Hunter S01E03 The Hot Grounder

  • 2 months ago
00:00Commissioner Crenshaw killed his own lady.
00:05Whoever gets this case is ruined.
00:08Good luck, good hunting, and goodbye.
00:11Well, look on the bright side, McCall.
00:13There is no bright side, Buster.
00:15What are you so afraid of, Commissioner?
00:16I've got people I can call.
00:18Two of you are up on a trial board.
00:20You're both suspended without pay.
00:22Well, let's do it anyway.
00:23I'm out to cut you.
00:24So now the fun begins.
01:25Works for me.
01:38There we go.
01:39There you go.
01:40One more.
01:41Come to the net.
01:42Let's go.
01:43Bring your knees more.
01:44Let's go.
01:45That's it.
01:46That's it.
01:47That's much better.
01:48Heads up.
01:50Take shorter steps.
01:53You're looking sloppy out here.
01:54Your feet are dragging all over.
01:55That's it.
01:56That's it.
01:58Nice, easy strokes.
01:59That's it.
02:00That's it.
02:20Larry, could you move your car, please?
02:24The keys are already in it, honey.
02:26Just pull it on over, will you?
02:32You're not concentrating.
02:33Take this.
02:34You're not concentrating.
02:36Yeah, yeah.
02:37I got it.
03:01I got it.
03:20Look, we got handed a red-hot grounder, man.
03:22And the officer who gets this one
03:24is gonna be drilled and grilled.
03:26Come on, Smitty.
03:27It can't be that bad.
03:28Well, the commissioner's wife just got exploded
03:30in the commissioner's car.
03:35I won't make my pension.
03:37I got three official 608 complaints last year.
03:39You think maybe the commissioner did her in?
03:41A double-check is personally served, Mr. Commissioner.
03:44But, uh, where were you when your wife got gonzo'd?
03:47Whoever gets this place is ruled...
03:50the fool there.
03:58Good morning.
03:59Where is everybody?
04:01Last time I saw it like this,
04:03the mayor's kid sister disappeared.
04:11We got a career-breaker here?
04:13Yeah, Commissioner Crenshaw killed his own lady.
04:15Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.
04:17Tega, we don't know that.
04:19Now, you know, it could have been somebody else.
04:21Could have been the butler.
04:25Wow, 68% of all the homicides
04:27involving a husband and a wife,
04:29it's the spouse who committed the crime.
04:31Now, we got a 68% chance
04:33that the commissioner whacked his old lady.
04:35If I get this case, it's over.
04:37I mean, no one officer should get stuck
04:39with two career-breakers in one year.
04:43Yeah, I wonder who Kane's gonna give it to.
04:45Hunter, I've got something neat for you.
04:47The Crenshaw case.
04:54I know you and McCall
04:56will conduct an absolutely scrupulous investigation
04:58into this homicide.
05:00Good luck, good hunting,
05:02and goodbye.
05:08Well, at least I'm in the right room.
05:20McCall, we got it.
05:24You can come out now, girl. It's safe.
05:35Why didn't you hide, Hunter?
05:37I was in the men's room.
05:39What did you want me to do, climb up in a vent?
05:41I'm too big.
05:43Hey, Hunter, can I have your desk and your locker?
05:46There's no way out on this one, Hunter.
05:48Kane's finally managed to pull our plug.
05:50Look on the bright side, McCall.
05:52There is no bright side, Buster.
05:54I've met Commissioner Crenshaw. He took me to lunch once.
05:56Oh, that eases my mind some.
05:58Nice guy, is he? I hope.
06:00It was when I made detective grade.
06:02The purpose of the lunch was to find out
06:04how I like being a lady cop,
06:06and then we moved on to the wine tasting
06:08and the heavy breathing.
06:10Oh, no, he took a shot at you?
06:12Well, it has been known to happen, Hunter.
06:14If he's a player,
06:16he was probably playing around on his wife.
06:18She found out about it, and he decided to eliminate her.
06:20That's when you detect this manual
06:22under a favorite motives.
06:30Hey, Gene, can you give us a signal?
06:32Not right now, please. I just got here.
06:34I'll have a statement for you later.
06:37Hey, Sergeant.
06:39No, Thomas.
06:41Not now, please.
06:43A little later. I have an investigation.
06:45Do you have any suspects at this time?
06:47No, no, no, nothing. No, no, no.
06:49I wanted to see you before you went in to talk,
06:51Commissioner Crenshaw.
