Pituca Sin Lucas Capítulo 53 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Pituca Sin Lucas Capítulo 53 Completo HD
00:00I said in the morning, so you can look at some of the paradise
00:10But no, I don't want you to see the pressure now, but I don't know no, no, no, no
00:15No, I'm not feeling pressured. It's just that I didn't expect it
00:18to molest
00:21No, my love, come on. I'm gonna start see my present. I mean, look at me. No pregnancy. It's done
00:27Thank you
00:29Thank we had also to party
00:32You think I'm over a CIO seconds to something important about a t-point so cute
00:39There's a major
00:49This is just a part of this episode
01:00Mean as much as it appears, but I'm not poor for
01:05No, no, but I know
01:10When I look at us, I'm
01:15Boy no, I can't
01:22But I was
01:38I'm ready to go out on the second day. Let me see. This is Dalgo. Give Arlene
01:41I'll say
01:42I'm pocket a fruit a pescado vivere no si no si no claro que esto ya llegue porque estaba ordenando todo lo que ustedes
01:48No me iban a ordenar siempre
01:50Tranquilo bueno ya que se lo lleve su mariachi en rambo pues es el que me metió un combo con el que vive con el
01:55que tiene un hijo
01:59No va a ser un gollito va a ser un rambito bueno ser importante saber si está bien no si está cómoda si le falta algo
02:05si no para traer
02:07Conchita conchita conchita mira tú que eres más rápida que una mosca ya deberías darte cuenta de que candela es pinocha no pero bien
02:14Pinocha mira tú ella la das la mano y el toque agarra confianza y te puede quitar todo incluso hasta la ropa que tienes puesta
02:20Sí, sí, y yo pienso igual porque sea o no ese bebecito tuyo hay que tener cuidado porque de repente vienen a saquear
02:25Todo todo todo todo y hasta se llevan las cosas que tenemos en nuestra refrigeradora
02:29Pero que mal hablado que son ustedes de verdad
02:33Dios lo viera pero claro cuando están rezando en el san pedrito
02:36I see what that poor as you know, no, pero si san pedrito estuviera acá estaría de colorado realmente
02:42Salió hecho polvo al ver los mesquinos de sus almas
02:46Mesquinos no y ya tampoco ya oye verdad y candela dejó la ecografía
02:53aquí está
02:56Hoy mismo voy a hablar con el doctor y porque vas a hablar con el doctor a
02:59Porque primero quiero saber si esta ecografía es real
03:03También quiero saber si es real el tiempo del bebé y lo más importante también quiero decirle que me quiero hacer la prueba de
03:08DNI eso no
03:11Adn eso eso eso eso eso NBA mira sabes que estoy seguro que ese chivolo no es mío y yo no pienso criar
03:18Hijo ajeno ni medio mes me parece lo justo
03:24Típico de hombres machistas claro primero los disfruta muy bien lo gozan y luego cuando tienen que ser responsables
03:29Ajan cuerpo no y dejan a la bendición de sola
03:43Chiquito como el gallito
03:46Te parece si mira chiquitito y panzoncito como el gallito lo condena
03:53Y te diviertes no un poquito
03:56Si tanto te divierte que te parece entonces si traigo a candela para que viva aquí en la casa
04:01Con sus chivos los con los que ya tiene y con el que viene en camino va de restro satanás
04:06No hay forma yo no yo no puedo caer en eso de preparar
04:10mamaderas papillas cambiar pañales no no no no
04:14Ay qué lindo sería no tener la casa acá oliendo a popó y que tú también estés ahí con los chivos
04:19Dejando de ver novelas turcas para que piensas a ver
04:21Pepe y durmiendo en el sillón porque son chivos los al que tienen que dormir en una cama calientita y nada mejor que tu habitación
04:27Me olvidaba decirles una cosa porque dentro de muy poco unos nueve meses y todos me iré a vivir con manuel así que bueno candela
04:34Podrá quedarse aquí y gollito tú te quedas en mi habitación con candela los niños en tu habitación
