Coronation Street 19th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Coronation Street 19th July 2024


00:07We found evidence in your flat of a violent attack on you.
00:12And we know that because we found traces of your blood.
00:16What I want to know is...
00:19..who attacked you.
00:22You just tell the truth.
00:24Nobody is going to hurt you.
00:27Lauren, it's really important.
00:33Nathan Curtis.
00:35You sure?
00:42How do you know him?
00:45You can tell me on all of it.
00:49But I don't want to press charges.
00:52We can't do it without you.
00:55We'd need to rely on your evidence to charge him and get a conviction.
01:01Lauren, I know this is scary, but without your help,
01:03he'll soon be free to walk the streets and maybe do it to other young women.
01:07I can't.
01:09Maybe you just need a bit more time.
01:11No! I need people to stop telling me what to do.
01:16I just want to forget about it all.
01:20I'm going to have a baby.
01:25I'm sorry.
01:36Will you promise to at least think about it?
01:41If you change your mind... me.
01:47Any time.
01:49Look, times are hard, so Carla's branching out.
01:52And obviously, she wants her best machinist on the job.
01:56Oh, and that's you, is it?
01:57Yeah, it is. So, if you'll excuse me, I need to crack on.
02:02Do I look like some sort of numbskull?
02:04If that's the same as annoying.
02:06Fair enough. Tell you what, as you're so busy,
02:09I might as well have a chat with you.
02:11I'm not in the mood for a chat.
02:13I'm not in the mood for a chat.
02:14I'm not in the mood for a chat.
02:16You know what, as you're so busy,
02:18I might ask Carla if she needs any more help.
02:20I'll drop her a text right now.
02:22Look, don't you be bothering her about it. Come on.
02:25Nah, you're all right.
02:28Oh, you are one little madam, you are.
02:32Look, I am just earning a bit extra
02:34sewing some labels on some T-shirts, OK?
02:38Ooh, design and nice.
02:40My mum likes this, mate, but, you know, the genuine thing.
02:43I've not got this.
02:44Well, how can a T-shirt be worth 100 quid, eh?
02:47This is just a way for people to be able to afford them,
02:50so it's a win-win for everyone, right?
02:52I don't know, Robin Hood,
02:53we could call Crime Stoppers if you'd like.
02:55Why are you getting involved, anyway?
03:01I want in, obviously.
03:05One time.
03:07Are you sure about that?
03:08Oh, just do one, will you?
03:11Fair enough.
03:14How do you spell camouflage again?
03:22Oh, hi.
03:23Has she said who attacked her?
03:26She has, yeah.
03:29Nathan Curtis.
03:30Great, so you're going to prosecute him for assault?
03:34It's unlikely.
03:35But if he's guilty...
03:36Yeah, Lauren's refusing to make a statement.
03:38No, she doesn't want to go to court.
03:40Well, maybe if she had a bit of support, she might change her mind.
03:43It may be, but for now, she's pretty adamant.
03:48She's lucky to have you two, you know.
03:50If anything changes, let me know, yeah?
03:53Of course.
04:03Oh, sorry, it's work.
04:05Hello, Diana Bailey.
04:07Hello, Diana Bailey.
04:19It's crazy. I mean, why do they even need a resource centre?
04:22Oh, yeah, they don't.
04:24It's just another way to get the brainwashed to part with the cash.
04:26Well, there's no way. He's getting his hands on ours.
04:28I'll make sure of that.
04:29I'll tell you what else is crazy.
04:31That we're having to work so hard to prove what should be flaming obvious.
04:35That Mr Institute is dodgy as hell.
04:37But do you know what? There's proof of that on here.
04:39It's beyond me.
04:40All right, mate?
04:43What are you looking for?
04:45Maybe I can help.
04:47Yeah, I mean, knock yourself out.
04:53I didn't do it for you.
04:55No, I know.
04:56But I'm grateful all the same.
05:01So this flat that you're sorting, I want to go to Ireland,
05:04so we're going to need money for stuff, nappies, a buggy and that.
05:07Yeah, yeah.
05:09Like I've said, not a problem.
05:11Um, it's just a bit difficult at the minute.
05:14No, I want it sorted now.
05:17Oh, do you know what?
05:18I knew you were just saying it. Just forget it.
05:20I told you I will sort it, and I will.
05:23I'll get you to Ireland.
05:25I'll get you your new life.
05:26But in the meantime, I'm offering to put you up in a hotel.
05:31I don't want to stay in a hotel.
05:33You don't really have a choice, though, do you, Lauren?
