Watch: Kati Officers Important Press Conference

  • 2 months ago
Watch: Kati Officers Important Press Conference
00:00or look at the 24 crore people.
00:03It is cruel that for the past few years
00:06this thing has been kept so secret,
00:09these agreements have not been made public
00:12and by getting involved in other things
00:15those 40 families have been supported,
00:18they have been given all the incentives
00:21and the 24 crore people that have ended today,
00:24neither middle class nor lower class nor upper middle class,
00:27all of them have been destroyed.
00:30Actually, another interesting thing is that
00:33we have that country,
00:36which has been given all the incentives
00:39and the 24 crore people that have ended today,
00:42neither middle class nor lower class nor upper middle class,
00:45all of them have been destroyed.
00:48Actually, another interesting thing is that
00:51we have that country,
00:54which has been given all the incentives
00:57and the 24 crore people that have ended today,
01:00neither middle class nor upper middle class,
01:03all of them have been destroyed.
01:06Actually, another interesting thing is that
01:09we have that country,
01:12which has been given all the incentives
01:15and the 24 crore people that have ended today,
01:18neither middle class nor upper middle class,
01:21neither middle class nor upper middle class,
01:24all of them have been destroyed.
01:51You can put your generation here at that time
01:54and also assure us that
01:57you will definitely make its transmission.
02:00You are making electricity,
02:03let it reach there.
02:06Like we were talking off record with Mr. Mufti,
02:09that if a man has made 5 kilos of chickpeas
02:12and he says that my 2 kilos of chickpeas can be sold,
02:15but I will take 5 kilos of money because I made 5 kilos.
02:18We are transmitting 22,000 megawatts of electricity
02:21and 23,000 megawatts of electricity,
02:24which is about 50% of our production.
02:27The price we are giving it is of 45,000.
02:30We are using 22,000 megawatts
02:33and without using 23,000 megawatts,
02:36we are giving it to them.
02:39This is such a big amount
02:42that when I count zero,
02:45it crosses more than 9 and 10 digits.
02:48I don't understand why we talk about it in millions and billions.
02:51I am surprised that such a big secret
02:54has not been revealed till date.
02:57What was the secret that kept it suppressed?
03:00The basic need of this country is that
03:03even in the month of summer,
03:06when electricity is used more,
03:09it is not 25,000, 26,000, 27,000 megawatts,
03:12we are almost double our requirement.
03:15But because there is no transmission,
03:18there is no dispatch system,
03:21no work has been done on it,
03:24it has been kept there.
03:27And the secret is that we are giving
03:30the money of 45,000 electricity,
03:33which we are calling capacity charges.
03:36Last year, we gave more than 2 billion rupees
03:39and according to NEPRA's report,
03:42we have to pay 2100 billion rupees
03:45in capacity charges.
03:48Now the question is that the country
03:51that is currently standing on the threshold,
03:54without using electricity,
03:57where will we get 2600 billion rupees from?
04:00I don't think so.
04:03When I tell you that 2600 billion rupees
04:06is a debt in account of the power sector.
04:09Sir, let me put it very simply.
04:12Circular debt is basically a loss.
04:15We are maintaining our accounts
04:18by putting money in different pockets
04:21and showing the money.
04:24But this 2600 billion rupees
04:27which we call circular debt,
04:30is not a debt, it is a loss.
04:33We have to show them to keep them alive.
04:36And if we talk about the tax,
04:39the government has set a tax collection
04:42of 12,000 billion rupees.
04:45In that, you will see that
04:48we have to pay 2200 billion rupees
04:51in capacity charges.
04:54We are not using the electricity
04:57of that money.
05:00Why are we shouting about this?
05:03The fundamental reason is that
05:06the industry is suffering a loss
05:09because the government has given them
05:12confidential guarantees
05:15that we will facilitate you in this way.
05:18These agreements were not made public.
05:21They were not told to the media.
05:24Now things are starting to open up
05:27and the situation is very dangerous.
05:30How will we survive in this situation?
05:33This is the fundamental reason.
05:36Another thing is that the agreement
05:39with the IPPs was made on the condition
05:42of take and pay.
05:45This means that whether or not
05:48the IPPs are needed,
05:51we have to give them the money
05:54and the government has given them
05:57a guarantee of 40 to 66 percent capacity.
06:00A few days ago, a political party leader
06:03said on TV that there is a sovereign guarantee
06:06and nothing can be done about it.
06:09Sir, why can't it be done?
06:12All the agreements that are made in the world
06:15have termination and exit clauses.
06:18There will be a possibility
06:21that the IPPs will not be facilitated.
06:24Another thing is that the 52 percent
06:27that the government holds
06:30is based on single buyer and single seller.
06:33This means that the government
06:36is the buyer and the government
06:39is the only institution that sells them.
06:42This means that they can buy
06:45at any price and sell at any price.
06:48If the government gives the IPPs
06:51to the private sector,
06:54the situation of electricity
06:57will be the same as that of a mobile phone.
07:00In the past, people used to give
07:03telephone lines at home.
07:06Today, when you open a mobile phone,
07:09so many companies have come
07:12and there is so much open competition
07:15and people are giving SMS and WhatsApp for free.
07:18Until you give healthy open competition,
07:21you will not feed the level playing field.
07:24The government has 52 percent
07:27and this is the work of the private sector
07:30and not the government.
07:33The government should hand it over
07:36to the private sector,
07:39control it and regulate it.
07:42The private sector should be able
07:45to fulfill its basic needs
07:48by paying 45,000 megawatts of electricity
07:51and not using half of it.
08:12Thank you for your time.
