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00:01Ganz still im Universum riesengroß
00:07Unendlich weit und grenzenlos
00:11Warte ich, dann kommt dein nächster Brief zu mir
00:17Wo bist du und wie geht es dir?
00:21Von Planet zu Planet, wohin die Reise geht
00:27Kleiner Prinz mit Fantasie, rettest du die Galaxie
00:32Kleiner Prinz, du bist fern, fliegst mit Fuchs von Stern zu Stern
00:37Und du weißt, was man auch tut, nur mit dem Herzen sieht man gut
00:50Erliebt mich von Herzen mit Schmerzen?
00:55Über alle Maßen
01:00Da bist du ja endlich, mein kleiner Papierflieger
01:06Mal sehen
01:08Auf welchen Stern hat es meinen kleinen Prinzen diesmal verschlagen?
01:12Meine Rose
01:13Ich war auf einem fantastischen Planeten aus Eis
01:16Auf dem ein Zwillingsvolk lebt, das die Schlange versucht hat zu entzweinen
01:19Ich werde dir erzählen, wie alles angefangen hat
01:22Bei Cabri die rote Sonne
01:24Sonne im Meer versinkt
01:27Oh nein, bitte hör auf
01:30Sonst fallen doch die Sterne vom Himmel
01:32Es blinkt
01:34Sieh mal, da war wieder die Schlange am Werk
01:38Los geht's
01:39Vielleicht ist es noch nicht zu spät, um diesen Planeten zu retten
01:42Also eins ist schon mal klar, für Sonne, Meer und Bella Marie müssen wir woanders hin
01:52Beschwer dich nicht, du hast ja wenigstens einen Pelz
01:55Oh, da ist ja das Tor
01:59Ich hoffe, auf der anderen Seite erwartet uns ein gemütliches Kaminfeuer
02:07Na sowas, eine riesige kaputte Muschel
02:10Mit Strand hat das aber sonst tatsächlich wenig zu tun
02:17Und was ist jetzt mit deinem kuscheligen Kaminfeuerchen?
02:23Fang mich doch, du alter Grummelfuchs
02:28Wollen wir doch mal sehen, wer hier grummelt, gleich hab ich dich
02:39Nicht kitzeln
02:40Fuchs, sieh mal
02:42Was ist denn das für eine Riesenrennspinne?
02:45Hey, die kommt direkt auf uns zu
02:52Hey, du, warte mal, halt doch an
02:55Ey, Spinne, bisschen vorsichtiger bitte
03:02Gib's auf, die holen wir nicht mehr ein, aber sag mal, was war das?
03:07Keine Ahnung, aber eins steht fest, der Fahrer hatte es ziemlich eilig
03:10Sieh mal das Loch hier
03:11Der Planet sieht ja aus wie ein Schweizer Käse
03:14Ich glaube, unser Rennfahrer hat ein kleines Problem
03:17Ist da jemand?
03:19Auf diesem Planeten bewegt man sich auf ziemlich dünnem Eis
03:30Bitte helft mir!
03:32Die Krufe von meinem Schlitten steckt fest
03:34Meine ganze Ladung kippt gleich ins Weltall
03:37Nicht bewegen!
03:39Wir kommen!
03:40Überall sind diese Löcher
03:42Und das hier hab ich einfach übersehen
03:44Ist ja kein Wunder, wenn du mit einem solchen Affenzahn mit deiner Spinne hier rumkurvst
03:49Hä, wie meinst du das, kleines Schneehundbaby?
03:51Haha, sehr witzig
03:53Schneehundbaby, was?
03:55Erstens bin ich kalt
03:56Wahnsinn, ein großes Segel, das rund ist
03:59Sowas brauch ich für meinen Schlitten
04:01Schneehund, also wirklich, sieht doch nicht aus wie ein Hund
04:15Vielen Dank
04:18Das ist wirklich sehr nett von euch
04:20Der Planet ist durchlöchert wie ein Sieb
04:23Es ist fast unmöglich, alle Krater zu umfahren
04:26Aber woher kommen diese Löcher?
04:28Die machen wir
04:30Die Eiskaner
04:31Komischer Name also
04:33Bei den Löchern, die ihr da ins Eis grabt
04:35Solltet ihr euch vielleicht lieber Schneemaulwürfe nennen
04:38Du bist ein richtiger Clown, Schneehundbaby
04:41Die soll damit aufhören
04:42Steigt ein!
