مسلسل جودا اكبر الجزء الثاني الحلقة 2

  • 2 months ago
مسلسل جودا اكبر الجزء الثاني الحلقة 2
02:00You will find hope, happiness and tears
02:03Because the world is full of love
02:06And the hearts of lovers are lit up
02:08Because the world is full of love
02:11And the hearts of lovers are lit up
02:13And the world listens to you
02:16You are the greatest love, oh Judah
02:19You are the greatest love, oh Judah
02:31Unfortunately, your plan has failed, Adham Khan
02:34You thought that Benazir will kill the emperor
02:37And that you will easily get the throne
02:39But after this incident, the emperor's security will be tightened
02:42And now the people love the emperor a lot
02:45The people betray the one who controls them
02:47The people bow their heads in respect
02:50Even whoever the king is
02:52And if he is a failure
02:56The one who keeps trying
02:58Will succeed
03:00And I am trying my best
03:02I will become the emperor here
03:05Without a doubt
03:06But you, Adham, are still in danger
03:08Because Zakira served Benazir and is still alive
03:10Don't you expect her to give your name to the emperor?
03:15Zakira will think twice before doing this
03:18Do you think
03:20That she will say the emperor's name
03:23And that he will believe her quickly?
03:27But she is a servant after all
03:29Maybe she will tell the truth
03:31To save her life from death so that she won't be punished
03:36I will kill her before she dares to do such a thing
03:39And expose me in front of the emperor
03:41Don't worry
03:43They will leave her to me
03:45You stay alert
03:47Be ready and alert
03:49The position may change at any time
03:52I want Jalal's three wives to go with him on this trip
03:56Jalal will feel a little relieved
03:59And this will help him get out of his loneliness
04:01Queen Salima
04:03My son is an emperor
04:05But many times I feel that he is alone
04:08And I can't see his loneliness
04:10And at the same time I can't help him
04:12And I don't know what to do
04:14Greetings, mother
04:15Greetings, Queen Salima
04:17Come, Javeda
04:18How are you?
04:19I'm fine, thank God
04:20Come in
04:21I heard that Emperor Jalal took his three wives on a secret, right?
04:26Queen Salima
04:27I'm sure that you are happy
04:29Not only me, Javeda
04:31Everyone is happy
04:32After all this hard time, we got a chance like this
04:35No, no, no
04:36Not everyone is going
04:40I heard that Queen Ruqayya won't accompany you on this trip
04:44But why?
04:45I don't know why
04:46But maybe Queen Ruqayya wants to spend time with the emperor alone
04:50And no one bothers them
04:52Or maybe she doesn't like the whole thing
04:56Anyway, you have to be happy, Queen Salima
04:59Because you got the chance to spend time with the emperor alone, right?
05:04If the king is not going, why should he be punished by Queen Jouda and Queen Jalal?
05:10It would be better if they spend time together without bothering each other
05:16What's wrong?
05:17What happened?
05:18Queen Salima
05:19My back, mom, I don't know what happened to it
05:21I have a very bad back pain
05:25I went back to the doctor a while ago
05:27And she told me that what I have is muscle pain
05:30In the past, I even suffered pain like this
05:32When the pain starts, it takes him a week to recover
05:36Why didn't you tell me this before?
05:39What can I say, mom?
05:40I was sure that I would feel humiliated and upset because of my behavior
05:44That I don't want to go to Sicri with the emperor Jalal
05:47My pain can't be bigger than your orders, mom
05:50I will bear this pain
05:52No, my daughter, you don't have to go
05:55I care about your health more than anything in this world
05:58Thank God that I was able to know my pain before I sent you to Sicri and got tired here
06:03Oh God
06:04By the way, this is a very bad disease
06:06Everyone in the palace is getting sick these days
06:15Who will go with Jalal now?
06:20Everyone knows that Judah and Jalal can't get along
06:23And I think that this is the best chance for them to have a relationship
06:28In their hearts, they will find a way to confess their feelings to each other
06:33I hope that my plan will succeed and they will love each other this time
06:38I will ask your permission, mom
06:40Because I have to cook a sweet dish
06:42I will ask your permission
06:43Your permission
06:47By the way, you asked me to avoid going with Jalal, didn't you?
