Here's the 'Aha Moment' That Convinced The Bento Box Queen to Start

  • 3 months ago
Interview with social media sensation Sulhee Jessica Woo about creating content with her children, using TikTok, and building a community in the creator economy.


00:00Welcome to Restaurant Influencers presented by Entrepreneur.
00:09I am your host, Sean Walsh.
00:11If this is a Cali BBQ Media production in life in the restaurant
00:16business and in the new creator economy, we learn through lessons
00:19and stories.
00:20We are grateful to toast our primary technology partner at our
00:24barbecue restaurants that not only power our restaurants so many
00:28restaurants around the the nation, but they also give us the
00:31opportunity to share stories of people that are doing really cool
00:34things in the storytelling space in the hospitality space restaurant
00:38And today we are very lucky.
00:41I've been waiting for this interview for a while, but today we have
00:45Suli Jessica Wu.
00:46You can find her at Suli Jessica some statistics for you.
00:52730,000 YouTube subscribers 350,000 Instagram followers.
00:595.7 tick-tock 5.7 million tick-tock followers 224 million likes on
01:08But there is one statistic that I'm going to ask Jessica about right
01:14off the bat and that is 1.2 thousand.
01:19That's 1.2 thousand videos on YouTube.
01:22So Jessica, welcome to the show.
01:23Thank you for being here.
01:24I'm really excited.
01:28We're going to talk about your new cookbook.
01:30Very excited.
01:31Can you show it up for the people that are watching on video?
01:34Yes, let's make some lunches.
01:36The first official cookbook.
01:38The labor of love.
01:40Yes, I call it my fourth baby.
01:46That's absolutely incredible.
01:48It's available everywhere.
01:49I'm guessing pre-sale right now.
01:51July 30th, but it is online pretty much everywhere.
01:55Amazon Barnes & Noble Walmart books a million beautiful.
02:00So we're going to ask my favorite question, which is where in the
02:03world is your favorite stadium stage or venue?
02:13You know, I grew up listening to like punk rock music and my
02:17favorite place, I guess growing up in Vegas would be the
02:21Huntridge, which they was like an old building.
02:25Okay, it was shut down forever and they just like kind of restored
02:30it back this year.
02:32I believe really very cool.
02:33How many people fit in the Huntridge?
02:35I don't know.
02:37Not that much probably a couple hundred.
02:39Yeah, maybe a thousand.
02:40Okay, we're going to rent that out.
02:43We're going to go figure it out.
02:44I'm going to talk to toast.
02:45I'm going to talk to entrepreneur.
02:47We're going to talk to some other sponsors.
02:48But what we care about on this show, we're very, you know, very
02:52grateful that we've had the opportunity to reach millions of
02:54people all over the globe.
02:55Thankful to entrepreneur that gives us this stage.
02:58But what we care about is people that play the game within the
03:01There's people that listen to podcasts that read books that go
03:05to conferences.
03:06The people that listen to this show are the ones that actually
03:08do the work.
03:09So they're going to hear something that you say and then hopefully
03:12implement it in their restaurant in their business.
03:15They're going to figure out ways to use this incredible tool that
03:19so many of us take for granted and I'm holding up an iPhone.
03:22It really doesn't matter.
03:23What kind of phone you have but we have an ability to create a
03:26community which you have done.
03:28So we're going to go.
03:30I'm going to rent out the venue.
03:31I'm going to give you the mic.
03:32I'm going to say Jessica.
03:33You just wrote the book.
03:35Let's make some lunch.
03:36You put all of this creator economy all of this work all of this
03:39love into your book.
03:41What's next?
03:42Why you got to do that to me like that?
03:49Okay, I don't know I am working on a working on a product next.
03:56I've been on that also.
03:59So of course like lunch a lunch box up in tow box.
04:03So I think that next and what else what else?
04:10What else give us to the give us to the big goal.
04:15We want to look back on this in the coolest thing about doing
04:17this show for me is knowing that it's a time capsule that we
04:21can look back on 2024 when you just dropped your brand new
04:24book and we can see the statistics and you know, five years
04:27from now who the amount of followers are you going to have
04:30is just going to be exponential.
04:32So looking back, you know, dream big dreams.
04:35Tell it tell us what what are you?
04:36What are you planning?
04:38Big goal is I want to just like help kids in need, you know,
04:42I want to feed children and do that, you know, I want to just
04:46make the world a better place like as cheesy as that sounds
04:50but I want to be at a place where it's, you know, I mean I
04:54can do that now, but I wish I could just do it without having
04:57to worry about so many other things and you go ahead keep
05:02going and just, you know, bringing my kids to do that with
05:06Basically, I love the fact that you're such a proud mom and
05:10that you bring your kids into your content.