06:53I don't want you to forget
06:55the man's under a great stress at the moment.
06:57I don't want you to add to that stress.
06:59Could you a little later, please?
07:03We may have to ask him some questions, sir.
07:05Can't that wait?
07:07No, I'm afraid it can't.
07:09Lady, would you get this out of my face right now?
07:11Right now. Officer.
07:13Move these people out.
07:15Officer, please, could you clear out this area?
07:21Connie and Larry Crenshaw
07:23were two of my dearest friends.
07:25I don't have to tell you
07:27that I'm going to be looking into every aspect of this case.
07:29I'll be like a shadow hanging over your desk.
07:31Well, I'll try not to let that interfere
07:33with the way I carry out my investigation, sir.
07:35Sergeant, one phone call
07:37and I can have you doing a straight eight
07:39on a foot beat on skid row.
07:51These officers have to ask you a few questions.
07:53I don't want you to forget
07:55the man's under a great stress at the moment.
07:57These officers have to ask you a few questions.
07:59I hope you don't mind.
08:01Don't go in the living room.
08:03Make this as quick and as painless as possible.
08:07He's pretty upset.
08:09What happened to his hands?
08:11He scorched them pretty bad
08:13trying to get the burning car door open.
08:15His tennis coach is still here.
08:17His name is Lance Lane. I held him for you.
08:19Lance Lane?
08:21Wait till you see him. The guy looks like a Lance Lane.
08:23He was here when the car went up.
08:25It's a mess. I don't think the crime lab's gonna get much of anything.
08:27Did you see Commissioner Crenshaw's hands?
08:29Were they badly burned?
08:31No, he had them wrapped when I got here.
08:33It's too bad you guys got this grounder.
08:35No win, huh?
08:37I was getting tired of police work anyway.
08:39Gonna get a fishing boat and move to Florida.
08:41Pick up girls.
08:43Why was she driving his car?
08:45He says she was just moving it out of the way
08:47so she could get her car out.
08:49He was down taking a tennis lesson from Cutie Pie.
08:55Commissioner Crenshaw?
08:57I'm Sergeant Hunter. This is Sergeant McCall.
08:59I'm very sorry about the death of your wife, sir.
09:01She was just moving it.
09:03My car.
09:05And then Lance and I...
09:09We heard it.
09:11I mean, things...
09:13All the things you plan
09:15as if nothing were ever going to happen.
09:19We were planning on having a baby.
09:21We were planning on having lunch this afternoon
09:23and going to the mayor's party tonight.
09:25And this morning we were sitting there
09:27talking about Jill's graduation from Vassar.
09:31I'm sorry.
09:33I'm rambling.
09:35Well, Sergeant McCall is gonna ask you some questions, sir.
09:39I want you to find out
09:43who killed my wife.
09:45I want you to find out
09:47who killed my wife.
09:49It isn't, uh...
09:51Well, I mean, they were after me.
09:53It was my car. There'd been threats.
09:55You had threats on your life?
09:59How many? How long ago?
10:01Two. It was on Tuesday...
10:03No, it was Wednesday night, about half an hour apart.
10:05Did you report these threats on your life to somebody?
10:09Why not?
10:11What the hell is that supposed to mean?
10:13I'm just asking why, when threats were made on your life,
10:15you didn't report it to somebody.
10:17McCall didn't take them seriously.
10:19Larry, are you all right?
10:25I'm a little tired, yeah.
10:27Look, Hunter,
10:29maybe you'd like to talk to the tennis coach.
10:31I'll finish up here.
10:37Commissioner, do you remember me?
10:41Well, I'm afraid I'm not sure.
10:43I meet so many police officers.
10:47I don't know who I am.
10:49I don't know who I am.
10:51I don't know who I am.
10:53I don't know who I am.
10:55I don't know who I am.
10:57I don't know who I am.
10:59I don't know who I am.
11:01I don't know who I am.
11:03I don't know who I am.
11:05I don't know who I am.
11:07I don't know who I am.
11:09I don't know who I am.
11:11I don't know who I am.
11:13I don't know who I am.
11:15I don't know who I am.
11:17I don't know who I am.
11:19I don't know who I am.
11:41Yes, I'm calling
11:43to show us Tuxedo for the night?
11:46Didn't he rent one?
11:52No, my mistake, thanks.
12:41I didn't know you just called him Larry.
12:43Yeah, Larry.
12:45I was giving him his lesson, and Connie wanted to move
12:49his car, and the keys weren't it.
