Los otros Concha Capítulo 88 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Los otros Concha Capítulo 88 Completo HD
00:00So, did it come out positive?
00:03There are several positives.
00:05I think it's clear, right?
00:07It's obvious.
00:08Yes, yes.
00:17It can't be.
00:19All of them came out positive.
00:22We have to let Bernard know.
00:26I'll tell Bernie and you tell him, okay?
00:29Aunt Estela is going to freeze.
00:31What? No, no.
00:33You're not going to say anything until I process it myself, okay?
00:35Put your cell phone away.
00:36And you, Chito, okay?
00:38No one is going to talk until I talk.
00:40Chill, chill.
00:42Chill, sister, chill.
00:44You're right, you're right.
00:47What worries me is what Estela is going to say.
00:51I'm not going to kill myself.
00:52You're not going to kill yourself.
00:54If you have your grandson in your belly.
00:57I think he's going to take care of you.
00:59And when the baby is born, he's going to kill you.
01:03Thank you for the support, Eferlin.
01:04Thank you.
01:07I don't know what I'm going to do.
01:08I don't...
01:10I'm not ready to have a child.
01:11I don't know what I'm going to do.
01:12I don't know what this is.
01:13Do you understand? I don't know.
01:14I don't know what I'm going to do.
01:15You're going to learn.
01:16You're going to learn in the process.
01:18Yes, but...
01:21What does a baby eat?
01:25Well, breast milk.
01:26It's the best food for babies.
01:28And you can complement it with formula.
01:30It's expensive, right?
01:31But with Bernie, obviously, he won't be short of anything.
01:34Yes, and babies grow very fast.
01:36They're in school and then they go to college.
01:39And then comes the second child.
01:41And out of nowhere, they have grandchildren.
01:43I'm going to have one.
01:44No, chill.
01:46Chill, little sister.
01:47Chill, please.
01:49All your emotions, your traumas, you pass them to the baby.
01:52This is a mistake.
01:53Do you understand? It's a mistake.
01:54You can't do that.
01:55Don't say that again.
01:56The little one, I know she's listening to you.
01:59No, because if the previous ones were negative,
02:01why is this happening now?
02:03It doesn't make sense. I don't understand.
02:05Maybe it's a mistake.
02:07No, maybe they all came out defeated.
02:09All the tests you did were defeated.
02:12Sometimes pharmacies sell things like that, right?
02:14Yes, yes.
02:16No, Jesus.
02:17You're in denial.
02:18Look, to get rid of this uncertainty,
02:20what we can do is...
02:22Well, you.
02:23Do a blood test.
02:24Yes, that way we'll be 100% sure
02:27if that baby you're carrying is the heir to Watts.
02:30You're right.
02:31You have to do a blood test.
02:33Yes, chill.
02:34Yes, I'll do it, but you don't say anything, okay?
02:36Until we're totally sure.
02:39Uh-huh, yes.
02:40Yes, thank you.
02:46Hey, Eferlina.
02:48If it's a man, we can call him Joseph.
02:51It sounds refined, like Joseph.
02:53No, I love it.
02:56No, it sounds horrible.
03:00Despite everything you've done to me,
03:02I forgive you.
03:03You forgive me?
03:05Hey, you don't have blood on your face, do you?
03:07Don't you remember how you treated me?
03:09But if you feel I didn't value you enough,
03:10why don't we start over?
03:11Let's make a new start.
03:13What do you say, Rubita?
03:15A new start?
03:17No, Julio, no.
03:19That would be...
03:20What I want most.
03:21I need to get my life back, Rubita.
03:24We were a happy couple.
03:26We loved each other once.
03:27Why can't we try again?
03:29Are you really asking me that?
03:31After everything you've done?
03:33You wanted to kill me, Julio!
03:35But I didn't, Rubita!
03:37I'm innocent!
03:39Julio, get out of here!
03:40Get out of here or I'll call the police!
03:42No, you wouldn't do that to me.
03:44You wouldn't do that to me again.
03:46You did it and I ended up in jail.
03:48Julio, please leave.
03:50If you really love us, leave.
03:52You're hurting us.
03:54I don't see it that way.
03:56I see the complete opposite.
03:58The complete opposite.
04:00We promised to be together forever.
04:03Rubita, I promise you that my life in the house
04:05will be exemplary, my love.
04:06Please, look at my eyes.
04:07They tremble because of you.
04:10Oh, God.
04:11How am I going to understand you?
04:14I think that with time
04:17things will change.
04:19We opened the living room again
04:21and nothing happened here.
04:23Julito's back!
04:24Give me your hand, my love.
04:26We're going to make the living room shine like old times.
