La promesa - Temporada 3 - Ep 399
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00:05The recital would not only serve to celebrate
00:07the return of my son,
00:08but also to say goodbye to my friend María Antonia,
00:10as she deserves.
00:11And is there any request in particular for food?
00:14Because we will also have to choose the wines.
00:16If I have called you, it is for you to take care of it.
00:17Not so that you ask me everything.
00:19I pay you to work,
00:21not so that you go around with a sad face.
00:22Isn't our relationship above all those titles,
00:25all that money?
00:26Vera, we live in very different worlds.
00:28I used to believe that too, but together we've created a new world.
00:32A world where it's just you and me.
00:34A world where we love each other and we don't care what people think.
00:37Listen to me, that sounds beautiful.
00:40But it's impossible.
00:41You've always been very clear that it's right and it's not.
00:43And this thing with the jams is not.
00:45Days from sun to sun, bad words.
00:47I think it's time for us to break the rules once in a while.
00:51And what I'm doing is giving that girl a chance so she can get her son back and continue with her life.
00:56She has confirmed that she'll leave us.
00:59It's been a pleasure, but I think the time has come.
01:02It's a shame, friend, but everything comes to an end.
01:07Anyway, don't think you're going to leave just like that.
01:12I'm arranging a music recital to say goodbye.
01:15Tell me what you've come to tell us, that you've finally left the hangar and you're going home.
01:19Well, for now, that's not in my plans.
01:22I've come to ask you for a favor.
01:24And I'll give you whatever you need.
01:27Can you make me a dinner for tomorrow at the hangar?
01:30Something simple.
01:32I thought bringing her here and having her die was a good idea.
01:36And I'm realizing right now that it wasn't a good idea.
01:38No, it wasn't, Hanna, it wasn't.
01:40My son is safe and far from Gregorio, and that's the only important thing.
01:45And the plan is fine.
01:47I'd rather die here.
01:50And at Gregorio's hands.
01:51Go immediately to the upper floor, where the Duchess of Carril is waiting for you.
01:55The Duchess of Carril?
01:57Apparently, a few days ago she lost some gloves and she says you gave them to her.
02:00They may be in the closet where we keep the guests' clothes.
02:03Very well, then check it and meet with the Duchess as soon as possible.
02:07Yes, I'm going right now.
02:09It's in your hands that Catalina returns.
02:11Nonsense, you say.
02:12How am I going to get her back? Don't you know how stubborn she is?
02:15As long as she apologizes, that's enough.
02:17Don't even talk.
02:19If she wants that recital to come, she knows what she has to do.
02:24You helped Martina escape the sanatorium, didn't you?
02:27Of course I did.
02:28Curro, do you know where Martina is?
02:31Of course I do.
02:36Where is Martina?
02:39They won't think I'm as naive as to reveal her whereabouts now, will they?
02:42What are you saying?
02:44That it was quite difficult to escape that horrible asylum to which she was sent.
02:48All I did was get her out of hell, where they mistreated her.
02:51How did they mistreat her? Is that true?
02:54No doubt he's exaggerating.
02:56I saw Margarita with my own eyes.
02:59And that's why I made the decision to get her out of there.
03:02A hasty decision that you should have consulted, Curro.
03:05It's very good that you are interested in Martina,
03:08but that you get her out of the sanatorium at your own risk ...
03:10You would have done the same.
03:12It was the most sensible thing.
03:13What's more, Martina is an adult person and can go wherever she pleases.
03:16Martina needs help.
03:18Well, she wasn't receiving it there.
03:20That's for sure.
03:22Now it turns out that you are also an expert in mind games.
03:25Martina was in the sanatorium to avoid a much worse fate.
03:28That's right.
03:29If she didn't end up in jail, it was thanks to Ayala's benevolence.
03:31And I understand that with her mother's consent. Am I wrong?
03:35But who do you think you are to go against a mother's decision?
03:38I had no choice.
03:39I understood that for the good I was not going to get anything.
03:42So I decided to help her for the bad.
03:44Enough already.
03:45Tell us where Martina is if you don't want to get yourself in trouble too.
03:48And what are they going to do to me?
03:50Are they going to send me to a asylum?
03:52Because of course, that's what they do to those who are against their dictates, right?
03:55Curro, please.
03:56Curro, tell us where Martina is so we can help her, please.
04:01I'm sorry, aunt.
04:02But I can't do it.
04:05Not while there is the danger that they will send Martina back to that asylum.
04:08But you have lost the trial.
04:10Be reasonable.
04:11I'm sorry.
04:12But without guarantees that Martina will be fine, I'm not going to tell her where she is.
04:16In the meantime, I promise you that Martina will be in a safe place.
04:19No, I will never allow you to return to hell.
04:26It is not your confirmation that I need.
04:42If I can tell you
04:45The things that have happened since I saw you
04:49The lights that have danced through our garden
04:53The new rumors
04:55Between the heart and the walls
04:59In the promise
05:01There will be particles of love in motion
05:05There will be secrets that will never come out
05:09It will be as beautiful as the flight of a plane
05:15In the promise
05:17The farewells are turns on the ground
05:21Even the flowers will dance in their own way
05:25Balancers between fear and passion
05:32We are like a jump to the D3
05:36We are love when you live life to death
05:40A long way to go
05:44In the promise you will be a matter of luck
05:48We are like a jump to the D3
05:52We are love when you live life to death
05:56A long way to go
06:00In the promise you will be a matter of luck
06:05In the promise you will be a matter of luck
06:24Are you from Carril?
06:27I come to inform you that I have not been able to find the gloves you lost in this palace
06:32But have you searched well?