12:51Well, how do you know that?
12:53Larry told her to move it herself.
12:54The keys weren't it.
12:55We were having our lesson.
12:58You have any idea why the commissioner parked
13:00his car behind his wife's when he could have just as
13:02easily put it in the garage?
13:05What is this?
13:08Well, this is a homicide investigation, Lance.
13:10Sometimes we ask a lot of tiresome questions.
13:13Well, I don't have any idea.
13:15Look, can I go?
13:16I got other people to teach.
13:17Well, you're taking this pretty hard, aren't you?
13:20Hang in there, Lance.
13:22The grief will pass with time.
13:24I hardly knew her.
13:28OK, leave your number and address
13:30with the officer at the gate.
13:35Oh, Mr. Lane, what's your real name?
13:38I mean, before you changed it.
13:41I'm sorry?
13:42Well, Lance Lane sounds like it came
13:43out of the casting directory.
13:45Who were you before you changed it to Lance Lane?
13:49Well, I can print you and run it.
13:52Caused me a lot of problems.
13:54Get me to thinking and all.
13:56Sometimes it's just best to cooperate.
14:02I was born Teddy Scheinberg.
14:09OK, see you around.
14:14Oh, Teddy, did you see who wrapped
14:18the commissioner's burned hands?
14:22I think he did it himself.
14:30All right.
14:33Please, I would like to lie down.
14:35Sergeant McCall, that's enough for now.
14:38There's no reason this can't be postponed till later.
14:41Excuse me, I got some ointment from the doctor outside.
14:44Let me take a look at those hands, commissioner.
14:47Kenny, can you please make this end?
14:50I'm feeling a little ill.
14:52Sergeant Hunter, Sergeant McCall, would you
14:54please come outside with me?
14:55I understand you left the keys to your car in the ignition.
14:58Is that something you usually do, commissioner?
14:59Perhaps you didn't hear me, Sergeant.
15:02I heard you.
15:03It's just that I'm on kind of a roll right now.
15:06You get outside right now, Sergeant.
15:11Don't make me say it again.
15:19Kicked out of port.
15:20I got a chance to take his hand and squeeze it slightly.
15:23No flinch, so I don't think he was burned too badly.
15:27Want my cop's hunch?
15:29Think he did it?
15:30Why would a guy leave the keys in his car
15:32and the car parker would have to be moved when it would be
15:35just as easy to put the car in the garage?
15:38I don't know, that's pretty thin.
15:39Well, I got another piece that's a little bit more solid.
15:41He had a black tie dinner to go to today.
15:44There was no tuxedo in his closet.
15:46So I called the tux shop that's listed in his telephone book.
15:50He didn't rent one.
15:51So he knew she was going to be dead.
15:53Why would he go to a party?
15:55Why would he bother to rent a tux?
15:59Mary, you up?
16:04I thought you said Lance claimed he hardly knew her.
16:08If you go back in her calendar,
16:10she was taking a tennis lesson from him every Friday.
16:13Looks like her friend Lance Lane made a little boo-boo.
16:17I guess the sexual revolution hasn't made
16:18it to that table over there yet.
16:19Make your first, big fella.
16:24What do you got in that checkbook?
16:26Mostly checks made out to cash, the market, stuff like that.
16:30There are three large amounts made out to a Manny Roth,
16:33though, two for $500, one for $1,000.
16:35It'd be worth checking out.
16:37She was headed at 25277 Wilshire Boulevard.
16:41Want to hit that place first?
16:42Yeah, might as well.
16:47My purse!
16:48My purse!
16:52Stole my purse!
17:09How do they expect me to pay for my lunch?
17:1625277 Wilshire Boulevard is a lawyer's office.
17:22Maybe they were going to do her taxes.
17:26For her divorce.
17:31We'll never get anything out of her attorney
17:33unless we get creative.
17:36Like, uh, like, uh, hey.
17:41I wake over at the, uh, the Hancock drug counter.
17:43You know, it's across the street from, like,
17:45a commissioner's office, see?
17:47And, like, I'm all the time seeing, uh,
17:49Mr. Crenshaw come in with this, uh,
17:51blonde with the split ends, you know?
17:53So I says to Mrs. Crenshaw, hey, honey,
17:56I think that this Mr. C's been messing around on you, you know?
17:59So anyway, like, I says to Mrs. Crenshaw, look, honey, it's fine.
18:02I'll come down and, you know, make a statement or something,
18:04whatever you want.
