54:15Y yo, ay, no, yo no sé.
00:54:17¿Qué voy a pasar?
00:54:18Decía yo, es que sí, es que créasela,
00:54:20creas, no sé, crea sus capacidades que usted tiene.
00:54:23Muy buena en lo que hace.
00:54:25¿Se creyeron el cuento cuando llegaron y dijeron,
00:54:27vamos a ganarnos esta prueba?
00:54:28¿Cómo fue?
00:54:29No, al principio yo estaba súper nerviosa
00:54:31y yo le decía a mi esposa, yo no voy a perder con la fama.
00:54:34Ay, sí, eso es lo más difícil del desafío, la fama.
00:54:39Niños, bueno, voy a empezar a recoger el dinero.
00:54:42Bueno, yo tenía 19,830 y entrego 9,915.
00:54:49¿Oyeron? Contaditos varias veces.
00:54:52Yo tenía 9,790.
00:54:58Me tocó dar 4,895.
00:55:02Como no tengo los 95, estoy dando 4,900, ¿vale?
00:55:09Yo tenía 3,290.
00:55:13Estoy dando 1,650.
00:55:18¿Por qué no tenía entonces 10?
00:55:2010 más.
00:55:22Vamos a cuadruplicar ese dinero, oíste.
00:55:24Ah, eso es una inversión.
00:55:26Yo tenía 23,863 y entrego 11,933.
00:55:35Se me olvidó lo mío.
00:55:36Tenía 37,744 y entrego 18,862.
00:55:45Yo tenía 3,510 y entrego 1,756.
00:55:54Tengo 9,250, Karola.
00:55:56Te entrego entonces 4,125.
00:56:00Yo tenía 8,173,000 y entrego 4,000,000.
00:56:07Por favor, contadores.
00:56:09Entrega 4,087,000.
00:56:12Entrega 500 de más porque no tenía cambio.
00:56:16Llegó el momento, Mercado Libre.
00:56:20Por supuesto, vamos a empezar con los ganadores de oros que trajeron este triunfo, Omega.
00:56:25Entonces, contigo, Marilyn, por favor.
00:56:27¿Qué quieres?
00:56:28Bueno, quiero bicicletas para mis hijos.
00:56:30Uy, súper.
00:56:32Eso está divina, mira.
00:56:34Esas bicicletas por ahí para hasta los 10 años.
00:56:37Pero está bien.
00:56:38Está bien, sí.
00:56:40Mira este kit que es súper chévere, pues es como un combo.
00:56:43Combo cama.
00:56:44Con dos mesas de noche y ya buscamos el colchón aparte.
00:56:47Ah, una nevera.
00:56:48Una nevera.
00:56:49Una nevera.
00:56:50Sí, esa está bonita.
00:56:52Súper buenas compras.
00:56:54Gracias, muchas gracias.
00:56:56Excelente, Marilyn, te lo mereces.
00:57:00Eso fue pura la sacada de la espinita, ¿no?
00:57:03Por parte como de...
00:57:04¿Cómo se expresó Alejandro? Sí.
00:57:06Diría, ay, aquí es.
00:57:08Con mucho amor porque cuando las cosas se entregan con amor, se retornan.
00:57:12Tener buena energía.
00:57:14Todo lo contrario a ellos.
00:57:15Uf, sí.
00:57:16Todo lo contrario.
00:57:17Pero siento que la energía ya la tenemos, o sea, por lo menos mirando la tranquilidad
00:57:20que tiene con esa cantidad de plata.
00:57:22Darlene, que también es una persona que tiene mucho plata y está súper tranquila.
00:57:25Nosotros que, pues bueno, por lo menos en el caso de los que venimos de por allá,
00:57:29de aquel equipo que se llamó Gama, en algún momento nunca tuvimos dinero.
00:57:32Entonces, como que nunca nos hizo diferenciarte.
00:57:34Entonces, no es algo que en realidad afecte.
00:57:37Si somos inteligentes, afuera nos esperamos muchas más cosas que acá adentro.
00:57:43Ahora sigues tú.
00:57:45Necesito de pronto una patineta eléctrica.
00:57:50Esa está buena.
00:57:51Una cicla deportiva para hombre.
00:57:54Esas son geniales.
00:57:55Esa para creo que compré.
00:57:59Sí, mostrar uno.
00:58:00¿Puedo pedir dos?
00:58:02Entonces uno negro y uno verde.
00:58:04Lociones también, una lociosita de pronto.
00:58:09Eso, un hombre que no es gatima.
00:58:10Y lavadoras.
00:58:12Lavadora, lavadora.
00:58:13Televisores, sí, para ver eso.
00:58:15Unos sartenes.
00:58:17Sartenes en cerámica.
00:58:19Eso que hice, 169.
00:58:22Combo sartén, cinco piezas.
00:58:27Felicitaciones, papi.
00:58:30Se lo merece, Diablo.
00:58:31Bravo, bravo, bravo.
00:58:35La verdad es que no reconocí sabor muy feo.
00:58:38Claro, claro.
00:58:39Así no hubiera llegado.
00:58:40La primera vez, pues quería probar la pista, saber, sentir esa adrenalina.
00:58:46Sí, o sea, porque debe ser chévere.
00:58:50Yo me la imaginaba.
00:58:51Yo dije, no, él llega y tal, yo salgo.
00:58:53Pero bueno, no, sí.
00:58:56Donde yo me tranco es ahí.