06:35I have looked in all the closets where we keep the garments of the guests but ...
06:39I have not tracked them
06:41What a contradiction
06:47Thank you very much, I'm already serving the Duchess
06:54Mother, what are you doing here?
06:56Look at my daughter
06:57Does it seem little to you?
06:59That I have not stopped thinking about you since I saw you the other day
07:03And that day I did not ...
07:05I did not react well, I admit it, I was ...
07:09But it is that, darling, to see you dressed like this, like a vulgar maid, is what I am
07:15You are the daughter of the Dukes of Carril
07:18But above all you are my daughter
07:20And it does not fit me in the head that you have been hiding here
07:23During all this time that I have been looking for you everywhere, darling
07:27I have moved Rome with Santiago behind any little clue that could lead me to you
07:32Thinking that you could have died is the worst thing that has happened to me in life
07:37Well, you can rest assured because I guarantee that they treat me well here
07:41But how can you tell me that?
07:43Mother, what has come?
07:46To ask you to come home, with me
07:51That is ruled out
07:52The best thing will be that they forget about me
07:54But how am I going to forget about you?
07:56For God's sake, you are my daughter
07:57For that very reason
07:59How can you ask me to go back to that hell?
08:02I will protect you
08:05We can change things, darling
08:07But we have to do it together
08:09Mother, you know that going home is a fear
08:12And that if I go back, Father will kill me
08:15And it is not a way of speaking
08:16But there has to be another alternative
08:18That you don't have to live like this, in servitude
08:21Mother, it is a dignified life
08:23Here I earn my livelihood
08:25Here they treat me well, I even feel loved
08:29Are you serious?
08:31My companions have welcomed me very well
08:35This is the life I have chosen
08:38And I need you to respect it
08:41And please promise me that you will never come back
08:45I can't promise you that, daughter, I can't
08:48I can tell you at least that I will try
08:55I love you
08:59Take care
09:03I repeat, it is the most appropriate
09:05Besides, I'm not asking anything from the other world
09:07Of course, now the most appropriate thing is that I apologize to Catalina every day, right?
09:10I know it's not easy and it's hard for a world to do it
09:13But I'm asking you, please
09:16Think about it, this way a great weight will be lifted
09:19And maybe the two of them can start from scratch
09:21Look, Manuel, I'm fine where I am
09:23Yes, if that wretch wants to continue in her hole
09:26Well, it's better for everyone that she stays far away
09:29Please be merciful
09:31Think at least about Catalina
09:33It is clear that she could not move forward after what happened
09:36And when did that become my problem?
09:39It is a problem of the whole family
09:41And therefore it is also yours
09:43And it is a shame that she did not realize
09:47Mother, fix your differences
09:50Fix them before this problem gets worse and it is impossible to go back
09:53Maybe it's too late, Manuel
09:54Or maybe not
09:56If you don't prove it, you'll never know
09:58Mother, it is clear that you are behind the outrage that Catalina suffered at the hands of the press
10:02That's what she says
10:03That's what happened, no matter how much you try to deny it
10:05Well, that's enough
10:07I'm not going to stay here listening to how you insult me
10:09It's the truth
10:10It's not the truth, Manuel
10:11It's his word against mine
10:13And you know what?
10:14It hurts my heart that you take his side
10:16Leaving me for a liar
10:18My God, mother, I'm already an adult
10:21His blackmailing doesn't work on me
10:23And this is not as simple as being on one side or the other
10:27I've heard his versions
10:29And I've informed myself
10:31I've read the articles
10:32I've seen the cartoons
10:33I've asked around
10:34And you know what?
10:36Everything leads me in the same direction
10:38Which is what?
10:41You know it perfectly
10:48Mother, if something has taught me this war
10:51It is how ephemeral life is
10:53And it would be surprising the number of soldiers who regret in their deathbed
10:57To have their backs to some relative
11:01It's not worth wasting time this way
11:04Please, rectify
11:08Recognize your mistake
11:12And if I don't?
11:15If you don't do it
11:17I advise you to be prudent
11:20Because if you keep hurting the family
11:22You may lose me too
11:45Vera, what's wrong?
11:47What do you mean, nothing?
11:49But if your expression is as if you had seen a ghost
11:51You could say that, yes
11:53What do you mean?
11:54My mother has kept her promise
11:56The Duchess of Carli?
11:58But why?
11:59To go to the gallery and get some of the best gloves she's ever worn
12:02And why has she actually come back?
12:05I don't know
12:06I don't know
12:07I don't know
12:08I don't know
12:09I don't know
12:10I don't know
12:11I don't know
12:12I don't know
12:13And why has she actually come back?
12:14Because she wanted to see me
12:15And convince me to go back home with her
12:18Man, from her point of view it makes sense
12:21Yeah, and what about my point of view?
12:24Yeah, I guess it must have been a bad drink
12:27I'm very sorry
12:29Are you serious?
12:31Of course
12:32Why would I lie to you?
12:34Santos, because I know that you were the one who sent her the invitation
12:36To come to Mrs. Margarita's dinner
12:40I know perfectly well that you were the one who sent her the invitation
12:43And that Mrs. Margarita didn't invite my mother
12:45Oh my God, Vera, how can you think like that about me?
12:47Because you're the only one who knew
12:49And that's how you put me in the middle of the wall
12:51And why would I want to put you in the middle of the wall?
12:55But let's see, Vera
12:57Did you come up with this excuse or did Lope come up with it?
13:00Look, Lope, don't get involved in this
13:01Do you trust each other?