05:37I'm the only one who's going to help you.
05:41I need to go.
05:49OK, just a minute, guys.
05:56Look who's come to see you.
05:58Hey, a postcard wouldn't have hurt you, would it?
06:01I'll leave the guys to it.
06:06You all right? Yeah.
06:08Cool trainers.
06:10Oh, thank you.
06:11Beat his day.
06:16Hang on.
06:17She's talking to you.
06:20Hey, do you want a lift?
06:21Seriously, yeah.
06:22Don't encourage him, right? Come on, you two.
06:25See you. See you later.
06:27Hiya, Beth. Hi.
06:30What now?
06:31Oh, like butter wouldn't flame and melt.
06:34Sorry, have you got something else to say or what?
06:36I bet you run your parents ragged.
06:40All right, have you got a minute?
06:42No, whatever it is, I can wait till tomorrow.
06:45Hi, Roger, you all right, lovey?
06:47Thanks for calling us back.
06:48All right, you've made your point,
06:50but I am warning you, this is my gig, OK?
06:53Totally, bar.
06:54Totally, boss.
06:56I've never heard of it.
06:58Yeah, not trying to be rude, but I'm not really surprised.
07:00Mm. Mm. Well, fair play.
07:03OK, so this reverse image search...
07:05You just upload an image of the thing you're trying to search for,
07:08and if it's on the internet, you get a hit.
07:11Mm. So...
07:13Oh, listen, if you need to get back to work, then go.
07:15Honestly, I'll be fine. No, no, no.
07:17I want to keep an eye on you.
07:19OK, well, how about I plonk myself at a table in the bistro
07:22and you can wait on me there?
07:24Yeah, sounds good.
07:26Oh, dear. No results.
07:30Hey, Ches!
07:32You back early?
07:33Kids are just getting the jammies on if you want to go and give them a lift.
07:38I forgot you still had keys.
07:39Well, I can help with the kids if you need another pair of hands.
07:43They'll manage.
07:47OK, I won't keep you.
07:50It's just Ches told me that Linda's agreed to take Joseph in.
07:54Who told her? Yeah, well, I just want you to know
07:56that if you've not got anything lined up by the time you have to get out
07:59of this place, that all five kids can come and stay at number seven.
08:02You know that, don't you?
08:05For as long as it takes to get something sorted.
08:07Mum! I'm coming!
08:09You don't want to be going into emergency accommodation, Gems.
08:13You don't want to split the kids up, neither.
08:15Oh! Well, that's rich.
08:17Coming from you.
08:19That's not fair.
08:21Me and Ches will sort something out.
08:23It's half of the offer.
08:25But, no, let yourself out.
08:30So, how has life been for you two idiots?
08:34Yeah, yeah, good.
08:36You know, when we went playing detective.
08:39But, Lauren, you do realise how bad things got, yeah?
08:43In Weatherfield, I mean, Roy was a suspect.
08:47Daniel was a suspect.
08:49I was scared. I just couldn't come back.
08:52Right, but you're coming back now, yeah?
08:56What, and everyone giving me daggers?
08:58Folk will just be glad you're OK.
09:02As soon as they won't have to see my mug on posters any more.
09:04Yeah, we've got one framed for you, as it goes.
09:07Seriously, though,
09:09loads of people were just really worried about you.
09:12We even thought you were dead.
09:14I did try and phone, you know.
09:16Oh, I know, I know.
09:17OK, and that's all that matters.
09:21Look, if you decide that, after all of this,
09:26the best thing for you to do is to move away, then fine.
09:31But right now, Lauren, you are pregnant.
09:33You've just been rushed to hospital.
09:36I mean, you might need a bit of support for a while, yeah?
09:42There's someone I need to see.
09:46Can't time anything, really.
09:48What about school?
09:49Well, exams are finished in two minutes tomorrow, so...
09:52So, do you have any experience?
09:54Any relevant experience, I mean?
09:55Erm, well, I did some shifts at the kebab shop, if that counts.
09:58So why didn't you carry on with that?
10:01It was, erm, just some personal stuff.
10:06Wasn't, erm, anything to do with that court case, was it?
10:11Well, I don't know the answer to that.
10:14Look, I was horrible to Liam. I was.
10:17I just want to move on and prove to people
10:19that I'm not that person any more.
10:23Thanks, anyway.
10:25Come back tomorrow.
10:27Just a trial shift, mind, if Yasmin agrees.
10:31Thank you.
10:32Well, go on, then. On your bike. I've got work to do.
10:38Come in.