05:12It's something that I do personally with my family.
05:15It's my today the day that we're recording.
05:17This is my daughter's fifth birthday and you know, I made
05:20a little video like all of my children.
05:23They've grown up basically on video.
05:25So, you know, it's easy for me to go back and see, you know,
05:28how fast they've grown and I noticed that recently you posted
05:32that you're you one of your daughters graduated from from
05:36Can you share a little bit about you know, the decision to
05:38bring your children into your content?
05:42You know, my contents just what it what it is, you know, it's
05:45what I do every day like the lunches I make are the lunches
05:49I make for them.
05:50So, you know for me, it's just natural for me to be like just
05:55recording everything that I'm doing because that's what I'm
05:57sharing and as long as they want to do that with me, you know,
06:01of course, I'm like, yeah, I want to save all these memories
06:06and if it helps other people get closer with their families
06:11in any way, you know, even if they're like writing a note
06:14for their child now in their lunchbox, that's a little bit
06:17more closer than before and yeah, I mean I wouldn't picture
06:23my life any other way without doing that.
06:25Like I don't want to do this by myself.
06:27That's boring.
06:28I tried that, you know, I did the like makeup thing.
06:31I did.
06:33I don't know.
06:34I did a lot of like random stuff like building stuff.
06:36I are my background is in art.
06:39So and as great as that was like I get to do art and now I get
06:46to do with my kids, which is like a double win for me of those
06:51videos that you know YouTube specifically the one I mean
06:551,000 to 1,200 videos is a lot of videos.
06:58Yeah, I cranked it out for sure.
07:01I cranked it out, but I think a lot of lunches, you know,
07:05like I was like might as well film them all because I'm doing
07:08it anyway, and you know, it was fun for me.
07:12I want to remember every single lunch.
07:14I make them like as crazy as that sounds.
07:16It's like for me, it's I like I like making this stuff and
07:21I like, you know, giving it to them and writing all these
07:24notes and making it, you know special.
07:27So for me, yeah for a while, obviously it was fun and I can
07:31do it all day, but I did slow down sure.
07:35Can you bring can you bring us back to the you know, to the
07:38real aha moment for you know, the actual series of what turned
07:43into the book and what turned into the brand, you know, because
07:46you were doing beauty videos and then all of a sudden, you
07:50know, was it tick-tock specific?
07:51Was it on the tick-tock platform or YouTube or where you really
07:54found like this is the voiceover.
07:56This is the bento box.
07:58This is the thing that people are really want more of.
08:02I think the aha moment for me was like the YouTube I started
08:10doing YouTube videos and that was a big my sister was a big
08:16She was like you have all these talents you do all this stuff.
08:19You make all this stuff be a YouTuber, please be a YouTuber,
08:23you know, cuz she was a consumer.
08:25She was like, I love, you know, that's all she watched and she
08:28was like, why don't you do this?
08:29Like this is for you.
08:32And so I tried YouTube but for me, it was just like it was just
08:38like a production thing like having to like makeup something
08:41and then do something and then it's like I don't know, you
08:45know, but with the aha moment with tick-tock was like wow.
08:48These are just like regular people.
08:50Yeah, just normal people who share what they do every day.
08:54Even if it's like a restaurant owner who comes in and shows
08:58the process of what they have to do every day, you know, and
09:01for me, I was like, that's amazing.
09:04You know, I could do that because I'm not putting on a huge
09:07show or you know, as much as I love being a perfectionist and
09:11making things beautiful, you know, for me it was realistic and
09:15I was like, I you know, I would rather share that cuz my I just
09:19do that.
09:19Anyway, you know, I record everything.
09:21Anyway, I take pictures all the time.
09:24And so I was like, yeah, let me do this.
09:26And then again, my sister was like, why don't you put your
09:30food like you cook every day you cook for your kids every day
09:33you make lunches every day and it's cute and you're good, you
09:37know, she's like it tastes good.
09:39So she was a big, you know, she always pushed me.
09:43She's like you do it because obviously she was like, I'm not
09:45going to do it.
09:46So you did yeah, and then my lunch videos.
09:52I started kind of doing like the short clips of hello, you know,
09:57this is what I'm doing blah blah blah blah blah my account got
10:01banned for some reason in the beginning and then I was like,
10:06well, I'm not going to do this this that it was very discouraging
10:09like this sucks now.