13:04I don't trust you
13:06You did it to get revenge, didn't you? Out of jealousy
13:09I did it
13:10For God's sake, Vera
13:13I can't believe you were so naive
13:15To think you could change
13:18After everything you've done to me
13:19I decided to believe in your regret
13:21But I see that I'm still the same despicable being
13:25Your words hurt me a lot, Vera
13:27And on top of that, you laugh at me?
13:29Very well
13:31Well, I have bad news for you, Santos
13:34You're not going to ruin my life
13:35You're not going to hurt me anymore
13:37So I hope you've been able to enjoy your revenge as much as you imagined
13:41Oh, and one more thing
13:44You'd better forget me once and for all
14:08Do you mind being a little more careful?
14:14Sir, I've been told that you wanted to talk to me
14:16That's right
14:18Do you want to talk now or do you prefer that I look for you until now?
14:20Now is perfect
14:21What I have to tell you won't take me long
14:24You tell me
14:25I'm not going to go around in circles
14:28Things are not going well
14:30I'm not going to talk to you
14:31I'm not going to talk to you
14:32I'm not going to talk to you
14:33I'm not going to talk to you
14:34One more thing
14:36Things are not going well with our jam business
14:40I'm very sorry to hear that
14:41Yes, me too
14:42I'm sorry too
14:44The quality and, above all, the taste of our product has dropped dramatically
14:48And it seems that there are complaints about it
14:51And nothing more and nothing less than that of the glorious Spanish army
14:54Yes, he was supposed to be our main buyer
14:56Oh yeah?
14:58And tell me, Lope
15:00What do you think they told me?
15:01That the jams are not to the liking of either the troop or the high command
15:07I have no opinion, sir
15:09Well, our jams don't taste good
15:11I tried them myself this morning and they taste like hell
15:14And to top it off, the production has declined
15:16Well, I can't find an explanation because the procedures we use are the same, sir
15:20Do you want to deceive me?
15:22I do know what's going on
15:24That someone is not doing their job well
15:25Give me names
15:27What names?
15:28Tell me
15:29Who is slacking off?
15:31Who doesn't deliver the product on time?
15:33And, above all, who is responsible for the jams not tasting good?
15:44Captain and Count Don Lorenzo de la Mata, sir
15:47Are you making fun of me?
15:48No, not at all
15:51With all due respect, sir
15:53I'm afraid that the decline in the quality of the jams is exclusively your responsibility
15:56I hope you have some kind of basis to say that
16:00That's right, sir
16:02The point is that the delicious taste of our jams is a merit of the quality of the raw material
16:06But what are you talking about?
16:08That we used to look for a fresher product
16:10And we took great care of its transport so that the fruit would arrive in good condition
16:13No, that was a waste of money and time
16:16I myself have found much cheaper fruit suppliers
16:18I know, sir, I know
16:20That's what I'm trying to explain to you
16:21I'm trying to explain to you
16:23If we buy cheaper and worse quality fruit
16:27The taste of the jam will be diminished
16:29And then what are you good for?
16:31Or your colleagues?
16:32Aren't you experts in improving the taste of things?
16:35Of course I am, but we don't do miracles
16:37And as for the production, I'm sure that women have had to discard a lot of fruit because it's useless
16:41Wait, wait, what?
16:42Not to mention that they will be working with less affection, sir
16:45Because their earnings are getting worse and worse
16:47They will be hard-faced
16:48No, they are not, sir
16:51And excuse me, but you have asked me for explanations and I have tried to give them to you
16:56Who the hell do you think you are?
16:59Look at me
17:01Nobody teaches me how to do business
17:05Except a cook from three to four
17:08I'm very sorry, sir
17:09If we were in the army a long time ago, you would be in the dungeon
17:14But in civilian life, I can only limit myself to saying goodbye
17:18What do you mean, saying goodbye?
17:19What do you hear?
17:20You are out of the business and that is extensive for your colleagues
17:24Now I will take care of the management
17:26I will take the jams and I will talk to the damn women of the town
17:30And you know what? I'm going to do it better than you
17:31But sir ...
17:32Are you deaf?
17:33You don't hear
17:35Get out of my sight, come on
17:37Of course I do
17:50You have to understand the seriousness of the situation
17:53And I understand it perfectly, uncle
17:55So much that I have been forced to act
17:57But that is not the solution, you have to tell us where Martina is
18:00Well, no, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do it
18:03Curro, I beg you, please
18:05Personally, I am very worried about her
18:07Well, stay calm
18:09Martina is safe
18:11Really, believe me
18:14I don't know if taking you seriously after everything you've done
18:17I don't know if taking you seriously after everything you're doing
18:20Look, I just want to protect Martina
18:22Well, let me help you do it
18:24Don't burden yourself with this
18:26I don't know anything about Martina since she escaped from that sanatorium
18:29And she didn't know the terrible conditions she was living in, did she?
18:33You're right
18:34She may have done everything possible to prevent her from being taken
18:38I'm sorry
18:39I didn't want to blame her for anything
18:42I understand that everyone trusts the judgment of Count Dallala
18:46We try to avoid a bigger evil
18:48Yes, that you don't call the police and that you end up in jail
18:50But in the end Martina ended up in the same or worse place than that
18:54I understand that now you don't trust us
18:56But you have to think about Martina's good
18:59And I do
19:00So I ask you not to insist
19:02Because I'm not going to tell her anything
19:05As my father would say
19:06In this phase of negotiations, neither party trusts the other
19:10I'm not like your father
19:13I know
19:18You've always been on my side
19:20Then let me continue being there
19:22Even if you don't recognize him now
19:23Martina and you could need help
19:26Look, uncle
19:27I thank you
19:29From the bottom of my heart
19:30I know your intentions are good
19:35But no
19:37Because I can't expose Martina to being returned to a place like this
19:40No, without guarantees that this will not happen again
19:42So she won't come back
19:44You know I can't give you those guarantees
19:47The only one who can give me those guarantees
19:50It's Count Daniela
19:52Nothing will make me change my mind
19:56Well then Martina won't keep her promise
20:02Is that true?