04:45Wir graben die Löcher, weil wir Eisblöcke brauchen
04:47Für die große Mauer, die wir bauen
04:49Hä, eine Mauer?
04:51Ja, die Mauer, die uns vor den Kristallherren schützt
04:54Ich zeige sie euch
04:55Ich muss nur noch schnell die Eisblöcke hier abliefern
05:01Übrigens, ich heiße Sheila
05:03Ich bin der kleine Prinz
05:04Und das hier ist mein Freund Fuchs
05:06Hey Fuchs, warum bist du denn so blass um die Nase?
05:09Ich will auf der Stelle runter von dieser Höllenmaschine
05:15Also, dein Volk trägt Eisschichten ab, um daraus eine Mauer zu bauen
05:19Warum macht ihr das, wenn die Oberfläche eures Planeten sowieso schon so dünn ist?
05:23Weil wir keine andere Wahl haben
05:25Die Mauer ist unser einziger Schutz vor den Kristallherren
05:28Und alles nur wegen einem alten Krieg um das Perlmutt
05:31Um Perlmutt?
05:33Wieso denn das?
05:35Seht ihr die Muscheln hier?
05:36Das sind unsere Häuser
05:38Wir verkleiden sie von innen mit Perlmutt
05:40Das ist leicht, stabil und schützt gut gegen die Kälte
05:43Äh, glaubst du sie essen diese schleimigen Dinger, die da sonst drin wohnen?
05:50Das hier ist der große See mit unseren Perlmuttvorräten
05:54Also, wenn ich das richtig verstehe, dann gehört dieser Vorrat deinem Volk, den Eiskranern
05:59Ja, so steht's im Friedensvertrag
06:01Durch diesen Vertrag lief auch alles gut mit den Kristalliern, bis er kam
06:05Wer denn?
06:06Na, dieser Rakash
06:08Er wurde engster Berater von Chris, dem Prinzen der Kristallier
06:11Er hat die Macht an sich gerissen
06:13Unser König Ashgabar sagt, dass Rakash uns angreifen will, um an den Perlmuttsee zu kommen
06:18Daher hat er uns befohlen, die Mauer aufzustocken
06:21Aber, warte mal, bist du sicher, dass das alles auch stimmt?
06:25Alle vertrauen unserem König Ashgabar
06:27Immerhin hat er uns vor fast 20 Jahren den Frieden gebracht
06:30Sieh mal, da stehen lauter Riesen an der Mauer
06:34Riesen? Du bist echt witzig, kleiner Prinz
06:37Kleiner Prinz
06:45Kleiner Prinz, die sind ja wirklich riesig, deine Riesen
06:49Diese Mauer ist so lang wie ein Tag
06:51Sie beschützt uns von früh bis spät
06:53Und sie ist so riesig, dass es unmöglich ist, sie zu umgehen
07:08Oh Gott, oh Gott, oh Gott, oh Gott
07:18Und die Kristallier, was denken die über diese Sache?
07:21Die sind doch nicht in Gefahr
07:22Wir aber schon
07:23Immerhin bereiten sie einen Überfall vor
07:25Und ohne diese Mauer würden wir vielleicht schon alle nicht mehr leben
07:28Wir haben keine Wahl, wir müssen sie noch höher machen
07:31Ich weiß nicht, warum die Kristallier immer auf diesen Rakash hören
07:34After the great change of sides, you would have access to the Palamute for the next 20 years.
07:39The great change of sides?
07:41Yes, that's also in the peace treaty.
07:44Every 20 years, the two peoples switch sides.
07:47Then it's the others' turn with the Palamute claim.
07:50That would have been next year.
07:52If your king negotiated this treaty back then, can't he bring Rakash to his senses?
07:57We would like that too, wouldn't we, Sheila?
08:00Yes, we all hope that you will reach an agreement.
08:02But now, come with me. We're going to warm up.
08:15Do you live here all alone?
08:17Yes. Elma, my adoptive mother, works in the palace and I don't see her often.
08:21But I get along.
08:23Your adoptive mother?
08:25I don't know my parents because of the Palamute war.
08:28Elma is my family.
08:30Don't worry. I'm sure a young, handsome ice prince will hold your hand.
08:37What is it?
08:39No, the Snowman Baby is right.
08:41Don't say that.
08:42There is actually someone there. His name is Chris.