18:05It's no problem.
18:07We're not working on the Crenshaw divorce action
18:09any longer because Mrs. Crenshaw was
18:11killed earlier this morning.
18:13It was on the radio.
18:14Ain't life a peach pit?
18:16Just what the hell is going on here?
18:18Mrs. Crenshaw asked this woman to come in and be
18:21deposed on the divorce case.
18:23I just told her about Mrs. Crenshaw's death.
18:25I demand to see your identification.
18:27I'm real hungry, Ace, and I'm sure you're
18:29going to stop all this demand unless you
18:30plan on growing five or six inches
18:32in the next two or three seconds.
18:33Come on, Ceil, honey.
18:34These aren't very nice people.
18:35No kidding.
18:36Let me get my place.
18:40So the loving couple was getting a divorce, huh?
18:44The commissioner sort of forgot to tell us that this morning
18:46when we were over there.
18:48Yeah, well, maybe he was just a little too upset.
18:50Yeah, perhaps.
18:52Tell you what, I think we ought to find out what all these
18:54checks to Manny Roth are for.
18:56Yeah, it's either that or early retirement.
19:13Manny Roth, I remember this guy.
19:16He was an accounts receivable specialist for bad Bob Austin.
19:21Yeah, he used to be a cash register with a baseball bat.
19:24He once killed a guy collecting a $100 loan.
19:27He's not going to be easy to talk to.
19:29He lacks a cooperative spirit.
19:31How about a little good cop, bad cop?
19:33I'll be the bad cop.
19:34I've had five partners, and every time we
19:36play good cop, bad cop, I was a bad cop.
19:39That's sort of my thing.
19:40I do a great bad cop.
19:42You mean you used to do a great bad cop.
19:44This time you're going to do the good cop.
19:46The hell I am.
19:47The hell you aren't.
19:51Come on.
19:55Don't tell me.
19:57You two are a couple of oinkers from downtown,
20:00but I ain't done nothing.
20:02So shove off.
20:04Let's get something straight right now, Manny.
20:07I haven't got any sense of humor.
20:08I live to hassle bums like you.
20:10You want some trouble from me?
20:11I'll park outside this little rat hole of yours,
20:13and I'll start spending your cash.
20:15I will write you up on fire regs, access codes,
20:18you name it.
20:20Calm down, McCall.
20:22Well, where does this bag of wind
20:23get off calling us oinkers, huh?
20:24I think we ought to cut this ball of slime down to size.
20:27You'll have to excuse my partner.
20:28She's had a tough week.
20:30We're here to check up on a client of yours, Mrs. Crenshaw.
20:34Dee Dee, could I have a few minutes here?
20:36Would you wait for me in the unit, please?
20:42That's real cute, the way you two do this.
20:45I don't talk to pigs.
20:47Now, get out of here before I call my attorney.
20:56I don't think you scared him.
20:58Want to trade?
21:00I'm not through yet.
21:07I told you to get out of here.
21:11I said get out of here!
21:13I'm the best friend you've got in this room,
21:18so maybe you better talk to me.
21:20Are you insane?
21:22That's a possibility.
21:23Now, Mrs. Crenshaw hired you to do something.
21:26Why don't you start from there?
21:34She's had her two practice swings, Manny.
21:37Now she's going to try it out on you.
21:40That used to be your specialty, didn't, Manny?
21:43Busting guys with that thing?
21:44Just let me go, will you?
21:46Just let me go.
21:50Now, Mrs. Crenshaw hired you to follow the commissioner,
21:53Because she thought he was having an affair?
21:55She didn't want her husband followed.
21:56She wanted me to follow his tennis coach.
22:01She told me she was having an affair with him.
22:03Tennis coach was in love with her.
22:05She tried to break it off.
22:06The guy goes all nuts.
22:07Starts saying he's going to kill her husband.
22:11Go on.
22:12I followed the guy for a few weeks.
22:14He seemed to calm down OK.
22:17So it was that.
22:18Mrs. Crenshaw was killed this morning, Manny.
22:21That makes this a homicide investigation.
22:24And as the two oinkers on this case, you try to leave town.
22:30And we're going to do the ham hock polka on top of your head.
22:34It's the truth, I swear it.
22:35Nanny, if you get that urge to leave town,
22:39fight it real hard, OK?
22:55So what do you want to do?
22:57We got two choices.
22:58We can stake out our beloved commissioner.