04:40En ritmo le pones candado ya hay otra cosa subir a la pensión
04:49Por tu culpa
05:01A sumar ahorita como puedes estudiar tanto mía me duele la cabeza ya
05:05fuerza amorcito piensa que este curso es básico para ingresar a la universidad
05:10es que no sé si quiere ir a la universidad
05:13Obvio que a seguir tienes que por qué mira yo creo que la universidad no es para todo el mundo hay mil maneras de salir
05:20adelante mira los deportistas a los cantantes o los artistas no mi papá mi papá es comerciante y no fue a la universidad para eso
05:27y estoy segura que le diría mil veces mejor si hubiera ido
05:29si de repente pero mira a él se le da natural los negocios siempre donde va hace conexiones y eso es un bono
05:36pero la universidad no sólo para estudiar te abre las puertas te conecta te abre la mente y todo eso sí sí pero
05:42mira hay un montón de gente a la que le va bien sin ir a la universidad es cuestión de meterle puncha lo que
05:47te gusta y listo ya sí en eso estamos de acuerdo totalmente
06:04Ya morada resuelve
06:06Este ejercicio
06:08No puedo parar un ratito por favor
06:11Chambi constancia en todo dale que te estoy mirando
06:18Me comenzó a decir que ella se ha dado cuenta que no estoy enamorada de su papá y en ese momento entra piedad casi me desmayo
06:25y quisiste
06:27me quedé paralizada si no fuera por belén que dijo algo y logró despistar a piedad que uno se que hubiera pasado
06:32te juro que
06:34Belén me sorprende tanto es una chica tan madura siempre está buscando el lado bueno de las cosas pues se parece a la mamá
06:42Tengo miedo de que sospechen de nosotros
06:44tenemos que cuidarnos
06:46pero que más nos vamos a cuidar si no estamos haciendo nada malo que yo sepa enamorarse no es un pecado
06:53hoy sabes que yo creo que es la culpa que enseñan las religiones
06:57si puede ser pues hay que respirar más no sé no pensar tanto las cosas dejarse llevar y sonreír más
07:04a mí me gustaría ver la vida más simple de verdad pero es que yo soy muy nerviosa y culposa
07:10que pase lo que tenga que pasar
07:12yo debo reconocer que yo soy más lanzado no yo me aviento no más en cambio tú no tú todo lo piensas eres más
07:17organizada te gusta planificar
07:19pues entonces vamos a planificar
07:23te refieres al trabajo no pues que trabajo a lo nuestro
07:27sí sí mira yo quiero que cuando estemos enamorados pues que nos escapemos un día de campamento así pero si los chicos en la
07:32playa al campo donde sea
07:35campamento con carpas y con carpas y fogate y todo mira yo tengo dos sacos de dormir
07:40me llevaría uno solo para dormir apretaditos
07:43yo nunca he ido de campamento pues eso hay que solucionarlo te gusta la idea
07:48sí pero y tú crees que entre en pichos a la carpa como a la cráneas
07:54Tú crees que se van a meterse a la carpa de este tiburón
07:58no creo
08:01Este cuando llegamos al terminal nunca vamos a llegar a los de la mano no ni nos vamos a dar esos besitos que tanto
08:06nos gustan
08:08digo por eso del asunto laboral nada más no imagen y eso
08:12sí bueno ahora en la oficina a puerta cerrada pues ya la cosa cambia
08:20En la vida si nos separamos cada quien con su familia si este yo digo para no chocar con ese asunto
08:26De las creencias y esas cosas no aunque no sea creyente yo si preparo el pavo al horno
08:32Eso suena bien
08:34sí y en el año nuevo pues eso sí no es negociable
08:37hay las dos familias juntas así en manchón con 12 uvas y todo y a bailar hasta que el cuerpo aguante te parece
08:43y después de año nuevo también podremos este
08:46puedo decir algo
08:48Tiene la palabra señorita de la puente
08:51me encantan tus planos
08:55Déjame que vuelva a acariciar tu pelo
