Ekspansi Startup Berbasis Bengkel Dalam Ekosistem Kendaraan Listrik

  • 2 months ago
Otoklix menandatangani kerja sama dengan produsen kendaraan listrik asal Vietnam, VinFast. Kesepakatan ini menetapkan startup ini sebagai penyedia layanan resmi untuk kendaraan VinFast di seluruh Indonesia.

Selain bekerja sama dengan VinFast, startup berbasis service center ini juga menjalin kerjasama dengan produsen EV lain.


00:00Thank you for joining us in this episode of Sekpen Kretab.
00:04In this episode, we will discuss about the expansion of a workshop-based laptop in the electric vehicle ecosystem.
00:11We have a video conference with Martin Rehan, Suryo Husodo, CEO of Autoclix.
00:17How are you, Martin?
00:18I'm fine.
00:20Thank you for joining us.
00:23I hope we are always healthy, Martin.
00:26I want to update first, from your point of view as one of the players in the auto service industry.
00:33What is the growth of this industry so far, Martin?
00:38Yes, maybe as we know, or from what we read in the news,
00:42if we talk about the automotive market,
00:45in general, this year has experienced a rather severe recession compared to the previous year.
00:50So, if we look at the sales of new cars from dealers to consumers,
00:54from January to May 2024,
00:57it experienced a 14.4% decrease compared to the previous year.
01:02Automatically, with the decrease in car sales,
01:05new cars will also have an impact on auto servicing.
01:09Although, if we put it in terms of sales,
01:12the impact is not as significant as the sales of new cars,
01:17because car maintenance or service vehicles are a necessity.
01:22Automatically, many consumers still need car maintenance,
01:27which is why the automotive position of this industry is still in a strong position.
01:33Although, for consumers, they try to delay or prioritize
01:39the maintenance that is the most significant,
01:42and reduce other needs.
01:45The impact in terms of the market is also starting to shrink a little,
01:49although it is not as big as the sales of new cars.
01:54It means that the needs of the community will be the service that you provide,
01:58or maybe the players in the auto service sector are still high.
02:03Then, the trend now is that the community has started to be aware
02:07of the existence of electric vehicles or electric cars.
02:10How do you see this opportunity as a market that is quite potential,
02:17and if we compare it to conventional cars,
02:22there are still many markets that cater for conventional cars,
02:26because maybe people who have electric cars don't have many,
02:29and the condition is still new.
02:31What do you see this as?
02:33If we look at electric vehicles,
02:35the number of components in electric vehicles is much smaller
02:39than conventional vehicles.
02:41In terms of number, the ratio is only about 10%.
02:45Automatically, many maintenance needs in electric vehicles will be different,
02:51and there are also many electric vehicles that are currently doing maintenance,
02:55it is still suitable for the official workshop, because there is a guarantee.
02:59This is actually an amazing opportunity,
03:01because we see that the only electric vehicle in Indonesia
03:05is a different producer,
03:08compared to the previous conventional car producers,
03:11many of them are from China, Korea, and also from Vietnam.
03:15What we see now is that they have increased their market share,
03:20which automatically, as we help the general workshop,
03:24or we are installed in the non-official workshop,
03:27opens a significant opportunity for how to support
03:30these new car producers when they enter Indonesia.
03:34Because we see that their sales infrastructure is still in development.
03:40So why do we become a non-official workshop?
03:43It becomes a pillar support that can help speed up the adoption of this electric vehicle.
03:48Because no matter what, if we talk about consumers when buying an electric vehicle,
03:52automatically outside the price, outside the quality, outside the battery,
03:56the fourth and most important thing is also asked, where is the workshop?
04:00So we see that this is actually a very big opportunity for the non-official workshop,
04:04which previously did not have the opportunity
04:07to do maintenance during the warranty period.
04:10This is a significant opportunity.
04:12However, there are some adaptations that must be done by this non-official workshop,
04:18because no matter what, the technology is also different,
04:20more accurate education is needed.
04:24That's why it's actually a pretty big opportunity
04:27for non-official workshops to adapt as a pillar support
04:33for good electric vehicle producers to enter the Indonesian market.
04:38Okay, a statement that you just said led me to ask the following question.