20:03Do you know where Martina is?
20:06And as I was telling your father
20:07I'm not going to say anything about it
20:14Talk to him
20:16See if you can convince him
20:31That man is a sovereign jackass
20:35What's wrong with you?
20:36Who has put you in a bad mood? Petra?
20:38No, it has nothing to do with Mrs. Petra
20:40It has to do with Captain de la Mata
20:42The captain?
20:44He fired me
20:45And Mrs. Candela and you too
20:48Did he really do that?
20:50Oh my God, he found out about the jams
20:53No Virtudes, it has nothing to do with that
20:55López, explain yourself, I don't understand anything
20:58Let's see
20:59Captain de la Mata called me
21:01And he told me that the Spanish army is complaining
21:03Because the jams don't taste the same
21:05That they don't like them
21:06If the soldiers eat it all
21:08If after a race in the countryside
21:10Even a catfish tastes good
21:11That's what I think
21:13Well no, he has complained and he has thrown it in my face
21:15That is a sovereign injustice
21:18Those jams on these sides
21:19But what does that man want?
21:20What does he want?
21:21If he buys bad quality fruit and gave me rotten
21:24Are you sure it's not my fault?
21:26Yes, Virtudes, don't worry
21:29But you know what I'm telling you?
21:31Much better
21:32Because I was sick of having to work with that unpleasant man
21:36You and everyone
21:38Because Candela and I were also sick of him
21:41What a bad guy and what a tasteless man
21:45As the saying goes
21:46There is no worse blind man than the one who does not want to see
21:48If we had already warned him
21:50That the jams were going to lose quality
21:52That's right
21:53Of course, and if he doesn't say goodbye
21:55It's going to get worse
21:57Much worse
21:58Especially if you're not in this
22:00Because you, López, are the soul of the jams
22:02No, Mrs. Simona, not those jams
22:05There is hardly anything left of the business that Miss Catalina set up
22:08You're right
22:09In any case, I am relieved not to have to work more for that tyrant
22:12Say yes
22:14I already know the horror he is committing
22:16When he completely ruins the business
22:19I just hope he doesn't drag the women of the town along the way
22:24And above all, that he does not blame them
22:26For the destruction he has only caused
22:29If the captain of the Mata has done this for a minority
22:34I don't even want to think what he will do
22:36If he finds out that we are preparing other jams
22:38Virtues, that will not happen
22:41And if someone goes away?
22:44It will not happen
22:45They are all on alert
22:47And they are not going to say a single word
22:50Is it clear?
22:51Of course, daughter, everything will be fine
22:53Don't worry
23:00You have Ayala and Margarita very outraged with your mess this morning
23:03I can imagine
23:05But it's what I had to do
23:07You haven't even taken care of your poor aunt?
23:09It was not easy, Manuel, I assure you
23:12I know she is his daughter and she must be having a hard time
23:14But you have remained firm
23:16Yes, let's say that Count Ayala has done his part
23:21You should have seen how he raged, out of pure frustration
23:26As far as I understand, your father is not very happy either
23:31Do you have the family revolutionized, Curro?
23:33Yes, and I can assure you that he was not my GTO
23:36Who would say so?
23:38Manuel, if you had been in that place, you would have seen the patients there
23:43I can assure you that it was not the idyllic place that Count Ayala painted
23:48Was it so depressing?
23:50It was chilling
23:53And how is Martina?
23:55That is the only important thing
23:57Martina is much better, without a doubt
24:01And is she in...?
24:05Manuel, don't insist, it's useless
24:09Curro, I don't think so either
24:11For God's sake, I've helped you save her
24:13Even if it's only by hiding your presence
24:17For God's sake, I've helped you save her
24:19Even if it's only by hiding your presence in this house
24:23I appreciate it, but I think the safest thing is that only I know where she is
24:33Okay, it's your decision and I respect it
24:37I am satisfied with not having to continue covering your life
24:43You did a good job
24:45I'm surprised that even the maids who were making my room didn't notice that I wasn't there
24:50I see
24:52That's because the most cunning ones are out of the palace
24:56You mean Hanna and María Fernández, right?
24:59They are still out of the promise, but no one seems to have more specific information about it
25:04Well, we know that by request expressed by your father, they are attending Colonel Gabriel López Carrillo
25:11The Duke of San Rafael
25:13I don't know what Mr. Baeza told you, but I'm surprised that you don't have more information
25:21I guess it's because nothing bad happened to them
25:25Don't you think so?
25:28Yes, I guess so
25:31The next day
25:41I guess Mr. Ruiz was more precise than in the other option
25:44Yes, this time he proposes some foie gras empanadas with caramelized apples and jerez
25:49Along with some croquettes of bull's tail and Pampardou with macerated strawberries
25:55Very sophisticated all, yes? And the other option?
25:58Well, the other option is simpler
26:00A watermelon gazpacho as a starter and a seafood rice as a main course
26:04Very accurate too, and lighter than the other option
26:08And what do you prefer?