08:59déjame que funda tu pecho en mi pecho
09:02volveré a pintar de colores el cielo
09:05haré que olvides de una vez el mundo entero
09:09déjame tan solo que
09:14No puedo salvador me un toque por fa
09:20Salvador es un ratito bien porfa
09:26Salvador sálvame
09:34Qué fue me puedes ayudar a cargar estas cajas y ponerlas en la camioneta que no puedo te juro que eso mucho
09:40Ahorita estoy con harta chamba ya
09:43Salvador no te cuesta nada
09:46Pero salvador no te cuesta nada es un ratito nada más si me cuesta me cuesta un montón las cosas cuesta
09:52lo que pasa gracias que tú seas acostumbrada a vivir una burbuja de cristal teniendo todo gratis pero ya no
09:58sé que está bueno que nada sólo pero y qué te pasa
10:01no me pasa nada tuquita probamos una vez
10:04a lo mejor así entiendes un poco mejor de qué va la vida no entiendo porque me tratas así así como así súper pesado
10:11no sé
10:13Tal vez porque pensaba que te conocía pero parece que no te conozco
10:16así que prefiero dejarte tranquila y que tú te encargas de tus cosas y yo de las mías
10:19puedes dejar de hablarme así me estás haciendo sentir súper mal súper mal
10:24Imagínate cómo me sentí yo cuando me enteré que te fuese corriendo con el doctorcito para regresar con él
10:30tocho que si estar te contó el chisme
10:33que fue nuestro fue como ir al supermercado que te cambien de sabor las cosas no
10:36no no no no no no fue así
10:39Yo te dije que iba a volver con felipe si yo pensé que me vas a hacer tan fría
10:44que te vas a enamorar un poco regresar con él
10:48Bueno pero es que felipe me buscó y pasó nada más
10:52para que las cosas contigo solamente pasa
10:54como sólo nuestro me imagino
10:57no no escúchame no para mí eso también fue súper fuerte y me parece súper injusto porque porque yo te dije que tenía que
11:03volver con felipe
11:06como si fuera una obligación no
11:10Me equivoqué contigo pitoquita
11:12me equivoqué pero sabes que
11:14te tengo cariño
11:16espero que seas feliz
11:18pero te recomiendo hacer eso sola
11:20no es por fregarte va a ser bien
11:36¿Y tú cocinas?
11:38Sí sí cocino bien pero
11:40la verdad es que mis hermanos cocinan mucho mejor
11:42Felizmente mi papá nos crió
11:44siempre a todos por igual nada que porque tú eres mujer
11:46tienes que cocinar no
11:48¿Y a ti? ¿Te cocina tu mamita?
11:52A veces pero otras veces cocino yo
11:54y de hecho me encanta es más
11:56cuando acabe la carrera me encantaría estudiar
11:58un par de cursos de cocina
12:00Asu habrá que probar lo que cocinas entonces
12:02La mejor salsa pesto de tu vida
12:04Oye hablando de salsas quería hacerte una invitación
12:06a una noche de salsa ¿Qué te parece?
12:08¿O sea ir a un salsador para los dos?
12:10No lo que pasa es que a Miguelito
12:12el chico que trabaja en la tienda de mi barrio
12:14se le quemó la casa entonces están organizando una fiesta
12:16en profundos ¿Una apoyada?
12:18Bueno va a haber puestitos
12:20la gente va a vender cosas va a haber eso si
12:22cumbia, salsa, reggaeton
12:24No digas más estoy ahí de todas pero
12:26eso sí Mica yo soy el campeón de las dos salsas
12:28de la pesto y de la de barrio
12:32Hola hola ¿Cómo estás?
12:34Bien bien acá estudiando
12:36¿Podemos hablar un rato Mica de la pesto?
12:38Claro pero si te sé profe agarra una silla
12:40Ah no es que quisiera hablar a solas con ella
12:44Escucha es que estamos en pleno debate de salsas
12:46así que va a ser un poco complicado
12:48Ah bueno no se preocupen
12:50hablamos en otro momento
12:52No no no te preocupes hablemos ahora sí
12:54¿Me das un ratito?
12:56No te comas mi sandwich ¿Ah? No me demoro
12:58Aquí te espero al pie del cañón
13:06Dios todo Dios
13:08¡Yara mira!
13:10A ver estoy harta de que fuera un empleado
13:12¡Dijiste! ¡Hasta cuándo!