10:41I'm sorry. I know you're busy.
10:43Right, what do you want?
10:45May I?
10:50I just wondered if we could have a quick word.
10:55Right, well, er, let me guess.
10:58It's simply that I'm not sure you appreciate
11:00quite how important our new resource centre is to Leanne.
11:04Mm. To Leanne or to you?
11:07Listen, I know you care about her happiness. We both do.
11:11But what I know, and you may not,
11:13is that this is a project she is totally committed to,
11:16and...if it wasn't to come off...
11:20Wow, you've got a nerve. I mean, you really have.
11:24I'm just trying to make things right for everyone.
11:27I mean, by you giving Leanne what she's asked for,
11:30you'd not only be making her happy,
11:32but perhaps you'd be...
11:35relieving a guilty conscience at the same time.
11:37Oh! Oh, there it is.
11:41There it is. I wonder what Leanne would make of you
11:43being a blackmailer.
11:46Well, let's hope she never has to find out.
11:48For both our sakes.
12:06I didn't know you were here.
12:08Yeah, he was just, er, showing me some stuff
12:11on the resource centre, so...
12:13Really? So?
12:15Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what? I'll give you a ring tomorrow.
12:18I'll text you. I've got some images I'd like to show you.
12:22Bye. Bye.
12:24Er, yeah, I agreed to have a bit more of a look, so...
12:28You have? Oh, Nick, thank you.
12:31Er, excuse me. Oh.
12:37Please tell me you're not thinking of giving him money.
12:54Yeah, best come in.
13:02I know I'm, erm...
13:04I know I'm probably the last person that you want to see.
13:06No, no, on the contrary.
13:08I'm relieved to see you alive.
13:11And well.
13:14Roy, I'm...
13:16I'm so sorry.
13:18For what, exactly?
13:22For disappearing like that.
13:25For people thinking that you had something to do with it,
13:28when... when, in truth, you were one of the few people
13:32that ever gave me a chance... help for me.
13:39And I don't think you ever knew how grateful I was for that.
13:43Thank you.
13:45I wanted to let you know I was OK.
13:48That I was scared.
13:51Scared that he might have...
13:55That if he knew where I was, then he'd just come and finish me off.
13:59That one day passes, and another...
14:03I understand.
14:06I thought I was going to die, Roy.
14:08I thought I was going to die.
14:10I thought I was going to die, Roy.
14:14And then I...
14:16And then I found out I was pregnant.
14:19And I couldn't... couldn't come back.
14:25And I did try and phone you, but...
14:27No-one answered.
14:30And I'm so sorry.
14:33That... that you, too, have been a victim in this is...
14:37Well, indisputable. Please don't. Be nice to me.
14:41Have you somewhere to stay?
14:44Yeah. Yeah, I'm staying with a mate.
14:51It's good.
14:53I just didn't...
14:57I didn't want you to hate me.
14:59That's all.
15:01Not... not you.
15:04I try and live my life free of hate.
15:08On my part, at least.
15:26So, each label needs to be sewn on perfectly, OK?
15:29Cos this is totally high-end.
15:31Supposed to be high-end, you mean?
15:34Look, small stitches, either end.
15:38And the back needs to be as neat as the front.
15:41No loose cotton hanging off, OK?
15:43Come here, I'll show you.
15:47So, how do you get these T-shirts and labels and that?
15:49Er, that's on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know.
15:53Oh, and another thing, you can keep that shut,
15:55cos I don't want you gabbing off to your little mates.
15:58You've not exactly been discreet, you know.
16:00Ocean's Eleven it ain't.
16:02You do know this has got to be done out of hours, don't you?
16:04Don't you worry about me. Yes, I know, but...
16:06I'm the one that saw what was going on,
16:08which makes me cleverer than you, right?
16:10So, are you going to show me how to do this, or what?
16:26Well, he was cool, yeah?
16:28I don't think cool and right have ever been used in the same sentence before.
16:32Well, no, but you know what I mean.
16:34He said he was glad I was all right.
16:36See? People just glad you're back.
16:38Welcome home. Yeah.
16:40Ooh, celebrating with orange juice.
16:42Well, when you're a grown-up.
16:44Oh, hi, Izzy.
16:46Oh, hi.
16:48Er... Sorry, I've got to...
16:53See? Not everyone's like Raph.
16:55Yeah, just ignore it. I told you this was a mistake.
16:59Hey, what's that? What's going on?
17:02No, it's just...
17:04It's just that hostile place.
17:06Right. Can you not find anywhere?