10:10I have nothing and so I was off tick-tock for just a few months
10:14because this was like the summer of 2019 ish and then took a
10:20few months off went back on and then I did the overhead with
10:24the voiceover not sure why just kind of felt like I think the
10:28biggest part was like I don't need to talk because it's so
10:34Yeah, I'm I have three kids.
10:35It's so noisy.
10:36There's always TV something and so I was like, let me try a
10:40voiceover because I can hide in my closet and just literally,
10:44you know, say whatever I want and do it, you know the way I want
10:48to and so and then once I posted that video it just from there
10:54here we are when you started it was on an iPhone or an Android.
10:59It was on an iPhone on an iPhone.
11:01Are you still filming on iPhone?
11:03That's how many videos do you have on your iPhone?
11:07Let me see.
11:09I filmed a lot the past five days.
11:11So I think it quadrupled.
11:15Let's see.
11:16I have forty eight thousand five hundred forty eight thousand
11:20videos and how many photos?
11:28Does it just say photos?
11:29Yeah, if you go to like your library and scroll all the way
11:32In total of photos and videos.
11:39I have a hundred and thirty eight thousand two hundred eighty
11:44That is magical.
11:48That is magical and have you ever considered adding a camera
11:51or you just like tell me a little bit about that.
11:56Yeah, I have I have all everything I have.
11:59Oh, you do have everything.
12:00Gadgets and everything because I want you.
12:02Yep for me.
12:03It's just realistically.
12:05I can't I just it just hinders my workload.
12:10This won't do it because I'm like, I don't want to set up
12:12I don't want to move everything.
12:14Yeah, because it's just the time, you know, like the lunches
12:18are real.
12:19So I'm already like tired in the morning, you know, so it's
12:23like am I going to film it if I have to set up the camera
12:27probably not but my phone's always there.
12:29You know, and for me it's worked so I can't I can't just
12:34be like, well, it doesn't work then.
12:36I can't, you know, I don't know it works for me.
12:40And now a quick break from restaurant influencers to welcome
12:43our newest sponsor to the show.
12:45It's Zach Oates, the founder of Ovation.
12:48Ovation is helping restaurants to improve operations with
12:51the human touch.
12:52We are a guest experience platform for multi-unit restaurants
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13:47of Ovation's.
13:49What was the first video on Tick-Tock specifically that you
13:59can remember where it was like, this is this is it.
14:03This is what I need to keep doing.
14:05It was a lot specifically.
14:07Yeah, it was the overhead lunch one was the overhead lunch one.
14:11It was just and the lunch was so like whatever like it was like
14:15the easiest like, you know, I didn't put any thought or it
14:20literally in you know, they say that all the time you you know
14:23people go viral for things that isn't really thought out or
14:27methodical or anything like that.
14:29So it was just literally some salami and some like mozzarella
14:34cheese, you know, I didn't even cook anything.
14:36I cut some stuff up and yeah that went viral and then it was
14:41just like half and half where people I was going viral because
14:44people hated it like really are you doing like yeah, you know,
14:49like who has time for this, you know, just everything in the
14:54Like it must be nice to be a trophy wife just everything and
14:58you know, wow.
14:59But for me, I'm like, this is awesome.
15:01This is this is funny and it was crazy to just you know, the
15:07see the numbers just like grow really fast.
15:11What comes to mind when I say sliced grapes?
15:14Yeah, I mean that's what I mean.
15:15It was I did.
15:17I probably have like 3,000 comments didn't slice the grapes
15:22choking hazard.
15:23I can't believe in my mind.
15:24I didn't I couldn't believe it until I was doing research for
15:27I was like, there's no way that can be a thing but apparently
15:30it is and think about the grapes at all.
15:33I was like because I've done it a million times and you know,
15:37my biggest thing is like I never wanted to baby proof anything
15:42unless I really had to because I would rather communicate with
15:46them like this is bad because you know, instead of just being
15:53like, no, don't do that.
15:55You know, you're off limits like for me.
15:57I'm like, well, they'll just want to go there all day if you
16:00just you know, block it off.
16:01But if you tell them like, hey, there's poison in there, you
16:04can't be and you know, that's what I did with my kids.
16:07I didn't want to baby proof anything.
16:08I didn't want to so for me, I that was just like a natural thing
16:14like, oh, I didn't cut the grapes because I never do unless I'm
16:18cutting it into a cute shape, which is more because of aesthetic
16:22reasons, but obviously grapes do cause choking hazards.
