Wisconsin's GOP Delegation Holds Briefing To Kick Off The Republican National Convention's Final Day

  • 2 months ago
The Wisconsin GOP held a press briefing ahead of the final day of the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

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00:00:00Good morning, and welcome to the final day of the 2024 Republican National Convention.
00:00:14Are we all excited to see Trump tonight speak?
00:00:20Well, let's get our day started by hearing from our generous sponsors who have allowed us to put on such wonderful events this week.
00:00:27First, we will hear from Dale Cuyenga, the president of MMAC.
00:00:38Good morning.
00:00:40Well, it's a pleasure to be here, and it's a pleasure to sponsor this event.
00:00:44The Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce is located across the street.
00:00:48We represent over 2,300 businesses, and we were founded in 1861,
00:00:54which is seven years younger than the Republican Party here in Wisconsin.
00:00:58And one of the things that I'm most proud of the MMAC is, when you look back in 1991,
00:01:04the concept of school of choice was nothing more than a chapter in a book by Milton Friedman called Free to Choose.
00:01:11And what happened here is that there was a superintendent by the name of Howard Fuller who said,
00:01:17this system is not working for the kids.
00:01:21And there was a righteous anger that said we need to do something differently.
00:01:25And the business community, led by my predecessor, Tim Sheehy, said let's try something radically different.
00:01:31And those two, along with some very courageous legislators of both parties, said let's try this concept called school of choice.
00:01:39And today we've seen school of choice spread from Milwaukee to Racine, the statewide in Wisconsin,
00:01:46and now it's covered nationally.
00:01:48And what I'm super proud about this room, and where we've come as far as school of choice,
00:01:53is it's not debated in Wisconsin anymore.
00:01:55Because we understand that this is the social justice issue of our era.
00:02:00If you look back at Frederick Douglass, and Frederick Douglass, how he articulately talks about this story,
00:02:05is Frederick Douglass writes that he was a slave.
00:02:09And he went from being a slave on a traditional plantation to being a slave in a home farther north.
00:02:15And the woman of the house was teaching young Frederick how to read.
00:02:19And the man of the house came home and said, what are you doing?
00:02:23And he said, I'm teaching Frederick how to read.
00:02:26And she said, or he said, never ever teach a black man to read.
00:02:30Because if you teach a black man to read, he'll start reading things like the Bible, and he'll never be a good slave again.
00:02:38Folks, today we live in a community where choice is giving an option for a lot of kids to leave schools and school systems.
00:02:48And right here we have schools in Milwaukee Public Schools where not a single kid can read proficiently.
00:02:52Only 65% of kids are graduating high school.
00:02:56And we have entire schools where we don't have a single kid that reads proficiently.
00:03:00So very proud of the work we do on school of choice.
00:03:03We do work on many other issues, but that's the number one issue.
00:03:06I want to thank you for your support.
00:03:08That's one issue that we'll be aligned with for a long, long time.
00:03:12And we have a lot of work to do.
00:03:14And our number one object for this next session is we think a kid is worth the same no matter what type of school system they go to.
00:03:22And right now a kid that goes to a yeshiva school or a Christian school or a charter school, that child is only receiving $11,000, $12,000.
00:03:31While a child in the Milwaukee Public School, which is underperforming those systems, is receiving over $20,000.
00:03:36So I want to just quickly thank Representative Fitzgerald for his courageous support on this issue for many years at the state level and other legislators as well.
00:03:45So thanks again for having us, and we're proud to be a sponsor. Have a good day.
00:03:56Thank you, Dale, and thank you, MMAC.
00:03:58Next we will hear from Bill Elliott, the President and CEO of Wisconsin Hotel and Lodging Association.
00:04:12Well, good morning, everybody.
00:04:14Thank you for being here on this last day of the RNC.
00:04:17I don't know what you think, but for me it's been an incredible event so far.
00:04:23Really, it's been nothing short of extraordinary, not just for Milwaukee, but for the entire state of Wisconsin.
00:04:29I think it's fair to say that in Wisconsin, tourism often goes unnoticed as the third largest industry in the state.
00:04:38Exposure from events like the RNC is just priceless.
00:04:43Obviously, being here this week, we have so many cameras shining a spotlight on our great state.
00:04:51Events that come to our city show other folks that more events can come to our city, to our state, and it's really a snowball effect.
00:05:02Many of you already are well aware of the snowball effect of tourism because you're legislators that we work with throughout the year.
00:05:10And many of you in this room are responsible for helping us increase the state tourism budget by about 98% last year, depending on how you want to do the math anyway.
00:05:20That put us on par with our neighbors to bring more folks here to Wisconsin.
00:05:26And I think it's fair to say that it's really paying off as we see more events getting booked throughout the state, not just Milwaukee, but around the entire state.
00:05:34And it's bringing more spending into our local economies.
00:05:39It's not just our hotels, it's our restaurants, it's our gas stations, it's our downtown stores that all benefit from this.
00:05:45And then, of course, it goes full circle because that brings in more tax revenue for the state, for our municipalities, and for our general economy.
00:05:53So I want to thank you all for your support of Wisconsin's tourism industry and our hospitality.
00:05:59I really want to thank you for rolling out the red carpet for everybody that's been here all week long.
00:06:05And really, that's my message today. It's a heartfelt message of gratitude.
00:06:10Thank you to our legislators for your boldness and your foresight in passing our landmark budget last year.
00:06:17Thank you to each and every one of you in the room, again, for bringing the RNC here.
00:06:22And with that, I really hope you have a wonderful last day here in Milwaukee. Safe travels.
00:06:34All right, all right. Good morning.
00:06:37Last day. This is what we're here for, right?
00:06:40All right. It is going to be a long day.
00:06:43There are some logistics that we're going to have to go over, so please pay attention.
00:06:48I know Brian has gotten everybody whipped into shape, butts in the seats on time.
00:06:52So we're going to have to try to stay on time today because a couple days ago, I mentioned that downtown Milwaukee was probably the safest place on earth.
00:07:01I'd like to clarify, be a little bit more specific.
00:07:04In about four hours, you're going to be standing in the exact area, the Fort Knox Apolitics, the safest place on earth over at the Pfister.
00:07:12Forte would like to invite you from 1 to 3 this afternoon over to our event.
00:07:17It all started in Wisconsin, so that's the theme.
00:07:20And as you can imagine, there's a lot of security, so we're going to have to get everyone screened.
00:07:25This event is at the Pfister. It's from 1 to 3.
00:07:29We're going to have buses out front for those that cannot walk.
00:07:32But the Pfister is only five and a half, six blocks away.
00:07:35It is about a block and a half past where you have to go for the GOP Express, so it is very close.
00:07:41If you can walk, that's what we recommend because the bus will actually have to leave the secured zone, travel all the way around, and come up to drop you off.
00:07:50So you probably would get there faster walking, all right?
00:07:54But we are going to have the noon buses are going to be there at noon.
00:07:59So we're going to try loading those up all at once, and it's not a cycle.
00:08:02It's one trip over, so we've got two buses for one trip, or you walk.
00:08:06We're going to have people getting you on buses.
00:08:08We're going to have people checking you when you get over to the Pfister.
00:08:11And if you want to start walking over there, I recommend about 1230.
00:08:15You start walking over there because you are going to have to get through security.
00:08:19You'll go through a magnetometer. You'll have credentials.
00:08:21You'll get those downstairs after breakfast.
00:08:24And then once the event is done at Pfister at 3, you're a block and a half from the GOP Express to go on up to the convention for the rest of the day.
00:08:33It is your choice if you want to walk back to the hotel and refresh.
00:08:38But when you go in there, I would keep clear bags.
00:08:42Secret Service said less is better, so the less you have going through the magnetometers, the quicker they're going to get everybody through.
00:08:48And as you can imagine, we're going to dump two buses off and people walking over, a lot of people all at once.
00:08:53So it will take a little while to get through, so give yourself enough time.
00:08:58So when we depart there, you can go to the GOP Express.
00:09:00They will take you directly up there or you come back here.