06:55I was afraid that this would happen
06:57Because your expert eyes can tell lies
07:00I know how to behave, mom
07:01I think that the emperor and queen Judah can get close to each other
07:04But only if they can get some privacy and privacy to understand each other
07:08And without anyone standing between them and affecting them
07:13I'm sorry, King Jalal
07:15If you felt insulted because of me on purpose
07:18Abu al-Malik, we don't know where he is
07:21And he is still a danger to your life
07:23And the time is not right to go on a trip
07:26You don't know where he is hiding and he is waiting for the opportunity to take you
07:30And Rana al-Daisyng and his son Brattab
07:33They are busy at this time increasing their military strength
07:38I agree with what Adga said, King Jalal
07:41It is not appropriate for you to go out at this time
07:44Neither for you nor for the whole kingdom
07:46You are right, your majesty
07:47The prince's plans, Brattab, can put your life in great danger
07:51Mansing is right, King Jalal
07:54There is nothing greater for us than your safety
07:58Your safety
08:04You mean to say that I have to hide in the palace because I'm afraid of the enemy
08:09And I shouldn't go to the pilgrimage?
08:10No, no, not at all, King Jalal
08:13You are misunderstanding us
08:16We didn't mean to stop you from going to the pilgrimage
08:18But we have to take more precautions this time
08:21I can understand that you are worried about my life and safety
08:26And for you, your emperor must listen to you and not go to the pilgrimage?
08:31Yes, your majesty
08:33Okay, we agree
08:34It means that I listened to your advice and decided that your emperor will not go
08:38Thank you for listening to our suggestion and your decision not to go, your majesty
08:42Adga, but I didn't say that I'm not going
08:45I think this is a lie
08:46I took your advice and said that your emperor will not go
08:49Because his life will be in danger and he will not be in danger
08:52Yes, he will not be in danger, but normal men always go
08:55Because the enemy is not interested in killing him, isn't it?
08:57What do you mean, your majesty?
08:59We care about you and you...
09:00I know that I care about you and for this reason, I will pretend to be a normal man
09:06And if I go among the people as a normal man, I will understand their problems
09:10As you wish, your majesty
09:11If you like this, we will all be with you
09:15Adga, do you doubt my courage and abilities?
09:19I told you at the beginning of my speech that I will go among the people as a normal man
09:24I know what I'm doing and I believe in what I'm doing, Adga
09:27That's why you can rest assured
09:30And I want you in my absence, my brother Mirza, Man Singh, and my elder mother
09:35To take care of the kingdom's affairs and these are my orders, Adga
09:38Your orders will be carried out, your majesty
09:40But I ask you to listen to my request
09:42Some soldiers will come with you wearing normal clothes
09:45Your majesty may feel insulted, but you have to take this request into consideration
09:49How can I refuse your request, Adga?
09:51I will make all the arrangements for your trip, if you allow me, your majesty
09:54Thank you, Adga
09:59Moti, this moon means a lot to me
10:03And it looks so beautiful today, isn't it?
10:07The moon is beautiful from day to day, it gives tranquility to the eyes
10:10There is a little change in you, you are looking at it more
10:13And in a different way, especially today, Jouda
10:16What's the matter? You are also very happy
10:21Your tongue has become very long these days
10:24His Majesty the Emperor Jalal al-Din Muhammad will be honored to have you
10:32Hello, your majesty
10:36I came to tell you that we will leave in a short while, be ready
10:41And I hope you will be happy after hearing this from me
10:45I will be in this state as a normal man, not the emperor Jalal
10:50Look at this
10:54I want to go to the pilgrimage wearing normal men's clothes
10:57Very nice, that means we have to go to this trip quickly
11:01But now I want to ask you a question, you are the reason for this suggestion
11:05Okay, my mother said it would be good if all the wives go together, that's all
11:11Now my mother said that, King Jouda
11:13But now Queen Ruqayya and Queen Salima are not our companions
11:16And I know that you still haven't fully recovered from your illness
11:20I don't want you to come at this stage and affect your health more than that
11:24Because if this happens to you, I won't be able to forgive myself
11:28King Jouda, I really care about your health, that's why I wanted to tell you
11:31Your Majesty, we are not going on a trip, we are going to ask for blessings
11:35And since God has given us this invitation, our safety is in His hands
11:40Listen to me now, King Jouda, stay here
11:43Your Majesty, you committed to this pilgrimage for me, and I have to go with you
11:47Why are you so stubborn? If you decided to go, will you go?