26:09Well, I haven't made any decision
26:13That's regarding the food
26:15As for the music, I have two very suitable options for a recital
26:20Well, enlighten me, please, Mrs. Arcos
26:22One of them is the string quartet that attended Mrs. Marquesa's birthday two years ago
26:28Good idea
26:29A proposal from Mrs. Marquesa herself
26:31And the other is a choir accompanied by the piano that would play fragments of Verdi and Bizet's operas
26:38And what do you think is more suitable?
26:42I haven't made any decision either
26:46Are you trying to delay this moment for some reason?
26:51No, what nonsense
26:54Mrs. Arcos
26:58Well, you already know that nothing seems to please Mrs. Marquesa regarding the recital
27:04We all know that Mrs. Marquesa is very demanding, but ...
27:09I prefer to offer her several options and let her decide
27:13I understand
27:14For my part, there is no problem, let the Marquesa choose, but I warn you that everything may seem wrong to her
27:30Are you sure you want to put that piece there?
27:38Because it seems a lie, cousin
27:40You have been face to face with one of the most fearsome armies in Europe
27:45You haven't learned any strategy
27:50Curro, maybe you know more about strategy than I do
27:56But you're still too impulsive
28:00Yes, I hadn't seen that move, yes
28:03I see that you are immersed in your game
28:06Are you having a lot of fun?
28:09The normal
28:11Isn't it?
28:13Yes, here we were, having a good time
28:16Well, it turns out that while you have a good time, my daughter is God knows where
28:20Aunt Margarita, I already told you where Martina is
28:23In a safe place
28:24Curro, please
28:26Look, you already know what my conditions are to reveal it to you
28:29Look, you already know what my conditions are to reveal it to you
28:32Curro, please stop torturing me with all this
28:35I don't want to torment you, Aunt Margarita
28:37All I want is the best for Martina
28:39And I don't?
28:40No, but I think we have different ways of thinking about what is best for her
28:44What do you mean?
28:45I mean that you send your daughter to a place accused of something she didn't do
28:50Look Curro, you've been out of here for a long time and you have no idea what happened, no idea
28:58None of us knows, Manuel
29:01I just want to protect Martina
29:03But you are exposing her even more
29:06Curro just wants the best for Martina
29:09Look, I'll just say one thing
29:12Either you end this once and for all
29:15Or your cousin can end up in jail
29:17Do you understand?
29:20Do you understand?
29:37I'll take note, I'll see what can be done
29:39It's not a capricious request, Mr. Baeza
29:42It's a way to make sure that all the guests are well treated
29:45I've already told you that I'll see if it's feasible
29:47As you well know, the lackeys are my competition and Mr. Pellicer's
29:51I have to consult with him
29:53I don't understand why
29:55Between the two of us, we'll see if your request for the recital is feasible
30:00I don't think I have to consult that matter with anyone
30:03I think so
30:04No, and especially not with that man, who all he does is make mistakes
30:08Mrs. Arcos, are you going to start criticizing your colleagues?
30:11No, Mr. Baeza, I'm not criticizing anyone
30:13I'm being honest
30:15Honesty without empathy doesn't have to be a good thing
30:19I see
30:20And what do you say about the lack of honesty?
30:22Because with or without empathy, Mr. Pellicer is not being precisely honest
30:26In the matter of the invitations to the snack
30:29We're still dealing with those
30:31Yes, still
30:33I myself personally informed you that the matter was settled
30:36That I had already spoken with Mrs. Margarita and you are still rummaging
30:40Don't you think it's your fault?
30:43The fault?
30:44Yes, the fault of having been the cause of all this
30:47Knowing her as I know her
30:50Maybe that accidental error is not such
30:52But a sabotage in every rule
30:56Yes, and in order to harm a colleague
30:59That's fine
31:00I'm not to blame for all the evils that haunt this palace
31:03Not all, obviously
31:05I'm talking about one in particular
31:08It gives me the feeling that whatever I tell you, you won't believe me
31:13Try it
31:14Try to convince me
31:17No, it's not worth it
31:21Time will put everything in its place
31:23And you, Mr. Baeza, will realize the mistake you are making
31:33And understand me, I am the first one who wants Martina out of that sanatorium
31:37I would never think of standing there to get her out of there
31:40Obviously, this is a robbery of the wisdom of youth
31:44No, not all young people are as capricious as Curro
31:49And forgive me, my sister, for what I say about your son
31:51He has just returned from the front
31:53Something must have matured
31:55Nothing at all
31:56He is still as foolish as ever
31:58Come on, he better have stayed in the battlefield
32:01Cruz, please
32:02I'm not saying anything outrageous, Maria Antonia
32:04Come on, there's no way to get him in trouble
32:06You speak like that because you are relieved
32:08But Curro is not a bad boy
32:10It is true that if we compare him with your son Manuel
32:15Another one who dances
32:17Why do you say that?
32:18Don't make me talk
32:19Well, if you don't do it with me, who are you going to do it with?
32:24You're right
32:35He's pissed off that I'm apologizing to Catalina
32:40Do you think I'll convince her to leave the hangar and live with us again?
32:44I'm sure she's ashamed to see how her sister is stuck in that hole
32:47Well, for me there are only advantages
32:50It is true that you and Catalina have never understood each other
32:54We don't need to
32:55But you have to understand that Manuel's only intention is for things to return to normal
33:01And he accuses me of what happened
33:04Well, you have to see something
33:06To be frank
33:08Which side are you on?
33:10I'm just trying to appease your arrebatos Cruz
33:13Do you think it's normal for me to ask you to apologize to Catalina?
33:16How did he demand it?
33:18Well, he suggested that I could lose him too
33:22Do you think it's my own son blackmailing me?