04:31Why do you look like that, Rubita?
04:33Why aren't you happy to see me?
04:35If you want, we can go out for dinner tonight.
04:37You tell me where.
04:38What's wrong with you?
04:39I can't.
04:40I'm going out with Pati.
04:41Pati, daughter, come!
04:43What do you mean you're going out?
04:44She just arrived, my love.
04:46Don Felipe died and Estela is not well.
04:49I have to go see her.
04:52Don Felipe died?
04:54Oh, God.
04:56Don't tell me that, please.
04:57Don't tell me that.
04:59That old liar is going crazy.
05:02My love, I'm very sorry about what happened to Don Felipe.
05:05Estela must be devastated.
05:06Let's comfort her.
05:07Shut up!
05:08Shut up already.
05:09And don't you dare.
05:10Because no one wants to see you.
05:12I'm going with Pati.
05:13Patricia, damn it!
05:14Let's go at once!
05:15But, my love.
05:17What's wrong, mom?
05:18We're going to your aunt Estela's, okay?
05:20I can't even finish talking, my love.
05:22Go on, daughter.
05:23I'll give you the reach now.
05:28Bye, dad.
05:29Bye, my love.
05:35Rubita, please.
05:36Let me finish talking, at least.
05:38I don't want to see you when I come back, you hear me?
05:40Get out now!
05:41And I'm not going to repeat it.
05:57Let's talk about Estela.
06:01I just hope you don't start with your racist comment, dad.
06:05If you want, we can go through your chair so you're more comfortable.
06:08What chair?
06:09What's wrong?
06:10Do you want me to feel sorry for you?
06:12I can walk at my own pace.
06:14I just have a bad hip.
06:16Nothing more than that.
06:17I'm not disabled, just in case.
06:20What about Estela?
06:21Will she have furniture where I sit?
06:23Or bricks?
06:25There's furniture.
06:26There's light, too.
06:28What's not there is a bathroom.
06:29It has a silo, so...
06:31If you want, we can go to the pampon next door.
06:33If you want to go to a corner...
06:34Hey, hey, hey!
06:35Where are you taking me?
06:37It's a joke, dad.
06:38But be careful, there are people who do have those needs.
06:42There came the defender of the disabled.
06:44If those people don't have water, it's because they don't want it.
06:47He's not interested in having water.
06:49How come he's not interested in finishing his constructions so he doesn't have to pay taxes?
06:52That's how it is.
06:53Dad, we're going to end up fighting.
06:55Don't argue about that.
06:56Hey, hey!
06:57Can't we have a conversation?
06:59Because if I say what I think, it's wrong.
07:01There are things you say that are wrong because they are wrong.
07:03Nothing wrong.
07:04There's no turning back.
07:05San Emilio came out, hero of the disabled.
07:08Well, let's go, let's go.
07:24She should be here.
07:31Did you find out anything they told you?
07:34Leticia's condition is serious, Catalina.
07:37They're doing a gastric lavage.
07:42I think it's pretty clear, right?
07:44What are you talking about?
07:48It was an attempt at suicide.
07:51Leticia tried to kill herself.
07:53Where do you get that from?
07:54She took too many pills.
07:57No, no.
07:59My mom would never do that.
08:01My mom is not that kind of person.
08:05A depressive state can happen to anyone.
08:09She must have been confused with pills.
08:12No, Catalina, no, no.
08:13Open your eyes.
08:14Leticia tried to kill herself.
08:18I already told you no.
08:19If she had taken two or three pills, that would be a confusion.
08:22But it's been too many.
08:24Please react.
08:26Leticia needs help.
08:31You know Felipe Conde died, right?
08:35And you know who it was?
08:36Yes, I already told you yes.
08:38I'm sorry to tell you this, Catalina.
08:41But if Leticia leaves us, God forbid,
08:44but if that happens,
08:46you're going to have to talk to your sister.
08:51I'm not talking to you as a friend,
08:53but as a lawyer.
08:56This is important, Catalina.
08:57Do you know if she made any changes in the will?
09:20Oh, I was surprised.
09:24How delicious, Max.
09:26It's delicious.
09:27The truth is yes.
09:28Delicious, delicious.
09:31No, Mom, this is not delicious.
09:33It's sensational.
09:37Oh, Lismy, you were born with the touch.
09:40The truth is yes, Maxi.
09:41You have a hand for the kitchen, Barbara.
09:43Me too.
09:44I told you?
09:45I'm going to teach you someday to be the real Argentine barbecue.
09:49Of course.
09:51And today you have to clean the whole table
09:54and wash the dishes.
09:56Home clean.
10:02Good news.
10:03My dad came back.
10:07That's true.
10:09Oh my God.