23:00Bad career move, but maybe the right one.
23:03Or we can sit on Lance Lane and see what
23:05he's doing when he's not serving up
23:06those furry little white balls to people in tailored shorts.
23:09Well, if we decide to let the commissioner drift
23:11and camp out on Lance, would that make
23:15us chicken-hearted scaredy cats?
23:19Yeah, but let's do it anyway.
23:26Hey, Lance is leaving.
23:35Let's go.
23:54Well, here's a piece of luck, Hunter.
23:56Your car's going to fit right in here.
24:05Let's go.
24:06Let's go.
24:07Let's go.
24:34Lance, my boy, I do have something for you,
24:36something for me?
24:37Yeah, that's right.
24:38Yeah, man.
24:42Come here, man.
24:44Halt, police!
25:20I want my drink now!
25:22Shut up.
25:25Do you know what's going on around here?
25:28I'm lost.
25:30I admit it.
25:37You don't seem to get the point, Hunter.
25:39I don't care what you and McCall think.
25:41The case is closed, the killer is dead,
25:43and all the pieces fit.
25:45No, they don't.
25:46It just doesn't quite track for me.
25:47Well, it tracks for me.
25:49Lance Lane was jealous of Connie.
25:51He wanted to marry her, and he planned
25:53to get rid of her husband.
25:54So he tried to kill the commissioner,
25:56and he got Connie by mistake.
25:57Manny Roth confirms it.
25:59He has given his statement right now.
26:00But we think Manny's lying.
26:02I said it tracks for me, Hunter.
26:04Then what was Manny doing in a junkyard handing
26:06an envelope over to Lance?
26:07It looked like he expected a payoff, maybe blackmail.
26:10But then Lance tries to kill Manny.
26:12What did Manny have on land?
26:13Manny Roth says there was no envelope.
26:15You two say there was.
26:16So where is it?
26:18Lance and it burned up in the junkyard.
26:20Oh, excuse me?
26:21All to hell.
26:22Lance and the envelope burned up.
26:23That's great.
26:24Don't close the case, Captain.
26:26Leave it open.
26:27Commissioner Crenshaw wants it closed.
26:28So tell him to sit on his hat.
26:30This is our case.
26:31Commissioner Crenshaw killed his wife.
26:33Listen here.
26:34Because she was running around with Lance Lane.
26:36He put the dynamite underneath the hood of his own car,
26:38parked his car where his wife would have to move it.
26:41Because she was getting a divorce.
26:43Says who?
26:44She was seeing a divorced attorney
26:45by the name of Shriver.
26:46We can subpoena his files.
26:48You'll never get that paper through the system.
26:50There is not a judge in this town
26:51that will sign that subpoena.
26:53Attorney, client, files are privileged information.
26:56It's a community property state.
26:57If she divorces him, she gets half his net worth.
26:59Now, I ran him through Dun & Bradstreet.
27:01He's worth $20 million.
27:03I think $10 million is a pretty good motive.
27:06So if Commissioner Crenshaw killed his wife
27:08like you two say he did,
27:09why was Manny Roth blackmailing Lance,
27:12who hasn't got $20 million?
27:13Seems to me Manny Roth would be blackmailing
27:15Commissioner Crenshaw.
27:17You got a way to explain that?
27:18You're right.
27:19It doesn't seem to make any sense.
27:21This case is off the sheet.
27:23Lance Lane did the murder.
27:24Lance Lane is dead.
27:26We move on.
27:28You got that?
27:32Are you quite clear on that?
27:42Well, I hear you two did some fine police work.
27:45I just can't believe that Lance tried to kill me.
27:48Neither can we.
27:50Well, excuse me.
27:52Excuse me, I thought that...
27:54I thought that...
27:56Well, Lance did kill my wife.
27:58I thought the case was closed.
27:59That's just because you had the juice
28:00to get it closed, Commissioner.
28:01We both know who killed your wife.
28:03It wasn't Lance.
28:04What exactly are you insinuating?
28:06We got questions, lots of them,
28:08like why didn't you rent a tuxedo for the mayor's party?
28:12You had a black-tie dinner to go to
28:13and you didn't rent a tuxedo.
28:14And that's because you knew your wife was gonna be dead
28:16and a man doesn't go to a black-tie dinner
28:18on the night his wife has been murdered.
28:20Are you out of your mind, Sergeant?
28:22I resent this entire conversation.
28:24What are you so afraid of, Commissioner?
28:26That is it!