33:24I don't think it's blackmail
33:26You're definitely on his side
33:28No, but I see the need to warn you Cruz
33:32Manuel speaks from the heart
33:34And I'm afraid that your resentment with Catalina ends up distancing you
33:38You're on his side
33:39Let's see
33:41You can solve it
33:42Just propose it to you
33:46Humiliating me in front of that girl
33:48Make peace with her
33:50You've been facing her for too long
33:52Well, that's a matter of two, not just mine, right?
33:54Of course
33:56And it's true that Catalina is a, let's say, difficult girl
34:01But think that she's the one who left the palace
34:03She's pretending to be the victim
34:05And she's getting it
34:07You have everything to lose, Cruz
34:09Admit it
34:10Because in the eyes of your son Manuel and your own husband
34:13You're the bad one in this whole story
34:15But it's in your hands to become the good one
34:18That's the smartest thing
34:20You've always been very tempted by these kinds of decisions
34:23What's the most beneficial thing?
34:26And it's not about humiliation
34:28It's a strategy game
34:30Listen to me
34:31You have to bury the war ax, Cruz
34:37So Mrs. Petra hasn't chosen any of the menus we proposed to her?
34:40I already told you no
34:41That we still have no news
34:43Well, we have to start making a decision, Mrs. Simona
34:45Because it's not the same to buy a watermelon than a bull's tail
34:48Well, we'll have to do it with both
34:49Because Mrs. Petra wanted to consult it with Don Rómulo
34:51Before presenting all the options to Mrs. Marquesa
34:54One by one, the house without a barrier
34:58Well, I'll let you know
35:00Some of the menus I proposed require a lot of time to prepare
35:03That's how you tell Mrs. Arcos
35:05López, we are as we are
35:07As you don't want to go up to claim
35:10Meet me with Don Lorenzo? No, thank you
35:14Ah, Candela
35:15Good afternoon, both of you
35:18Have you already eaten?
35:20Well, yes, Candelilla
35:21You arrive at a good time
35:23We had to start making dinner without you
35:25What? Where have you been?
35:27I had gone to town
35:29To make some gifts
35:31And the smile?
35:33As far as I know
35:34You only went to the pharmacy for some eucalyptus pills
35:38And on the way I met with Úrsula
35:41The one from Tancredo
35:43The one who takes care of the priest's garden
35:45Now I understand the delay
35:47How she likes to give the stick to Úrsula
35:50Yes, yes, she likes it
35:51But this time I had some bad news
35:55Well, I also have something important to tell you
35:57The captain of the...
35:58You can tell me later
35:59This is more juicy
36:00Girl, maybe the stick is from this tendency
36:03And not a rumour
36:04What rumour?
36:06I'm not telling you I'm pregnant
36:08And maybe he will come here to the Virtudes
36:12To raise his son
36:14What are you talking about, Candela?
36:16Maybe he needs a room
36:19So he can sleep
36:21And also a job
36:22That allows him to live with his son
36:24Thank you very much for the information
36:26I didn't know
36:27Now comes the good
36:30That Úrsula also told me
36:32A scoop about Don Fermín
36:36And what's so novel about it?
36:38Because as far as I'm a priest
36:39The only thing I have to do is
36:40Read the Bible and give Mass
36:42They transfer him to another parish
36:44Are you sure about that?
36:46And as much as I am
36:47Don Fermín told it to Tancredo
36:50Tancredo to Úrsula
36:51And the poor thing is in tears
36:54It's normal because
36:55Don Fermín has always been a very good pastor
36:58Yes, yes, the truth is
36:59He knows all the tricks of the Gospel
37:01But now they take him
37:03And I say
37:04It's not bad
37:05That he comes for good
37:07Isn't it?
37:10And what does that have to do with Virtudes?
37:13You are so impatient, little boy
37:15That now when a new priest comes
37:17He will need someone to do the chores
37:20And that's where the girl comes in
37:23Don't you think
37:24That this priest and the other
37:25Are going to tell each other everything?
37:27And about the theft of the chalice?
37:29No, they won't tell him anything
37:31And how are you so sure?
37:33Because my Virtudes told him
37:35About the chalice
37:36In secret confession
37:38And if it's secret, it's secret
37:43And he wants to change you
37:44I was going to tell you
37:45Go upstairs
37:46Come on
37:47I'm going
37:49Air, air
38:23I came to see how you were
38:26Well, fine
38:28I see
38:29Why does that sudden interest in me come?
38:32Well, we are family, right?
38:34We are supposed to be interested
38:36In each other
38:38How can you live in this mess?
38:40What's wrong?
38:43Without going into the decoration
38:45Which is simply indescribable
38:47But it seems that
38:49There are some hygiene considerations
38:52That you don't seem to take into account
38:54This hangar is perfectly clean
38:56It doesn't seem so, dear
38:58Come on
38:59I assure you that there are mice and everything around here
39:01Well, look
39:02I agree with that
39:04But I prefer a thousand times
39:05Than to go into my spiders
39:06So that certain people
39:07Are piling up around here
39:09Catalina, I'm cured of fright
39:10And I assure you
39:11That I'm not here to argue
39:13That's what I don't understand
39:14When did Andrés come then?
39:18I wanted to ask you
39:20Especially for the good of our family
39:22That you leave this place
39:24And that you return to Palacio
39:26Are you asking me to live under the same roof again?
39:30We don't have to have breakfast together either
39:32I just want to recover a bit of normality
39:36After everything that has happened?
39:41Do you mean that misunderstanding?
39:47I'm very sorry, dear
39:49I assure you that it won't happen again
39:51Wait, wait a moment
39:53Let's go slower
39:55I was referring to the press
39:59And are you apologizing for that?