13:14Señora Coco
13:16Ah Don Bernardo que sorpresa
13:18Pase pase por favor
13:20¿Que se le ofrece?
13:22Disculpe que la moleste
13:24es que necesito hablar con usted
13:26de un tema muy importante y delicado
13:30Pase pase
13:32and delicate. Thank you.
13:34But if you're going to come back with the story of the mariachi and the serenade,
13:38I already went through the page with you.
13:40No, no, no. I'm not here to talk about that. Don't worry, no.
13:42It's just that you're not going to believe me,
13:44but Miguelito's house burned down.
13:48Our Miguelito?
13:51Oh, how terrible. Poor Christian.
13:53And he has lost everything. He has been left on the street.
13:56Oh, I know. What he feels is...
14:01That's why I came to look for you, to ask you a great favor.
14:03Look, what happens is that we're going to have a deep party
14:06here in a local area,
14:08to help you get it up, right?
14:10And I wanted to put up a stand to sell drinks,
14:13singles, Arequipean food. Do you understand me?
14:16Yes, yes, of course I understand.
14:18But I don't see that I have anything to do with the matter.
14:21Please, get to the point.
14:23You know I'm not good at math.
14:25And I have the tendency to trust.
14:27The worst habit.
14:29So I thought I was going to need help in that stand.
14:32Do you understand me?
14:34I've already told you that I understand you, that you think I'm stupid.
14:36No, no, no, but you, Mrs. Cocó,
14:39I would be very honored to accompany you, please.
14:44For dealing with Miguelito,
14:47I will support you on this occasion.
14:52Mom! Mom! Mom!
15:10Hi, neighbor.
15:12Well, I didn't see you coming.
15:14Why didn't you stop by the stand to say hello?
15:17To meet with your crazy ex?
15:19No, thank you.
15:20I prefer to arrive alive at the end of the year.
15:22No, but I think she's calmer, right?
15:24Because she saw you this morning and greeted me like that.
15:26Maybe she's sorry for what she told you.
15:28I don't know.
15:29Look, I hope she's still calm.
15:34I'm glad I found you together.
15:36I'm leaving.
15:37No, stop, stay.
15:40I come in peace.
15:41With my white handkerchief as fine as you.
15:43I just want to clarify a few things.
15:44No, Conchita, there is nothing to clarify.
15:46I already told you everything.
15:47Let's see, Manuel.
15:49What happens to me is that I am very well thought out.
15:52You know, as they say, against naivety.
15:54That's why I didn't realize when they stabbed me in the back.
15:57Especially you, Techi.
15:58Since you arrived at the terminal, I have supported you in everything.
16:01I did it unconditionally.
16:03Conchita, are you going to continue with the same nonsense?
16:05Manuel, let me talk, please.
16:07You know I'm used to keeping things, but not anymore.
16:09Because when you keep things, then it becomes a disease.
16:12A tumor, I don't know, of resentment, of hatred.
16:15And I don't want to have it.
16:16Let me talk.
16:17Let me talk now.
16:18Can you hear me?
16:19It's the least I deserve.
16:20They owe it to me.
16:21Techi, you messed with a stranger's name.
16:24We had a beautiful relationship and you ruined it.
16:27I didn't get into any relationship.
16:29Oh, please, don't be a pinocchio.
16:30That it gets to your nose from here to La Cordillera.
16:32Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.
16:33Please, Conchita, how long?
16:34Yes, look.
16:35You know what?
16:36I'm going to close the office in Collab.
16:37So please retire.
16:38And I'm also going to have to file a complaint for harassment.
16:40Manuel, I'm going to ignore everything you're telling me.
16:42Because I know it's not you.
16:43It's the influence of the machine in your life.
16:45Nothing else.
16:46I hope one day that noble, sensitive, good man returns.
16:49From the town I met.
16:51And that magazine you've become goes away.
16:53Ay, Conchita, please understand.
16:54Ours is over.
16:55No, my love, no.
16:57Oh, sorry, sorry.
16:59I thought I was alone.
17:00Can we go, please?
17:01Oh, little queen.
17:03No, your mother here in the office is never alone.
17:05She's always with Manuel.
17:06The two of them together alone in the office all day.