17:08You could sleep at mine. My bed.
17:11I mean, I won't be in it, obviously.
17:14Thanks, Bobby, but...
17:15You can find somewhere else tomorrow,
17:17but we're not having you sleeping rough tonight.
17:21Well, it's like I said to him, if you're going to be serving it,
17:24you best know what you're talking about.
17:25More like scraping it into the bin.
17:27But I applaud the sentiment.
17:29I did tell him it was just a mistake.
17:31I did tell him it was just a trial shift.
17:32Ah, no worries. Look, enjoy.
17:34Thank you.
17:36So embarrassing.
17:38Oh, great minds, eh? I can recommend the ginger chicken.
17:41Can you believe he's let Mason out?
17:43What? He's out?
17:45Oh, I'm sorry, I just got a letter telling me that it was happening.
17:48I thought that he told you.
17:49No, not a word.
17:51Are you OK? Is Liam OK?
17:54Right. We'd better get off before this gets cold.
17:58Yeah, of course. Sorry. Good night.
18:00Hey, listen, it's going to be fine.
18:03He's not going to do anything while he's out on licence.
18:08OK? OK.
18:14It'd be dead hard bringing up a kid on your own.
18:16At least if you were here, there'd be people that knew you
18:19and babysit us.
18:23Who was that? You and Max?
18:24Hey, kids love me.
18:26Yeah, well, it takes one to know one.
18:29Erm... I need a tissue.
18:39Oh, all right.
18:41No, not really.
18:42Despite having three glasses of Merlot, the bistro.
18:47I'm going to have a long, hot bath, see if that does the trick.
18:50Er, Carla.
18:54What is she doing here?
18:55I texted.
18:56I texted? She's just staying the night.
18:59In my room, I'm going to have the sofa.
19:01I don't give a flying fig where you're planning to sleep.
19:04Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?
19:06You've got some nerve, I'll give you that.
19:09Have you got any idea of the hell you've put Roy through?
19:15Have you?
19:16I went to see him and I said I was sorry.
19:20Oh, that's all right, then.
19:27You know when they say somebody's a good man?
19:29Yeah, that he's probably decent and kind.
19:34Well, Roy's goodness actually oozes through the pores of his body.
19:40Yeah, it's in the fabric of who he is and every decision he's ever made.
19:45Including the one to give you a break!
19:48Only, what happened?
19:50He ends up in prison because of you.
19:54I told you, there's no balloon around here.
19:58I'm on me own.
20:03Are you OK? I mean, obviously you're not, but...
20:07How's he doing? Billy told me about his hand.
20:11He's finding it difficult, if I'm honest.
20:15Losing his independence.
20:18I could ring Kim.
20:21I could wring Kit's neck.
20:24Paul will come round.
20:26What, to tell him and Gemma a twisted version of the truth?
20:29It's just a punishment.
20:30And I get it, and it's fine.
20:33Well, it's not, but...
20:37Right now, he needs me. They both do.
20:40£2.40, please, love.
20:43I'm so sorry.
20:45Well, our Gemma's on the verge of being evicted with five kiddies
20:48and our Paul's...
20:51Just tell him I was asking after him, will you, darling?
20:54Yeah, of course.
20:56See you later.
20:57Bye, love.
21:01So now I'm the bad guy?
21:03No. I'm just saying, it's a lot more complicated than we thought it was.
21:07OK, maybe I shouldn't have gone off on one.
21:09No, you shouldn't.
21:11And she's dead sorry about Roy.
21:14I'll come...
21:17But, look, I appreciate that these are extenuating circumstances
21:21she's been under, all right, but...
21:23What she did to him...
21:25Bobby, it's unforgivable.
21:28It was ungrateful.
21:30Very, very cruel.
21:47Do you need a lift?
21:51What are you going to do? What are the streets all night?
22:30Hiya, it's me.
22:31How are you? Did you sleep OK?
22:34Yeah, fine. What do you want?
22:36You're going to have to move out of the hotel.
22:44It's a long story, but I got a letter this morning from my ex's solicitor
22:48saying they want a copy of all the money I've been spending
22:50in the last 12 months.
22:52If they see I've been paying for hotel rooms all over the place,
22:55they're going to want to know why.
22:57Yeah, well, it's your problem, innit?
23:00Where am I supposed to stay?
23:02Look, calm down, I've sorted it.
23:04One of my mates is moving out of his flat
23:06and he's not going to be there for a while,
23:08so you can stay there for the next few weeks.
23:10No, no, I'm not staying somewhere.
