[HOT] One Fatefal Night With My Boss P2

  • 2 months ago
One Fatefal Night With My Boss Full
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00:00It really was a hint, right?
00:07It can't be a hint.
00:10I mean, everything that's happened between us has just been because of Lucas.
00:16It really isn't about Lucas.
00:20The feelings for her are obvious, aren't they?
00:29Are you sure?
00:33I mean, I guess I'm not entirely sure.
00:37What's holding you back?
00:39Just admit it. You like him.
00:44I mean, he is the first guy who's had my back and actually cared about me.
00:53I just feel uneasy about him.
00:58Whoa, whoa, whoa. What happened to the Anita I know?
01:02Have a drink and go for it.
01:05And what if Tristan's father forces him to marry Jessica?
01:08I mean, I can't let Jessica become Lucas' stepmother.
01:12Then you'd tell him that?
01:20I'm going to get another one.
01:22I'm going to go play the lizard.
01:24Sir, if I may ask a rather personal question, why not just tell Miss Anita about the feelings you have for her?
01:33I don't know. We're so close yet still distant.
01:40Perhaps she's just worried about Lucas.
01:42Single mothers, they have a lot on their shoulders, and especially Miss Anita after everything she's been through.
01:50Have you found out who kidnapped Lucas?
01:53Actually, we caught the kidnapper, sir.
02:03Have you found out who kidnapped Lucas?
02:06Actually, we caught the kidnapper, sir.
02:09I didn't want to upset you.
02:11He was hired by Jessica.
02:15Goddamn bitch!
02:18She went too far!
02:21It's over.
02:24That looked just like Miss Anita.
02:33Who are you? What do you want?
02:35Oh, I'm like a hunting dog.
02:42I'm going to have some fun with you before I love you.
02:50How dare you?
03:01Are you okay?
03:06How dare you touch her? Do you know who I am?
03:12They paid me to take care of her.
03:17Who paid you?
03:23Who paid you?
03:28Nancy Wilson. She paid me.
03:36Sir! The public eye. This could hurt Thompson's rep. Leave it to the police.
03:49I don't know what happened. She just had one drink.
03:51Miss Anita's been drugged.
03:53I'll take care of Anita. Vincent, give Betty a ride home.
03:57I'll take care of Lucas.
04:20What's up?
04:26Okay, yeah, yeah. We'll get you some water when we get back.
04:30Jelly is fine.
04:34What? What did you say?
05:04I'm home.
05:25This will help you feel better.
05:33Feed me.
05:35Feed you?
05:52Is this how I'm supposed to feed you from now on?
06:05Thank you.
06:07I feel so much better now.
07:08Oh, sorry. You go first.
07:40Last night was a mistake, right?
07:46Anita, I mean, we...
07:54How you feeling? You on the plane?
07:59You're going to Paris for the second round of the contest, remember?
08:04Shit. I missed my flight.
08:07Get the next flight out, girl. I'll keep watching Lucas.
08:16You're going to Paris?
08:18My work advanced to the second round of the Riser Winry fashion competition, but I should be halfway to Paris by now.
08:27Second round? They only let ten contestants in. Bravo.
08:34But why didn't you tell me?
08:37I was going to surprise you with the grand prize once it was over, but it's all over now.
08:44It's tomorrow, and there's no way I'll make it, so...
08:48No, there's always a way.
08:56Listen, Anita and I are going to Paris today. Get the jet ready, and we'll be there in an hour.
09:12But today's meeting...
09:14Postpone it.
09:16No problem, sir.
09:24What are we waiting for? Pack your bags, Mon ChΓ©li.
09:30I can't leave Lucas now. We don't even know who's after us.
09:39It was Jessica and Nancy.
09:43Why does she hate me so much? I'm just a regular Joe at Thompson.
09:47You're definitely not.
09:50What does that mean?
09:52You're Lucas's mother. If Jessica knows that I like Lucas, she must be unhappy about that.