17:08Let's go, Greicy.
17:09Oh, you got scared.
17:11But it's the truth.
17:12What happens, little queen, is that you just arrived at the terminal.
17:15But if the seagulls talk,
17:17they all realize that here this couple has tremendous blood.
17:29Yes, Felipe, we're alone.
17:30Tell me what's going on.
17:31I don't understand why you're upset.
17:34Don't exaggerate.
17:35I mean, yes, I think I'm a little out of place.
17:37Because Pato and I were eating, talking.
17:39And I think you could have found another time to tell me your things, right?
17:42Well, forgive me.
17:43I didn't think I'd bother you so much that I'd interrupt your conversation.
17:46Well, you interrupted me, so tell me what happened.
17:49Well, I want to tell you something.
17:52It sounds important.
17:54It's just that I've made an important decision and I wanted to share it with you.
17:57Because we're friends.
17:59Are you going to tell me that you came back with Graciel?
18:02Yes, I knew.
18:04How did you know?
18:06I saw them.
18:07Yesterday they were kissing here.
18:08They were very happy.
18:09We loved them.
18:11And that's why you're weird, upset.
18:14I'm not weird, Felipe.
18:16But the truth is that I prefer this friendship to be distant.
18:20I don't want any more problems.
18:22What does that mean?
18:23You don't want us to be friends anymore?
18:25Yes, I prefer that.
18:27But, Micaela, what's the problem?
18:31Gracia is the problem.
18:32The truth is that I think it's best for you, for her, and especially for me.
18:38I don't think we have anything else to say.
18:50Don't listen to her.
18:51This woman is absolutely crazy.
18:53Crazy maybe, but not blind.
18:55Conchita, stop making things up, okay?
18:57Please, have a little more respect.
18:59Why don't you leave?
19:00Let's see.
19:01I don't think she deserves respect.
19:02This bitterness, married and making eyes at you.
19:04How ugly, right?
19:06Stop talking nonsense and don't mess with my daughters.
19:09Well, if it bothers you so much, it must be for a reason, right?
19:12Anyway, I'm leaving so you can analyze the family issue.
19:18Ruinita, if the river sounds, it's because it brings stones.
19:21Think about it.
19:23Listen to me, daughter.
19:24Don't do it.
19:37I made them heat the bread for you.
19:39Thank you.
19:43Are you okay?
19:45More or less.
19:47Do you want to talk about it?
19:49But really, because...
19:51That nothing happened between you and the teacher's assistant...
19:54I don't believe it.
19:55And especially not now.
19:58Let's see.
20:00I don't believe it.
20:01And especially not now.
20:04Let's see.
20:06Felipe fought with his girlfriend for a while.
20:08The one you met yesterday.
20:10And in that time, he and I became friends and...
20:15I get where the story is going.
20:17No, and she made a movie in her head.
20:19That we liked each other, that something was going on between us.
20:23But was something going on or not?
20:27No, really.
20:28He's always been in love with her.
20:30And you?
20:32Didn't the floor move you?
20:35I like Felipe very much.
20:37Nothing else?
20:39You don't like him?
20:41I mean, imagine.
20:43No, he's more right-wing, I'm left-wing.
20:47Conservative, liberal, religious, agnostic.
20:50La Planicie.
20:55Apart from medicine, nothing in common.
21:01Can I tell you something?
21:03Look, that Pato will be a very good agent and everything, but...
21:06He could never dance a good salsa in his life.
21:10It's going to be worth it.
21:12I'll take care of it.
21:14Thank you, Pato.
21:17Now eat your bread, you're all skinny.
21:19Hey, don't talk about other people's bodies.
21:29Yes, I liked Felipe.
21:33I liked him a lot.
21:53Father, I've come to confess
21:55for what sin of thought.
21:58Could you be more specific, Mrs. Cocó?
22:01Oh, Father, it's just that I'm feeling things.
22:06Well, feeling things for a man who is not my husband, may he rest in peace.
22:12Feelings for a man who is not dead, who is alive.
22:16I don't see the sin.
22:18If the man is free and so are you, then may love live.
22:22Are you a hippie, Father?
22:24First the sandals and then that speech about love and peace?