23:12No, I'm not staying some dodgy mate of yours' flat.
23:16It's not dodgy and he's not going to be there.
23:20It's the best I can do for now.
23:22Well, it's not good enough.
23:24I feel safer here.
23:25There's more people around, not just you.
23:29I'll keep out of your way.
23:31You'll have the place to yourself, your own set of keys, everything.
23:34And what about Ireland?
23:36I mean, you're still going to have to pay for my flights
23:39and somewhere for me to stay when I get there.
23:41OK, how about this?
23:43I will book the flights today, OK?
23:47So you know I'm on a level.
23:50You can do that? Yes.
23:52I'm going to get these bank statements over to a solicitor
23:54as soon as I can.
23:55Then everything will be OK.
23:57Now, I'm going to send you the address to the flat.
23:59I need you to pack your things, get over here
24:02and we'll get you settled in, OK?
24:09Are you all right?
24:11You only said two words over breakfast.
24:13I can only get a grunt or two out of you, at least.
24:16Yeah, I'm all right. I just didn't want to wake up this morning.
24:18Oh, well, I know that feeling.
24:21But it's the last day of term, isn't it?
24:23You've got some lie-ins to look forward to.
24:25Here, take this.
24:26That reminds me, actually, I'm going to see if I can get some time off
24:29so we can do something nice together.
24:31Fun with Mum. Terrific.
24:33All right, sock your pants.
24:36Are you positive you're all right?
24:38I heard you getting up a couple of times in the night.
24:41I'm fine, I just needed a last.
24:43All right, if you're sure.
24:45I'd best go and open up. Have a good day.
24:47You too.
24:50All right?
24:51Yeah. You?
24:53Not bad.
24:55Look, listen, I heard your mum talking to Gary yesterday.
24:59Saying that she spoke to you and your dad
25:01and that you didn't know that Mason was getting out.
25:03Yeah, well, not the best news I've had in a while.
25:06Especially when I was the one that grasped him up.
25:08Yeah, I wasn't made up about it either.
25:10But I do know that part of the conditions of him getting out
25:12is that he can't come anywhere near me.
25:14Or you.
25:15And you think that's going to make a difference, someone like him?
25:17Look, I get that you're scared. I am and all, but...
25:20As long as we stick together, then...
25:21Look, I'm not scared.
25:22I just don't want to talk about it, all right?
25:29Hello, Roy. You lost?
25:31No. I've come to see Carla. Is she about?
25:36Roy, I can't see you!
25:38Could have just gone to her.
25:41All right, got by the stick.
25:42You just could have sent him through.
25:43Yeah, I did suggest that.
25:48I could have a word with you in private.
25:50What's up?
25:51Well, I've been thinking about what Nina was saying
25:54and I've decided to take some time off.
25:56Go and visit Kathy in Scarborough.
25:59Good. What changed your mind?
26:01Well, I've come to realise that everything that's happened
26:03over the last few months has had more of an effect on me
26:07than I realised would physically and mentally.
26:11That's hardly surprising, is it?
26:15I'm glad that you've decided to go.
26:17OK, when are you thinking?
26:19Well, I'll book a train for this afternoon.
26:23Why don't I drive you?
26:25Oh, that won't be necessary.
26:27No, it's a long way to go by yourself.
26:29Plus, come on, you'll have to probably catch up in the car
26:32on the way, won't we?
26:35I might even find a nice hotel with a spa and stay there tonight.
26:39Oh, yeah. I could do with getting away from here for a bit.
26:42Really? Are you sure that wouldn't be an inconvenience?
26:45An inconvenience, you?
26:48Don't be daft like Ropper.
26:50Go on, go and get that.
26:54Look, I know Rowan's got you over a barrel with this,
26:56but even if you do pay him now,
26:59what's to stop him from doing this again?
27:01Yeah, I thought of that too, but...
27:03So, Biscuit got a tank.
27:05Oh, here he is.
27:07There's a rolling pin or a frying pan when you need one.
27:10Well, here we are, bang on time.
27:11Nick, Toya, good to see you again.
27:13Mm, likewise.
27:15Our table's not quite ready yet,
27:17so why don't we go and sit over there?
27:19Toya, could you get us three coffees, Dad?
27:20Yep, coming up.
27:26You're up early.
27:27Yeah, I just... I wanted to make a start on clearing out the flat.
27:31Is, erm, everything OK?
27:33Only I couldn't help but notice the solicitor's letter.
27:37I've not read it, but I assume it's to do with the divorce?
27:45Emily's pushing for half of everything I own.