11:51Even I can say that you are stubborn to go alone and without anyone
11:56Yes, but the reason is that your health is worried about you, that's why no one will accompany me
12:00No one with you? In that case, it is very important for me to go
12:03There must be someone to take care of you
12:14Hello, how are you today?
12:16Greetings, mother
12:17Greetings, mother
12:18God bless you, I thought I came at the wrong time
12:21No, mother, you came at the right time
12:23Now look, the emperor is not obeying your orders
12:27You told me that I will also go with him on a secret trip, and I am ready to go
12:31But he doesn't want to take me with him now
12:36Jalal, if King Jouda is ready to go with her, you must take her with you now
12:43And remember, it is your responsibility to take care of her and return safely
12:48Yes, mother, but I want to say that I will go as a normal man
12:51And I will have to do everything that normal men do
12:54Don't worry about it, and decide for yourself, King Jouda
12:57Will you be able to do all this?
12:59Without a doubt, I can
13:00Okay, then let's consider this a challenge
13:03Who will be able to take care of his responsibilities?
13:06Mother, why do I feel like I am…
13:08You two made a deal, joined hands, and left me out of this game
13:12That's why it's better for me to go now before I regret it
13:16For your sake, mother, for your sake, King Jouda
13:25What are you saying, Maha Manga?
13:27I am telling the truth
13:29You refused to go with Jalal and King Jouda, and took advantage of this situation for your own benefit
13:33And now she is going with him
13:36Jalal and King Jouda are going to be together and have no one with them
13:39No, this is impossible
13:41Jalal has no one, he will go with someone else
13:43That's it
13:46Be careful!
13:48Be careful!
13:49Be careful!
13:50Be careful!
13:54Be careful!
13:55Go tell Jalal that I want to see him right now
14:00Why are you looking at her?
14:04I don't understand why you are mad at me, Queen Ruqayya
14:07This is not his fault
14:10He wanted to go to the Emperor
14:12But not to be there
14:16Because the Emperor left the palace
14:18And King Jouda was with him
14:20No, this can't happen
14:22How can he go without any announcement or warning?
14:24And without the sound of madness?
14:25Is there an Emperor who goes with his army like this?
14:27And without anyone knowing about this?
14:29Of course not
14:30This is because Jalal asked him to leave the palace
14:32Just like any normal man
14:34And he is denying it
14:36And really, King Jouda went with him?
14:38Yes, that's right
14:40Because I think King Jouda likes Jalal's company
14:43More than sleeping and this laziness that I have
14:47I wonder how close Jalal and King Jouda will be
14:52Can you imagine this?
14:55Queen Ruqayya, I've heard for a long time
14:57Travelers are usually close in long trips
15:02Especially trips like this
15:05This is what I know
15:08I really want to know what's going on between them
15:12Let me go, Queen Ruqayya
15:14As you wish
15:44Give me your hand, King Jouda
16:15Stop the boat, Bahar
16:19What's going on, Your Majesty?
16:20Why did you stop the boat?
16:22Nothing, King Jouda
16:25But I remembered something
16:28But since you asked me, I will answer you
16:33On that day
16:34I will go to Jalal's palace
16:36And I will ask him
16:38Why did you stop the boat?