10:03Will Lucas be in danger?
10:06No. I have the best people looking after him at Betty's house. He'll be okay. I promise.
10:17Thank you so much for everything.
10:21Of course.
10:24Are you coming back to Paris?
10:29Let's go.
10:40No, I'm serious. After this contest, we should talk about it.
10:47Sir, should we wake up Miss Anita?
10:55What's wrong? Are we there yet?
11:06Don't worry, Vincent's got your passport.
11:10This is not bad. It's just a little bag.
11:20We'll buy you another bag.
11:22Who designed her in that bag?
11:48The gangs here are rough. He might be in danger.
11:55Hey, Mom, what's up?
11:57Hey, baby. I need you to track Uncle Tristan. I need to know where he is right now.
12:02On it.
12:04Lucas is a whiz. He's as smart as Mr. Thompson.
12:08This shows he's at a bar. We need to get there right now.
12:26You're such an idiot.
12:29I couldn't let them get away with your work.
12:32Are you hurt?
12:34Are you worried about me?
12:37That was stupid and foolish and brave.
12:44Sir, we should go.
13:01Call an ambulance.
13:04Up and down the ambulance.
13:09Call an ambulance.
13:11Up and down the ambulance.
13:25Sir, you should go change that bandage.
13:28I'm not going anywhere until Anita's out of surgery.
13:34How is she?
13:35We stopped the bleeding. She's stable, but she needs to rest.
13:39Oh, thank God.
13:43She must really love you to risk her life and protect you.
13:51The contest is tomorrow. Miss Anita's injured and most of her designs are gone.
13:57What are we going to do?
13:59Who's the chairman of the contest?
14:01Well, it's said to be the famous designer, Lucian Claude.
14:04I'll have to convince him to postpone the event.
14:07Mr. Claude is eccentric, plays by his own rules.
14:12It's going to be difficult to convince him.
14:17For Anita, I'll have to try.
14:27Mr. Claude is quite busy.
14:30How about coming tomorrow after the competition?
14:33I'll wait as long as I have to.
14:36Ah, Mr. Tom Salek.
14:39To what do I owe this pleasure?
14:44Lucian Claude.
14:46Great to see you.
14:52Great to see you.
14:58Well, Mr. Claude, we are requesting your assistance for candidate Anita Wilson.
15:05She's hoping you can postpone the event.
15:09What is your relationship with Miss Wilson?
15:16Sir, she's the love of my life.
15:21For love, anything is possible.
15:25But postponing the competition would be quite a challenge.
15:31It will come at a heavy price.
15:35Are you willing to do so?
15:39Yes. Anything you want.
15:45You're Thompson CEO. Great business.
15:51I will require enough shares to become a board member.
15:57Are you unwilling to do so?
16:06Are you unwilling to do so?
16:12No. You can take my shares. All of them.
16:17You have my word.
16:19Anita won first prize in the preliminary contest.
16:25I will be able to find a spot for her in the semifinals.
16:30Thank you so much, sir.
16:32But of course, of course, young man.
16:43Well, today's the semifinal.
16:48Do you think you can manage?
16:50How? I thought I missed the second round.
16:53I actually got in contact with Mr. Claude and had him postpone it.
17:00What? You talked to Professor Claude?
17:04I hope that's okay.
17:07Thank you, Tristan.
17:12Just focus on the contest.
17:17After this round, I have something important I have to tell you.
17:42She advanced?
17:46My design is called Tide.
17:51That's not your design. Liar!
17:59That's not your design. Liar!
18:02And what evidence do you have to prove this accusation?
18:06Are you going to say that it's your design?
18:09That's not my design.
18:11Professor Claude designed this years ago. It's unpublished.
18:19Prove it!
18:22It doesn't look like Mr. Claude's design. She must be lying.
18:26Who is she anyways?