00:09:04After the convention, GOP Express will bring people that want to come back to the hotel back down to Broadway.
00:09:11After the event, Wisconsin delegation is invited to the Jason Aldean concert down at Pottawatomie Casino.
00:09:17There will be a couple of special buses up there at Fiserv that will take you direct to the casino.
00:09:24After that, they drop you off.
00:09:26GOP Express is done.
00:09:28So Forte has arranged for some shuttles for pickup after the concert to get you back to the hotel.
00:09:35So that will happen after the concert.
00:09:38You'll come out of the exit, and then you will start going through the casino.
00:09:43I think they've done this before.
00:09:45Go outside, inside through the casino, and it's not a straight shot, but out the front door of the hotel to the valet area parking,
00:09:53and that's where we're arranging to have the shuttles to pick you up.
00:09:56So out front of the hotel after the concert.
00:09:59We're probably going to be running it anywhere from an hour to 90 minutes,
00:10:02so please make your way over there so that you don't get left behind.
00:10:06They said you can stay and gamble as long as you want.
00:10:09That's up to you.
00:10:13Depends on what you win.
00:10:15So I know there's going to be a lot of questions.
00:10:18Jordan is going to help out.
00:10:19He's going to send texts throughout the day, but my recommendation is it could be a long day.
00:10:23Once you depart for the Pfister, it's conceivable you don't get back here until about 2 a.m. or so.
00:10:29So just be prepared for the day.
00:10:31Have all your credentials with you.
00:10:33If you see something, say something.
00:10:34If you have any questions, feel free to ask, but we've got staffers that will be kind of guiding you as we go.
00:10:39Thanks, and have a great day.
00:10:47Good morning, everyone.
00:10:49Good morning, everyone.
00:10:52So how do you think JB Banks is going to sell in Wisconsin?
00:11:00That was fun last night.
00:11:01That was great.
00:11:02And I was saying to some reporters yesterday, usually,
00:11:06and for those of you who have been to these conventions know this,
00:11:08there's kind of a crescendo of things that happen and build and build and build up to the first day.
00:11:14And with this convention, it's like, bam, every day, bam, bam, bam.
00:11:19It's been great every day.
00:11:21And so for those of you who have done this before, it's been terrific.
00:11:26I want to bring up Chairman Brent Courtney to lead us in prayer,
00:11:33as well as Stephanie Sochek, the Door County Chair,
00:11:36who also serves as a district vice chair, to lead us in the pledge.
00:11:46Good morning.
00:11:47Good morning.
00:11:48I want to just open up by reading a verse from Scripture,
00:11:51and the Bible also says we must pray for all of our elected officials.
00:11:56Second Chronicles 7.14.
00:12:01If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray
00:12:06and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
00:12:10then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin
00:12:14and I will heal their land.
00:12:18Now let us pray.
00:12:19Father in heaven, thank you for this wonderful day you have given us.
00:12:23Thank you for blessing us so much as a nation
00:12:26and forgive us for being so ungrateful for all these blessings.
00:12:31I thank you so much for sparing President Trump from the assassination attempt.
00:12:36Grant President Trump and his new running mate, J.D. Vance,
00:12:39protection and safety during this campaign.
00:12:43I pray they will seek you in every decision they make.
00:12:46Be with all of our elected officials.
00:12:49Be with President Biden and Kamala Harris and all Democrats too.
00:12:53I pray they will seek your will too, Lord.
00:12:57But Lord, be with President Trump, Senator Johnson, Eric Hubdee,
00:13:03be with Derek Van Orden, Brian Stile, Scott Fitzgerald, Glenn Groffman,
00:13:08and Tom Tiffany.
00:13:10Be with all of our state senators and state representatives.
00:13:14I pray that they will be reflections of your light in all that they do.
00:13:19Lord, we ask that you are not on our side in the political debate,
00:13:23but that we are on your side.
00:13:26Lord, now I ask you to bless our breakfast meeting this morning.
00:13:29I ask you to bless this food to your honor and glory.
00:13:33In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
00:13:41Please rise to say the pledge.
00:13:45I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
00:13:51and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God,
00:13:56indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
00:14:00Well, we have an express program this morning because we've got to be out of here by 930.
00:14:15And we also have a very, very busy day, so it's important.
00:14:19I'm supposed to call this guy, the Honorable Scott Fitzgerald,
00:14:25member of the House of Representatives from Wisconsin.
00:14:29But we know him as Fitz, so we call him Fitz.
00:14:32And I'll say two things before I bring out.
00:14:36Number one, on our end, we know him as Fitz because he's been an active Republican
00:14:43and a leader as a Republican in this state.
00:14:46And I think that is he loves Wisconsin.
00:14:50He's part of Wisconsin, born, raised here, business, military.
00:14:55His whole profile has been about Wisconsin.
00:14:59But we need people like Scott Fitzgerald in the House of Representatives for another reason.
00:15:04He's a leader.
00:15:06He's been Senate Majority Leader here in the legislature.
00:15:11And when you're putting together majorities and when we are trying to provide leadership to the country,
00:15:18when you've got the House, you've got the Senate and the presidency,
00:15:22you need people like him in the room
00:15:24because not only does he have Wisconsin's interests at heart, frankly, he knows how to lead.
00:15:29And that's important at times like this with the challenges that this country faces.
00:15:36So please join me in welcoming Fitz.
00:15:39Thank you.
00:15:52It's good to be with the Wisconsinites because clearly having the convention in your backyard
00:16:01is a much different experience than when you're traveling to another state.
00:16:06I think I realized that on Monday when the Trump team called
00:16:11and pretty much laid out kind of a schedule for me for this week
00:16:15on who they wanted us to be an ambassador for.
00:16:19So I've been talking to a lot of the members of the House of Representatives,
00:16:23and I think you've had, I know you've had some of them,
00:16:26Corey Mills, I guess, was up here speaking with you yesterday.
00:16:29What a fantastic member of Congress.
00:16:33Just a wonderful guy.
00:16:36I'm always impressed by my colleagues, but Corey just knocks it out of the box.
00:16:40He was very involved when war broke out in Israel.
00:16:45I don't know if he talked much about this, but there were some members, constituents of ours,
00:16:50that he actually aided in getting out of Israel in that critical 48-hour period right after the war broke out.
00:16:59So what a wonderful member.
00:17:01And that's kind of what's going on, I guess.
00:17:03I'm going over to talk to the Indiana delegation right after this,
00:17:07so there's a little bit of back and forth.
00:17:09But what I will say, first of all, finish strong.
00:17:13I know it's been a long week, and I know the hours that everyone's been putting in.
00:17:18Finish strong today.
00:17:20And what an opportunity to show the rest of the country, the city of Milwaukee,
00:17:26And as Milwaukee goes, so goes the state of Wisconsin, right?
00:17:31I have had more comments about what a wonderful convention this has been.
00:17:37And after being, you know, whether it was Tampa or Minneapolis or any of the other ones that I've been able to attend,
00:17:45I just think back to those early days as a member of the Center District when we were talking about the Five-Star Forum.
00:17:54And thank goodness there was some vision there.
00:17:57And I've got to give credit where credit's due.
00:18:00Peter Fagan was one of those people that was saying, listen, this is not just going to be an NBA arena.
00:18:08This is going to be a facility that is going to be able to house conventions the size of what the IRNC is right now.
00:18:17So it's really when everybody comes together and works together, that's what you end up with.
00:18:22And certainly I think that is why this convention is going to be so successful.
00:18:27I don't care if it's other electeds, it's members of the media, certainly the security provisions.
00:18:33It's just all come together in a wonderful way for this week.
00:18:36So I'm so glad I could be part of it, and I'm glad that you guys are part of it as well.
00:18:42Listen, I'm on my way out, and I know that Brian said we didn't have a lot of time this morning.
00:18:46But the other thing I just wanted to relay, we have seen a shift in Wisconsin like we've never seen before.
00:18:53But what I wanted to tell you was the shift that's going on nationwide.
00:18:58When I talk to members of the New York delegation, right, and New York was one of those states where we didn't know kind of how we were going to do last cycle.