27:49Well, can't exactly say I'm surprised, babe.
27:52Being part of you must have seen it coming.
27:55Yeah, I guess.
27:57It's just now they're asking to see all my bank statements
27:59from the last year as well.
28:03It's not like you've got a secret nest egg
28:05or anything to hide from her.
28:07No, of course, it's just...
28:08I can do without all the extra stress and hassle right now.
28:12Well, do you want me to help?
28:13Many hands and all that?
28:15Thanks, but I'll be OK.
28:17I'll just try and get it done as quick as I can.
28:20Look, I know things are tough at the moment,
28:22but once the divorce goes through
28:25and, you know, you officially put a ring on it,
28:28then we can really start to enjoy living together.
28:31If you know what I mean.
28:34I already am.
28:39Right, I've got some stuff in the car, and then I'd better get off.
28:43See you later. See you.
28:45Did I tell you I bumped into Bernie yesterday?
28:48No. I'll teach you to look where you're going.
28:51Well, she didn't see myself.
28:53She seemed really low.
28:55Did she say what the problem was?
28:57No. I mean, obviously, she's worried about you.
29:00I think falling out with Gemma on top of everything else
29:03has just really gotten to her.
29:10She's like Candyman. Just say her name and she's there.
29:14Does anyone want a brew?
29:15Yeah, yeah, that'd be lovely.
29:23Hey, sweetheart.
29:25How are you doing?
29:26Yeah, we're doing all right.
29:28I'm just talking about you, actually.
29:30How have you been?
29:32Yeah, well, not great, to be honest.
29:34I've had another run and we're kicked... again.
29:37Why? What's happened now?
29:39Oh, he made some snide comment, and I said to him,
29:41I get why you're angry with me.
29:43He's made that pretty flaming obvious.
29:46But I just want to help my family.
29:48Like, me and Dev have offered to put up Chesney, Gemma
29:51and the Rugrats till they're back on their feet.
29:53I mean, what more does he want from me?
29:59You all right, love?
30:01Tired of everyone fighting.
30:06So, we're looking at raising £40,000,
30:08but as I explained, this investment we're projecting
30:11will be reimbursed in, at the most, two years.
30:14After that, it'll be making a considerable profit.
30:17Yeah, and more importantly, it'll be an investment
30:20that'll help enrich people's lives.
30:21Yeah, it's very noble. I can see that now.
30:24Hey, er, sorry for the wait. The table's ready.
30:26Oh, great. Thank you.
30:38Yeah, speaking.
30:42Right, so does that mean that my results have come back, then?
30:46No, no, I understand that. Yeah, you...
30:49Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, I'll be there.
30:52OK, thank you. I'll, erm... I'll see you tomorrow.
30:55Here are some of the numbers from our other resource centres in the UK.
30:59And as you can see, they're all in profit now.
31:03How long has it taken?
31:05Normally, six months to a year.
31:08Yeah, you can see this one took a few months.
31:13And then I'd get my money back?
31:16So, we'll... And some.
31:17Yeah, yeah.
31:19Thanks for coming.
31:23Didn't have much choice, really, did I?
31:28Anyway, this is it, your new home.
31:32For a while, at least.
31:34Well, how long's a while?
31:36Cos I need to get away from this place as soon as possible.
31:39I know. And I've said I'm gonna sort it.
31:43Anyway, here are your new keys.
31:48For the flat.
31:49But I want my flight.
31:52I'm gonna sort it later today.
31:54And I'm gonna sort out somewhere for you to live
31:56when you get there as soon as I can.
31:57But for now, you're just gonna have to trust me
31:59that I'm sorting it all out, OK?
32:02What's so funny?
32:03I know you think I'm just some skank.
32:06But I'm not.
32:09Not any more, anyway.
32:10I've learnt a lot in the last few months.
32:12I've learnt to be more careful and all.
32:15What do you mean?
32:17Let's just say it's amazing what you can learn online, innit?
32:22I'm still not following you.
32:25I found out you can write an email to someone and say it up.
32:30So it gets sent to them on a certain date,
32:31like in a week or two or whatever.
32:34Anyway, I've sent one to that cop of Swain.
32:40Saying what?
32:44Saying it was you that really attacked me.
32:47Oh, and that I'm carrying your baby and all.
32:54Why? Why would you do that?
32:59To make sure you stick to your end of the deal.
33:02Because if you don't,
33:04or if something happens to me or my baby,
33:06then she's gonna get that email in a month's time
33:08and you're finished.
33:13And how do I know you're not just gonna send it anyway?
