Concord | 'Vocal Cartographer' Cinematic Trailer

  • 2 months ago
Concord is a team-based first-person action hero-shooter developed by Firewalk Studios. Take a look at the latest cinematic trailer as Lennox tells the legend of the first crew to establish the Freegunners by sacrificing their lives for a map that is given to all new Freegunner crews in the fight against the guild. Concord will feature ongoing narratives and premiere in-game each week, beginning at launch. Concord launches on August 23 for PlayStation 5 (PS5) and PC.
00:13Bring it up
00:19Yep, it's a map. Let's establish your roots glance and gather intel in the revolt. What happened to the cartel? No
00:27We're taking a moment to pay homage
00:30You switched it off. We got work to do
00:33Captain turn it back on. I'm with Lennox. We should acknowledge the sacrifice
00:40Why are you kissing a tchotchke this is an authentic item from the starship implacable
00:47How do you two not know about the implacable how old are you now old enough to know legends matter Thank You captain
00:55This map
00:57Used to belong to the guild in the guild alone
01:01They controlled the space lanes
01:04Held the galaxy hostage. There were the only ones who are allowed to fly enter the crew of the implacable
01:13They risked their lives lost
01:15Their lives to steal this map and they gave it away for free
01:21That's how the free gunner started to this day that tradition is honored new crews like us
01:27Are given this map?
01:29these space things
01:46Much paid now, let's establish roots class