00:19:07We anticipated that there was going to be some close races, and they were.
00:19:12But at the end of the day, we were able to get some members across the finish line in New York.
00:19:17Contrast that with California right now.
00:19:20California, we have members that overperformed in their primaries and now are in a position to actually secure some of the seats that are in play right now very early.
00:19:33So if we've got the East Coast and we've got the West Coast, guess what?
00:19:38We're in a great position to maintain the majority in the House of Representatives.
00:19:42And that is the big enchilada this time.
00:19:46I'll be quite honest with you.
00:19:48The way I feel right now, and I know we can't take our foot off the gas.
00:19:51People are very concerned about that.
00:19:53But if you keep the House, you're going to get the Senate, and you're going to get the White House.
00:19:58President Trump is going to do a wonderful job, I think, in driving an agenda that he's going to lay out tonight that both the House and the Senate can embrace.
00:20:05So we're in a very exciting time.
00:20:08Like I said, I hope we finish strong tonight.
00:20:11And it's so good to be here with Wisconsinites and with everybody that we've known so well.
00:20:17And you guys are the faces that we've seen for many years working so hard to put us in this position.
00:20:22So it's great to be with you this morning.
00:20:24Thank you.
00:20:28Thank you.
00:20:38I want to thank the congressman for being here this morning.
00:20:42And on a personal note, while you're over at the Indiana delegation, tell them that I said the Indiana Hoosiers suck.
00:20:51You can quote me directly, by the way.
00:20:57So this is a team effort.
00:21:00And I keep saying it's not about a county or 72 counties or 28 counties or whatever.
00:21:06It's all of us.
00:21:07We are one team.
00:21:09And part of the team approach on this is it goes wide and it goes up and down and it goes.
00:21:17It really is very, very important that what we do is a team locally on a statewide level and nationally.
00:21:27And with us this morning is Clayton Henson, who is the senior deputy political director for the Trump campaign.
00:21:35And there are a couple of things I like about him.
00:21:40Number one, he gets it.
00:21:43He gets it.
00:21:44He understands what this is about.
00:21:46And number two, he knows Wisconsin.
00:21:50He and I were on the Trump recount team together four years ago.
00:21:54And so he understands Wisconsin.
00:21:57He's not somebody who got dropped in and has no idea where he doesn't usually need a map to get around the state.
00:22:04And so that's helpful.
00:22:06So I appreciate those two things about him.
00:22:10And he's a really good guy.
00:22:13Please welcome Clayton Henson.
00:22:23Well, I will have to disappoint everybody with one thing.
00:22:25I'm not a very good speaker.
00:22:29But, no, I've had the good fortune to come to your state for a few years now.
00:22:34Look, my background, I was with the president in Ohio in 2016.
00:22:38Went to the White House for a couple years.
00:22:40Was on the campaign in 20 as a regional political director.
00:22:44Obviously covered Wisconsin then.
00:22:46I was able to get back with the president's team in 2022.
00:22:49And the only reason I'm a senior deputy political director is I've been around longer.
00:22:54But very much appreciate your state and, you know, how good it is to work with your party.
00:22:59The chairman is just very good to work with.
00:23:01His ED I've known a long time as well.
00:23:04And having a good partner in the state is very important.
00:23:07And, look, I also drew the short straw and got to deal with a lot of convention stuff over the past couple years.
00:23:13Lots of delicate stuff.
00:23:15Lots of planning for everything that goes on with this.
00:23:19And, you know, it's a lot of fun.
00:23:21But the real work is about to start.
00:23:24We've got a lot of work.
00:23:25It's no surprise to anybody here that Wisconsin is, once again, one of the most important states in the country.
00:23:30So just here we are.
00:23:33But really looking forward to working with everybody here.
00:23:36Please volunteer.
00:23:37Please be ready to hit those doors.
00:23:39Make the calls.
00:23:40Work with the party.
00:23:41Work with the campaign.
00:23:42Work with the RNC.
00:23:44I think the president made it very clear this is about unity.
00:23:47And that's what we need to do.
00:23:49So thank you, everyone.
00:23:51And I'll see you out there on the trail.
00:23:53Thank you.
00:24:04Where's Farrell?
00:24:06I'm here.
00:24:07Mr. Chairman, after your inspiring remarks yesterday morning, hard to top that, we have this is the big day, right?
00:24:19And so it is very, very important.
00:24:21It is every day.
00:24:22But how we kind of move around and how we coordinate today, this is going to be a full day.
00:24:28And I will tell you as kind of the pre to his remarks, when you leave this hotel this morning,
00:24:37you will not see it again until you come back to bed tonight.
00:24:41So assuming you do that.
00:24:45So when the clock starts today, the clock starts today.
00:24:54And we will have a very, very busy day.
00:24:58And I want to have Chairman Farrell talk about some expectations over on the convention floor today
00:25:05and some of the things we need to do.
00:25:08Thank you, sir.
00:25:10Hey, good morning.
00:25:11How are you doing?
00:25:12Good morning.
00:25:17It's the kinder, gentler Paul this morning.
00:25:21You guys knocked it out of the park.
00:25:22Thank you so much.
00:25:24You know, I will tell you, we got compliments from the staff.
00:25:28They said everybody was there.
00:25:29You guys were packed out.
00:25:31When they shout, we got a shout out from JDN Wisconsin.
00:25:34You guys were loud.
00:25:35The cameras were on us.
00:25:37And it was great to have you all there.
00:25:39So two quick things.
00:25:40Again, if you can get there as close to 430 as possible.
00:25:43The lines are getting really busy.
00:25:45I got all the texts from people.
00:25:47I want to be there, but I'm in line.
00:25:49I'm just going through security.
00:25:51We get it.
00:25:52We just wanted to make sure that you guys understood.
00:25:54I'm going to ask one last favor of all our delegates.
00:25:57If you haven't partnered up with your alternate delegate to get them on the floor, please get them there tonight.
00:26:04Let them experience this.
00:26:06Start out early if you can.
00:26:08If they can start out and get there by 430 for you so you can take a little more time, great.
00:26:13I would say we've got to get everything done by about 7 o'clock.
00:26:18Then you've got to be in your seats.
00:26:20Things are going to start locking down.
00:26:22As you saw the delegates on the floor, we get inundated with the press where we're located.
00:26:28Poor Candy, I've kept apologizing for her.
00:26:30I said I'm going to just manhandle you.
00:26:32I'm going to move you around so she doesn't get hit by a camera.
00:26:35We had a couple of people trip in our area because the media was moving all around.
00:26:40They're working out some logistics on that.
00:26:43But bring the energy tonight.
00:26:45This is it.
00:26:46So, delegates, I'm asking you, please, if you can reach out to your alternates, give them a chance to come and experience the floor.
00:26:53Like I said, between 4 and 6, 4 and 7, 30, give them an hour down there to see what it's all about.
00:26:58I would appreciate that.
00:27:00We're going to have a good night tonight.
00:27:02It's going to be fantastic.
00:27:04And as Brian said, we're leaving here at 1 o'clock, and we're not coming back until tomorrow.
00:27:09So have a great day.
00:27:10Enjoy it.
00:27:11We'll talk to you later.
00:27:13Thank you.
00:27:22We passed your comments along yesterday to folks who were managing the convention about
00:27:28because we did have that one lady literally like fell into the front row,
00:27:34and there was a lot of jostling around the front, up front, because we had this jam of media
00:27:40and people running around taking pictures.
00:27:43And so we had, you know, that could have been a lot worse.
00:27:46So we don't want that.
00:27:48And then there was a little back and forth with one of the media folks and their cameraman, which I got involved in.
00:27:55And so we're not.
00:27:57But it's very, very important tonight, as it is every night, that this goes smoothly.
00:28:02A couple of things.
00:28:03I want to, in this event at the Pfister today, it will be super cool.
00:28:09How many of you have been to the Pfister, by the way?
00:28:11A lot of you.
00:28:14It's, well, it's haunted.
00:28:17And they say visit.