10:14Patty, why don't you go with Pochito and Max
10:16to play upstairs for a while, okay?
10:18I'll stay with your uncles talking.
10:21Let's go?
10:23Let's go.
10:30What happened?
10:31It's like my worst nightmare came to life.
10:34But how can it be that it came out so fast?
10:35What happened?
10:36I don't know, I don't know.
10:37I just know that I get home and I see him there
10:39as if nothing happened.
10:41Friend, when is this nightmare going to end?
10:44Tell me.
10:45I can't spend my life running away.
10:48No, friend, because you are not alone.
10:50You will never be alone.
10:51Calm down.
10:52We are going to find a way for that man to leave his house.
10:55Yes, yes, Roberta.
10:56We are not going to sit idly by.
10:57We are going to get him out.
10:58Yes or yes.
11:10Oh, Mom.
11:13My God.
11:14My God.
11:17I had a daughter before I married your father.
11:22And I abandoned her when she was a baby less than two years old.
11:26I left her with her father,
11:29who was the great love of my life.
11:33I was married and I had a family before I became Leticia Sanguinetti
11:37and married your father,
11:39the great Mr. Bicef.
11:44My real name is Leticia Orna.
11:49And your sister is Susana Conde Orna,
11:54the secretary of management of the corporation.
12:01I don't have a sister.
12:04And I don't have to tell anyone anything.
12:08Much less to that secretary of Feciera.
12:14I don't have a sister.
12:20How annoying that there was no meeting in the office.
12:22I wanted to know what was going on.
12:24It's a little boring, really.
12:26Yes, but ...
12:27She's laughing, complaining about everything.
12:29Well, there will be another opportunity.
12:31Rather, I wanted to talk about something with you.
12:33Something more personal.
12:38I love it when you get serious.
12:42What is it about?
12:44I already know your secret, Susana.
12:47What secret?
12:52That you took the coffee from your father with deceit.
12:57I don't know what you're talking about.
12:59Oh, and you're leaving.
13:01That makes me think you're lying.
13:05I already know everything.
13:06I talked to Estela and she told me.
13:09What did that bastard tell you?
13:11Probably just lies.
13:13Well, what he told me sounded pretty real.
13:17That's how you ended up with so much money, right?
13:20You sold your father's business, Susana.
13:24You made him sign some papers and with that you accessed the coffee shop.
13:28Accept it.
13:30Tell me the whole truth.
13:31Only then will I be able to help you.
13:34Help you?
13:40Everything was done legally.
13:44They're going to report you.
13:46They're going to go after you and they're going to open a trial.
13:48And you know what?
13:50You're going to end up in jail.
13:54What are you talking about?
13:55Look, I remind you that I am Estela's lawyer.
13:59In case you don't know, I put Catalina in jail.
14:02And I can do exactly the same with you.
14:05That's why I'm telling you.
14:06Tell me the truth and I can help you.
14:10I have access to all the evidence, testimonies.
14:13Estela trusts me.
14:16I can make all that fall.
14:19But for that,
14:21Susana, you're going to have to sign up.
14:31Are you blackmailing me?
14:34I'm not blackmailing you.
14:36That's called reciprocity.
14:38I treat you well.
14:39You treat me well.
14:41What do you say?
14:48Oh my God, look at Susana.
14:53Am I going to be an aunt?
14:54No, I'm the aunt.
14:55No, she told you.
14:56No, me.
14:57Girls, both of you are going to be aunts, okay?
15:01Neither of you is going to be an aunt, okay?
15:04Now we just need the results.
15:06We just have to wait.
15:08Oh, the sweet wait.
15:10How nice.
15:12How funny.
15:13Well, if we're really going to be aunts,
15:15then we have to think of names.
15:17For example.
15:18Of course.
15:19Of course.
15:20Oh, little woman.
15:21Anyway, Josephine II.
15:23Because what else?
15:24What else?
15:25Oh, I know.
15:26We could combine the names of both, right?
15:32Yes, Bersuza.
15:33For Bernard and Jesusa.
15:34Or Jesuner.
15:35Oh, how cool.
15:36How elegant.
15:37I love it.
15:38Yes, that's it.
15:39It's Lucasa, Josefina.
15:40It's Lucasa.
15:41No, I don't like that.
15:42You know what?
15:43It should be Esperlino.
15:44Oh, no.
15:45No, no.
15:46Well, okay.
15:47Then I'm going to have to give you a name
15:49that I was going to give my son,
15:51but I'll give it to you.
15:53It's going to be
15:57I know, I know.
15:58It's an impressive name,
15:59but it's nice.
16:00And since I love you, I'll give it to you.
16:07It's my name.