08:45Chris? I see.
08:47So you fell in love with the future king of the Crystallia.
08:51We met before Rakash came.
08:53We wanted to get married, but now the wall is too high to meet again.
08:58For me, such a high wall would not prevent me from meeting the fox of my life.
09:02Do you already have a future fox?
09:04I have often tried to climb over the wall, but I was always prevented.
09:08The guards said I could start a war.
09:11Ashkabar thinks differently, but Chris and I firmly believe that our two peoples can live together.
09:16And what will your children be called? Chris Kana, maybe?
09:28This is Ashkabar.
09:34The signal says that even today Rakash has refused to negotiate again.
09:44If only I could go to the other side. I have to talk to Chris.
09:48I'm sure we could reconcile the peoples together.
09:51But that's very dangerous. It's dark and cold, and there are guards everywhere.
09:56But Fox, we have to do something.
09:58You're right, Sheila. Your love can be a role model for your two peoples.
10:02Thank you, little prince.
10:06It's best if we try to get over at night.
10:08Well, my little fox, will you accompany us?
10:10Yes, agreed.
10:12I will help you find your Chris, but only because you finally called me fox.
10:26I told you it would be dangerous. There is our reception committee.
10:30The Darklings! Bring yourself to safety. I'll take care of it.
10:55Hurry! Climb over the wall to the other side. I'll hold the Darklings for now.
11:26Watch out, little prince!
11:48Hello! Here I am!
12:44Thank you, my friend. Without you, we would never have been able to get over.
12:49Thank you, little prince. You really have incredible powers.
12:55Everything seems quiet here.
12:57Yes! Where are the soldiers or weapons now? I thought the Crystallians were preparing for another attack.
13:03Strange. But that's what our king always tells us. And why should he lie to us?
13:08We should first find Chris and talk to him.
13:11Okay. Maybe Chris can explain to us why Rakash doesn't want to negotiate.
13:16No one has seen us. We can look for him in peace.
13:25I don't have the impression that the people here are preparing for a war.
13:28I heard that the house of your son has collapsed.
13:30We're getting out of here, quick!
13:32What a misfortune.
13:33No one can see us.
13:34Our old shell casings won't last very long.
13:36Just be patient. Rakash will bring this stubborn asshole to his senses.
13:41Then we'll finally have enough Palmut to repair our houses.
13:45What? Did you hear that?
13:48I didn't hear anything.
13:51This stubborn Rakash is lying to his people.
13:53He refuses to talk to Ashgabat, not the other way around.
13:56This is all very strange.
13:58Maybe they are preparing the attack in secret.
14:01Our king was always for peace.
14:03He would never wage a war.
14:05Chris will help us. He must finally prevail against Rakash.
14:09He is our great hope that Ascana and Crystallia live in peace with each other.
14:15You called for me, Ashgabat?
14:18Of course I did, Elma.
14:20The guards saw on their patrol that your daughter Sheila had crossed the wall.
14:25And now she's with the Crystallians.
14:27But that means...
14:29I have to go.
14:31No, you don't.
14:33I have to go.
14:35No, you don't.
14:37No, you don't.
14:39No, you don't.
14:41And now she's with the Crystallians.
14:43But that must be a mistake. She wouldn't...
14:46And this is not her first attempt.
14:48She is trampling my goodwill.
14:50But my patience has limits.
14:52Crossing the wall could lead to war.
14:55I can't tolerate that.
14:57Tell me, do you know a blond boy who is on the road with a snow fox?
15:01He has magical powers and is apparently a complete Sheila.
15:05No, I've never seen him.
15:07I don't know a boy, my king. I swear.
15:09Stop swearing and tell me what you know.
15:13Sheila is young and...
15:15She fell in love with a Crystallian.
15:17I think she wanted to marry him.
15:19Because of a stupid trick she puts us all in danger.
15:23Please be careful. My daughter is everything I have.
15:27Go back to your work, Elma.
15:35An ice cream lady fell in love with a Crystallian?
15:38I don't think so, King Ashkabar.
15:41Who is going to show weakness?
15:43But if this curious Sheila wanders on the other side,
15:46everything could fall apart.
15:48Do you think so?
15:49You won't let a curious child take you out of your peace
15:53and put your rule at risk.
15:55You can just have her and her new friends locked up.
16:00I know this blond boy.
16:02He is obsessed with reconciling all enemies.