00:28:19There are people, literally, quite literally, there are people, because visiting teams,
00:28:24visiting teams who play against the box, they have members who won't stay there because they hear it's haunted.
00:28:32I mean, if you can believe that.
00:28:34Things like that.
00:28:35But it is, I think everyone would agree, it's a fabulous, fabulous,
00:28:38fabulous facility with so much history.
00:28:41It's a wonderful, wonderful place to be this afternoon.
00:28:45And there will be, so that event is from 1 to 3, and it's going to be fabulous.
00:28:53Very, very nice.
00:28:54I want to give some thank yous.
00:28:56Number one, well, there's no number one because there's so many people who have been involved in this thing.
00:29:02But our team from Forte, Candy, where's Candy Arndt?
00:29:07I know she's here somewhere.
00:29:08There's Candy Arndt.
00:29:09Candy Arndt, she has been just front and center.
00:29:20And the great thing with Candy is when, you know, she needed help or if there was something I needed to do, she's so,
00:29:28I mean, Candy is, when she calls me, she doesn't, you know, like suggest things.
00:29:35She just tells me what to do.
00:29:37And I do it.
00:29:39That simple.
00:29:40And then it all comes out okay.
00:29:42And so she has been fantastic.
00:29:44And our team from Forte, Bridget and Colleen and Kate and Chuck and Jason, if you can all stand up.
00:29:53Or if you're, don't sit down if you're standing.
00:29:56But if you could all, because we ought to recognize these people.
00:29:59This wouldn't have happened without them.
00:30:01They've been phenomenal.
00:30:03She's just really, and I bring that up particularly because as big as this convention is, right,
00:30:14just doing what we're doing here today and what we've had with the hotel and everything else has been months and months
00:30:21and months and months in planning literally hundreds of logistical details on pulling these things off.
00:30:30So it's great.
00:30:31Now, what time were you notarizing yesterday, Norton or Jordan?
00:30:38Now, I'm going to advise all of you to be a notary.
00:30:41And here's why.
00:30:43Now, number one, Jordan, and everybody knows Jordan Wildman at the state party, and he's a rock star.
00:30:49And so he would like.
00:30:59Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan.
00:31:06And he's like the nicest guy ever.
00:31:08And he's one of those guys where it's even Steven, right?
00:31:10There's not all of this stuff that's for me.
00:31:14And so when you have to go through your day, you know, getting calls from people like me where the first couple of words are,
00:31:23God damn it, you know, it gets a little tiresome.
00:31:28So number one, he's like so organized.
00:31:31For those of you who don't know how organized he is.
00:31:33So yesterday, and the reason I make the notary comment is he's a notary.
00:31:38And so guess who he was in the room notarizing documents for yesterday?
00:31:44The next president of the United States.
00:31:58So that's super cool.
00:32:00And super cool event.
00:32:02And for him.
00:32:04So thank you, Jordan.
00:32:05I want to thank all of our speakers who have been here.
00:32:08Haven't we had great speakers this week?
00:32:10That's been super fun.
00:32:15I want to thank the people at the hotel.
00:32:17Now, this hotel, you know, had been through some issues in the last couple of years.
00:32:22We've talked about that.
00:32:24It's been through some issues in the last couple of years.
00:32:26But they really, they had some challenges.
00:32:29It was closed down for a while.
00:32:31So they had to take this hotel from zero to 60, zero to like 160 in record time.
00:32:38But the hotel staff who have been here have been fabulous to work with.
00:32:43And, you know, so I've got delegations.
00:32:47By the way, and I think some of you know this.
00:32:49We have delegations as far away as Sheboygan, downtown Madison, okay, Lake Geneva, whatever.
00:32:56But there are very few delegations where you can walk out the front door and, you know, six blocks away, you're at the convention hall.
00:33:05And that's important because it allows more flexibility for all of us, right?
00:33:10It's just, I mean, folks that are staying outside the city or outside of the area, they don't have the option between things or whatever.
00:33:18Hey, I'll go hang at the hotel or freshen up or whatever.
00:33:21So the hotel staff here has been really, really good.
00:33:25And being this close has been a blessing in my mind, very much so.
00:33:31I want to thank the party staff as well.
00:33:36Of course, Ivy, Andrew Iverson, Matt, Media Matt, who has just been phenomenal.
00:33:42I understand we have a lot of participation in the media, the afternoon media thing, which is great because it just like generates good stories.
00:33:51And so between that and I'm running around doing media during the day and we'll have a short press or I do a presser after the event every day.
00:33:59So Matt's been just terrific.
00:34:03Where's Stevie? Stevie's there.
00:34:04So Stevie here is our new political director.
00:34:06Stevie Miller, is that Rudy? No, Steve? Okay. Well, now you do.
00:34:09And talk about drawing the short straw.
00:34:14So he's been staffing me all week as we run around outside of the building.
00:34:20So if there are gray hairs coming in on his young head, it's because we've been running around like crazy.
00:34:26But he has been terrific, though.
00:34:28So thanks, Steve.
00:34:29I mean, you've been terrific.
00:34:31Honestly, you've been great.
00:34:33And he's a great this guy is really guaranteed.
00:34:36This guy is going to be running state parties in the next couple of years because he's so good and was in Iowa just before he came here.
00:34:47So the Hawkeyes suck, too.
00:34:51But he's good.
00:34:56Not that much unity.
00:35:03So he's going to take this unity thing too far.
00:35:08It stops at the NCA.
00:35:13So it's great.
00:35:16Now, with my week, because I have convention responsibilities and also doing media and speaking at events all over Milwaukee,
00:35:26and there are two guys, Mitch Ross and Ed Siano, who we brought on to help make sure that I was getting where I was going,
00:35:36to make sure we had a secure situation at the hotel, which we have.
00:35:41And these two guys, I'm telling you, it's great.
00:35:44I did not know them before this, by the way.
00:35:46They're both retired Milwaukee cops.
00:35:48And just Ed and Mitch are just, I feel like it's one of those things where you work with people like a lot, you know,
00:35:55for hours, all day long, for like three or four days, and you feel like you've known them all your life.
00:36:01And Ed and Mitch have been, honestly, they've been, Steve, you would agree, they've been lifesavers this week
00:36:06and have helped us get around Milwaukee because they know the city cold after decades.
00:36:12With the Milwaukee Police Department.
00:36:14And I love these guys.
00:36:16I love these guys.
00:36:17And so let's give them a round of applause as well.
00:36:19A couple of final things.
00:36:28I would say, too, and I want to thank our guests.
00:36:31One of the things we were trying to do, because you only get so many guest passes, okay,
00:36:36so they give you an assigned number of guest passes, and then you go try to get others to add on to provide more opportunities,
00:36:45which is hard to do, to be honest.
00:36:47It doesn't come easy.
00:36:49But what I wanted to do, and this was my attitude about the debate, too,
00:36:54was I wanted to get as many grassroots folks from around the state as we did with the debate.
00:37:01And I was inviting as many grassroots people as we could because I think that is very, very important.
00:37:06It really is important.
00:37:11So we tried to accommodate as many people as we can because, again, the show does not come to town too often.
00:37:18Once every, you know, hundred years.
00:37:22And so, you know, I think moments like this, like the debate, like the convention,
00:37:28these are moments we've got to take advantage of, right,
00:37:31and offer opportunities to people who are working around the state, everybody in this room,
00:37:35but folks that were, frankly, not able to be in this room or on the convention floor.
00:37:40One experience, right, honestly, it's just almost in Gerard who was super helpful in getting the convention here.
00:37:48We won't be through this again, right?
00:37:50I mean, it's just, right?
00:37:51And so to have that experience and, frankly, be able to share that experience with people who are not delegates or alternates,
00:37:59for those of you who are delegates or alternates, either elected at your district levels or people who are on the state list,
00:38:07I want to thank you.
00:38:08And I understand as exciting as this whole thing has been, I think it's fair to say it's been exciting.
00:38:19It's, and as I said yesterday, I had to be on the floor the first time when they took us down on the old state chairs tour
00:38:25or whatever that thing was.