16:08It's the other way around.
16:12Look, you'd better keep it, okay?
16:14Look, I was thinking that
16:16if I'm pregnant and it's a boy,
16:20I would call him
16:28Oh, girl.
16:29How cute.
16:31Oh, no.
16:32Oh, I don't want to cry.
16:33Oh, I don't want to cry, but I'm already crying.
16:36Oh, girls.
16:37I'm alive.
16:38I have a heart.
16:40I have a heart.
16:41Oh, I wish it was called that.
16:43I wish you were pregnant
16:44and my nephew was called that.
16:46Come on.
16:47I love you.
16:49I love you too.
16:52I love you too.
16:56Are you serious?
16:57Very serious.
16:59You have to give me everything you have.
17:00Your money,
17:01your shares,
17:02and everything else you have.
17:04Think about it.
17:06But why do you want everything?
17:07You have a suitcase with millions.
17:09Well, I already told you that all that is for my campaign.
17:12And what you're going to give me is also for my campaign.
17:14I need all the money possible to be able to win.
17:18Your case is very complicated, Susana.
17:20Well argued.
17:21You have everything to lose.
17:23But, Heriberto, how?
17:26You and I have...
17:29We have...
17:31We what?
17:33I thought we had something...
17:34No, Susana.
17:37From the beginning we were very clear.
17:39We were just going to have fun.
17:41Here we are talking about two very important things.
17:45and your freedom.
17:46You're a bastard.
17:49How can you do this to me?
17:51Let's not go back to the subject.
17:57Think about it.
17:59Prison is a horrible place.
18:04A woman as noble as you is going to suffer.
18:08And a lot.
18:13If you have another answer, let me know.
18:15You know how to find me.
18:30Patty, how did your dad get out of jail?
18:33They told me it was a confusion.
18:35And that's why they let him go.
18:38Patty, your dad is a dangerous man.
18:41They just don't let people go like that, Patty.
18:44I don't know, he must have done something to get out, right?
18:47You don't know my dad.
18:48When he wants to be good, he is.
18:50Besides, he tells jokes, he cooks,
18:52and he's the best stylist in Peru.
18:54Patty, that's not being a good person.
18:58We are worried about you.
19:00You don't have to worry about me.
19:02My dad has always been good to me.
19:04But we do it for your good, Patty.
19:06Sorry, Patty, but we have to do something.
19:08I don't know, call the police.
19:12No, Pochito said no.
19:13And if you do, we stop being friends.
19:15But Patty, I just...
19:16But nothing, Pochito.
19:17I didn't like how you expressed yourself to my dad.
19:19Is his perfect?
19:24I'm sorry, Patty.
19:26You're right.
19:28What do you mean you're right?
19:29Did you go crazy?
19:31Nobody knows about anyone, Pochito.
19:34I'm sorry, but it's the truth.
19:45Julio, where are you?
19:47If you're inside, come out!
19:49Come out!
19:50Come out, criminal!
19:51Come out, Julio!
19:53I'm going inside.
19:54No, friend, friend, friend.
19:58Not alone!
19:59What happened?
20:02He's not here.
20:03He must have left.
20:04Or maybe he's planning something.
20:07We're going to my house.
20:08You can't stay here.
20:09We're leaving now.
20:10Let's go.
20:11But I'm going to get my things and Patty's.
20:12It won't take long.
20:13Hurry up.
20:15Is it possible?
20:16Is it possible, Amador, that this criminal is free?
20:20Go see what he did to get him out too.
20:35Is anyone home?
20:44I'm so hungry.
20:53Is anyone home?
20:57And you?
20:58What are you doing here?
21:00Is the street hard or what?
21:05Well, I'm going to stay here a few days until I find a place
21:08because my family still doesn't have a place for me.
21:12That's life, right?
21:13As the saying goes,
21:15you never spit in the sky if it doesn't fall on your face.
21:24Well, how are you and Emilio?
21:26Did you settle things?
21:28Is everything okay with him?
21:29Is he still serious with you?
21:30What's up?
21:32Why do you want to know?
21:33Because I want you to be okay, Walter.
21:37He's your dad, Emilio, right?
21:38Get a hold of yourself.
21:40What do you want with all this?
21:41Do you want me to apologize or what?
21:43Because I'm not going to do it.
21:54My God, I can't believe it.
21:55Why does it take so long, Roberta?
21:57God, I don't know.
21:58Grab the valuable and come, please.
22:00It's dangerous for him to be here.
22:01Roberta, please hurry up!
22:03Come on, Roberta!
22:07But what an unexpected visit.
22:09This is all we need.
22:11And all that, Roberta?
22:13Can you tell me why?