16:28Can you share, you know, there's so many things that does and
16:31it's like, of course, I mean some of our for our barbecue
16:34business, you know, we have a barbecue restaurants and doing
16:37barbecue in San Diego doesn't make people that are come from
16:41Texas or you know, the Carolinas or any of the barbecue Meccas
16:45of the world.
16:45They're our most viral videos are half of them people telling
16:49us we're doing the barbecue wrong.
16:50The other half are people all over the world being like, oh
16:52my gosh, that's incredible.
16:53I can't believe you're doing it.
16:55Yeah, so we get it.
16:57That's fine.
16:58I mean, it is fine.
16:59It is fine.
17:00And for for you when you think about, you know, curating the
17:05content into a book, you know, we think of like all of these
17:10I mean, you're talking about a hundred thousands of you have
17:11over a hundred thousand pieces of content on your phone, which
17:14is phenomenal.
17:15Absolutely phenomenal.
17:17But then you have to distill down.
17:20What do you want to share into a book?
17:23That's going to be available on Amazon.
17:25That's going to be available in bookstores that you can actually
17:27have physically bring into someone's home.
17:30You know, that's something that's really cool.
17:32When somebody has it on their cooking shelf like your book and
17:36they're making lunch for their kids.
17:38How do you make those decisions of what goes inside that book?
17:42You know, it's just I just always knew like I want to make a book.
17:49I just wanted to make a book for my kids really, you know, like
17:52something I want I can leave behind.
17:55Yeah, you know a little bit about us a little bit about just a
18:01base basics of like what you need, you know, obviously all the
18:05technical little stuff like this is what you should get what not
18:09to get and all the questions people ask me.
18:12I took that into account, but you know, most of the recipes are
18:17just like my favorite recipes.
18:18My children's favorite recipes, my family's recipes, my stepmom's
18:23Filipino, you know, I have her Filipino recipes in there and also
18:30newer stuff because sorry, there's nothing in here all the new stuff
18:35like some viral type of things because you know, I'm known from
18:40the digital age.
18:41So I had a little bit of everything something that I think works
18:45for everyone and you know, there's breakfast lunch dinner and around
18:50the world because I think that kind of just sums up my cooking
18:54because I'm kind of like all over the place.
18:55I do like cute breakfast stuff, but I also do Korean food.
19:01So yeah, just a little bit of me inside everyone's home me and my
19:07I got to put a lot of pictures of my girls.
19:10I got to do this.
19:14Oh, that's so cool.
19:16Those are all the all the notes.
19:18Yeah, and the my girls save each one.
19:20So I have just like so sweet and now they're there forever even if
19:26I lose them or ruin them or anything.
19:29So yeah, you can you share unboxing the book for the first time
19:34like actually for you getting your hands on the first copy.
19:38I did.
19:39Yeah, it's funny because my sister usually opens all my packages
19:42because she can wait.
19:44My sister is staying with me at the moment.
19:48Yeah, so I was like, yeah, whatever open all my packages and then
19:50she's like, you know, whoops.
19:54Maybe you should open up.
19:55She's very animated.
19:57She's a lot more animated than me.
19:58And so her face was just like, oh my God, and so I got that on video
20:04and put that into because she was recording herself.
20:07She was like opening my sister's packages and and yeah, she's like
20:13at least that's a real reaction.
20:14The first one for sure, but I wanted to wait.
20:18I wanted to wait till my sister my daughters got out of the school.
20:22So we'll talk about the opportunities that have come, you know, from
20:29I saw that you were at the roast of Tom Brady for Netflix.
20:32I mean, that's like absolutely incredible.
20:36Like the selfies you're taking.
20:37Is it like bring us bring bring us into that experience?
20:42Yeah, I mean crazy.
20:43I don't know.
20:44Like how did you how did you find out?
20:47How did you find out about the invitation?
20:48So now Netflix and Tick-Tock invited me and I just have a really good
20:57relationship with both Netflix and Tick-Tock.
21:00I've worked with them before and they've invited me to events before
21:04so they're like, hey, you want to you know, they're we're doing Netflix
21:09as a joke.
21:09Do you want to go?
21:11The two big ones will be Tom Brady roast and Chris rocks.
21:18He did like a.
21:21It was like a screenplay type of thing, which was really cool too.
21:24But yeah, we couldn't record or take pictures.
21:28I couldn't really share about that.
21:29But yeah, that was really cool too.
21:32And I was like, yes, like I the funny thing is I don't like Tom Brady.