00:38:28It took me, as long as I've been around, it took me kind of doing the tour thing and sitting on the convention floor,
00:38:35and it was just, I don't know what seat it was, but A seat, and just kind of sitting back and going,
00:38:40wow, this is it, this is the biggest show on earth, literally the biggest show on earth for four days.
00:38:47So I want to thank, and I also know and I appreciate the fact that for delegates and alternates, it's exciting, this is.
00:38:54It's also a financial sacrifice, and it's also a time, you know, you're away from your families or work or, you know, whatever that might be.
00:39:01So I honestly, I'm grateful for all of you.
00:39:04I think it is.
00:39:05Thank you very much.
00:39:06Thank you very much.
00:39:14It's just unbelievable.
00:39:16We'll be talking about it for a long, and as I have said, they will be writing books about not just this convention and this year,
00:39:25they'll be writing books about the next, last three weeks, right, because of the debate and what's going on.
00:39:33Additional news out this morning that the leadership in the Democratic Party, people like Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi,
00:39:43which that's a story, right?
00:39:45That's the leadership of the Democratic Party.
00:39:48So wasn't Hillary available?
00:39:53Are going to Joe Biden, telling him to get out of the race.
00:39:56And so it's, you know, I mean, we, as I've been saying in our news conferences,
00:40:01the Democratic Party in the last three weeks has gone from confidence that Joe Biden was going to be their candidate,
00:40:11to the calamity of the debate, to the crisis they now find themselves in.
00:40:17I mean, think about this.
00:40:18How quickly, in an hour and a half period, that party and their nominee completely collapsed.
00:40:26I can't name any other times in history, right, where that's happened that way.
00:40:31Very few, actually.
00:40:33So they have a crisis on the other side.
00:40:35And all the crisis on the other side means, it doesn't mean, and I want to make a point of this for a reason,
00:40:41because there's some questions I got in the CBS News interview I did yesterday,
00:40:47and then some other one in the afternoon, I can't remember who it was.
00:40:50Their crisis is not our win.
00:40:56Their crisis is our opportunity.
00:40:59And I want to make sure we're clear on this, okay?
00:41:02And you all know that, right?
00:41:07None of us in here are amateurs.
00:41:09But I want to make this point particularly because there are, and Fitz mentioned it as well earlier.
00:41:20If I ever hear, and this is just me personally, but if I ever hear somebody saying, oh, Democrats are a complete mess.
00:41:32I keep saying Democrats are in distress, the party's in panic, which both are true.
00:41:36But there isn't anybody in this room or anybody we know or anybody out there that ought to be saying, oh, they're done.
00:41:44They're done.
00:41:45We're going to win.
00:41:46Has anyone heard that, by the way?
00:41:48I mean, there's been some people who say that.
00:41:50A, number one, personally, if I hear somebody saying that, there's a hospital called Freighter over here.
00:42:03And we're going to go over there.
00:42:06We're going to take a trip over there to get my foot out of your backside.
00:42:09So that's number one.
00:42:12But number two, it affects how we make decisions and how much we work and how we talk and how we live our daily lives from here to the first Tuesday in November.
00:42:25We can't have that attitude.
00:42:28Overall, I don't think you folks do, right?
00:42:31But the fact of the matter is people are looking at all these stories about Joe Biden and how screwed up the Democrats are and assuming that's advantage Republican.
00:42:40It's not.
00:42:42It is an interesting thing.
00:42:44It's like in some ways it's like polling.
00:42:46You know, New Emerson poll out what today shows us five points up in Wisconsin.
00:42:52So that's great news.
00:42:55I now want you to forget I just told you that.
00:42:59Because it doesn't matter what matters.
00:43:01The end game here is winning the election in November.
00:43:07I have a newsflash for everybody who doesn't know this.
00:43:10Donald Trump doesn't get to be president.
00:43:13Angie Vance doesn't get to be vice president unless we win the election.
00:43:20So I'm doing the creepy Biden thing here.
00:43:25We don't get to win the White House unless we win the election.
00:43:30Does everyone understand that?
00:43:32All right.
00:43:33So is he?
00:43:38So that is an important concept to have because it literally affects our attitude and everything we do.
00:43:47So I want folks to remember that.
00:43:49And, frankly, to spread that message out to people that you know around the state.
00:43:55We have a long ways to go.
00:43:58And the Emerson poll doesn't matter.
00:44:02The Marquette poll doesn't matter.
00:44:06Any other Fox poll, none of them matter.
00:44:09What matters is that we win.
00:44:14That is exactly what matters.
00:44:16And the great thing is we can win.
00:44:19And we are going to have enormous focus in this state because we are not one of 50 states.
00:44:26We're one of seven.
00:44:28There might be some kind of elective states that come on, states like Minnesota or states –
00:44:35and the Timberwolves suck, too.
00:44:41But states – I know there are some people from up by the border, so I'm just –
00:44:47Minnesota comes on.
00:44:48Virginia is within a point right now.
00:44:51We haven't won Virginia in like 20 years or something.
00:44:54So I just want to set that baseline for everybody because it's important.
00:44:59It's not just rhetoric.
00:45:00It affects the way we run our parties, the way we volunteer, the way we run door-to-door programs.
00:45:06It affects everything.
00:45:07So we've got to go for the win.
00:45:09We have a few more minutes before our speakers are here.
00:45:15So we're going to take a short break.
00:45:16Let me –
00:45:17Vote early.
00:45:18Let me – and vote early.
00:45:21And I've talked about –
00:45:27So now I'll be able to – you can vote early and get coffee early.
00:45:32But the vote early thing – and I get asked about this a lot.
00:45:36I was the first state chair in the country, and the Republican Party of Wisconsin was the first party in Wisconsin to roll out the early vote campaign.
00:45:43And the reason for that is, and as I have said before, we cannot go into Election Day 100,000 votes down and make it up in 13 hours.
00:45:54And when we rolled this out, I took some good-natured and sometimes some not good-natured grief for pushing this so hard.
00:46:04But the president supports it.
00:46:07Laura Trump supports it.
00:46:09The Republican National Committee supports it because we have crossed the bridge on the vote early thing.
00:46:14Not because it's perfect, by the way.
00:46:16We all know it's not perfect, right?
00:46:18Not because it's perfect, but because we can't wait – we can't do the 13-hour thing.
00:46:24And frankly, it also drives how we plan, how we go door to door, how we do mail, how we do digital,
00:46:31all those different pieces that requires some different mechanics on how we do things.
00:46:37So that's what we talk about.
00:46:39I'm going to give you just a couple of minutes to get coffee as our speakers come in.
00:46:44So we're not going anywhere.
00:46:46Do not leave the room or the building.
00:46:49But we will be out by 930, so hang out, get some coffee.
00:46:54And when I come back up here like this, we've got to sit down right away.
00:47:01Thank you.
00:47:31Thank you.
00:48:01Thank you.
00:48:31Thank you.
00:49:01Thank you.
00:49:02Thank you.
00:49:03Thank you.
00:49:04Thank you.
00:49:05Thank you.
00:49:06Thank you.
00:49:07Thank you.
00:49:08Thank you.
00:49:09Thank you.
00:49:10Thank you.
00:49:11Thank you.
00:49:12Thank you.
00:49:13Thank you.
00:49:14Thank you.
00:49:15Thank you.
00:49:16Thank you.
00:49:17Thank you.
00:49:18Thank you.
00:49:19Thank you.
00:49:20Thank you.
00:49:21Thank you.
00:49:22Thank you.
00:49:23Thank you.
00:49:24Thank you.
00:49:25Thank you.
00:49:26Thank you.
00:49:27Thank you.
00:49:28Thank you.
00:49:29Thank you.
00:49:30Thank you.
00:49:31Thank you.
00:49:32Thank you.
00:49:33Thank you.
00:49:34Thank you.
00:49:35Thank you.
00:49:36Thank you.
00:49:37Thank you.
00:49:38Thank you.
00:49:39Thank you.
00:49:40Thank you.
00:49:41Thank you.
00:49:42Thank you.
00:49:43Thank you.
00:49:44Thank you.