22:15They came to accompany me.
22:17I'm getting out of here.
22:18Julito, don't you dare come any closer.
22:21Look, I have two deadly weapons in my hands.
22:23That's right.
22:24This time we're not going to let absolutely nothing
22:27from a madman like you, you understand me?
22:29You heard them, Julito.
22:35You shouldn't be here.
22:38Where are my things, Roberta?
22:40All I have is some clothes in my suitcase.
22:42Where is everything else?
22:43Lower your voice.
22:44Lower your voice because you have no right to complain here.
22:48I'm not talking to you.
22:49Respect private property and get out of here.
22:52Where are my things, Roberta?
22:54I threw all your things in the trash, Julio,
22:56because you don't live here anymore.
22:58And I told you that when I came back I didn't want to see you.
23:01I warned you.
23:02How did you throw my things?
23:03With what right?
23:04It's also in my house.
23:05Give me my things, Roberta.
23:06Right now.
23:07Julito, lower your voice and don't you dare come any closer.
23:09I already warned you.
23:10And what are you going to do, Argentine?
23:12Are you going to kill me?
23:13Are you going to kill me, asshole?
23:14Come on, kill me.
23:15Come on, try to squeeze me a little.
23:17Come on, come on.
23:19Come on, but be careful with your little heart.
23:21What heart?
23:22What heart?
23:29Julio, are you okay?
23:31Get out.
23:32Get out.
23:35Julito, do you want me to...
23:36Get out!
23:53What's wrong?
23:54Why are you so quiet?
23:58I'm not asking for anything, Walter.
24:00I'm not asking for anything.
24:02You know how much I love you.
24:05Because we've known each other for a long time, brother.
24:09Really, I don't expect anything from you, Walter.
24:12I'm serious.
24:13You are free to live your life however you want.
24:15I'm not saying this out of resentment or anything.
24:18Really, I hope you're okay.
24:20I hope everything gets better.
24:26You know, I'd better go shopping now because...
24:30since there's no one else, I'm going to do something.
24:34Hold on, hold on.
24:36Why are you going to the market?
24:38Did my mom ask you to?
24:40No, there's no need for her to ask me.
24:41I know there are things missing.
24:42Not for lunch, but for Pochito's breakfast tomorrow.
24:54You're back again.
24:55Now you're going to stay forever, right?
24:56No, no, no, forever.
24:57No, just for a little while until I get my things done,
24:59and then we'll see.
25:02Because that's what Guido wants.
25:04What's wrong, Pochito?
25:06Look at you.
25:08You look pathetic.
25:11What's wrong, Walter?
25:13Have you been drinking lemon or what?
25:15I mean, because you're so annoying.
25:28Is it here?
25:31What's wrong?
25:33I don't know.
25:34I would have imagined something else.
25:37More than more poor?
25:40More poor, ugly, more rural.
25:43Like the little house I had, do you remember?
25:45No, I don't even want to remember.
25:47No, I took it down from that house.
25:49Oh, look at you.
25:50How nice.
25:51Did you sell it or not?
25:53Because it looks like Christina gave it to you.
25:55Because it looks like Christina gave it to me.
25:57Come on, don't continue with that, dad.
26:00Come on, son.
26:01A little humor.
26:03You're very serious.
26:05You have to lighten the mood.
26:07Since you drag me here, let me be.
26:09Yes, but be careful with the humor,
26:10because Estela will cross you and take you out of a potato.
26:13Yes, it's true.
26:14She's a woman of weapons to take.
26:17Fritona for sure.
26:19And how do you know that?
26:22I imagine.
26:51What's up, Walter?
26:53Why do you have the face of everything bad?
26:56What do you want?
26:59Pochito, stop with things and respect me.
27:02Respect you?
27:04What respect do you want?
27:06Have I earned you my respect?
27:08Pochito, retract yourself right now.
27:10I don't want to.
27:11Hey, Walter.
27:12What's up?
27:13Hey, Pochito.
27:16He will be my brother, but he is growing up very clumsy.
27:19And he has to learn to respect his elders.
27:21And I am his older brother.
27:23So respect me.
27:24Older brother?
27:26Guido is my older brother.
27:28Jesusa is my older sister.
27:32When my mom is not here,
27:34who takes me to school?
27:35Who helps me do my homework?
27:37Who buys me a postcard on Sunday at 11 at night?
27:42Well, not you, Walter.
27:45No, I'm tired.
27:47I'm tired of you coming here with all your problems.
27:50What's up?
27:51Yes, why are you fighting?
27:53You always come with your face.
27:55With your problems with your girlfriends,
27:57with your girlfriends, I don't know.
27:59Or you complain about my mom.