18:28How could this nobody know about Mr. Claude's unpublished works?
18:31All I ask is that the design be verified.
18:35But Jessica is Thompson's design director.
18:38How is it possible that she plagiarized others?
18:41Hey, nobody. You're just trying to steal her thunder, right?
18:47This woman is my nobody's stepsister.
18:51She has been trying to hook up with my fiancΓ©.
18:54And now she's trying to ruin my big day.
18:57I need a sister.
19:00Why are you doing this to me?
19:02Liar! Whore!
19:07Who says she's a nobody?
19:19Who says she's a nobody?
19:26Anita, look at yourself.
19:29How can you go on like this?
19:31I'm sorry, Professor Claude. You two know each other?
19:47Please allow me to introduce to you my student, Anita Wilson.
19:56Many of you may already know her by her design moniker, Muse.
20:07What? She's Muse?
20:10I asked her to keep her identity a secret for this contest.
20:17And I had no idea that she would meet with such grievance.
20:23Has Jessica really plagiarized your works?
20:26Indeed. Tide was one of my original designs, known only to a few.
20:34As for Jessica, she is forever disqualified from the contest.
20:41Any such actions taken against me will be seen as going against the entire Thompson group.
20:47All right, excuse me.
20:54Hey, everyone. My name is Tristan Thompson.
20:57I am the CEO of the Thompson group.
20:59I just wanted to announce the termination of Miss Jessica Wilson,
21:06as well as the appointment of Miss Anita Wilson as our new design director.
21:12Tristan, darling, we are engaged.
21:15Not anymore.
21:18I want nothing to do with a liar.
21:24You both will regret this.
21:27I want nothing to do with a liar.
21:33You both will regret this.
21:36I want nothing to do with a liar.
21:57Muse, huh?
22:00I see you're also skilled in the art of deception.
22:05What else are you hiding?
22:08Why don't you find out?
22:11Tristan, don't forget our agreement.
22:16What agreement?
22:18Tristan was so keen on delaying the contest that he gave me all of his shares in Thompson.
22:28No, no.
22:31Are you prioritizing your new boyfriend over your long-time mentor?
22:38Professor Claude, please, don't take Tristan's shares.
22:42Thompson is his life.
22:44Anita, I made the promise to Mr. Claude, so you've got to be a man of my word.
22:52I am not taking any of his shares.
22:56I was just testing his sincerity, and he passed with flying colors,
23:03which also is a good quality to have in a husband, too.
23:09Professor Claude!
23:12Tristan, I have a business to attend to. Will you see me out, please?
23:19That's all. I need to talk with you man-to-man outside.
23:27Chapter 3
23:37You are in love with Anita.
23:41You are aware she comes as a package deal?
23:48We share a deep bond, me and Lucas.
23:51We're somehow oddly similar.
23:55Anita had a very difficult start.
23:58She became pregnant at a very young age, almost as soon as she arrived in Paris.
24:05Paris? Do you know who the father is?
24:10Anita keeps that a guarded secret.
24:14She fears that Lucas will be snatched up by the father.
24:19What a heavy burden to bear.
24:22Don't let me down.
24:25I won't.
24:27As soon as we get back to the States, I'll propose to her.
24:38Over the years, Anita became like a daughter to me.
24:44As such, I entrust her to you.
24:53Chapter 4
24:56And who is Lucas' father?
25:13Shit! Fucking shit! All of you are going to pay!
25:23Mom! Tristan and that bitch collided against me!
25:31I heard what happened. That's why I'm here.
25:36Don't worry. We won't let them get away with that.
25:40Let's deliver that bitch to hell.
25:44I've acquired a special poison just for this reason.
25:51It's undetectable.
26:10Hey, are you okay?
26:14Yes, thank you.
26:16Let's get you in here.
26:21Sir, should we really be heading back so soon?
26:25Miss Anita clearly hasn't recovered yet.
26:28We've been here for days. I don't want your work affected because of me.