00:49:45Thank you.
00:49:46Thank you.
00:49:47Thank you.
00:49:48Thank you.
00:49:49Thank you.
00:49:50Thank you.
00:49:51Thank you.
00:49:52Thank you.
00:49:53Thank you.
00:49:54Thank you.
00:49:55Thank you.
00:49:56Thank you.
00:49:57Thank you.
00:49:58Thank you.
00:49:59Thank you.
00:50:00Thank you.
00:50:01Thank you.
00:50:02Thank you.
00:50:03Thank you.
00:50:04Thank you.
00:50:05Thank you.
00:50:06Thank you.
00:50:07Thank you.
00:50:08Thank you.
00:50:09Thank you.
00:50:10Thank you.
00:50:11Thank you.
00:50:12Thank you.
00:50:13Thank you.
00:50:14Thank you.
00:50:15Thank you.
00:50:16Thank you.
00:50:17Thank you.
00:50:18Thank you.
00:50:19Thank you.
00:50:20Thank you.
00:50:21Thank you.
00:50:22Thank you.
00:50:23Thank you.
00:50:24Thank you.
00:50:25Thank you.
00:50:26Thank you.
00:50:27Thank you.
00:50:28Thank you.
00:50:29Thank you.
00:50:30Thank you.
00:50:31Thank you.
00:50:32Thank you.
00:50:33Thank you.
00:50:34Thank you.
00:50:35Thank you.
00:50:36Thank you.
00:50:37Thank you.
00:50:38Thank you.
00:50:39Thank you.
00:50:40Thank you.
00:50:41Thank you.
00:50:42Thank you.
00:50:43Thank you.
00:50:44Thank you.
00:50:45Thank you.
00:50:46Thank you.
00:50:47Thank you.
00:50:48Thank you.
00:50:49Thank you.
00:50:50Thank you.
00:50:51Thank you.
00:50:52Thank you.
00:50:53Thank you.
00:50:54Thank you.
00:50:55Thank you.
00:50:56Thank you.
00:50:57Thank you.
00:50:58Thank you.
00:50:59Thank you.
00:51:00Thank you.
00:51:01Thank you.
00:51:02Thank you.
00:51:03Thank you.
00:51:04Thank you.
00:51:05Thank you.
00:51:06Thank you.
00:51:07Thank you.
00:51:08Thank you.
00:51:09Thank you.
00:51:10Thank you.
00:51:11Thank you.
00:51:12Thank you.
00:51:13Thank you.
00:51:14Thank you.
00:51:15Thank you.
00:51:16Thank you.
00:51:17Thank you.
00:51:18Thank you.
00:51:19Thank you.
00:51:20Thank you.
00:51:21Thank you.
00:51:22Thank you.
00:51:23Thank you.
00:51:24Thank you.
00:51:25Thank you.
00:51:26Thank you.
00:51:27Thank you.
00:51:28Thank you.
00:51:29Thank you.
00:51:30Thank you.
00:51:31Thank you.
00:51:32Thank you.
00:51:33Thank you.
00:51:34Thank you.
00:51:35Thank you.
00:51:36Thank you.
00:51:37Thank you.
00:51:38Thank you.
00:51:39Thank you.
00:51:40Thank you.
00:51:41Thank you.
00:51:42Thank you.
00:51:43Thank you.
00:51:44Thank you.
00:51:45Thank you.
00:51:46Thank you.
00:51:47Thank you.
00:51:48Thank you.
00:51:49Thank you.
00:51:50Thank you.
00:51:51Thank you.
00:51:52Thank you.
00:51:53Thank you.
00:51:54Thank you.
00:51:55Thank you.
00:51:56Thank you.
00:51:57Thank you.
00:51:58Thank you.
00:51:59Thank you.
00:52:00Thank you.
00:52:01Thank you.
00:52:02Thank you.
00:52:03Thank you.
00:52:04Thank you.
00:52:05Thank you.
00:52:06Thank you.
00:52:07Thank you.
00:52:08Thank you.
00:52:09Thank you.
00:52:10Thank you.
00:52:11Thank you.
00:52:12Thank you.
00:52:13Thank you.
00:52:14Thank you.
00:52:15Thank you.
00:52:16Thank you.
00:52:17Thank you.
00:52:18Thank you.
00:52:19Thank you.
00:52:20Thank you.
00:52:21Thank you.
00:52:22Thank you.
00:52:23Thank you.
00:52:24Thank you.
00:52:25Thank you.
00:52:26Thank you.
00:52:27Thank you.
00:52:28Thank you.
00:52:29Thank you.
00:52:30Thank you.
00:52:31Thank you.
00:52:32Thank you.
00:52:33Thank you.
00:52:34Thank you.
00:52:35Thank you.
00:52:36Thank you.
00:52:37Thank you.
00:52:38Thank you.
00:52:39Thank you.
00:52:40Thank you.
00:52:41Thank you.
00:52:42Thank you.
00:52:43Thank you.
00:52:44Thank you.
00:52:45Thank you.
00:52:46Thank you.
00:52:47Thank you.
00:52:48Thank you.
00:52:49Thank you.
00:52:50Thank you.
00:52:51Thank you.
00:52:52Thank you.
00:52:53Thank you.
00:52:54Thank you.
00:52:55Thank you.
00:52:56Thank you.
00:52:57Thank you.
00:52:58Thank you.
00:52:59Thank you.
00:53:00Thank you.
00:53:01Thank you.
00:53:02Thank you.
00:53:03Thank you.
00:53:04Thank you.
00:53:05Thank you.
00:53:06Thank you.
00:53:07Thank you.
00:53:08Thank you.
00:53:09Thank you.
00:53:10Thank you.
00:53:11Thank you.
00:53:12Thank you.
00:53:13Thank you.
00:53:14Thank you.
00:53:15Thank you.
00:53:16Thank you.
00:53:17Thank you.
00:53:18Thank you.
00:53:19Thank you.
00:53:20Thank you.
00:53:21Thank you.
00:53:22Thank you.
00:53:23Thank you.
00:53:24Thank you.
00:53:25Thank you.
00:53:26Thank you.
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01:02:01Thank you.
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01:02:23Thank you.
01:02:24Thank you.
01:02:25Thank you.
01:02:26Thank you.
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01:02:28Thank you.
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01:02:31Thank you.
01:02:32Thank you.
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01:02:41Thank you.
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01:03:00Thank you.
01:03:01Thank you.
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01:03:14Thank you.
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01:03:21Thank you.
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01:03:24Thank you.
01:03:25Thank you.
01:03:26Thank you.
01:03:27Thank you.
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01:03:29Thank you.
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01:03:38Thank you.
01:03:39Thank you.
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01:03:42Thank you.
01:03:43Thank you.
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01:03:49Thank you.
01:03:50Thank you.
01:03:51Thank you.
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01:04:01Thank you.
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01:04:24Thank you.
01:04:25Thank you.
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01:04:38Thank you.
01:04:39Thank you.
01:04:40Thank you.
01:04:41Thank you.
01:04:42Thank you.
01:04:43Thank you.
01:04:44Thank you.
01:04:45Thank you.
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01:04:48Thank you.
01:04:49Thank you.
01:04:50Thank you.
01:04:51Thank you.
01:04:52Thank you.
01:04:53Thank you.
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01:04:55Thank you.
01:04:56Thank you.
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01:05:00Thank you.
01:05:01Thank you.
01:05:02Thank you.
01:05:03Thank you.
01:05:04Thank you.
01:05:05Thank you.
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01:05:08Thank you.
01:05:09Thank you.
01:05:10Thank you.
01:05:11Thank you.
01:05:12Thank you.
01:05:13Thank you.
01:05:14Thank you.
01:05:15Thank you.
01:05:16Thank you.
01:05:17Thank you.
01:05:18Thank you.
01:05:19Thank you.
01:05:20Thank you.
01:05:21Thank you.
01:05:22Thank you.
01:05:23Thank you.
01:05:24Thank you.
01:05:25Thank you.
01:05:26Thank you.
01:05:27Thank you.
01:05:28Thank you.