28:01That you don't like the house,
28:02that you don't like the painting,
28:03you don't like the photo,
28:04you don't like the bathroom.
28:06You don't like anything.
28:09If you hate us so much,
28:10what are you doing here then?
28:12Yeah, Pochito.
28:13It's not worth it, brother.
28:15That's what you think of me?
28:17Well, then.
28:18What do you want me to tell you?
28:20You don't know all the nights
28:21I've heard my mom crying for you.
28:24We've all heard her.
28:27Right, Guido?
28:29Yes, Pochito.
28:32For a change, everyone is against me.
28:35Oh, Walter.
28:37It shows that you haven't understood
28:38anything I've told you, right?
28:40Why do you victimize yourself?
28:48It's Grandpa Orlando.
28:50Grandpa Orlando came all the way here?
28:52That's weird.
28:53Open it then.
28:55Don't you realize how the house is?
28:57Walter, it's our house.
28:58That's how we live.
29:00You know what?
29:01I'm not going to open it.
29:08Guys, please.
29:09Order. I don't know.
29:10Do something, please.
29:22Oh, Father.
29:23Although times are tough,
29:25the will to move forward
29:27is immeasurable.
29:29Therefore, I can say that
29:31I am in optimal health.
29:39Oh, Father.
29:41It's good that you've come
29:42accompanied by the illustrious,
29:44the illustrious
29:45great chief Concha.
29:49I receive you the best of my regards,
29:51respected grandfather.
29:53Welcome to my sweet home.
29:57I like this boy.
29:59He's your son of Norma.
30:01The one who got people out of intelligence.
30:02I have no doubt,
30:04dear grandson.
30:06It's Pochito.
30:08Tremendous Concha.
30:11In this part of the city,
30:12the weather is not the best.
30:14What if we go in one?
30:15It's cold.
30:17Let's do it.
30:18Let's go in one.
30:23Pochito, son.
30:34Guido, in your presence,
30:36the great chief Concha
30:37and my father,
30:38Emilio Concha.
30:41How are you, mister?
30:42How are you?
30:43Good afternoon.
30:44Good afternoon.
30:45Good afternoon.
30:46No, mister.
30:47For people,
30:48he's the great chief Concha.
30:49Calm down, boy.
30:50We were just talking.
30:51It's okay.
30:54And who are you?
30:57I am Guido.
30:59Yes, yes, yes.
31:00I know you.
31:01The nice guy.
31:04Mas and Josephine told me about you.
31:07You are Estela's adoptive son, right?
31:09That's right.
31:10Yes, yes, yes.
31:11That speaks very well of Estela.
31:13Unless you adopted him
31:14to sell candy on the street, right?
31:17Come on, dad.
31:18That wouldn't look good.
31:19Well, you know.
31:20Like those women who rent their children
31:22to ask for a traffic light.
31:23No, no, no, no.
31:24That hasn't been like that.
31:25My godmother always has a good heart
31:27and has always treated me very well.
31:28Oh, that's good to hear.
31:29Yes, yes, yes.
31:30Well, what did you study?
31:31No, old man.
31:32Don't start with the interrogations.
31:34Is he from the family?
31:35Yes, of course.
31:36Well, then let me meet him.
31:38What have you studied?
31:39Well, I finished the night school,
31:41but with good grades.
31:42Good grades, huh?
31:44Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
31:45And then I went to university for mechatronics.
31:48Did you get it?
31:50That's why I went to San Marcos for medicine.
31:53I didn't get it either.
31:54That's why I went to La Agraria for forestry.
31:57And before you ask me,
31:58I'd better tell you that I didn't get it either.
32:00Oh, yes, of course.
32:01Oh, Subido.
32:02That presentation letter is more monse.
32:04But don't embarrass me, Pe.
32:05What's going on?
32:06That's why I realized there, godfather,
32:09I mean, Orlando,
32:10that studies are not for me.
32:12That's why I started working hard and even.
32:14That's right.
32:15It's true.
32:16Look at his name.
32:17100% work.
32:19His motto is work and honesty.
32:22That's true.
32:23Full work, man.
32:24Full work.
32:25He's a great example for the kids.
32:26Yes, I see, I see, I see.
32:27Work, work, work.
32:29Tell me.
32:30How much money do you have saved in your account?
32:35No, Pe.
32:37Yes, all my expenses are to use them like this daily.
32:40And savings, savings.
32:41I have very little there, the truth.
32:43Well, well.
32:44We're going to have to see how we get this boy, right?
32:47He's working in the company.
32:49And very well, too.
32:50Yes, yes, yes.
32:51You know I started in cleaning.
32:52Then they promoted me to head of maintenance.