28:27The two of you are up on a trial board.
28:29You are both suspended without pay!
28:31Leave your shields and your weapons with the watch commander.
28:34You know, Captain,
28:35you're always talking about the system,
28:37how impartial it is.
28:38Well, this scumball blew his wife halfway to Tarzana.
28:42And just because he's the mayor's tennis partner
28:45or some damn thing, we have to back off.
28:47Forget it, Hunter, you're wasting your breath.
28:53Oh, there's a piece of good news, not burned at all.
28:56Nice working with you.
29:00Jack, back to work!
29:04Get back to work!
29:26I fed the cops a phony story.
29:29Told them your old lady hired me to follow Lance
29:31because she was afraid he was jealous
29:33and he might kill you.
29:35Kept the heat off of you, Mr. Bigshot.
29:38You had your boy try to kill me.
29:41Why don't I have to sit here and put up with all this?
29:44Hey, Magoo,
29:47this is a whole new game.
29:50Don't make no difference that Lance is dead.
29:52You and him killed your wife,
29:54and I've got the pictures that tell why.
30:01We'll set it up in payments.
30:04A hundred thousand a month.
30:06I'll call you, let you know how and when.
30:10I'm not gonna let you pressure me forever.
30:13I want the negatives.
30:17See, blackmail's an art.
30:19It's an art, like Chinese water painting.
30:23It's true, you squeeze too hard, you kill the patient,
30:26but I'm very good.
30:29I squeeze just hard enough
30:31so you'd always rather pay than face the heat.
30:35I'll go to the police. I'll confess.
30:38Ha, ha, ha.
30:40You want a bet?
30:46Um, his wife owed me for the last two weeks.
30:50She's gonna pay me later.
30:52And you had to meet in the bottom of the garage to discuss that, huh?
30:56Yeah, you hit that part real solid, honey.
31:06Get used to it.
31:08We're going wherever you go,
31:10taking pictures and writing it down.
31:12Who sends you copies if they come out?
31:14You two are suspended.
31:16Oh, I know, but we love this city, and we hate injustice.
31:19So this goes on the house.
31:23Should we follow him?
31:25No, I think he's gonna go home and try to figure out what to do next.
31:29Lance's funeral is today. I think we should go.
31:34Well, you're known by the company you keep.
31:36I think we can find out about Lance.
31:39Let's go.
31:41Isn't that Mark Leland?
31:43Well, well, if it isn't the prince of the chicken hawks.
31:46Probably here to spit on the coffin.
31:48Let me handle this.
31:52Well, what do we have here?
31:54A rat woman and her drooling companion, Rat Fink.
31:57I didn't know that Lance was one of your boys.
31:59I don't talk to cops.
32:01Hey, look, I could arrange to have a black and white parked outside
32:04one of your little bathhouses for a couple of weeks.
32:06That would play hell with business.
32:08Lance is dead. I don't think there's much more any of us can do to him.
32:11I gave his tennis lessons. I paid for them.
32:13Huh, that was nice.
32:15So Lance was one of your boys?
32:17Yes, years ago, when he was younger.
32:19Oh, you mean like about 16?
32:21You never understood us, Sergeant.
32:23You've got all your bourgeois, Calvinistic supremacy hang-ups.
32:27I don't need a sermon from you.
32:29You sell 15-year-old boys to wealthy old men for money.
32:31That doesn't make you a freedom fighter, just a pimp.
32:33With God's eyes, we're all equal.
32:37I'll bet you the boss sees it real different.
32:41Are you through with me, Sergeant McCall?
32:45For a while, anyway.
32:49That's the missing piece, isn't it?
32:52Lance is gay.
32:54I'll bet you Commissioner Crenshaw's gay.
32:56He and Lance were having an affair.
32:58Mrs. Crenshaw hired Manny Roth to follow the commissioner,
33:01and he got some nice, juicy shots on him.
33:03Mrs. Crenshaw files for a divorce.
33:05He's gonna name Lance co-respondent.
33:07The commissioner's life is financially and socially ruined,
33:10so he and Lance kill Mrs. Crenshaw.
33:12And Manny Roth, in pure Slime City fashion,
33:17makes an extra set of prints, and he's got a blackmail scheme.
33:21Yeah, it works for me, but it's only circumstantial.
33:24Boy, I'd sure like to have a set of those photographs.
33:27I tell you, I feel sorry for the guy.
33:31Which one? Lance or the commissioner?