16:40But since you asked me, I will answer you
16:44On that day
16:45When they were targeting me with arrows
16:47At that time, there were many arrows and I was alone
16:49And I was exposed to a strong attack
16:51And all the arrows passed by me
16:53And yet, no arrow could hit me
16:55King Jouda, I know that
16:57Usually, the enemy attacks to kill
17:00And on that day, I was exposed to an attack to save my life
17:03You know what I regret?
17:05I couldn't thank my enemies
17:07For what they did to me
17:10And I don't want to forget
17:12Benazir killed me too
17:18By the way, King Jouda
17:19Why didn't your arrows hit Benazir?
17:27As I know, you are a genius
17:29And you can hit the target with more than one arrow
17:31And with one blow
17:33But how did you fail that day?
17:36It's not strange that you didn't hit the target
17:38But you achieved what you wanted
17:40I mean, this talent deserves praise
17:42And yet, I say that
17:44You should have hit Benazir that day
17:47And you didn't leave the target in front of you
17:49Because you didn't have to drink the poison
17:51Now the question is
17:53Why didn't you hit Benazir then?
17:57Because my goal that day
17:59Wasn't to kill Benazir
18:01My only concern was to save you
18:03Then how could I prove to you
18:05That I'm not a good leader?
18:07You have a bad habit
18:09That you don't trust anyone
18:11Except if you get a solid proof
18:13And I was convinced of that
18:15Especially me
18:17At first, I trusted you and came to you
18:19But you sent me away
18:21And I don't know what happened and why
18:23Honestly, the hardest thing in my life
18:25Is understanding women
18:27But now, think about it
18:29You told me that you drank that poison
18:31Don't be sad
18:33I mean, you were playing with your life
18:35When you do something like that
18:37Leave the emperor out of it
18:39Because the only one who can understand women
18:41Is the Lord of the worlds who created us
18:43Now you can leave
19:01Now you can leave
19:19I want you to listen to me carefully
19:21And repeat what I say
19:23One letter at a time
19:25From now on
19:27I'm not your emperor
19:29I'm just a normal person
19:31No more, no less
19:33And all of you are my servants
19:35No one will call me your majesty
19:37And no one will call me your queen
19:39You can call me
19:41Either my master or my queen
19:43Is that clear?
19:45Yes, your majesty
19:47Where is your majesty?
19:49I don't see any emperor here
19:51Do you see your majesty here?
19:53No, your majesty
19:55Yes, that's right
19:57You can rest now
19:59Because we will leave soon
20:01Yes, your majesty
20:03Your servants will call you
20:05How am I going to call them?
20:07You are my wife and I'm your husband
20:11What's going on?
20:13Why are you so shocked?
20:15Do you think I can't speak your language?
20:17Yes, you speak it well
20:19Why are you lying to me?
20:21Do I really speak it well?
20:23Come on my wife
20:25I will take you to the pilgrimage
20:35Tell me what's going on
20:41It's very good
20:45I like you
20:47You keep your promises
20:49Even in prison
20:51Even the air doesn't enter this cell
20:53But you are getting the news
20:55Without any problems
20:59What are you doing here Adam?
21:01You will get in trouble
21:03And you will cause me trouble
21:05Get out of here
21:07I was just teasing you
21:09But it seems you didn't like it
21:13I'm happy to see you
21:15I'm sure you are enjoying your time
21:19Because it's hard to continue your punishment here
21:25Your wish won't come true
21:27Because I will be released soon
21:29And I won't stay here
21:33I hope you will stay alive
21:35Last time I told you the same thing
21:37Do you remember?
21:39And now look
21:41Where are you and where am I?
21:43Do you think everything outside will happen as you want?
21:45Yes, without a doubt
21:49Because my plans always succeed
21:51And every time they succeed
21:53And everyone wants to make it happen
21:55Because my plans always succeed
21:59Well done
22:01You are dreaming of dying in prison
22:03And this thought will help you
22:05You are doing the right thing
22:07I don't want to argue with you
22:09Because I know
22:11You don't even have a brain
22:13I know that
22:15I'm the only one who still remembers you
22:17The rest of the people
22:19Forgot you a long time ago
22:23It's true that there is someone else
22:25Who still misses you and remembers you
22:29She is in a very bad condition and cries all the time
22:31It's a shame
22:33If you see how difficult her situation is
22:35You will be heartbroken
22:37Do you know who?