21:37I'm a Cowboys fan and I like.
21:42You know, like it was actually perfect because you know, I was like
21:45supporting him, but also he's getting made fun of so I was like, yeah
21:48perfect for me.
21:50And so yeah, I was like, yes, I want to go and I got there.
21:56They're like, you know, you can walk the red carpet and I love getting
22:00dressed up and doing all that stuff.
22:01So I was like, yay.
22:02And then I was early.
22:07And so I I was pretty much like one of the first ones to walk the
22:10carpet size, just like took my time got a bunch of selfies that made
22:14some of it, you know, took some video they had a goat there for the
22:18goat and got to feed the goat and you know, play with the goat and
22:22then and then I was like, well, I might as well just like stick around
22:26the red carpet and see who's coming.
22:29And everyone came literally everyone just kind of hung out there.
22:34To there's two other just like influencer content creator people like
22:42myself because usually there's like a group or like more people but it
22:47was just them two and they they it's Logan Lyle.
22:51Do you know who that is?
22:52I don't.
22:52You should.
22:55They sit on like a I don't know what it is like a lake deck.
23:03And they just tell each other dead jokes.
23:05I think I might have seen probably have seen actually I probably shared
23:10one of their videos.
23:11So we just hung out with them me and my friend.
23:14I took my friend Sam and we were just like, yeah, let's just hang out
23:19here and we were we were just like cool like like there's that person
23:24there's that person and then we were just like, you know, we're like
23:26this is awesome.
23:27And then we sat down and watch the show and I couldn't like I was like,
23:32oh my god, like I thought the rest was amazing to it's incredible.
23:37So this is a restaurant show.
23:39So I would be remiss if I didn't ask you is there a restaurant in your
23:44future a bento box restaurant in the future?
23:48You know, I always say I want to you know, I actually thought about
23:52having one during covid and I didn't have one because it was covid but
23:58A really amazing opportunity came into my hands and it was like the
24:03most perfect place and everything was bought, you know, the only thing
24:10I had to do was stick my name on it and buy ingredients and staff and
24:14you know, you never get that you never, you know, you have to buy
24:17equipment everything and it was a really good deal because it was
24:22During covid.
24:23So I really really sad on that idea.
24:27It was half outdoors half indoors.
24:29It was big enough space to have an event and you know, even if I did
24:34have a restaurant, I would love to have pop-ups all the time because
24:37I am really connected in the restaurant industry and also, you know,
24:42the creator chef cook industry.
24:46So I was like this is awesome.
24:48You know, like I can literally make it cute, you know, I can do
24:52bento boxes.
24:53I can do events, but I didn't do it because I obviously was scared and
24:58it was a huge risk during covid and it was restaurants are a big risk.
25:02Yeah, I mean my my mom had a few restaurants growing up, you know,
25:07I know and even my youngest dad he worked in restaurants, you know,
25:14the whole time we we've been together.
25:15So I know personally how much it takes just, you know, all day.
25:23It's funny because we have obviously a lot of people they ask us about
25:27restaurants opening up restaurants opening up catering businesses and
25:29we always tell them to lean into the creator economy, you know, lean
25:33into the creator economy.
25:34If you have a recipe share your recipe build a community and once
25:38you build a community, then you can be in a position like Jessica
25:42is where now you can have those opportunities.
25:45It's a much different game now that you're an established cookbook
25:49author that you're a creator that you have a YouTube following a
25:52tick-tock following Instagram following.
25:54I can't wait to see what you build.
25:57I know there's going to be so many different opportunities.
26:00I'm sure you know different types of products not just in grocery
26:03stores, but in home goods stores and all different types of stuff.
26:07I'm sure this is just the beginning for you.
26:09Is there any kind of words of wisdom that you'd like to share with
26:12our audience?
26:13So our audience specifically in the restaurant space and what our
26:17biggest message to them is just understanding that the internet's
26:22free like you can share your story.
26:24So anything you can you can tell them about about the creator economy.
26:31I think like anybody like everyone in the restaurant business can be
26:36a creator, you know, whether you're a dishwasher a bus or a server or
26:40Bartender, you know the cooks, you know anybody and it you know, it
26:46doesn't like it doesn't have to be grandiose, you know, you can
26:50literally just film yourself like being like this is how we do wash
26:54dishes in the back of house, you know, most people don't even know,
26:58you know, they don't even know how the machine looks like or you know
27:01what they go through and it's like people like real-life stuff.