26:32He doesn't care about that. He just wants to stay with you.
26:36That's right, Anita. You are far more important than my work.
26:41I actually...
26:44Hold on a second.
26:47Hey, buddy.
26:49Uncle Tristan, could you come to my school talent show and be my dad?
26:54If they see me with you, maybe they'll think I'm cool.
26:58Sure, buddy. Yeah, of course.
27:01All right. Talk to you soon.
27:04What's got you grinning like that?
27:08I'll tell you when we get back.
27:11I have something to tell you.
27:14Okay. I have something to tell you, too.
27:36Baby, I missed you so much.
27:40I missed you, too, Mom.
27:42Did you miss me, bud?
27:44Of course I missed my dad.
27:48Uncle Tristan's gonna be my dad for the talent show today.
27:58That's so sweet.
28:00But Uncle Tristan's a little busy.
28:03No, no, no. That's okay.
28:05We both know I'm a man of my word.
28:19Today, we're gonna be singing Skidamarink-a-dink.
28:25One, two, a-one, two, three, four.
28:29Skidamarink-a-dink-a-dink Skidamarink-a-doo
28:33I love you
28:42I love you
28:46I love you in the morning
28:49And in the afternoon
28:51I love you till the evening
28:53And underneath the moon
28:55Oh, Skidamarink-a-dink-a-dink
29:00I love you
29:10Oh, Lucas, you're a natural talent.
29:13Here, let me get a picture of all of you.
29:16One second.
29:18And smile.
29:20I really hope you can be my dad.
29:25Miss Wilson, I would like to go over some of Lucas' reading packets with you, if that's okay.
29:39I want to tell your mom. I have feelings for her.
29:42What do you think she'll say?
29:44Even I can tell she likes you.
29:47Okay, well, help me pick a day.
29:50Tomorrow. It's my birthday.
30:00What's wrong, Mom? You're staring.
30:03Oh, um, I'm just thinking about my designs for the contest.
30:08Mom's got no ideas in the old head.
30:11What's the theme?
30:17Do you know what that means?
30:19You should draw yourself, Mom.
30:22No, I don't want to draw myself.
30:25Do you know what that means?
30:27You should draw yourself, Mom.
30:30You're super powerful.
30:36Hey, uh...
30:38I think you might be a little too old to come with me to the ladies' room.
30:43I'll stay here.
30:45Okay, but do not move, no matter what.
30:52Okay, I'll see you in a minute.
31:17I love this.
31:39Why did you take Lucas without asking me?
31:41Do you know how worried I was?
31:43I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
31:48Uncle Jason was picking a gift for me.
31:52I'm sorry, I just...
31:54With everything that's gone on recently, I'm not myself, and...
31:57I understand, but...
31:59Listen, you don't have to do all of this on your own.
32:06Screw it, I can't wait any longer.
32:16Screw it, I can't wait any longer.
32:22Screw it, I can't wait any longer.
32:33I think Lucas is pretty cool.
32:35And, um...
32:39I love you.
32:41So much.
32:44And, um...
32:46I wanted to know if I could...
32:49Be part of your family.
32:53It's about time.
32:57I love you too.
33:03I wanna hug too!
33:11I know what to design!
33:16You'll see!
33:22Mom's pretty funny, isn't she?
33:36Anita! Hi!
33:38I'm sorry to bother you so late.
33:40I heard it was Lucas' birthday tomorrow, so I brought you a cake on behalf of the class.
33:45That's so sweet, but don't you want to cut that in class?
33:49They actually made two!
33:51Lucas is just so popular.
33:55Well, thanks. I'm sure he'll enjoy it.
33:58You're welcome. And tell Lucas happy birthday for me.
34:01Okay, I will.
34:04Thank you!
34:16The cake has been delivered.
34:22I love you.
34:35I see you've fallen for me.
34:46Okay, stop it. We have to decorate.