22:39Bakshi Bano
22:41Your wife
22:43I wanted to comfort her
22:45What do you think?
22:47Don't rely on him
22:49If he is as important as you
22:51Well done
22:53Your body is still healthy
22:55You are still as strong as you were
22:57I want to offer you a better life
22:59Why don't you understand?
23:01I want to get you out of this prison
23:03It would be better for you
23:05To listen to me and follow my orders
23:07Do as I say
23:11Otherwise what?
23:13I know you can't do anything
23:15Because it requires a brain
23:17And you don't have a brain
23:19And it can't happen to you
23:21You idiot
23:23This is your destiny
23:25To serve your mother all your life
23:27And you will always be dirty
23:29It would be better for me to rot here in prison
23:31Than to support a person without a brain
23:33And dishonor
23:43What is he saying?
23:45If you are ready to die here
23:47In this prison
23:49I don't want to talk
23:51I just wanted to offer you a better life
23:53It's okay
23:55Stay here and don't bother me
23:57Stay here and think
23:59In your mind
24:01I just want to tell you
24:03Don't try to get me out of this place
24:05Because there is someone else
24:07Who can get me out of here
24:09As soon as possible
24:15You will know this
24:17In the near future
24:19You just watch from the palace
24:21I will see what I can do from the prison
24:23Without even going out
24:25And no one will see me
24:31Keep thinking
24:35Keep thinking
24:37I will see
24:39What I can do
24:41Keep thinking
24:47I just want to wait
24:49Until the queen
24:51Get me out of here
24:53I will see you after I get out
24:57I want you to regret
24:59Everything you said and did to me
25:03And I will never have mercy on you
25:11Since you have gone
25:13The whole world
25:15Your face
25:19The color of love
25:21With you
25:25Has become
25:31In these eyes
25:33Since you have gone
25:35The whole world
25:37Your face
25:41The color of love
25:43With you
25:47Has become
25:53Love is that feeling
25:55Love is that emotion
25:59This world changes
26:01This situation changes
26:03Love is that feeling
26:07Love is that emotion
26:09This world changes
26:11This situation changes
26:19Please rest a little
26:21You must be tired
26:29Excuse me, could you please stop?
26:31What happened, my wife?
26:33Are you okay?
26:37Yes, I am a little tired
26:39Let us rest, if we have time
26:41Okay, listen
26:43Your wife needs to rest
26:45Let us find a good place
26:47We will stop for a while and then we will continue
26:49Yes, sir
26:51Khan is in front of us
26:53We will stop at his place
26:55Okay, let us go
27:01The world changes
27:03This situation changes
27:05Love is that emotion
27:07This situation changes
27:09Love is that emotion
27:11This situation changes
27:13Love is that emotion
27:15This situation changes
27:19What is it, my wife?
27:21Do you think this is a good place?
27:23Yes, but I hope the food is vegetarian
27:25Because we are going to fast
27:27All the food we have is vegetarian
27:29Excuse me, have you heard of the big incident
27:31that happened in Agra?
27:33A woman came to kill the king
27:37Yes, but our queen saved him
27:39She drank the poison from him
27:41to save the king and not let him die
27:43The queen is very brave
27:45She will stay with us
27:49You are right
27:51These Rajputs are very brave
27:55That is true
27:57The king is a very kind person
27:59He did not leave a door open
28:01for the king's life
28:03to help him
28:05He went to every mosque and every house
28:07to pray here
28:09He also encouraged the people
28:11to pray for the queen
28:13True, but a husband should protect his wife
28:15The queen is brave
28:17because it is not easy to drink poison
28:19for someone
28:21Do you think the king did the big deed
28:23or the queen?
28:25The queen saved the king
28:27How could the king survive
28:29if he was not alive?
28:31I think the queen did the big deed
28:33You are 100% right
28:35Did you hear that?