33:17Looks like we'll have to trust each other, then, don't it?
33:28Who's that?
33:30How the hell should I know?
33:36Don't say anything.
33:43Hiya, it's me.
33:45I've had a cancellation, so I thought we could grab some lunch.
33:47Er, you know, that would be lovely,
33:50but I'm up to my eyes at the minute.
33:52No, Joel, no, I'm not taking no for an answer.
33:56Are you going to let me in or what?
34:01Come up.
34:03It's Dee Dee.
34:05What, does she know where you were?
34:06I told her I was helping a mate clear out a flat she came in once.
34:08It doesn't matter, look, just grab your stuff,
34:10go in there and do not come out.
34:11Do you know what, this is why I didn't want to do this,
34:13I didn't want to do this, it'd be your dirty little secret again.
34:15Please, Lauren, just go.
34:33You just sounded so stressed out earlier.
34:37And I never got to see you.
34:39And I know you're busy,
34:40but something you have to stop for a break sometimes.
34:44So, I thought getting lunch together would be nice.
34:47You're right, I'm sorry, I've been too wrapped up in work
34:49and the divorce lately.
34:51Let's go and get something to eat.
34:54Are you OK?
34:55What are you like?
34:57You had something to eat, why didn't you just say so?
35:00Er, I know, I'm sorry, I was hungry before,
35:03so I grabbed a bite, I didn't want to disappoint you.
35:05Babe, it wasn't about getting lunch,
35:07it was about getting to spend a bit of time together.
35:11Well, why don't we go to the pub...
35:16..and get a drink...
35:18..and I'll watch Yui.
35:20Yeah, all right, then.
35:21Just, you know, I'm going to bend your rib off for my wedding talk.
35:24I can't wait.
35:26Hey, how did you get on with those statements?
35:28I've not even had a chance to have a look at them yet,
35:30but I need to get them sent off as soon as I can.
35:33You really want Emily off your back, eh?
35:36I just want us to spend the rest of our lives together.
35:40And I don't want anything to get in the way.
35:41Hmph. Come on.
35:51Right, you lot, stop working for a minute.
35:53Not that you ever need an excuse.
35:55Er, if this is a pep talk, it's not started that way.
35:58It's not.
35:59Unless she's doing the old carrot and stick thing,
36:01what, like, in reverse?
36:02Oh, give me strength. There's no carrot, there's no stick.
36:04I've just come to tell you that I'm going away for a couple of days.
36:07Oh, anyway, nice.
36:09Well, not that it's any of your business, but Scarborough, yeah.
36:11So, Sarah will be in charge, and, er, any problems, go to her.
36:15All clear? Good.
36:18What do you think of what I'm thinking?
36:20Yeah, we can start them T-shirts again.
36:22No, she's not going to be around. We can really go for it.
36:27Obviously, we'll have all the proper legal documents drawn up
36:30to assure you everything's above board.
36:33So, unless you have any more questions, it's over to you.
36:38Er, sorry, can you just excuse me one sec?
36:44So, what do you think?
36:46I think you should have been a used car salesman.
36:48I'm offering you a great opportunity, yeah?
36:50Yeah, all right, catch the chase. I'll get you money,
36:52but I can only get 20K.
36:54You know, I was hoping you could double that amount.
36:56Yeah, but any more and this place will close,
36:58and it's not just my livelihood,
36:59and if you care fully as much as you say you do,
37:02you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?
37:05Sorry, erm, I thought he was just going to go back to the flat.
37:08Is she OK? No, she said she's got a bit of a headache.
37:11Well, I told her yesterday she shouldn't come into work.
37:14Yeah, well, she's stubborn, isn't she?
37:15Anyway, I've said just call if she needs anything.
37:18So, what have you two decided?
37:20Nick's agreed to invest half the money, along with you, of course.
37:24Oh, Nick, that's brilliant.
37:25Oh, you're not going to regret this, I promise.
37:33I'm really worried about him.
37:35I know how much he hates not being able to talk to us properly any more.
37:38I do too.
37:40I haven't seen him this low for ages.
37:42Yeah, some of it's got to do with the arguments
37:45between Bernie and Gemma and Kit as well, though.
37:47Yeah, I know that.
37:51You don't think he's ready to give up, do you?
37:54No. He'll talk to me when the time comes,
37:56and it's for me to worry about, not you, OK?
37:59Billy, I don't think...
38:01Look, he's trying to tell us something.
38:04Are you OK?
38:06I'm going to bang Gemma, Bernie and Kit's heads together.