33:33Lance. They come to L.A. looking for glitter,
33:36and some slug like Mark Leland gets ahold of him,
33:38he corrupts him, and then it's just one slippery slide from here to there.
33:41Well, you can't change what's in people, Dee Dee.
33:44I just get tired of throwing garbage out into the wind and watching it blow back.
33:48I've got a theory about that.
33:50You see, there's this little hole up here,
33:52and if you shovel it just right,
33:54you get one or two pieces to drop down into it and stay down.
33:59And that's what we're trying to do, isn't it?
34:01Get those one or two pieces to stay down.
34:04I'd sure like to get Mark Leland.
34:06He's pretty smart.
34:08Well, I'll tell you what.
34:11Let's throw this little spitball back at the commissioner and see what happens, huh?
34:15Works for me.
34:25You missed Lance's funeral, commissioner.
34:27Get off my car!
34:29It's a pretty nice service, too,
34:31if you can get past all the male hustlers, pimps, and chicken hawks.
34:33I don't know what you're talking about!
34:35Oh, come on, commissioner. It's the 1980s.
34:37It's time to accept your feelings. Come to terms with what they are.
34:40Morays are changing, and so is the law.
34:42There's nothing to be afraid of or shamed of anymore.
34:44I think you should have faced it and dealt with it
34:46instead of killing your wife to hide it.
34:48Leave me alone!
34:50Just leave me the hell alone!
34:52I've got people I can call.
34:54You can't do this to me.
34:56You simply cannot!
34:58Sure we can.
35:02I think this guy's coming in wrapped.
35:04I'll watch him. You take Manny.
35:06You know, I kind of feel funny about this,
35:08but I still can't forget Connie Crenshaw.
35:10Yeah. She's in the ground,
35:12and all she tried to do was get out of a bad marriage.
35:14Yeah. I'll be on channel 70.
36:07Captain Cain, please.
36:19How are you, boys?
36:21You're under arrest, Hunter. Obstruction of justice.
36:23Obstruction of justice?
36:25Cain says to charge you with it
36:27until he can come up with something better.
36:29You're under arrest, Hunter.
36:31Obstruction of justice.
36:33Obstruction of justice?
36:35Until he can come up with something better.
36:37You packing, Sergeant?
36:41He'd like the gun, please.
36:45I'll have to cuff you.
36:49Well, I... I guess I underestimated him.
37:06I tell you, they know absolutely all of it.
37:09Now, I've got to have those pictures.
37:12I have to know that they're destroyed.
37:14You been to the bank? You got the money?
37:16I've got it, but I cannot just buy one picture at a time.
37:20I've got to destroy them all.
37:22I'll tell you what.
37:24Bring the money, and we'll see.
37:26Maybe I'll have a change of heart.
37:28And, Commissioner, I got friends who love me,
37:31and will open an envelope and send it to the D.A.
37:34if I don't come home to dinner.
37:36You try one more stunt like you did with Pretty Boy,
37:39I'll triple the price, and I'll sink you, man.
37:42I'll be alone.
37:46There's a warehouse at 2200 Broadview.
37:49Belongs to my cousin.
37:51You go out there right now and wait.
37:56I took you off the case. I suspended you.
37:58I've got the motive. I've got the missing pieces.
38:00You disobey every direct order I give you.
38:03I'm a cop. Well, what do you think I am?
38:05Well, you're a politician.
38:07I'm a... I'm... What did you call me?
38:09You heard me.
38:11I'm sorry, Rick. I was in court. I got here as soon as I could.
38:13What is it this time?
38:15I was minding my own business, listening to the radio,
38:17and Cain rolls two black and whites and has me arrested.
38:20After I gave you a direct order to close this case,
38:23you disobeyed my direct order.
38:25I'm not under your command, sir. You suspended me, remember?
38:28What's the charge against my client, just for the record?
38:31Obstructing justice.
38:33Come on, Captain.
38:35If you close the case, there's nothing to obstruct.
38:37Damn straight. I don't like being threatened by attorneys.
38:40Captain, what you like or don't like interests me not in the least.
38:43Now, if you try and lay a specious charge on my client,
38:46I will have you in court so fast you'll think I did it with mirrors.
38:49Go get him, Gail. Hey, Hunter!
38:51Don't make things any worse. Just be quiet.
38:55Here are some precedents in obstructing justice cases in this state.
38:59Lyle v. Long Beach, P.D.
39:02Salmonman v. The San Diego District Attorney.