01:05:29Thank you.
01:05:30Thank you.
01:05:31Thank you.
01:05:32Thank you.
01:05:33Thank you.
01:05:34Thank you.
01:05:35Thank you.
01:05:36Thank you.
01:05:37Thank you.
01:05:38Thank you.
01:05:39Thank you.
01:05:40Thank you.
01:05:41Thank you.
01:05:42Thank you.
01:05:43Thank you.
01:05:44Thank you.
01:05:45Thank you.
01:05:46Thank you.
01:05:47Thank you.
01:05:48Thank you.
01:05:49Thank you.
01:05:50Thank you.
01:05:51Thank you.
01:05:52Thank you.
01:05:53Thank you.
01:05:54Thank you.
01:05:55Thank you.
01:05:56Thank you.
01:05:57Thank you.
01:05:58Thank you.
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01:06:00Thank you.
01:06:01Thank you.
01:06:02Thank you.
01:06:03Thank you.
01:06:04Thank you.
01:06:05Thank you.
01:06:06Thank you.
01:06:07Thank you.
01:06:08Thank you.
01:06:09Thank you.
01:06:10Thank you.
01:06:11Thank you.
01:06:12Thank you.
01:06:13Thank you.
01:06:14Thank you.
01:06:15Thank you.
01:06:16Thank you.
01:06:17Thank you.
01:06:18Thank you.
01:06:19Thank you.
01:06:20Thank you.
01:06:21Thank you.
01:06:22Thank you.
01:06:23Thank you.
01:06:24Thank you.
01:06:25Thank you.
01:06:26Thank you.
01:06:27Thank you.
01:06:28Thank you.
01:06:29Thank you.
01:06:30Thank you.
01:06:31Thank you.
01:06:32Thank you.
01:06:33Thank you.
01:06:34Thank you.
01:06:35Thank you.
01:06:36Thank you.
01:06:37Thank you.
01:06:38Thank you.
01:06:39Thank you.
01:06:40Thank you.
01:06:41Thank you.
01:06:42Thank you.
01:06:43Thank you.
01:06:44Thank you.
01:06:45Thank you.
01:06:46Thank you.
01:06:47Thank you.
01:06:48Thank you.
01:06:49Thank you.
01:06:50Thank you.
01:06:51Thank you.
01:06:52Thank you.
01:06:53Thank you.
01:06:54Thank you.
01:06:55Thank you.
01:06:56Thank you.
01:06:57Thank you.
01:06:58Thank you.
01:06:59Thank you.
01:07:00Thank you.
01:07:01Thank you.
01:07:02Thank you.
01:07:03Thank you.
01:07:04Thank you.
01:07:05Thank you.
01:07:06Thank you.
01:07:07Thank you.
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01:18:01Thank you.
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01:18:10Thank you.
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01:18:12Thank you.
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01:18:14Thank you.
01:18:15Thank you.
01:18:16Thank you.
01:18:17Thank you.
01:18:18Thank you.
01:18:19Thank you.
01:18:20Thank you.
01:18:21Thank you.
01:18:22Thank you.
01:18:23Thank you.
01:18:24Thank you.
01:18:25Thank you.
01:18:26Thank you.
01:18:27Thank you.
01:18:28Thank you.
01:18:29Thank you.
01:18:30Thank you.
01:18:31Thank you.
01:18:32Thank you.
01:18:33Thank you.
01:18:34Thank you.
01:18:35Thank you.
01:18:36Thank you.
01:18:37Thank you.
01:18:38Thank you.
01:18:52I just shook his hand.
01:18:53I mean, this is the last point.
01:18:55I think I just shook his hand and gave him a slap on the shoulder, and I think I dislocated a finger.
01:19:02How about this guy?
01:19:09So let me end with this as we finish in the last couple of minutes here.
01:19:26We wouldn't be here without this guy.
01:19:29It's literally the Republican National Convention.
01:19:33It could have been in 100 cities, right?
01:19:37We wouldn't be here without this guy.
01:19:39And I mean this kind of literally because the convention is here in Milwaukee and Wisconsin.
01:19:45And I will just tell you I'm damn proud of the fact that we hosted the convention this year.
01:19:50I think this was...
01:19:57And I have known this guy a really, really long time, a very long time.
01:20:05And while I may be a few years older than this guy, I've learned so much from him.
01:20:16I've learned so much from him, and I honestly mean that.
01:20:20And in addition to making sure this convention came to Milwaukee, this guy is a, fair to say, a Type A individual.
01:20:39I mean, saying this guy is a Type A individual is like saying the Hindenburg had a rough landing.
01:20:48And this is a really Type A guy.
01:20:51But the other thing we've learned in addition to the fact that he brought this national convention here
01:20:58is that this guy changes things wherever he goes for the better, which is sometimes tough to do in these roles.
01:21:07And I'm just so proud of the fact that I know him and I've known him, and you have all known him for a very, very long time.
01:21:16And not only has he brought this convention to Milwaukee, he has brought success to Wisconsin and literally the nation.
01:21:25His work and the things that he's done literally have changed the country, parties all over the country,
01:21:35control of Congress, control of the White House.
01:21:39It's impossible to list it all.
01:21:41He's so good.
01:21:43Please welcome Chairman Reince Priebus.
01:21:46All right.
01:21:53Thank you.
01:21:54Thank you.
01:21:55Thank you.
01:21:57Appreciate it.
01:21:59Well, thank you.
01:22:01I'm trying to keep my voice one last day, right?
01:22:05Well, you guys are the greatest.
01:22:09You're my favorite group, of course.
01:22:11I mean, the Wisconsin GOP, it all starts there.
01:22:15Started in ñ I think about this all the time.
01:22:19I had introduced Tommy Thompson yesterday, and we were talking about how sometimes older people can make young people feel significant,
01:22:32and they can make young people feel important and part of the team.
01:22:37Even if maybe it's not as big as you might make it, but to that young person, it really has an impact on their lives.
01:22:47One of the things that we do at the RNC and at the host committees, we've got an internship program.
01:22:55And part of that is to make young people feel part of what we're doing.
01:23:01And it all started here at the Wisconsin GOP.
01:23:05It started in Kenosha County when I was ñ there you go, Chairman ñ when I was 16.
01:23:13And it just went from there.
01:23:15And it was just all about hard work and building a passion and having a passion.
01:23:19I thank God that I had that passion, and I pursued it all the time, even through all the work and the law school and the party.
01:23:32And I just thank you all for that because it all started with the Wisconsin GOP.
01:23:38And I'm proud of you all so much, and anything you need.
01:23:42As Brian said, I've known him since I was in college.
01:23:47And he's been a great mentor and someone I always looked up to.
01:23:52He was always kind of ahead of me as I was going through college.
01:23:57The most important thing, though, I think, to be successful here is to remember what the party does and what the party doesn't do.
01:24:09And as Brian knows, because he totally gets it, is that being a good party chair and being good at what you all do is being good at a lot of boring things.
01:24:20And I ñ and what does it mean?
01:24:24It means identifying voters, figuring out who's for you, who's against you, getting them a ballot, and then making sure that that ballot gets counted and it's in the box.
01:24:39But today, that process is highly sophisticated.
01:24:46In Wisconsin, all of you, and all of every single person in Wisconsin, the most sophisticated two parties in America in the same state, they're here in Wisconsin.
01:25:01I mean, we're not running against idiots that don't know what they're doing.
01:25:06They're sophisticated.
01:25:08And this is a sophisticated party.
01:25:11But what I mean is when you do this work, when you raise the money to the party, we are identifying voters.
01:25:19Well, how do we do it?
01:25:21We do it through data.
01:25:23We do it through consumer data, voting records, licensing, magazine.
01:25:28I mean, 10,000 points of consumer data on every single person.
01:25:33We know what beer you drink, what car you drive, how much money you make, how many kids you have, how old are they,
01:25:39whether you missed a mortgage payment or not.
01:25:41We know everything about you.
01:25:44And with that data, we can identify what your propensity is to vote for our candidate or the other candidate.
