Indian movie kakuda

  • 2 months ago
This is the review of kakuda
00:00Kakuda is a comedy-horror movie.
00:03This is a story of a haunted Indian village, Ratori.
00:09In this village, every house has two doors.
00:12One big and one small.
00:14On every Tuesday, the small door has to be opened at sharp 7.15.
00:18Otherwise, mysterious ghost Kakuda himself opens the small door and kicks the male member
00:24of that house.
00:26As Kakuda don't harm women and children.
00:29But one villager Sunny couldn't open the door on time.
00:34As he was busy in getting married, he didn't leave with his girlfriend Indra.
00:39And they had to get married on Tuesday.
00:43So Kakuda kicked Sunny and big lump grew on his back.
00:47Now everyone was expecting his death but Indra, his wife took him hospital where lump was
00:56But next day, it grew again.
00:59Now Indra also understood this is a curse not a disease.
01:05At hospital, security guard gave his card to Indra.
01:09Now Indra contacted him and he told that he is a ghost hunter.
01:14Now they all went to feed where Kakuda supposed to live.
01:18A scarecrow attacked them but Victor got succeeded in drawing a painting.
01:23In painting, there was a dried well and two pigeons.
01:28After some effort, they found a well.
01:30After digging, they found two skeletons.
01:33One of the skeleton was wearing Goyal circus cap.
01:36Now Kakuda came there and they all left.
01:40Indra's parents asked Sunny to leave her and he was trying to do suicide.
01:45Goyal circus owner told them that 65 years back, Kakuda was known as Gulab.
01:50He has special powers in his right fork.
01:52He can heal anyone's backache by hitting him with his right fork.
01:56He got very famous and Guga Pahelwaan also got famous.
01:59Gulab and Shibu were best friends.
02:01Once Shibu's mother who was widow got very sick and on Shibu's request, Gulab decided
02:05to heal her.
02:06Guga Pahelwaan called villagers and they misunderstood the relation of Gulab and Ganga.
02:12They swearly beat Gulab.
02:13He knocked at all the doors of village but no one helped him.
02:17Guga also killed Shibu and Ganga.
02:20Gulab got injured and remained sad with scared crow for 13 long hours in winter and died.
02:31Kakuda's wedding told his story to them by possessing Gomti, Indra's twin sister.
02:37At the end, everyone was happy.
02:39Gomti and Winter start liking each other.
02:42Victor went to Delhi.
02:45Sunny was saved but curse was not removed as old man didn't open the small door on Tuesday
02:51at 7.15 pm Kakuda came back and hit him.