40:02I'm explaining that it was just a misunderstanding
40:06It's okay
40:07Some journalists approached me
40:09They asked me questions
40:10And I answered them as best I could
40:12I see
40:13And I'm sure you didn't look for them to tell them
40:17The Lujan family had to speak out
40:20And then you know how they exaggerate
40:22No, no, I don't know
40:24The press tends to exaggerate everything
40:27They look for scandal
40:28At the expense of the dignity of good people
40:31Do you remember everything that was said about me?
40:34Those journalists distorted my words, Catalina
40:37I assure you that wasn't my intention
40:39And do you know how much I suffered?
40:41Do you know how much all those comments affected me?
40:45I'm not sorry, dear
40:48I'm really sorry that everything was like this
40:51That's why I want to ask you to ...
40:54... to come back home
41:12I'm sorry, son
41:14I didn't mean to scare you
41:16Were you spying on me?
41:18No, no, no
41:19I was just trying to understand what your job is about
41:22I'm sorry
41:23No, no, it's okay
41:25What are you doing here?
41:27Besides getting to know your new studio
41:30I'm here to talk to you about something
41:32About what?
41:33I'm here to talk to you about something
41:35I'm here to talk to you about something
41:38Besides getting to know your new studio
41:42You're right
41:43I'm sorry, I should have invited you before
41:44Don't worry
41:45I understand that you were settling in
41:49And you have remodeled it to your liking
41:50You have a good refuge
41:52Yes, it has some refuge
41:54I suppose this is what you needed
41:56A quiet place
41:57Where you can concentrate without distractions
42:00Keep the secret
42:03Do you know what my brothers and I called this place?
42:08The Forgotten Kingdom
42:10And that?
42:11We were just a bunch of rascals
42:13The first time we came up here
42:17We were afraid
42:18Thinking that we would find a monster from the Avernus here
42:21Or a ghost
42:24And did you find something like that?
42:26We barely found the courage to come in
42:31So what was here?
42:33Well, there were old furniture and useless junk
42:38A treasure for some children
42:42Here we fought against imaginary dragons
42:46And we rescued captive princesses
42:51And only in a few square meters
42:53A child's creativity doesn't need much more
42:56I hope mine doesn't either
43:00Father, you can come to this Forgotten Kingdom whenever you want
43:04This can also be a good refuge for you
43:06I don't know what I should hide from
43:09Well, yes, your mother has me a little overwhelmed
43:12She keeps talking about that recital
43:14Father, I wouldn't put my hand in the fire
43:16Because that recital will be celebrated
43:18And why is that?
43:20Because I have given my mother a condition to come
43:23If she wants me to go, she must make peace with Catalina first
43:27I have asked for that in every possible way
43:30And she has not done me any harm
43:32Well, let's give her one last chance
43:36You're right
43:38Maybe you will succeed where everyone else has failed
43:43You haven't failed, father
43:45I don't know
43:47I have the feeling that I influence her decisions less and less
43:51And not only hers
43:55If you mean Catalina
43:58Think that no one has managed to make her change her mind and leave the hangar
44:04He hasn't told me where Martina is either
44:06And it torments me not to be able to help her
44:08As for Curro
44:10Father, he has not entrusted that information to anyone
44:14And I think it is his decision and we must respect it
44:19And wait for everything to go well
44:25I did it seriously
44:27Your stepmother has come to apologize
44:29It's hard for me to believe it too, but yes, she did it
44:31In her own way, of course
44:33Well, I don't even want to imagine what it consists of
44:35Well, to begin with, she came in here criticizing the place, saying that there were mice
44:39Well, mice everywhere
44:41I don't know
44:42Strange way to clean up laziness
44:44I stood up for her naturally
44:46And after a long time, I ended up recognizing her responsibility after those posts and she apologized to me
44:52A bit in her own way, you have to say it
44:55Well, I guess it's an achievement for her
44:58That's right, taking care of my stepmother, that's a lot
45:03Well then, we'll have to celebrate it
45:06I'm still assuming it
45:10Does that mean, Catalina, that you're going back to Palacio?
45:15Yes, I guess it doesn't make much sense for her to continue living here
45:20Yeah, but I don't see that the idea excites you much
45:24Well, the truth is not
45:26But the truth is that I can't stay locked up here forever
45:30Cruz has taken a step and I have to take another
45:35So, your mother has been here and I almost crossed paths with her
45:42And I'm worse than mice
45:45Of course, you're bigger
45:48And well, speaking of sizes, I hope I got your measurements right
45:54My measurements?
45:55That's right, that's why I called you
45:58I want to give you a gift
46:09This is entirely yours
46:12And if you don't like it, we can make the necessary adjustments
46:15But come on, Romulo helped me with the sizing, I hope I didn't make too many mistakes
46:20Catalina, I really appreciate it, but it's not necessary
46:25Yes, it is, so you won't feel like you're disguised as someone else
46:32Cruz is not the only one who finds it hard to apologize
46:37And this is your way of doing it
46:39I didn't want you to be offended by giving you the Palacio suit, but there was no way to find another before dinner
46:44Catalina, thank you very much, really
46:47But I don't know when I'll have the chance to wear it
46:51And I'm not the type to wear this kind of clothes, really
46:54I'm sorry to disagree on that, you'll be able to wear it tonight
46:59Since I'm going to leave the hangar, what better way than to say goodbye to him
47:07Will you come with me?
47:22The mail, how could I forget?
47:34Mr. Romulo Baeza?