22:28Mrs. Cocó, you are young and you have the right to redo your life.
22:33And if you feel something for Don Bernardo...
22:36How does he know he's the lucky one?
22:39How does he know I'm talking about Don Bernardo?
22:42Well, because a priest sees beyond what people think.
22:48Well, and if you know so much, you know you've already stolen two kisses from me.
22:54What do you think?
22:58Well, but one thing is the serious courtship
23:02and another very different, the lack of respect for morality and good customs
23:07and the rampant mania.
23:10Poor Don Bernardo.
23:12Brave, there is nothing more to do.
23:15Are you on his side?
23:17I am on the side of love and happiness.
23:20Did that kiss make you happy?
23:22Well, my granddaughter Piggy had already told me
23:25that you are a little gossipy.
23:28Are you going to become Don Bernardo's defense lawyer?
23:32My heart will always defend good deeds and good feelings.
23:36I put my hands in the fire for Don Bernardo, ma'am,
23:39and I'm sure I'm not going to burn them.
23:42Hey, just gossip.
23:45The kisses were on the lips?
23:54The boss went crazy and we went crazy with the prices.
23:58Offers, shrimp, squids, fan shells, best price, impossible.
24:04Homemade, homemade, come to our stand, a miracle happened here.
24:08We have better prices than Don Shark.
24:11Hey, what a beautiful price.
24:14Listen to me, I have good and bad news.
24:16Which ones do you want first?
24:17Oh no, the bad ones first.
24:18Yes, because I can spend it with my soda.
24:20Yeah, yeah, what happens is that Miguelito,
24:22the one who works at Don Bernardo's bakery,
24:24burned the whole house in a horrible fire.
24:27Oh no, we are in the year of the dragon.
24:29Fire here, fire there.
24:30Hey, calm down.
24:32Hey, poor Miguelito.
24:33How are you? Are you okay?
24:34Yes, yes, I'm fine.
24:35Everyone left on time, thank goodness.
24:36The issue is that the house burned.
24:38Well, health is first.
24:40The material recovers.
24:41As if it were easy, hey.
24:42Yes, but there comes the good news.
24:44We are going to do a deep event.
24:46With a punch?
24:47A cevichada, more or less.
24:48The thing is that the owner of the Tropical Paradise
24:50is going to lend us the whole place to do the event,
24:52so sell it to me, sell it to me, sell it to me.
24:56People, good news.
24:58A deep tone is coming.
25:00A friend's house burned,
25:02so everyone, join in and collaborate.
25:08You know, partners,
25:09let's all put our shoulders up as always.
25:11Good music, good atmosphere and everything.
25:13For a good cause, of course.
25:18Hey, Salva, can you go with a partner?
25:20What was it? Do you want to take a victim?
25:23Hey, Joaquina would win with me, okay?
25:24I am supportive, I am loving,
25:26I am clean, I am tidy.
25:28You are not tidy.
25:29Hey, I read the Tarot,
25:31I interpret the stars and I cook delicious.
25:33Don't let go of the TV
25:34and you also stick to all the soap operas.
25:37Hi, Salva.
25:38Can you leave me with my tenants for a while?
25:40Private things.
25:42Good luck, guys.
25:43Excuse me.
25:44Oh, guys,
25:45now I really left the machine worse than a trapper.
25:47In less than 48 hours
25:49I put my hands on the fire
25:50that leaves the terminal.
25:58I told you not to listen to her.
25:59That woman is unbalanced.
26:00Don't you remember the show she did at the church?
26:02Yes, but a while ago Conchita has been insisting on the same thing.
26:05For some reason she put you late in the truck.
26:08Because she is sick of jealousy.
26:09Yes, but she only feels jealous of you.
26:11How weird, right?
26:12Because I work with Manuel.
26:13Because she has to find a culprit for her breakup
26:15because she doesn't understand that Manuel no longer loves her.
26:18But I have nothing to do with it.
26:20Are you sure, mom?
26:22I mean, that doesn't have to do with
26:24that now you want to separate from my dad?
26:26I already told you what happened with your dad.
26:28Yes, but I didn't believe you at all.
26:30I mean, zero convincing, no explanation.