32:54And now I'm working here as the right hand
32:56and personal assistant of my godfather.
32:58How good, how good.
33:00It's a pleasure to meet you, Guido.
33:01Thank you very much.
33:02Maybe we'll have time to follow each other.
33:03Of course, of course.
33:04Well, and now?
33:05Are you going to tell me who is going to tell Stella that we have arrived?
33:08Pepe Pochito.
33:13What are you doing here?
33:14Or were you at home?
33:15What's wrong with this boy?
33:17What's wrong, Max?
33:18What's wrong?
33:19What happened?
33:21I'm sorry.
33:32We're here.
33:33Let's see, sit down here.
33:35You have to be very careful.
33:36You can't make a single effort, okay?
33:38It's true.
33:39But I'm not pregnant.
33:41Well, and if I am, there's still a long way to go.
33:43Yes, yes, yes.
33:44Don't overdo it.
33:46Listen, it's been three hours.
33:48It's been three hours.
33:49Hey, Berlin, are you ready?
33:50Yes, let's go.
33:51You'll have the results tomorrow, Jesusa.
33:54No, no.
33:55I can't wait until tomorrow.
33:56I'm going to die of nerves.
33:57I can't wait any longer.
33:58I can't, I can't, I can't.
33:59Chill, little sister, chill.
34:00I don't have to chill, little sister.
34:02I can't go home with that uncertainty.
34:04I can't.
34:05Jesusa, just take it for granted.
34:07You've had 20 positive tests.
34:09No, no.
34:10Until you have the blood results.
34:11The real one, the official one.
34:12The one that is worth it.
34:14It's true.
34:15We can't go back.
34:16Nor tell anyone.
34:17What do we do?
34:19I know.
34:20We have to watch a movie.
34:23Yes, a movie.
34:24Yes, yes, yes.
34:25But which one?
34:26Slightly Pregnant.
34:27That one.
34:28I like it.
34:30Be careful.
34:31Baby on the way.
34:34Romero's baby.
34:35Oh, come on.
34:36Don't overdo it.
34:38Oh, yeah, yeah.
34:39It's fine.
34:40Me, La Canchita.
34:42Yes, yes, La Canchita.
34:44Or you know what?
34:47You know what would be great?
34:56How disgusting.
34:58Really, how disgusting.
35:02It's going to give me something.
35:03It's going to give me something.
35:04How can you...
35:05How can you feel like...
35:10What do you feel like?
35:11Just a fruit smoothie.
35:13Like this.
35:14Mango with carapulcra.
35:15Palta and chinchulines.
35:17All mixed up.
35:19Oh, my God.
35:20How delicious, how delicious, how delicious.
35:23Why do you put that face?
35:25You don't feel like it?
35:28What happened to your hand, son?
35:30No, I just cut myself with a glass.
35:32Nothing else.
35:33Grandpa Orlando.
35:35She's Patricia.
35:37Another daughter of Estela?
35:39No, please.
35:40No, no, no.
35:41She's not Estela's daughter.
35:43No, Big Boss Concha.
35:45I taught him.
35:46I taught him.
35:47No, I just come to visit.
35:49Although sometimes I stay to sleep.
35:50Oh, how interesting.
35:52All right.
35:53Nice to meet you, Patty.
35:56Stop, stop.
35:57Stop with Big Boss Concha.
35:59Orlando is fine.
36:01Why Big Boss Concha?
36:09What is this boy doing here?
36:11Still living in the house with his mom?
36:13It's not that he has two careers
36:14and plays football in the club,
36:16that they don't pay him well.
36:18I live with my family to be able to help them,
36:20as it should be.
36:22Well, if that's the case, I withdraw what I said.
36:35Oh, God.
36:37And this car?
36:39Oh, my.
36:40A Mercedes.
36:41Whose is it?
36:42It must be Bernard's, for sure.
36:43But now,
36:44let's see that in the house.
36:45Let's go.
36:47And this gate is open,
36:48but these guys go too far.
36:51Oh, Estela.
36:52What a shame.
36:54I should go straight to Jauja.
36:56No, friend, please.
36:57If you're going to Jauja,
36:58it's to please Julio,
37:00and we're not going to do it.
37:02What you have to do
37:03is get him out of your house.
37:06Yes, girls.
37:07Let's go in, please.
37:08I can't take it anymore.
37:09What do you have here, Roberta?
37:10It weighs like crazy.
37:11Did you hear?
37:12The wheel is broken.
37:25It's Roberto.
37:26The house is full.
37:27My God.
37:28Maismar arrived.
37:30Good afternoon.
37:31Good afternoon to everyone.
37:33Good afternoon, sir.