28:37Everyone knows that the queen is the real queen
28:39Like Savitri who saved Satyavan
28:41The queen also saved the emperor
28:45Who is Satyavan my beautiful wife?
28:47You don't know who he is?
28:49The story of Satyavan and Savitri
28:51is told in every house
28:53Sir, I think
28:55the queen loves his majesty
28:57more than the two of them
29:05Madam, did you see
29:07the majesty of the king and the queen together?
29:09They say they are very beautiful
29:13What is it my beautiful wife?
29:15Do you want me to tell them
29:17how you have been avoiding me for a long time?
29:19I can see you
29:21But people who can see themselves
29:23build an empire
29:25But you are undoubtedly
29:27the queen of this empire
29:29Why is there someone
29:31standing in front of you
29:33and kicking your head?
29:35But the story is not over
29:37You always do what you want
29:39when you don't have anything to say
29:41This makes me angry
29:43That's it
29:45You will start fighting again
29:49I have a lot to tell you
29:51I won't let the barrier of silence
29:53keep us apart
29:55I love you
30:15Your face when you are sleeping
30:17looks like an angel
30:19You make me crazy Judah
30:21But I don't know why
30:31You too
30:43Sir, these are Mahal's soldiers
30:45There is a search warrant here
30:53Greetings sir
30:55Where are you going?
30:57We are going to Hajmim after you
30:59You can go, but how many of you are there?
31:01Count them son
31:03Yes sir
31:15There are 20 sir
31:17You need to give me 200 cash
31:19I know why
31:21It seems to me
31:23that this is the first time
31:25you are invading Mongolian lands
31:27That's why you don't know about our laws
31:29You are going to Hajmim
31:31You need to pay a fine for this
31:33But this is not a crime
31:35This is my right
31:37I won't pay any fine
31:39This law is wrong
31:41Oh, so now you are teaching me the laws
31:45Let's go
31:47Arrest them all
31:49They need to know the punishment
31:51for disobeying Mongolian laws
31:53Execute the orders
31:55I have a request
31:57You can arrest us
31:59but I want you to have mercy on my wife
32:01No, I will be with my wife
32:03I won't leave you
32:05It's obvious that you love each other
32:07Now I will make you forget everything
32:09as soon as you enter the prison
32:11Now you will lock me up
32:13and the rest in one room
32:15and lock the rest in another room
32:17Let's go
32:19Let them be locked up for a few days
32:21Then they will learn
32:23how to respect Mongolian laws
32:25Let's go
32:45You stay here
32:55You stay here
33:07What did you steal?
33:09Where did you steal it from?
33:11Can't you hear me?
33:13Since you were arrested
33:15why are you acting like this?
33:17Tell me, I am from the same profession
33:19Why are you hiding what you stole from me?
33:21I am just like you
33:23I stole your wife
33:25Oh my God
33:29I knew you were like my brother
33:31I am sure you stole something big
33:33Tell me, what did you steal?
33:35Come on, tell me
33:37I want to know
33:47Now I understand
33:49So, this is the matter
33:54You really stole something big
33:56You look like a princess
33:58How did you do it?
34:00Tell me, I am from the same profession
34:02Oh my God
34:04Now I understand
34:06So, you are a princess now
34:08Yes, I look like a princess
34:10But there is something I have to tell you
34:12I feel that you are a lucky man
34:14But please don't be mad at me
34:16What? Are you mad at me?
34:20I should have admitted it to you
34:22You are very smart
34:24You did something amazing
34:26You did this amazing thing
34:28that only the emperor did
34:30Yes, because we heard that his highness
34:32has a wife who is crazy
34:40What are you looking at?
34:42I am not talking about this
34:44I am talking about the great king Judah
34:46Yes, I heard that he drank the poison to save his highness
34:48That is why our emperor is very lucky
34:50So, you look a lot like each other
34:52Are you happy now?
34:54Come here
34:56Are you sure you love me?
34:58Tell me
35:21Are you okay now?