16:05I bet he has a plan to make Rakash talk to you.
16:09This child wants to improve the world?
16:12He will be surprised.
16:14That sounds better.
16:16The unique old Ashkabar.
16:29Not bad. That's my igloo.
16:31That's Chris' palace.
16:33I hope he didn't forget me.
16:36The guards at the entrance could see us.
16:39They are protecting the future king.
16:41Chris can't leave his palace until the big change of sides.
16:44We have a secret sign.
16:48Our sign.
16:55Come with me.
16:57Before the wall was so high, I climbed over it.
17:00Chris and I met here.
17:03I see.
17:05I'll go with you.
17:07I'll go with you.
17:09I'll go with you.
17:11I'll go with you.
17:13I'll go with you.
17:15Chris and I met here.
17:17I hope he heard my sign.
17:28The wind is cold.
17:30Hurry up!
17:33There are intruders here.
17:35Find them and lock them up.
17:37Yes, Rakash. We'll take care of it.
18:00Hey, that hurts.
18:02Don't move, you ice spies!
18:04Let her go. She's not dangerous.
18:06She's an ice queen. She has nothing to do with this.
18:09Rakash ordered us to lock her up.
18:12No! Wait!
18:14Wait! Sheila!
18:17An order from Rakash? We'll see about that.
18:23Sheila, I'll never let you down.
18:26I promise.
18:29Where are the boy and his fox?
18:31We didn't see anyone, General Rakash.
18:34She was alone.
18:36Throw the girl in jail and find her accomplices.
18:40Wait, Rakash. I'm not your enemy.
18:43I'm here to see Chris.
18:44Shut up!
18:45This Rakash is a real nuisance.
18:51How does he know we're here?
18:53Let's get out of here.
18:56Someone's watching.
18:59Rakash, you're wrong.
19:01Sheila wouldn't do anything to an ice queen.
19:03I'm sure that asshole sent her here to build a wall.
19:07But I'll teach him a lesson.
19:10Maybe. But how long do we have to wait?
19:12The condition of our houses is getting worse and worse.
19:15You say you're dealing with Ashgabar.
19:17I've always believed in you.
19:20You did the right thing, young prince.
19:23Soon you'll be a great king.
19:27Believe me, I'm about to get access to Palmutzi.
19:30But we can't rush it.
19:35Chris, don't worry about your girlfriend.
19:38She'll be treated well.
19:40If you find the spy, I'll let her go.
19:45If only Rakash wasn't the only one who wants to deal with Ashgabar.
19:49I'd do anything.
19:50My people need this, Palmut.
19:54Well, little prince, this looks great for us.
19:57Sheila's in jail, we're wandering around on a strange planet,
20:00and we're being searched everywhere.
20:02Not to mention this disgusting Rakash.
20:04Don't worry.
20:05All palaces have a secret passage.
20:07We just have to find it.
20:09I love your ideas.
20:11Where do we start?
20:13Do you sense this air?
20:16I think it's coming from...
20:20Well done, Fox.
20:21You found the secret passage.
20:27Tell me, little prince,
20:29can't we let them fight this time?
20:32Well, maybe the snake influenced them both.
20:35Chris and Sheila?
20:36No, the two leaders.
20:38Ashgabar is obviously lying to his people,
20:40and Rakash is a real tyrant.
20:43That's right, they're both so strange.
20:45I wonder how this Rakash even knows that we're with the Crystallians.
20:49Nobody saw us.
20:51That's right.
20:52Nobody but the Darkling.
20:54Maybe the snake told him.
20:56There, look!
20:57That must be the exit.
21:00Come on, Fox, after you.
21:23I think we're being followed by Ashgabar,
21:26on the side of the ice.
21:28The tunnel connects both palaces.
21:31A tunnel?
21:32But why?
21:33Rakash and Ashgabar are enemies, aren't they?
21:53Ashgabar and Rakash
21:55are one and the same person.
22:00What's that supposed to mean?
22:02Why is Ashgabar disguised as Rakash?
22:05Little Prince,
22:06on this ice planet, your heart must be freezing.
22:09Take good care of yourself.
22:11I miss your warmth.
22:19Little Prince!
22:22Chris didn't leave me in the lurch, did he?
22:26Oh no.
22:27Ashgabar has really gone mad.
22:29You have to keep going.
22:31It's too late to change your mind.
22:35Take off the mask!