37:34I was waiting for your visit.
37:35Hello, Estela.
37:36We were waiting for you.
37:37It's good that you arrived.
37:39Good afternoon.
37:40I'm Roberta.
37:41Patty's mother
37:42and a friend of the family.
37:43Is my friend in the house?
37:45No, no.
37:46How is she going to live here?
37:47No, no.
37:49Mom, what about those backpacks?
37:51We're going to stay here for a few days,
37:53daughter, okay?
37:54I'll explain later.
37:55Let's go, friend.
37:56Let's go.
37:57Let's go.
37:58Let's get out of here.
38:01Oh, God.
38:02How heavy this is.
38:11Good afternoon.
38:12How are you?
38:14Well, he's Amador and he's...
38:17What's up, Walter?
38:18Why a rag?
38:19Are you going to leave me a chinchón?
38:21No, I was presenting that he is Amador and...
38:24And that he is Amador, my coach.
38:26And that he was about to leave.
38:27Look, as you may have noticed,
38:28we have a lot of visitors, okay?
38:31Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
38:33What's wrong with you doing this
38:34to get this man out like this?
38:35And not with your mom, right?
38:36He's your coach.
38:38What's up?
38:42What's up?
38:43I'm Armando Concha.
38:44Nice to meet you.
38:45He's my dad.
38:46Yes, my dad.
38:47Ah, look.
38:49Yes, well, I understand
38:50you're in a family reunion,
38:51so I'm leaving.
38:53Although I'm Estela's boyfriend, right?
39:11And it will never stop.
39:13I don't know what's going to happen.
39:16Do you want something to drink?
39:17I don't know.
39:18Water, soda?
39:20Tell your son to calm down.
39:22Dad, leave him, dad, leave him.
39:24Calm down.
39:28From the capital?
39:29No, Rosario.
39:30Like Messi, Di Maria.
39:32Did you play?
39:33Yes, yes, yes.
39:34Well, I played, actually.
39:35Ah, what happened?
39:36I gave a chance to Messi and Di Maria
39:38to break it.
39:40No, actually, I hurt my ligaments.
39:42Ah, okay.
39:43And what position?
39:45Left or right?
39:48And did you play in the season?
39:49In the first one?
39:50Yes, yes, one season.
39:51News or Rosario Central?
39:53In the first one.
39:54Of course, yes.
39:56Eh ...
39:58Which one?
40:00Amigo, I'm outraged.
40:01I'm outraged.
40:02It can't be possible
40:03that someone comes to my house
40:04and has to see
40:05that disgusting old man's face.
40:06What are you doing in my house?
40:07Tell me, what are you doing
40:08in my house?
40:09Well, friend, I ...
40:10I'm going to grab him
40:11by the neck
40:12and I'm going to do it like this
40:13because you brought your dad.
40:17Look, look, look.
40:19Sorry, friend.
40:20Forgive me, forgive me.
40:21But it's just that
40:22that's how I get,
40:23that's how I get upset
40:24because those people
40:25get the worst
40:26out of my old pig.
40:28That ...
40:29That old man
40:30is Emilio's dad, right?
40:32It shows that he has
40:33a very hard energy.
40:35Like a stone-colored aura.
40:37And with those blue eyes
40:38that look like
40:39it's going to freeze you.
40:41Like a white walker.
40:44You know what, friend?
40:47I can't stand it.
40:48I can't stand it.
40:50Why did they bring him
40:51to my house?
40:52On top of that,
40:53he's close to my children.
40:54You know what?
40:55Let him cool down
40:56because I'm not going down.
40:57I'm staying here.
40:58Estelita, Estelita,
41:00I'm not going down.
41:01Let him stay down.
41:02But your children
41:03are all infatuated with him.
41:04How are you going to stay here, Estela?
41:07This is the time
41:08to tell him
41:09everything you think
41:10about him
41:11in his naked face
41:12at once.
41:13You've been keeping
41:14all that for years
41:15in here.
41:16It's time for you
41:17to take it out
41:18and tell him everything
41:19without anesthesia.
41:21Yes, friend.
41:22This is the time.
41:23Look at everything
41:24you've told me.
41:25This is the time.
41:26If I were you,
41:27I'd take advantage of it.
41:39What are you doing here?
41:40She's the bravest of the bravest.
41:41No, please.
41:42What are you doing?
41:43He and I
41:44don't know each other anymore, Emilio.
41:50Tell him.
41:51Tell him I went to look for him.
41:53I was with my son
41:54and my baby.
41:55And you threw me out of your house
41:57telling me
41:58that an Indian
42:00What are you saying?
42:01We're nearing the end.
42:03Los Otros Concha.
42:06immediately after...