34:49Oh, yeah.
34:57Did, uh...
34:59Did you make this cake?
35:01Lucas' teacher brought it over.
35:03His classmates made it for him.
35:05Oh, I see.
35:06Anthony bought me so many toys!
35:17Your classmates made it for you.
35:22Oh, and I got a little surprise for you, too.
35:27You're my dad?
35:51Tristan, could you come with me for a second?
35:55I have something I want to show you.
36:05Why so mysterious?
36:07What's this?
36:09Read it.
36:16Read it.
36:29What happened?
36:30I don't know.
36:31What happened?
36:32I don't know.
36:33What happened?
36:34I don't know.
36:36What happened?
36:37I don't know.
36:38He was just playing and then he collapsed.
36:44We need to get him to the hospital.
37:02Lucas is a tough kid.
37:05I know he'll pull through.
37:08If anything bad happens to him, I'll never forgive myself.
37:15I have the best people looking after him.
37:19He'll be okay.
37:22Listen, you haven't eaten all day.
37:27I'll try to get something for you.
37:28I think...
37:30I think I saw they have your favorite chips.
37:33It might cheer you up.
37:59Why are you here?
38:02Let's talk about Lucas.
38:04It was you, wasn't it?
38:07So what?
38:09You're a vicious woman.
38:11Lucas is just a child.
38:13And only I have the antidote.
38:20What do you want?
38:22Marry me this weekend.
38:25And once my family gets the Thompson shares,
38:28then I will give you the antidote.
38:35And once my family gets the Thompson shares,
38:38then I will give you the antidote.
39:02Tristan, where are you?
39:23Hey, I've got something to deal with.
39:25So, I'll call you back later.
39:38I heard that Tristan and Jessica set a date.
39:41What? Really?
39:43Didn't Tristan break up with Jessica at the contest?
39:46Who knows?
39:48I heard Jessica will be resuming her position as design director too.
39:53What did you say?
39:56You didn't know?
39:58The wedding is this weekend.
40:33I'm sorry.
40:47What did the doctor say?
40:50Nothing conclusive.
40:52Some sort of unknown toxin.
40:56I just don't understand why Tristan would decide to marry Jessica with Lucas in this state.
41:01What a dickhead.
41:04I'm just glad Tristan has no clue Lucas is his son.
41:10As soon as Lucas recovers, we're getting out of here.
41:14He has you. That's all he needs.
41:20I still don't understand how he got poisoned.
41:23What did he eat on his birthday?
41:27He just ate his cake.
41:30Nothing else. He even refused his favorite pizza.
41:36His teacher brought it for him.
41:47You're not welcome here.
41:49Mr. Thompson is doing everything he can to make sure Lucas gets better.
41:53I don't need his help.
42:01What did he mean?
42:04What can Tristan do to make Lucas better?
42:09I don't know.
42:11But I want to find out.
42:22Well done.
42:24Now keep your lips sealed and take some time away.
42:27I think a Bahamas trip is just what the doctor ordered.
42:31Speaking of doctors, I heard that they're treating Lucas.
42:35Do you think they'll find out the poison?
42:37Impossible. Only I have the antidote.
42:48Why is she here?
42:50Didn't she take a leave to take care of her kid?
42:52Right. I heard she tried to steal Tristan from Jessica.
42:54Shame on her.
42:56Anita was never right for a man like Tristan.
43:03Tristan and I have our wedding tomorrow.
43:06We would love for you to come.
43:08I can't.
43:10I have to take care of my son.
43:13Suit yourself.
43:15But if I were you, I wouldn't show your face around here ever again.
43:27I need your help.
43:29Anything. How can I be of service?
43:32I need you to keep Jessica occupied.
43:35I have to get into her office.
43:38Consider it done, Miss Meade.
43:55This narcissistic bitch wouldn't make it to her birthday, would she?
44:09Lucas, I could really use your help here.