47:38Excuse me, Mr. Baeza
47:40Yes, Mr. Romea
47:42If you don't need anything else from me, I'm leaving
47:44Yes, go, go
47:46Wait a minute, could you help me by handing out the mail?
47:52What? At this hour?
47:54Yes, it's been such a busy day that I forgot
47:57Could you hand it out in front of your colleagues, please?
47:59Yes, yes, no problem
48:01But are you sure you don't want to do it?
48:03I'd rather you do it, I have pending tasks
48:06Very well, good night
48:12Mr. Romulo Baeza
48:20Mr. Romulo Baeza
48:29You must pressure him more
48:32We have to get that kid out of Curro, where Martina is hiding
48:35Ignacio, I've tried, look
48:37But he refuses to tell me anything
48:40He has made it very clear to me his conditions
48:42Yes, sorry
48:44If I let myself go, it's because I can't stand seeing you like this
48:47What? Well, in your hands, you have to avoid it
48:52You know I can't let it go like this
48:57Besides, we are focusing on what is not
49:00We should think about us, being happy, getting married
49:04Ignacio, please, this is not the time to talk about this
49:07It seems to me that it is never the time
49:09When can we start thinking about us?
49:11Well, it turns out that my daughter is missing
49:13And you are the only one who can get Curro to tell us where she is
49:16And now it turns out that you only think about the subject of the wedding
49:19Margarita, I ...
49:20Look, I'm going to bed
49:22Good night
49:34Poor thing
49:37I was starting to get to know you for real
49:40What were you doing there?
49:42Nothing, see how you look in a mask
49:45Don't be silly
49:47No, I'm not
49:50You enjoy all this, don't you, Petra?
49:56Although if I tell you the truth, it won't convince me
50:00Because you have managed to cause me more pain than I can cause you in all the rest of my life
50:06You had a son, Ignacio
50:08But you never cared
50:10No, that's not true
50:12Yes, it is
50:14If you had been a good father, you wouldn't have given up so soon
50:17Why are you talking about that now?
50:20Because that, as you call it, has never stopped being
50:24Felipiano, my son, has always been present every day
50:29Tell me, Ignacio
50:31How does it feel to see yourself so desperate and so fragile?
50:36I said enough
50:49I have to admit that the suit fits me like a glove
50:53And that's the only reason you should keep it
50:56I'm starting to think that not doing it would be despising you
51:02Because it's also very comfortable
51:04Notice that I could wear it every day to go to the field to work
51:09That would be worth seeing
51:14Since you arrived, I wanted to ask you a question
51:18Tell me
51:20Do you wear perfume?
51:23Do you realize?
51:28It smells very good
51:31The one my father used
51:34I think there has come a time in life when I have to use it too
51:39Very good
51:41I find it interesting that you talk about those moments in life
51:45I also think there are times to face changes
51:51I don't know, also to live other adventures
51:56Like using your father's colony
52:01That you and I can be something more than...
52:11I'm sorry
52:13Did I say something that bothered you?
52:15No, no, no, no
52:17It's just that...
52:18I didn't expect it, everything was going so well
52:20And I ruined it
52:22No, no, no, no, no
52:31What? What's going on?
52:45I don't know
52:50I feel...
52:53I feel something in my chest
52:58That I should tell you but I don't...
53:09Of course
53:16I think you kissed me to not give me explanations
53:19Explanations of what?
53:21Of what's going on with you
53:24Of what really worries you, Catalina
53:27What do you mean?
53:29Be honest with me
53:31Or even better, be honest with yourself
53:35I think you haven't overcome it yet
53:38I don't know
53:40I don't know
53:42I think you haven't overcome it yet
53:45And I don't mean Cruz, but Pelayo
53:49You kissed me to not think about that
53:53Are you still in love with Pelayo, Catalina?
53:59Tell me I'm wrong and I won't mention his name again
54:05It's just that...
54:06I love him
54:11I love him
54:15Ma'am, it took me a while to prepare what you asked me
54:18It's just that...
54:20The recital has been suspended
54:23Now ask some lady to fix the bouquet
54:27Don't be nervous, I think it's a good idea for you to go see your son
54:31Just like that
54:32Tell your father-in-law to see that you're okay
54:34And that you don't condemn Adela
54:36What are you talking about?
54:38The story...
54:39The what?
54:40Adela, please
54:41I understand now, mother
54:43They're getting the idea that you and Adela are capable of staying with your son
54:47I hope so
54:48Please, you have to tell me where Martina is
54:50We can't go on like this
54:52Cruz, listen to me, I'm very worried
54:54In fact, I'm desperate
54:55We are desperate
54:57All I need is for Count Dallara to guarantee that Martina will not return to her asylum
55:02Nor will she call the Civil Guard
55:10Sooner or later, the truth will come to light
55:12And then all your petty evils will turn against you
55:16You will be the one who sooner or later has to swallow all those reproaches and accusations
55:21When I show you that I had nothing to do with the guest's affair without inviting
55:25I would like to know when Catalina will return home
55:29Trust me, it will be soon
55:30I think it would be best not to tell her anything and for her to return when she feels prepared
55:35I feel so angry that my stomach hurts
55:38Just remembering that I had to apologize to that stupid and capricious girl
55:44And just imagining her satisfaction when she saw me so humiliated, of course
55:48I found her on the stairs of the garden, Mrs. Martínez
55:51I accompanied her here because she is not well
55:57What happened, daughter?
55:59We go back to the promise
56:02We can't stay here forever, Mrs. Pia
56:08For the plan to work, we have to neutralize Gregorio
56:11And only by getting rid of him, you will be free