This is How First Humans Will Survive on Mars

  • 2 months ago
This is How First Humans Will Survive on Mars
00:00Elon Musk's plan to settle humans on Mars
00:03is no less than a fictional story.
00:06Elon Musk, the owner of Tesla and SpaceX,
00:09has a clear plan that by 2050
00:12he will build a whole city of humans on Mars
00:15in which 10 lakh people can live
00:18and that too without Earth's help.
00:21Elon Musk's plan was made fun of,
00:24but people started believing in this dream of Mars colonization
00:27when NASA also joined SpaceX's Mars mission.
00:30Because for the past few years
00:33SpaceX has made a lot of progress in rocket technology.
00:36As we know that Elon Musk's company Tesla
00:39is also an expert in making electric autopilot cars.
00:42Similarly, such technology has been used in SpaceX's rockets
00:45in which they have the capability
00:48to use as little fuel as possible to reach space.
00:51Mars, which is 6.2 billion km from Earth,
00:54is being made a special Starship
00:57to reach humans
01:00which according to Elon Musk
01:03will operate on the batteries used in Tesla.
01:06That is, fuel will be used as little as possible.
01:09It will reach humans to Mars,
01:12but the question arises
01:15how will humans colonize Mars?
01:18After all, Elon Musk and NASA
01:21do not want to leave Mars and
01:24settle humans on this barren land of Mars.
01:27There is no oxygen to breathe there,
01:30no food to eat,
01:33and no place to hide your head in the cold of minus 100 degrees Celsius.
01:36When there is no basic facility for humans to live there,
01:39how will it be possible to make a colony of humans on Mars?
01:42Welcome again to the videos of Zem TV.
01:45Viewers, these are the questions
01:48that you will be able to answer in this video.
01:51First of all, when all the natural facilities
01:54for humans to live on this earth are available,
01:57then what is the need to send humans to Mars?
02:00All the research on the health of our planet Earth
02:03from the last few centuries,
02:06unfortunately, the results of all those research have been negative.
02:09Scientists say that since humans have started using
02:12fossil fuels, i.e. petrol and gas,
02:15the temperature of the earth is increasing.
02:18And there will come a time when this temperature
02:21will be so high that it will be impossible
02:24for any living being to live on the earth.
02:27According to a survey, in every 10 years,
02:30the average temperature of the earth is increasing by 0.16 degrees Celsius.
02:33That is, in the hot areas where humans live now,
02:36if all this continues,
02:39it will be impossible for humans to live there
02:43Due to the increase in temperature, glaciers are also melting
02:46due to which the chances of floods, cyclones
02:49and tsunamis are also increasing.
02:52It's not just about the use of fuel.
02:55This pollution has also damaged the ozone layer of our earth.
02:58The ozone layer that saves us from the life-threatening rays
03:01that come out of the sun,
03:04is also slowly being damaged.
03:07That is, on the one hand, the heat generated by pollution
03:10and on the other hand, the terrifying solar radiations.
03:13Scientists have at least one thing confirmed
03:16that one day our earth will not be able to live.
03:19And this is why we humans
03:22are looking for another home, i.e. another planet
03:25for ourselves from now on.
03:28But why only Mars?
03:31There are many other planets in our solar system,
03:34so why is Mars being chosen?
03:37In our solar system, our neighbor planet is Venus
03:40and the other is Mars.
03:43Venus, which is much closer to Earth than Mars,
03:46but we can't go there because there is only
03:49what we are running away from, i.e. heat.
03:52Yes, Venus is the second planet orbiting the sun
03:55where the heat is so intense
03:58that it melts iron.
04:01On the other hand, our neighbor is Mars,
04:04which is the fourth planet orbiting the sun.
04:07It doesn't rain fire like Venus,
04:10but it's colder than the Arctic region of Earth.
04:13It's not just harsh cold that makes it difficult
04:16for humans to live on Mars,
04:19but neither is there oxygen nor water,
04:22i.e. there are no basic facilities for humans to live.
04:25Despite knowing all these conditions,
04:28what is the plan of NASA and Elon Musk
04:31to keep humans alive on Mars?
04:34According to Elon Musk's plan,
04:37a small group of humans will go to Mars in 2026.
04:40This group will have everything
04:43to stay alive for at least 2 years,
04:46i.e. food, water, oxygen, and pressurized suits.
04:49But before going to this group,
04:52it is very important to make a protective shelter on Mars
04:55because on Mars,
04:58these fearsome storms can harm humans.
05:01These protective shelters will be made
05:04from the soil on Mars,
05:07but when there are no humans on Mars,
05:10who will make this shelter?
05:13Surprisingly, these shelters will make robots on Mars.