27:05They like they really do, you know, like they like
27:08People who wash driveways like that's cool because it's satisfying,
27:12you know, whatever it is that they like watching you for but it's like
27:17anybody can do it.
27:19You can also obviously if you're a dishwasher slash or like you want
27:23to move up and work your way into a cook, you know, you want to work
27:27your way into being a restaurant or an owner.
27:31You can just share that journey to which you know, that's the hardest
27:35You know, that's the hardest part.
27:36I think is people sharing their journey and being vulnerable, but
27:42you know, put yourself out there and people will like you.
27:47And they'll or they won't they won't like you but I don't know they
27:50won't because you know, it's engaged in so I think you know, just
27:57be yourself and just create content.
28:00On what you really are interested in, you know, and what you want to
28:03do. You don't even have to be doing it at that point, but you know,
28:08you can talk about it and you can say what you're doing to get there.
28:13It's awesome.
28:14I don't know.
28:14What's that good?
28:15No, it it totally helps.
28:17It's one of the messages that we we try to share.
28:19It's that, you know, there's so much opportunity right now in 2024
28:24and beyond we don't need to make tic-tac and we don't need to make
28:27platforms are already there.
28:28We have everything we need literally in our fingertips.
28:30If we're willing to be vulnerable, you know, share the story and
28:35it takes time though, you know, it didn't happen didn't happen
28:37overnight for you.
28:38And now you're, you know, continuing to evolve on your journey.
28:42So if you guys want to reach out to me, it's at Sean P.
28:45Walsh F SHA WNP WALCH EF.
28:49I'm weirdly available on all social media platforms.
28:52Jessica, thank you so much best place.
28:54What's your favorite digital playground is a tic-tac, but what's
28:57the best way or I mean, you have a community that you've built on
29:00IG, which is really cool.
29:02The bento box Society.
29:03How's that going for you?
29:04It's good.
29:05I have a little bit of a different audience in every platform.
29:09So I can't, you know, just be like I love to talk.
29:11I do and that's, you know, that's my baby too.
29:14That's where I grew up.
29:16I grew up on the internet.
29:17I grew up on social media.
29:19You know, that's my baby too.
29:20That's where I grew up, but everywhere like my YouTube is like the
29:25younger generation, you know, those are my kids generation.
29:28They watch me on short.
29:29So, you know, I love them just as much.
29:31I love YouTube just as much.
29:33I love Instagram because there are my mommy, you know, more older
29:37people who look to me for more relationship types of stuff or like,
29:41you know, just how I am as a mom, but also as a person living my
29:47So, you know, everyone has their and Facebook's like the older people
29:51who like don't understand me, but then there's very older, you know,
29:55ladies who are like, we love this, you know, so yeah, I love it all.
30:00It's hard.
30:00Obviously keeping up with all of them, but you have to you have to
30:03do it to grow and cater to the different audiences if you want to
30:09obviously, so can you make one promise whenever whenever if this
30:13ever happens, if you ever open up a restaurant that we can we can
30:17do another interview.
30:17Yeah, anytime.
30:19I mean, you make me cry.
30:20I don't cry.
30:22I made a video with one of my guy friends and he's like, yeah, you
30:27need a soul, you know, to cry and I'm like, because I don't cry when
30:31I cut onions and he does all the time.
30:33He's like a cry.
30:34He cries and he laughs too.
30:40We are we are honored that you shared your journey with us.
30:43We can't wait to see what you're building.
30:44Please go get the cookbook.
30:46We're going to put links into the show notes, but a Suli Jessica
30:50Let's make some lunch.
30:52Your kids are very lucky.
30:53Thank you for sharing as a mom.
30:56Thank you for sharing as a creator and thank you for coming on our
30:59We truly appreciate it.
31:00Thank you so much.
31:02John, you got it.
31:04Thank you for listening to restaurant influencers.
31:08If you want to get in touch with me, I am weirdly available at Sean
31:12Walsh FSH a WNP WALCH EF Cali barbecue media has other shows.
31:19You can check out digital hospitality.
31:22We've been doing that show since 2017.
31:24We also just launched a show season 2 family style on YouTube with
31:29And if you are a restaurant brand or a hospitality brand and you're
31:34looking to launch your own show Cali barbecue media can help you
31:38We just launched room for seconds with Greg Majewski.
31:42It is an incredible insight into leadership in the hospitality into
31:48enterprise restaurants and franchise franchisee relationships.
31:52Take a look at room for seconds.
31:54And if you're ready to start a show reach out to us be the show dot
31:59We can't wait to work with you.