35:23Yes, I am fine
35:25Are you sure you are not hungry?
35:33I want you to bring me some food
35:35Enough, the food is coming
35:44Here, this is your food
35:50What is this?
35:52Is this her food?
35:54If you don't want to pay the taxes, you have to eat this
35:56But I can't eat this
36:00Don't think that you are the emperor
36:02If you want good food,
36:04pay the taxes and leave
36:06Otherwise, eat while you are still
36:08I want to understand one thing
36:10Who gave you the order to take taxes?
36:12His highness gave us the orders
36:14That means the king of Mongolia
36:16This is not true
36:18Do you want to see the proof?
36:20Do you want to see with your own eyes?
36:22Here, this is the proof
36:24The royal seal?
36:28This is impossible
36:30His highness didn't give any orders like this
36:32Enough, Ali al-Adam
36:34Are you doubting the royal order?
36:36Soldiers, take him out
36:38He will be punished immediately
36:40Don't doubt the royal orders
36:42Like the punishment of not paying the taxes?
36:44His highness himself decided this punishment
36:46Only Muslims are allowed to pay the taxes
36:48before they cross the border
36:50and pass through the checkpoint
36:54Take him
36:56Get out of here
37:12Your highness
37:14I will reveal your identity to them now
37:18You won't do anything
37:20I want to see how my men are taking care of me
37:22and I want to see how much they are suffering
37:24because of me and why this is happening
37:26and how they are imposing laws on me
37:28But your highness, you...
37:30You have to promise me to stay quiet
37:36Come here
37:38Stay away
37:40You don't want to pay the tax?
37:42And you are doubting the royal order?
37:50You want the tax, right?
38:11Do you think this is enough?
38:15Soldiers, let them go
38:31You shouldn't have done this
38:33You promised me
38:35that I won't reveal your identity to the soldiers
38:37but you didn't stop me from saving you
38:39I can't see you being beaten
38:41Remember this next time
38:43so that you won't doubt the royal order
38:45And if you are so brave
38:47go and ask the emperor
38:49why he imposed these laws
38:51and why he issued these orders
39:01The kings of a few
39:03are lucky enough to go through the same punishment
39:05that they imposed on their own people
39:10And you gave me a chance
39:19Let's go
39:21Come with me
39:26This was not an ordinary journey
39:28for Judah and Jalal
39:30The journey to Sikri
39:32brought their daughters together
39:34and brought them closer to each other
39:36Also, tonight was the last night
39:38of the life of King Judah
39:40and King Jalal
39:46Listen, Judah
39:50My men are still in prison
39:52and I can't even speak to them
39:54It could be dangerous
39:56if I travel with you tonight
39:58That's why I suggest
40:00we find a safe place
40:02and spend the night here
40:04because you also need a lot
40:06There's nothing here
40:08and I'm fine, don't worry
40:10Come on, let's go
40:12You're not fine at all, Judah
40:14Your legs are twisted
40:16Come and sit here
40:20And I'm going to see what I can do
40:22You sit
40:36Come on
41:07No, what are you doing?
41:09A husband should never touch
41:11the legs of his wife
41:13because this is a sign
41:15of our Rajput custom
41:17Thank you very much
41:19I'll do it myself
41:21Tell me one thing, King Judah
41:23What is it that a Rajput woman
41:25doesn't allow her husband
41:27to do?
41:29I don't know
41:31I don't know
41:33I don't know
41:36Touching the legs
41:38and treating the sprain
41:40are two very different things
41:42I respect your passion
41:44and I respect your opinion
41:46In any case, I won't touch you
41:48because I still remember
41:50that push
41:54All you say is that
41:56my legs are twisted
41:58In the end, these are the stones
42:00in front of you
42:02and my legs need to be treated
42:05How are you so good
42:07even though you are a great emperor?
42:09Don't forget me before I became an emperor
42:11I was a soldier
42:13I used to go hunting
42:15and my legs were twisted
42:17from walking a lot
42:19and just to hunt
42:21I used to treat the sprain
42:23and since then I learned this method
42:35I feel that there are other people here
42:37We need to find another place
42:39to spend the night
42:41Do you think we can go from here?