05:16Artificial intelligent robots will be sent to Mars before humans.
05:19These will be a special kind of robots
05:22that can work in different parts,
05:25and when needed, they will be able to join together.
05:28These robots will be able to work much faster than humans,
05:31in which cameras, sensors,
05:34excavators and 3D printer units
05:37will be installed to dig the soil.
05:40These robots running on solar energy
05:43will first find a special kind of soil with the help of sensors.
05:46The place where they will find more soil,
05:49they will establish their base unit.
05:52Out of these robots, the digger will dig the soil
05:55and collect the soil,
05:58and then these small robots will take the soil to the refining unit.
06:01After refining, this soil will be taken to the 3D printer unit,
06:04which will print the 3D layer by layer.
06:07For many months,
06:10this work will continue in such a way
06:13that it can be monitored sitting on the ground.
06:16After the shelter is complete,
06:19this is the second phase of Mars.
06:22Now a group of humans will land on Mars for the first time.
06:25Because humans will land here for the first time,
06:28they will have a lot of equipment.
06:31The robots present on Mars will welcome humans there,
06:34pick up their equipment and take it from the landing site
06:37to the base unit,
06:40and small units will be placed inside the shelter of the base unit,
06:43which will automatically inflate.
06:46Because the atmospheric pressure of Mars is very low,
06:49that is why humans will live in these pressurized units.
06:52That is, in these units,
06:55artificial pressure will be created like Earth.
06:58All these pressurized cabins will be connected to each other
07:01and to give them electricity,
07:04a solar farm will be established with the help of robots.
07:07If a person has to go out of the base unit,
07:10a special car will come from the door of the cabin and will be fixed
07:13so that the pressure inside cannot leak by opening the door.
07:16Now it will be time to build a greenhouse on Mars
07:19so that vegetation can be done on Mars.
07:22According to science research,
07:25only potatoes and beans can be planted on Mars at the beginning.
07:28As the plants inside the greenhouse grow,
07:31one of them will come out
07:34which is very important on Mars
07:37and that is oxygen.
07:40These plants will give oxygen to humans
07:43as well as vegetables on Mars.
07:46But this oxygen will not be so much,
07:49so oxygen will be made on Mars as soon as possible.
07:52Surprisingly, this experiment has already been done by the Mars rover.
07:55A special device that will operate through solar energy
07:58will take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of Mars
08:01and pass heat and electrical current from it
08:04which will separate oxygen from carbon dioxide
08:07and collect that oxygen.
08:10That is, a small team of humans
08:13will be able to make oxygen there.
08:16They will have only two dishes to eat
08:19but food will be available
08:22and frozen water under the earth of Mars
08:25has already been found by the rover on Mars
08:28so that water will also be made by melting that ice.
08:31One of the 100 things,
08:34humans will be able to stay alive with the help of the earth
08:37and will be able to go back to the earth when the time comes.
08:40But will all this continue?
08:43Will people going to Mars never leave their cabins?
08:46If you have to live such a life even after going to Mars,
08:49then what was the need for so much work?
08:52Scientists have no solution to this problem
08:55but they think that
08:58if some changes are made in the atmosphere of Mars
09:01to increase the temperature of Mars
09:04then perhaps after the next 100 or 200 years
09:07Mars can be as green as our earth is now.
09:10According to scientists,
09:13increasing the temperature of Mars
09:16can bring life back there
09:19and it will be difficult to believe the ideas
09:22that are being given for this work.
09:25An MIT student, Margarita Marinova,
09:28has come up with the idea that factories should be built on Mars
09:31with the help of robots
09:34which will do only one thing in the morning, evening, day and night.
09:37Their job will be to emit only smoke
09:40and because of that smoke,
09:43Mars will also have everything that is happening with the earth
09:46i.e. global warming.
09:49On the other hand, Elon Musk has also given an idea to increase the temperature of Mars
09:52and that is that nuclear weapons should be used on Mars.
09:55It is said that if 10,000 nuclear missiles are fired on Mars
09:58then the ice there will also melt
10:01and the overall temperature there will also increase
10:04due to which Mars will soon become habitable for humans.
10:07Viewers, Elon Musk and NASA's plan so far
10:10is that in 2026
10:13a small group of humans will go there
10:16and do different experiments
10:19and then after every two years
10:22when humans come close to each other
10:25then more people will be sent there.
10:28By 2050, 10 lakh people will be in such pressurized cabins on Mars
10:31and at the same time, efforts will be made
10:34to increase the temperature of Mars.
10:37They believe that after 100 or 200 years
10:40they will be able to make Mars a planet like Earth.
10:43I hope you will like and share this video of ZemTV.
10:46Thank you very much for your loving comments.
10:49See you in the next video.