04:44To address the electric vehicle segment, what adjustments have been made by Autoclix?
04:48Because if I'm not mistaken, there has been cooperation with electric vehicle producers
04:52as a non-official workshop, but then officially cooperated with those brands.
04:59What is it like?
05:01So it's true that we at Autoclix, like other companies,
05:05focus on conventional cars.
05:07We built a workshop ecosystem in Indonesia
05:10to serve the maintenance of conventional cars or conventional vehicles.
05:14Well, around the beginning of the middle of last year,
05:17we started expanding our business to help do maintenance for electric vehicles.
05:24We started with two-wheeler EVs, which we cooperated with Segway and also Ava1.
05:29And finally, we also started expanding to four-wheeler vehicles,
05:34to four-wheelers, namely VINVA as a stage of negotiation to help after-sales for them.
05:40Because we see a lot of electric vehicles that are currently entering Indonesia,
05:44as I shared before,
05:46their main focus right now is to increase market share.
05:50And when they want to expand,
05:52one of the infrastructures outside the charging station is also after-sales.
05:57And building an after-sales network is not something that is very fast.
06:02So to help them to be able to increase the adoption of electric vehicles faster,
06:07how do we work with them to use the ecosystem that we have built
06:13to empower our workshops to be able to maintain electric vehicles too,
06:18and ultimately also impact to help the producers to have quite a wide after-sales
06:25in doing maintenance on their sold electric vehicles.
06:30So that is one of the adaptations that we do.
06:33And automatically by doing this,
06:35because we talk about electric vehicles,
06:37there are a lot of things related to software, electrical.
06:40Automatically, education for these non-official workshops must also be done.
06:44How do we, Autoclix here, position to help, train, educate,
06:49how to do electric vehicle maintenance.
06:52Or the simplest example,
06:54doing electric vehicle maintenance can't be like conventional car maintenance
06:58that can only be done by hand.
07:00You have to use gloves, insulated gloves, etc.
07:03Because it can have quite a significant impact.
07:05So these educational things are what we have to do
07:08to support our partners' workshops
07:11to support the electric vehicle manufacturers
07:14that are entering Indonesia right now.
07:17Yes, clearly from the point of view of those who own electric vehicles,
07:21when they maintain their vehicles in non-official workshops,
07:25but have already cooperated with the officials,
07:28it feels more comfortable.
07:31Okay, Mr. Martin, we will continue the next session
07:34because we have to be brief,
07:36and we will be back shortly.
07:39Thank you for joining us,
07:41and I'm still talking with Mr. Martin Rehan Suryohusodo,
07:44CEO of Autoclix.
07:45Earlier, although it was discussed a little about what services
07:48are then given to the people who service their electric cars
07:52to Autoclix or maybe to their partners.
07:54The difference in the type of service between conventional vehicles
07:57and also electric vehicles,
07:59what is it like, Mr. Martin?
08:02Yes, maybe if we talk about electric vehicles,
08:06the name of the engine is no longer there,
08:08the internal combustion engine,
08:10so in addition to the oil change,
08:12the change in the engine oil is automatically no longer in the electric vehicle,
08:16which is replaced by the material replacement.
08:19So there are many differences,
08:21automatically with reduced components,
08:23so there is a change in car maintenance,
08:26in ICE vehicles or conventional cars,
08:29there is a lot of involvement in replacing components,
08:32while in electric vehicles,
08:34it is more involved in cleaning and service.
08:37Automatically there is still a similarity,
08:39for example, the name of the electric vehicle
08:41and also the conventional vehicle,
08:43both still need a shock absorber,
08:45the steering system is the feet,
08:47the tires, and so on.
08:48In addition, in the electric vehicle,
08:50the position of the vehicle is much heavier
08:52than a conventional vehicle,
08:54because the battery position is below.
08:56Automatically, the impact on the shock absorber
08:59is more significant,
09:01which can make more frequent changes.
09:03So there is a similarity and also a difference
09:06between the two vehicles,
09:08but the difference is two most significant things.
09:10One, conventional vehicles,
09:12when diagnosing,
09:14can be seen through the components,
09:16while in electric vehicles,
09:18an on-board diagnostic or engine is needed
09:20for the scanner to detect from all vehicle sensors,
09:23where is the issue?