44:13I'm sorry.
44:15I'm sorry.
44:17I'm sorry.
44:19I'm sorry.
44:21I'm sorry.
44:22I could really use your help here.
44:25What do you do?
45:01Emergency, Miss Jessica! We need to go!
45:04Don't worry about that! No one can get in until the building is clear!
45:23What did you find?
45:27Thank God.
45:29What now?
45:31I'll inject the antidote myself. There's no time to waste.
45:34Surely Jessica has noticed it's messing with her now.
46:06Lucas, you're awake!
46:09Mom, what happened?
46:11You fell into a deep sleep. You're okay now.
46:15Where's Uncle Tristan?
46:20Okay, let's get going. Come on.
46:22Are we going right now?
46:24Well, I mean, the sooner we leave, the better.
46:27Will Uncle Tristan come with us?
46:32Maybe what Vincent said was right.
46:35Are you really over him?
46:37Ever since I met Tristan, Lucas has been in danger.
46:41I'm afraid.
46:43Look, honey.
46:45I think you should give yourself more credit. And Tristan, too.
46:48Please don't break up with Tristan. I'll protect you.
46:53Tristan is Lucas' father, after all.
46:56Patty, I'm sorry. I think Lucas should know.
47:00Tristan is my dad? Awesome.
47:04Yeah, but he's marrying someone else right now. That's what we speak of.
47:09What are we waiting for, Mom?
47:11Let's go.
47:17Okay. Let's go see if they're here.
47:20A few hours later
47:40Tristan, be happy. It's a big day for both Thompson and Wilson.
47:45A few hours later
47:48I must be seeing things.
47:58Good day, everyone.
48:00Lucas, you're awake.
48:03My name is Lucas Thompson. I'm Tristan Thompson's son.
48:10Dad, I miss you so much. Don't marry Jessica. She poisoned me.
48:16Where did this little bastard come from?
48:18How dare you accuse me of such a thing?
48:25I admit it. I did put poison in Lucas' cake, but Jessica and Nancy forced me to do it.
48:36I really missed you.
48:37I missed you too, buddy.
48:46I'm sorry I haven't told you until now.
48:49Six years ago, that fateful night in the hotel, Lucas is your son.
49:00Six years ago, that fateful night in the hotel, Lucas is your son.
49:08Six years ago, that fateful night in the hotel, Lucas is your son.
49:12I knew that we were meant to be together, Winter Mellon.
49:20The authorities will be here any minute. I do hope you look good in orange.
49:27What have you done, Tristan?
49:30I'm in love, Dad.
49:31I'm in love, Dad.
49:36Whether you like it or not, I choose my son and the love of my life over the company.
49:41Nonsense. What about Jessica?
49:43Jessica is a murderer. Are you seriously still on her side about this?
49:53You can't just marry somebody on a whim. What about everything I've built?
49:58With all due respect, you can shove it up your ass.
50:03I'm going to build something new and something better.
50:07The award for best design goes to Anita Wilson, co-founder of 1906 Design Corp.
50:26Ms. Wilson, you have earned the award for best design.
50:31Thank you.
50:36Ms. Wilson, your design is pretty unique compared to the others.
50:42Can you give us the back story of your design?
50:51This year has presented us with some profound challenges.
50:55But amidst those trials, my son Lucas has emerged as a beacon of strength.
51:01Witnessing his personal growth has been inspiring and served as the impetus for the creation of EverBond,
51:11a heartfelt testament to our shared journey together.
51:14With affection and admiration, I express all my love to you, Lucas.
51:42Well, in this significant moment, I wish to pledge a lifelong commitment.
51:52Anita Wilson, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for both of you in the first six years.
51:59But from this moment forward, I want to be there for both of you,
52:05offering love and protection, successful protection this time.
52:13Anita Wilson, will you marry me?
52:21Say yes!
52:48What a fateful night.
52:51What a fated life.