38:10The pillows.
38:19Er, thought I'd drop by, see how you're doing.
38:21Yeah, Leanne said you weren't feeling very well.
38:23Oh, no, I'm OK. But how are you doing?
38:25Yeah, well, apart from me and Leanne being 20 grand out of pocket...
38:29He got you to cough up, then?
38:31Yeah, yeah, I mean, I didn't really have much choice.
38:34Well, that might be about to change.
38:36What do you mean?
38:37OK, so when you guys were chatting earlier at the bistro,
38:40I went through Rowan's jacket, found his wallet,
38:42and, well, let's say I borrowed his driver's licence.
38:46Yeah, it's a few years out of date, but look at the photo.
38:49Oh, wow, it looks completely different.
38:53So, I did one of those reverse image things,
38:56and you are not going to believe what I found.
39:07You took your time.
39:08I came back as soon as I could.
39:10I didn't want to make her more suspicious, did I?
39:12Yeah, well, I don't care about that.
39:14I just want you to get me out of here.
39:17I am.
39:20But I can't get you a flat until I've sent off the bank statements.
39:23Otherwise, we're both screwed.
39:24And how do I know you're telling the truth about that?
39:27I mean, for all I know, you could be stalling
39:29until you find a way out of this.
39:30I'm not trying to find a way out of this.
39:32I'm doing this. I'm letting you stay here to protect you.
39:36I mean, after what happened to Roy,
39:39you're not exactly the most popular person on the street anymore, are you?
39:42And I didn't know me disappearing was going to get him into trouble, did I?
39:46I know that.
39:48But not everyone else is going to think the same way.
39:52But I promise, I'm going to look after you and the baby.
39:55And I'll prove it.
40:07It's your plane ticket to Ireland.
40:11August the 12th?
40:16That gives me three weeks to get everything in place,
40:19get the money I need together, and then...
40:21you can start a new life out there.
40:31Any time.
40:35Right, I need to get going.
40:41Have you got everything you need?
40:44Yeah, I'll be fine.
40:46All right, I'll see you tomorrow.
40:53Just got your message. Is everything all right?
40:56Well, no, not exactly.
40:58There's something you need to know about Rowan.
41:01What are you on about?
41:02Well, for a start, that's not his real name.
41:05It's actually Luke.
41:07And how do you know that?
41:08Because I looked him up online
41:10and I found out quite a bit about him as it happened.
41:12Er, he was arrested for aggravated burglary and assault.
41:15Went to prison.
41:17I'm sure he didn't tell you that, did he?
41:22Well, it's obviously not real, is it?
41:23It's fake. Somebody's just put that on.
41:25No, it is real, Lee.
41:27He's the fake.
41:33Oh, hello.
41:35I take it you're off duty, then, are you?
41:36Otherwise you'd be wanting to take down my particulars.
41:39No, you're all right. I'm off the clock.
41:41Very good. What can I get you?
41:42I'll have a large glass of red wine, please.
41:44Coming up.
41:46You work at the factory as well, don't you?
41:50Haven't had you, yes.
41:51I have two jobs.
41:53Takes a lot of money to look this good.
41:56I'll bet.
41:57And how is that?
41:58You know, I mean, do you get on with the others who work there?
42:02At the factory? Yeah.
42:03They're an all right bunch, generally speaking.
42:05Although we do have a new worker just started.
42:07She's already got a few backs up.
42:09She's a bit gobby, you know, always on her phone.
42:12You know the type.
42:13Yeah, I do, as it happens.
42:15Er, shake hard?
42:16Yes, if I may, please. Thank you.
42:22Hi, Stu.
42:23Shaun, have you got a minute?
42:26For you, Stu, I've got two.
42:28Have you seen Dylan?
42:29Only he didn't turn up for his trial shift this afternoon.
42:32What? Oh, I'm sorry.
42:34I'll have to go and check on him.
42:36He did have a bit of bad news yesterday,
42:38so that might be something to do with it.
42:40Ah. All right.
42:41Well, in that case, I hope he's all right.
42:43I tell you what, why don't you ask him to pop in tomorrow
42:46and we'll give it another go?
42:48I will do, yeah. Yeah.
42:49Thanks, Stu. No problem. See you.
42:51Thank you.
43:01Hiya. How was the rest of your day?
43:03Oh, busy. I am cream-crackered.
43:05Well, why don't you get changed into something more comfortable,
43:09put your feet up and I'll fix us something to eat?
43:11Oh, marry me?
43:13Hang on, you already are.
43:16And I can't wait.