09:24This is actually the biggest gap
09:26in the non-official workshop,
09:28where many of them do not know
09:30how to do or use the software
09:33to check where the damage is
09:35and how to replace it.
09:37The second is more to the procedure,
09:40including how to even open the engine
09:43to hold the components,
09:46which I mentioned earlier,
09:47must use insulated gloves,
09:50and so on,
09:51which is a procedure
09:52where the behavior must be changed
09:54as soon as possible.
09:57So this means,
09:58if we talk about the effort
10:00to read the potential of EV market,
10:03training, or maybe
10:05how to complete the skillset from SDM,
10:08from the workshops,
10:09the partners from Autoclase,
10:11this is also an important thing.
10:13How do the producers
10:15present or come directly
10:17to provide training,
10:19in terms of service,
10:22according to the product,
10:25the electric vehicle itself?
10:27So actually,
10:28every producer,
10:29when we work together,
10:31will give us the opportunity
10:33to do training
10:34to our own team.
10:35So in Autoclase,
10:36we also have a team of trainers
10:38who train our own mechanics,
10:41or mechanics only.
10:43we not only train
10:44in terms of technical,
10:46even with the spec parts.
10:47Because a lot of spec parts
10:48are sometimes not available
10:49in Indonesia,
10:50for the list driver,
10:51we try to find the complementarity
10:53or compatibility
10:54with other spec parts.
10:56From here,
10:57after we do the training,
10:59we consolidate all the materials
11:02that we use
11:03for training
11:04to our partners' workshops.
11:05We even do it together
11:08with SMK and BLK
11:10to share our knowledge
11:12by assigning
11:14some of their people
11:16to do an internship
11:17in our workshop.
11:18So that's one of the...
11:19Because no matter where we are,
11:20the human resources
11:21are very important
11:22in the workshop business.
11:24So that's what we have supported
11:27and done.
11:29You've been operating for Autoclase
11:31for a long time.
11:32As a company,
11:33what is the profitability like?
11:34What are the profitability targets?
11:36And maybe,
11:37what is the future target,
11:38Hans Martin?
11:40So Autoclase itself
11:41has been around since August 2012.
11:43We have expanded
11:45our business line.
11:47some of our business lines
11:49have actually reached profitability
11:51since last year.
11:52This year,
11:53our target is
11:54for the whole company
11:57to reach profitability.
11:58And our next focus
12:00is to develop
12:02and empower these companies
12:04to increase
12:06their competitiveness
12:08compared to official companies.
12:09By doing it
12:10from the need spec parts,
12:12from the consumer service needs,
12:14whether it's conventional cars
12:16or electric cars,
12:17it becomes our focus
12:19so that we can develop
12:21Autoclase's brand
12:22as a trusted brand
12:23in our entire workshop network
12:25in the automotive sales line.
12:29But then,
12:30our time is very limited.
12:31Hans Martin,
12:32thank you for joining us.
12:33Good luck to you.
12:34I will always see you.
12:35Yes, thank you very much.
12:37And before we finish,
12:39I think this time
12:40we will review
12:41the data from the IHSG movement
12:43so far.
12:45When it was opened,
12:46in the first trading session,
12:48the IHSG reached the highest level,
12:50level 7321.071.
12:53But then,
12:54it weakened so far,
12:55then it reached the level
12:57of 7200.
12:590.39% weakened.
13:02Top Losers,
13:03there's Bogapul,
13:09and also LAPS.
13:10Top Gainers,
13:11there's Adaro,
13:15and ITMAL.
13:26it's been 90 minutes
13:27since we accompanied Andi
13:28in Paro Breakfast.
13:30today's discussion
13:31can be a reference
13:32and source of information for you.
13:33Stay up to date with your information
13:34only on IDX Channel,
13:35your trustworthy and comprehensive
13:36investment reference.
13:37Don't forget to watch
13:38the Market Review program
13:39which will air
13:40at 10 o'clock
13:41in Indonesia West.
13:42Because it's about the future,
13:43I have to be the next investor.
13:45I'm Wiki Adrian.
13:46See you.
14:11Thank you for watching.
14:12Don't forget to like,
14:14and subscribe.
14:15See you in the next video.