01:25:53So when you think about this process, and I'm going to be very short.
01:25:58I said it was a lot of boring stuff, right?
01:26:00You think about this process.
01:26:04And this is a process that as party leaders you have to be excited about.
01:26:08If you're not excited about this process, then you have to, because otherwise we're not doing what we're doing.
01:26:17So let me just very quickly walk you through this.
01:26:20So I've got data.
01:26:22I've got data on this table.
01:26:24Okay, you're 90 percenters for Donald Trump.
01:26:26What are we going to do?
01:26:27We're going to get you a letter that says if you sign this and put it back in the mail,
01:26:32the clerk where you live is going to send you an absentee ballot.
01:26:35And then when you get that ballot, we're going to find out whether you turned it in or not.
01:26:40If you didn't turn it in, we're knocking on your door.
01:26:43Mrs. Chairman, Mrs. Chairman, we sent you a ballot.
01:26:47We sent you a request form.
01:26:50You didn't turn in a request form.
01:26:51Can you turn it in?
01:26:52Oh, yeah, okay, I'll go do that.
01:26:54She turns it in.
01:26:55We see the municipal clerk.
01:26:56We see the read on the app.
01:26:59And then what?
01:27:00She got the absentee ballot, but she didn't turn it in again.
01:27:04Guess what?
01:27:05We're back on her door again.
01:27:06We know that you got a ballot, but you didn't turn it in.
01:27:09Then she turns it in again.
01:27:11Okay, now she's off the list.
01:27:12But think about what we did.
01:27:14We organized all the data.
01:27:16We figured out she was a 90 percenter.
01:27:19We sent her a form to get a ballot.
01:27:22She didn't turn it in, so we had to knock on her door to turn it in.
01:27:25She didn't get the ballot.
01:27:26She didn't turn it in.
01:27:27We had to knock on her door again and turn it in.
01:27:29And then we crossed her off the list.
01:27:33That's an expensive round robin that we just went through for one person.
01:27:39The thing that we have to motivate people to do in our parties,
01:27:44and what I know Brian and the team here get totally,
01:27:48which is why you are all a very sophisticated party,
01:27:52we have to get the people in Wisconsin that have the ability to help fund this effort,
01:27:58excited about boring stuff.
01:28:01We have to be a process crazy party.
01:28:05It's not about being candidate crazy,
01:28:09but sometimes if our major donors are excited about candidates, that's great.
01:28:15But we can't have a cocktail reception with Marco Rubio or whoever
01:28:19every time we want to go raise some money.
01:28:23What happens in a Democrat party, they'll go in a room,
01:28:26the major donors say, guess what, I figured out how I'm going to identify 25,000 new voters in Wisconsin,
01:28:31and this is the data that we're going to use.
01:28:34There are like 40 percenters, but here's the issue.
01:28:37I've got a team of about 2,000 people that are going to work on this project.
01:28:41It's going to cost about $3 million, and I need you to fund this project.
01:28:45And what do they do?
01:28:46They give you money.
01:28:49And a lot of times in our party, what we do is we're going to do this project,
01:28:52boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
01:28:53Hang on, who's the candidate going to be?
01:28:55I don't know.
01:28:56The debate, the candidate crazy nonsense.
01:29:00The party is a party that has to be obsessed with this process
01:29:09and get excited about what margins can do in winning elections.
01:29:1440,000 people will decide this election in three states.
01:29:18That's it.
01:29:20We don't have a national election for president.
01:29:25We have an election in six states that will determine who wins this election,
01:29:31and we're going to be able to do it.
01:29:33And we have the resources to do it.
01:29:35We've got the expertise to do it.
01:29:37But you're all the people that are going to lead this effort.
01:29:41We're going to lead it through volunteers, but we're also going to lead it through paid doors,
01:29:45paid help as well, both, on the ground,
01:29:49because there's nothing more important right now other than our faith, our family, and then our country.
01:29:56And that's what brings us all together.
01:29:57That's what binds us all together here.
01:29:59We've got a passion for our country.
01:30:02We've got a passion for our family.
01:30:03We've got a passion for our faith.
01:30:05And that's what brings us all together.
01:30:08And I appreciate you all so much.
01:30:11We have had a great week.
01:30:14I think you know one of my roles is to chair the host committee.
01:30:20It's complicated.
01:30:21You're always wondering, well, who's in charge?
01:30:22What's going on?
01:30:23It's really pretty simple, except it's hard to understand the mechanics.
01:30:29We raise the money for the convention.
01:30:33We are a 501c3 nonprofit.
01:30:37This is a community-based effort in the state of Wisconsin, the city of Milwaukee, that raises the money.
01:30:43We raised $87 million to put on this convention.
01:30:47And thank you, Gerard.
01:30:54And we executed and we succeeded.
01:30:57We have over 4,000 volunteers here in Wisconsin.
01:31:00You've seen them all.
01:31:01Many of you are here who have really led this effort in an amazing way.
01:31:07And I appreciate you all so much.
01:31:10But the execution and making sure the programming is going well, the RNC did a fabulous job on the program,
01:31:17the Trump campaign, who really is running a beautiful program every single night.
01:31:24I want to thank you.
01:31:25I know we're short of time, but any time you need something, any time you need help,
01:31:31any time you need someone to come in and help you raise a few dollars, I'll do anything you need.
01:31:37Number one, Wisconsin GOP, Brian, the team, I'm here for you any time.
01:31:44I hope you have a great last day.
01:31:46I know you're going to be busy today.
01:31:47I might stop by your reception at the Pfister later this afternoon.
01:31:52I hope I can see all of you and have a longer conversation.
01:31:56So God bless you and thank you so much.
01:31:58So we will get you on your way with a couple of things.
01:32:13Number one, I think Glenn Grossman, where's Glenn Grossman?
01:32:17I thought I saw him come in.
01:32:19He is here.
01:32:20So let's say hi to Glenn Grossman.
01:32:22Number two, Farrell.
01:32:28That's really good.
01:32:32Farrell, what are the important times today?
01:32:37Try to get here as close to 4.30 as you can.
01:32:40And delegates, make sure that you reach out to your alternates to get them down on the floor early
01:32:45so they get a chance to experience it.
01:32:48Get your last, you know, today is it, down in the lobby.
01:32:56And, again, when you leave this hotel, you will not see it again until the end of the day after the event at Pottawatomie Pfister.
01:33:04We are at the Pfister from 1 to 3 in the Imperial Ballroom, which is wonderful, by the way,
01:33:09for the folks of you, those of you who have not been to the Pfister.
01:33:14Convention Fest, if you get a few minutes today, go through Convention Fest.
01:33:18There's actually a lot of cool stuff there.
01:33:20And we want to support Milwaukee and the folks, the businesses who have stepped up,
01:33:25and they have stepped up, to have booths there and things of that.
01:33:32I have been saying that, finally, that you will never experience this again.
01:33:43You'll be to conventions, maybe, some of you, or state conventions or national conventions or wherever.
01:33:49But you will never experience this again in your life.
01:33:57Being part of a home state convention in a city where maybe a lot of folks didn't think of Milwaukee as, you know,
01:34:07it's not big as Chicago or Houston or Dallas or something like that.
01:34:11Thanks to people who worked on this, we are here in Wisconsin.
01:34:19You'll never experience like this again.
01:34:22And that's why I say, drink this experience in.
01:34:26Breathe this whole experience in.
01:34:30We walked in, a lot of us all know each other, but we walked in as individual delegates and alternates,
01:34:38and we are walking out as a team.
01:34:42And we have to keep that in mind because our job here is not just to put up yard signs
01:34:50or just to do mail or just to do this or just to do that.
01:34:55We have a lot of jobs to do.
01:34:59You do your job, you do your job, you do your job, you do your job.
01:35:04And in November, Joe Biden will be out of a job.
01:35:10It's that simple.
01:35:13And so thank you for everyone for being, this is our last morning together.
01:35:22It's also our first morning together because we're going to go out there with this convention experience
01:35:29permanently part of our memories and go, this country is worth saving and it's up to us.
01:35:37Let's go do it.