42:43Do you feel better?
42:45Of course
42:47Let's go
42:49I did everything to get out
42:51of this horrible place
42:53I thought that King Judah
42:55would get me out of here
42:57just to reveal the truth to Benazir
42:59but she left me here
43:01and I didn't benefit from it
43:04I thought that King Judah
43:06would tell me the truth
43:08especially after she saved the emperor
43:10but she didn't do anything
43:12at all
43:16Did Sharifudin say that?
43:18But how?
43:20How will he tell the truth?
43:22Who will help him get out of here?
43:26Jalal will never forgive Sharifudin
43:28He will never forgive Benazir
43:30He will never forgive Benazir
43:32He will never forgive Sharifudin
43:34Listen to me, my son
43:36It's best if Sharifudin stays in prison
43:38and doesn't get out
43:40because if he gets out
43:42this will reduce your influence
43:44and your influence
43:46Now Adham Khan can gain a lot
43:48in my absence
43:50His Majesty gave you a new city
43:52just like before, as if nothing happened
43:55King Judah, you need to help me
43:59I can't see Adham Khan
44:01in front of me and I stay silent
44:03If Sharifudin said that
44:05he must have something against me
44:07No, Adham Khan
44:09Honestly, I'm surprised he said that
44:11but I don't believe him
44:13Sharifudin can't be helped
44:15because he will create a big enemy
44:17with Jalal
44:19No one in the empire
44:21can help Sharifudin with such a difficult problem
44:25I don't care about all this
44:27I told you what I heard
44:29Sharifudin is confident
44:31and the rest is up to you
44:35Sharifudin is very confident
44:37this time
44:39and if he is so confident
44:41it means that
44:43someone is helping him
44:45Who is this person
44:47and how will I know him?
44:49What is Sharifudin
44:51up to?
44:53I need to understand
45:07Mrs. Judah, it is not like
45:09this place is like a camp
45:19That's enough, don't worry
45:21I'm here
45:27We lost our way and we wanted to spend the night with you.
45:30So you are our guests today.
45:32And we are used to honoring our guests and not letting them need anything.
45:36Please sit down.
45:38Lachoo! Lachoo!
45:41Come here.
45:42Take her to the women's tent.
45:44Let's go see.
45:45Come here.
45:54Come here.
45:55Come here.
46:02Are you really married?
46:04Women don't go out without jewelry.
46:06Come, I'll give you some money.
46:09Here you go, brother.
46:10Take a little of this.
46:12Thank you.
46:14You must be tired.
46:16It seems you came from far away, right?
46:18Yes, brother.
46:19We came from Mifat and we were going to Hajj.
46:22None of us can afford to travel.
46:24All of us are travelers.
46:26And we want to continue our journey of life.
46:28And go to our Lord at the end of life.
46:32Enough, I need training.
46:34Sing us something new to make us happy.
46:53I am the lightning, I am the lightning
46:57I am the thunder, I am the thunder
47:00I am the lightning, I am the lightning
47:04I am the thunder, I am the thunder
47:11I am the world, I am the world
47:15I am the lightning, I am the lightning
47:19I am the world, I am the lightning
47:23I am the world, I am the lightning
47:30What happened to you, sister?
47:32Why did you suddenly smile?
47:35That's why I always tell myself
47:37that it's impossible for a person to understand a woman.
47:40Since you can't understand anything,
47:42why are you trying to torture yourself?
47:49I am the lightning, I am the thunder
47:52I am the lightning, I am the thunder
48:19I am the world, I am the thunder
48:22I am the lightning, I am the thunder
48:25I am the world, I am the thunder
48:28I am the world, I am the thunder
48:31I am the world, I am the thunder
48:34I am the world, I am the thunder
48:37I am the world, I am the thunder
48:40I am the world, I am the thunder
48:43I am the world, I am the thunder
48:46I am the world, I am the thunder
48:49I am the world, I am the thunder