00:58:58Esa resistencia, porque era prácticamente agarrarme.
00:59:01O sea, sostener mi propio peso con las manos.
00:59:04Imagínate, yo soy una persona que peso mucho.
00:59:07Estoy pesado.
00:59:09Dios mío, ojalá, ojalá.
00:59:11Porque yo pensaba mucho en mi familia.
00:59:14Yo salgo de acá.
00:59:16Imagínate, yo.
00:59:18¿A quién le va a llegar el pedido?
00:59:19A la persona que esté en Bogotá o el medallo.
00:59:21¿Entonces a mí?
00:59:22A Nati.
00:59:23A Nati, que está en Bogotá.
00:59:24Entonces a Nati.
00:59:25¿O empecemos conmigo de una vez?
00:59:27¿De una vez?
00:59:28Se me organiza.
00:59:30La multichef.
00:59:32Agrega otra, por favor.
00:59:34Sí, otra.
00:59:37Mira esta.
00:59:39Esta está super.
00:59:40Algo así cuadrita.
00:59:41Es lo que tú le dices.
00:59:42Busquemos ahí un carrito eléctrico.
00:59:46Está en descuento.
00:59:47Está súper económico.
00:59:48Está súper barato.
00:59:49Más de cincuenta por ciento.
00:59:52Let's ride.
00:59:53Claro, sí.
00:59:57Bueno, ¿quién más?
00:59:58Vos tenés el estabilizador, ¿no?
00:59:59Ay, mira.
01:00:00Sí, ese fue.
01:00:01Batidora de inmersión.
01:00:02Batidora de inmersión.
01:00:03Toca ponerla así.
01:00:04Esta es muy buena.
01:00:05Una cafetera, Mafe, por fa.
01:00:06Sí, entonces esa es linda.
01:00:08¿Puedes poner un kit de repostería?
01:00:10Mira, ese tiene todo.
01:00:11Y ese me alcanza.
01:00:12Vámonos con ese.
01:00:13Sí, ese está súper.
01:00:14Vamos por el celular.
01:00:16Vamos por ese perfume.
01:00:18Ese huele deli.
01:00:19Ese yo lo uso.
01:00:21Huele delicioso.
01:00:23Una capuchinera.
01:00:25¿Y usted qué me recomienda?
01:00:26La pizza está buena.
01:00:27Esa está mela.
01:00:28La casa es buena muchísimo para su mamá, parci.
01:00:30Ya vale.
01:00:31Échela, échela, échela.
01:00:33Listo, terminamos.
01:00:34Y nos fuimos.
01:00:35Gracias, Mercado Libre.
01:00:37Gracias, Mercado Libre.
01:00:40Lo logramos.
01:00:42Gracias, Mercado Libre.
01:00:45Está más que claro que en este próximo Vox Negro uno de los chicos nos va a dejar.
01:00:50Es inevitable, pero yo en lo personal les quiero decir que ha sido un honor conocerlos,
01:00:56estar en competencia con ustedes.
01:00:58Me siento muy afortunada de haberlos conocido y de cada uno me llevó una enorme lección.
01:01:06Y que, bueno, que nos harán mucha falta, sea el que sea que se vaya.
01:01:11Que los sueños no terminan aquí.
01:01:14Que este solamente es el inicio de una gran vida, de un gran imperio,
01:01:18porque afuera nos esperan cosas muy, muy grandes.
01:01:24Hércules, Joifer, Jane.
01:01:29Allá Beta, yo sé que cuando inició el ciclo y yo pasé acá y todos llegamos acá,
01:01:35yo sé que a nosotros nos menospreciaron.
01:01:38Y el ciclo pasado ellos tuvieron el ciclo perfecto.
01:01:41Y si Dios nos dio todas estas victorias es porque Dios quiere que Omega siga adelante.
01:01:47Solamente hay una persona entre ellos que es capaz de sacar a Rando.
01:01:52Yo no quiero que le pongan el chaleco a Kevin,
01:01:54porque con Kevin tenemos un amorío.
01:02:00Es un hombre con el que he empatizado mucho acá.
01:02:02Estuvimos en el anterior equipo, comimos mucha basura juntos.
01:02:05Sé que es un hombre llenísimo de sueños.
01:02:08Entonces me da muy duro que le pongan el chaleco.
01:02:11Pero obviamente entiendo que es una decisión de equipo.
01:02:14Yo se volé a uno. Yo se volé a mi pana.
01:02:16A mí me dolió más.
01:02:17Es de que usted lo tiene más emocional por el lado de que está enamorado.
01:02:20Pero a mí me dolió más.
01:02:21Si cada uno de nosotros vuela a uno, se supone que se aseguran pues.
01:02:28Esto no es un juego de emociones.
01:02:30Esto es un juego de razonamiento lógico.
01:02:32Y afuera está la vida real.
01:02:33Y afuera está la vida real.
01:02:35Y esto se lo gana que tenga personalidad.
01:02:38Entonces vamos a poner el chaleco a Kevin con la intención de que Kevin vuele a Rando.
01:02:44Va a ser una pelea de gladiadores.
01:02:46Va a ser una final adelantada.
01:02:49Una final anticipada.
01:02:50Va a estar buenísima.
01:02:52Yo voy por el honor porque eso que hicieron fue demasiado desagradable.
01:02:55No, es que usted era el apropiado papi para ir.
01:02:57Pues no hay más.