39:06The Krupp-Mitchell defense is circled in red.
39:09It's kind of heavy reading, but the decision is a monster.
39:13So here we are, Captain.
39:15The old Fisher cut bait moment.
39:17Pick a strategy.
39:21Get out of here, Hunter.
39:24I set your trial board for Tuesday.
39:27You and McCall will be heard together.
39:36Hunter, there's got to be an easier way.
39:38Thanks for blowing them back for me.
39:40God bless the good old Krupp-Mitchell decision. I never heard of it.
39:43I made it up. He looked like he was teetering.
39:46Krupp is my butcher. Mitchell runs the produce counter.
39:49You're my kind of lady lawyer.
40:17Hunter, this is McCall. Channel 70.
40:21Hunter, this is McCall. Channel 70. There's a situation brewing.
40:25McCall, this is Hunter. Where are you?
40:27Get a move on, Hunter. It's going down.
40:29You're close. I'm at a warehouse at 2200 Broadview. I'm going in.
40:33I'm on my way.
40:50I'm on my way.
41:20I'm on my way.
41:51You have the pictures?
41:55You came prepared, I see.
41:59Look, we're both tough guys.
42:02If I die, you fry.
42:04Let's not get any ideas.
42:11How do I know you didn't make copies?
42:14Well, it's always a tough one to find.
42:18It's always a tough one to answer, Larry.
42:21I guess if I call you in a month and ask for more money,
42:24you'll know I made another set.
42:26And if I don't call you, you'll know I didn't.
42:31I don't believe there is any letter.
42:34I think you're working strictly by yourself.
42:37So I think I'm gonna take a chance and call your bluff.
42:43I'm gonna finish you. I don't need to live like this.
42:46Freeze! Police!
43:17Who's shooting at who?
43:19I think it's a free-for-all.
43:21Works for me.
43:46I give up. Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
43:48Turn around.
44:22I can give you money. Lots of it.
44:25Nobody will ever know.
44:27This is corny, and I even feel stupid saying it,
44:30but I'd know, Commissioner.
44:32Besides, the best things in life are free, Commissioner.
44:40Or are they?
44:47I canceled the trial board.
44:49I've had you reinstated, including back pay.
44:52Thank you, Captain.
44:54We're never gonna be eating off the same plate
44:57because we don't see the job the same way.
45:00Look, Captain, I was thinking about...
45:02I'm talking! You wanna shut up?
45:04I'm talking!
45:06I'm talking!
45:08I'm talking!
45:10I'm talking!
45:12I'm talking!
45:15What I'm trying to say is,
45:17I was wrong about this case,
45:19but I was not wrong about you, too.
45:21You got lucky and you saved your butts,
45:23but that doesn't change anything.
45:27It did?
45:29I'll be right there.
45:31This is Big Chief. I gotta get upstairs.
45:33Should we clear watch, Captain?
45:35Yeah, yeah, fine, fine.
45:37You got the call, you take it. I'm not going over there.
45:40That joint's a sewer, man.
45:42You were sitting at Hunter's desk and it was transferred to you.
45:45Okay, then Hunter's got the call.
45:47Hey, Hunter, you're up.
45:49Hey, listen, I don't wanna sound like I'm ducking or anything,
45:52but every time I used to work vice,
45:54I got the heebie-jeebies when I went over to that place.
45:56What's the problem, Ortega?
45:58We got another grounder, Mark Leland,
46:00the guy who runs these bathhouses.
46:02He shot one of his clients.
46:04A fight over one of those boys that work over there.
46:06The blues don't want it on their desk.
46:08They want a homicide dick over there on the double.
46:11I don't believe this. The timing is perfect.
46:13This is too good to be true.
46:15Don't worry about it, guys. We'll take it.
46:17No job is too scummy and all that.
46:19We're here to serve this community.
46:21You want this grounder? Mm-hmm.
46:24Okay, this time we do it right.
46:26We observe every technicality, we read Leland's rights.
46:29I'll bring the shovel.
46:31What the hell are you talking about?
46:33See, we shovel garbage, Tony.
46:35See, there's this little hole out there.
46:37If you shovel it just right,
46:39it'll drop right down in that hole.
46:41Works for me.
46:43Those two guys are weird.
46:47That's just the headhunter and the brass cupcake.
46:50And they make their own kind of music.
47:00This is L-56, Hunter and McCall. Midwatch clear.
47:03L-56, midwatch clear.
47:09L-56, L-56.