26:32Are you hiding something from me, mom?
26:34Don't mix things up, okay?
26:37Do you like Salvador's dad?
27:05You are evil, evil, evil.
27:07Mrs. Techi.
27:08Ma'am, hold on a minute.
27:09Stop defending her.
27:10You two are my friends.
27:12And you have to help me in my fight.
27:13Yes or yes?
27:14Did you hear me?
27:15Not again, Conchita.
27:16I thought we were done with this.
27:18La Pituca took it from you.
27:19So please, more dignity.
27:20Don't make another fool of yourself.
27:21She didn't take it from me.
27:22Pay attention there.
27:23She lent it to me.
27:24Nothing else.
27:25Because between Manuel and I there is a great chemistry.
27:27A chemistry.
27:28Because I know him well.
27:29He knows what he likes.
27:30I know him too well.
27:31And when you know a man as I know him,
27:33you know how to take him.
27:35I swear you don't know how angry I get
27:37about that liar Pituca.
27:40Let's see.
27:41That Pituca doesn't deserve your anger.
27:42Besides, she also has a little face of a fool
27:45and I assure you that she is a little silly.
27:47I don't know if she's silly,
27:48but she is a good daughter of her mom.
27:49And you?
27:50A good daughter of your dad?
27:52Don't be mean.
27:54Let's go.
27:56I have an idea.
27:57Why don't we go to Felipe's class?
27:59I'll give you a peek.
28:00A little peek.
28:01Just to make you jealous.
28:05Fresh and shameless.
28:07Because of you I had to confess to that gossipy and hippie priest.
28:12Dare to steal a kiss from me for the second time.
28:15But what are you talking about?
28:16The little peek?
28:17Seriousness and constriction.
28:19You made me sin with that kiss.
28:21And don't come to me with technicisms or little peeks.
28:24You gave me a kiss in the mouth.
28:26That was it.
28:27Hey, Conchita, where are you going?
28:28Oh, watch out.
28:30Because soon, from tomorrow, you will know the big change.
28:37Oh, Goyito.
28:38My blood is boiling.
28:40Hug me.
28:45Oh, my God.
28:46I'm not going to sit.
28:47I swear I'm not going to sit.
28:48What a regia.
28:49She's a goddess.
28:50Everything matches the stuffed animal she has as a dog.
28:52Tell me where I can get it.
28:53All that outfit, please.
28:54For me.
28:55For me.
28:56Look, miss.
28:57Don't worry.
28:58I'm going to help you.
29:02Thank you.
29:03Thank you.
29:06How are you going to get off the roof
29:07if with this job you keep your family?
29:09With what it cost you to get a job.
29:11Yes, Manuel, but what Conchita did is too much.
29:13You saw Gracia's face.
29:15Really, that crazy woman has no limits.
29:16How am I going to stay here?
29:18I need to get away from that place,
29:19get away from Conchita and also from you.
29:22I realized that every time you get nervous with me,
29:24you go to the kitchen and bring juices.
29:26It has nothing to do with it.
29:27Why would I get nervous with you?
29:29I don't know.
29:30I guess because things happen to you with me too.
29:32Oh, you're exaggerating, baby.
29:35Well, sometimes you go overboard with the jokes.
29:37But no, I don't get nervous.
29:39The truth is that I still don't know what I'm feeling.
29:42Well, it's hard for you to know if you don't get used to it a little.
29:44Besides, I'm not asking you to marry me just in case.
29:47Yes, but what's the need to speed things up?
29:49I think we're fine like this, getting to know each other.
29:52I think you're never going to take the first step.
29:55It's fine, it's perfect.
29:57That's why I'm going to have to do it.
30:02I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything.
30:14Hi, Piedad.
30:15What's up?
30:16I know I owe you an explanation.
30:17No, no, I don't need explanations.
30:19I didn't come to talk about us.
30:20Well, technically there is no longer a us.
30:24Don't be mean, Alonso.
30:26You haven't seen what I've seen.
30:28By the face?
30:29To the devil?
30:30No, to Belen kissing Benjamin.
30:34Yes, a long kiss.
30:36Anyway, Belen is in love now.
